Recovery (Avengers) Moon/Lady

"I was not. And it's always a good idea. I never have bad ideas...but just in case it was one, yes we're never telling Cap."tony said before staring at the other man, his eyes going wide panicking a littls. Even if it wasn't talking to syeve or james, this wasn't a conversation he wanted to have."there's reasons to not get in that relationship. Some truly good reasons for not getting involved.."tony muttered ignoring bruce in favor of work."they're not that hot."he grumbled.

"Apparently we're not being trusted with tony's well being. And she's planning on visiting to see the newest addition."Clint warned. "....none of you like her. I can deal with her."James said sounding sulky that no one would let hI'm deal with this woman."well as long as you like my ass."Clint snickered kissing her back, ignoring the look of amusement and fascination on james' fave as he watched them."you need help with that?"james muttered looking amused as steve wiped himself up tensing as Phil walked in. Even if he'd been introduced still new people made him tense."gushing?"james to said looking interested.
Bruce sniggered a little. "Tony you are so full of bad ideas i'm amazed you haven't died yet." he admitted. "they are that hot, but hey, if you don't want them then that means i can have them." he decided. "hand me the electric prod you have in your desk would you?" he asked, because it was one of Tony's favorite things to poke him with. where the man got it, Bruce didn't know but he always poked Bruce with it at least once... granted, the last time Bruce had actually let Hulk out so maybe he would... who was he kidding this was Tony they where talking about. "and before you ask, yes i'm going to poke something with it and yes you can watch."

"well she can go choke on someone's cock." Steve decided, flushing when people turned to stare at him. "did i... not say it right?" "we can't kill her just because we don't like her James, she's a bitch, not a threat." he explained. "she's harmless really." he admitted. "i do like your ass." she admitted. "Phil has a good ass too but yours is cuter." she admitted with a smile. "i might." Steve admitted with a cough before grinning at Phil. "Phil's a bit of a Captain Spaz." Natasha explained. "remember back at the old school? when he started going insane and asking for autographs?" "think of him as a six year old. it's less creepy that way." Steve admitted, Phil going tense as he realized he was sitting next to his childhood heroes. "uhm... uhm..." Phil stuttered, struggling to keep from saying something really stupid like he had last time.
“I am not!my ideas are amazing.”Tony huffed sulking a little before glaring at the other man, twitching a little, “If you want.”He muttered sounding angry even if he didn’t protest what he was angry about. He’d totally not share, even if he wouldn’t admit to it. Growling quietly as he worked, glaring at the other. “We’re going to experiment with it? Who are we poking?”Tony said looking interested even as he handed the prod over, for once not proteting bruce taking it away from him.

“....You’ve not changed at all.”James snickered looking amused before sulking. “Why not? She’s a threat to tony’s well being.” “Not really. Besides, he likes her.”Clint said sighing a little, because he personally didn’t want to stop him from killing pepper, but he knew he should. “Hm, good. I work hard for that ass.”Clint aid sounding pleased. James rolled his eyes a little as he helped clean steve up before pausing, thinking about it. “Oh. Yes.I remember.”James said because he’d been so upset, he’d forgotten about that moment, before nodding, “Okay., I can deal with that.”he said relaxing, trying not to get tene at the idea of someone being o excited to see him, smirking a little at phil’s stuttering. “Do you need me to leave the room?I can go bother Tony if you need some space.”He said, for once willing to be nice and allow phil a good easy way out without embarassment. For a bit. He was trying to be nice, at least a bit. More then he usually was.
"some of your ideas are amazing. some of them are borderline world ending." he admitted with a smirk. "i would, but i still can't have sex. Hulk has an unusual fascination with my sex life." he admitted. "probably because he's too big to have sex with anyone." he admitted with a smile before smirking at Tony. "I, am poking a culture." he explained, swinging the microscope connected to a projector over a small glass slide. "i am proving a theory on how life might have began on earth. these micro-organisms have been in a state of sub zero temperatures, i've basically kept in an air tight container of liquid nitrogen, which is as close to space conditions as we can get." he admitted. "re-hydrating them after four years in this condition hasn't done anything, however..." he carefully fired up the zapper and sparked it over the slide. a moment later, one of them began to wiggle. "a lightning strike might very well have been the start of life on earth. cool huh?"

