Recovery (Avengers) Moon/Lady

“Morning.”Tony smiled snuggling closer, as close as he could without actually climbing on top of the blond super soldier, which just made james smiled a little. “Nope, the artist was good. Simply fixed it, it was easy.”Clint said as he leaned against the doorway, not about to tell steve that they’d completely redid it, not when tony was laying there. He’d come to see for himself that they were okay. Relaxing a little as james simply relaxed, still fussing over tony, but okay. “’s to hot out for hot cocoa...”Tony muttered sighing quietly, closing his eyes. “I’m cheerful. Really.”
"good morning Tony." Steve agreed with a chuckle before smiling at Clint. "thanks for having it fixed. it can't have been easy." he admitted, he had a feeling that they'd had to take extreme measures with the way the three where acting. he didn't mind, so long as Tony was feeling better. "your not cheerful at all!" he complained, shaking his head and smiling at Tony. "okay, no cocoa, how about i make your favorite dinner instead?" he decided. "or your favorite breakfast... what time is it anyway?"
“Welcome. It was fun. I mean, finding out more random stuff Natasha knows about always amuses me.....though I’d try to keep Phil away from Pepper for awhile. He was not pleased to know she’d thrown a Cap thing.”Clint said seriously, because he had a feeling that more then the rest of them, that meeting between phil and pepper, would result in violence. “I am to.”Tony muttered squirming a little, moving closer to james. “Nearly dinner. You guys slept nearly all day.”James said smiling a little, having been awake most of the time, he’d simply read all day.
Steve had to chuckle a little. "Phil just doesn't like Pepper." Phil never had. mostly because Natasha didn't like her that and the way that Clint got all googly eyed around her made Phil burn with jealousy. "damn... now i won't sleep tonight." Steve complained, pouting a little before smiling at Tony. "come on then, i'll make Dinner." he decided, dropping a kiss onto Tony's forehead before hopping to his feet and stretching with a grunt. "i feel a lot better though." Steve admitted with a small smile.
“Nope.”Clint agreed sighing, shaking his head. Because he knew bruce, and well, all of them, were thinking they were acting weird around pepper, but no idea what to think. It was weird. Definitely upset him as he went all googly eyed around the woman, when he was so extremely loyal. “We’ll do science. We’ll do something. It’ll be fun.”Tony said grinning happily at the idea that he’d slept so long that he’d be able to stay up. Squirming away from the kiss, even if he was more cuddly, he had his limits of what he was goign to accept. Already babbling to himself as he headed for the door. “Good.”James smiled looking him over, leaning over to kiss steve softly. “now we’ll just take care of everyone else, and we’ll be okay.”
"it's very strange." Natasha agreed. "the way you boys get all weird around her." she hated Pepper just because she was Pepper. "because it was nice to hate Pepper, because Pepper was the right kind of person to hate. "science is fun, but dinner first!" Steve ordered, letting Tony squirm away with a sigh. "Bruce mentioned he wanted to run some tests." Natasha explained. "something about blood tests for chemical imbalances and something about brain scans and stuff like that." she admitted. "i didn't understand what he was talking about for the most part." she admitted before smiling, watching Steve and James kiss. "aaw, you guy are so cute. you know. you could have told me you where gay when i was trying to set you up." "what's the fun in that?"
“Fine!food, then me and bruce will do science.”Tony agreed even if he was sulking. “He didn’t bolt right away, he’s improving.”James muttered at Steve’s said smiling a little. “...Really?Well. Hopefully we’ll find out something, and if nothing else, it’ll distract tony from her breaking his thing.”He smiled a little before growling posessively. “You tried to set him up?” “It never worked.”Clint promised the annoyed looking super soldier.
"he is improving. i've worked hard on him." Steve admitted with a smile. he had in fact, worked very hard on making Tony a little less manic, and he had made a lot of progress on that front. Steve didn't want Tony to be normal, or different. he didn't want Tony to change, he just wanted Tony to be happy with himself as a person. "she kept trying to set me up with women." Steve admitted. "she finally gave up when i stopped talking to her completely." he admitted. "granted, i stopped talking to her because i was mired in hatred that she was trying to contain and control me, but that's besides the point." he admitted with a chuckle.
“I should reward you for that.”James said smirking a little, nuzzling him a little, before snickering a little, shaking his head. “For a spy, you’re not overly observant. I might have to retrain you.”He decided as he smirked at the woman as they headed downstairs. “So, what are we going to make for dinner?”he asked smirking slightly at the sight of tony already gathering food. Definitely having already decided what he wanted, and....”Mac and cheese?And hot dogs?”James said looking bemused that the genius had chosen what was usually a child’s meal. “He usually eats it after Pep visits.”Clint muttered, because while he didn’t spend as much time with him as Natasaha did, he had listened to her as she spoke fondly about the man, knew that for some reason, food meant something important to tony, least this meal did. He had no idea what it was, or why it was his favorite, but it was something Important, with a capital I kind of important.
"i should be rewarded." Steve agreed, Natasha shrugging. "he didn't react to anyone. the most reaction i got from him was Agent Thirteen." Steve shuddered and looked at James. "she's an almost carbon copy of Pggy, just with different hair." he explained, Natasha's breath sharpening in shock. "oh..." now she felt bad, she had thought that Steve had something for Agent Carter. turns out he was just seeing a ghost.

