Blackthorne Acadamy(Avengers-Au) Moon/Lady

they smiled at him. "really. you just smell so tantalizing." Steve admitted, licking his lips a little, uttering a short growling sound from his throat that made James shiver and grin. "oh. sorry." Bruce said with a smile. "but i thought it was only fair, since James was trying to hard to get your attention." he admitted, following them. "honestly, why does everyone i know always talk about sex?" Bruce complained with a sigh and a shake of his head. "well good. because i like spanking naughty subs." Steve admitted with a grin and a chuckle before nodding. "very good friends." he admitted. "i get the feeling they'd do almost anything for you." Steve admitted with a smile. "and i know you'd do almost anything for them too." he admitted before focusing on the asshole.

"this is your verbal warning. step away and refrain from calling my Pack members names. you will not approach them again for any reason after this either way." Steve stated, curling his hand into a claw, nails going long and sharp. "you know nothing of us, and yet you pass judgment when you cannot eve change your own form, or use basic Vampire powers." he stated, eyes gleaming gold. "you cannot accurately identify power levels or even what your target is. you are stupid, weak, and a waste of the stolen blood that runs through your body." Steve said, lifting his lip in a sneer. "you are nothing but a leech. someone who sucks at the base of a power. been living off of mummy and daddy's names all your life, never bothering to do anything but spew vitriol and hatred instead of bettering yourself and making all those empty threats real ones. the likes of you has no chance against me." Steve stated. "you don't even know the danger you are in right now, because you're too filthy and stupid to recognize who i am and more importantly, what i am. leave now, and preserve your life. i am well within my rights to slaughter you where you stand in defense of my back. Phil Coulson agreed upon it when i took the others into my pack. choose your next words carefully, childe. for if they are wrong, you will die."
“ guys smell good to.”Tony said flushing as he shivered at the growl. “...So unfair.”Tony sulked a little before laughing a little at bruce’s words. “Cause apparently sex is normal for wolves, and Clint can’t help himself. Did you know he got having sex at like, 13?”Tony hummed looking amused before shuddering at steve’s words.”I’m very naughty really.”he said before nodding. “I would, and I know they would for me to.”

The man lifted his lip in a sneer, making tony whimper as he stepped closer to james, even if he was used to having to fight his own fights, being here, and having two stronger wolves with him, made him feel better about letting them defend him. Studying steve before swallowing thickly as he considered the man before nodding. “As you wish.I’ll leave them alone.”at least until he figured out how to take care of them all. Turning away and heading back into the school. Tony whimpered softly, clinging to the pot in his arms, wincing as the frightened strength broke the edge of the clay pot.
they grinned. "of course we do." he agreed, smiling a little before James chuckled. "oh? does your cock throb too when he does that?" James asked, grinning. "it's the sound of a horny Alpha." he admitted. "sometimes he'll do that, just to make me horny." here James pouted. "and then keep doing it all day until i'm so needy all i can do is beg by the time he finally fucks me." he whined, sighing. "well, we where around that for our first time." Steve admitted. "age doesn't matter much to a wild werewolf pack." Steve admitted. "but me and James refused to have sex with anyone but each other, which annoyed a lot of the higher ups." Steve admitted. "they learned not to piss us off pretty quickly." he admitted with a grin before focusing on the vampire in front of him.

Bruce didn't look at all bothered. this guy was always trying to fuck with him, but it never got too physical because he was always scared what Bruce might do to him. Bruce didn't have to change to be dangerous, he was well known for snapping peoples arms. he was all bluster and no brains in Bruce's opinion. only at the school because Daddy was some rich Vampire lord. "just remember this encounter, Vampire." Steve warned. "and know that if you ever try it again, i'll kill you." he warned. "no warnings first." he stated before smiling at Tony. "there, see? no raised heart rate. though i do wish he'd tried. i would have shown him how useless he really was." Steve admitted before sighing. "still, stupid people like that. he'll be back to cause problems again. he might even do an even dumber thing and try to take a hostage." he admitted. "we'll have to be alert for such things."
