Blackthorne Acadamy(Avengers-Au) Moon/Lady

“He did.”Grant sighed a little watching him, before shaking his head. “Wendigo wont get sick if he eats vampire.”Grant said simply because he didn’t like bloodbane overly much and watching the man pale quickly was worth the effort. Not to mention it held a little more weight coming from the half demon as he was going to school for mythology and biology studies of different species.

“.....we both know clint’s going to push me off a bridge or toss me in a fire, or something equally violent and ridculous. Don’t pretend he wont.”He sihged before looking relieved, “Good....She’s annoying, but I like her sometimes.”Grant sighed quietly before sighing as he watched the others. “I will.”Fury said as he set about getting the kids taken care of, wincing a little as he glanced at phil. “Can’t we just kick him out of school?”He muttered knowing whatever peter had gotten, it was goign to be interesting.
Peter looked quite pleased. "well. there you go. you're going to be a meal for a Wendigo, congratulations. i'll have to suggest they start with your tongue. and then your fingers. eyeballs too of course, i hear they're a delicacy in some countries, eyeballs." Peter admitted before snorting at Grant. "well, he might, but he's a lot more stable now that he has a ton of friends offering him control." he admitted. "who knows what will happen with so many people offering him advice and support." he admitted with a shrug leaving. Phil just smiled. "no, we can't kick him out of school. he hasn't actually broken any rules yet." he pointed out.

Peter hummed to himself, walking the two prisoners to Steve's rooms where he knew the whole group was waiting. Natasha had been moved there as soon as Frigga had declared it was okay for her to leave the hospital so long as she didn't try to do anything at all for the next three days. she had also placed a temporary ward on the room keeping all ghosts out so Natasha didn't have to worry about being swarmed by the dead demanding her attention. "Mr. Rogers, i present to you, your property." Peter stated, kicking Bloodbane forward, Steve smirking at him. "there where four others involved. two of whome where mind raped into doing it, a third who was mind raped so bad he'll never function on his own again. and... well, Grant Ward who was brainwashed. we're not sure what to do with him but he showed honest regret and he was pretty damn upset when he found out Clint was his brother. we're leaving his fate up to Clint." he informed Steve who nodded. "i find this fair." Steve agreed. "the three who where mind raped?" "are going to a facility where they will receive some pretty heavy psychological help. unfortunately the one, Gunther, he'll probably never recover." Peter admitted. Steve nodded, glad that at least two of the brainwashed students would be able to have their life back. "well. we'll lock you two in the spare bedroom for now. don't bother killing yourselves, Natasha will just bring you back." Steve reminded them, marching them into the stripped bare bedroom and tossing them in. "now that that's all taken care of." Peter stated. "i have to go get Tony's present." "i will fetch it for you." Sebastian assured him. "it is in your room?" he asked Peter who nodded. "thanks Seb." he chirped before glancing at the table, loaded with food and winced, looking at Tony. "i'm not late am i? i'm sorry."
Grant bit his lip to keep from laughing at the other look of horror on the young bloodbane’s face. “Your father would be so disgraced.”he muttered watching the other’s leave. “Damn.”Fury muttered shaking his head.

“But you got them all?”Clint said looking upset as he studied bloodbane, shaking his head a little. “...Really?”He said looking upset at the mention of his brother, having no idea what to think or to worry about what his brother would do. Swallowing thickly he looked at tony. As young as the man was, he trusted tony’s opinion.”Think on it. You don’t have to decide now.”he shrugged a little watching the students get locked into the room despite their protests before looking at peter. “Only a few minutes. You’re not that late.”tony reassured, though he’d fretted, worried peter was going to miss dinner even if it had only been a few minutes, his abandonment issues so very many issues.
"oh. his father knows all about this." Peter assured Grant. "matter of fact, he told us that we could have his son, no hard feeligns as long as he was guilty." Peter admitted with a smirk. "turns out, your Daddy Dearest, was a pretty big fan of Natasha's. did you know? she saved his life a few years back and even proved his innocence when he was being accused of attacking humans." he admitted. "all she really did was raise one of the dead victims who testified that it was someone else, but still, Daddy love is pretty fucking pissed you attacked someone under his personal protection." he shook his finger at the young Bloodbane. "naughty naughty."