Steve shrugged. "she's more an annoyance and she is quite useful when she's not being a bitch." he admitted. "she basically runs everything Tony owns so he doesn't have to do that." Steve explained. "you do work hard for that ass. too bad i keep kicking it." she teased with a snicker. "did i miss Natasha beating you up again?" Phil asked, looking amused before he struggled to control himself. "i just. i'm... you where my heroes. when i was a little boy." Phil managed to choke out. "you where the only things that... that..." he shook his head. "can i have your autographs?" he finally asked. "i have this poster, a Commandos poster, all of the others signed it, back in 1952, but it doesn't have your autographs and i just...." "breathe, Phil. your going to pass out." Natasha warned.
“Hm. Well. Okay. Some of them might have been world ending.”Tony agreed before twitching, sulking a little at the idea of bruce having sex with them, even if he couldn’t. “....I could make a sex doll. I mean. It wouldn’t matter what size it was then.”Tony said after a moment, because well....he just couldn’t help himself!And a sex doll big enough for the hulk...”...Hm. That’s pretty cool.”Tony squirmed a little twitching a little as he watched bruce zap it, snickering a little. “You should totally write a paper on it. That’s great. And really cool.”

“ah. So because she makes things easier for him, we have to leave her alone?I don’t like this. But okay, we’ll leave her alone.”James grumbled. “Hm, that’s only cause you like the sight of me flat on my back.”Clint snickered kissing her lightly as he finished the food, setting it on the table. “You want to go get the others?”He said looking at natasha, having no desire to get near tony if he was going to be bitten for dragging him out of the lab. “....This is fairly amusing truly.”James said looking a little shell shocked that anyone could look up to him, especially someone who knew exactly what he had been doing for the last 60 years. “Yea. I can do that.”he said smiling slightly. “And if you do, you’ll never hear the end of it”Clint snickered watching phil.
Bruce chuckled a little and nodding. "a sex doll. for the hulk... Tony i think you either need to have your head examined or take a nap." Bruce admitted with a snort. "i already did write a paper on it. but i'm a 'wanted criminal not a scientist so i should leave the science to people who know what they are doing'. thanks for that lawyer by the way, assholes tried to take my research and pass it off as their own, Erin put a stop to that pretty damn quick. the national science committee was very unamused." he admitted. "since only the assholes here in the U.S. think i'm a criminal. this is just the last bit of video evidence i needed to prove the theory." he admitted, setting the probe done, well aware he was going to be zapped if he let Tony have it back. he didn't mind the zapping really, Tony only did it because he liked him, Bruce knew.

"yeah pretty much, not to mention we don't want you to go to jail for murdering her." Steve admitted. "i do like seeing you flat on your back. that's why i'm not the one who takes the bitch positions." Natasha admitted with a grin. "not yet. the food isn't actually done yet and if we drag Tony out before food is actually done we'll never get him out of the lab again." she admitted with a chuckle. "god, he looks like he's about to wet himself." she admitted, watching Phil who did indeed look like he was doing a wiggly peepee dance. "shut up Natasha! i do not!" Phil complained. "i'm breathing fin! i have to go get my poster! don't end the world while i'm gone!" he ordered, racing out of the room so he could get the poster, Steve snickering a little.
“...I’ve been told both things before. And it’s not naptime. Spangles isn’t down here trying to make me leave yet, so it’s a apporiate amount of time before naptime”Tony said before grinning. “Good. And well, the us are idiots. And you’re welcome. Erin was happy with me. For once, she was involved in something that didn’t involve my naked ass on national tv. She was happy to help.”Tony snickered a little looking amused that the other, twitching a little but not reaching out to take his zapper back, he’d totally steal it later.

