Recovery (Avengers) Moon/Lady

“You made it your war. Our war. I just sorry we didn’t see it through.”James said making a face before nodding. “I might not know alot of things still, but I know how to make a safe house, Stevie.”James said making a face a little tilting his head a little. “...It is odd. Weird. Even....waking up....sometimes through it was...weird seeing the world changing around me.”James said, wincing, shying away from the memories of ice and blood, swallowing thickly before snorting. “Anthony Stark probably didn’t expect you to understand anything, so he didn’t bother to try. I met him once. As annoyingly intelligent as the older Stark.”He said making a face before sighing. “No. I don’t think they do. At least, anyone but Stark, and your partner....and maybe medical.”James frowned a little, wondering if it would upset steve to know tony’s the one who found him. He seemed....fond... Of the man. Which made the brunette jealous even if he wouldn’t look at those feelings. “Anthony noticed. He’s the one who found you. Was coming to drag you out for the day from all reports and...yea.”James said shrugging a little.
"yeah i guess i did huh?" he asked with a wrinkle of his nose. "it was really selfish of me i think." he admitted before grinning at the other. "yeah you where always the cautious one." he teased with a smile before nodding. "maybe i'll just live here for the rest of my life." he decided before smiling at the other. "wll at least i'm not the only one having issues." he muttered, leaning into the other. "Tony's smarter than Howard ever was." he admitted. "and a lot more moral too." he admitted before snorting. "when did you ever meet Tony?" he wondered before frowning. "Tony...." his breath hitched, upset. "Tony's the one who found me? Jesus fuck.... i need to call him or something before he frets himself to death." he muttered. "can i call him? i don't know how to use a cellphone, do you?" he asked, frowning. "can't call him here though, smart ass can track cell phones and regular phones and stuff..." he admitted. "one of us will have to go somewhere else and call him and then ditch the cameras.... maybe i'll write him a letter, that's a bit safer." he decided. it wasn't that he didn't want to see Tony, he just didn't want to face the world yet.
“It was a little. But it’s fine.”No it wasn’t, but james wasn’t about to make the other feel bad about it. “Yea, well, someone had to be cautious. Otherwise you’d get yourself killed.”James rolled his eyes a little before snickering. “We could totally live here the rest of our lives.”He said before tilting his head, thinking that over. “I’ll take your word for the little Stark, then.”James said before sighing looking away. Because those days after he’d killed Howard and Maria, had been the only time before now that hydra had lost control of their perfect weapon. The only time he’d ever messed up in not killing a mission right out, he’d caused a car accident by approaching them in the road, not realizing that the sudden appearance of a ghost out of his past-since he hadn’t know who howard was- would make howard swerve the car instead of stopping. After that, he’d been masked and muzzled for every mission he’d gone on. “...parents funeral.”He said flinching away from the memory before nodding. “Yea. Tony’s the one who found you.”He said before biting his lip, nodding. “You can...I’ve used a phone...but if you said he’s smarter, he probably can find it....”James frowned thinking about it, “...It would be safer, though given the postmark he could probably track it to....if you ask, would he ignore where you are?As long as you are safe?”James asked, willing to trust steve on what the younger stark would do.
"no it isn't." Steve huffed. "i hate it when you think lying to me will make me feel better." he grumbled before snorting. "are you getting all bent out of shape about the alley fights again?" he complained. "because we've talked about this, it was NOT my fault!" it was always Steve's fault. "we'll need a stove though." he admitted. "and food." he admitted with a smile. "the little Stark is a lot better." he admitted with a smile before blinking at the other. "Buck? are you okay?" he asked, a bit worried abut how the other was reacting. "you went to Howard's funeral?" he asked, baffled. "that's... god have you been awake all these years?" he wondered before hesitating. "i don't know." he admitted, frowning. "Tony's stubborn. he might come anyway..." he admitted, frowning. "lets wait a few days and then call him from... uh, Wal-mart or something." he decided. "he'll hut me down, if only because he's worried about me and blames himself. he does that a lot." he admitted with a sigh. "maybe you should just go kidnap him and bring him here blindfolded or something. that would cause a ton of issues of course... i don't know. i'm too tired to think straight." he admitted.
“I’ll always get bent out of shape over those fights. You said I was taking all the stupid with me. I wasn’t. You kept some for yourself.”James grumbled. “Besides, they were always your fault.”He muttered before shuddering a little, nodding tightly. “Yea. I’m okay.”He muttered, flinching around the eyes, tense as he pulled his hair back into a ponytail, simply to have something to do with his hands. “...I did. Needed to know why he hadn’t simply stopped the car. He’d swerved to not hit me. Didn’t know I was someone he knew. He was...just the mission.”James shuddered swallowing thickly, shaking his head a little. “Sometimes. Not all the time.”He said responding to the question of how lng he’d been awake before frowning. Nodding slightly. “Okay. We’ll wait.”He said staring down before thinking about it. “....I could bring him here. Make sure he has no tech, or way to figure out where he was, and return him after. If he cares for you like you think he does...he might leave it alone if you convince him you’re okay here with me. And that I’m helping, and not intending to kill you.”James said, well aware that shield had probably figured out by now that the soldier was the one who’d probably kidnapped steve."rest. we can decide later."
he snorted. "all the stupid grew out in your hair so you totally have more stupid than me." he stated simply. "i never have any stupid. just ask anyone." he ordered with a smile. "your not okay, but we don't have to talk about it." he promised. "and they where not my fault!" he complained before tensing, startled. "oh... oh i see..." he muttered, not sure how he felt about that. "you didn't know him?" he asked, confused. "...James... did they take your mind?" he asked looking upset again. "what did they do to you Jamie?" he wondered. "yeah, waiting sounds good, though kidnapping Tony sounds like a lot of fun." he admitted with a giggle. "it's Tony, James. you'd have to strip search him before you got all of it and even then you might not be able to find it all. i'm sure it would be fine once he realizes your not going to hurt anyone though." he admitted with a yawn, settling into the bed and going back to sleep.