"most of them at any rate. turns out this is a hell of a lot deeper than i thought it was... Garret...." here Peter swallowed hard, refusing to let the tears in his eyes show. "Garret issued the Order and Professor Whitehall and his assistant Bakshi where the ones who did the brainwashing. they are all in custody but the more we question them the more names that come up." he admitted, shaking his head. "it's a mess." he admitted before smiling at Grant. "you have all the time you need. he's being held on the containment cell on suicide watch, so he won't be going anywhere." he promised before shaking his head. "i'm late. it's inexcusable." he admitted, gently ruffling Tony's hair. "i really am sorry Oil Slick." he said, smiling at him. "maybe i'll get you another present to make up for it, huh?" he offered before grinning when Sebastian returned, a massive box in his hands. "it's heavier than anticipated." Tony could feel the thrum of impressive technology in the box as Sebastian set it down next to Tony. it cam up to his knees and was just as wide. whn he opened it... well, the first thing he saw was a large, house cat sized... house cat]. only made of metal and computer programming and wires. followed by that was twelve equally impressive, almost realistic looking robotic Scorpions with storage capabilities of housing poisons, narcotics, or anything else Tony wanted them to hold in the needle/syringe it had for a stinger. following those, there was fifty robotic wasps that where wasp sized. their stingers capable of inserting tracking chips into Tony's targets. or delivering a powerful electric shock that would render a person paralyzed. not unlike a Tazer. they also had listening devices, so Tony could use them to spy on people and listen in on conversations. then there was the one hundred tiny Mosquito bots. all capable of removing a blood sample from someone or other genetic DNA samples. listening and video devices made them the perfect spy tools and they could take samples of almost anything Tony could need. from beakers, people, or puddles. best of all, they all had computer programming tht Ton could upgrade and with his Technomagic, could control all of them with nothing but his mind. "we raided another Technomage who was planning World domination. he didn't have half the skills you do." Peter admitted. "anyway we found all this stuff in a box that looked like it hadn't been touched in years, i thought you might like to tinker with them, improve them." he admitted with a smile.
“Oh. Well. In that case, this was even more unfortunate.”Grant snorted, smirking a litle as he watched the bloodbane sway on his feet, this was truly epic.

“...What?Oh.I’m sorry peter.”Tony whined softly, squirming over to his brother’s side, the young werewolf snuggling against him, offering support. Even if he knew he wasn’t great at the emotional things, he knew steve and james were, and they’d support peter if he needed it. “...Thank you.”Clint muttered tilting his head a little, before sighing softly. “IT’s okay. You had important things to do.”Tony muttered before perking up, “You should. I deserve all presents.”he agreed before looking startled at the box. “It’s tech.”He said even as he crouched down and eagerly tore into it, eyes widening as he saw the tech, his eyes glazing slightly as he connected to the tech, already making them move around a little, grinning happily as the cat purred in his arms. Humming pleased he looked up at his brother, the small cat being cuddled in his arms, while he might use the other’s as servants, it was obvious the cat was going to become a pet. “Thanks pete. This is amazing.”he grinned happily. “This is totally going to be my final project this year. I’ll totally rule the school with it.” “and so, the makings of another world domination are underway.”Clint teased a little.
Peter nodded. "yeah it was a shock." he admitted, offering Tony a smile, thanking him for the comfort. "of course." Peter agreed, smiling at Clint. "i suspect you'll do what Natasha tells you to, so perhaps i should say he's in her custody?" he mused with a smile. "you have constant access to him." he assured the other before scowling at Tony. "nothing is more important than you, Tony." he promised the other before snorting. "you do like your presents." he teased with a grin before chuckling as he watched the mechanical cat. he was pretty sure Tony was going to do very impressive things to make that cat smarter than most people where. ah, Tony would rule the world for a week ad then get bored and leave." Peter assured them. "nothing to worry about." he promised them with a chuckle. "i'd be more worried about the fact that he's going to slip you sleeping drugs every time he starts doing things he's not supposed to."