“Well. That’s true to.”James said making a face. “Hm, I’m not always the one. I just prefer watchign you ride me.” “Must we listen to them discuss their sex lives?”James grumbled, not nearly as amused by clint and natasha’s sex lives as he was at hearing about tony’s. And not about to listen to closely to that thoughts, not liking the idea that the genius had grown on him that much already “okay, well it’s nearly done.”Clint said smiling as he finished his half of the food before nodding “he does look like a puppy about to wet himself.” “We never would end the world.”James said looking amused, rolling his eyes in amusement.
Bruce snorted a little. "Tony, Steve 'Can't' get down here. he can't do the stairs remember? we'll be lucky if he's not asleep right now from making it to the kitchen." he pointed out. "the U.S. are idiots." he agreed. "too bad i love this country, it's fucked up, but it's a lot better than some i've seen." he admitted. "if i really wanted to i could take my 'wanted' status to court but i don't feel like it." he admitted. "that poor woman." he admitted with a chuckle. "why did you go streaking through Fifa again?" Fifa, the world wide soccer (in America anyway) organization had been gearing up for some big game and there had been Tony, running naked through the warm ups. "you know. i should start hiding that thing and start giving you prizes and a free zap every time you find it." he admitted, enjoying watching Tony twitch.

"it's the price of eating food we slaved over." Natasha informed him, Steve chuckling. "you'll get used to it. i just tune them out for the most part." he admitted. "it's easy enough to ignore them." he admitted. "well, someone has to go get him then. i don't think i can make it all the way down and back up again, even if i'm carried the entire way." "i've got it." Natasha promised. "he doesn't listen to me as well as he does you but he'll come up to eat if i bribe him properly." "you nearly ended the world a week ago when you kidnapped Steve rogers while he was in shield protected facilities." Phil stated rather dryly. "so i don't believe you in the least. don't destroy the world while i'm gone." he ordered before vanishing.
“Oh. Right. Well, it’s never going to be naptime then.”Tony said looking pleased at the idea before snorting. “I know it’s better then most.”Tony said before shrugging. “If you ever want to, I think Erin’s already working on arguments.”Tony said before snickering. “Didn’t mean to. Johnny and me were goofing off and accidently burned my clothes off. Had to streak across the field to hide out till Pepper brought more clothes.”There was more to it then that, but nothing he was willing to discuss. “Hmmm....that would be awesome. We should totally start a game.”He said sounding pleased with the idea.

“ah. Well. Okay.”James snickered because he could deal as long as they were going to feed them. “I’ll go get him when it’s time.Or Natasha. I think he listens to her. I mean, everyone listens to natasha....and what do you use to bribe him?”James said curious. “That’s cause we’re all to scared not to. If Nat wanted to rule the world, we’d all be in trouble.”Clint snickered a little before laughing at phil’s words.”Well, you might have a point there.”James snorted amused.
"it'll be nap-time eventually because he's getting better." he pointed out, looking very amused indeed. "is she really? well if she wants to, i don't mind. i happen to like being able to go wherever i want." he admitted before smirking at Tony. "i feel like your leaving out a big part of the story. like Johnny dared you to or something." he admitted with a chuckle before nodding. "okay, i'll hide the zapper then." he agreed with a chuckle. "ou have two days to find it before the prize expires. you still get the free zap once you find it." he decided. "you can't ask for help, but you can trick people into revealing information, if they have any. after the first day, i will give you a clue." he decided, writing down the rules. it wasn't the first time they'd played a stupid ass game like this. "if, you have not found it after... hmm. four days? i will reveal the location to you and i get a Tony token." Tony Tokens where basically piece of paper that meant Bruce could ask for anything, within reason, and Tony couldn't complain. well, he could, but he couldn't try to talk them out of it.

"i'd better do it. he gets weird around you." she admitted to James. "everyone does listen to Natasha." Natasha agreed. "that's because we know if we don't, she can sneak into our rooms and lay traps." Steve grumbled, Natasha smiling sweetly at him. "it's your own fault for locking yourself in your room and refusing to come out for an entire week." she admitted. "that's my secrete." she purred at James, winking at him. "oh, i already rule the world. i just like to let you all think you have freedom of choice and the like." she admitted with a grin, laying food out on the table and heading down to get Tony and Bruce.
"She is. Again, she likes a argument that doesn't involve me. It's soothing to her."tony said looking amused before staring and snickering a little."well it involved some sex and pepper and fire, and Johnny daring things, and I didn't think you'd want details."tony snickered amused before grinning."awesome. And I'll totally be finding it so don't go thinking of your question just yet."tony said snickering.

"Well. True. He does get a little twitchy."tony said tilting her head slightly."ahhh...that's amusing. Truly. And you do rule the world. I can see it."james snorted amused at the idea.