"yes, Mac and Cheese, and not just any hot dogs, hot dog Men!" he explained, holding up a freshly cut hot dog man, complete with eyes and a smile. he'd gotten the macaroni instructions from Jarvis and the Hot dog men had been his idea that Ton seamed to really like. "it's comforting for Tony, though we're not sure why." Nat admitted, biting the head off of an uncooked hot dog man. "....that's twisted, Natasha." Phil said as he walked in, looking very tired and very annoyed, even if he did manage a smile at Natasha's antics, handing Steve a pile of paperwork. "what's this?" "restraining order. sign it. you and James. i'd never convince Tony to sign it, but i can manage you two at least." "against Pepper?" "yes. for the duration of a month while you recover." "i am recovered." and indeed he was, aside from various bouts of extreme exhaustion he could pretty much do what he wanted now. "yes, but no one else knows that."
“I’ll remember that.”James smiled before looking at Steve, wanting a explanation before going pale, shaken at the idea. “Ah. Well.It’s okay Nat. You didn’t know.”He said still looking weirded out with the idea though.

“Hot dog men....” “Yep!For iron man, I need foot soldiers for taking over the world. So hot dog men.”Tony explained happily munching on mac and cheese, before wincing at natasha’s eating. “Don’t eat the uncooked ones. Even you can get sick, Natalia.”James scolded, easily falling back into the role of teacher. Startling a little at the paperwork, he tilted his head. “You’re still tired.”James muttered looking at steve, leaning close to kiss his cheek, “And it’s a excuse to keep her aware from tony.”He pointed out so soft no one else could hear, well he didn’t care if everyone heard, it was tony he didn’t want to upset. He wanted a excuse to make pepper stay as far away as they could, and since tony would never leave them while he knew they were still adjusting and recovering, it was the perfect thing. "I don't like signing things. or reading them."Tony said frowning, ebcause there was very few people who knew the reason wasn't simply stubbornness, but severe dyslexia.
Steve chuckled at Tony's statement. "she always eats her hot dogs uncooked." Phil said to James. "food preparation is much safer these days, the hot dogs are pre cooked before packaging so they are mostly safe to ingest." he admitted. "only sometimes!" Steve protested, pouting a little. never-mind that he had to sit down and catch his breath while cooking before pausing as James whispered in his ear and he nodded, examining the paperwork before signing it, handing it to James as well. "it's only for a month. we can't have her here causing problems while Steve is sick." Phil explained. "she aggravates him to the point he collapses." he explained to Tony, who he knew would argue about making Pepper stay away from the duo, since he didn't want to leave the duo. "then it's a good thing you don't need to sign or read anything." Phil admitted, tucking the paperwork away and headed off to file the paperwork.
“...That’s gross.Cook them.”James said making a face at Natasha, shaking his head a little. “Only always.”James said pressing a kiss to his head, smiling slightly as he signed the paperwork, watching tony. “....Oh. She did cause a scene this’re right. This isn’t good. She can stay away, I’ll go visit her if I have to.”he said sulking a little because he hated the idea of leaving the duo, but if he had to he could, he wasn’t about to endanger steve, or upset him more by forcing them to see pepper. “Only a month.”James promised, though he was hoping to make it longer as he signed the paperwork. “Very good thing. Though PEp did leave me paperwork....Steveee....wanna help?”Tony whined a little making a face at the super soldier. Hyper and really awake now that he had slept for awhile.
"don't want to." Natasha stated, chewing on another hot dog man, just as uncooked as the first. Steve glanced at James, wondering how best t keep Tony away from Pepper without upsetting Tony. only a month, maybe they could undue whatever influence Pepper had on him by then? "sure, i'd be glad to help." Steve agreed with a nod. happy to be of use to Tony. he gulped down the last of his meal and followed after Ton, staggering a little on the first steps but managing to keep to his feet.
“You should!”Tony whined looking upset at her eating the hot dogs without cooking them. Smiling slightly as steve and tony headed down to the lab, before glancing at natasha, “Do you know what’s with the food?Or anything that’ll help me look after him?”He demanded, obviously upset and needing to know how he could take care of tony the best.

