Blackthorne Acadamy(Avengers-Au) Moon/Lady

“...I’m impressive no matter what. But I know my limits, and keeping up with a werewolf is beyond me.”Clint said snickering a little, smiling softly, as he pressed a kiss to her skin. “Hm, if you insist.”he muttered sounding amused, laughing quietly as tony actually got up and moved away from th egroup, settling on the window bench as he ate. Growling possessively. “It’s okay Tony. We don’t want your food.”Clint promised smiling a little as he settled in, and relaxed, not even a little bit hungry anymore.
Steve smirked a little. "which means we are superior." Steve stated smugly, James snickering a little. "yep, that's what it means!" James agreed, chuckling when Tony got up and ate in the corner. "don't worry Tony. i will not allow them to steal your food." Sebastian promised with a smile. "we won't either." James promised. "Right Steve?" "i might steal your potato chips." Steve admitted, he was mowing down on those things like an addict. "these things are amazing." Steve admitted, accepting another bag from Sebastian. "what are they?" "fried slices of potato." Sebastian admitted. "here, Bruce. your too thin." Sebastian chastised, handing the other more food. "have you been missing meals again?" "you guys tell Phil on me when i skip meals." Bruce complained. never mind that he'd been skipping because of all the stares and hissed whispers. he had enough food in his room, but he usually got distracted and forgot to eat. it was a bluff really, because Bruce knew he would be in trouble if he admitted it, but he'd be in trouble if he lied, so this was a deflection.
“Good....and you can have some potato chips.”Tony said sounding reluctant, sighing quietly as he finished his food. “They come in different flavors to.”He said after a long moment as he watched steve eat the food. “....Liar.You get distracted. You haven’t been eating enough.”tony growled sounding upset as he watched bruce, sighing sleepily as he finished his food. now that he was full, his stomach actually sticking out a little bit from eating so much, that he just wanted a nap
Steve smiled. "maybe later. i have a full bag." he promised Tony. "different flavors?" he asked, blinking a little, mouth full of chips, Bruce chuckling a little as he watched Steve before he flinched at Tony's completely accurate accusation, looking down at the cup of tea he suddenly found in his hands. "well, we'll just have to keep feeding him until his weight comes back up." Sebastian decided. "how about you all come here every night for dinner? since your going to be part of a pack, you should all eat together as a pack, right?" "i like that idea." Steve agreed. "granted, if there are lessons, detentions or personal things, you don't have to attend. it won't be something you have to do." Steve decided. "especially in Natasha's case. if she's being hounded by ghosts we don't want her to feel like she has to attend dinner." Steve admitted, James nodding. "i'm tired." James declared once he'd licked his plate clean, Steve chuckling as he snuggled under the Kotatsu for a nap. it was so warm and comfortable he couldn't help himself.
“Yea. Like sour cream, or BBQ, or honey and...lots.”Tony smiled a little amused. “we will have to feed him more.”Tony said smiling a little, nodding. “That works. We’ll have dinner together then.”Tony said sounding pleased with the idea of dinner together. “me to.”Tony agreed stretching as he moved over to snuggle between james and steve for a nap. Clint smiled amused as he dropped a kiss to the young wolf’s forehead, “Sleep well, pup.”He muttered smiling as they headed out, content to know tony would be looked after.
Steve nodded. "then i will have to try them all!" he decided with a smile. "and make sure Bruce get's enough to eat as well." he decided. Bruce blushed but nodded, more than willing to let others take care of him for now. he was so tired of living alone, being alone. he watched the three wolves snuggle in for a nap and smiled, sipping at his tea and simply enjoying the peace before heading for his own room. content to know they all had a place to belong now.

