Fairy Tail's next generation (Sirix and Winx)

"For rodents and birds she will hunt them down for fun". Rebecca responded. "Can't make promises on what she will find, you know that cats are a law to them selves, we would still need some idea on where one of them is as the longer she is here the more magic she will use, what about a fake rat to get them out? Or work out who is behind of it, there again it could also be a waist of time and magic"
"I think at this point we are following the rats out to find out who is behind it. We don't really have many other options or leads." Halric says, taking a moment to think. They continue to walk through town, and back to the farm they were hired from. Jericho is visible out in the field, doing his work, shot gun at the ready should a rat appear. "Well, lets get searching." Halric says, heading for what he thinks would be good hiding places for the oversized rodents.
"Is there any woods near here? If they have destroyed the barn like that there should be some damage there, that or hay fields". Rebecca said thinking about normal rats hiding places o a larger scale then something clicked. "Not unless it's only the farmers being attacked if that's the case it can be anyone who want's that strip of land, someone within the community it's self, construction, then it could be just a grudge on select members of the community, that or something is in the area someone desperately wants".
"The entire town is surrounded by forests." Halric says, a little surprised she hasn't seen them while they were in the fields at both farms. "I'm going with grudge or something they want. The far is to far out for construction to be interested in it for the town, the land isn't really anywhere anyone would want to be that isn't a farmer. And it seems to be just Jericho getting attacked, as well." Halric says as they cross through the middle of the town. "Want to break for lunch before heading back to the farm and waiting around. Jericho did say that they didn't leave until night fall so we have to wait until tonight to follow anyway."
"There is holiday complex what could be build in areas like this, plus to make the rail road lots of land was destroyed to do so, quite a bit of it would have been in the country side". Rebecca said. "So still a possibility, yer we had better get something to eat or there is a chance we might pass out. Oh just remembered some areas in the past were attacked to the point where all the villagers were killed because something was meant to be buried there, something linking to the wizard of death, after all this time there is a chance the magic council has all of those things under lock and key. What do you fancy eating any way?" She said rambling since they didn't know who was behind this or why all she could do was think about was historic events.
"Let's just keep it simple ok. We don't have nearly the power to deal with the wizard of death, and it seems unlikely they would be here anyway." Halric says, guiding them towards a restaurant he say on the way in. "Just about anything sounds good to me, but this place over here looked pretty good on the way in." Halric says, looking for the building then walking towards once he finds it.
"Well it wasn't exactly him. According to more resent history it was people who wanted to bring him back to full power. Things what linked to him hidden within the villages. There was a chance they never knew they were there as the followers were following rumors". Rebecca said following him inside. "Also I never said it was one of those things were here, but there is many dark objects dotted all over the country hidden in plain site if you know what your looking for and where to look, then there is the chance it's a person they are after, property what's been taken from there family at some point, if they were the case there will be a pattern". she added picking up a menu and passing one to Halric
Halric takes and looks over the simple menu. It was your typical small town choices, food that could be made at home, but decided to eat here instead it was easier, faster, and in some cases, better then could be made at home. Halric quickly decided on his comfort food, chicken fried steak with mashed potatoes and corn. One of his favorites meals. "Dark items don't seem to be all that rare, that seems to be true. I just hope that one isn't being used here." Halric says, setting his menu to the side and sipping on his water.
Rebecca just ordered some pancakes off the desert menus as she never really ate that much for a first meal, water is what she normally drank first thing. "Boys and young men can always eat more them women". She said after seeing a large plate go pasted with what Halric had just ordered. "You sure you can eat all of that?" She asked looking at the table behind of them. She tried to think of an object what could course something like this but come to a blank, at least not on it's own on this scale.
"Oh just watch me." Halric says, looking over the large flat steak, heap of corn, and lump of mash potatoes covered in gravy. Halric starts to eat, and slowly but surely the food on the plate disappears. "So, let's not think about the job for a few minutes." Halric suggests, then downs the next bite of food, swallowing and taking a drink before speaking again. "So, why did you choose Fairy Tail, and not like...Blue Pegasus or Saber?" Halric asks, curious to her choice.
"I would rather the boys weren't trying to flirt with me all of the time like they do in Blue Pegasus as for Saber Tooth they don't have the best of reputations, if you fail in a task you more likely to be kicked out". Rebecca said taking a bite of her food. "They kind of remind me of a dark guild to be honest there policy gives me the creeps you need to trust one another for things to work propyl, what about you with the other guilds?"
"Similar reasons. The guys at Blue Pegasus would make me angry very quickly. Sabre wouldn't even take me because I'm not combat effective. I just don't fit in a lot of guilds." Halric admits, shrugging as he continues to eat. He looks around a little then asks his next question. "Have you made any yet?" He asks, asking about if she has made any keys.
"Kind of but it was more mother than me as she was the one who put most of the magic into the key, It was how she taught me. That key was stolen throw, you see some of the keys aren't spirits like the other types. As they were magical object accidently given life. They are among the silver keys. Horologium. was and is one of them. Propyl with someone with your power or something very similar accidently added a spirit to the magical clock, them mother said types but I haven't come across other keys in books so no idea on what she was talking about". Rebecca said taking a sip of water. "You made many spirit friends?"
Halric listens to her answer. It seemed like a 'sort of' as it finished them off may be, but that was really it. She had a point with the magical objects, though he hadn't heard of a spirit living in really anything longer then an hour before, but that was just his style of magic coming out to talk most likely. If the spirit willingly forced itself into the object, it could probably stick around. "Many friends, not unless you count the goose. You have to remember, most of the spirits I have dealt with are wild animals, not really anything that enjoy their time around humans."
"I don't know some animals like humans, you just need to know how to handle each one that's all. A smile to an ape is threatening you need to cover your teeth with your lips for happiness also by your time to be accepted within the group, the same with most of the animals keeping your distance and waiting for them to come to you, slowly gaining there trust, but geese can be nasty as they just come up to you and attack without reason. Even after they act like they trust you". Rebecca explained. "Where I live there is lots of wild abandoned cats, but there is foxes, rabbits, badgers and a number of birds of prey, so there will be animals for you to practice with,, I would start off with the cats and foxes as they are easier to gain there trust". She finished off eating then placed the money on the table for paying. "What did you do befoure joining the guild?"
"I'll have to give that a try." Halric says, finishing his own plate then downing the rest of the water to wash it down. "Well, I guess its not entirely accurate to say that I don't have a spirit friend. Down in a cave once and my father needed help with something, got my magic from my other. Called in a bear where I really shouldn't have been able to. So I think I have bear that is always in range and ready to help me. A little odd though." Hearing her question, he takes a moment to fully think it over. "Not much really. I helped dad with the store from time to time, and mom with the house work, but that is really it. What about you?"
"I help granddad out once a year when the old notes are coming in to be destroyed by making space in a unknown place till it's time to be done. Has to keep changing location to stop anyone steeling the old warn out notes what need to be recycled, apart from that I am an author". Rebecca said passing her flask over to the waitress to fill up with coffee. "Sounds a bit like me and my sister. My antie grand mothers sister, has the cat key from the Zodiacs, he appeared with his own will and was still is like a big brother, so I can't see what's so strange about it. Some what use spirit magic call spirits there babies".
"Those spirits are essentially human though, or at least human like. This is a wild bear that seems to follow me around. Not really something you would expect." Halric says, shrugging and waiting for them to be able to leave. They still had time, but he still wanted to go rat searching.
Rebecca got her flask back and passed over the wallet with the money in. "Still have an animal instinct in them and all spirits turn wild if they have never been tamed, they loose there memories befoure fading away and turn aggressive, rare when they stay there true selves". She placed the flask into her bag. "Oh yer do you have milk or sugar in your coffee?"
(Sorry, only have my phone at the moment and I really dislike using that to respond.)