“Okay, so she said it was some paperwork about the suit and some legal stuff about some of the inventions.”Tony said as he threw himself into the couch, because while he had a office, he liked working in his lab, it was safe, a good place. Nothing would hurt him here. Pulling the paperwork over he sighed as he settled in to read, even as he slid his reading glasses on. Wearing them made it easier to pretend he was having a hard time because he couldn’t see, not because he was so dyslexic it took him awhile to read it. Plans and diagrams were easy, written words like paperwork were hard for him. No one had figured it out just yet, and he hoped no one would ever.
"nope." she stated simply, inhaling her mac-n-cheese. "i don't, but i can make a guess." Natasha admitted. "there's not much you can actually do to help him but be there for him and not get too annoyed with him. make sure you tell him when he does something you don't like because if you lie he'll know about it and feel worse." she admitted. "he has a touch aversion, don't cling to him or grip him if he pulls away, he'll panic." she warned. "and never, ever lock a door when he's around. i think Howard used to lock him into places." she admitted. honestly, she was pretty sure it had been worse than that, but she couldn't say something like that without any evidence. the only evidence there was, was Tony after all and he wasn't telling. "don't call him 'boy', 'brat' or any dirty names like bitch, slut or skank. he'll freak out about that too or drop into a really bad headspace... you know about headspace right?" she asked, examining him.

"hmmm." Steve murmured. this was something he was actually good at. legal crap didn't change over the years. "...Tony?" Steve asked, hesitant, not sure he wanted to bring this up to Tony's attention. "this bit of paperwork here. from your board of directors. they want to sell some of your inventions to other countries with the soul purpose of having those countries... reverse engineer the items and have them rebuilt into weapons and sold back to the U.S..." he explained, nervous. "i don't see Pepper's signature on any of these but the board of Directors has been trying to make weapons out of your designs..." he had a feeling that Tony was going to go boom.
“Huh. What guess?”he asked looking curious even though he was worried. Frowning slightly before sighing, nodding slowly. “Okay. Okay don’t freak out to badly on him...and tell him, otherwise he freaks out...I can do that...”James frowned slightly before nodding, “I’ve noticed. I usually follow steve’s lead on how and when to touch him.”He shrugged before going still, thinking about that. “Fucking howard.”he grumbled sounding annoyed with the idea, and wanting to ask tony about it, but equally not wanting to ask cause he knew tony’d freak out. “...No bad names. Okay....and yes. Sorta. I mean...he’s hyper and stuff....sorta like that?”He said tilting his head a little.

“Hm?”Tony looked up frowning a little, before staring at him. “What?...I mean...”He paused looking upset as he considered what he was hearing before getting up, eyes wide, “Jarvis, will you have Phil and Nat meet me in the garage?I have somewhere to be.”He said, the quiet anger growing under the calm even worse then a explosion of rage.
"...i think that either his mother, or his butler, Jarvis made it for him while he was growing up." she admitted. "someone he cared for a lot took the time to make it for him, so its a deeply emotional connective sort of thing. it's only a theory you understand but it's the one i'm working with." she said, tucking her hair over her ear. "it's not hard to tell. you'll notice, that Steve only touches Tony when Tony initiates the contact. that's the safest bet. so far only Bruce really gets away with casual touching." she admitted. "i think because Tony knows that Bruce is just as... shattered, as Tony is." she admitted. "you'll notice that Bruce is very, very touchy, he craves affection from the people he trusts. once he gets to know and trust you, he'll probably touch you a lot. snuggle you even." she admitted. "i'm one of his, and Tony's, favorite cuddlers." she admitted with a smile. "not sure why." she admitted. "uhm. no, not like that... well, come with me i'll give you a quick lesson." she decided, heading upstairs to teach him about BDSM, submissive complexes and headspaces.

