Fairy Tail's next generation (Sirix and Winx)

"Well the dragons disappeared when I was 4 so I don't really have the parent problem do I". Tally-May responded. "Besides I am not 4 or 6 years old any more so it's not like anyone can snatch me so easily". She added folding her arms. She hated how over protective the older members could be, yer a couple of older ones rescued her from a dark guild kid napping people and forcing them to work in the mines but to her that was all history and it was her time to prove she wasn't that little kid any more.

"Most texts are either old launage or too faded to read". Rebecca responded. That would mean he did the same job as her as she does except that she does it on the spirit side of things then writes books on them. Most people think that it's just made up stories for kids throw. "Halric your quiet what's wrong?" She asked as he was all chats yesterday when they met for the first time.
Trystan looks at the young girl, raising a brow. "Your also cocky, and tend to leave without letting anyone know. Its true your not that young girl that got saved so many years ago, but your still young and because you don't have parents we all feel responsible for you. Just stop growing up so quickly." Trystan says then looks back at Rebecca and Halric.

Halric looks over at Rebecca as she talk to him. "Well, I didn't want to interrupt you guys. I may be talkative but I'm not rude. Anyway, why are you two here?" He asks, hoping he conversation was over.

Trystan answers first. "Well, we heard you guys had left on a combat mission and we weren't sure about your power so I at least came to make sure you were combat ready."
"I can handle myself better than some members of the group". Tally-May said. "It's not like I am a weakling what can't handle it's self you know".
"You could have joined in". Rebecca said. "All the leflet said was getting rid of pests what could have meant anything, and someone mentioned what the mission he chose on the train". She added shaking her head. "You still need to be bed no later than 9:30".
"Do not. That's for babies". She responded a little annoyed
"Wouldn't want to spend much time with her then she is going to be one cranky kid". Rebecca mouthed.
Trystan puts his hands up as he steps between the two girls. "Ladies, that is enough." He starts by looking over at Rebecca. "You, stop. You know well and good that her curfew is lifted when she accompany anyone on a mission. Something we might be doing once I get around to asking the young man what his power is." He then rounds on Tally-May. "You. You have to follow the rules of acting Guild Master Wendy until we have an official guild master, then you have to follow their rules. If that's no solo missions outside of town, then by god you won't be taking those missions, regardless of if you can handle them or not." He drops his hands now, but stays ready to jump on the two younger girls should they start to fight again. "Now, Halric was it? What is your power?"

Halric quickly explains his power and the situation, and the look on Trystan face drops. "Well, it looks like you guys need some help." He says, then looks over at Tally-May. "Want to help out with these pests and their master?"
"Even Wendy went on Solo missions and she was around 10 when she joined the guild, the same with a few others, they were younger than that and went on solo missions, and you really think rat would hand around a slayers roar no matter what type of slayer it is". Tally-May said only knowing about dragon slayers.

"That's really not the point when it comes to bed times, her age group normally has to go be bed by 9 by their parents to stop them being cranky in the morning. Considering I haven't meat everyone in the guild yet because of different missions there is still a lot to learn about everyone". Rebecca said "And like I would attack a kid". She added a little insulted that he thought she would.
Trystan shakes his head again as he steps between the two arguing girls. "Enough, we are dropping the conversation now. What's done is done, and rules are rules. We can pick this up again back at the guild hall if you two are still intent on hashing this out. So both of you shut up now." He looks at Rebecca again, glaring down any fight she was ready to represent, then turns to look Tally-May. "No I don't expect this fight to be hard at all. Which will make it go faster and get us home and them and you paid sooner. If what Halric says is true, we might want to get this over quickly. Raising the dead or even controlling the living is never a good thing and should be put down quickly. So I ask again, want to stick around and help out?" He asks.
"You know what that's a little insulting to assume that I would harm a kid like that". Rebecca said glaring back at him. "And considering there was already a plan put in place I think your answer is obvious right now, plus some of them are already taken care of. The farmer shot the first one when he showed us what was going on. It disappeared not long after that". Something then clicked. Another possibility of what the rats could be. "Maka magic, drawings or paintings. Would explain why they disappear, but then it doesn't explain he numbers if the person is a long. What ever is going on I don't think they are alive for them to vanish like that".

"There is also resurrection magic". Phoenix said but by this point only two of them could see her as she was more spirit.
"We are running out of time we need to find Leo and fast". Rebecca said to Halric as they were the only ones to hear her. "What do you mean that's forbidden lost magic".
"That's my point exactly only those with a flame of life can do it correctly other wise the ones you bring back to life will turn into something dark and scary". Phoenix responded.
"So with all the different sanario's what fit this situation what are we dealing with here?" Rebecca said.