Tony nodded a little,shuddering. “It does.”he muttered looking at steve with wide eyes, leaning into james a little. “He’s being all sexy.”he muttered before making a face. “Me to, but it’s quite amusing to know Clint’s first time was like, a orgy. The man truly has nearly no control. Sometimes it amazes me he’s as loyal to natasha as he is.”tony said before nodding. “I’m sure they did.”

“I wont.”The vampire said tilting his head, walking away. “He isn’t useless.”he muttered shaking, trembling a little as he leaned into james. Cause the vampire, despite the young werewolf pup being so much bigger then the vampire, had had no control and very little fighting experience even with clint’s help, he couldn’t stay in control enough to be dangerous, his status as a omega leaving him mostly without the will or control to fight. So he’d been a perfect victim to the bully. “We will. And tell clint and natasha to be aware to.”He muttered.
Steve grinned a little. "i'll have James give you a blowjob later." he promised before smirking. "you think i'm sexy Tony?" he asked before snorting. "he is a Demon after all, or half of one at least. people are inherently drawn to him." he admitted. "ad he's naturally inclined to want to take advantage of the attention. of course he's going to enjoy orgies. however, his angel side is probably very loyal, and he's clearly in love with Natasha, who seams to love sex just as much as he does. it's a good match." Steve admitted with a smile.

Steve watched the Vampire leave and Steve sighed. "and i really wanted to make someone bleed too." he admitted, pouting a little before smiling at Ton. "for a young wolf all alone, people like that are very dangerous." Steve agreed. "but i have been a werewolf all of my life, and have trained relentlessly to become the strongest member of my pack. if i had the drive, i probably could have left and not had the Pack hunting me. but i didn't know where else to go." he admitted. "what i don't understand is why he's picking on you in the first place. your a trueborn aren't you?" he asked, looking confused. "people like him make no sense. if they are going to be bigoted, then why do they pick on the people who are just like them? granted, you don't think the way they do, so maybe that's why?" "could be because his father was a human too. who knows? who cares?" James asked. "he's not worth the waste of air, lets go get some dirt! i want Tony's flowers to grow big and pretty!"
“O-okay.”Tony whimpered a little at the idea, squirming before nodding.”I do.”he said blushing before laughing. “It is indeed a very good match. They’re good for each other.”Tony agreed.

“I’m sure one of them will give you the chance later.”Tony said smiling a little before nodding. “They are.”He muttered shuddering a little before nodding. “I am.”he said swallowing hard, not about to admit the real reason he knew the vampire hated him, at least not all of it. “He’s also gay and even as small as I am, resisting was easy. And I had clint and bruce protecting me, and well, I’m the only trueborn hunter’s child attending right now, so...”he shrugged because he wasn’t about to admit to which hunter was his parent. Not when the killing of the starks is what got blackmoon killed. “They will.”Tony promised, perking up at the idea of flowers as they walked into the greenhouse, gathering the dirt and gently planting the flowers.
Steve nodded. "yes. i can't wait to sink my claws into someone." he admitted before pausing, his eyes flashing Gold with rage. "he tried to rape you?" he demanded, baring his fangs, a snarl emanating from his chest. "has he heart you Tony? i'll rip him to shreds! i'll make him suffer before he dies if he managed to hurt you." "chill." Bruce ordered. "he never got the chance. Tony is small, but he's stronger than the vampire is when he has cause to, and Clint is fine tuned to Tony, he always shows up before Bloodbane can do anything." "...that twink is a Bloodbane?" Steve asked, laughing outrageously. one of the strongest Vampire tribes in the world and that was what they had to show for it?! "Your father was the hunter, right?" James asked. "he's the one who donated all that cool stuff to the technology labs." James said, pondering that. "Howard Stark right? he's not so bad, for a human anyway." he admitted with a smile. "we never got to meet him, but we saw him on TV sometimes." he admitted, hoping to calm Steve down before he went after the Bloodbane vampire. the last thing they needed was a big incident. thank god it was working, Steve's eyes had resumed their usually baby blue appearance and his shoulders had relaxed. "your really good at this. do you garden a lot?" Steve asked Tony.
