Fairy Tail's next generation (Sirix and Winx)

"Not the wheat if that's destroyed no one will have food to trade to the larger towns, worse they can starve". Rebecca said gripping hold of Molly's key tightly. She could run faster than Rebecca and get to the fields befoure she could. "Got a plan?" She asked giving a worried look in the direction the movement was going on. After all Halric seemed to know more on this situation that she did so he was the most qualified out of the pair. Molly just appeared on her own without being summoned, already in a crouching position ready to bounce tail swishing in the air.
"Just do whatever you can. I'll bolster whatever you can bring out." Halric says, then notices Molly sitting out in the open. He immediately calls out again. "Spirit Magic: Power of Cougar." From the forest comes out the large cat that he had experiment on Molly with earlier, the two fusing and Molly becoming faster, stronger and a little fiercer again. Noticing the unturned key, Halric looks at Rebecca. "Can you magic anything else, or will that tire you out to fast?"
sirix said:
"Just do whatever you can. I'll bolster whatever you can bring out." Halric says, then notices Molly sitting out in the open. He immediately calls out again. "Spirit Magic: Power of Cougar." From the forest comes out the large cat that he had experiment on Molly with earlier, the two fusing and Molly becoming faster, stronger and a little fiercer again. Noticing the unturned key, Halric looks at Rebecca. "Can you magic anything else, or will that tire you out to fast?"

"Couldn't you have seen her hunting first I can't keep up with Molly as it is". She said knowing what had just happened to her friend. "That depends if there is anything near by I can bring temporally to life, depending on the size of the thing is how much magic it will use up. Small objects like the rabbit I showed you with not much magic at all but I think the rats will devower them befoure they can work as a decoy. If there is larger objects it will use more power but stands a better chance at staying in tact but it won't last longer than a minute" She explained. As Rebecca was talking Molly had already disappeared and started to hunt the rats down. "There she goes". she sighed knowing there wasn't a cat in hell chance of her catching up to Molly, she had no idea if Halric could throw
"She can handle herself, now more then ever. They are just rats, not like she needs help." Halric says, knowing that is what she was going on about. "Well, looks like we have to rely on Molly then. Think she could track them back to their nests?" Halric asks, not sure if he had asked already, but was curious now all the same.
"She has the true instincts of a cat so I am sure she can do it no problem". Rebecca said walking a little faster she knew there was no point in running as there was no chance of her catching up with Molly.

Molly got to the field and killed one of the rats. She was now in hunting mode ready to kill another one. This is the kind of thing she loved doing even throw it had gotten her into some trouble in the past. Even throw she had killed the ones what could have killed the whole flock the farmers still got mad at her. One once shot her back to the spirit relm making Rebecca's mum annoyed at the farmer, it's also a story Rebecca has never been told befoure.
"Well, we can ask her tonight then when we start to lose the light and the rats all start to head home." Halric says, getting closer to the wheat field and Molly there in. "Until then, we should save our magic, par what we are using now to hold and help Molly. I feel we are going to have a fight on our hands tonight and we need to be ready for it." Halric says, more as a hope then a general state of fact.
"If your going to spoil Molly's fun go and a head there isn't much I can do about it she come on her own using her own magic". Rebecca said turning her back on Molly. She hated the way cats hunt for fun it gave her the creeps, the same goes for foxes as they hunt for the same reasons as cats. "How bad do theses things get, and I can use the scare crow but it will take time and a lot of magic for it to last only minute's". She added after spotting it she had no clue on how many rats Molly had killed by this point.
"We can bring it along. No need to use it now. If it gets trashed, we can just fix it. We need remember to bring along more...combat oriented members of the guild. As we are now, we are kind of useless in a fight." Halric points out. Rebacca could summon and animate, but not for the long battles that Halric has the feeling will be in their future, not for the time being at least.
"That would take days to go all the way back to the guild with other members. Will these farmers last that long?" Rebecca asked getting consurned about the farmers crops,
"I don't mean now, I mean next job. We don't really have time to go back or even really send for." Halric clears up, he watches as Molly jumps to and fro in the field, the sound of dying rats spiking then falling continuously as she does her work. Halric continues to not do much, saving energy and actually getting a little magic power back over what he was spending to hold the cougar in Molly.
"Now what do you want to do?" Recacca asked since Halric already said they needed to wait till night fall to follow the rats to there hide out. They needed to finish the job as quickly as they could to prevent any more damage taking place.
Molly's time was up and she went back to the spirit world
"Well, we just wait. Not much we can do. I could enhance your and my abilities, but we would just be tired for tonight. A couple hours of damage isn't going to be to bad. The farm has lasted his lone, it won't shut down now." He says, looking at the field and seeing a lot less shaking. Molly had been super effective against the rats, but she needed time to rest now. "I'm sure what we can do to pass the time though." Halric admits, a slightly guilty look on his face.
"What about getting rid of the rats Molly had killed. At least it's one less thing for the farmers to worry about on top of them repairing the barn and other things what have been damaged by all of this mess". Rebecca said.
"Lets go see if they are still out there. They might just disappear like the first on did." Halric says, standing and offering a hand up for Rebecca. Once up they start to comb through the field, looking for the dead bodies of the rats. Once in a while, one of the live rats would cross their path, scaring the two of them before scampering away before the wizards could attack them.
sirix said:
"Lets go see if they are still out there. They might just disappear like the first on did." Halric says, standing and offering a hand up for Rebecca. Once up they start to comb through the field, looking for the dead bodies of the rats. Once in a while, one of the live rats would cross their path, scaring the two of them before scampering away before the wizards could attack them.