“...Very true. I’ll have to wait till natasha’s up and ask her what she wants.”clint said looking a little relieved that he wasn’t going to have to decide alone what to do with his brother. Nodding a little, not sure if he wanted to see grant, but glad to know he had the option. Tony ducked his head a little, leaning into the other. Not about to admit to having been fretting over it, his fears of being abandoned to even stand a few minutes late. “I do. They’re awesome, and I’m naming the cat something obnoxious and awesome, and no one is allowed making jokes about a wolf with a cat pet.”Tony huffed as he snickered. “...He totally would. Oh gods...he’ll be slipping us shit all the time...”Clint said eyes widening some. “I would not!”Tony protested even if he was already moving away from them, food forgotten as he started fiddling with the cat.
he nodded. "Grant will keep for a few days." he promised. "and i'm sure Steve and Bruce and even Tony will help too." "hey!" James complained, Peter snorting. "we all know your just going to agree with Steve." "...true." he admitted with a smile, watching Tony while Peter wrapped an arm around his little brother and held him close before grinning, pleased that his gifts where being so well received. it have been a bit of a risk, offering Tony someone elses tech, but he knew Tony could truly make something superior and amazing from them. "oh, there are many, many jokes about a werewolf with a cat. but even more about the technomage with a robot cat." Peter teased with a grin. "he better not slip me shit." Steve complained, sulking. "it might mess with my medication, so he'll have to wait for a few months before he can slip me stuff." he admitted with a grin. "Tony. come and eat first Love." Steve called. "the Cat will be there after we've had food. and maybe you can show me what your doing?" he asked, sounding interested. "i don't know much about technology stuff, but it would be interesting to watch you work." he admitted.
Tony whined a little as he was pulled close, annoyed at having his space invaded as he worked. “....This is awesome. Even if it’s crappy tech, that I’ll have to rebuild and do myself, and I can’t believe you gave it to me, but it’s still awesome and a new project and...”Tony rambled, the words trailing off into wordless muttering as the technomage talked to himself, before frowning, looking up. “...Don’t make fun!It’s the bestest gift ever, and I never had a cat, they never liked me. Or dogs for that matter.”Tony grumbled as he looked at the cat. “...Seems animals knew what tony was even if tony didn’t.”Clint snickered a little. “ stuff for steve, and I wouldn’t do that anyways. I’m always behaved.”Tony muttered in that vague way that said he wasn’t really listening, whining quietly. “Nooo.I don’t wanna. Making the cat better.”He muttered whining quietly even as he shuffled towards the table, working with the cat still even as he settled in his chair.
Peter smiled and released the other as soon as he actually started to fidget. "gee, thanks Tony." Peter said, looking highly amused. "i figured you could improve them." he admitted. "thought you might actually like lording it over some stranger." he admitted with a chuckle. "i mean, your making his crappy tech twenty times better, thought you'd get a kick out of it." he admitted with a smile before looking very smug that Tony liked his present so much it was declared the best present ever. "no, mot animal, especially domestic ones, don't care for werewolves." Steve admitted. "if you can find one as a baby, before it's eyes are open and stuff, they don't mind us so much but they're always pretty aloof." he admitted. "the mechanical pet is perfect for Tony really." he admitted with a smile. "i didn't know you could make robot pets." Steve admitted, watching Tony with a smile, chuckling as he continued to work on the cat so he compromised, he fed Tony small bites of meat so he could eat and work at the same time. "so, what's with the funky table?" Peter asked, Steve grinning. "it's a Kotatsu, Japanese. there's a heater underneath. i get cold easily so it's nice to have it. if i get too cold i can just curl up under the comforter with the heater and take a nap, it's great." he admitted with a smile. "it is nice. this castle can get drafty." Peter agreed, chewing on a lamb chop. forgoing silverware since everyone else was eating with their fingers.
“Welcome. I’m goign to improve them, doesn’t mean I can’t tell you how unthoughtful it is to remind of the poor people who can’t make good tech. It makes me sad.”Tony whined a little, he was definitely adorable like this, so immersed in tech he wasn’t listening mostly. “You know, you’ve screwed yourself, Peter. You’ll never top this gift.”Clint teased looking amused. “Most people don’t. It’s a odd thing, usually takes a tech mage to actually make it good enough to be a pet.”He added with a smile. Tony growled softly. “It’s not a funky table!It’s perfect for steve. Stop making fun.”tony ordered sounding protective of the other’s choices, looking up from the food he was eating before stopping. “...when did dinner start?”
Tony i hate to tell you this but the asshole that made those was a millionaire. he was just bad at Tech." he admitted. never mind that the man had been considered a forerunner since Howard Stark had died. as if. "it's okay, he's always happy no matter what i bring him. i just thought he'd really like those." he admitted, grinning at Clint before nodding. "they where made by a Tech Mage, pathetic though he was. Tony's going to make some amazing upgrades i don't doubt." he admitted before smiling at Tony. "i wasn't making Fun, i've jut never seen a table like this before." he pointed out before chuckling. "like. twenty minutes ago Tony." Bruce admitted. "Steve's been feeding you for a while now." "i like feeding him. it's cute." Steve admitted with a smile.