"Natasha!"tony grinned happily at the sight of the woman walking in the lab.
he chuckled a little. "well let her then, i won't complain." he promised before laughing. "so in other words it was a cluster fuck." he agreed, looking very amused. "your right, i don't need the details." he agreed with a chuckle. "oh i have to hide it first." he admitted with a smirk. "shall we limit it to the tower?" he asked playfully. otherwise Tony would go looking in Tijuana or in people's houses or, go forbid, head off to Brazil to look for it. "hey Nat." Bruce chirped. "is it nap time?" he asked, looking amused. "uhm. no, it's food time. we made breakfast, come and eat." "excellent! i'm starving." Bruce admitted. "come on Tony, you go eat, i'll hide this and then join you." Bruce chirped with a grin. he's start off a little easier. in the second lounge on floor fifteen under a couch. all of the employees had experience with the Zapper and knew better than to touch it after all so he wasn't worried about someone taking off with it.
“Okay, I’ll tell her.”Tony said looking amused before nodding. “It was indeed quite the cluster fuck.”And not totally for the reasons you’d think, but tony wasn’t willing to share everything. “Well, the house.”Tony said reminding him they were in the country, not the tower where they normally played the game. Snorting amused as he looked at natasha’s confused look. “he thinks I need sleep. But I told him cap usually came and retrieved me when it was naptime, so he assuemd you were here for nap time.”Tony said snickering a little amused as he followed the other upstairs.

“You look happier.”James said relaxing as he looked tony over, pausing as he ate. “I got to disturb bruce with the idea of a sex doll for the hulk. It was amusing.”Tony grinned settling in without a protest for once about not needing to eat, definitely a sign extremis was getting to him, as his body burned up nearly as much food as steve and james’ did.
Bruce nodded. "of course not. with you, it never is. there's always something weird." he admitted with a chuckle. "part of what makes hanging out with you so fun." he mused before pausing. "oh. right. house." he agreed, smiling sheepishly, changing his plan to the pool room in the sauna attachment under the bench. "well you could use a nap Tony." Nat agreed. "but we'll worry about that later." she admitted with a smile, watching Tony and Bruce get up. Bruce vanishing around a corner. "...are you guys playing hide and seek again?" she asked, lifting an eyebrow at Tony. " disturbed Bruce with... what?" Steve asked, looking quite stunned before he decided to ignore it, engaging Tony right now would only scare them all. he focused on devouring his food instead.
“Definitely weird.”Tony agreed before snickering. “You’ll have to hang out more then. It’s getting even weirder. I mean, two assassins, well three, and the good captain are living with me. Gotta be awesome.”He grinned before making a face at natasha. “I don’t need a nap.”He grumbled before nodding. “We are. But he’s not going to win, so don’t get your hopes up.”he said because while he didn’t quite enjoy knowing they did it, he knew that his people, his small group of friends, talked to each other when they got another answer to a tony token. “You what...”Clint stared, because while he knew it’d be scarring, he just had to know. “...I did. He said hulk was fascinated with his sex life, cause he’s to big to have it. Hence, sex doll.” “....I almost regret asking now.”Clint said snorting amused.

“Well. I’m going to go do something. Look for the tazer.”Tony said as he finished eating, because he was still feeling off balance and upset with both people being near him, and still with what he knew his father had done to both super soldiers. Fighting his attraction because he felt sick at wanting it.Wanting them.
Bruce snickered a little and nodded. "agreed." he, well, agreed. "you don't need one, but it would be nice wouldn't it? i'd like to take a nap." she admitted before smirking at him. "you are aware that you only win because he lets you win right?" she asked with a chuckle. "you know we wouldn't share the information if you told us not to." most of Natasha's Tony Tokens went into making him shower and eat and sleep. Steve didn't have to do that so he could spend his on making Tony clean his room once and a while. "....oh. my. god, Clint! don't ask him!" Steve complained, looking thoroughly mortified. "are you playing hide and seek again?" Steve asked, looking amused. "good luck Tony!" Steve chirped, stealing what was left off of Tony's plate.

it was hours later when Steve found Ton, looking rather upset. "Tony?... you don't hate me right?" he asked. "it's just. you've been avoiding me and i'm sorry if i did something wrong. i didn't mean to. i've been thinking about it and i honestly can't figure out what i did so... can you just tell me what i did and how to fix it?"
“Does not. I’m amazing, and I always win. He doesn’t let me win.”Tony sulked annoyed at the idea. “YEa Barton, don’t ask.”James whined looking upset and mortified himself. “Sorry.”Clint winced making a face. “We are. He thinks he’s goign to win. He’s not.”Tony grinned as he left.

