Blackthorne Acadamy(Avengers-Au) Moon/Lady

Tony gave natasha that wide eyed upset look as he whined a litfle."you woulsnt beat me up would you?" "Just share tony."clint said sighing quietly having gotten used to calming the upset omega when he got something under his skin, tony looked fascinated as he listened to natasha tilting his head a little."that makes sense. No wonder I look like a puppy next to them."tony said soundingsad at the idea realizing he wasn't probably ever going to get much bigger then he already was simply because he had no desire to do so.

"Really?"tony looked at steve interested before sighing a little his shoulders bunching a little as he sniffled. Knowing he was a alter omega,outcast to the edges because his parents hated him, and even if he hadn't ever had a pack, he just knee he'd never be more then that. So abused by his binding that he was feeling lost on how to find his place despite the boys acceptance
Natasha sighed. "of course i wouldn't." she promised the young man. "i've never beaten you up." she promised, patting his head with a smile. "well. for a werewolf your very young yet." Steve admitted. "still just a puppy really. now that you have a strong Alpha with you, your Wolf will feed off of our power a little bit, and you'll start to grow." he admitted. "Werewolves are Pack animals for a reason after all, we make each other stronger, and not just in numbers. our Will can feed yours. making you stronger simply because we want you to be." he admitted. "after all, a strong pack, is a united pack." he admitted, smiling at him. "you won't be little forever." he promised the other. "i imagine you'll get to be almost as big as James once you learn proper control and have time to settle into your new skin." he admitted. "you won't be as big as James, but i can't imagine you'll be too much smaller than him either." he admitted. "yes, really. it's always easy to spot the difference, once you know how."

Steve admitted, watching Tony sniffle. "difference one. when an Alter-Omega cries, the others tease him. when a Born Omega cries, the Beta's fuss and get upset too." and in fact, James was whining as he tried to cheer Tony up, trying to find out what was wrong. "Difference two. Alter Omega's are often violent, and try to fight anyone they can, to puff up their own Ego and appearance. Born omegas on the other hand, are often very emotional and extremely possessive over certain items, such as food, people, or various toys or objects they may have laid a claim to." "so your saying, that Tony is a born Omega?" Bruce asked. Steve nodding. "yes. another way you can tell, is if someone upsets an Omega, the Alpha's tend to... get angry." Steve admitted, eyes flashing gold before he smiled and moved over to Tony, lifting his Chin with a finger and pressing his lips to Tony's. "come now. no more tears." he urged. "your making James frantic." he teased with a smile. "he might do something silly if you don't cheer up." he warned Tony with a smile. "like making a necklace out of flowers, you wouldn't want that, would you? imagine how silly he would look, trying to figure out how to braid." he teased James, who huffed. "i could totally braid flower for Tony. it can't be that hard right?"
"No you havent. But I wouldn't put it past you. You do sleep with barton,who knows what else you'll do."tony said snickering as clint huffed in annoyance at the tease but so used to tony's teasing he didn't bother protesting."...oh. I never considered why they were pack animals besides that natural wolves are."tony said thoughtfully looking pleased that he wouldn't always be a runt."good. I don't want to be little."he muttered.

Clint sighed softly wincing as he realized indeed tony was a born omega as he watched james fuss."is that why he doesn't like sharing his tech?I mean some things he doesn't care but he's obsessive with his handheld."clint said thoughtfully as he considered tony's actions knowing he was a omega.tony whined a little as steve moved over to him, kissing him back a little making a small whine before sniffling as he giggled."he would look very silly...and I'm sure you could james,but you don't have to."Tony said rubbing the sparse tears away.
Natasha smirked. "nah, i'd just leave dead body parts in your room to make it stink." she teased with a snicker. "or maybe put worms in your sock drawer? which would be worse, do you think?" she asked Tony playfully before nodding. "i never thought about it either." she admitted. "mm, not many people do. it's typically considered werewolf only secretes. but since you are all, technically, a part of this pack through connections with Tony, your allowed to know." Steve admitted. "that ad since i'm the Alpha now, i can make up any damn rules i want to." he admitted with a lopsided grin, making Natasha laugh.