“That’s even worse!A rich man who can’t do tech. Idiots.”Tony grumbled as he worked. “Well, that’s true. At least this will keep him busy for awhile.”He looked amused. “Well, good. You can’t ever make fun of steve. He’s small, I gotta protect him.”Tony muttered, definitely even more open then normal when he was in a tech haze. When he frowned, he blinked as he considered the food. “...I’m not cute.”he pouted a little as he nibbled on his food.
Peter smiled fondly at Tony and shook his head, more than used to Tony in a tech Haze. "it will. and that will keep him from 'dropping' acid on the floor or doing weird experiments." Bruce agreed with a chuckle, Sebastian hiding a chuckle behind a teacup. "...Tony? i assure you, Steve doesn't need to be protected." Peter assured him. "after he mauled Severus i'm pretty sure we are all very aware that he's not to be messed with." "i don't recall mauling him." Steve admitted, James flushing and turning his head so Steve would, hopefully, not notice. "your adorable then." Steve admitted with a smile, popping a chunk of Chicken into Tony's mouth before he could complain.
“At least for awhile. Though I have a feeling somehow he’ll involve his little tech animals in his experiments.”Clint snickered a little. “...Don’t care. I can protect him.”he growled before frowning as he glanced at james’ face, before snickering. “I don’t think you did, Stevie.”he snorted amused before whining at the adorable, but not complaining as he let the other feed him.
Peter chuckled. "that's true, but i'm less inclined to care since i don't have to go to school with him." he admitted with a grin before nodding. "i'm sure you can." he agreed with Tony. "James?! what did you do?!" "he called me a Mutt! and the he called you a Runt! ad then he called us both Mongrels! i only bit him twice!" "six times." "u did not! i only bit him twice!" "really? he claimed six." "that's because he's an asshole! how many bite marks did he really have?!" "dunno. but i imagine it was probably only two." Peter admitted with a smile. "...Clint?" Natasha asked, stirring. "Clint? where are we? i don't..." she paused and then relaxed, remembering that they where in Steve's rooms.
“James is very protective. If he was stupid enough to say things, then he deserved bitten.”Clint snickered a little. “It’s severus. Of course the asshole claimed it was more. He tried to make it seem like I bit him, and called me a mongrel.”Tony muttered making a face as he considered that, ducking his head a little. Because in the two days it had taken peter to track down the newly changed werewolf and hunter, had been torture for the young werewolf who’d been so lost and broken to know what was going on. “I’m here. We’re in steve’s rooms.”Clint said moving over to her, hovering worriedly as he crouched down by her bed, looking worried about her.
Peter chuckled. "well, Severus was pretty stupid. well, no, spiteful would be the word maybe. he hated people." he admitted. "all people human or not. he didn't really have any business working as a Hunter but someone felt bad for him i guess." he admitted, taking a sip of the triple hot chocolate Sebastian had set down for him. Sebastian had set down drinks for all of them. all their favorites. for Steve it was a Chai Latte. for James it was a beer, even if he wasn't supposed to be drinking yet. Natasha would have gotten some fruity virgin drink that no one could ever remember the name of. mostly because she never seamed to have the same drink twice in a row. "okay." she sighed, relaxing, glad to know she was safe. "i'm hungry..." she complained. "someone bring me food." "you are not allowed to strain yourself Ms. Romonoff." Sebastian warned. "it would be best if Mr. Barton fed you." "...i'll promise not to bite?" she offered him with an impish grin.
“They should. He was a ass.”Tony grumbled a little as he sipped his warmed chocolate milk, making a happy content sound as he finished his food and went back to working on the cat, even as he shifted closer to steve so the werewolf could watch as he worked. “I’ll feed you.”Clint said already bounding up to get food, gathering some before returning to her side, the half demon looking so very eager to please. “Hm, I like it when you bite, but you can’t follow through with the promise right now, so no biting.”He teased kissing her forehead, before starting to feed her.
Peter nodded. "he was, but a lot of people felt bad for him because his entire family was wiped out during the middle of a turf war when he was sixteen. since he was 'just a human' they left him in foster care which was.... highly unpleasant for him. he has a much better job for himself now." he admitted. "one he'll actually enjoy i think." he admitted with a smile before grinning as he watched Steve and Tony. James was napping on his back, stomach bloated from food. hopefully he'd stop being so food aggressive once he realized the food wasn't going to stop coming in. "i get it, so these wires work the Cat's eyes and this make the nose twitch?" Steve guessed. "i can still bite you." she huffed at Clint, but happily chewed on anything he gave her and enjoyed the tootie frootie smoothie Sebastian gave her.