Tony whimpered, cringing at the snarl as he leaned more into James. “N-no he didn’t hurt me.”He said looking up with wide eyes. “Besides, I had a mouth ful of fangs that came out whenever I got to upset. Seems even a young werewolf is enough to terrify a vampire when changed.”Tony muttered before nodding. “He is.”he sniffled calming, before looking at james. “He was. He wasn’t...great, but he was good for the world.”he just sucked horribly as a father. The man’s abuse having left bone deep scars on the young wolf. But he was glad to see steve calming down. Nodding a little at steve’s question he smiled. “Yea. It sooths Natasha sometimes. I mean, when sex or reading aren’t working, and since Clint doesn’t enjoy it, me and her come down here and garden.We even have a class together for it. It’s a extra circular activity.”
James smiled at Tony. "it's okay, he won't take out his rage on you." he promised the frightened Omega. "good! i hope you bit him good!" Steve decided, pleased to know that Tony had managed to hold his own and had good friends helping him. "well no wonder he's got his nose shoved up his daddy's ass. i'd probably be doing the Elder Bloodbane a favor, slaughtering such a weak offspring." Steve admitted. "mmm." Steve agreed. "sometimes, people just aren't suited to being parents." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "it wasn't your fault your father was a dickhead." he promised, kissing the others forehead. "you don't need him anymore anyway, you have a much better family now." he promised Tony. "Natasha, as a necromancer is connected to the earth as well." Bruce said with a smile. "so working with the dirt, and working with living things is soothing for her." he admitted, Steve nodding. "that makes sense." Steve admitted before chuckling a little. "sex works to keep the ghosts away?" "most of the time, unless they get a really persistent one or a pervert." Bruce admitted with a chuckle. "so. i was wondering. how long have you all been here?" "i've been here since i was twelve. Natasha too." Bruce admitted. "Clint showed up around... uh,... how old was Clint Tony?" Bruce asked curiously. "i can't remember." he admitted, scratching his head. "it was after me and Nat..." Bruce hadn't had any friends at all until Tony appeared, though Natasha had been nice to Bruce before that. "so it's like a club." Steve deduced. "that's kind of cool. what other clubs are there? anything we could do? like, fighting clubs or something?"
“...”Tony whimpered a little looking at james, swallowing hard as he tried to relax. “I did. He didn’t taste good.”Tony muttered. “you probably would be.”Tony agreed giggling a little at the idea of riding the world of the weak offspring. “...No. I don’t need him anymore.”He agreed relaxing, sighing quietly. Quite glad to know that howard stark wasn’t around anymore. “Yea. He might not be able to create the nercomanic wards, but Clint can bolster them if he feeds enough power into them. Sex gives him a boost, and most ghosts don’t want to watch sex anyways.So it works.”Tony snickered a little before thinking about it. “15?16?Something like that.”Tony said before nodding. “It is. And there’s a dueling club for swords and such, and a book club.”Tony shrugged a little as he finished potting the plants.
