Fairy Tail's next generation (Sirix and Winx)

"I can say that this isn't natural. Never heard of a rat eating metal befoure, chewing throw wood so it can get to food yes but metal, it's like some kind of hybrid of some sort and what exactly is a Necromancy?". Rebecca said looking around the barn. She picked up the metal and brought it over for a better look.
The metal looks both chewed on, and torn. A few bite marks are always followed by a tear. "Necromancy is the art of reanimating dead bodies. Dad warned us never to attempt this magic as it affects the spirit of the creature you animate. Its dark forbidden magic." Halric says, obviously shaken. "It accounts for the numbers increase as well." Halric turns around and the body of the rat is gone. No sign of it being dragged, walking off or disintegrating into the ground are present. "It is a wizard doing this, no doubt about it. But where are they?" Halric observes, thinking about anywhere he might know.
"OK how do we stop them?". Rebecca asked since it was there job to get rid of the beasts they would need to do it once they have found the ones causing the problem. "Has there been any new people moving within the community?" She asked the old man just incase the wizards were hiding in plain site.,
"Well, we had a sporting young man come in a few months ago, but he is a farm hand over at his uncle's farm on the other side of town. There is old man Trank that lives in the woods though. Seems like he was there when I was just a boy myself. Always gave me the creeps." Jericho says, shivering at just the name of the man.

"Only way to really stop the problem is to stop the source." Halric shrugs. "We stop them like we stop anyone else, beat them until they cant stand anymore, then remove them from environment."
"Well why don't we check the new comers out, at least we will be able to sense if they are magical or not. From there it's working out there power if they are. Thank-you it gives some idea on where we can start." Rebecca said talking about the person who is coursing the problems. "One little problem. My power isn't for attacking like that. Not on people any way, with animals it can be used as a diversion but people". She added starting to feel like she was in the way. "If it was animals that would be another matter as I could use a diversion to make them move away, humans are harder to do so using objects in the shape of something what can move and has a mind of it's own. If my mother was still alive we would have Molly".

"Don't think like that he is still waiting for you to get stronger". A small voice said. "You can summon the little doggy Nikora without using all of your energy, what means your not ready for her". She said dropping cat shape key at her feet what to most would look like it would have come out of thin air".

"Phoenix, Leo's little sister". Rebecca whispered to Halric since there was a chance the old man couldn't hear a single thing the spirit had just said. "Molly, she said picking up the key The gate keeper of the hunter werecat Molly. She was my best friend since I was 3 mother saved her when I was 5, still is".

"Because of your bond she won't use that much magic". Phoenix said befoure disappearing away from them.

"I really can't see how a cat help's deal with humans throw". Rebecca said holding the key in her hands.
"Summon her, and we can see what she can do." Halric suggests, Jericho looking at the two of them like they were crazy and walking away.

"The farm you guys want is on the other side of town, big blue house. Cant miss it." Jericho says over his shoulder as he gets back to work.

Halric shrugs as the old man walks away, "We can also see if I can make her stronger. I can augment myself if nothing else." He says, cracking his knuckles as he waits to see what Rebecca does.
"Molly has the instinct of a small cat, she loves chasing and catching vermin and birds. She once killed a rooster. The farmer was really mad but it turned out in the end she saved the flock because he had bird flu and hadn't been near the hens at that point". Rebbecca said holding out the key and placing it into the lock not what celestial wizards do but it helped her gain more power. "Open the gate keeper of the hunter, werecat Molly". She called out as a bright light appeared and then a girl with tiger stripes ears and tail along with what looked like claw shape goves and shoes, looking at the age of 13.
"Becky". She squealed holding her so tightly to the chest it made it impossible to breath. Her grip was so tight it made it hard to make her back off.
A little shocked at that the spirit was so...lively compared to the ones that Halric was used to, he lets the girls have their moment, chuckling until it looks like Rebecca was starting to turn purple. "Aaaahhh, Molly. I think she needs to breathe." Halric chimes in, a little worry entering his voice as he takes a step and puts a hand on both of their shoulders. "Unless you want your friend to stay purple."
Molly let go like nothing had happened.
"Every time. I don't know how you manage it since I am taller than you now". Rebecca panted.
Molly just laughed at her response.
"You didn't know that celestial spirits are this lively?" Rebecca said after seeing the look on Halrics face.
Molly sniffed the air. "Rats". She said excitedly dancing on one spot on her little toes.
"No, not really. It must be the fact they are saved now." Halric guesses, using Rebecca's words. "I wouldn't get to excited about the dire rats though, they don't seem to be...alive." Halric says, so she doesn't catch one and then get disappointed by it. "Mind if I test something on you Molly?" Halric asks, leaving it a little vague, wanting to test personality just as much as the effect of his magic on this spirit.
"That depends on what it is. They smell like normal rats". Molly said
"They disappear once they are killed". Rebecca said
"I don't eat them they taste yuckie". Molly responded.
"Yuckie". Rebecca laughed as it sounded like something a little kid would have come out with.
"I want to see if I can use my magic to make you stronger. As a celestial spirit you're already stronger then us, but I want to see if I can make you even stronger." Halric explains, thinking about what might be in the area that could augment her skills. A cougar could be close by and that could make a good match for what he suspected was her abilities.
"You can try but it won't work it goes against nature it's self". Molly said keeping her tail as still as she could.
Rebecca rolled her eyes as she grew up with this. She also knew the longer Molly was around the more magic will be used. Since she was new to using the keys instead of making them she knew it will drain her magic quickly if she wasn't carful.