"Tony. we have a hit." Natasha informed the man. "the man who kidnapped Steve... it's... well it's not good. he's called the Winter Soldier." she explained. "he's behind the deaths of hundreds of people. it's rumored he killed JFK, Robert F. Kennedy, and, well... your parents, actually." she admitted, handing him the files on the Winter Soldier. "he trained me, when i was in the Red Room. he came in and trained all of us but i was his favorite for some reason." she admitted. "he chose me personally and gave me advanced lessons. as sick as it is i think he's the only reason why i'm still alive." she admitted. "the strange thing is, i don't think he's killed Steve. i've never, ever heard of him kidnapping someone, if he wanted Steve dead, he would have killed him in the hospital..." she assured him. "i think Steve is still alive, and by now, he'll have gotten through the withdrawals, i think. he'll be trying to escape soon, we just have to keep our eyes and ears open."
“I do not.”James said making a face, before snorting. “Who’s the one who invaded austria on his own?Or volunteered to let a german scientist experiment on him? Or wanted to zipline onto a train? Or crashed a plane into the sea? That has stupid written all over it.”James said before swallowing hard, nodding tightly at the promise of not having to talk about it. Staring down before shaking his head. “I...I knew there was something about him. But...I didn’t know why....”James shuddered trembling a little at the memory of mind wipes and pain. “.....I was a amnesic when they first woke me....after. They used....a keep me there. To not question orders of remember who I’d been.”James shuddered at the thought before laughing a little. “only you would find kidnapping someone amusing.”He said rolling his eyes a little. “...I could totally get behind strip searching him. Maybe a cavity search. I mean, he’s cuter then howard. Nicer to.”James said smirking a little before nodding. “We’ll wait then.”he said looking amused, settling in to watch steve sleep.