"no, Vampires never do." Steve admitted. "vampires and their ilk are never good for eating. they can make us sick." he admitted. "so you shouldn't devour his flesh, just bite him a lot. a good bite with enough f werewolf venom can make a vampire very sick. it's why they don't drink our blood." he admitted. "we make them just as sick as they make us. it's why we typically hate each other so much." he admitted with a smile before nodding. "i'll kill him the next time he so much as looks at you funny." he decided. "so he's like an extra battery, feeding power into the wards protecting Natasha." Steve mused. "without him, they still work, but with him, they're ore powerful?" Steve guessed. "i'm glad she has him then, i can't imagine how horrible her life would be, not being able to tell the difference between living people and ghosts." he muttered, shaking his head. "swords?" James asked, perking up, looking excited. "like, fencing?" he asked, a gleam in his eyes. "you'll take me there later? i want to see how much i can test my skills." he admitted. "James learned to fence from one of the other pack members, Razor. they used Foils for the most part but Razor had an amazing rapier." Steve admitted. "he was amazing to watch really." Steve admitted. "i was always more fond of using my fists and fangs though." he admitted. "you might like the mixed martial arts club. ou can use almost any kind of hand to hand combat there. including wrestling, boxing and kung fu." Bruce admitted. "that does sound fun. i have to have medical clearance first though." Steve admitted. "i'm not allowed to be too physically active yet." he admitted. "but in a few weeks, or a month, i'd like to try it." he admitted, smiling as he watched Tony. "that looks very nice. you'll have to put it in the window of your room." he admitted, kissing the top of Tony's head. "come on. lets go back inside. i'm hungry, we never got anything to eat in the lunch room. lets see what Sebastian can make for us." he decided. already treating Sebastian as another member of the pack.
“Ah. Okay. No eating the damned vampire.”Tony made a face at that before sighing, “Well, don’t get in trouble for killing him.”he muttered before nodding. “Exactly. They work without him, but he can help her block out more. And he can tell the difference to, between living and the dead. Makes things a little easier for her.”Tony smiled a little before nodidng. “yes. Swords, daggers, dueling...sorta a little bit of everything.”Tony said smiling pleased that both steve and james were finding things that interested them. “Thanks. I will.”he said smiling as he picked up the pot, nodding. “Let’s go then.”he said smiling as they headed back upstairs, quite happy that his packmates were happy with him, and pleased that he’d done well planting the flowers. “Seb!We need some food.”He said smiling as they walked into his rooms, looking around.
he nodded. "that's right. just piss on him and then dig a nice shallow grave for him." he ordered with a smirk. "i wont. Hunters Rules state that any being that is a threat to the pack can legally be killed. that bastard has tried to rape you, has verbally and physically assaulted both you and Bruce. we have asserted the proper warnings. if he tries anything else, we are well within our rights to kill him within Pack, Hunter, and School Rules." Steve admitted. "the only person who might cause problems is the brats father, and even then i doubt he will go to so much effort for such a weak thing like his son." Steve admitted. "he might do something out of pride, but it will be a pathetic attempt, we'll probably just get a fine levied or something." he admitted. "nothing worth being concerned about, especially if word gets out that the filthy thing was trying to rape a new werewolf, by Pack rules, a new werewolf is a child, a puppy, so in essence, the Vampire is technically a pedophile for trying to force you when yur so young yet." he admitted. "not something the Elder will want getting out. he'd rather just claim his son attacked the wrong pack for the wrong reasons and leave it at that." "man.... laws concerning cross species interactions is confusing." Bruce admitted. he hadn't understood all of that, but he got the important bits. "Daggers? Daggers too?! oh that's cool. what clubs is everyone else in?" "Natasha is a martial arts guru, and Clint is the captain of the archery team. i'm in the chess club." Bruce admitted. "i'm also in Yoga." Bruce admitted. "learning to stay calm, means i transform a lot less often." he admitted with a smile. Sebastian looked up from where he was washing the dishes and smiled at them. "of course." he agreed. "...didn't i break those?" James asked, looking baffled at the pristine plates nos sitting clean on the counter as Sebastian started dishing out portions of freshly cooked food to everyone. "where are Natasha and Clint?" Sebastian asked curiously. "having sex. again." Bruce admitted, making Sebastian chuckle. "i'll save some for them then."
