Blackthorne Acadamy(Avengers-Au) Moon/Lady

“He is thinner then me. He should eat more.”Tony said looking up at steve, nodding sagely, like he’d come up wtih the best wisdom in the world. “Well, our doctors are fairly good here, if anything should happen.”he shrugged wincing at the sight of the broken plates, “Thanks Seb.”he muttered as sebastian took care of it.

“.huh.”Tony said staring a little as he listened to the other, edging closer to look at the statues in detail, biting his lip a little. Frowning slightly he sighed. “I’ve parents weren’t really into relgion. And despite knowing a half-demon, half angel hybrid, religons never really interested me.”Tony said frowning slightly before looking up at james, smiling a little as he moved over to help the beta werewolf.
Steve rolled his eyes and James snickered. he was really starting to like Tony. plus, his human... slave? thing, brought free food! "well good. at least we won't get kicked out if i chew on a few well deserving assholes." James mused, watching Sebastian carefully remove the glass from the sink before focusing his attentions onto making the place as presentable as possible.

Steve smiled and picked up the one that was all three of the deity and gently set it in Tony's hands so he could get a closer look at it. "most Hunters are not religious, in fact, many inhuman beings are the same." he admitted. "most wolves pray to no god or goddess, they simply exist. many humans do the same." he admitted. "as i said, Faith, needs belief to work and many people find it hard to believe that there is something else out there. watching over us or guiding us." he admitted, gently setting the figurine back into place. "and even those who do believe, don't believe in the right things." he admitted. "but always remember this." Steve informed Tony, smiling at him. "Faith, and Religion, are never the same thing." he admitted before smiling as he watched his Pack. the Beta happily accepting Tony's help a they made a large den like nest on the mattresses where they could curl up at night. by the time Phil returned for Dinner, the place was nearly unrecognizable. werewolves didn't care much for clutter, so most of the shelves, extra furniture and what not had been removed, replaced with large cushions and poufs that a human or a wolf alike could enjoy. "i'm glad to see that you two are settling in well." Phil admitted. "i'm sorry i took so long. Bruce blew up the microbiology lab and i had to sort everything out." he admitted with a smile. "how are you all doing?"
“Well. That’s good to know.”Tony said smiling a little, relieved to know that he wasn’t totally weird for not really believing in anything. At least, in terms of religon. He simply wanted to believe in himself, that he would someday have the control he needed. And indeed, as they worked, the omega wolf was utterly pleased and happy at having been able to help. Settling into one of the cushions to take a nap. Startling at the sound of phil’s voice, he squirmed out from under the blanket and on the cushion, looking up happily at phil. “Bruce did his experiment?!He was supposed to wait for me!What happened!?”Tony demanded information, whining having every urge to run downstairs and find his best friend.
Steve chuckled a little. "most people can't believe in something they can't see, so it's not that uncommon to be an Atheist." he admitted. James was glad to have the help in fixing the place up. he was massive, and strong but even he couldn't have done it all by himself so quickly, especially since Steve had a whole list of things he wasn't allowed to do. including strenuous cleaning, heavy lifting, light lifting or anything at all that would raise his heart rate. the heart-worms in his system where starting to die, so they would be breaking up into pieces. which could flood his system if he got too active. do that and he'd suffer a heart attack, or a stroke. he couldn't even have sex. "no, Bruce didn't do the experiment." Phil admitted. "turns out Tim Nelson didn't like that Bruce was smarter than him and applied..." he paused and then. "something, to the slides Bruce was supposed to use, causing the explosion. Nelson has been expelled, Bruce is fine however. he just has a set of very impressive black eyes." he admitted with a sigh. "unfortunately for Mr. Nelson, the little idiot, he wasn't careful enough and whatever he applies to the slides spilled all over the floor, so when Bruce's microscope exploded, a lot of the stuff they where working on spilled to the floor, causing even bigger explosions. the lab is a mess." Phil admitted with a sigh. "Maria spent three hours screaming at Nelson for putting the entire school in danger and for threatening Bruce's life over something so stupid.... of course, once Bruce was hurt he completely lost control." Phil admitted. "so he's in detention for the next month."
“...stupid moron. I’ll yell at him. He endangered my science buddy.”Tony sulked upset that bruce had been hurt, making a face.rubbing a hand over his face, he shook his head. “Can I go see him though?”He asked, needing to see his his friend was okay, making small distressed sounds that said the wolf was starting to change he was so upset at the idea of bruce being hurt or that he hadn’t been there to stop the little idiot.
