Recovery (Avengers) Moon/Lady

“Good.”Tony said looking pleased before snickering. “No, you shouldn’t have. Though I don’t know if steve was okay with my fanboy’ing cause I’m me, or if he’s always okay with people.”Tony said snickering a little before looking pleased with the idea of phil visiting. Despite his protests about the other man being around, tony did like him. “I’m implying that we should have been crawling over bodies to get to steve’s room when the Soldier pulled him out, we weren’t. He had help getting him out.”Tony shrugged before grinning, “Good.”He said smirking as the other left. “I so totally won.”Tony grinned, having every intention of telling steve that when he saw him again. Smiling, “I’m going to the lab. Get me when Agent gets here.”He called over his hsoulder.

“No!No! Stop!”The screams were abruptly cut off as James bolted upright, the combat knife held tightly in his hand as he stood at the edge of the bed, trembling wildly as he tried to relax, to realize that he was in the school, in the present, not anywhere near hydra, struggling to calm himself.Not truly aware that steve was feet away from him, his attention focused inward.
Fury shrugged. "i don't know, you'll find out if Steve ever meets Phil i imagine." he admitted with a smile before scowling, well aware that Tony was right. James had gotten in, and back out without a single shot being fired in the heard of a Shield controlled hospital. not okay. heads where going to roll! it was the next day before Phil appeared and instead of calling Tony up he just went down tot he lab with a robot trailing behind him carrying about six medium sized boxes full of the captains things. "Tony! where do you want all of this? also, i brought Coffee and news." Phil admitted, handing over the promised Coffee.

"James?" Steve asked, sitting up and studying the other. "James. you okay?" he asked, carefully sliding out of bed but not trying to touch James. he didn't want to get stabbed and he'd been in the same state that James was currently in a time or two. "James. it's okay. your awake. it was just a bad dream."
Tony’s head came up like he was a dog scenting prey, eyes widening a little as he saw the agent with coffee. Not responding to the question just yet as he pounced on the other, sipping his coffee before responding. “I have a apartment set up for him.”And the rest of his team,even if they weren’t officially a team- “come on. We’ll go take it up there.”Tony said showing the agent up to the very modern, but stylishly designed rooms, though it looked alot like tony’s own rooms, it was obvious there was a obvious lack of tech, tony having taken care to keep from overwhelming the other with tech. “So, news?”

“....Kaptain?”James said, his voice thick with the russian accent he’d picked up over the years, being a amnesiac who had no idea who he was, he’d picked up more words in russian and the way they spoke english, rather then retaining what had been a thick brooklyn twang. While he had it most of the time still, when he was like this, lost and broken in memories, russian was the forefront of his thoughts. “....Dream?”
Phil chuckled a little at Tony's reaction. "a whole apartment. i'm jealous, here i am with only a little room." Phil teased Tony with a grin. that was because Phil had requested only a little room and continuously ignored Tony's attempts to move him into the apartments he had set up for Phil. Clint used the apartments sometimes when he needed to heal up. Natasha had her own set of rooms and Bruce, who had never set foot in the states but was being watched by Tony and assisted, had rooms as well. "oh wow Tony." Phil looked very impressed. "i think this will be perfect for him." Phil admitted before smirking at Tony. "oh yes. news. Fury went straight back to HQ and started demanding answers. apparently John Garret decided Steve rogers was a bit of a threat to Shield and took matters into his own hands to contain and control the poor guy." he admitted. "he's been fired, as has thirteen separate Agents who knew they where going against Fury's orders when they helped Garret do so. including five nurses, who aided the Winter Soldier" Phil admitted. "as for me, i have been reassigned to be your caretaker and to aid you in assisting both Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes should they emerge." he admitted. "Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff have also been assigned to you as body guards." he admitted. "all three of us are officially in your employ." he said with a grin.