“...Okay. We’ll do that.”Tony said sounding pleased at the idea of having his bully taken care of, before frowning. Thinking that over. Inter-species politics made his head hurt, and he felt even more lost because he had never truly been part of a part, or even had to deal with things when he’d simply been a technomage, so this was all new to him.”I doubt the elder will want to do anything.He has a brat for a son, he’ll hide it if he can.”Tony sighed quietly, making a face, he hadn’t being a puppy, but he knew it was a true statement. He was just to young to be considered a adult wolf, despite being 17. “Yea, the daggers are good. Phil is in charge of those, Maria, the vice principle, is in charge of the swords, but Phil’s better with daggers.”Tony said smiling a little before snickering. “Never, ever give clint a reason to fire a bow at you, he’s disturbingly good at it.”Tony said snickering a little. “You did, but Sebastian always fixes broken things. I think he uses magic to do it.”Tony said before yelping as Clint pushed him a little. “No need. We’re done for now.”Clint smirked, his blond hair a little more white shot through, more white blond, which was a usual indication the man had been tapping into the angelic side of his nature. While you couldn’t usually tell, the man’s hair showed the power changes, lightening as he used angelic, darkening blond as he used demonic.
Steve nodded. "one thing that surprises human creatures, ones that still think like humans or newly turned are always surprised when we kill so easily. they forget that we aren't human." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "we don't think the same as them, death is a part of nature. a part of the balance, and i will kill him if he ever bothers you again." he promised. "we don't think the same way as you, Natasha or Bruce do, so if it bothers you, i'm sorry." he admitted. "but if we don't kill him, then we'll have all kinds of problems with people trying to take advantage of us for not responding to threats properly. they will think we're weak, or worse, merciful." Steve admitted. "as an Omega, your not really expected to handle any of the fighting or politics. your role is mush more subtle and important." Steve admitted, smiling at Tony. "just by having you close, we are much more calm. gentle. we're less likely to fight with each other and out dealings with others will be that way too." he admitted. "a healthy Omega is a healthy pack." he admitted. "i'm sure that's why the Brat is still here actually. the Elder doesn't want him around, causing embarrassment within the tribe." Steve admitted. "he's keeping him here until he either grows up or dies."

"can we join more than one club?" James asked curiously. "of course. however, if your chosen for a championship of some sort, you have to pick which club, you can't enter a championship or alter-school challenges for both clubs." Bruce explained. James nodding. it made sense, that way everyone got a fair chance to enter championships and school competitions and the like. "i'll remember that." James agreed with a nod. "think his mama's a Cupid? it would explain a lot." Steve started to laugh, that was hilarious. "Magic? are you a sorcerer Sebastian?" "indeed i am. of a sort." Sebastian admitted with a smile before chuckling at Clint and Natasha when the Necromancer walked in with a goofy grin on her face. "well. my room is clean and i get to make sandwiches naked tonight. i love life." she admitted happily. "why does everyone i know always fixate on sex?" Bruce wondered, as he often did. "hmm. perhaps because only deviants to society wouldn't care about your condition?" Sebastian mused. "after all, it takes an unusual person to see through such a condition to see the Victim underneath. and unusual people often have unusual views of the world." Sebastian admitted with a smile. "or it could simply be because Natasha is a pervert, Clint is a half demon, and the rest are all werewolves rendering very high libidos." Bruce snorted. "that sounds much more likely."
“...That makes sense. Even being raised in a hunter’s family...I was...innocent. At least, until my parents were killed. Then it was...”He shrugged sighing quietly, because death had been a distant idea when he was young, not touching him until the wolves had killed the starks. “It’s okay. I’d rather not deal with him myself, but you can do what you want to him.”He muttered flushing a little, looking relieved at the idea. “Good. I truly don’t like fighting...or politcs.”He muttered smiling happily, pleased he was helping them as much as they were helping him. “I don’t doubt it.”Tony agreed amused at steve’s observation.

“And sometimes the club meetings go on at the same time, though they’re good about keeping them apart most of the time, so you might have to choose when to go or not.”Tony shrugged a little before snickering. “she might be. It would indeed explain alot about clint.”Tony snickered shaking his head at natasha’s goofy smile. “You are always so weird after sex.” “You’re just jealous you can’t please someone that much, runt.”Clint teased ruffling the werewolf’s hair, indeed of them all, tony was the shortest, nearly a head shorter then clint. “Definitely more likely.”Clint agreed snorting amused.