“Good.he needs a good job.”tony muttered smiling a little. Nodding eagerly as he looked at steve, “yea.See?”He said reaching out with magic to make the wires do their job, grinning happily as the nose twitched and the cat looked up at steve. “It works!It’s allllivveee. It’s allliivvee.” “Who let him watch Frankienstien again?”Clint snickered a little before smirking at natasha,”You could. But don’t. I might have to go tempt fate and hump Jamie in his sleep or something.”Clint snickered a little smiling as he fed the other.
Steve grinned. "that's really cool Tony." Steve admitted, sounding appropriately awestruck and amazed. "look at it move! that's so cool!" he muttered. "can i touch it?" he asked Tony, well aware an Omega could take a man's hand off if someone was stupid enough to touch something that was perceived as the Omegas. "Frakenwhat?" Steve asked, blinking at Clint. "hmmm well we wouldn't want Tony castrating you." she agreed with a smile, chewing on her meal. "so did we find out who hurt me?" Natasha asked. "i was hit from behind to begin with so i never saw who attacked me." she paused when she realized how tense the room was. " was Bloodbane and Ward... wasn't it?" "Bloodbane and Thanner. two students where mentally compelled, one students mind raped so bad he will never function again and Grant Ward... who was essentially brainwashed since he was a child to be the.. puppet, of his Guardian who ordered the attack on you." Sebastian finally informed her when no one else seamed to want to. "Bloodbane and Thanner are both in Steve's custody awaiting whatever punishment he wishes. Ward is currently in the cells awaiting Clint's decisions on what to do with him." Sebastian admitted. "i assure you both me and Clint will be taking your desires into account Nat." Steve assured her when she scowled.
“It is. The perfect pet.”Tony hummed pleased, before growling softly at the idea of steve touching it, possessive before whining softly, realizing he’d growled at his alpha before nodding slowly. “Carefully.”He said shifting to let the other touch the cat. “Frankienstien. It’s a monster movie about a mad scientist who brings his creature to life.”Clint snickered a little. “No, we wouldn’t.”Clint agreed. “I wouldn’t castrate you. Natasha would punish me for that.”Tony whined a little. “...Yes.”Clint swallowed thickly, leaning his head into the other’s, nervous and upset. “Whatever you want, Nat.”Clint promised sighing quietly.
Steve grinned a little before chuckling at the growling. "easy, my Little One." Steve soothed, nuzzling Tony. "i don't mind your possessive streak, i know how important these are to you. if you don't want me to touch, then i won't touch." he promised. "i might raise issue if you growl at me too many times, but i doubt you will, your a good boy." Steve praised Tony with a smile before gently stroking the cat's ear with a single finger, barely touching it at all. "it's so smooth." he murmured. "a movie?" Steve asked, perking up a little. "can we watch it sometime?" he asked Tony, looking eager and excited. "i'm sure if he made an honest move on your Mate, you'd castrate him Tony." Peter admitted with a smile. "i've seen Omega's eviscerate other Alpha's for flirting with their dominants." he admitted with a chuckle. "though, Natasha would probably punish you, yes." "well, maybe. it depends on if Clint actually deserved it or not." she admitted with a grin before smiling, snuggling him, ignoring the slight ache it caused. "i'll decide later. it depends on if he's capable of being redeemed or not i guess. i don't want you to loose the chance to meet your brother." she admitted, smiling at him. "as for the other two, well. so long as they suffer." she decided, Steve smirking and nodding.
Tony whined a little as he was nuzzled, relaxing a little as he wasn’t yelled at for growling. “They are important. But be careful and you can touch.”he muttered leaning his head into steve’s, letting out a contented near purr at the praise of being a good boy, before nodding. “Better then a real cat. Wont shed or anything.”Tony said sounding pleased before nodding. “Yea. I have it. It’ll be fun. Though we’ll have to wait till james isn’t going to nap the night away.”he grinned looking amused at the sleeping beta, glad he was so comfortable here. “...Okay. I might.”Tony agreed making a face at that. “I would never deserve that.”Clint grumbled smiling a little as he pressed a kiss to her head, sighing softly. “....Okay. We’ll decide later.”he muttered closing his eyes as he relaxed.
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