Recovery (Avengers) Moon/Lady

“True. Though if he tries to convince you to do sexy science, you might want to run. Otherwise you’re going to figure out just how long you and james can keep it up and fuck tony in the name of science.”Pepper teased just to see him blush before nodding, snickering. “It does. But during his ‘I’m dying and going out with a bang’ phase, he didn’t put the system on right, I mean you do have to get the right body parts in the right portion of the suit, and pissed all over himself when he was drunk. It was quite amusing watching him clean up after that.”Pepper snorted, because that was something only her and tony had known before now. “Not everything. And natasha’s a super spy, I’m good, but she sometimes notices things I didn’t.”she shrugged, before frowning. “He didn’t...tell you?”Pepper looked startled, flinching herself. “I’m sorry Steve, he said he told you, I mean, I’m used to him lying about things but I assumed he...”She sighed shaking her head a little. “You were doing a good thing, trying to protect him. You couldn’t have counted on Howard’s twisted pride and need to show off.”She bit her lip, wondering if it would be worse to tell him or not. “He’s known since he was 7, old enough to understand what he was looking at. Howard took....pride in showing off the collections. I mean, I don’t know everything that was in those bunkers, he wouldn’t tell me, but I know he wakes up screaming sometimes, from thinking he’s turning into howard.”Pepper sighed sadly before offering a sad smile. “No, if he knew that, we would have been hearing him howl over it from miles away. There’d be a burning charred hole in the bastard’s gravestone at the very least.”
Steve snorted. "he's tried. several times." he admitted dryly. "i keep telling him science isn't allowed in sex and he goes and sulks." he admitted with a smile. "i didn't think he was actually ready for a relationship so i kept flirting but i didn't let it go any further than that because i'm a total asshole." he admitted. "that's a direct Tony quote you know." he admitted before biting his finger to keep from bursting out into laughter at the realization that Tony had actually pissed all over himself. he couldn't stop the strangled snorts from escaping though. that was freaking hilarious. "no. he didn't tell me. i imagine for the same reason i didn't tell him. thought we where protecting the other. god i'm so stupid... of COURSE Tony knows..." he muttered, scrubbing his face before looking up at her. "Howard... he was a bastard he... i can't even really remember how it started. it started with a little spoon that i melted these salt like clusters on and then it started getting to be more and more and more until i needed to start combining other things with it... Howard, he was the one who got the stuff for me. that's how it started i think, Howard handed me a needle and said it would help with the pain. everything hurt back then, my body had grown so fast, it was like constant, agonizing growing pains." he admitted. "and i slipped it in and the pain went away and i just kept needing more. after a while he started asking me to do things, ad i did them because as long as i got my hit i didn't care." he admitted. "i don't remember all of it, not really, but i know he did some pretty sick experiments on me, like seeing how fast i would heal a broken bone or a gash or seeing how fast i would go through a withdrawal before pumping me full of drugs again..." he shook his head. "mostly it was sex. anything he wanted, and he loved having that power over me." he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Tony could never be like Howard." he admitted. "Tony's too..." he struggled to ind the right word. "good. no, pure? i don't know, something like that."
“I know, I’ve heard. Though if anything, tony’s relieved that you didn’t. I mean, he’s not...good at this. No...thats not what I meant....he doesn’t think he’s good enough, so he flirts and carries on, but doesn’t.....I think he’d be willing to try though. For you two.”pepper smiled a little grinning as her story had the intended effect of making him laugh. Sighing quietly as she nodded. “You both are horrible heros, trying to take care of each other...”She shook her head before nodding. “I know. Tony didn’t....he wouldn’t let me read everything, but when you crashed from drugs this time, he went looking for something. He...he didn’t know for sure, until recently that howard had gotten you addicted. From there...his obsession over it had gotten fairly bad. This is the longest since you got sick, that I’ve seen him not going through Howard’s stuff.”Pepper sighed softly standing, hesitating. “Will you be angry if I hug you?”She asked before snickering. “I dare you to call him pure. He’ll die laughing....he's got a good heart. more then he gives himself credit for."