“What?”Tony looked up startled, before tilting his head. “Really?I mean....they wrecked a car.”He frowned looking annoyed as he looked over the folder, tilting his head as she looked up at her. “He’s good? Better then steve then?”He said frowning reading over the files. “A suspected enhanced? A super soldier?”He frowned before frowning, looking worried at the idea, but nodding. “From this....yes. I think you’re right. Steve’s alive, otherwise the Soldier would have left him dead at the hospital...”he sighed sounding annoyed that he still hadn’t found the man. “...Any ideas where the soldier might take him?And why?”
he smirked a little. "i had to because you where taken captive, and i didn't let some German man experiment on me, i let my friend make me stronger. besides, that zipline was your idea and the Plane... well that was..." he looked away. "being suicidal didn't start in the new world i guess." he admitted. "a machine... fucking machines..." Steve hissed, eyes flashing, outraged that someone would hurt James. "i'll kil them Jamie. i'll kill every last one of those Hydra fuckers." he promised. "i won't let them get away with hurting you." it was the least he could do for abandoning James in the first place. "well it would be funny. and go for it, just promise to stop if he actually get's upset." he ordered. "it's Tony though, so he'd probably go for some nice sex." he admitted with a yawn. "i wouldn't mind, tapping that." he mumbled. "Tony smells nice. smells kinda, like you used to..." and with that he was asleep.

"really. video surveillance of the incident indicates that there was a man in the road." she admitted, handing him the video file of someone dropping down in front of the car on the abandoned back roads, the flare of headlights illuminating the face, a flash of Howard's horrified, terrified face as he twisted the wheel to avoid the 'ghost'. "from what i understand, he, the Winter Soldier, has had his face covered ever since then. he certainly never took the mask off that i can remember." she admitted. "not unless it was forcefully stripped away or removed by a handler. he never took it off himself." she admitted. "as for why the Soldier took Steve i... i just don't know." she admitted. "as for where? there are a few likely locations. all of them abandoned, but there's too many to just search. he'll go even deeper if he thinks we're zeroing in on his location." she admitted. "has Jarvis not found anything?" he had, actually. when James first settled into the abandoned school, a half dead silent alarm had gone off. it ended an hour later and none of the police had noticed because it was so old and dithered they just assumed it was a curious kid and never investigated. who the hell wanted to rob a school that was half collapsed? there certainly wasn't anything useful in it. so they'd ignored it, but Jarvis had not.
“...A friend who happened to be a german scientist who wanted to make you into his perfect experiment. I still havent forgiven you for this stupid shit, Rogers. I’m serious.”James grumbled though he was smiling a little. Swallowing thickly as he listened to steve, nodding slightly. “A machine yes....and don’t worry. I have every intention of killing them to, as soon as I get you on your feet.”James smiled slightly, before snorting. “Okay, I promise. No groping the idiot if he gets upset....”James said before frowning, looking a little annoyed that his stevie was expressing a desire for someone else. That was just wrong, even if James had been expressing a interest in tony, it was mostly joking. He wasn’t sure about steve’s, and that annoyed him greatly.

“Huh.”Tony frowned taking the file as he watched it, before frowning, backing it up to look again, looking at the headlights as they flashed up. Frowning, because he could almost remember it. “Huh. Wonder why. It hadn’t been a standard thing till this...”tony frowned curious trying to fit the pieces together, before nodding. “A silent alarm in brooklyn. I was planning on how to get in, and who to invite with me.”Tony muttered. “It’s steve’s old school, thought it might be worth looking-”He stopped. Pausing. “School...”he muttered already turning away from her and rushing for the door, heading for the cap room, totally focused on finding what he wanted. Holding the tablet with the winter soldier’s face on it, and holding up the picture he’d just found. “Look familiar?? I think I know why he was muzzled and masked.”
he smiled. "okay, yes. that's true, but look at me! i'm hunky now." he teased, pouting at the other a little. "you'll forgive me eventually." he admitted with a snicker before hesitating. really, he should tell James the truth, but he couldn't. the things he'd done for Howard even though he was supposed to be loyal to Bucky... he felt so guilty he had let Howard use him like that, just for a few hours of silence in his head. a few hours of blissful happiness without the weight of the world. he felt even worse because he felt ver attracted to Tony too, even though he was in love with and loyal to James and always would be. well, not Loyal enough apparently. "hmm. yeah, no groping Tony if he gets upset..." he mumbled. "we should totally have a threesome. you'd look real good with Tony on your dick." he mumbled, half asleep.

