Recovery (Avengers) Moon/Lady

"Tony talks when he gets scared, nervous or upset." Steve admitted. "you get used to it, i kind of like it. it's soothing." he admitted before snorting a little at Tony. "seriously Tony?" he asked. "well at least you didn't put tiny robots inside you like you where planning." he huffed, shaking his head. so Steve DID pay attention to Tony's incessant babbling when Steve came to visit at the tower. "i'm sure i didn't. what's there to hurt? she doesn't really care about me James and you shouldn't be taken in by her act." he said, rolling his eyes, unaware that James knew her better than anyone. when Tony spoke up though, he actually hesitated. because he knew Tony DID know Natasha. "was she really upset?" he asked, scowling. "i don't get why. she only hung around me because she was ordered to keep me under control anyway." he grumbled. "can't let Shields weapon get too independent after all." well fuck, no wonder Steve had such issues with Nat and Shield. "your not fine. come here." he ordered, holding his arms out. he'd done this for Tony before, just held him while the other cried or slept or babbled.
“It’s like talking to a squirrel.” “I’m better then a squrriel!”Tony huffed looking annoyed before shrugging. “I might still do that. But I wanted to try this first....besides. You don’t go anywhere....well. Almost anywhere unarmed. Why should I have to?”He sulked a little smiling, utterly pleased that the other had indeed been listening. “She does.”James said simply. “She was. Truly. She was upset she’d missed something, that you hadn’t felt okay talking to her.”Tony sighed softly, before sighing. “What?No. She’s...closed off. And okay, I know she can be mission oriented, but she cares about people. Certain people anyways. She has to like you. And she’s worried about you.”Tony said frowning a little, whining quietly, squirming over as he snuggled into the other’s arms, shifting to get comfortable, ignoring james as the man watched them."I'm perfectly fine."
Steve snickered a little and shook his head. "he's more like a rabbit." Steve admitted with a smirk. "cute, fluffy and harmless but with the libido of a incubus." he teased with a chuckle. "and i do to go unarmed. apparently i'm 'not stable enough for a weapon'. they even lock up my Shield!" Steve growled, scowling very, very unhappily. he hated, hated so very, very much that they kept his shield as a way to control him. he let them do it because he didn't feel like putting them in their place, too high and too depressed. he would be setting them right soon enough. once he'd recovered and felt like it. "well. i'll talk to hr later then." he conceded, only because both Tony and James seamed to think he aught to. "you are not. you haven't slept in days i can tell just by looking at you. you haven't eaten either." he growled, carefully pulling the blankets up around Tony. "i wish you would take better care of yourself. James! come snuggle with us." Steve ordered. "i don't have the strength t stay sitting up on my own yet." let alone with a tony in his lap, plus he didn't like the idea of snuggling another man right in front of James. he felt bad enough as it was.
“...I am not fluffy or harmless!” “He’s not protesting cute.” “I am endearingly cute, and amazing. And very,very dangerous with a libido that would kill normal men.”Tony huffed making a face before pausing, staring at steve. He hadn’t realized they’d taken the shield. Lookiing upset as he considered that. “Did you tell me that?I could have gotten it back...”He said looking upset that he’d might have simply ignored that when the other told him. “I have to. Natasha made me sleep. And eat.”he muttered though it had definitely not been enough of either, huffing, whining a little as the other tucked him in. “Do I look like I want to snuggle with a stark?”James sulked a little even as he moved over and settled into the bed with them, sighing quietly as he held them both. While jealous that steve was looking after tony, it wasn't because he remembered what they had, but because he was jealous that steve wnated tony and not him.
he smirked. "a rabid bunny then. or maybe a kitten." he decided with a snigger. "Tony i hate to tell you this, but some of those things aren't supposed to be good things." he teased with a smile before shaking his head. "no i didn't tell you." he admitted. "i guess it never occurred to me that you could help. i just thought you where some rich kid living in a tower." he admitted with a smile before looking startled at the idea of Natasha being close enough to Tony to actually make him eat and sleep. it took Steve hours to pull Tony away from his science sometimes. "yes, you do look like you want to snuggle in with us." Steve teased, smiling at James, leaning back into him with a sigh. closing his eyes and luxuriating in having both the people he loved most in this world close, safe, alive. he sighed, closed his eyes and went to sleep, too tired to stay awake even if he wasn't sure leaving Tony and James alone to talk was a good idea. who knew what they would come up with!