"probably. you see, Omega's often have serious trust issues, so they'll form just as many emotional attachments to objects, as they will to people." he admitted. "especially if the Omega was abused or neglected growing up." he admitted. "of course, that could be true of almost any person, it's just that Omega's are born with a reluctance already inside of them." he admitted. "Tony probably has an emotional attachment to the things he uses the most, or to things he's created himself, especially if it took a lot of time and effort." Steve admitted with a smile. "but, all Omega have different reasons for forming emotional attachments to things, so it's hard to be sure." he admitted before handling Tony with a smile. "no! i'm gonna do it now! just because Steve said i couldn't do it!" he said with a huff, stomping off to find flowers, Steve chuckling a little. "well, now we've all done it. he won't be back for days trying to figure it out." Steve chuckled. "come on Tony, lets go see if Sebastian will make you a treat." Steve decided. "it's starting to get a bit cool out here. i'm not supposed to let myself get too chilled." he admitted with a smile. "we might as well have lunch with the other students, since Phil insisted."
“...That’s even worse. You should just beat me up.”toyn whined a little at the idea. “You make some very good rules. This is good to know, to better help out.”Clint said smiling a little, glad to know, because it meant he could better help his friend.

“My parents weren’t great. I mean, they were around. Sometimes. Mostly it was me, obie, and sebastian.”Tony shrugged a little making a face. “I love my handheld. Creating a AI with it. It’s going to be awesome.”Tony preened sounding so pleased with himself before laughing quietly at james words, watching him go. “are you sure?We shouldn’t go get him?”Tony said sounding upset as he got up, already pushing steve towards the door, not wanting him to get chilled, but not wanting to leave james behind either.
she giggled a little. "but then James would be mad at me, and i wouldn't want that." she admitted. "he might beat me up right back, and i'm far too pretty to be beaten up." Natasha complained before smiling at Steve. it was strange to her, the idea of being a part of a pack, having to take orders from someone so small and helpless looking. but this man was obviously good for Tony, and Tony was the second friend she'd ever made. he was her best friend by all rights, since Clint was her boyfriend now. she could play along, until it got boring.

"mm, neglectful." Steve admitted. "who is Obie?" "...Obediah Stane." Natasha said softly. "he's the reason Tony's parents are dead." she admitted. "that's all we know, Tony doesn't like to talk about it." she admitted. "...and is he alive?" "no. Sebastian killed him when he tried to kill Tony." "then that's all i need to know." Steve admitted before smiling at Tony. "i don't know what that is. will you tell me about it?" he asked, curious. he knew, in principle, what a hand held was, but he'd never heard of an A.I. "how far along are you?" Bruce asked, sounding excited. he was okay with computers, better than most, but he didn't have the skills to make something so amazing. "Bucky will be fine." Steve promised. "he likes to hide in the woods. he's probably scoping out a good place for you to have your first run, as well as mark out a territory for us." he admitted. "being as there are currently no other werewolves, we don't anticipate too much trouble staking a claim, but we don't want to be greedy in case there are other werewolves in the area or will come here." he admitted. "he's scouting the area to see if there has been any recent werewolf activity, but he won't get into trouble." he promised. "he'll be back in about twenty minutes, at the latest." he promised Tony.
“...No he’s not.”Tony whimpered a little swallowing thickly as he leaned into steve, taking comfort in the other’s hold as he talked about his past. Humming pleased he wasn’t having to talk about it before grinning. “It’s a artificial intelligence. Sorta like a computer that talks and feels and interacts with people. I’ve gotten it to the point he’s remembering things, just having problems fixing all the kinks.”Tony grinned happily, pleased to be talking. “Frowning a little before nodding slightly. “okay. As long as you’re sure he’ll be okay.”he said biting his lip a little as they headed inside. Nervous as they headed for the lunch room.
Steve wrapped an arm around tony, murmuring softly to him, offering him comfort. "artificial intelligence?" he asked, blinking. "i don't get it. how can someone's intelligence be fake? unless they're lying about it?" he asked, his head tilted. "ah! a computer that can think and feel emotions? you can really do that?" he asked, amazed. "that's incredible Tony." Steve admitted, astonished. "he'll be fine." Steve promised. "no one will mess with him." he promised, letting Tony lead the way to the Lunch room. no one was whispering anymore, though many of them where giving Steve wary looks. though, that could be because Phil was in the lunchroom, watching everyone with sharp, angry eyes. he must have told them all off for speaking about Bruce. "wait here." Steve ordered the others, heading over to Phil. "i would like to report that Tony, Bruce, Natasha and Clint are now members of my Pack." he informed Phil, as well as the surrounding tables. "therefor, as per the rules of this establishment regarding werewolves, any attack upon them, will be handled by myself, or my second in command, James Barnes." Steve stated. "i will allow no attack to go unpunished, and that includes calling one of them a monster." Steve stated. Phil sighed but nodded. "it will be put down int he records." Phil agreed. "please be sure to remember that you are to apply a verbal warning before physically dealing with the attackers." "of course." Steve agreed, turning and heading back to his pack.
