Fairy Tail's next generation (Sirix and Winx)

"Draw near your foot has some flannels and soap, got no men's deodorant". She said to Halric pulling out her key and lock. "Since we are behind closed doors I can show you my magic. Maker magic is different for each user no matter what type it is, my mothers stored energy into cards giving a similar result to your magic. Mine is different as it can give small objects some life for a few mins". Pulling off her bag charm Rebecca placed it on the coffee table pointed her key at it turning it like you would into a lock, the rabbit come to life standing up. "Not very powerful. As for sealer magic that is more complex. You see we have to make the keys ourselves what takes months of crafting and placing our own magic within the key and that can only be done once made contact with a new spirit. Once the key is completed and the spirit is present you place it into the lock binding the spirit to the key and sealing it's connection to the spirit world, I would understand if your confused by this".
"Only one question really. When you say spirit, do you mean Celestial spirits, or the spirits of the recently deceased? There is a difference, I have never seen a Celestial spirit, but I see the other kind all of the time." Halric asks, wondering at this question, and looks at the small rabbit on the table, the little creature still hopping around on the table. "Spirit magic, Rabbit" he whispers out, testing his magic on the small object.
"I don't use spirits to bring things a life but the magic energy what is released around us. Mothers magic is another matter it's similar to yours in one way stored into cards. If you want to give card magic a try they are in the box on the fire place". Rebecca said after hearing what Halric had just said. "Normally it's spirits what have just died. The reason why it has to be new spirits is because both types are the same and they can normally stay here for 2 years at the most rare for them to last longer, it takes months to make the keys to save a spirit, you have to slowly add magic energy after making contact with the spirit and getting there position, once the keys are made and the spirit is present it's placed into the lock, then the spirit is transported to the spirit relm. There is some things what have been forgotten in history of the keys, the first one is they all started off gold but as another one was made it turned silver. As for the ones what remained gold there's more than 12 star zodiacs there's 12 animal one adding the god and cat to them making the animal one 14 to that set, plus the galaxy ones. That's the reason I asked you if you know any celestial wizards while in the grave yard. One won't rest after she got separated from one of the keys. Phoenix of the suns flame, little sister of Leo the lion leader of the star zodiacs of the suns light, at first she could travel between both world but a year and a half she got stuck and unlike her brother she is in spirit form and not human. On top of that she will vanish if I can't find him leaving the galaxy keys with out there princess". She pulled a rose gold key out of her bag showing Halric.
The little rabbit on the table seems to grow a small larger as Halric's magic takes effect as he sees a small rabbit spirit jump into the little charm. The charm also seems to become faster, acting like a true rabbit now as the spirit uses the charm as a temporary body getting the act like it lives once more. Smiling at his accomplishment Halric changes focuses and looks over the key. It was beautifully made, but he felt a small aura of sadness radiating from it. "Is her key...broken then? How can she be trapped?" Halric asks, the key his main concern at the moment though he does have an additional question after this matter gets cleared up. "Can we really help her by finding Leo's key?"
"Just like us spirits have bonds with each other and will do anything to save one another. She has no master but she wants to be with her brother". Rebbeca said. "The key isn't broke, some times when a rule is broken the spirit king kicks them out and they eventually vanish as they can't stay in our world, but her's is complex as it seems only finding her bother will help her go back". She looked at the time. "We are going to miss that train if we don't hurry".