“I could be a kitten.”Tony agreed before huffing a little. “I told you, I’m not a overly good person. So it makes sense I’m not all good things.”he huffed a little settling in close to steve with a quiet sigh. “...I am a rich kid in a tower, but I could have helped. I’ll get you toys when I go home.”Tony decided, settling in to snuggle and relax. “I do not.”James said rolling his eyes a little as both men settled down to sleep. Hurs later stirring when steve did, the soldier sighed quietly. “We better send him home.”He muttered loking down at the dozing billionaire, amused that he’d trusted them enough to actually sleep.
Steve chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "that's true. no one is all good things after all." he agreed. he himself, was a good example of that. "okay Tony." he hated the idea of Tony going back alone. but Tony couldn't stay and he couldn't stand the thought of going out into the world just yet. "we should. but he needs to wake up first. sending him off while still asleep will freak him out." he admitted. "he said something about bad head-space and being abandoned last time it happened but i couldn't make heads or tails of it." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "i'm kind of surprised he's asleep. h trusts me enough for it but i was pretty sure he was terrified of you." he admitted, stroking Tony's soft hair. "hey. Tony. time to wake up." Steve ordered softly. "Pepper is probably having a heart attack by now. you have to go home Tony." Steve urged, gently maneuvering Tony so he wouldn't bust his head on Steve's jaw if he came awake in a panic.
“You’ll see him again, you know. You’re not leaving him totally alone. We’re just not leaving here yet.”James muttered sighing softly, before wincing. “Ah. Well wake him then.”He muttered before frowning, “Probably bad things happened when he was moved while asleep. Bad memories.”James shrugged before frowning slightly. “...Well. He’s been exhausted for days he said. And he might be terrified of me, but he trusts you. Must think you wont let me harm him.”James said smiling slightly, wincing as the other jerked awake, hand going out as if he had the suit on, panting as he jerked up, panicked, for a moment nearly calling the suit before slumping, relaxing. “....Steve?”He said quietly, swallowing quietly.
he nodded. "i know. but i do kind of feel like i'm abandoning him a bit." he admitted. "then again i did just try to kill myself so i don't know why this is worse than that." he admitted, shaking his head. "i am waking him." he said with a shake of his head before cringing. "yeah i didn't think about that." he admitted, shaking his head. "he has been. he doesn't sleep when he's worried. he probably hasn't slept properly in weeks from the look of him." he admitted with a sigh before smiling at James. "you think so? fat lot of good i am to protect him when i'm asleep." he admitted with a chuckle before watching Tony react. "yeah Tony, it's me. you ust fell asleep, it's okay. take a few breaths and calm down a little bit." Steve suggested. "are you feeling better?" he asked once Tony had settled again. "you should probably go home Tony. Pepper's probably freaking out." he pointed out. "you won't tell anyone where we are, right Tony?" Steve asked, well aware that Tony and Natasha knew where they where holed up. "i can't deal with things right now. the world... i just want to hide for a while, is that okay?" ever since he'd woken up, Steve had never once been left alone to handle things. not to grieve, not to adjust, hell he couldn't even take a shit on his own. he just wanted a chance to settle himself, come to terms with what had happened. accept everything he had lost and start to understand the world he was now in on his own terms, instead of being shoved into a room, or forced to handle something.