he nodded. "no. i know he's not. i'm not either actually." he admitted with a smile and a shake of his head. "i know how low his self esteem is." he admitted. "i've been trying to work on it, i think i might actually be succeeding." he admitted with a smile before looking at her. "you don't mind? i know you love him." he admitted before smiling. "i'm the worst hero ever." he agreed with a chuckle before his face fell, looking quite haunted. "Tony's looking for everything then. everything he can on Howard... why? what does he think that will help?" he wondered. "a hug?" he asked, looking confused. "why would i be upset about being hugged?" he wondered before he realized. "oh. Oh! no, of course you can hug me. i haven't been upset about being raped for a long time." he promised her. "i managed t work through most of it before i was frozen." he promised her with a smile before snorting. "he's more pure than most people would ever realize." he admitted.
“Good. You’re good for him steve.”Pepper smiled a little, before tilting her head, looking sad. “I know....and I’ll always love him. But I don’t...think we can be together. I...I can’t deal with him being iron man, and he’s never truly....he loves me, but it’s not what either of us really want, or need.”She sighed softly before wincing. “I don’t know. He got cagey when I tried to ask what he wanted with all howard’s stuff, and got really, really upset when I tried to force him to tell me.”Pepper smiled before looking vaguely amused. “Well, we’ve not really been getting along. I didn’t know if you’d be upset with a hug.”She smiled wrapping her arms around him, leaning into him, rubbing his back for a moment, “Good. I’m glad you worked through it....though I have a feeling your going to have to help your boys through it. Tony hadn’t thought James knew what happened but...”She shrugged before smiling a little. “Probably, but I’d still pay money to watch you tell him that.”She said startling a little at Jarvis’ voice. “Captain, Sir is awake and upset.And Sir Barnes is requesting your presence.”
he nodded. "i hope so." he admitted. "i don't want to imagine what Tony would be like if i wasn't good for him. i was a hellion back in my day you know." here he smirked. "before i got 'old'." he admitted with a snicker. "...whatever he's doing, i imagine that it can't be good." he admitted. "i'll try and talk to him. worst that'll happen is he won't talk to me for a while. considering i'm anticipating that over the psychologist it won't really be such a bad thing." he admitted with a shake of his head. "no we haven't been getting along. but, that wasn't exactly our fault. it's not MY fault your prettier and more of a woman than i am." he complained, eyes sparkling with laughter and a tick of his lip threatening to turn into a full blown grin before he sighed. "yeah, the boys are going to need some good help." he agreed. "all i have to do is get them to go to someone who can actually help and we'll be set right?" he asked, shaking his head. "alright, you give me money, i'll do it and Jarvis will record it for you." he teased before wincing. "sorry, Pep. i have to go. i'll come back later okay?" he asked, racing out the door to get to Tony.
“I don’t think I believe you. You’re the Captain. You’re sorta....wait. What am I talking about. You and tony are going to be total insane people together.”Pepper teased before smirking. “You’re not old. You’re nearly young enough to be tony’s son, which is a amusingly disturbing thought.”She teased before sighing. “Well, at least you have a plan. Figure out what he’s doing, and get him to a doctor. It’ll be good.”pepper said though worried about it before nodding. “No, it’s not really.And true, but you are the one he really wants, needs. A better mate.”She smiled patting his back ,looking amused pleased that he was smiling before nodding. “Well, if you can’t, I have some blackmail stories you can use to threaten tony to at least going once, if you can get him to go once, he might open up some.”Pepper smiled before nodding. “Go. It’s fine. I’ll see you later.”She smiled.