Steve nodded. "many Hunters don't want their children exposed tot he brutality they have to undergo." he admitted. "it is extremely rare for a Hunters child to become a Hunter later on in life." he admitted. "because Hunters normally value their children more than anything else in the world." he admitted. "so a Hunters Child usually doesn't even know their parent is a Hunter, because that Hunter wishes to prevent their children from having to face such brutal experiences. instead, Hunters usually adopt other children who have already experienced hell, and train them in the art of hunting instead. because the children who have seen hell, are more likely to survive against it." he admitted. "in fact, many Hunters never have anything to do with their children, not wanting their children to have to mourn when the Hunter dies. your father probably did his best to do that same thing, but failed halfway." he admitted. "which fucked you over three times as badly." Steve admitted, watching Tony to see how he would react to that information. "ultimately, your father was actually being exceptionally selfish. he loved you enough to want to keep you, but didn't love you enough to do the right thing by you." James admitted sadly. "in the end, you where the one who payed the ultimate price for his selfishness." "most Omega are too wild to have good political skills anyway. your brash and hyper. much more suited to screaming at overly worked up Dominants." he admitted with a smile. "and entertaining us as well." he admitted with a chuckle.

"huh. if it gets down to it, i'd choose the daggers." he admitted. "i'm not very skilled with those, so i would like to learn. wheres my fencing skills are..." he paused. "well, actually i don't know what level i'm at. perhaps i should ask Maria to test me?" he wondered. "what would explain Clint?" Natasha asked curiously, making Bruce snicker into his cup of chamomile tea. "i am not weird!" Natasha protested, sulking. "i simply enjoy the finer things in life." "...i thought Sex was the dirty, filthy things?" "it's both depending on how i feel." Natasha said with a sniff. "don't call Tony a runt." Steve ordered. "it upsets him. and he's going to be bigger than you soon enough." Steve admitted with a grin. "perhaps not in human form, but his Wolf will grow big and strong with proper guidance." he admitted. "i'm sure it's already grown some." he admitted. "much more likely. after all, Bruce could make any friends he wanted, if he wasn't so scared of people." James admitted, making Bruce twitch, startled. "i'm sorry?" "i've noticed, you always try to push people away." James admitted to Bruce. "it's only stubborn assholes like myself and Natasha who you let close, because no matter what you do, you can't push us away. your cared of being rejected, of being abandoned." James smiled at Bruce. "but it's too late now. your our friend, and your never getting rid of us now." Bruce gaped at him, stunned before he smiled. "yes. i guess so."
“...I never wanted that life. Me and mom, we were left on our own alot. I didn’t want...a family I’d have to abandon later.”Tony made a face as he considered that, swallowed hard, cringing as he ducked his head, staring at the floor. Hating to consider just how badly things had gone, just how fucked he’d been both by his father’s life, and what followed. Which if he considered it, would have never happened had howard let him go. If he’d been allowed to grow up without being in a hunter’s presence, he was sure his mother would have left him unbound, let him simply be. “....Oh. Well. You should tell that to phil next time he yells at me for being hyper and doing a million things at once.”tony said before smirking. “I’m sure I can be amazing entertaining.”

“daggers and fencing are usually together, simply because maria teaches them both, so you shouldn’t have to choose.”Tony smiled a little. “Oh. That his mother’s a cupid.” “...”clint stared smirking a little. “Why, are you telling me I’m a god of love?” “No. But you are a god on the archery course.” “True.”clint snickered before rolling his eyes.”And amazing dirty sex is definitely a finer thing in life.”Clint said studying tony before wincing. “Sorry tony.” “It’s okay. I don’t mind it so much when it’s you.”Tony muttered because he knew clint didn’t mean it to be mean, not like when the bullies said it. “....That sounds like so much of a threat. Never getting rid of us.”Tony teased grinning at james.