“You’re not abandoning him. You’re taking care of himself. And considering he’s the one who found you, I think he better then the others, would understand you taking time to get your head straight.”James muttered before nodding a little. “Probably not. He looks like he could sleep for weeks.”He muttered. “...Okay...I’m okay....”Tony said calming at the sound of the other’s voice, swallowing thickly, looking around, flinching a little at the sight of james so close, as if he’d been afraid of offending the other simply by getting near steve. It hadn’t been common knowledge among the rest of the world, but all of the commandos had been aware that they better ask permission before simply entering the command tent, otherwise you might have been treated to the sight of the captain and his second in command getting it on. So tony knew, even if james didn’t. “....Yea...probably. Natasha to.”Tony muttered not wanting to leave though before tilting his head, studying the other before nodding. “I wont. You promise to take care of him?”He asked, demanding looking at james. “I do. And I’ll even stay in touch.Make sure you guys talk. You’ll feel better for that.”James said studying the two of them, tilting his head slightly.
"your right." he agreed, stroking Tony's oh so soft hair again. "he is the one who found me, that's why i'm worried." he admitted before smiling a little. "oh he always looks like that though. he has a bad case of insomnia." he admitted. "he's always up days in a row tinkering with things before finally collapsing." he admitted. "i hate waking him." but it had to be done. "did you have a nightmare Tony?" he asked the brilliant mind. " really like Natasha huh?" Steve asked him. "tell her i'm fine and that i'm sorry i worried her, okay?" might as well mend a few bridges, since James seamed to think he should. "thank you Tony." Steve breathed, body sagging in relief. he just wanted a chance to relax. to process. to be okay again. "i'm sure James can kidnap you again." Steve agreed with a smile. "not every day of course, since you tend to get lost in your lab, but you could come and visit again." he admitted with a smile, leaning into James still because he was warm and comfortable and perfect. "are you gonna blindfold him again? you do know he knows exactly where we are right?" he asked, looking amused.
“Hm, he’ll be okay Stevie.”he muttered a little, looking worried though. “...Really?That’s nearly as bad as you. You both need babysat.”James huffed a little. “ wasn’t anything. Just normal stuff.”Tony muttered rubbing a hand over his face before nodding. “I do. She takes care of me. And doesn’t yell when I babble at her endlessly.”Tony muttered before nodding, “I will.”He promised. “...I can.”James said looking amused. “Yea, I do have to get some lab time in, but I’ll come visit.”Tony said looking pleased as he perked up at the idea of coming to visit as he got up, looking amused when james didn’t move just yet. “...I know, but he offered the most interesting ideas to me when I blindfolded him. Makes me wanna keep him blinded really.”James mused.
"hey! i don't sleep because i don't need it!" he protested. which was totally not true. he didn't need as much sleep. he still needed about four hours, six if he was really tired. but he'd skip days because he hated his dreams. working to exhaustion until he couldn't work anymore, sleeping fitfully before doing it again. "well. she does seam patient." Steve agreed with a smile, looking at Tony. "see if you can't get my shield back would you?" he asked. "tell Fury im pretty pissed off at him if he raises a fuss and that if he ever wants me to come back, he'll stop treating me like a prisoner." he decided. "he'll want to question you anyway." he admitted. "turn it around on him. demand to know why he didn't realize i was getting drugs if he was watching me so closely. demand to know what he thought he was doing, locking me up like an animal. keeping me under control like some sort of sick pet or a weapon." so, that was why Steve hated Shield so much, if that was how he thought of things. "keep him off balance best as you can and he'll back off pretty damn quick." he admitted with a smile before snorting at James. "interesting ideas? you'll have to tell me later." he teased before smirking at Tony. "go play with your toys, handle Fury, tell Nat i'm sorry. i'm going to be here, probably sleeping." Steve admitted. "i fucked myself up pretty bad..." he admitted with a sigh.