Tony smiled quietly, leaning into him, relaxing. “Hm, yes. It’s artificial because it’s not a real person, it’s a computer. And yes, I can. It’s truly amazing, though I haven’t gotten it all worked out yet, so it’s a little quirky.”Tony muttered before nodding, “Okay.”he said taking steve’s word for it that no one would bother james. “...this is weird. It’s to quiet.”Clint twitched looking around the lunch room as they settled at a table, shaking his head a little as he considered the alpha.”I have a feeling there’s someone who just wont be able to leave it alone, now that you’ve said something.”Clint said sighing quietly.
Steve smiled a little. "that's kind of amazing. but, what exactly makes a person?" he asked. "won't this be a real person once you give it the ability to think for itself?" he asked curiously. "it is too quiet. i think Phil said something." Natasha admitted. "he was really pissed off earlier when he heard the students gossiping." she admitted before watching Steve, who smiled when he returned. "that's exactly what i'm hoping for." Steve admitted. "that man, that girl, him, him, and her...." he pointed to five of the most bigoted people in the school. "they will approach me within the next two days, attempting to put me in my place." he admitted. "i will crush them, which will put me at the very top of the power ladder in this school. then no one will fuck with Bruce." Steve admitted. "it will give us an advantage of other wolves come in as well." he admitted. "i don't like the way the people here look at me, as if i am insignificant. i am simply taking steps to make sure they never, ever do it again." "Stevie hates it hen people think less of him because he's small and young." James admitted, suddenly there. "well, i can't braid, but i did bring you flowers!" he admitted with a smile, holding out wild flowers, a scraggly bunch with the roots and clods of dirt still attached, but hey, he had tried.
“Well.Maybe. I mean. Yes.”Tony said looking a little lost and thoughtful at the idea before nodding. “I think he did to.” “this greatly amuses me. He’s going to deal with the problems that have been a pain in my ass since I got here. I approve.”Clint said smilign slightly as he looked at the people, who had so foolishly even picked fights with him, even knowing that sometimes his touch burned, they still fucked with him for being a half breed. “I’m sure he does. I hate it when people look at me like that, and I’m not a alpha.”Tony said making a face before looking up at james, eyes widening at the sight of the flowers, smiling. “Thank you. They’re nice. We’ll have to get a pot and replant them.”Tony said smiling happy with the flowers. “I’m sure Natasha has something you can use.”Clint smiled slightly, pleased to see his friend so happy.
Steve nodded. "i don't think everyone is going to agree with that sentiment though." he admitted. "still, i thin he'll be a person, once he starts learning, thinking and growing on his own." he admitted with a smile before smirking at Clint. "normally, just the Blackmoon pack name would make people back off." he admitted. "the only problem with that, is i fully intend on declaring the Blackmoon Pack dead." he admitted. "B...Blackmoon?" Natasha asked, finally catching on to just where Steve was from. "hmmm. yes. of course, we'll have to come up with a new Pack name." Steve admitted. "i refuse to be associated with those monsters any longer." he admitted before smiling at Tony. "no but you do have a sense of personal pride and some impressive control issues." he admitted. "just because you are not n Alpha, does not mean you won't react in the same way as one in certain circumstances." he admitted before smiling at James, taking the tiny bundle of wild violets and tucking them behind his ear. they where Steve's favorites. "plant?" James asked, looking confused. "humans do things differently James." Steve reminded him with a smile. "here, they can preserve flowers that have been dug up by putting them back in dirt." "really?" "yes." Steve admitted with a smile. "cool!" James said, amazed. "i do have something." Natasha admitted. "we can stop by my room later and get you an empty pot."
“I don’t care about the others. I’m the technomage here, I get to decide if they’re a person or not.”Tony huffed. “...”Clint stared eyes widening slightly but not otherwise reacting to the idea of the blackmoon clan, glancing at tony, studying the man for a long moment before deciding it wasn’t any of his business to say anything. “We should all think of a name, then we’ll decide which ones the best.”Tony said ignoring clint’s look before twitching a little. “I’d stop having control issues if I could not react to every little thing.”Tony huffed, whining a little, because he truly hated not having control. “yes plant.”Tony hummed pleased with the floors as he finished his food. “It’s a good thing you brought some of the dirt and roots with you. Makes it easier to put them back.”Tony said sounding so pleased as he smiled at the beta wolf, before smiling at natasha.”Thanks Nat.”