Well that was odd. And not to mention a little creepy behaver" Rebecca said looking in the direction one of the rats had just ran off in. She lifted her sleave on her shirt to check the time. She couldn't bleave on how long it had taken them to get back to the farm and find some rats. She thought these monsters would be much easier to spot than they have been so far. "Considering the size of these things I would love to know there secret of hiding. Could come in handy someday if it can be copyed".
"Well, they aren't exactly natural now are they." Halric says. taking a few deep breaths. They both look at the time, noticing it is getting late and the sun should be setting soon. The shaking in the wheat was slowly moving back towards the connecting wood, still a ways back but you could see a line where the rats weren't crossing it.
"You can say that again. The proper rats have no bounders on where they will go but these". Rebecca said pointing at the line where they weren't crosses. "Odd isn't it? And it looks like my guess was right with the woods being one of the only places they can hide".
"The magic must be waning." Is Halric's only idea. He follows this imaginary line. "Yea it makes sense. easy to hide and you regain magic power faster." He says, pointing out the obvious benefits of the forest as a hiding place.
"That wasn't it what made me think from the start, more places to hide and blend in, plus there will be more rats what will be near the rivers". Rebecca said, then it clicked on what she had just said. "You don't think these over grown rats were originally the rats what hanged around the river banks and sewars?" Just the thought of that happening sent shivers down her spine. "I really wish more detail are put on the flyers than just pests, we could have done with someone with a more active power here to stop them, and in my case more power".
"Yea, well need to be more careful next time." Halric says, continueing to search through the fields. "The rats coming from the river and sewers wouldn't surprise me either, not with these numbers." he continues on as well then hears a pair of voices call out from behind them. They were two people he hadn't seen before, but they were of the guild, their marks easily seen on skin.

The older man, about 6 foot tall with snow white hair speaks first, he looks to be about 23. "Well, they seem to be in trouble. Not really that unexpected though. They are first weeks." He says to the younger girl next to him. "Well, introductions seem to be in order." He then follows up seeing the confused look on Halric's face. "I'm Trystan."
"See you made it back to the guild in one peace Tally-May. You know the rules no wondering off on solo missions your too young for that at 10". Rebecca said to her.
"I don't get what the big deal is. I didn't even get a scratch". Tally-May said putting a large lolly pop into her mouth. "Besides you have room to talk with your magic".
"You little brat". Rebecca said to her. "My magic depends on how it's used and what is available on how effective it is and you know that". She looked at Halric. "That little brat is Fairy Tails youngest recruit she joined at 6 years old. Tally-May is a sweet or pollen same thing dragon slayer and will eat sweets all day if no one stops her". Looking at Trystan. "As for you we haven't met, my name is Rebecca Celestial".

(Did I ever show you a pic of Tally-may?)
(Yes you did)

The look on Trystan's face changes to shock at hearing Rebecca's last name. "Well then, miss Celestial. I owe you, or well your family, a degree of thanks." He says, and pulls out a set of keys, among them being two shining gold keys. He then looks over at Tally-May and gets a serious look on his face. "You came from a solo mission. What exactly did you go after this time?" The much older man asks, crossing his arms. "Are we going to have to talk to miss Wendy again?" He asks.

Halric just watches the going on, not sure what to do as the two of the members seem to team up on the third.
Rebecca looked a little shocked that he knew what her family has been doing for generations. "How did you know what our magic is? Besides the keys were and still are not made as a tool for fighting. They are made to help the spirits and that's all."

"I think you mean where not what exactly did you go after this time?" Tally-May corrected. "I am no longer six years old and don't need an escort every where I go. All I did was deliver a cart of bread to the next town. Not like I needed any help for that low paid job". She added gripping her teddy tighter after seeing the keys on Rebecca's belt.
"Well, I dabble as a historian in my free time, so I have done my reading on the keys." Trystan explains looking away from Tally for a moment to answer this question then turns back. "No monsters this time then?" He asks, getting a nod in response. "Ok then, but 10 is still young. My parents hardly let me out of their sights at 10." He says, putting his keys away.

Halric looks at the three as they talk, not wanting to interrupt anyone so he waits for everyone to get over their respective conversations.
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