“You do need it. You’re just a stubborn ass and refuse to admit you do.”James huffed a little making a face at the other man. “She is. At least with me.”Tony said smiling a little, shrugging before nodding eagerly. “I’ll get the shield back. It belongs to me. Well. You. But me to.”Tony said ignoring the lok he was getting from james, nodding. “I’ll let him know he doesn’t have the right to keep a national icon in a cage for his own perverted pleasure.”Tony said. “...Yea. Lots of them. And is he always like this?”He said looking bemused at the logic of tony’s words, amused because the billionaire really did seem quiet amused and happy with his idea that shield’s director was a perverted perv who perved. “Sleep well, Capsicle.”Tony said grinning, kissing his forehead before allowing james to take him out.

“You know, you don’t have to look so worried.”Tony said smiling a little as he walked into the walmart, finding his partner soon enough, looking at the woman in amusement, amused because james had left right away to go back to the other super soldier.
he huffed. "i sleep as much as i need to!" he grumbled before shaking his head. "she was never all that patient with me." he admitted. which wasn't entirely true, it just felt like impatience because she was always so frustrated that he wouldn't even TRY, never realizing that others where literally forcing him when she wasn't around. "it's duel owned. contract says so." Steve admitted. "i don't have my half any more, i think Ho..." he cleared his throat. "Howard kept it." he admitted before snorting. "okay Tony, you tell him that." he agreed. after all, the dictionary definition was that 'Perversion is a type of human behavior that deviates from that which is understood to be orthodox or normal.' and holding a person hostage, tormenting them with tech and holding their most prized possessions in order to emotionally blackmail said victim certainly fit that bill. "G'night Rusty." Steve agreed, knowing Tony was going to spit and sputter in protest.

"god! Tony it's been HOURS!" Natasha hissed. "Fury found out that you went off on your own and he's pissed at me for letting you!" she growled, very, very annoyed. "your handling him! your the only one who can ever talk sense into his fucking half blind ass." she growled before smiling at him. "is he okay?" she asked, wondering how Steve really was.
“No you don’t.”James said refusing to be ruffled and argue about it. “...really?Huh. Well, you guys need to work on it. You’re both important to me.”tony said worried about them both now, before frowning, staring at steve, curious about that half answer even as James focused and stared harder. The two definitely wanted to ask, but they both had their own issues with howard, so they wouldn’t push just yet. “And I will. Totally.”Tony grinned snickering a little, before sputtering as he left. “rusty?!Rusty?!” “Oh, shush rust bucket.”James muttered.

“Sorry. Went to sleep. Apparently Cap thinks I look as bad as you think I do. Demanded sleep time.”Tony grumbled before rolling his eyes. “Fury’s always pissed off. And I don’t want to talk sense at him. I have awesome toys to make and...oh!Yes. Nevermind. I do have to talk to Fury.”he said before smiling back, nodding. “he is. Though I’m sure he’s quite disappointed he can’t have sex yet, so maybe not as well as he could be.”
Steve sighed. "whatever." he grumbled. he didn't want to get along with Natasha but he'd do it, if only to make Tony happy. "thanks Tony. give him hell for me." he agreed with a smile before settling into bed, chuckling at the two. glad they where getting along.

"...well as long as you got some sleep." she decided with a smile before snorting a little at his sudden change in decision. "Fury's about to get his ass chewed isn't he?" she asked, looking rather delighted before looking confused at him. "Sex? are you trying to seduce him or something?" she wondered. she didn't know that James and Steve had been lovers. she followed him back to the tower where Fury was waiting. "and where the fuck have you been Mister Stark!?" Fury demanded. "do you think this is some kind of joke?" Fury demanded before pausing, catching the expression on Tony's face and immediately pulled in defensively. clearly he was about to be told something he didn't want to be told.