Steve chuckled a little. "good and valid point." he admitted before glancing at Clint, wondering what those glances with Natasha where. he was missing something here. "ah. that's a good idea Tony." Steve agreed. "i think we should do that. we can take a vote on it later." he agreed with a smile before chuckling at Tony. "a need to have control over yourself and your surroundings isn't an inherently Alpha, Omega or even Beta personality." he admitted. "however, taking into account those desires, your Will is quite strong." he admitted. "you will probably manage to achieve the were form." Steve admitted. "huh... i didn't know you could put them back in the dirt." James admitted, his head tilted before beaming at Tony, pleased to have made the other happy, Bruce chuckling as he watched them. for the first time in his life, he felt almost sane. "come on. lets leave. i'm tired of everyone staring at us." she sniffed. "say. how does one come up with a name for a wolf pack anyway?" she asked, Steve blinking before smiling. "well, it can be anything really. but typically, it has something to do with moons of some sort, that marks us as a wolf pack. while Vampires typically use blood in their tribe names. it's not a steadfast rule, but that's usually how it works." Steve admitted. "for example, the Crescent Pack, the Tigermoon pack, the Bluemoon and the Mountain Moon pack, the Crescent Cave pack, and others." he admitted. "those are the biggest packs in this part of the united states." he admitted. "i know there are others, but i don't know their names." Steve admitted. "oh... this is your room?" Steve asked Natasha, startled. the insides where all littered with papers, books and posters. it was a mess! clothes strewn all over and things in piles here and there. "yes it is. you got a problem with it?" Natasha demanded. Steve just blinked and then. "you have a lot of Bras..." "pervert!" "do you ever clean your clothes?" "when Phil makes me. usually i just buy new ones when the ones i'm wearing get dirty." Natasha admitted with a shrug. " often does Phil make yu clean your room?" "when Clint complains. mostly. the traitor."
Clint shrugged a little as steve looked at him, shaking his head a little. Not now, maybe later he’d tell steve. Even if it was really tony’s place to tell him, he also knew tony wouldn’t. Hell, clint and natasha only knew because for his first month here, Maria Stark had pestered the hell out of the nercomancer to get them to look after her son. Which they would have done anyways, since they liked him, but it was still annoying to have her around. “Really?You think so?”Tony said perking up at the idea of gaining that much control before smiling at james, equally pleased the the other was so happy. Looking interested as he listened to steve and natasha talk. “Yes it is.”Clint said snickering a little as he watched natasha look around, smirking a little. “you can’t accuse people of being perverted, if you just leave your bras around.”Tony snickered. “And then I get to burn them sometimes, if there’s no saving them.”Clint snickered before rolling his eyes. “Natasha!I couldn’t find your bed once!I think that gives me the right to complain.”
Steve nodded and turned his attention back to Tony with a smile. "yes, i think so. you are a very driven person. extremely stubborn as well. you have the opportunity to become as powerful as James and me, if you work hard at it." he admitted. "it will still take you a while, but with dedications, i can't imagine it will take you too long. especially with a stable pack around you, lending assistance." Steve admitted. "they're looking! that makes them a pervert!" she huffed before glaring at him. "i hate it when you burn my things! and you just weren't looking right!" she growled, Steve looking around the room. "where IS the bed?" he asked, looking at Clint. "i think you need to be a traitor again. it can't be good for her health living like this." he admitted, wrinkling his nose. "at least there isn't a whole lot of food laying around or she'd have roaches rats and a hell of a stink in here." "i'm not allowed to have food in my rooms anymore unless it's snack like items." she admitted. "things i can't leave laying around when i get bored with them." she admitted, holding out a clean pot that had once held a few fake tulips. "here. we just need dirt for it." she admitted. "we can get some at the greenhouses."