"Tony, stop!" Steve ordered, gently stroking the other's wrist, not grabbing it the way he wanted to because Tony never reacted well to being grabbed. "don't act rashly!" he ordered, picking up the paperwork evidence. "take them to Phil and Natasha first, let them look it over and let them help you decide what to do. don't go in angry, the board will use any anger ou show as a sign of instability and have your decision tossed, just like Obediah did." he explained. "trust Phil. he can help you make sure they can never, ever do anything like this again."
“Ah. Yes. That makes sense. Someone who would have taken care of him. So when he’s upset, he wants it...makes sense.”James muttered mostly to himself, filing that away to think about later before tilting his head. “Let him come to me. I can do that to....”He sighed, feeling frustrated because he was so messed up, that he had to have instructions, but he didn’t want to make it worse, didn’t want to mess this up. Nodding slightly he smiled. “I noticed....I thought it was sexual for a bit, but for him, it’s not. Or even tony really. They like cuddles, even if tony wont admit to wanting it.”James said before laughing, smirking at her. “Well, you’re very curvy and cuddly. Definitely a cushion-y place to rest your head.”He teased before sighing, before following after her, trusting her to teach him what he needed to know.

Tony stopped, trembling a little as the other stroked his wrist, shivering a little as he looked at the blond. Staring at him, eyes wide. He’d been upset enough that a simple order had managed to flip his switch, making him respond to steve like he was being dominated in the bedroom, instead of having been working on paperwork. Swallowing thickly he nodded a little. “Kay. Talk to Nat and phil...I can do that...”he muttered, mostly to himself, as if making sure he understood his dominate’s orders, before looking at the other. “Will you come with me?Between us we can fcigure out how to stop this.”he muttered, not wanting to go by himself. He trusted phil, and nat, but at the moment, he needed steve around
she nodded. "don't feel so bad. Steve needed instructions too." she admitted. "it took a lot of trial and error for me to get as far as i did with Tony." she admitted. "Jarvis helped me a lot." she admitted. "Tony is one of those people that comes with instructions, fortunately, some of us have those instructions." she admitted with a smile. "nah, Bruce has the libido of a prepubescent. that is to say, he doesn't." she admitted with chuckle. "he's completely asexual." she glanced at him. "that means he has no sexual urges at all. as far as i know he doesn't even stroke off." she admitted. "hmm. maybe that's it." she agreed before settling in to show James everything he needed to know, with pictures, websites and others. "so. any questions?" she asked him once she was done before looking up when Jarvis asked her to go down to the lab.

Steve hesitated, shocked he'd nearly dropped Tony. it had taken Natasha days to help him understand what being submissive was. once she started explaining deeper into it though he'd gotten it. it was the same feeling he had often had with James. with lots of practice, he could not recognize it on sight. mostly because Tony tended to be prone to dropping around him. "that's right. talk to Nat and Phil." he agreed before grimacing. "...have Jarvis bring them down here, i don't have the strength to get up." he admitted, flushing in embarrassment. "come sit down until they get here, okay?"
James frowned, before sighing a little. “You’re right. At least someone has instructions.”He said unhappy that someone had hurt tony enough that he was this messed up, but glad they could figure it out. That they can help tony. “Ah. Oh....that sucks. No sex.”James made a face at the idea, cause while he hadn’t had sex in awhile, he still had the urge to stroke off, even if his handlers had been weirded out by that much free will to want to. “....No. I think I got it...”he said still looking overwhelmed, and having every intention of asking steve for help to, before following her downstairs.

Tony huffed a little as he paced, sighing quietly, still upset, his anger over what they were doing, upsetting him even as he fidgeted as he waited. “okay. J?” “Already on their way sir.”Jarvis promised. “You okay?What can I do?”Tony turned looking at him, looking upset as he watched him, not even hesitating before scampering over and sitting down, curling up on the couch next to him, not touching since steve hadn’t said he could, but close. “What’s up?”James asked walking in, pausing to look at the two, james sliding away, and the winter soldier looking back, waiting t see what he could do for the upset two.
"yes." she agreed with a smile, reaching into her Dresser and taking out a slim, slender journal. "i've been working on this ever since i've known Tony." she admitted, handing it to James. "Tony knows i've made it, i asked him permission. it's everything i know about him. favorite foods, food he hates, favorite colors, color he hates, bad habits, good habits, quirks, personality indicators, everything i could think of." she admitted. "Steve's read it, and added to it, you should too, since you'll notice things that we won't." she admitted before smiling at him. "don't worry, Steve struggled with the information too." she admitted. "he should be able to help you understand on a more personal level." she snorted at him. "the point of being Asexual is that Bruce has no desire at all for sex." she pointed out. "he doesn't want it, or need it so he doesn't miss it." she admitted, amused.