“...Huh?”Tony frowned blinking sleepily, looking up from the camptain america comic book he’d been sleepily reading, struggling to wake up more, before shaking his head, fidgeting a little. “Oh. No. It’s It’s just...”Tony huffed staring down at the floor, tense and anxious, so obviously upset about something it was almost painful to see. “...It’s not you. I was. But not.”he said, before sighing, looking frustrated and upset, “Howard stark was a bastard. A true bastard.”He grumbled rubbing a hand over his face. “Seeing you guys....seeing James....just...I heard alot of stories you know?Alot of stuff....about never quite being....good enough. Seeing you two together it’s....both a childhood dream come true, and my worst nightmare because I’m never going to be good enough.”Tony sighed. That wasn’t all of it, not nearly close to all the truth, but it was the heart of the problem, and everything else howard stark had done to his son, was just more scars overlaying that first brutal deep scar on his heart.
Steve had to struggle not to smile at the sight of Tony being so adorable. "it's just?" he asked, looking even more upset and worried before he frowned a little, wondering what Howard had to do with anything? "oh god... Tony. i'm so sorry..." tht filthy bastard! he had made Tony feel as if he had to live up to a goddamn super soldier! "Tony, i want you to listen to me right now." he ordered. "and you listen good! Howard was, is, and forever will be nothing but a liar! you should never, ever listen to anything that filthy bastard ever said in his entire life!" he informed Tony, sitting next to the other, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "you are one of the best people i know. yes, you have issues, and challenges but everyone does. no person is perfect. no one should ever be perfect." he pointed out. "you are the perfect best friend i could ever ask for you know? i know i... haven't been the best sort of friend lately, but i'm always here fr you anytime you need me. your the only reason why i managed to stay focused for so long. why i clung to life even when i wanted to die..." he hesitated a little. "the only reason i finally gave up. was one of the people in charge of 'handling' me... said i wasn't allowed to see you anymore." he admitted. "it was a security risk, one that couldn't be chanced anymore and i... couldn't stand a world without you in it. you're more than just my best friend Tony." he promised. "Howard? he was never anything more than some guy i knew. sure he was smart but your three times smarter than he ever was. sure he was handsome... kind of. your thirty times more sexy. you surpass Howard so much that in fifty years, people will still be saying 'Ton Stark' and Howard? he won't even be a distant memory." he promised the other with a smile. "never think anything Howard ever said to you was anything but a lie." he promised the other. "because that's all they ever are, is lies."
“Huh?”Tony startled, looking up at him with wide eyes, startled at the sound of the order. Frowning slightly. “But...”he trailed off, not interrupting as he stared at the other, and for once instead of protesting, shifted, snuggling into steve’s side. Sleepy and upset enough to simply accept the comfort instead of pulling away. “My issues are worse. Worse, insane. I’m not a good guy steve.”He muttered sighing softly, startling, staring at him. “What?Did I-I didn;t do anything did I? To make them want to stop us?”Tony said looking upset that he’d nearly gotten steve killed. Even if it hadn’t been his fault, he’d long carried the weight of the world on his shoulders, so of course he was shouldering the burden for this. “...I tell myself that. All the time. I try...but it’s...hard you know. Reminding myself of that.” “well, we’ll just remind you.” James said sinking down onto the couch next to tony, leaning into him a little, ignoring the adorable little squeak that escaped from the billionaire.
Steve smiled a little at him when Tony snuggled him back. "your issues are no worse than mine are." he pointed out. "fuck Tony, i just tried to kill myself and i was taking such a heavy cocktail of drugs i would have been lucky to last another week. those are certainly issues." he admitted with a smile. "pretty 'worse, insane' issues." he admitted, shaking his head. "your the best guy i know." he admitted before shaking his head. "no. it wasn't anything you did wrong. it was everything you did right." he admitted. "you made me want to live life and the people in Shield who wanted me broken didn't like that." he admitted. "they made me stop seeing you because they knew they'd lose complete control over me if you found out what they where doing." he admitted. "that's what Natasha thinks anyway." he admitted. "it is hard. when you hear the same thing over and over again... it's so hard to remember it's not true." he agreed softly. "i had the same problem when i was younger. 'your worthless Steve' or 'you can't do that Steve' or... stuff like that." he admitted. "too bad i'm too stubborn for my own good, right James?" he asked with a smile, wondering if he should comment on how cute Tony's squeak had been. probably not, Tony wouldn't appreciate it much.
“Hm, maybe not.”Tony muttered sighing softly before going quiet, frowning slightly. “well...that’s true.”He muttered shifting, snuggling closer, tired and upset enough that he was okay with being snuggled, actively scooting closer really. “Oh. Well. I’m glad you got out of there then. Even if it took nearly dying and james to do it.”he muttered sighing softly, relaxing. “You’re not worthless, don’t say that stevie.”James frowned looking annoyed at it before nodding. “You are definitely to stubborn for your own good.”He agreed smirking at steve over the brunette’s head, having heard the squeak and finding just as cute as steve had. Startling a little at jarvis’ voice, tense with memories of zola. “Sir, Ms. Potts has arrived and requested your presence.” “Pep!good.”Tony grinned, bad mood forgotten, emotional upset forgotten in exchange of pure excitement of seeing pepper, squirming away from the others as he headed for the door.
"i'm glad too. it's a good thing James kidnapped me though." he admitted. "i can't imagine it would have ended well otherwise." he smiled at Tony. "i very much doubt that you would have gotten permission to keep me here if i hadn't been kidnapped." he mused. "i never thought i was worthless." he promised James. "it's just that when all the teachers and other kids at school said so it was hard to brush it off." he admitted. "way too stubborn." he admitted with a snicker, grinning at James before looking up out of habit to try and spot Jarvis. "...yeah... okay. good talk tony..." Steve muttered, a little frustrated since Tony had just up and vanished. "god damn Potts." he grumbled before pouting at James. "will you carry me back to bed? i'm tired as hell." he admitted, quite unhappy that his time with Tony had been interrupted.
“Probably not. IT’s a good thing, us all being here.”Tony smiled a little, “Probably not. Good thing you did, being here is good for us all.”Tony muttered. “Ah, well good.”James said smiling a little at the other, wincing as Tony left. “Yea, let’s get some sleep. And pretend we’re not both unhappy about having our evening interrupt.”James grumbled, sulking that they were having to do without tny. He wanted to snuggle the billionaire. Sighing as he carried the other upstairs.