it was three hours later when Phil appeared, knocking on the door. "Tony." he looked at the other and then shook his head, realizing they where all asleep. "wake up now. something has happened." "Phil? what is it?" Sebastian asked, worried as he walked into the room, wiping his hands. "Natasha's been hurt. badly." he admitted. "she's in the hospital but she hasn't woken up yet. someone beat her up, brutally." Phil admitted. "Clint and Bruce are already down there. they're the ones that found her. she was coming back from Akkido." he admitted. "we want you to come wait with Bruce and Clint. it's been a struggle keeping Bruce calm... if he transforms we won't be able to stop him."
Tony whined a little as he blinked sleepily, struggling to wake up enough to understand before paling. “What?What do you mean-who?”Tony whined softly, yelping as he changed, the emotions to much as the young wolf pressed into james legs, even as he ran for the door. To upset to stay put, or in human form. His control in tatters at least until steve or james could get him calm enough to change back. Looking up at the three when they came in, clint swallowed thickly from where he was sitting next to the bed, holding natasha’s hand, his blond hair nearly white as he channeled his mother’s gift for healing, small though it was, he was keeping natasha from dying on him, tugging her away from the otherworld that haunted her. But the man was barely holding it together.”H-hey tony.”Clint shuddered as ue yelped slightly as tony tried scrambling up into his lap.
Phil shook his head. "we don't know who yet." Phil admitted softly. "we have a list of suspects." he admitted. "all of them are being questioned right now by Maria and Fury." he promised the group. "we'll find out who, and we'll find out why. i promise. even if we have to get the hunters involved." he promised, James patting Tony's side before following him down tot he med lab. "Tony. easy..." Steve ordered, plucking the Wolf out of Clint's lap. "don't distract the angel." he ordered gently, sitting down next to Clint with Tony in his lap. "how bad is it?" "bad..." Bruce whispered. "if we hadn't found her when we did, she'd be dead..." he admitted softly. "they're calling in specialists." "specialists?" "healers." Bruce explained. "people who can do what Clint is doing right now. only stronger and more practiced." he admitted, gently stroking her other hand. "we won't let them get away with this." Steve growled, eyes a solid gold, there was no pupil, just bright, glowing gold that was the only sign he was within minutes of a homicidal rage. "she'll pull through, she's too stubborn not to."
Tony whined softly at the idea of the hunters. Aware that if they came,his secret would be out, but natasha meant to much to him to protest to much. Growling at steve as the werewolf picked him up again he whined pathetically at being denied his place sitting in clint's lap even if he snuggled into steven trying to find that calm place so he could change back."better gifts stunted...considering my father is a creature of chaos that thrives on under destruction...doesn't make for good healing...but I can do some."clint muttered sighing quietly glancing up at steve and james, looking so hopeful."yea. She's to stubby isn't she?"
Steve tightened his arms around the other and held him tighter. "it's okay." Steve promised. "the Hunters are unlikely to bother us too much, aside from asking us what happened and if we've had any problems with anyone. mostly they'll talk to Clint and Bruce, maybe you since you three have actually been here more than a day." Steve admitted. "they won't be here long, especially if they have a Soothsayer of some type." Soothsayers where a category of human gifted. they where diviners of sorts. some foretold the future, some could delve into the past, some could be human lie detectors and others could delve into peoples minds to hunt out facts they where searching for. there where approximately thirty two soothsayers on the Hunters payroll, so it was likely that they would have one to make this investigation much more easy and quick. Natasha was a favorite of the Hunters, because she was always eager to help them, and Necromancers where rather rare, especially one of her caliber. s they where very unhappy that someone had attacked her when she was officially on Hunter Payroll. "even a little but helps Clint, your actions probably saved her life." he admitted, smiling at the half angel. "i think your mother would be proud of you." he admitted before nodding. "very stubborn. she's probably thinking how death would be too boring, so she's not gonna go." he admitted with a smile, blinking when someone knocked on the door and MAria Hill walked in. "i'm sorry to disturb you. but i need to ask you all a few questions." she admitted. "i need to know if anyone has been giving you, or her specifically, any problems while at school?"