Steve nodded, wrapping an arm around Tony's shoulders. "Howard was selfish, and your the one who had to pay for it." he admitted smiling at the other. "but you have us now. and we won't ever abandon you, or ignore you." he promised. "your ours. our Puppy. our Omega.Our lover. we won't ever leave you behind." he promised. "well. being an Omega is only a part of your personality. your hyper activity is mostly just because your you." he admitted with a smile. "actually, with an Alpha, a Dominant around, Your Omega Wolf should settle down a lot more." Steve admitted with a smile. "nd you are amazingly entertaining." he agreed with a smile.

"i thought Phil taught Fencing?" "no. he teaches advanced Fencing." Bruce corrected. "only people who are too good for Maria's lessons have Phil as a teacher." "oh. so i would need to have Maria test me?" he asked, his head tilted. "that's right." Bruce admitted. "i'm sure he's a God of Love too, considering the look on Natasha's face. Steve's still better at sex than Clint is though." James decided, making Steve chuckle. "we are not having a sex competition James. it would mean needing to have a judge, and the only person allowed to see you like that is ME." Steve said, quite possessively. James whined submissively and nodded. "and Tony too, right?" "yes. Tony Too." Steve agreed, making James smile. "don't lie Tony. i hate it when people lie. it upsets you, you shouldn't hide the way you feel just so you won't upset someone else. they'll just feel worse when they find out." he explained with a smile. "you shouldn't lie to make others feel better because in the end it just means that you both get hurt feelings." he admitted before grinning at James who nodded. "oh, it was a threat." he admitted with a smile. "after all, if Bruce ever tries to leave, we'll just follow him." "even into the bathroom?" "oh yes." "what if i'm getting laid?" "can you get laid?" Natasha asked, amused. "that is so not the point..."
“...Good. Don’t want to be left behind.”Tony muttered leaning into steve, smiling quietly. Happily. “...well that’s good. Sometimes I have trouble focusing on what I’m doing. It would be good to be better at focusing.”

“You do look in love.”Clint grinned studying natasha, stealing a kiss before smirking. “No, I think I’m better at sex.Definitely.” “Quantity doesn’t equal quality. You’re the one who gets laid the most, not the best.”Tony said laughing as clint took a playful swipe at him to ruffle his hair. “You are such a brat.”clint teased careful not to call tony his usual name of runt. Tony’s eyes widened listening to the other two wolves, whining quietly at the possessive tone even if it wasn’t directed at him, squirming closer. “Okay. No more runt.”Clint promised watching tony, who didn’t protest, but didn’t say it was okay to call him runt either. Well. At least he could figure out how to look after tony better if steve could make him tell them when something really upset him, since he knew tony hid things from them if he thought it would upset them. “Well. If he can’t get laid, we could always let him watch. I mean, it’d be like letting him have a good time, just with live action porn.” “Exhibitionist.” “Hell yes.”Clint snickered, because as much as he didn’t care who saw him, he respected natasha to much to be as utterly free in his affection anywhere or anytime as he truly felt the need to be.
Natasha snorted. "as if. Love is boring. Love is for children." she sniffed. "your just not boring, that's all." but Clint knew it was all bluster and hot air. she had whispered her confessions to him in the dark of the night, how she was terrified that everyone she loved would be ripped away from her. like her parents had been. like the few people she had grown affectionate of in the hospital, only to have them watch as they transferred, got fired, or simply left. everyone she loved left, so it was better to never love. "i dunno. we've never had sex with Steve. maybe he is better? we should give him a go, just to see..." she paused when James looked her square in the eye and snarled. "or not." "Steve is mine!... and Tony's!" "ah. i forgot to mention." Steve admitted with a sly grin. "Omega's and Beta's can be even more possessive of their lovers than Alphas are." he admitted. "Omega's have even been known to rip competing wolves to shreds over their mates." he admitted. "Tony's probably not reacting right now because he knows your joking." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "or it's a delayed reaction. i'm never too sure." he admitted. "of course i'm joking. as if i'd sleep with you. your gross." she sniffed, making Steve chuckle. "well. if it was just Bruce, i guess i wouldn't mind too much." Natasha decided, examining the Wendigo. "i'll pass." Bruce stated with a shake of his head. "are you sure?" "very." "if you insist." "i do." "hand me the salt?" "here." Natasha giggled a little and salted her steak.