"hes already gone." Phil admitted. "and not at the time. he's in a cool down tank." "a what?" "ah. it's basically a room that's indestructible where we place anyone who looses control. it's a place where they can let out their rage without being a danger to the rest of the school. Bruce Banner is much more volatile than most, he has exceptional control, it takes a lot to finally set him off, but once he's set off it's nearly impossible to contain him." he admitted. "Howard Stark, Tony's Father, actually had to specially develop the room that is currently holding him while he calms down." "so the cool down tanks are rooms for if, say, James attacks someone in werewolf form?" "no, the cool down tanks are for the students who can't control themselves once they've changed, or go on a rampage. if you don't stop, when we tell you to stop, or cant stop, you go to the cool down tank. some students, when they first arrive, spend time in there because they are incapable of controlling themselves. it's rare that it happens though, mostly it's used when Vampires have gone too long without a feeding and they go on a Blood lust." Phil admitted. "Bruce uses them the most to be honest. because once he looses control he can't get it back until hes exhausted and passes out. he'll be fine Tony." Phil promised him. "there's no need to worry. you know nothing can actually hurt Bruce." not unless they burned him alive and made sure the heart was nothing but ashes. anything less and Bruce would just regenerate.
“Oh.Well. I’ll have to see him later.”Tony said swallowing hard, trying to calm himself and not get to worked up at the idea of someone trying to hurt bruce. “Even if he changes, I doubt James is out of control alot. It’s for those who have no control....or Natasha when she’s seeing to many ghosts.”Tony mused smiling a little, whimpering a little as he nodded. “I know. But I should have been in class.”He muttered rubbing a hand through his hair, trying to be calm.
Phil nodded. "i'll have him come up here. he always feels more calm around you." "we don't mind." Steve admitted. "this Bruce fellow is clearly important to Tony. it is important to make sure he is alright, for Tony's state of mind if nothing else." he admitted. "just bring him here if Tony is still with us." Steve decided. "i'll do that." Phil promised. "it shouldn't take him much longer to calm down, he's been at it for two hours or so." since Molecular biology was right after lunch, Bruce had indeed been at it for a long time. "Natasha?" "Natasha Romanoff. a Class Three Necromancer." Phil informed them. "not only is she almost constantly plagued by the souls of the dead, but Demons, Angels and other such strong 'living dead' forces are attracted to her as well. not to mention her Animating skills." "she can raise the dead?" "yes. she can reanimate corpses that have been dead for over a hundred years. not to mention bring the souls of the long since departed to her for limited periods of time. she's one of the strongest Necromancers ever recorded, and the Hunters Counsel has considered labeling her as a class four." "why don't they?" "they are unsure if it would make her life easier, or worse." Phil admitted. "they are unwilling to make her life any more difficult than it already is." he admitted. "you have duties to yourself Tony." Phil informed the young man. "it is important for you to meet with other werewolves who can actually help you." he admitted. "Bruce was delighted when he found out you had made such good impressions on the werewolves." he admitted, pausing when his phone dinged. "oh? ah. Bruce has finally calmed down." Phil admitted. "would you like to come with me to check on him?" "go." Steve offered Tony with a smile. "we don't need any help here and your friend sounds like he could use your company. feel free to bring him back up here." he promised. "we'll save a pouf for both of you." "why are they called Poofs anyway? it's such a lame name. they should be called something better." James decided, Steve chuckling as he nodded. "what would you call them then?" "Steve's." "what?" "because they're soft, and squishy, and good for snuggling." Steve, surprisingly, flushed red and huffed. "i'm punishing you for that later James." James just smiled.
“He’s my best friend. Not only nearly as smart as me, but he simply was accepting that I was a technomage werewolf, instead of teasing me over it.”Tony smiled a little before nodding, “Yea, he should be done soon.”he said realizing that indeed, bruce she change back anytime. “She’s of the opinion it’d be worse, but no one’s decided yet. She has a fair amount of problems getting enough peace to actually learn things.”Tony shrugged a little. “...I do.”Tony said after a look at steve, even if it wasn’t necessary, the man was looking at him for permission. “okay. I’ll be back in a little bit.”Tony said cheered, ebfore laughing a little, “:Steve’s huh?”he snickered laughing, utterly amused as he followed phil out towards bruce’s cool out room.
Steve smiled a little. "good friends should be treasured." he agreed. "i don't know what i would do if i didn't have James." he admitted. "to be honest, i think the only reason either of us managed to survive was because we had each other to trust and depend upon." he admitted. "what is he, that he looses control?" "that's Bruce's story to tell." and truly, considering the manner of beast that he was, only Bruce could tell the story. the teachers all knew of course, and how he had become that way, but of the students, only Tony knew the story. it was a hellish one to be sure, and Bruce had nightmares about it even now. "should it not be her decision?" "that's the crux of the problem. power labeling is typically left up to the hunters. because of this extremely unique case, no one is entirely sure what to do." Phil admitted. "so they're leaving it up to Natasha, who is content for now to stay the way she is with the label she has. she might change her mind later, but for now she's rather content here. when she's not being pestered by spirits and souls of course." Phil admitted with a chuckle, watching Tony interact with the other two wolves. he wasn't sure if he should be pleased or not, that Tony was acting like Steve was his Alpha. especially knowing what he did about the trio's past. did he have a right to interfere though? when this could actually make Tony happy? he'd have to monitor the situation then, and see what would happen.