"Yeah. it's me James." Steve assured him, watching him intently. "yes Bucky, it was a dream, you where asleep. just a bad memory." he promised, gently settling his hands on the others arms, stroking the arms but not trying to remove the knife. it would only upset James. "it's okay, see? no one else is here. it's just us. we're safe here."
“Cause you wanted a little room. I’m disappointed I couldn’t make a whole captain apartment for you.”Tony sulked a little because his decorating ideas had been shot down. “You think?I hope so. Though I might have to add more stuff for Barnes. I mean, I’m sure he needs stuff.”Tony said worried, because he knew James had been tortured and used, and it upset him, not only because he was that sensitive, but because he knew it would upset Steve. “....that’s....insane. Fucked up. We’re going to have to ask James, figure out how he knew who to ask?Cause even if he’s a assassin and has handlers, I doubt they people in control gave him permission to go off the grid with Steve.”Tony made a face before looking at Phil, looking interested and happy. “Really?Does that mean you’re all moving in?”

“....Okay.”James muttered swallowing hard as the other touched him, trembling a little as he lowered his hand, sliding the knife back into the belt sheath, before looking up at Steve. “...Safe. We’re safe.”He agreed even as he eased away and started searching the school basement, making sure that they were.
Phil chuckled a little and shook his head. "alright, alright. since i'm moving in you can give me the apartments i know that you made me against my will." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head before nodding. "if he's been Hydra for the last god knows how long, he probably has a very serious case of PTSD. but, we don't know yet if he's actually coming back with Steve, if Steve even comes back himself." he admitted. "i'll get a trustworthy Therapist... you could probably use one too, lord knows Clint needs one." he admitted. "i'm sure Steve could use one too actually." he admitted before nodding. "i'm sure there's a Hydra implant into Shield, even if Fury doesn't want to admit it." he admitted, looking at Tony. "most of us are. i know Clint is, if only because he thinks you have cool toys." he admitted with a smile. "i don't know about Natasha but i am certainly moving in." he admitted.

he smiled at James. "there, see, it's okay." he promised, settling back onto the bed, letting the other explore, watching him while he did it. startled when he found a trapdoor that led to underneath the school. once down there he found a Howard Hideaway. there where several vials of Steve's blood, a few vials of James blood, and piles upon piles of research on trying to duplicate the serum, clone Steve rogers and develop biological weapons. there where dead bodies of long dead fetus's, failed cloning experiments. worse was the journals. dozens of them that went back to the war, Howard writing how he had gotten Steve hooked on drugs ad had experimented on Steve while he was too doped up to care, had raped him, made Steve suck him off for another hit. had done horrible, despicable things that Steve probably couldn't remember or he would have hated Howard a lot more. granted, all of those journals where mixed in with the others which depicted experiments he was doing on mutants. several bigger bodies in the corner now identified as mutant adults who had been kidnapped, dissected, experimented on and then killed. James would either have to be really lucky, or read all of them.
“I would never do that. I respect everyone’s wishes.”Tony said making a face, before nodding a little. “He’ But seriously weird as you’d think. It’s like....he’s missing things. Like interacting with him, wasn’t as difficult as I thought it’d be,”Tony said frowning a little, trying to think of how to interact with him, nodding slightly. “Steve’ll come back. He might not trust shield, and no matter how good James is, that place they’re staying isn’t safe. They’ll be here, if only cause Steve’ll trust me to keep this place utterly safe.”Tony shrugged, though he wasn’t as sure as he sounded before making a face. “I don’t need a therapist, Agent.”He sulked a little before grinning, “Awesome. I do have the best toys.”