“Hm, glad to be of assitance then. Making the world a little less boring.”he said with that slight smile that said he knew that it was a lie. Even if he questioned sometimes that she loved him, in his low moments, when his own mind was a dark place, for the most, he knew she loved him. “We should.”Clint said jerking back as tony took a swipe at him. “Yea, so I see.okay, no flirting with the werewolves.”Clint said avoiding the smack as tony went for him again, tense before relaxing as tony settled down with his food again. “No sharing. Only with james.”Tony growled pressing closer to steve, eyeing clint and natasha. “Me to. I have enough problems keeping up with natasha, no need to test out a werewolf’s stamina. I have a feeling I’d feel inadequate.” “Of course you would.”Tony growled still upset. “Damn.Are you sure?”clint said pouting a little at bruce’s refusal, looking amused as he ate.
she smiled at him, eyes going soft in that way they only did for him, showing him he was right, that it was a lie, that she did love him. "mm." Steve agreed, not even bothering to try to stop Tony, it would only piss the Omega off, and a pissed Omega was never, ever a good thing. people always thought Omegas where weak, powerless, helpless. nothing but sluts for the Alphas. people where dead wrong. in all truth, in a healthy pack, it was the Omegas who had all the power. "that's right." Steve agreed with Tony. "you me and James. no one else." he greed, kissing Tony's cheek, James kissing the other cheek. "hmm. i am insatiable." Natasha agreed with a grin. "it's why it's a good thing Clint has an impressive Libido." which was bullshit. Natasha didn't typically like people, Clint was lucky she'd been attracted to him at all. honestly, most people for Natasha where nothing but irritants. she'd never cheat on Clint, not for any reason at all. "very inadequate." Steve agreed with a chuckle. "calm down Tony." he suggested. "they won't try to seduce me." he promised. "and even if they did, i would never say yes. i have my hands full with you and James. i don't need anyone else." he promised. "very sure. unless you want me to turn into a flesh ravaging monster determined to rip you open and devour your insides?" "...and i am no longer hungry." Sebastian informed them all. "sorry Seb."
“Good. Mine.”Tony growled glaring at the half demon and nercomancer even if he calmed a little at the kiss to his cheek, having a little. “I’m indeed very impressive.”Clint smirked as he looked at natasha, nuzzling her a little, knowing she had more sex then she probably liked mostly because it kept him from going utterly insane, even if it helped her to, the sex kept him calmer, less likely to lash out. “...Good.”Tony grumbled though he still looked unsure and upset, nibbling on his food a little, calming slowly. “...No. Thats okay. I can skip that...and I agree. Not really hungry anymore.”Clint snickered a little.
Steve chuckled a little and James smirked, pleased that Tony was so possessive. "sure. you're impressive enough to satisfy a human i suppose." "Hey! no racial slurs at the table!" Natasha ordered, looking amused. "i didn't use a racial slur, if i wanted to use a racial slur i would have called you a meal on legs." Natasha laughed at that. "we need to have more sex." Natasha informed him, smiling as she was nuzzled, knowing that they didn't have time for all the sex she really wanted to have. honestly, she was always eager for sex, the pleasure grounded her, stabilized her. made her remember what was real and what was not. "i thought so." Bruce admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head, grabbing Clint's plate and clearing it of food as well, Steve and James wrapping their arms possessively around their own food, even if Bruce made no moves for their plates.
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