he led the way down tot he basement and let Tony into one of the cells they had down there. it was all state of the art technology, and Bruce, in his other form, had ripped through the weaker metals, solid steel and iron, like it was butter. the entire room, empty as it usually was, was torn to shreds and there was blood all over the place. The beast turning on itself when there was nothing else to tear apart. his wounds where already gone, leaving only faded scars. they would be gone in a weak or two as well, only to return when he transformed again. he had been moved to a cleared area and covered with a blanket. "Tony?" Bruce asked, slowly sitting up, blinking dumbly at the other. "sorry... i lost control again..." he apologized, rubbing his eyes. "i'm covered in blood... i guess i need a shower..." Bruce was always a little disconnected after a transformation. probably the only reason why he was still sane. or mostly so anyway.
“Probably do the same thing I’d have done without bruce. Die, or be miserable.”Tony shrugged a little before wincing a little. “Bruce’ll have to tell it.”Tony said looking upset about his friend, because it was hard to know just kind of life bruce had led. “It’s usually not. But Natasha’s powerful enough to make it a issue if they forced things on her.”Tony shrugged a little, smiling. Content for the first time in awhile, for the first time truly not stressing out over being a wolf. Usually news that bruce had changed, was enough to push him into changing, but he was calm enough to not to.

“Hey.It’s okay. I’m just glad you’re not hurt.”Tony said smiling, holding up the bowl of water he was carrying. “Well, you know you wont stay awake for a shower just yet. So here, just clean up for the moment.”he said smiling a little as he walked over.
Steve nodded. "most likely i would have died. in the last year or more i was often too weak and exhausted to fight for y fair share of food." Steve admitted before nodding. "it was an unsanctioned turning then, an attack." he guessed. no, it was far, far worse than that to be honest. "it will of course have to be up to Bruce if he wants to tell us or not." he agreed. "i will have to meet this Natasha." Steve decided with a smile. "she could be a strong Pack Member." "your not allowed to turn anyone in the school into a werewolf!" Phil snapped, Steve chuckling. "and who said that only Wolves could be part of a Pack?" Phil paused, startled. "i have no interest in following my last Alpha's footsteps. my Pack, will be just that. mine, to protect." he admitted. "this Natasha sounds as if she lives a lonely, terrible life. not unlike Tony and Bruce seam to have. not unlike James and i have. no one should be alone, everyone deserves a place to belong. i will offer them that place. if they want it." he admitted, setting his hand on James head and stroking the hair, since he had laid down and placed his head in Steve's lap.