By the time James emerged from the room, he was carrying some of the journals, the one that described the abuse, having toten lucky enough to have found them without having to read everything. Though he looked sick and scared and upset, he was looking sick. “...we need...a new place.”he said sick at what he’d found, stumbling to steve’ side and collapsing against him, starting to cry, hating, and babbling about having not been able to protect the other from howard.
"you do not." Phil scoffed, looking very amused before shaking his head. "if he was stable it's only because he was either having a good day or repressing." he admitted simply before looking at Tony. "it could be because you where not a threat to him or Steve." he admitted. "you might not realize this Tony but for someone whose seen hell on earth, your very soothing. maybe it's because the way you act or the way you just babble at them i don't know, but most of the active field Agents who deal with you, rather enjoy your company." he admitted. "your right, but that doesn't mean they'll come here. for all we know they'll just move out of the city or to another location." he admitted. "James is going to need a lot of help." he admitted before smiling at him. "you don't need one, but one would help." he admitted before snorting. "don't get a big head about it. now, show me to my rooms would you? i want to take a nap. i've been up since two in the morning."

Steve looked up when James came back. "what? James? what?" she demanded, stunned hen he realized the other looked very unhappy. "...a new place? why?! what's wrong? James talk to me..." he paled when he heard what the other was babbling about and stood on shaking legs and headed for the trapdoor and looked down, paling eve more. "...James, look at me." he ordered. "you need to go down there and get the rest of the journals and the blood samples. all of them, do you understand? our blood is dangerous, we need to make sure Hydra or Shield doesn't get their hands on that blood James, you need to go down and pick them up so we can bury them or dump them in a river or something." Steve admitted. "we need to do this James and i can't get down there on these legs. you need to do this, okay? or i'll have to call Tony and i really don't want him to see the sick perversions of his own father James."
"Maybe. Or he got his sociopathic. Tendencies out of the way by kidnapping me."Tony said snickering a little before frowning, starting to laugh out loud."you're insane you know that?I have to be one of the least soothing people I know."Tony said still giggling a litthe before thinking about it."they might. But I don't think so. He chose Brooklyn for a reason. Even as messed up as he is, I think a part of hIm is trying to go home."Tony shrugged before nodding as he showed phil towards his rooms.Bell get him help."

James whimpered as he babbled before fo using on the other as he moved away looking upset as he looked up at him. Focussing on him before stumbling to his feet."rest. I'll take care of everything.Bthe man said calming quietly now that he had a task he had to do."no!don't call tony!"he said looking disturbed and upset at the idea fussing and getting the other back into bed before starting to take care of everything
he snorted. "seams likely. not that it was a real kidnapping, you weren't even scared, or did you struggle." he admitted with a chuckle. "i am a little bit insane." he agreed. "but, your only annoying to certain people." he admitted. "the average joe, the people who have actually seen the darkness on this good earth, they understand you because they've been through it too." he admitted. "people who don't like you, are that way because they think you are annoying, they don't see the coping mechanisms you are using." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "you've had a hard life and people who have never suffered don't like that because they don't like being shown that they could experience pain and trauma too." he admitted before smiling and nodding. "i think you might be right." he agreed.

"okay. i'll rest." he promised. "i also need to call someone once we are ready to move. man named Phil Coulson. he can be trusted to clean this up." he admitted. "make sure not to drop or dump any of the blood." he ordered. "we don't want to leave anything for someone else to find." he admitted, settling into bed to rest, feeling very drained. "where will we go to?" Steve asked, once James had all of the journals and he took the time to stack them all into a abandoned backpack that was still in some sort of decent shape. he didn't want to look in them, but he knew they would have to, to find out who Howard had kidnapped and mutilated. find out how sick Howard really was. the problem was, how much of Steve was in those journals? even Steve couldn't be sure how much Howard had actually done to him, as he rarely remembered anything but the first ten minutes and the last few hours of a good high. that could leave him with anywhere from an hour to five hours of remembering nothing depending on what he took, or rather, what combination.
“True, but he still had to plan on how to get me out of there and trying to keep where they were secret.”Tony snickered a little before tilting his head, looking thoughtful as he considered that. “Well. You might have a point.”he said shrugging a little because he knew people liked him so,etimes, even if he really didn’t believe it always. “...Get some sleep Phil. I’m going back to the lab.”