“I did.”Tony promised before smirking a little. “A ass chewing, know. General things that Fury needs to hear everyone once in awhile. Besides, James scares the living hell out of me. I have every intention of pointing him at another target besides me and my liking of his blindfold.”Tony said making a face before snickering. “No, not me.”Tony said flushing a little, cause he would totally seduce steve, if he didn’t think James would kill him in his sleep. Looking at fury he paused, tilting his head a little. “It is quite a joke really. I mean, what kind of master spy meets me in walmart, and walks me out blindfolded?”Tony wrinkled his nose a little, making a face at natasha. “You should talk to him about that sometime. He needs better planning.”He decided before looking at Fury. “And as to where I’ve been, I’ve been discussing dangerous things and toys with someone who’s very unhappy with Shield at the moment. And you need to learn to keep your hands off things that don’t belong to you. Return the shield, Fury. Along with keeping your hands to yourself, Rogers is moving in here when he returns, if he returns."
she smirked a little. "awesome." she agreed, nodding. "James scares me too. he always has." she admitted. "and i would rather have James pissed at Fury too." she admitted before blinking at him. "you mean... him and James?!" she asked, stunned before pondering. "that would certainly explain some things." she admitted before watching from the doorway. "and just what the hell is that supposed to mean!?" Fury demanded, swelling with rage. "i am well aware that you where extracted from the local Wal-mart! no doubt taken where Captain Rogers is and..." he paused, looking startled before scowling. "Captain Rogers is MY asset Stark, he is MY priority! that Shield does not belong to you and if you want it back you'll have to go through Captain Rogers." "Rogers doesn't have it." Natasha spoke suddenly. "i was told he wasn't allowed to have it." "who the fuck told you that!?" Fury demanded before pausing. "oh hell... IF he returns?!" Fury demanded, staring at Tony. "what do you mean, IF he returns?!"
“I think we’ll all sleep better if James is pissed at fury and not us.”Tony shuddered a little before laughing at the other’s words. “Explain what?And yes. Apparently it wasn’t common knowledge to teh world, but among the commandos it was. Dad told me when I asked about some of the pictures he had.”Tony shrugged a little before smirking. “It means that playing spy games is totally not what I wanted to do with my day.”Tony made a face before nodding. “...It doesn’t belong to me, but I am one of the favorite people of it’s owner, who wants his stuff back. So I told him I’d get him his shield back.”Tony shrugged before snickering, “Yes, if. And it’s not Rogers you have to bribe into returning, though that’s going to be difficult enough. Convincing tall, dark, and dangerous that steve should be anywhere near the mess that is shield, is another thing. And I got the sense he wasn’t happy with anything going on here.”Tony said, avoiding telling fury exactly who james was for the moment, not because the man shouldn’t know, but because Tony was enjoying jerking his chain.
she smiled at him a little. "well, when i was a little older, i tried to seduce him. you know, just to see if i could and it failed." she admitted. "and he was always looking at people, i ever realized why until now." she admitted with a smile before pausing, staring at Tony. "...why does Howard have pornographic pictures of Steve and James?" she wondered before watching Fury. "i don't understand. Captain Rogers was assigned as suicidal for the first week he was back so his things where kept from him, but once he was stable, i ordered that everything was to be returned." "well someone clearly ignored those orders because all Steve has is the shit i managed to get for him." Natasha informed him. "i was instructed, right within earshot of Steve that i was to contain him, control him, and assimilate him. i nearly gutted the agent who assigned me that task." Natasha stated, eyes as cold as ice. "and who the hell gave that order!?" Fury demanded, Natasha's eyes narrowing at him. "Garret. Agent Garret." she finally admitted. " in other-words, somewhere down the line, someone fucked up and now Captain Rogers feels as if he has been betrayed, controlled and now he has been kidnapped by an unknown enemy and is actively choosing to stay with the threat?!"