James looked up at steve when he came in, absently stroking tony’s back, nudging the genius. “See, I told you he was just out getting food. Stop being a drama queen.”The super soldier said looking down at the blanket covered sniffling genius who squirmed to look up at steve, big brown eyes watery. “Steve?”
"yes. yes we are. i'm waiting for someone to realize i'm punking all of them." he admitted with a chuckle. "as if i can't figure out how to work a microwave. honestly." he scoffed, looking very amused. "i am pretty old." he admitted with a chuckle. "i feel old at least. oh god don't say things like that." he grimaced. "i'm trying to get into his pants Pep. that's just mean." he pointed out, smiling at her. "i think your still being a bit effected by your pheromones there Pep. the word your looking for is Boyfriend, not mate." he pointed out.

"Actually, i was just about to run into town." Steve admitted, jangling his keys. "i don't have the stuff we need to make macaroni and cheese." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "i'm right here Tony." he promised, sitting down and stroking a hand down the others back. "are you feeling any better Tony?" he wondered, hoping the other was. "do you want to go shopping with me?"
“Hm, they’ll figure it out eventually. I mean, there’s only so long you’ll actually fool tony.”Pepper snickered a little before laughing. “okay, I wont. I’ll be nice.”She promised amused though at his grimace, before grimacing herself. “Yes....I think you’re right. But it’s better then what it was.”She said smiling as she watched him go.

“See, he’s still getting food.”James said stroking the brunette’s hair, looking relieved that he was here now. That he could figure out how to help. “...Hey steve....I’m okay.”He promised, though james had the thought that tony would say that no matter what, even if he wasn’t. “I do. Let’s go. But we have to take natasha and clint to. The super twins will be very annoyed if we don’t take our guards, since technically that’s their assignment from shield, to guard us.”Tony muttered squirming out of the bed, smiling happily as he got dressed. For the moment, distracted from his upset by the idea of going in town, even if he never said it, the nature and out of town-ness was starting to get to him.
"i've been fooling Tony for how long now? i have him convinced i can't figure out the washing machine. i even on purpose had the thing destroy a pair of my pants." he admitted with a smirk. "it was awesome, he looked like he wanted to cry." he admitted. "i'm not sure if it was over the pants or the washing machine though." he admitted, flashing her a smirk. "your not gonna tell on me are you Ms. Potts?"

"well. your doing better." Steve decided, smiling at Tony because he knew what 'fine' meant all too well. "okay, but we're only going to be in there for an hour Tony and no longer so NO, you can't have the cheezits and no, you can't get the party pack of that weird fruity alcohol you never actually drink. you have six cases already that's more than enough." Steve informed him. "yes you can have a pet but it cannot be a rodent and no you can't have any candy though i will allow you to buy that weird Coffee they sell." Steve informed him, slipping his own shoes back on and smiling at James, trying to promise the man that Tony would be all right.
“Months now. It’s quite amusing.”Pepper snickered before nodding. “He probably did want to cry over both. And of course I wont tell. It’s amusing seeing him like this.”

“Indeed.”Tony sniffled smiling a little before perking up. “What?What that’s not fair. I want cheezits, and that alcohol is all back at the tower!I need some here.”Tony whined even as he let james and steve get him dressed and ready to go, before perking up. “Okay. I can live with that.”He said happily agreeing that said he was up to something else. For the moment though, he wasn’t going to say anything. Grinning as they walked out, before pausing as they past through the kitchen. “Is...that...” “A rabbit?yea.”Clint said looking up from where he was dressing the two rabbits, smirking a little at phil, becaus they’d bet on just how freaked tony would be about it. “What!?What!?Steeeeveee tell him to get the weird rabbit things away.”Tony whined looking utterly upset and confused at the small amount of carnage in his kitchen
"no Tony." Steve stated sternly. "you are well aware that Cheezits give you stomach aches." he informed the other. "your trying to go sober too if i recall that correctly." he pointed out to Tony. "having Alcohol around will make that very difficult." he pointed out. "if your a very good boy i'll let you stop at that coffee house you like so much." it was extremely expensive and fancy. they did not do 'to go' orders and all of their coffee was imported, ground to order and the pastries that where hand baked every morning, with flour and everything, not frozen and prepackaged but actually mixed, poured, baked and filled by hand, where to die for. he gave Tony a very suspicious look and then shook his head before watching Clint and Phil dressing the rabbits. "those are going to be gone by the time we get back." he ordered. "and don't waste it either. it will be eaten." he stared at them, an evil little glam in his eyes. "all of it." and with that warning he bustled Tony out the door back to the city so they could shop for a little bit of everything.
“No it doesn’t.”Tony huffed whining a little, “And I am. I totally am.okay, no alcohol....and really?Okay. I’ll behave.”Tony perked up at the promise of coffee. “...Is that good coffee?”James said raising a eyebrow looking interested in teh reaction and promise to behave. “It will be. And I use guts as bowstrings. Don’t worry.” “What?!Who in their right mind uses-Steve!he’s using inferior stuff!Stteeeeeve. I gotta fix it.”Tony whined even as he let the other two men bustle him out of the house.