“kay. I have a cell phone, just don’t like using it since it can be trace.”James said making a face before nodding, “I wont.”He promised even as he cleaned up, looking careful and upset as he gently cleaned up to make sure he didn’t break or drop anything, and tossed all the journals into them. Looking upset as he considered the bit he’d read in the journals, he didn’t want to keep reading, but he would, if it meant steve wouldn’t have. Especially since he knew Steve wanted to be with the younger stark, so he wouldn’t let the man read bad stuff about his father. “....I think...I think we should call tony. I don’t want to go back. But he might have a house we can use....all my safe houses except this one were hydra...I don’t have anywhere else set up.”he said frowning a little.
he nodded. "that's true. of course you suspected you knew where they where before he even kidnapped you i'm guessing." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "i always have a point and i am aways right. you should reward me by giving me that lunchbox you have in your Cap room signed by all of the commandos." Bucky and Steve included. Howard had gotten it and made them all sign it. it was one of a kind and worth well over a million dollars. people would kill for that lunchbox. "goodnight Tony." Phil agreed with a chuckle. "try to get some sleep huh?" he asked with a smile.

He nodded. "we'll be gone by the time they trace it to here." he admitted. "we'll call him right before we leave." that wasn't exactly how cellphones worked but Steve didn't know that at all. "Tony?" Steve asked, looking very torn. on one hand he did trust Tony and knew he would never hand him over to anyone. on the other hand the idea of living with so many people. he chewed on his lip, unaware he was cutting it with his teeth, pulling blood up. not that it managed much more than a few beads before it healed. "we could go back to my apartment but i'm sure it's crawling with people by now..." he muttered, scowling, thinking hard before sighing. "yeah. okay. call Tony." he agreed. "we'll be safe enough in the tower and i can always just hide int he apartment he's been wanting to give me." he decided. "or he might have an empty house we can use... maybe."
“Yea, well, Natasha’s a sneaky spy who spies, and Jarvis is good at finding things. Makes a pretty unstoppable team, those two.”Tony snickered a little before rolling his eyes. “No. No one’s get that lunchbox without having sex with me, and even then, I’m not giving it away.”tony said snickering a little,”I will, don’t worry, mom.”Tony teased as he left.

“That sounds good.”As much as he knew about tech, steve really didn’t understand phones or tech either. “I know...but there’s no one else I trust...and you trust him. Which means it’s safe.”James said twitching a little, looking worried himself, before sighing. “No!We’re not going back to your place. I saw people there. We’re not going there.”James said looking annoyed even as he turned on the phone. “We’ll ask him if he has a house, if your not feeling up to staying at the tower.” “Not at the tower?What?”Tony said as james put him on speakerphone.
he chuckled a little. "i'm not even going to ask." he decided, shaking his head. "well... i'd have sex with you for the lunchbox. can't be too terrible, having sex with a guy right?" and this coming from the straightest man on the planet... well, no, he'd make exceptions. like, for Captain America. who said no to captain America? well, and Clint, considering he and Clint where fucking on a daily basis. but other than that! "you better believe it buster." Phil agreed with a grin, not even protesting being mom.

"i do trust him." he agreed before nodding. "okay, not back to my place." people had bee at Steve's place, they had packed everything up and sent it to Tony's tower for safe keeping, so there was nothing there anyway. "hey Tony. listen we found something... really bad here." Steve admitted. "we need Phil to come do a cleanup and me and James need a place to lay low. James is pretty fucked up and i'm not much better." he admitted. "so we need a place where there's like. no people, at all." he admitted. "or where we can hide from people if we have to. probably the tower, since we can lock down the rooms if we ask your creepy invisible butler... think we could crash at your place, or one of your pads if you have any? also, don't come here. it's pretty bad Tony and i don't want you to see this."
“...It’s not, and don’t act like you don’t know that. I’ve been in a room with you and Barton, you know.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little before snickering, blushing a little, acting like he did when natasha bossed him around, indeed treating them somewhat like parents who were looking after him.