(Up to you if it works or not I am going to bed now it's 1.16am and I need to be up to visit grandparents.
Good night)
"Its just a test. Not thing to bad." Halric says, then takes sends out his call. A faint halo of light radiates from his body disappearing into the distance around. "Spirit magic, cougar." Halric says, the points at Molly. From the forest rushes a white cougar, leaping and bounding gracefully across the field. As the large cat gets close, she pounces into Molly and gets to work on what she was called to do.

Molly, already being mostly cat, doesn't change much physically, her muscles become slightly larger indicating more speed and strength, but her attitude changes a little, her stance seeming more serious and predatory now as apposed to her cheery and bounciness before. "Well that answers that question. Does it get any harder for you to hold her here?" He asks Rebecca, wondering as to the effect of her magic
"Considering I haven't summoned her befoure and she will be stronger than the little doggy. Hard to say". Rebecca responded. What was the truth she had no idea on her limit for other keys. "Hadn't we better work out something to fix this problem. either getting rid of a few rats or finding the person responsible".

Molly just got excited about finding the rats and took nothing elts in. Having more instincts of the cat rather than the human is what made her the hunter out of the possibilities on what could have happened when her key was made.

"Sorry. If you know cats they hunt for sport". Rebecca said when she noticed her mistake.
"I do know cats actually." Halric says, watching the young looking girl sprint about looking for the rats she wanted to hunt. "Well, best not to wear you out faster on accident" Halric says, dismissing the cougar and watching the spirit leap out of the body but chase around after the werecat. "At least she will be near by when we need her." Halric chuckles, indicating the spirit.

"Lets go check the new comer, then start looking for this old man if he checks out." Halric says, leaving Molly for Rebecca to deal with and heading off to walk towards town.
"Molly you had better go back till we work out what happen if you attack those things. Since the are not alive possibly not real it's hard to say". Rebecca said Molly sulked but disappeared giving Rebecca the chance to run and catch up with Halric.
Halric walks slowly until Rebecca can catch up. Once she joins him he picks up his pace to a fast walk. "So, Do you think Molly would be willing to fight? If not, I'll augment myself and give it ago, but any competent fighter will easily over power me." Halric says, shrugging a little as he walks, the town coming into view quickly.
"That sounds a little scary and a little risky". Rebecca said. "If there is rodents or birds she will want to do it with out question". She said like it was obvious from Molly's previous reaction when she was summoned. "As for bullies she will want to scratch there eyes out. her words".
"Safer bet to just have myself fight then." Halric sighs. He wasn't the best fighter but he would do in a pinch. The pair reach the edge of town. "Need anything while we are here?" He asks, looking at Rebecca as they walk through.
recacca shook her head. "packed befoure we left. once we have checked this place out we will need to get a drink of some sorts. we have had nothing since leaving the guild". She looked around her surrounding to try and spot anything out of the ordinary.
Pulling out the still full water bottle, Halric tosses it to Rebecca. "Here, hopefully this can tide us over until we get back to town." He says, as they walk out of the small town. Just as Jericho said, they couldn't miss the big blue house on the other side of town. It was on a plot of land that wrapped around the west side of the town and stretched all the way to the woods. Several people work the fields, some magical and helping sick plants grow or plants grow in general, other not and weeding, tossing rocks and other farm work. After about an hour of wandering the fields, dirty looks abound they notice the youngest man there, probably 20 at most.

"That must be the new guy. He isn't tanned enough to have been on the farm long." Halric says, then feels for magic. He is in fact magical, but it is small, like he has never practiced the skill in his life. "Well, that rules him out." Halrick says, turning back towards town.
"What about finding the rats? If we follow them to see where they are going it should with some hope give us a clue on the purpose for all of this. Then hopefully getting rid of all of them instead of a few. I couldn't see the owner of the place. Also some work throw the night checking the plants for pests. Or they do where my family goes on holiday" Rebecca said taking a small sip and tossing it back to him. Then she also had no idea on what they were capable of apart from what they did to the barn "Thanxs".
"Your welcome." Halric says, as they get back into town. "Yea, we kind of do need to follow them at this point. Actually, can Molly track? She might be able to lead us to their nest or nests." Halric suggests, knowing some cats do track.
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