"i'm fine." Steve promised, smiling at Tony, stroking a hand through the genius' hair, his little way of reassuring Tony without touching him too much. "i'm just tired. not like, i need to sleep, but like i did three too many laps." he admitted. "my legs are kind of noodles i suppose." he admitted with a smile. "that's all." he admitted before wincing when he saw the Soldier instead of James. "here." he handed the paperwork to Natasha who read through it quickly, her eye twitching before she handed it to James for him to read, looking at Phil when the agent entered. Phil accepted the paperwork and read it over, his face as blank and stoic as it always was and then nodded. "the best way to go about this is to declare them enemies to the State. traitors and warmongers. they are, in effect, selling weapons grade materials to the Russians, Germans, Afghans, and North Koreans." Phil stated. "just because they claim they are selling the weapons back to us, doesn't mean they actually are, it's more likely a case of fudging paperwork so that the board won't get in trouble if they are caught." he admitted, patting his hand. "who to call though?" he mused. "certainly not Pepper. she can't really do much..." he mumbled. "Fury won't be able to do anything, the President? no too busy... of course..." he smirked at Tony. "General Rhodes. i will be back in a few hours. Tony, calm down." he ordered. "and keep your eyes on the news." he suggested heading out.
James raised a eyebrow, looking amused at the sight of the book, even if he took it. “Thanks. This will be helpful.”He said flicking through it even if he was listening to her. He wanted just to take care of tony, he needed to. It was almost like he was treating tony like he had steve before the man became the captain, seeing him as breakable, so he needed to take care of him. “kay. I’ll talk to steve.”He said knowing steve could explain it to him, before snickering. “I know, but it still sucks to think about.”

Tony whined relaxing a little under the other’s hand, sighing quietly. “Oh. Well. We’ll just relax after this. You can rest on the couch, and I’ll do my paperwork.”He said making a face at that before tensing a little as he saw the sldier. “....I can take care of this. I mean, scaring them senseless would help.”James said looking annoyed with what he was reading, which meant the anger was nearly explosive if it was showing that much on the winter soldier. “....Yes. Rhodey would be a good choice. Tell him to call if he needs help.”Tony said upset and fidgety as he watched phil, wanting to go with him and help. “You’re not goign to help. If anyone is going, I will. And natasha. And clint.”James said watching Tony, gauging how the man was. "No. It's my mess. I'll fix it."Tony said, already starting to work himself up again.
she smiled at him. "i started it for myself, to keep track of Tony's habits and stuff. that it helped Steve and will now help you is a bonus." she admitted with a smile. she had no idea of James habits outside of his behavior as the soldier so she had no idea how close James already was to Tony. "it does kind of suck to think about it, but he's happy so what can we do?" she asked, looking amused.

"that sounds fine." Steve admitted with a smile. "no, James. they need to be taken care of in a more final manner. removed from their service without being killed." Steve explained. "frightening them won't work, nor will killing them." he explained. "this is a Legal thing, Phil is best for the job." he admitted before watching Phil who nodded to Tony. "i will send complete updates." he assured the man. "it's not your mess." Natasha snapped at him. "if it's anyone's mess it's Peppers. she's the one who is supposed to be keeping control of the board and reading through the paperwork." he informed him. "this is Phil's task now. you delegated, which is what you need to do." she informed him. "don't sign any paperwork, i have a feeling all contracts created by the board are soon going to be considered void. so don't sign anything until all of this is settled."
“A good bonus.”James agreed pleased before snorting. “Nothing to do I guess.”He said amused himself.

“...Death can be a very final manner.”James growled between his teeth, sounding annoyed even as he paced some, simply needing the motion to move. “Yes...Phil is the best.”tony said looking up at james wide wide eyes, making the brunette go still when he realized he was upsetting Tony, even if he wasn’t sure if he’d frightened him. Still himself he sighed quietly. “Phil will take care of things.”He prmised wincing at natasha’s tone as Tony’s eyes went wide. “No!It’s my fault, not pepper’s. It’s my company. She was right, I should be back in new york taking care of things....”Tony sighed defensive and upset as she blamed pepper, even away from the woman’s influence, tony defended her. “...Okay. No signing things.”Tony said frowning a little.
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