“....Bad?okay. Me and phil will be there soon and cleanup.’Tony said. “No!” “But I can-” “No you’re not.”James said sounding stubborn. “Can we just have a place?” “Of course. And if you don’t mind me, and the assassin twins and Agent coming, we can head out of the city. Then you really would be away from everything.”Tony said sounding upset and worried even as he switched from jarvis talking, to his phone, and heading upstairs to wake up phil.
Phil smirked a little. "you know nothing and i will always deny it." he teased, chuckling a little before smirking at him. "i'm serious Tony. get some sleep today."

"Tony. don't come over here, i'm serious." Steve ordered. "trust me okay? i need you to trust me on this, don't come here." he ordered before hesitating. "well... i guess they would be okay." if they tried to control him, he'd just snap them like twigs. yeah that would work, and if he was too weak he'd get James to snap them. or Tony. would be fun to watch Tony snap them. "really? you'd leave the city just so i'll be more comfortable?" he asked, sounding pleased. "i'm not sure we should actually leave the city though. what do you think James? stay at the tower or go to Tony's countryside retreat?" leaving it up to James to decide, since Steve didn't actually care one way or another.
“....Fine.I’ll leave it up to Phil then.”he said even as he stood in phil’s bedroom doorway, and threw a book at the archer he could see sleeping on the man’s other side. “Birdbrain, get up.”He ordered before returning to his phone call. “Okay. They’re staying at the tower to, so even if you came here, they’d be around.”Tony warned before making a face. “Yea, well. My retreat in the Catskills has a lab nearly as good as the one at the tower. It’s not like I’m willing to deprieve myself of tech, don’t sound so pleased at that. It’s not like I’m giving up alot.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little. “....Hmm...”James frowned thinking about it, “The retreat for awhile. Less people. Less worrying about others.”James said twitching because while at heart, he was a city boy, it was hard on him sometimes to be around people, when he felt so enclosed so much, caught and trapped in the city. Open space would be good.
"good. you leave it up to Phil." he agreed. "what the hell Tony?!" Phil complained, since the book had missed it's target and hit him instead. "your supposed to be sleeping!" Phil complained, sitting up. "i know." Steve admitted with a sigh. "but, i'd rather a few than a lot. and i've heard good things about Phil and Clint helps me hide from people so i guess he's okay." he admitted. "we're going up into the mountains?" he asked, sounding very impressed. Tony was willingly going into nature? for him? he felt very warm inside. "okay, we're heading into the Catskills... i'm going to need my things..." "we've already got them Captain Rogers. myself, Natasha and Clint removed everything in your apartment and moved them to the tower." Phil explained. "it's going to be an honor to meet you." he admitted, gushing a little. "i'm also very sorry but i have removed your stash from your belongings and disposed of it properly." Steve winced. "that's fine. thanks. i'd rather not be tempted, it's hard enough as it is." Steve admitted. "i don't know if i'll be able to make it to the tower Tony, i'm still weak as hell... can you come pick us up? then the Agents can do the cleanup and we can head up to the hills."
“Time to get up. Cap needs you.” “Tony, go away.”clint muttered from the far side of the bed, even if he knew there was every going to be a chance of phil not helping the captain. “I’m telling him you said that....Phil, Capsicle thinks your a okay guy. And you to, Barton.” what are you still doing up?”Clint frowned as he sat up, his dark hair sticking up every which way as he considered the man in front of them. “Stuff happened.Get dressed”tony said before returning to his his phone call, making a face. “We are. But don’t sound so shocked, I’m going to my lab, not nature.”Tony sulked a little smiling slightly as phil gushed. “Good. Withdrawal was a bitch the first time around, no doing it again.”James said roughly, looking annoyed as he looked at the other super soldier. “Don’t worry. I’ll come with the cleanup crew. I wont come in, but I’ll pick you guys up.”Tony promised smiling as he left to get ready.