In the morning James paused, staring at the sight of the two people out by the pool, making a face as he leaned against the window. “Are we going to have this to look forward to the whole time she’s here?”JAmes grumbled, sounding annoyed, even if he was spying on the two from the bedroom, he still didn’t want to see the near sex that was happening downstairs poolside, even if it was fairly early in the morning, he knew tony was getting off on the idea that someone might catch them. Turning to look at steve he sighed sulking.
Steve nodded, smiling at Tony. "i like being here. James does too. it's relaxing. calming here. like i don't have to be Captain America all the time. i can just be Steve." he admitted before sighing, snuggling into James. "well. i'm glad you finally admit you want Tony." he admitted with a chuckle. "now we just have to actually seduce him." he grumbled, shaking his head, settling in to sleep.

"....yes." Steve admitted, sounding rather miserable. he refused to go look out the window. he hated seeing them together. he didn't understand how Tony could let her treat him like that. she was disgusting. "come away from the window and carry me to the kitchen, i'm hungry and i don't want to see her. i want to eat before their done so i won't have to leave the room until she's gone." he decided. "every time i see her i just hate her even more." he growled unhappily.
“Good. And no, you can just be Steve.”Tony agreed smiling happily. “I didn’t admit anything. I just don’t like seeing you so unhappy.”He said smiling, not protesting as much as he really would if he wasn’t attracted to tony. Definitely was going to have to seduce him.

“...Damn. This is....weird. I mean...they’re in a pool!Aren’t they worried about germs or something?”James said making a face before sighing as he moved over, picking the other up and heading for the kitchen. “Think we can convince Natasha that it would be in everyone’s best interest I convince the whore to go away? I can totally convince her to leave tony alone.”he said sounding pleased with the idea as he set steve at the table before starting to cook.
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