“Steve!Can we go to the movies?The threater’s right there. We can see jurassic world.”Tony said, his nose nearly pressed against the glass of the window as he looked out, having quickly bored with shopping.
"it's actually really good. it's damn expensive though." Steve admitted. "not that we really need to care anymore considering we're both almost as rich as Tony but i'm still getting used to that." Steve admitted. "Tony, he's not really using rabbit gut as a bowstring." Steve promised. "you've handled his bow, you know very well his string is made out of something you made for him." he admitted with a smile, narrowing his eyes at Clint. "you. will. eat. it." he hissed, annoyed that Clint had upset Tony, Phil shaking his head. he was not helping Clint out of this one. nope.

"...actually. i could use a chance to rest." Steve admitted, he was tired. "here, let's get all this stuff to Happy to take back tot he mansion and we'll go get tickets." he promised Tony, heading to grab the last few things they needed and then headed for the checkout where Happy was waiting for them. Happy was more than Happy to take the things back for them and then return once the movie was done, so the three boys headed into the movie theater so Steve could rest. too tired to try to walk tot he coffee shop and rather interested in the Jurassic Movie. he had seen the first three at Clint's insistence and he was glad for it now. "that was amazing!" Steve admitted with a grin, feeling much better fir the rest, as well as the hype of the movie. "shall we go get your coffee?" he offered Tony with a smile.
“Really?”Tony said twisting to look at Clint with wide eyes. Clint flinched at the looks he was getting from both steve and james, nodding. “I don’t use it for bowstrings, promise. Haven’t had to in years. You make better stuff.”Clint promised a little wide eyed as the billionaire calmed at the promise. “And I will eat it. Promise.”

“Awesome.”Tony grinned pleased at getting to go on a date, giving the stuff to happy before heading for the threater. Settling int his chair with excitement. “It was. And we will!”Tony grinned happily ignoring james eyeing him. “Are we sure we want to give him more coffee?” “Yes you do. And I know what I want for my pet, Steve. I want a Raptor.” “....Tony, they don’t exist anymore.” “Bruce makes alot of non-existent animals real again. I can have one.” “They’re to big for your house, not to mention deadly.” “That’s why its gonna be the size of a chihuahua. It’ll be perfect.”
Phil shook his head. "you idiot. you should know better than to pick on Tony after everything that's happened." he accused, shaking his head. "now. how do you make this edible?" he asked curiously, prodding th now skinned and dressed rabbit. he was curious to taste it.

"yes we do want to give him more coffee." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "there's a new manager, i want to see if the Coffee is still as good as it was." Steve admitted. "Tony you can't have a deadly man eating predator for a pet." Steve informed him patiently. "...a Chihuahua sized raptor?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "we'll see what Bruce has to say." he decided, well aware that Bruce was the only one who could derail Tony from such an idea. "come on, let's go to the Bluemoon Cafe." he decided, heading to the most expensive coffee shop in New York City. they where almost refused entrance because they weren't dressed like rich people, but once they where recognized as Captain America and Tony Stark they where allowed in. much to the ire of a young looking man with ink black hair and eyes as green as emeralds wearing a black shirt, black slacks and a white Apron. "what, have i told you, about the way you treat our customer!?" the man demanded, voice a low hiss that didn't take into account super soldier hearing. "if you step out of line like that one more time, you are fired and i won't hear another word about it, do you understand me?!" "...Yes sir." the ma grumbled. "i apologize for that obscene display Gentlemen." the manager said, offering them a pleasant smile. "my name is Loki, the manager of this establishment. your first drinks are on the house." he promised them. "is there anything you would like to order immediately or do you need a moment?"
Clint flinched hanging his head a little."I know...I didn't think."he sighed quietly because he hunted and was even more sarcastic when he was worried so he'd talked to the man without thinking it through."just watch I'll show you."clint grinned settling in to show him.