"That's true I guess. I'll pay next time," Halrick says, feeling kind of bad that Rebecca was paying instead of him. He thinks a little more on his odd spirit friend, taking a moment to answer "I'm more of a tea guy myself. I got water though so I'll be fine." They wait for the food and coffee to be paid for then leave the building heading for the farm again.
(That's cool it was getting to the bottom of the page and hard to find that's why I only bumped it)

"You haven't been payed yet plus no matter what I get paid on a monthly biases no matter what. so it's no problem in it all". Rebecca said walking out and following Halrick. "Any idea's on where to go? The only clue we have is the barn".
"If you insist" Halrick shrugs as the walk. "We'll they seem to have a thing for the barn. I figured we would start there. There should be plenty about the way that Jericho talks about them," Halric says, walking back out of town and towards the farm.
"Better than no where, so I have no objections to starting near the barn area". Rebecca said. She didn't care that much as long we the area where they searched made sense. "Here is a thought. How far has the problem spread to?" She added placing the flask into her bag.
"Hhhmmm, I'm not sure. We can ask though." Halric says as they get close to the farm again. With it being later in the day now, the rats seem to be out in greater numbers now, the scurrying can he heard as they scratch around in where ever they are. "Well, lets start clearing them out then, and we can ask Jericho if we see him." Halric says, looking at a patch of the fields that is shaking as they move about in the wheat.
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