(You chose the mission so you decide on it's out come. Sound fair?)
Checking his bag to make sure he had the things he needed, Halric stands and dismisses the spirit, the little charm shrinking back to its original size and not acting as life like now as the spirit jumps from the charm and back out into the world. "Lets get going, I have everything I have." Halric says, leading the way out of the house and towards the train station. "Last question. Can you see spirits freely like the rabbit I called, or was he not visible to you like most everyone else?" Halric asks as he speed walks towards the station, wanting to hear the answer before booking it to the station to check for the train.
"I can see them or I won't be able to save any of them". Rebacca said running to catch up after locking the door behind of her. "You have to be careful as not all spirits are friendly. Sometimes a bad one can follow you home and do all sort of things. It's what mother warned about talking to them"
"Had a goose get in my house once, and because of all the spirit magic we use in the house, spirits can actually grab and move things with ease rather then the little bumps they can normally do. Not a fun time. Trashed the place and not nice about while he did." Off in the distance they hear a train whistle and they start to sprint towards the station. Barely catching the train in time. Panting at the exertion Halric says, "That...was a...close one." As he recovers he starts to look for empty seats for him and Rebecca to continue talking, finding a pair near the back of the train. "Window or inside seat?" he asks, knowing some people could be particular about where they sit.
"Doesn't bother me. We get there even if we have to stand up". Rebecca said. "Your the first person who has mentions experiencing the dangers of bad spirits mother warned about when I was a small child". She made sure that her money was deep into her bag so that it couldn't be snatched. "We were lucky not to have missed it or there is a risk once the mission was completed the client not paying. I have been told by one of the guild members he was one minute late and didn't get paied after a 5 day job".
"True enough" Halric says, sliding all the way into to the window seat. "Well then, hope we make it on time then." Halric says, a little worried now. "I wouldn't call the goose a bad spirit, that's just a goose. They are all jerks, even the living ones. We let a real goose in the house once because me and my brother wanted a pet, did the same thing." Halric explains a small shrug coming to his shoulders. "Not sure what we did to either they both just kind of walked off after that."
"What's your brother like?" Rebecca asked sitting down opposite Halric. "Well that is if you like him, we never had pets but if your bird was wild I am guessing it went to find a mate". It was only a guess as she wasn't there when they had the goose in the house.
"Good a guess as any." Halric says, his eyes down cast a little as she asks about his brother. "I haven't seen my brother for a few years now. He walked out of the house saying he was on the way to join a guild, and we haven't heard from him since. He is a rather nice guy though if a bit competitive. He will race you for a coin, then let you have it as long as he wins. Its not the reward, but the...bragging rights we wants." Halric says, not really sure how to explain his brother. "Anyway, what about you, ever try to bring anything crazy in the house as a kid?"
"No. Never had the chance as I was raised by a governess". Rachel said. "I got her after my sister was snatched from the house when I was 6. We don't even know if she is still alive". She said. "My sisters the hope and pride of the family, she could summon the spirits she saved throw the keys without using too much magic, she could save them faster than anyone in the family, her creator magic made spirits visible for all to see, she could also use snow magic like father, that's all I remember of her". Looking at him. "What guild did your brother join? you can let your brother know where you are if you know that one".
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know." Halric says, as she speaks of her sister. The train chugs on, the country side starting to light up as the sun starts to set. "That's just it, he never said what guild. Just a guild. 'Ok family, I'm off to join a guild.' Was his last words to us. If I knew where he was, I would have dragged him home ages ago." Halric says, his voice a little down trodden.
"I am sure you will find him. Some of the guilds are connected in some way. I do know that some of the guilds were created by members of Fairy Tail. It was the 3rd masters team mates so there is still some hope". Rebecca said. "When a new master has been chosen why don't you tell them I have been told that all of the guild leaders meet up once a year so if he has joined one of them guilds at the meeting our new master can find out". She said trying to look at the bright side. At least if it was a good guild they can find out if Halric's brother was alright.
"I will give that a try." Halric says, his voice changing to hopeful hearing this. It was sort of a long shot, but it could work. The sky outside starts to darken, and rest of the train passengers start to fall asleep one by one. "Well, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. We should probably sleep." Halric says, leaning his chair back and getting as comfortable as possible. "Unless you have more you want to talk about." He chimes up, not wanting to seem rude.
"I would rather stay away in case we miss our stop". Rebecca said. She couldn't sleep on trains any way as she couldn't get combatable enough to do so. "you never know when we have to get off for some reason or another, how do you feel now you have seen some of the town?"
"Fair enough" Halric says, sitting back up to continue to talk. "I love Magnolia. I can see myself living there for the rest of my life." Halric says, looking at the girl. "How about you. You have been here for at least a week. What do you think of the town?"
"It reminds me more of a holiday destination. My mothers father, makes all of the money for this area so everyone walks on egg shells around him. Including the magic council, I know that because my father worked for them till he was killed a year ago. Everyone is worried of upsetting him and no more money will be made, once the money has worn out and can no longer be used they know it would course panic". Rebecca said laughing. "He finds it all entertaining as he wouldn't punish others for someone elt's wrong doings. Because of my grandfather I am more use to things being isolated but more lively, then I don't think I have met all the guild members so things might change".
"Things are constantly changing. But given how the guild hall is, I think lively and crazy times are ahead of us." Halric says, chuckling a little as she laughs. "Your grandfather sounds like a good guy. Some men would be more shallow then that." He comments, not sure what else to say about it.
"If any of the guild members are like the old ones I am sure it will happen". Rebecca said. "He is. Grandfather would stop making specialized money for someone or straight to a company making them go to the bank like everyone elts if he doesn't agree with what they are doing or they are rude but never for everyone. He makes the money on face value or collectors money, where the money is made to celebrate something and you pay exactly what the note or coin is worth. He mainly does it straight to him as it helps raise the money for the up keep of everything, but for things like a new king goes to the banks and give them a small profit".
"At least he gets something out of it." Halric comments, hearing all the work he does. "What do you know of the old members?" He asks, curious as to the history of the guild. It was something he was sure to learn eventually and sooner rather then later sounded pretty good to him.
"Once the more well known guild for destroying things. Also been known for the top guild. I think in one go it had 2 wizard saints, 3 first generation dragons who all had there own exseed and one second generation dragon, one celestial wizard, female too. All the ones I find out about are female what makes me wonder if they can only be females for that kind of wizard, then I have only found a small number living at the same time." Rebecca said. "The founder of the guild is called Mayvis".

(Just seen the time I am off to bed now good night)
"Sounds like quite the guild back in its day." Halric comments, interested. Exseeds weren't super rare anymore since they had come through from a different world apparently. "Dragons and saints, sounds like they were a dangerous group." He says, awe in his voice for that part. "I haven't read of a male being a celestial wizard either...that is odd. Coincidence may be, or a male one just never discovered his skill?" Halric suggests.
"All because we haven't come across one. Doesn't mean there isn't or wasn't one out there. There weren't dragons within the guild that I know of but dragon slayers. I do know that all dragon slayers are raised by dragons throw. It's where they reserve there magic from". Rachel said. She jumped out of her skin when she heard a man jangling his keys has he walked down the carriage wearing one of the navy blue ticket masters uniform, hiding his short black hair under neath his hat with his heavy black shoes. "I hate it when people do that. There is no need to be jangling your keys with every step you take". Rachel said to Halric when the man had walked into another carriage. "Does your family work for any other kind of job?" She asked hoping he was understood.
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