"i don't know." Nat admitted. "it almost looks as if Howard recognized him, but that can't be possible i don't think." she admitted. "a alarm?" Nat asked, looking curious. "if it's going to be anyone, it needs to be me. i might be able to get him to recognize me." she admitted. "if not, i'm the most capable of putting him down." she admitted. "Tony?" she asked, startled. "oh! yes. e does look familiar... who is this?" she asked, looking confused. unlike most kids, she had never grown up with stories of Captain America and his 'sidekick' Bucky Barnes and the Howling Commandos. "well. i'll let you make the call, you know Steve the best. do we go save him, or wait a bit?"
“You are.”James agreed before rolling his eyes. “I always do.”He agreed before sighing softly as the other settled in to sleep. “Hm, I would look amazing with him on my dick. Just sleep.”he ordered rolling his eyes a little settling in to sleep himself.

“Yea. It does.”Tony frowned a little before nodding. “Yea. A silent alarm, but the school building is so old they assumed it was kids going through it, and didn’t search it.”Tony shrugged a little before nodding.”Come with me then.”he said not about to let her go on her own before sighing quietly. “That’s a 22 year old steve rogers, and his best friend. James Barnes. If him and this...”He held up the tablet and picture side by side. “If they’re the same person, I think I know why the winter soldier wanted Steve and didn’t kill him.”he said before biting his lip. “We’ll wait a day. See if he comes out of his withdrawal enough to contact, if not. We’ll go to the school.”Tony decided frowning a little.
"a silent alarm. how surprising." she admitted. "who needs a silent alarm for an abandoned school? those weren't available in the fifties when it closed down." she admitted. "i'll go with you." she agreed, nodding. "we won't tell the others. they'll try to stop us." she admitted. "fuck. so this guy, Bucky Barnes, is as old as Steve is? that would make him ninety Tony. that's not possible." she pointed out. "not unless... unless..." she froze. "not unless he's a super soldier too... he was older than this when i last saw him, but he wasn't as old as he is now, so maybe he's aging at a much slower rate?" she wondered. "okay. if he is enough in his right mind, he might not try to kill us at all." she mumbled before smiling at him. "we'll get Steve back Tony even if we have to pry him from The winter soldiers cold dead fingers." she admitted.
“I don’t know. Really I don’t. Still trying to figure out who owns the place, but so far I’ve come up with nothing.”Tony shrugged a little before nodding. “Just us. It’ll be fun.”He said before nodding slightly. “he would be.”He said watching her face before looking at his parents death again, he felt sick but nodding. “he looks older here to. If it is him, he’s aging slower.”he agreed before frowning, thinking about it. Trying to remember what he knew about the man before his eyes widened. “One of steve’s first missions. Really, the first mission he was on overseas, was pulling Barnes out of a hydra camp. They assumed the experiments had failed since he never showed signs. But he’d never been like Steve, weaker and less then healthy. What if it didn’t show in such extremes, because there wasn’t as much wrong with him?”He said considering the thoughts before nodding. “Good. We’re goign to get him back.”he said relaxing at her promise, because he trusted her,and he trusted her to help him get steve back.
she nodded. "could be another one of those abandoned experiment locations from the war." she admitted. she had no idea how close to the truth she had really come. and yet, she was so very wrong. "yeah. fun. fighting enemies and getting shot at." she scoffed, looking amused before hesitating. "are you going to be okay Tony?" she asked, worried. "oh, so he really is a super-soldier... that really sucks." she admitted. "no wonder it was so hard to win when he was training me." she muttered. "come on, you need to go to bed. if we're launching a rescue mission tomorrow you need your rest." she admitted. "i'll even let you have a gun." it would be a non lethal one, but a gun nonetheless.