"Ah. Well let's go see about this coffee then."james said looking interested in a coffee that could glaze tony's eyes like that and make him look like he was thinking about sex."it's really good coffee."tony grinned before sulking."yes I can. And good, bruce'll help."he said pleased with the idea before frowning at the barista. Frowning down at the expensive jeans and t shirt he was wearing."I feel insulted. I look good in this."he frowned looking annoyed as they were sat down grinning up at loki."hello. I want...uhhh...steve what's that coffee I always get?and I want one of each pastry you have to go, and I'll have a chocolate scone for now." "'ll take a coffee."james said looking a little overwhelmed by the choices.
"we do need to see about this Coffee." Steve agreed with a smile. "it really is." he admitted with a chuckle. "i think it's me he's complaining about." Steve admitted, dressed in rather cheep jeans and a sad little T-shirt. not that James was dressed ay better. "hmm. Tony Stark right?" Loki asked. "i have your order on file. Steve Rogers as well." Loki promised, offering them a smile. "James will have the same thing i drink, Sir." Steve said with a smile. he liked the new manager, much more down to earth and he didn't sneer at people the way the last one did. "better make that three of each pastry please, i'll take the cream cheese Danish for here please." Steve decided, glancing at James. Loki, like all the staff of the Bluemoon, didn't need to write anything down because he could memorize it. once James decided what pastry he wanted, Loki offered them a graceful bow and headed to the back to place the order, only to have to come back when the disgusting maitre'd tried to refuse entrance to a woman with a child in tow.

again, Loki's voice was low and soft, though very angry, none of the rest of the room would have heard them but Steven James and Tony had very superior hearing and heard every polite word Loki said when he fired the man for denying his own daughter entrance to the store. the little girl was barely a year old and was giggling brightly in Loki's arms while another waiter gave Tony some sort of extreme espresso drink while Steve had a black coffee of some sort of African coffee that wasn't bitter but tasted like proper coffee anyway. it was Steve's favorite. "Daddy! Rron Man!" the little girl gasped, pointing at Tony, Steve's lips curling into a grin. "Cap'n Murica!..." she paused, blinking at James, her head tilted. "siekick?" Loki had to cover his mouth to hide the grin and Steve started to snicker. that was hilarious! "shall we settle you in and get you an apple juice sweetie?" "yus!"
"Considering how those jeans fit your ass, no one should ever complain about them."tony said making a face even as he nodded."yep.thanks."he smiled settling in. "Uh...I'll have a chocolate danish..."james said, yea definitely culture shock going on there.

Both tony and james growled quietly at the rudeness, and despite loki's taking care of it, the barely released response was still there. Swallowing hard james looked curious eyes widening as he sipped the coffee."it's good."amazing really."brew hat is he drinking?" "Manna from heaven. Ambrosia from mount olympus-" "I'm sorry I asked."james said looking up at the little girl and snickering a little as tony nodded."so we are. He is his most definitely the sidekick, a mascot really." James rolled his eyes before smirking a little, because he knew this was going to freak tony out. "You wanna settle up here with cap and iron man? We have room just enough room for such a cutie."he said ignoring the choked aputtering
"Chocolate Danish it is." Loki agreed.