When they arrived Tony made a face as he looked at clint and the others as they got ready to go in, twitching a little as he settled back into the SUV driver’s seat. “Don’t worry, they’ll be right out.”Clint said smiling slightly because he knew it bothered the billionaire to be regulated to sitting out whatever was happening inside. Tense as he stepped into the school, he looked around,”Captain?”He called out, because these two men, were definitely not people he wanted to startle.
Phil was up in seconds after hearing that, heading into the bathroom to wash his face free of sleep before Phil beamed, looking ever so delighted that Captain Rogers thought well of him. "oh don't lie Tony, you never even went to bed." Phil ordered, rolling his eyes as he yanked on a par of pants and a shirt, completely uncaring that he had been fully naked before that. what did he care if Tony saw him naked? Phil was usually naked when he was off duty. he sort of stripped down and then lounged, nude, in his and Clint's apartments. people learned very quickly to knock before they entered any room Phil was in when he was off duty. the man had absolutely no shame and would, in fact, answer the door naked if Clint wasn't there to stop him. Phil claimed it was an excellent deterrent and very comfortable to boot.

"it's okay Tony. considering the circumstances, i think they found one of Howard's Caches." Steve didn't know it, but Tony was well aware of Howard's sick experiments. sure Tony didn't know, really, about Howard's complete and total obsession with Steve, but he had his suspicions. this room was no worse than the one Tony had found underneath Rogers old apartment building, which had been condemned in the sixties. "Over here." Steve informed him, walking over on unsteady legs. Phil wanted to squeal until he saw how thin and pale Steve really was. he was still in really bad shape and the only reason he made it across the room was because James was helping him. "Captain Rogers! it' an honor to finally meet you! i watched you while you where sleeping!...." Steve blinked at him and Phil nearly choked. "i mean, i was present, when you where unconscious... oh hell..." Steve laughed and clapped the man on the shoulder, nearly falling over from the effort. "don't worry about it." Steve promised the flushed man. "you should have seen Tony when he first met me. he told me he had thirteen life size body doubles." Steve admitted with a chuckle making Phil sulk. "i know. he won't share." then he realized what he said and flushed harder and Steve started to snigger. oh he was enjoying this already. Phil on the other hand was more mortified then he'd ever been in his entire life.
“I did to. I laid on my couch in the lab for awhile.”Tony huffed a little snickering as he watched the two get ready. “I don’t know what disturbs me more. How many weapons Barton’s putting on, or the fact that I know both of you wander everywhere naked.”Tony said snickering as he watched the weapons go on the archer. Which included, pistol, knives, taser, backup pistol, brace of small throwing knives....a awful lot of weapons for a man who didn’t even have sleeves on his shirt. Which tony couldn’t decide if he should approve or be worried....and worry even more about him meeting barnes. This was going to be a match made in hell, he was sure of it. “For a weapons dealer playboy, you’re surprisingly squeamish.” “Shut up.”

“...Ah.Oh. Well.”Tony swallowed hard looking a little pale at the idea. “Hey, Cap.”Clint said looking at the two men, taking in the sight of the two, having been warned just how the soldier was, but being faced with the truth, it was a little hard to see. “....You watched while he slept?”James said, his voice coming out in a protective growl. “Don’t worry. Nothing but a fanboy trying to be the first person he saw when he woke up.”Clint said watching James, wincing a little at the even more annoyed protective growl, not realizing james was being protective and uptight because of what he’d seen in the journals, james feeling like he needed to make up for failing so badly to protect him. “....You should be lucky they’re not life sized sex dolls, and that he just uses them as fighting dummies for the suit.”Clint said snickering a little as he watched them. Jerking a thumb towards the door. “You better get going, otherwise the genius is going to jump right out of his skin and be in here soon. And I don’t think you want that.”
Phil rolled his eyes. "i don't believe you at all." he admitted simply before shrugging, accepting his gun, backup gun, tazer ad daggers, placing them expertly on his own person. "we do go naked a lot. it's more comfortable." Phil admitted with a smile. "plus people bother us less." he admitted, watching Clint. "i do wish you'd get some armor for those arms though." he admitted. "i know, i know. they interfere with your draw." Phil huffed before smiling as he straightened his tie. he was a bureaucrat, he had to look the part. "he's not all that Squeamish really." Phil admitted, straightening his shoulders before settling his sunglasses onto his face. "shall we?"