"So you'll go out today and kidnap him?" Steve asked, sipping on a cup of Coffee that James had brought him and eating a massive breakfast that James had cooked on a camp stove that was in the corner. "you know, i feel like we're kids again, planning a prank." he admitted with a chuckle. "i'm just glad the damn aches have stopped." he still had the niggling want, the desire, he would probably always have it, but so long as nothing really bad happened Steve was sure he could ignore it. he had James to turn to now. even if he hated that he couldn't say anything about what he had let Howard do to him. "hey Buck?" he asked suddenly, looking over at the other. "how in the hell DID you grab me in the first place?"
“Might be.”Tony agreed before snickering. “hey, I spend most of my days in lab or board meetings, getting shot out is definitely more entertaining then that.”Tony pointed out, shuddering a little, swallowing thickly. Because this thoughts about his parents....losing steve...yea, he was barely holding it together. “Yea, I’ll be fine.”He said before nodding. “I think so, yes. Would make sense if it really is Barnes as the soldier.”Tny said before frowning as he was bullied into heading for bed again. “You’ll let me have a gun?No one lets me have weapons...”he muttered starting to crash, now that he wasn’t as excited, he was feeling tired.

“Yea, I’ll go. As soon as I eat.”James said as he ate, because it was truly a obscene amount of food that him and steve were putting away before snickering. “I was thinking more like planning those few insane missions with the other commandos. We were insane.”He snorted amused before nodding. “Me to. That was brutal.”James said looking the other over before wincing, shrugging a little. He knew steve would probably be mad, but he’d managed to do it. “Yor people aren’t well trained. And weren’t expecting someone to come after you. Two guards, wasn’t enough to keep me from walking in and out with you. After that....well...hydra has their own people nearby. Getting some of the shield nurses to help me get you out was easy....of course, they were unhappy to realize that I had no intention of turning you over to my handlers, but that was easily taken care of.”he shrugged a littel.
"that's kind of messed up Tony." Nat admitted with a chuckle. "being shot at sucks balls." she admitted. "you'll be fine once you get Steve back you mean." she admitted. "i hope it's Barnes." she admitted. "because if it isn't then he's probably in Hydra's hands right now and i wouldn't wish that on anyone." she admitted, shaking her head. "yes Tony, i'll let you have a weapon. but you can't play with it, ever." she ordered firmly, watching hi sleep for a little while, feeling her heart breaking for the man who never caught a break.

Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "we really where." he agreed. "remember when we all dressed up as women and pretended to be really ugly prostitutes?" he asked with a grin. "we where able to right into the heart of Hydra with those get-ups. you made a sexy girl too, though not nearly as nice as Gabby looked." he teased, snickering. "...what the hell do you mean my people?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "those are NOT my people. they are fuckers who think they can tell me what to do and i play along until they piss me off." he stated simply before rage flooded his eyes. "so Hydra has infiltrated Shield. excellent, just the excuse i needed to cut ties with them." he admitted before smiling at James. "thanks for grabbing me. i'd hate to imagine what would have happened if Shield, or worse, Hydra had gotten more control over me." he admitted. "anyway, i'm going to take another nap. i'm still weak as a freaking kitten." he admitted once he'd scraped the last bit of food off of his plate.
“It is,but it’s the truth.”Tony said before shrugging. “Only cause you’re not in a suit. Being sot in iron man, doesn’t really matter. Though it’s sorta annoying, it sounds like rain hitting the roof.”Tony said making a face before nodding. “Let’s hope...and awww....”He pouted a little at the idea of not playing even as he settled in to sleep.

“Oh god, that was horrible. And speak for yourself, I made a awesomely pretty prostitute.”James snickered a little. “And no one looked as good as Gabby did.”he snickered a little. “Though you made a fairly good girl.”he said smiling before tilting his head. “maybe, but you care about Stark. He’s become one of your people.”James said watching him before nodding. “Shield’s always been part of hydra.”He shrugged a little before nodding. “Nap.I’ll be back.”He said watching him sleep for a moment before leaving. Heading for the walmart a ways over he settled in to wait for his phoen call to go through.

“Natasha?Weird call coming through. Want to listen?”Tony said having kept the phone ringing long enough so that he could get the assassin, leaning back in his seat, wondering, hoping that it was steve on the other end of the call, even as he answered. “Steve?” “Try again, genius.”James said, his voice raspy from overuse after so many years of barely talking at all.
Steve snickered a little and shook his head. "at least you didn't have to bend over." he teased with a snicker. "those assholes totally freaked out when they realized Gabby had a cock." he admitted with a snigger before flushing a little. "i always looked god in a dress." he admitted with a grin. "made a better girl when i was younger though." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head before scowling. "huh. i wonder how many people know?" he mused. "i should tell someone at some point." he decided. "later maybe. night Bucky."