Tony sighed quietly, relaxing, changing back, though he didn’t do anything but shift to snuggle closer. “...probably. Usually send a soothsayer on a investigation.” “And Nat’s made friends with a few of them.”Clint muttered, sighing quietly, before nodding, looking at steve. “hopefully they do.”He muttered before smiling quietly, “I’m sure she would.”he agreed, because he didn’t usually talk about the woman who’d raised him before having to give him up to better suited guardians, so the man was simply pleased with the idea of his mother being happy with him. “...You know, that does sound like Natasha.”Tony muttered smiling a little before looking up at maria, nodding slightly. “Victor Bloodbane’s been giving us all a hard time.” “And Grant ward’s been giving her problems lately.”Clint sighed tiredly at the idea of the half demon necromancer, while he didn’t usually have problems with the other, he also knew that the weaker nerco had problems with the woman sometimes.
Steve smiled, stroking Tony gently. "there, your getting better at control already." he praised the other before watching Nat, hoping to god she would pull through. he wasn't sure Tony, or worse Bruce, would be able to keep it together if she died, and who knew what Clint would do. "it does, doesn't it?" Steve asked with a smile. "Anthony Spartan has been giving her hell for being friends with 'beasts' and Timothy Green has been trying to seduce her away from Clint and chase me and anyone else away from her." Bruce reported. "a lot of the Trueborn fanatics have been raising a stink about me as well." Bruce admitted. "but i'm not sure if that's connected or not. a lot of people where angry when Steve claimed we where his pack." "and if it is an attack on the pack then the perpetrators will be given to Steve." Maria admitted. "however, if it was against Natasha personally they might not realize that any attack on her is an attack on the pack, and it will be up to the Hunters if they are given to Steve or not." Maria reported. "the Hunters are coming then?" James finally asked, Maria nodding. "yes. this is a case of near death. they get involved automatically." she admitted. "this school is purely Hunter territory. that means it is considered an attack on them when someone tries to kill a student here."
“I’m trying to.”Tony muttered sighing quietly, before nodding.”it does.”he agreed. “Alot of the trueborns don’t like her in general, or any of us, since we keep out of the politics of everything.”Clint sighed. “ Grant coming?”He asked after a moment, looking anxious and fidgeting as he looked up at maria. His older half brother was a result of a indiscretion of his father’s when he was younger, and the hunter had been raised without howard’s involvement, having only tracked down his father when he’d joined the hunter’s academy, the infamous Peter Quill was one of the few hunters that struck fear into most, and despite the near 15 years between the brothers, the two were close, in that whenever tony needed something, peter looked after him. And considering this, that the fact that the other was in danger here at the school, it would be weird if peter didn’t show up. But the young Stark was very afraid of what would happen, knowing there was few things that he’d be able to hide his past if peter was around.
"a lot of the True-born also don't like us because they know what i am and how to become one." Bruce admitted, looking upset. "they don't like that a powerful pure-blooded necromancer like Natasha is friends with me. and they don't like that i'm here at all." Bruce admitted. "no. Grant won't be here." Maria admitted. "he's a suspect right now so he's in the principles office with the others." she admitted softly. "i'm sorry. but it might get out that your his younger brother during the questioning. he'll be monitored very carefully no matter if he finds out or not so you don't need to worry." she assured Grant before turning to Tony with a smile. "and yes. Peter is coming. he's really worried about you." she admitted. "he actually lectured me about not keeping you properly safe." she admitted with a chuckle. "he says he is very proud of your grades and is bringing you a surprise for doing so well." she admitted. "Peter? as i Peter Quill?" James asked, looking startled. "why would he show up? is it because we're involved?" Bruce gave James a funny look. "Peter is the one who found the Blackmoon pack and ordered the kill. he's also the one who decided we shouldn't be killed since we where essentially victims of the pack." Steve explained. "he's the one who contacted Phil and told him to pick us up." Steve admitted. "he's... intense."