"hello Agent Barton." Steve stated with a smile. he didn't trust Clint as much as he did Tony, but he was sure that Clint wouldn't 'turn him in' as it where. "easy James." Steve soothed. "a lot of people watched me while i was sleeping. i was in a three day coma, someone had to be there when i woke up." Steve admitted. "he was just watching me so he could get help if anything went wrong. being frozen in ice and then thawed is not something people are used to dealing with after all." he admitted. "what's a sex doll? i mean, i think i can guess but... there aren't really are there?" Steve asked, looking rather mortified. "ah, yeah. come on James, before Tony comes in here." he ordered, urging the other for the doorway, cursing when his legs gave out, sulking. "i think your going to have to carry me Buck.."
“You should.I did.”Tony huffed a little before snickering. “Why is that?People don’t leave me alone when I get naked.”He sulked a little. “That’s cause you intend to have sex when you get naked.”He pointed out. “I can’t. It’d mess up my aim to.”clint sulked a little before studying Tony.”Okay, he’s not.”he looked amused before nodding. “Let’s.”

“....”james growled turning his head to look at Steve, looking annoyed at the thought that he’d been frozen, and revived, and then sent into battle right away, and still watched. “We’re going to help you take care of him, we don’t want to hurt him.”Clint promised watching the super soldier with a small smile, relaxing as James did. “And yes. There are dolls in existence, but I don’t think any of Tony’s are sex dolls. He gets laid without them.”clint snickered a little. James looking supicious as if he didn’t quite believe the man about the sex dolls, nodding tightly as he walked, yelping as steve slumped. “I got you.”James said picking him up, smirking a little. “I wish I could say this was the first time I had to carry you anywhere, but its not.” “Steve!”Tony’s eyes went wide and worried as he moved towards them, looking upset and worried.
Steve smiled at James. "don't worry. Clint would never let Phil molest me." he promised. "castration would be the least that Phil would have to worry about if he did that." he admitted with a chuckle. "Clint is very possessive." he admitted with a smile. "they're okay, Clint helps me hide from Shield all the time. he won't hurt me." he promised James before wrinkling his nose. "i'll have to talk to Tony about Copywrites and stuff." he decided before chuckling a little. "Tony does get laid a lot." he agreed with a grin before sulking. "i am well aware of how many times you've had to carry me James." more than Steve ever wanted to admit to, that was sure. "i'm fine Tony." Steve promised. "just walked too much, that's all." he promised the other with a weak little smile. "i can nap on the drive. Clint, Phil and Natasha are going to be coming later, right?" "wrong." Natasha admitted from her place in shotgun. "i'm going with you guys. i've been forcefully reassigned as Tony's bodyguard." "uhm. forcefully reassigned?" "yes. i forced and they obeyed." Natasha admitted. "i'm sick of taking orders from assholes with their own agendas." she admitted with a shake of her head. "i'd much rather be taking care of Tony."
“...Good.”James muttered. “Definitely would never let Phil molest you.”Clint promised looking amused even as he tilted his head. “Hiding you from shield amuses me. Watching Garret’s head nearly explode because of it is great.” “I know. You don’t get any lighter with time, small stuff.”James grumbled shifting his hold on the taller and broader man, because he’d called the man that when he was so much smaller. “Ah, okay.”Tony said calming a little before nodding. “They are. Well-”Tony paused as natasha answered for him. “Why do it make you sound like I can’t take care of myself?”Tony sulked looking across the seat at natasha in annoyance. “Because you can’t.Sorta like this punk,”James said as he opened the door and eased them both into the car. “...Natalia?”He muttereed looking at her.
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