Bruce nodded. "i'm not hurt anymore." he agreed, blinking at the bowl of water. "oh..." he blinked again, but made no move for the water. it was Tony, or Phil who usually cleaned him up before he took a longer nap. he just didn't have the brain capacity at the moment to do anything that complicated. he was pliant under Tony's hands, letting him clean up the shapeshifter and Phil carefully picked Bruce up once Tony was done and carried him out, since Bruce was already asleep. "your room?" Phil asked Tony, well aware of how protective and possessive Tony was over Bruce. he wasn't likely to leave Bruce's side for some time yet.
“”Something like that.”Tony sighed a little, before wincing at phil’s tone, making a face. “She’s a good friend. A little confusing at times, since she talks to the dead even if she’s talking to others...the dead appear nearly as solid as alive to her, so she can’t always tell ghosts from the living.”Tony shrugged a little smiling a little, “I would like a place to belong.”he agreed, pleased at having found one.

“Good. I got you. We’ll get you cleaned up.”Tony smiled as he washed him up, before letting phil pick him up. Biting his lip for a moment, thinking it over before shaking his head. “Steve and James’. More people to protect him.”He decided, following the other upstairs, knocking lightly on the door, before stepping in. “hey, he needs a place to rest, and I want...I need to watch over him, make sure he’s safe...can we sleep in here?"
Phil relaxed and nodded. "i'm sorry. i shouldn't have snapped at you." "it's only natural, seeing as the Pack we came from. it's natural to be nervous around us." Steve admitted with a smile before blinking. "she sees them that clearly?" he asked, stunned. "how does she stay sane?" her boyfriend, mostly. Clint kept her grounded, as well as providing other assists. "we'd be glad to have you Tony." Steve admitted with a smile.

Bruce nodded. "okay." he mumbled. "alright." Phil agreed, following Tony back up the stairs. once there, James was poking at the stove and Sebastian was laying down a hefty tray full of dinner. a plate full of pork chops, fried chicken, and beef tips in gravy over rice. there would eve be enough for Bruce once he woke up. "yes, of course he can sleep here." Steve agreed, examining Bruce curiously. Bruce was a small guy really. it was hard to see the danger that lurked inside of him. "James." "yes." James agreed, moving into the bedroom to help get Bruce settled,, helping Tony fuss over the man. "he probably won't wake up until morning. are you really alright with giving him your bed?" "of course. we slept on the ground after all. mattresses are ice, but they are a luxury and Bruce needs them more than we do. we'll sleep on the poufs, in wolf form to be more comfortable." Steve admitted. "it will be fine."
“She does. And Clint barton, her boyfriend. He’s part demon, he can tell when its a ghost or not, and he’s not a necromancer, but because of his unique bloodlines, he can see them to. Can’t interact, but he can lend her his immunity sometimes to simply ignoring them.”Tony shrugged a little.

“Thanks.”Tony grinned happily, as he fussed over bruce even as phil carried him, smiling a little as he got bruce settled into bed, fussing over him, making sure he was comfortable before stepping back. “Thanks you guys.”Tony said grinning a little, biting his lip. “Think I’ll change to...curl up with him.”he said, swallowing hard as he changed, the smallish wolf bigger then a normal wolf,pup but he was still bigger then a normal wolf. Settling into the bed next to bruce, he sighed tiredly as he settled down to sleep.
Steve blinked, surprised. "half Demon?" he asked, stunned. "they let Demons here?" "only those who aren't a threat. besides, he's also half Angel." Phil admitted, making Steve gape. "how in the hell... actually, i'm not sure i want to know." he admitted, shaking his head.