“...Good.He can stay in there.”Clint sighed a little, nervous about grant finding out. He just didn’t want to deal with that, not when grant was being suspected of hurting what amounted to his sister in law. “Thanks.”clint said relaxing, closing his eyes as rested his head on the edge of natasha’s bed. “...Damn.”Tony sighed quietly, squirming a little in steve’s lap, he always liked seeing his brother, but he also knew that this was going to be bad. Nervous about how the werewolves and peter would act around each other. “...No. It’s not you.”Tony muttered, sighing quietly.
Maria nodded. "none of them have said a word." she admitted. "but the list of people we suspect matches with the people you suspect." she admitted. "meaning it's highly likely it was one of them." she admitted. "of course, it's also just as likely it's none of them. in cases like this...." she shook her head. "well, never mind." she said with a sigh. "you don't like Peter Quill?" Steve asked, looking worried. "do you want me to hide you until he goes away?" Steve asked, worried. "Peter is Tony's brother." Maria explained, knowing that was going to be public information anyway. "he's one of the top Hunters in the country." she admitted. "he fusses over Tony a bit because they didn't now each other existed until after the death of their parents." she admitted. "he's probably worried how you will react. you've not made it a secrete how much you dislike the Hunters." "we don't dislike them." James protested. "we're just pissed because we got no choice in the matter. our pack was slaughtered, and yes they needed to be killed. that's still a hard thing to have to watch. we didn't like anyone there, but they still raised us. then all of a sudden we're handed from person to person and then shoved into a tiny apartment and given a list of things we can't do anymore and then we're shipped here where we have an even bigger list of shit we can't do. you might not realize it, but we're basically on house arrest all because we had nowhere to go in the first place. it's not fair! so yes. we're a bit peeved at the hunters, that doesn't mean we hate them!"
“ He wont go away.”Tony muttered twitching, whining quietly as he pressed his face into steve’s chest. “A bit?What Peter does, is not a little bit of fussing!”Tony grumbled before staring at the floor, whimpering softly before getting up. “I-I’m going to go get Clint some food.”Tony announced as he headed for the door. Clint sighed quietly, studying the two werewolves for a long moment after tony left, knowing sebastien would follow tony, and keep him out of trouble. He might not have heard the man, but he knew he was there. “...Tony’s parents murder, was the reason Peter and the others went after Blackmoon. He didn’t understand what was happening, and now he’s here with you guys...he’s freaked. And he really does like peter, no matter how much he complains.”Clint said explaining quietly, worried the wolves would freak out.
"is he stalking you or something?" was James first reaction to Ton's comment that Peter wouldn't just go away. "he's not that bad Tony." Bruce said with amusement before sighing when he left, eyes dropping to the floor when Tony left. "....i don't get it." James admitted, Steve shrugging. "...when Tony was around eleven or twelve. a bunch of the Blackmoon Pack appeared and slaughtered the Stark's. every single relation from the Stark cousins to Tony's own parents. even Maria's family, Tony's mother, where all slaughtered...." Bruce explained, Steve going pale. "i remember. Claw was in a rage once. we where younger, twelve or thirteen. Claw was going on and on about the Traitor Maria. how she was going to get hers and how he was going to keep her brat to himself. i remember feeling sorry for him, because Claw had a thing for... well let's just call it torture." James muttered, shuddering. "only, the chunk of the pack he sent out never came back. he was in a rage for over a month, ad we just kept moving. we where only allowed to rest for a few hours each day, we had to keep moving. i never really thought about it." James admitted, Steve nodding, staring at his hands. "i can't blame him for being freaked out." Steve admitted. "knowing what we know now, i want to go vomit." Steve admitted, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists before he stood up and left the room. James didn't follow. "he's gone to be with Tony." he explained to Bruce when the boy looked worried. "he won't do anything dumb." and indeed Tony was simply following after Tony and wrapped him up in a hug once he found the other. just holding Tony because he couldn't think of anything else to do.
