Fairy Tail's next generation (Sirix and Winx)

"There is one way of breaking Leo's contract. It's well known that Lucy and Leo got married a first for all of magic, they had kids. No idea on where they are, you know parents if he had to choose on who he had to protect, a parent always picks there own, the rest of the contracts breaking has to be from the wizard or the wizard gets arrested. They are the only ways I know of to break a contract with the keys".
"What is the stuff?" Tally-May said getting impatient after her question wasn't answered.
(Thank you)

Trystan just shakes his head slightly. "Well, we can't change the current contracts so I'm glad this is over." Trystan says, relieved that the useless argument was over. Trystan then goes to looking at the gunk, wondering himself what it could be.

Halric looks at the gunk closely. "It almost looks like oil, but thicker and more......magical. Could be some kind of side effect from the magic on a body." He observes then starts to move down the river, following the black mark on the water towards its source. "Come on, it can't be to far up here."
Tally-May ran ahead of them.
"Come back here we don't know what's up ahead yet". Rebecca called out.
"I am a dragon slayer I can look after my self and stronger than all of you". Tally-May called out.
"Not the point and don't assume that your stronger than everyone here. Especially since this is the first time you have met Halric". Rebecca responded. "I swear she is going to run into a situation she can't get herself out of one of these days". She added throw grit teeth.
Halric gives a look to Rebecca. "Don't drag me into this, especially since I can only support. And she will learn her lesson then, and lets just hope that she has friends to back her up." Halric says, looking around the forest. He was sure that the young girl could certainly handle whatever might be at the end of the river.

Trystan chuckles himself as she runs off. "Little rascal."
"What worries me she is at the age where she is too young for some things and too old for others, so she is trying to act a little too grown up and confidant, what isn't exactly a good thing as it can lead to missing dandrous things". Rebecca said watching the kid run off she was soon out of there site as she disappeared around the corner. "The Peg isn't working". Was all what could be heard from Tally-May.

Molly appeared again. "Rats?" She asked all hopeful.
Trystan shakes his head a little, "Well, when your in her situation, you tend to grow up faster because you have to. Her parents and guardian left her, and that takes its toll." He says, then sprints up to the kid, making sure she was ok.

"We should probably catch up, they are getting away from us, and I think we are getting ready to run into trouble soon." Halrick says, looking at the water get murkier and the forest feeling more evil.
"It's also her age group, from the age of 10-12 we all get too young for some things and too old for others, meaning we have to refind ourselves and turn alittle bratty as we try and act more grown up than we already are". Rebecca said running after the kid. Wasn't really her strong point as she wasn't very fast. "The kid might lead you to some rats". She added to Molly's question, with that the spirit ran ahead of them. "Roatents and birds, the amount of times mother has gotten in trouble coz Molly has just appeared and killed them is unbelievable".

Tally-May carried on following the river. The smell was starting to get a little too much for her heightened smell.
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