Tony preened at that, smiling a little. “Awesome. I’ll work on it. You guys will be very helpful.”he smiled a little. “No it doesn’t. They’re gay, I doubt they have the same fascination with your underthings as I do.”Clint said even as he was staring at her chest as if he could see which bra she was wearing, smirking a little. “Back wall near the corner.”Clint added in response to steve’s question, nodding. “I think I will....and it’s not she’s dirty. She jsut doesn’t like picking up stuff.”Clint shrugged. “IT would be worse if there was food.”Tony agreed making a face before beaming at natasha as he took the pot. “Thanks natasha. I’ll do that.”He smiled kissing her cheek.
James grinned at the preening. Steve knew just how to encourage Tony. "of course we will." Steve admitted with a smile. "especially if we promise you sexual favors for every time you make progress." he teased impishly, making Bruce and Natasha choke on their tongues. "who said we where gay?" James asked, looking amused. "we could be bi-sexual." "i'm not." Steve admitted, reaching over and picking up a Bra, his head tilted. "these look rather painful. are you sure it's not a torture device of some sort?" "put that down!" Natasha ordered, Steve shrugging and setting it back where he found it. "ah. i see it now." he admitted. no, the problem with Natasha was that if it didn't interest her, she didn't do it. if it was boring, she refused. she wouldn't do anything unless it was in her interest. like joining the pack, it amused her, for now, so she would do it. if she got bored later, she would leave. sh had stayed with Clint for all the years she'd known hm, because he never failed to impress or amuse her. he always made her smile, and feel important. honestly, he was probably the only person she had honestly considered staying with for the rest of her life. she smiled at Ton when he kissed her cheek. "your welcome." she stated, sighing at her room. "well. go ahead then Clint, clean it up if you want." she huffed. "i know you'll tell Phil if i refuse." she complained, sulking. "your just horrible to me, i hope you know that." she huffed.
" for progress?I like it.....does that go for my progress with tech to?" Clint snickered at the young werewolf's Question. Tony's sex drive had jumped high as the wolf wanted to fight and fuck."well. You aren't nearly as impressed with the lingerie laying at your feet as I am. Sorta a clue."clint teased amused before laughing outloud at steve's words."it is a torture device for me. It's a pain to get off her sometimes."clint snickered because while it wasn't exactly allowed, sex and him sleeping over happened alot. "Hey I clean for favors."here clint waggle his eyebrows."what's in it for me?" "Urgh we better go. This cleaning argument amounts to foreplay for them."tony said wrinkling his nose at the scent of arousal in the air
Steve chuckled a little. "i don't know much about tech, but probably not since the only person who cn tell me if you've progressed is you, and you'll lie and say you did just for the sex." Steve teased with a smile. "it would be much easier if you just asked for se and then i wouldn't have to punish you for lying." he pointed out with a smile to show he wouldn't really punish Tony. "in ay case, i'm ot healthy enough yet for sex, so mostly it would be you and James until i get my health back." Steve admitted with a grin before blinking at Clint. "we lived in the wild. that meant we usually went naked. what is a piece of pretty cloth over a naked woman? a sight to which i am well accustomed?" he asked curiously." "ugh, why do i hang out with you guys?" Bruce wondered with a sigh. he couldn't have sex. the last time he'd tried he'd transformed and nearly devoured the woman he was sleeping with. fortunately, she had been fairly powerful, and managed to restrain him before he could hurt her or trash her room. "well. what do you want? i'm not letting you have ay more of my things." she told Clint with a sniff. "you did filthy things to my books you wanted and i won't even bring up what you did to all of my amazing posters." she complained. "i could give you a blowjob?" she offered, well aware he'd turn that down. they had sex often enough, and she was almost always very willing to fuck, the only time she said no was when there was a particularly creepy ghost hanging about, most of the time they left when Natasha started getting into it with Clint.
"Ah.well.maybe."tony snickered before blushing as he considered being simply able to ask for sex. That was a weird thought. He'd started having sex young, so having someone care about him and being able to have sex,this was something new.whining a little at the idea of being punished he relaxed as he realized steve didn't mean it really."...well. I hadn't thought about it like that."clint said making a face before smiling at bruce."cause you love me,despite my over active libido."he supplied because given his nature and that his father was rumored to be one of the seven satans,lord of lusy and anger, the man was always getting in trouble for having sex in inappropriate places."I did nOthing to your books. or your posters."clint rolled his eyes before shaking his head."I'm thinking you cook dinner naked for me. That would be a sight."