“No.”Tony muttered before snorting .”he is to.”He grumbled at bruce, rolling his eyes a little. “...Maria was tony’s mother. She put him in a cubby under the house, hid him even as he listened to his family die. He doesn’t like talking about it.”Clint said shaking his head a little, wincing as he considered that the wolves’ had gone after them, for tony. “He looks up to peter, as much as tony likes him, he doesn’t like spending time with him either, since they only met after.”Clint sighed quietly watching steve leave worriedly.

Tony shifted as he was caught, pausing in the middle of gatherings snacks, snuffling a little as shifted, pressing his face into the other’s chest, “...You wont be mad?Pete’s a good guy.he is.”He muttered.
James nodded. "Maria was young when she left the pack, but i know Claw desired her." he admitted. "she was, sixteen maybe when she fled the pack." James admitted. "we never met her, she left before the Pack kidnapped us." he admitted. "i can't blame him. no matter how much me and Steve loathed the Pack, talking about... their deaths is really hard." he admitted. "we didn't like them, but they where all we had." he admitted before smiling. "at least, until now anyway." he admitted. "so Peter gives Tony distance and supports him as much as Tony lets him." James mused, smiling a little. "he sounds like a good big brother."

"of course not." he promised. "i could never be mad at you. Peter is your big brother right? you love him? then he's part of this pack, and we'll protect and love him just as much as we protect and love Natasha and Bruce and Clint." he smiled at Tony. "your special though, so your loved the most." he promised, kissing Tony's cheek. "besides, how can i be mad art the guy who spared our lives?"
Clint nodded a little. “I don’t think alot of people knew her, but for tony, she was his whole world till it came crashing down.”Clint sighed softly before nodding. “Exactly. Which is why he’s been being twitchy, because he didn’t know how you would take it.”Clint smiled before laughing a little, “Yea Peter’s good for him. Stops in at least once every couple months, makes sure tony’s not gotten into to much trouble. And peter respects whatever boundaries Tony puts up. He’s good.”Clint grinned, holding natasha’s hand. As much as he liked seeing peter, he didn’t want to see him like this.

“...He is. Nearly 15 years older.”Tony muttered before nodding.”I do.”He agreed relaxing, smiling pleased.”Thanks.”He muttered before flushing looking up at the other. “Oh. Good. I’m special. The specialist.”he grinned pleased with the idea, snuggling close as he kissed the other lightly, before shrugging.”Thought you might be angry over everything even if he spared you.”he shrugged
James nodded. "not many would know." he admitted. "after the Blackmoon Pack kidnapped all those kids, the name was a curse. neither Howard nor Maria would have told anyone of her origins." he admitted. "it was a bit of a shock, but it's not Tony's fault that the Pack was slaughtered. it was the Packs fault. they did evil, horrible, disgusting things. they should have been put down a long time ago." James admitted before smiling. "i'm glad Tony has Peter, and Sebastian too. i can't imagine how horrid his life would be right now without them." he admitted. "he'd probably be insane. or dead." James admitted, Bruce nodding his agreement. "so Peter will be leading the investigation?" James wondered. "he'll at least be involved if nothing else." Bruce admitted. "Peter is actually the one who found me. he's the best there is at finding kids who need help." Bruce admitted, looking at Natasha when she whimpered in her sleep.

Steve nodded. "i thought he looked old." Steve admitted, smiling playfully before chuckling a little. "no problem." he promised the other with a smile. "never be afraid to tell us something, even if you think we won't like it. okay? we won't ever be mad at you for things you can't control." he promised. "hell we probably won't be mad about things you do on purpose." he admitted with a smile. "your important to us. if it bothers you, we want to know, so we can help, okay?" he asked with a smile. "oh. we're plenty annoyed. we're not used to being ordered about, and that fucker, i forget his name, great greasy asshole with stringy hair and whatnot, took great delight in telling us what we could and couldn't do while we where under HIS care." he snarled, baring his fangs. there where some Hunters who thought they where better than everyone else and liked to rub peoples faces in it. Peter wasn't like that, but some of the assholes Peter had to work with where. "it doesn't help that we had no choices at all. we where just told 'sit here, eat that, shut up, your going to school now so don't cause trouble.' honestly! it's like they've never dealt with Wolves before." he huffed. "they haven't." a new voice chirped, making Steve turn and Snarl, teeth turning to fangs, hands lengthening into claws. but it was just Peter Quill, smiling at them even if he looked a bit sad about why he was there. "hey there Socket Wrench." Peter chirped, grinning at Tony.