the Maitred threw a bit of a fit but left anyway, muttering abut how 'he was too good to work in a dump like this'. "he's drinking what amounts to as six shots of espresso mixed with chocolate, a little bit of caramel, some coconut and a shit ton of whipped cream." Steve explained to James. "he might let you have a sip if you offer to buy him a second one." he admitted before smiling at the little girl. "'s a 'macot?' the little girl asked curiously. "a Mascot is a image for a team or a group." Loki explained. "like the bunny rabbit for soccer?" "that's right. just like the rabbit for your school soccer team." Loki agreed with a chuckle before hesitating at the offer. ay parent would, finally though Loki settled her onto the ground and she chirped happily and scrambled into the open chair in-between Steve and James, her eyes fixed on Ton. "your the bestest ever!" she informed Tony. "she's pretty advanced for a one year old." Steve mused, Loki grinning. "she's a genius apparently." he admitted. "she was talking at six months. and walking. it was horrible, i couldn't get her to stay out of anything." he admitted. "you sure you don't mind?" he asked, worried about bothering his customers. "it's fine." Steve promised Loki with a smile. "we like kids, don't we Tony?" he asked, looking very amused and Loki grinned, realizing what was going on. "alright Jessica. play nice with the superheros and i'll get your juice and snack." he promised the girl who beamed at her daddy.
”...that’s alot of espresso.”James said with wide eyes even as tony offered it to him, sipping it and his eyes going wide. “You could knock over a horse with that.” “probably, but it’s amazing.”Tony grinned sipping his espresso with a happy little smile .”He’s our mascot, we’re trying to convince him to dress up like a rabbit. I mean, Barton keeps bringing rabbits home.”Tony said making a face before smiling, smirking really. “I am the bestest ever. You better tell everyone that tyke.” “Little people have names Tony.”James said looking amused that tony was okay with stroking his own ego, but still looked minutes away from bolting from the kid. “You sound like my dad. I was a horrible about getting into everything.”Tony snickered. “You were also building things, and being a holy terror.”James snorted looking amused before shaking his head. “No, shes’ good.” “Of course we like kids!They’re amazing.”Though usually when they were far far away from him. “Just think, you could have a tyke of your own on the way.”James pointed out, knowing that it was slap to teh face, but there was no gentle way of bringing it up, so he was going for the tearing off the bandaid approach.
"it is a lot of espresso. remind me to tell you about the time Bruce accidentally drank one of those." he mused with a grin before snickering at Tony. "i thought you where the rabbit?" he asked Tony, looking very amused indeed, the little girl giggling because grownups where funny. "pet wabbits?" she asked, looking quite happy. "Daddy says wabbits are for eating." she admitted with a nod. "they's get mean." she said happily, using a blue crayon on a piece of paper that Loki had set out for her to draw a blue captain, a red iron man and a gun metal grey 'macot'. "no one ever uses Jessica's name." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "most of the school calls her 'hop along' and a good umber of them call her 'Curio'. its quite amusing." he admitted before slipping away to get the juice and healthier snack for Jessica. thank god she didn't care much for sweets. "James!" Steve hissed, looking worried about Tony before sighing and shaking his head. "never mind. no point in trying to avoid the topic. won't make Tony feel any better about it."
“....I can’t even imagine.”James said with wide eyes at the idea. “I only act like a rabbit, Barnes’ looks like one. Cute and fluffy.” “I am not.”james rolled his eyes before smiling at the girl. “Yes, he has them as pets. And if they get mean, we turn them loose.”James smiled a little grinning at the drawing, looking up at loki. “Ah, well if that’s the case....hmmm. I think I’m going to call her little iron. Since I’m the bestest.” “This is a bad idea. She’s going to adopt her.”James said rolling his eyes a little before sighing, looking at tony before shrugging at steve as the man looked moments away from hyperventitaling. “There was no easy way to tell him. Better to do it in public, where we wont get a repulsor blast or cursed.”
"it was pretty awesome. but not suitable for children under the age of twenty one." he admitted with a grin. "you are pretty cute and fluffy." he teased James, shaking his head a little. "Little Iron?" Steve asked, looking very amused, Loki snorting as well. now he'd never be allowed to call her anything else, dammit. oh well. "i think it's too late to be worried about that." Steve admitted, amused. "this is Ton's favorite place ever. he's in here constantly, there's no doubt we'll be seeing the little tyke fairly often." he admitted. "you date?" Jessica asked, her wide innocent eyes looking quite gleeful at the idea. "rron man and Capn Murica get married." she decided, holding up her picture. indeed the red irn man and the blue Captain America where wearing wedding dresses and the grey 'macot' was holding a big bunch of flowers. Steve had to bite his lip to keep from dying with laughter.
“I am not.”James sulked looking at the other, wrinkling his nose. “Little iron?” “yes!She’s going to be awesome and I’m the bestest, so I get to name her instead of you two.”Tony decided smiling happily. “Well....I guess we can just get used to seeing her then.”James said looking amused at the idea of tony adopting a child, even if he was better with the idea of being able to send a kid home, rather then pepper having his child. He was so not looking to closely at that idea. “Huh?”Tony stared looking down at the girlstartled before smiling slightly, “I think that means your the girl in this relationship, CAp.”Tony said blushing a little.
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