“....Yea. That explains it. For as long as he’s been alive, I doubt he’s ever really looked at anyone but Steve really.”Tony muttered before wincing, shrugging a little. “I don’t know, I just know he had them. Though it’s not really porn, it’s them kissing, and definitely a picture that had been taken without their knowledge.”Tony said before looking at fury, frowning slightly. “Well, someone’s definitely not listening. He’s upset, and he has a phobia of tech from being forced to try to work it, that I was afraid he was going to have a breakdown from simply walking in the lab.”Tony said shrugging, because there was something he wanted to as James and Steve before he brought it up, but it just occurred to him. How the fuck had james gotten steve out without help? It was something that needed looked into, and worried him because if a assassin had gotten in....just how compromised was everything? “Not unknown. It’s the winter soldier, who has every reason to seriously dislike us all.”Tony hummed a little, smirking slightly. “Well. Not all of us, But I wouldn’t trust Steve stopping him from expressing a opinion on Cap’s treatment.”he hummed thinking about it a little, smirking, knowing he was going to shock Fury, but he enjoyed surprising the super spy sometimes. Pulling up both pictures he smirked. “The Soldier is James Barnes.”
She nodded. "i wouldn't doubt it." she agreed before frowning a little. "so he was perving?" she asked, shaking her head before watching Fury who flew into a rage at the idea that Steve had been mistreated while under his care. Natasha and Maria where supposed to be the only ones who had contact with Steve unless Steve himself initiated the contact! what the fuck was going on in Shield?! "you tell Mr. Rogers i'm sorry." Fury ordered once he'd calmed himself down. "i will have ALL of his things returned to him. we removed everything from the museum and replaced them all with well created copies." he admitted. "Phil was ecstatic." he said, rolling his eyes. "i had to kick him out because he kept touching things." he admitted, knowing it would make Tony laugh. "why the fuck is the Winter Soldier interested in Rogers?!" he demanded, actual fear in his voice. he could only think of one reason why and he didn't like the idea at all. he only relaxed when he realized that it was Steve's lover. "thank fucking God, i was worried you'd lost your damn mind." Fury admitted. "as long as he's safe." he decided with a sigh. "if he returns. he will be relocated here." he agreed. "clearly, Shield cannot be trusted with his well being." Fury decided, his eyes glinting with a promise to do damage to whoever had made that statement so true. "If, for whatever reason, Steve decides to live in a new apartment or move to his old one, Shield will not become involved." he decided. "he's yours now. probably for the best. Captain America shouldn't be tied up in politics."
"Yea probably. I wouldn't put it past howard.Btony muttered making a face. Eyes wide as he watched fury rage he smiled a little. Well. At least he wouldn't have to worry about fighting fury every step of the way to take care of steve."I will. And if you bring his stuff here, I'll make sure it gets to him."Tony said with a slight smile Before laughing outloud."Agent is such a fanboy."he said grinning a little at the idea."no I haven't lost my mind, though him getting in and out so easily with a near comatose man makes you wonder if he's that good, or if he had help."Tony said making a face at the idea."no shield can't be trusted. But James' can be. Me to. And natasha....and our team. We'll take care of him."tony said as he realized that despite not formally forming a team, the five of them and coulson had formed a team of their cap shouldn't have to do politics but he probably will. There'll be fallout from his disappearing act and what he does when he comes back."
Fury nodded. "i'll see to it that it's done." Fury agreed. he hated not being in control, absolutely hated it, but he knew Steve needed to be where he felt safe and Tony was safe for Steve. so he'd bring Steve's things here and hope Steve actually came back. "he is a bit of a fanboy. it took my every effort to keep him away from Captain Rogers while he was supposed to be recuperating." Fury admitted. "kind of wish i hadn't kept Agent Coulson so busy now." he admitted with a sigh and a shake of his head. "i'm sure he'll be over soon enough." he admitted. oh how he hated how much Phil had taken to Tony. it was all Natasha's fault for making Phil realize that Tony was mentally insane. now Phil felt it was duty to help Tony cling to whatever sanity he had left and fuck if it wasn't working. was Tony actually insane? Fury didn't know but he didn't doubt it for a second. "...just what are you implying Stark?" "he's implying, Sir, that there is a leak and some of our agents are not ours." Natasha admitted. "you saw the footage. you know it's true." Fury sighed. "yeah. i know it's true." he agreed, shaking his head. "i'm gone. i'll make Phil bring the captains stuff over. get him out of my hair for a while." he grumbled, leaving before Tony won any more arguments.
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