“No it wasn’t, but I’ve learned even if it’s not his fault, tony takes the blame for things....even if he protests when things really are his dumping acid on the science lab floor.”Clint snorted a little before nodding. “It’s good he has then...and maybe. Though I bet he’ll just be here to help. He’s good at leading, but Peter doesn’t really enjoy it. He’d rather be out helping, rather then doing paperwork.”Clint said tightening his hand on natasha’s, “Shush sweetheart, we’re here.”he muttered soothingly.

“He is old.Nearly 30.”Tony made a face before relaxing, nodding slowly. “Okay. I wont hide things.”he muttered, sighing quietly, relaxing, pleased with the idea. Knowing that the other wouldn’t abandon him. “...Severus?Yea, he’s a bastard. Peter doesn’t really like him. He was the one who figured out I was a wolf first, instead of peter. Found me first...I ran away from sebastien when I first changed, was gone for like...3 days cause I was so freaked out....he was a idiot when he tracked me down until peter got there, calmed me down enough to change back.”Tony made a face before startling at the sound of peter’s voice, smiling, before making a face. “Don’t call me that.”He whined before smiling a little.”Hey Peter."
James nodded. "that's a good point. he's suffered a lot of emotional damage in the past years." Bruce admitted. "he hides it well, but sometimes things peek through." he admitted with a sigh before grinning. "he got a months worth of detentions for that." he admitted with a chuckle at remembering Tony's outrage. "yeah, that's true. Peter's a background sort of guy." he admitted before helping Clint to sooth Natasha, who settled back down easily enough. "this is horrible." he whispered, shaking his head. "just horrible." he looked up when a woman knocked on the door her Angelic power fluttering through the room like a summer breeze, her white hair and crystal blue eyes all signs of her heritage. "i'm Dr. Frigga Aslan." she stated. "i'm here to help the young woman. Natasha is her name, yes?"

Steve snorted. "so old..." he mumbled with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "good. i don't like it when you hide things." he admitted, snuggling Tony. "Severus? god with a name like that no wonder he's a bastard." Steve huffed before blinking at him. "Severus was the one who found you? i bet he just wound you up even worse too, didn't he?" he asked sympathetically. "at least Peter got there fairly quick." he admitted with a smile before whirling on the stranger. "nice Bodyguard you got there." Peter chirped with a grin. "would you prefer Grease bucket?" Peter asked with a grin, holding his arms out to Tony. "what? no hugs?" he asked, pouting. "no? how about a dance?" he offered, doing a weird sort of wiggle that made Steve snort. "anyway, don't worry about Nat. Frigga has her." Peter promised with a smile. "she's the best in the business."
“He did. He howled for days about that.”Clitn snickered a little, amused before nodding. “he really is. And he’s good at it.”He muttered before nodding, still looking shaken, the emotions hidden under steel control, afraid to let himself feel without natasha there to steady him. Looking up at frigga he swallowed hard, movign to get out of her way and nodding slightly. “It is.Natasha rommanov.”He said twitching and trying to stay calm.

“Yea, severus. He was a bastard.”Tony muttered sighing quietly, before nodding. “It took peter hours to get me back to where I could understand how to get to human.”he said sighing quietly, before making a face at peter. “he’s quite good isn’t he?And nooo...must you call me names?”He sulked staring at the other. “....You are so weird.”He said squirming over to give the other a hug, “Fine, I’ll hug you if you promise no more dancing.”He said before nodding, “Good. I’ve heard of frigga, she’s good.”Tony said relaxing knowing his friend was going to be taken care of.
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