"Only weirdo's talk to themselves". Tally-May said.
Trystan sighs and looks over at Rebecca. "I know you won't be attacking her anytime soon, but she may, and I'm trying to cut off the stupid argument." He explains, shaking his head slightly. He then watches the two look over at an empty space some ways away from either of the two new comers. He leans over and tells Tally-May. "Don't assume its just themselves, magic can do some weird things."

Halric looks over at the two girls, one real the other a spirit. "So necromancy, what I have been saying this whole time." He says softly, congratulating himself quickly before turning back. "Well, its not like we have any leads on where he is. We would have to get lucky. We can start hunting when we get home."
"Still wired to be talking to themselves. And rude". Tally-May responded
"We need to find someone who can raise the dead". Rebecca said to the other two. "All because you can't see spirits doesn't mean they are not near you at the time". She responded to Tally-May's comment. "Mine and Halric's power works with the spirits around us that's why we can see them. Some others can see them without magic throw so it doesn't mean you have a spirit type of magic to do so and not all types of spirit magic grants you the gift. Celestial magic is just one. Oh and it's Phoenix spirit of the sun. Younger sister of Leo the lion leader of the zodiac spirits".

"It uses up a lot of power. So you normally have to be close by to your creations at the time. Then there is the rare times when you can be a distance away from them". Phoenix said hoping that it would be of some help to them.
(sorry things have been hectic lately)

"Leo has a sister? Cool, file that way." Trystan says to himself tilting his head just a tad as he looks for some semblance of the spirit but seeing nothing. "I'll have to talk to Vendrick sometime about this." He says, just loud enough for everyone to hear, but it was obviously only meant for himself.

Halrick disregards the words from the older man and continues on with the work at hand. Just to show that Phoenix was there, Halrick picks up a rock and softly tosses it to the spirit, who catches the rock instinctively. "Not all things are as it seems." He says, to him the rock was in her hands, but to Trystan and Tally-May, it was floating in the air. He stands up and turns towards the forest. "Now, if we have nothing left to talk about, our only lead for finding the wizard doing this is slowly receeding away from us." The wheat no longer moved as the rats have now gone back into the forest.
"Good look you will find nothing on that matter. Only one lot of God keys were able to be stolen along with a bunch of silver ones all those years ago. Did you know that the keys were never meant to be used, the only purpose for them was to help the spirits move on befoure they just painfully disappeared from this world for being here too long. Oh and please remember that sprits experience pain when you throw things at them. Talking about the rats I wonder if any survived Molly. She loves hunting". Rebecca said.

"Did you get any of that". Tally-May said. Completely lost at the beginning.
"I know I won't find anything about family relations. I have never even heard some kind of relation between them outside of the occasional dating affair. No, I have a friend who would be interested to know that Leo has a sister." Trystan says, walking off into the forest with Halrick.

Halrick on the other hand answers her rat question with a simple, "Yes." As a pair scamper by quickly, hissing.
"Phoenix you and your timing. No Celestial wizard was meant to ever find out about you. Not to mention other information at servants matters". Rebecca hissed. "You can't use any of them or tell any one about them". Rebecca said to Trystan in an annoyed tone. "There is a good reason why they haven`t ever been mentioned befoure. She wouldn't of either". They can't be taken as well. She thought to herself. "Great now we need to work out what direction those horrible things have gone". She added aloud talking about the rats.

"Well there is a horrible stench near the river". Tally-May responded covering her noise with her hands.
"Sounds like as good of a lead as any." Halrick says, walking in the direction of the closest river. Not to long after, the sound of rushing water could be heard as the group neared the river. "Lead on Tally-May if you please." Halrick says, not really sure which direction to go as both directions seemed empty to him.

"You know, we wouldn't know about her if you hadn't of told us." Trystan says, pushing through the brush of the forest. "And you're making us Celestial Wizards out to be horrible monsters."
"The keys were originally stolen and never meant to be used after they were made, they are forced to fight for the one who owns there key. Yes some of the Zodiacs will want to protect humans but I don't think they should be used in normal fights or contests. They are Gods after all and were meant to be watching and protecting all the humans born to them not fighting them and getting hurt because of them, on top of that they are forced to fight there own friends, some cases lovers, what is right about that?" Rebecca said. "All because something is made it doesn't mean it was ever meant to be used".

Tally-may walked in the direction of the horrible stench. "What's wrong with you? This stuff really stinks". She said from behind of her hands.
"That's your problem there little girl. Because they were made they are going to be used. Besides, we don't force them to do anything. We can't force them to do anything until contracts are in place and then we are just as much their slaves as we are theirs. I tried to set up a contract with Leo once and he refused to work with me because he really isn't a big fan of Pisces. Does that sound like an oppressed slave? I gave his Key to my friend Vendrick and he worked with him willingly and still does. Aries is the only one who doesn't enjoy the fighting but she also doesn't hardly like to do anything in fear of disappointing her summoner." Trystan rants, his voice getting angry rather quickly as he is made out to be slave driver.