"yes i do." Natasha decided before swallowing thickly at the oh so familiar voice. "Winter?" she asked him. "is that really you? it's Natalia. Natalia Romanoff. you trained me." she explained. "Listen, i know that this must be hard for you, but Steve is a good friend of ours. of mine. please, don't give him to Hydra." she pleaded. "can you, would you be willing to come to us? we can help you Winter." she pleaded. "we can help you James. just tell us where you are. please... don't take Steve from us. please..." that had sometimes worked, when he was training her she'd let her voice go to a soft whisper filled with distress while she asked for just a little while to do Ballet. she wasn't supposed to, but sometime he let her, watching with cold disinterest as she danced.
“Very true.”James snickered a little at the memory, before nodding. “You did. Skinner then.”james said shifting a little, memories of steve as a girl crashing into him. Because that was one of the moments, one of the first ones, that he’d realized just how attractive he was. “No idea. You might have to.”James said sleeping himself.

“...Yes.”James said slowly, “...Natalia....”he said in that slow recognition that said he was still working on the memories, that they were there, just not completely clear to him. “Don’t please. He matters to us.”Tony said pleading himself, listening to the soldier’s breathing. “....Steve wants to see you. If you promise to not try and take him away. Or to turn us in. You will be ‘kidnapped’ and taken to the place where he is. I will not let you endanger him more then you already have.” “Endanger?We didn’t do anything to him!” “You failed to save him. That is on you.”James said shortly. “I know you’re tracing the call, meet me here, in 20 minutes, or I will leave without you.”
"Steve wants to see Tony you mean." Natasha corrected, voice barely a whisper but she knew James heard her. she was upset of course, knowing that she had never managed to get closer than casual annoyance to Steve. she hated to admit it, but it kind of hurt that no matter what she tried, he always held her at arms length, or further away. "no James." Natasha said sternly. "How do you expect a man whose been so abused he doesn't even know his own emotions to spot depression?" she demanded. "if it's anyone's fault it's mine, not Tony's." Natasha admitted before hesitating. "Me too or just Tony?" she finally demanded. "if it's just Tony, i want you to swear he will be safe and returned in the exact same state as when he went in." she ordered. she knew that as soon as Winter made the promise, it would be kept. so, she let Tony go alone, if only because permission or not, Steve wouldn't want her there. "be careful Tony and do not aggravate the Soldier." she ordered, handing him a tazer. "he will likely remove this, but i don't want you going in unarmed if your jumped." she admitted. "this is a special. it has twelve special prongs that launch separately just like a normal gun. they will release an intense electrical discharge once it hits, it should instantly drop anyone who tries to nab you. aim, fire, and then turn to the next threat." she ordered. "i'll be right behind you, but i won't follow you to Steve. your the only person Steve likes and i don't..." she didn't want to be the reason Steve wouldn't come back.
“....Yes. But I think he has bonded with people. Even if he finds them annoyances.”James asid simply, because he knew her as well as he knew steve, maybe better these days. Because while he had a instinctive knowledge of how to deal with steve, of knowing the man, Natalia was better, more recent, the sound of her voice pulling the knowledge out of the wasteland that was his memory. “....You always were scolding me.”James said sounding vaguely amused, but not responding to the use of his real name, even if it surprised him she’d remembered it. “....Tony.”he said before sighing quietly. “I promise, I will return the genius in the same condition he arrives in. Cap’d be very annoyed with me if he wasn’t.”James said simply before hanging up. “....I wont.I’ll try not to.”Tony corrected, because he knew he aggreviated everyone eventually.”okay.....and he likes you. I think. I just....annoy him less. Let’s go then.”Tony said nervous and upset as he headed for the walmart, frowning slightly as he raised his phone to talk to Natasha as he walked in, looking around for the soldier. “You notice something about this?We’re a few blocks from that school.”Tony muttered into the phone, nearly jumping out of his skin as he felt a arm settling over his shoulder, as if he was the shorter person in a couple walking, whining quietly as he found himself pinned. “Behave genius.”James ordered glancing over his shoulder, smirking at natasha, offering her a brief careless wave as they headed abck for the school after he took care of blindfolding the genius when they hit the parking lot.