Steve smiled. "it's no problem." he promised, before nodding. "changing on purpose is a good thing." he agreed. "it will help you get adjusted to your new form. just be careful about getting up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. you might get your front feet tangled up with your back if you forget which form your in." he warned before looking at James and nodding. James rippled, and then grew into his own massive form. Steve stretched and then grew as well. James was jet black with large silver eyes, while Steve was pure white, with glowing gold eyes. it was rather rare for a wolf and it's human form to have such different color variations. they both yawned and settled down in front of the door to keep out intruders. they where so big they barely fit in the small room, but at least no one would dare attack them.
“only the pain in the ass ones.”Tony snickered a little. “Apparently, clint’s dad is such a temptation, even heaven pales next to his beauty. At least according to clint. Man’s got a little bit of a ego. But he’s a good guy.”Tony snickered thinking about it, cause clint really was a good friend.“...Good to know. Never thought of that.don’t usually sleep as a wolf.”Tony said smiling as he settled in to sleep

In the morning the wolf yawned, sighing as he sniffed at bruce, nudging his friend with his nose, looking him over before heaving carefully to his feet, yelping as he indeed managed to tangle himself up, hitting the floor with a bone jarring hit, whining a little as he changed back to human form, sighing softly as he laid on the floor.
Steve blinked at him and then. "okay. wow." he admitted. "that's... wow." he chuckled and shook his head. "you have strange friends Tony." "so what does that make us?" James asked, amused. "most Wolves who live in society don't." Steve admitted. "but it's easier to stay warm and comfortable as Wolves in the wild." he admitted.

when Tony woke, James woke as well and the massive black wolf snickered when Tony fell over, getting up and moving over to him, nudging Ton with a head that was bigger than Tony was. "...Tony. i don't want to alarm you. but there is a massive wolf in your room and someone stole your bed." Bruce informed him. "also, i really stink, can i use your shower?" way to prioritize Bruce. "i like him already." James admitted, melting back into his human form with a yawn and a stretch. "man i feel good. that was a nice long sleep." he admitted. "feels good to not have to get up with the dawn." he admitted, turning to look at the massive white wolf that was sitting there, watching them curiously. "Tony? this isn't your room..." Bruce informed him. "have we been kidnapped?" "nah. Tony brought you here last night. i'm James Barnes. you can call me Bucky. this is Steve. it takes him a bit to wake up in the mornings. he'll join us once he remembers he's supposed to be a human right now." he promised. "the running water is through there. help yourself." "uhm. thanks..."
“Yea, well he’s not the strangest. Just one of the most narcissistic.”Tony snickered a little, because the half demon was truly interesting, and definitely older then he was. Though he only looked 18, and had the maturity level to go with it, he was nearly 100. Demons and angels simply aged slower.