Halrick steers clear of their conversation, leaving them to their devices and turning towards Tally-May. "Here," he says, pulling out some clothes pins from his bag and handing it to Tally. "Won't completely block it out but it should help." He puts on a pair himself over his nose as the smell starts to get to him as well. "We're getting close at least."
"Leo is already contracted with the Heartfealia family by the order of the celestial king since Lucy risked her own life to stop him from disappearing. And if Lucy is still alive he should be with her". Rebecca said. "How would you like it if someone stole your key and forced you to fight for them instead of doing it them selves coz that's how your type of wizards were created. And using them for compactions without asking there promotion first is just rude. Leo didn't mind one but since he's still a member of fairy tale. Now Aris is another matter all together. And she is contracted to the Heartfealia family, and always tried to drown her owner for summoning her. Spirits have no choice in making contracts with who owns there key".

Tally-May took the peg then stopped when the river was in site. Pointing ahead towards the river. "Don't know what it is in that direction but it stinks. Be grateful your not a dragon slayer or a cat right now". She responded,
Trystan just shakes his head. "Take my keys then." He says, pulling out the ring with two gold and several other silver. He holds them out to Rebecca.

"I certainly am happy about that." Halrick says, glad his nose wasn't nearly as potent. The smell was getting to him even through the close pin. "Hopefully we can end this soon." The young man says, calling out to assess the spirits in the area.
"You thought of asking the spirits befoure using them for a fight. After all not all of the spirits like fighting and only do it when they are summoned. That bull has only ever liked fighting when he wants to make love with the girl who has ever owned his key, Leo likes to protect anyone who shows the spirits respect and kindness especially if your loyal to fairy tale, cancer prefers to cut hair and not get into fights as it blunts his scissors, poor Aris feels it's her duty to fight when summoned even throw she hates conflict and pain, she also hates it when men gather around her". Rebecca said hoping her point was getting throw. "All because someone is powerful doesn't mean they were ever made for fighting. The keys were kept in case they wanted to remain friends not to be forced into a fight, saying that you can't force a cat into a fight no matter how much you try, they do as they please".

Tally-May jumped down looking at the polluted water. "Who would do this to the water?" She asked pulling a right face of descuss.
"Yes I did actually. I have been trying to tell you that, but obviously the steps I have taken don't matter. So take the damn keys." Trystan says, still presenting the keys. "I know there are bad guys out there that use the keys against their wills, but I am not one of them and I will not stand to be talked to like I am one of them. Take them."

Halrick still ignoring the arguing pair looks down at the dirty water. "I don't know, but it looks more like a side effect rather then targeted pollution, see. Its not very thick. More like its coming from a small trickle or a single source." Halrick points out, indicating just how thin the non water substance was. He wasn't really sure what it was, but it was black and sludge like.
"What was all that about when you found out about Leo's sister and the set she was apart of then" Rebecca said folding her arms at him. "You acted like you would love to tell the world about them so they can be just used".

"Spirit types they never get along". Tally-May muttered. "Can't be good for people if it gets into the drinking water". She bent down and put some into a clear glass so they could have a better look at it.
Halric sighs then puts a hand up to Trystan. "One moment please." He says to the older man then turns to look at Rebecca. "You seem to be missing that he knows where Leo is. He can help Phoenix if you would just let go of past actions that he can't even begin to make right. And I haven't heard him say a thing about telling the world, just the one single guy who works with Leo." Halric says, before turning back to the river and the glass jar in Tally-May's hand. "Its more like Locksmith vs Lockmaker." He says to the young dragon slayer.

Trystan looks from Halrick to Rebecca. "Uuummm, I'm not sure what he is talking about, but I am sure he is making a good point."
"Sprit users tend not to get along with one another same with other dragon slayers, then dragon slayers tend to clash with ones who has the opisite to there element". Tally-May said. "Everyone knows that Natsu never really got along with Ice make wizards and Gaz the metal dragon slayer, and there was one member who use to use spirit into vestals can't remember the guy from the thunder leagon name but Leo never got along with him that well, what is the stuff any way and you did sound over eager when you heard other keys exist".

The last part Tally-May said about sounding too eager was exactly what she was going to say. "Leo belongs to Lucy Heartfealia and it's no secret that he fancy's her after she saved his life, The spirit king ordered it".
"The young man knows Lucy. Basically looks at the old woman, more then likely dead or bed ridden otherwise, as a mother of sorts. He used to not be strong enough to hold Leo here very long, so he thought I could work with Leo until he became strong enough. Leo then refused to work with me, Vendrick got stronger really quickly, probably with Leo's help and now is on the border fighting in the war." Trystan says, tired of this circle fight. "He may not have been her son, but he did receive the key from Lucy. So just stop this fight please. Its not getting us anyway. We can not affect the current contract in place anyway."
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