Steve grinned at him. "just so you know, we don't have to have sex in order to be a part of the pack." he promised Tny. "so if you don't want to have sex with us, just say so." he ordered. "and Tony is the only one we're offering to have sex with, the rest of you are gross." James agreed, making Bruce and Natasha laugh. "even if i did punish you, it would only be something trivial, like making you stand in the corner." "i hate it when he makes me stand in the corner." James sulked. "hmm, well it's not like you know what a wild wolf pack is really like." he admitted to Clint with a shake of his head, Natasha examining him before huffing. "more like i love you Because of your libido." she scoffed. because really, the sex was amazing. "you burned them you rat faced liar!" she complained before blinking. "uh. dinner? you know i'm not a very good cook..." she protested, frowning a little. "well, i could make you something i think..." she muttered. "what do i know how to cook? Phil made me learn..." she mumbled, thinking about it. it had been boring then, so she hadn't really focused. "ah! i can make soup!" she decided. she knew how to make drop dumpling after all. since she had loved them so much, and how hard could it b to boil noodles in chicken broth?" "yeah i'm leaving." Steve declared. "before someone sets something on fire. come on Tony, let's go to the greenhouses and find some dirt."
"Oh.well. I still want sex. you to are good looking...unless you don't want me?"the small omega whined softly sounding upset at the idea before snorting a little at james words."well you guys are equally gross to me. I like my sex partners with boobs."clint said with a snicker."...he makes you stand in a corner?"tony said with a slight giggle."I know. But you could make a damn ed sandwich,as long as you do it naked."clint said smirking watching her try to think of what to make. She was quite adorable sometimeS."lets."tony agreed snickering as they left and headed for the greenhOuses.
they both smirked. "as if we wouldn't want you. we've been flirting with you non stop since the day we got here, or didn't you notice?" James asked, pouting. "he probably didn't notice. humans flirt differently then Wolves do i think." Steve admitted. "it's like speaking a different language at this point." "well fuck." James sulked. "and i was putting on my best moves too." "if it helps, Tony was flirting with you too." Bruce admitted, looking amused. "wait. what? he was?" James asked, startled. "only when i annoy him too much." James admitted to the corner question. "sometimes he makes me say i'm sorry fifty times, and promise to never do it again. sometimes he spanks me, but that's only when he's annoyed but is more horny than he is aggravated." James admitted with a grin. "i like being spanked, so it's not much of a punishment after all. Steve isn't the sort of guy to get physical, or take his anger out on others, so i usually feel okay pressing his buttons." James admitted with a grin.

"oh! i can make sandwiches." she agreed. "we'll have to do it in your room, i don't have any food in here." she admitted. that was because the first month she was living there, they had to call pest control because she never washed her dishes or swept her floor or cleaned her counters. Phil put his foot down right then and there, and made sure she understood that she wasn't allowed to have food in her room if she wasn't going to pick up after herself. "you have strange friends Tony." Steve admitted with a smile. "i like them. they will make the pack strong. loyalty is a key to any strong pack. the more loyal one is to another, the more power we share amidst ourselves. though, i don't know how much power we can share with other beings." he admitted, pausing once they stepped outside. one of the boys Steve had pointed out earlier in the lunch room was waiting for them. Steve just sighed. "Stevie?" "...i'll handle it." Steve decided. "i won't let my heart rate go up too fast." he promised. "the likes of this fool will be easy to handle. he's just a silly leach." Steve huffed. "he doesn't even have power. he thinks he's so special because he was born the way he is, probably can trace his lineage back hundreds of generations. but then, one has to wonder, how closely related his mama and papa are that he's so stupid." James grinned, he loved it when Steve sounded like an arrogant sod.
“...Really?”Tony said looking up at the two wolves wide wide eyes, before blushing brightly at bruce’s words, whining quietly. “You weren’t supposed to tell them that!”He whined, fidgeting, embarassed now that it had actually been pointed out to the other’s. “....I don’t mind a spanking. Spankings okay.”Tony said after a moment looking interested, and relaxing even more as he realized he wasn’t going to be hit even if he upset steve.

“Well, that’s fine. I know you don’t have food.”Clint said snickering as they headed for his rooms. “I do. But they’re good friends.”tony said smiling pleased that steve and james had settled in with his friends, at least he wouldn’t have to choose between them. Pausing, looking at the boy as he swallowed, moving closer to james. “I am not stupid, you mongrel. Just leave the poor stupid mage, and the monster to us, and we wont have problems with you.”The boy said giving tony that look that said it hadn’t only been bruce that had been at the mercy to the boy’s words and fists.
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