Whining a little as he was nudged, sighing a little as he changed back, looking at bruce with a smile. “Nice prioritizing.”Tony teased before looking at james, gently petting the wolf under his hand. “Not my rooms, and these two are the new wolves.”Tony said with a quiet excitement, a need to fit in and have all his friends like each other. “no we haven’t.”Tony promised, “We’re safer here. You were out of it, figured it was better to stay here.”tony said logically before snickering, “He’s pretty like this though.”tony said amused it took steve awhile to remember he was human before smiling.”I’ll get you some clean clothes. Go warm up.”Tony ordered smiling as he left, returning in a few minutes with clothes for the other man.
Bruce shrugged. "i'm a man of simple needs." he admitted simply. watching Tony pet the massive black monstrosity. "i didn't know werewolves got that big. i mean, i knew they where big... but..." strangely enough, Steve was much bigger than James was in these forms. Steve had almost a hundred pounds on James like this, and when they both weighed almost five hundred pounds, that was a lot of wolf. "he is pretty like this." James agreed. "you smelled like blood. we figured you needed the rest." he admitted, Bruce nodding. "thank you." he said, smiling a little before heading into the bathroom, Steve yawning with a sharp pitched whine. slumping over onto his side in a vain attempt to go back to sleep, James snickering a little as he headed into the kitchen, where Sebastian was already preparing a massive protein filled breakfast. by the time Bruce came back out, dressed in faded jeans and an over-sized hoodie, Sebastian had enough food on the table to make it groan.
“Well, I’m still growing you know. I barely weigh more then my human weight, they probably weigh in close to 500 pounds.”Tony smiled a little, having done his research. He might not want to be a wolf, but he had looked into what it meant to be one. “Welcome.”Tony smiled, laughing quietly at steve as he moved over, settlign on the floor next to him, petting the wolf before looking up sebastian set the food out, gently tugging on steve’s ear playfully.”Come on, stevie. Time to eat.change back.”He said with a small smile.
Bruce nodded. "that's true." he agreed, staring at the two massive wolves. "i wonder what we could find out if we had blood samples." that was Bruce, ever the geek. Steve seamed to have no intention of moving at all until he realized there really was food on the table, getting up and taking his time stretching before melting back into human form mid step, rubbing his eye as he settled down at the Kotatsu they had set up instead of a kitchen table and chairs. where the hell they found one of those not even Phil could guess. "good morning, Mr. Banner. how are you feeling?" Sebastian asked. "much better, thank you Mr. Michealis." "is he always so polite?" James asked. yes he was, Bruce was a very, very polite boy, being anything less had always gotten him a beating from his abusive drunk father. "so. what are we doing today? it's Friday you know. no classes today." well not for Bruce. Tony usually had Advanced Technology manipulation in the afternoon but he was excused for James and Steve. James was chowing down on the food that Sebastian had provided for them, and he was even eating with them, which was a good sign that he trusted them not to try and take his food. "I have to go to the doctors today." Steve admitted. "i need another injection." he admitted. "it should be the last one." he admitted. "they need to check my general health too." he admitted. "i don't like how they make you sit in there naked..." James protested. "and i don't like how they poke you with sharp things. can't we skip it?" "not if we want to get rid of the heart worms." he admitted. "heart worms?" Bruce asked, startled. "how bad?" "bad enough." Steve admitted. "Phil wants us to-" here Steve sneered. "-associate with others, so i imagine we'll be asked to eat lunch with the other students." he admitted with a huff and a shake of his head.
“geek.”Tony teased snickering a little, eyes widening as he watched steve change. That was a nifty trick, between one step and the next. “He is. Always.”Tony smiled a little. “You get used to it eventually.”he said smiling slightly, before shrugging. “....we could go for a run.”Tony said sounding interested before wincing, “He’ll be done with the doctors after this visit. So no more sitting naked after that.”Tony said smiling slightly, “We’ll go eat lunch with them. They’re not that bad. At least, natasha and clint aren’t.”Tony said smilign slightly.
Steve snorted a little. "leave him alone James. he was simply raised better than we where. manners aren't exactly the same where we come from after all." "yeah, good point." James agreed, smiling at Bruce. "still, even if you are a bit weird, it's nice to meet you." Bruce blinked at him. "uhm. thank you... i think." Steve snorted and Sebastian covered a small chuckle behind his hand. "i'm not allowed heavy physical exercise." Steve admitted. "so you and James will be running while i watch." Steve admitted with a smile. "i haven't been able to really run for almost a year now." he admitted. "i get too tired too easily and it hurts to breath." he admitted. "we didn't know it was heart worm until after we were picked up by the hunters." "one good thing about being here at least." James agreed. "when you get better again, you won't have to be so careful all the time." James admitted, Steve nodding. "it would be nice to be able to hunt again." he agreed. "no i won't. they have to monitor my health very carefully. if the heart worms die too fast all at once i could suffer a heart attack or a stroke." he admitted. "James knows what signs to look for. but they'll be examining me once a week after this, just to be sure." he admitted. "i would rather just eat lunch here." Steve complained, sulking as he chewed on a pork chop bone.
Tony snickered a little at james words, shaking his head a little looking amused. “Well, we could do that. If you’re okay with not running.”Tony said looking uncomfortable at leaving steve behind on a run, even if he looked forward to running with another wolf. “Well, I’m sure you’ll find other good things.”Tony snickered a little before sighing, “well. Hopefully it’ll be okay.”tony said looking upset at the idea of something happening to steve, before rolling his eyes as he ate his own pork chop. “You have to see them sometime. Better just lunch for the first time, instead of having to sit through class.”he pointed out.
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