"well you need to be scolded you crusty old man." she huffed before nodding. "agreed." she sighed a little before relaxing at the promise. "you'll do fine, just don't openly antagonize him." she ordered. "Steve likes you, he'll cut you some slack if only because Steve likes you." she promised him. "we are just a few blocks away from the school." Natasha agreed before tensing when she saw the arm go around Tony's shoulder. "James, if you can hear me, Nod." she ordered into the phone that Tony hadn't turned off yet. "be careful with Tony. okay? he has a... well i call it a submissive complex." she admitted. "just... be careful with him, he's fragile, and not just physically." and with that she turned the phone off and watched them leave. she would stay right there and wait for Tony to come back, she wanted to follow, but Tony needed to do this one alone. Steve was sitting up when Tony came in and Steve smiled a little. "you really did kidnap him!" he crowed, delighted. "this is kind of fun. hey Tony." Steve stated, smiling at him. "you searched him right? i don't want those Shield bastards in here." he admitted, scowling. he still wasn't over the fact that Shield had caused him so many problems. it was not Natasha he had hated, simply her role as his 'babysitter'. he hated Shield so much, the way the threw him into a room and told him to 'learn how to do this' without any real instructions. it had gotten so bad he was actually scared of technology now. Tony had started fixing that though.
“Okay.I’ll try.”Tony said still worried about antagonizing the soldier, even if he knew he’d try not to. James turned his head at the sound of her words, nodding slightly, even as he plucked the phone out of the genius’ hands.”I’m always careful. I’ll treat him like, Stevie.”He promised even if the man wasn’t truly aware of what he’d said, what he’d admitted to. That he was james barnes. Confirming what tony had thought even as he hung up. “Steve!”Tony pulled away, even without waiting for the man to take off the blindfold, stumbling and triping his way to steve’s side, pulling off his blindfold as he looked the super soldier anxiously. “You said I could. It was fun.”James agreed amused. “Hey.”Tony muttered anxiously, watching him. “I did. Don’t worry, the only tech he has on him is the homing bracelet for his suit, and his cell phone, which he promises shield can’t track either.”james aid, and he trusted tony, because steve trusted tony."Also. You've upset Natalia."He mused as he settled into his chair. "Are you okay?"Tony said anxiously, actually ignoring the legendary assassin at his back for the mometn/
"Make sure you do James or i'll kill you." she warned before watching them leave, sighing a little. so, he really was James Barnes. how... weird. "Hey Tony." Steve chirped, smiling affectionately at him. "you okay?" he asked, amused at the man. "i bet it was fun." Steve teased James before relaxing at the promise that Shield wouldn't be busting down on them. "you let him keep the suit?" Steve asked, looking surprised at James before shrugging. he knew Tony wouldn't attack them. "i upset Natasha? nonsense. she doesn't have emotions." Steve huffed, rather bitterly. which spoke of a miscommunication somewhere. Steve didn't like her for a personal reason, whatever that reason was it could probably be worked through. "i'm okay now... i was... i" he sighed and gently took Tony's hand. "i'm sorry you had to see that." he admitted. "i won't do it again, i swear." he had a purpose to live now. James was, and always would be, his everything after all. "seriously Tony, are you okay? you look like hell."
"I'm fine."Tony huffed. "It was. Though I could have done without the talking. is he really incapable of shutting up?"james said sounding more amused then upset at having been chattered at. "Said only way I was getting those bracelets off was if I Cut off his hand. I didn't think you'd appreciate me going to such extremes." "Yea. I've redone the bracelets in adandaminium once they were on they're not coming off ever."tony said making a face because he never wanted to be helpless ever again." did."james said studying steve. "Indeed. She Was nearly as upset as me that she'd missed you doing this."Tony said looking upset frowning at the other looking upset and worried. A mad genius on his at strands of sanity from worry."I'm fine."he scowled a little
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