Blackthorne Acadamy(Avengers-Au) Moon/Lady

Steve smiled at the other. "exactly, they're very important." he assured the other with a smile before touching, so very gentle, worried if he touched too hard he might break it. "i hate real cats." Steve admitted. "they make me sneeze and they scratch." he admitted before grinning at Ton's happy purr. "i don't think that's going to happen anytime soon." Steve admitted, grinning down at James. "he's gonna get fat." he admitted, making Peter snort. "can werwolves get fat?" "of course we can, it just takes a lot more effort." Steve admitted with a smile. "i've seen Fat werewolves before. usually bad Alphas." he admitted. "besides you should all be looking in amazement at James sleeping so peacefully. it means he trusts you all." Steve admitted with a smile. Steve did too, just not enough to sleep in front of all of them. not yet. "you might." Natasha admitted with a chuckle, declining the bite he tried to feed her, full of warm food and smoothie she snuggled into him and went back to sleep. "i wish there was a way to heal her faster." "that is not feasible. you see the human body can only heal so much." Sebastian explained. "if you force the body to heal too fast, the body can develop severe complications. including rejecting the healing process, causing severe mental and physical health problems. Frigga healed everything she absolutely could, ad even without pushing the boundaries Natasha might still reject the healing, though the worst that will happen is she gets a fever. Frigga healed everything she could, and Natasha will have to heal what's left on her own." Sebastian admitted. "she will be fine, fret not." he assured the group with a smile. "Frigga is not just a Healer she is The Best healer in the world. literally. other healers contact her for advice and everything."
“Me to. They scratch me all the time when I tried petting them.”Tony made a face as he snuggled into steve. “He’d look adorable fat. Not hugely. Just cutely round some.”Tony hummed a little before nodding, “It is quite amazing.”he agreed scampering over to the sleeping werewolf and snuggling close to him, the cat tucked under one arm. As if simply talking about james sleeping had made the man want to take a nap with him. “It’d just cause worse problems if we tried.”Clint said because he hated to see her hurt ot, but it made him feel better knowing there wasn’t anything he could do without causing problems. Yawning as he sighed, snuggling down for his own nap. “Peter, you gonna be here awhile?”Tony muttered sleepily looking up at peter, wanting to sleep, but not wanting to miss a moment of his brother’s visit.
Steve nodded. "yeah they scratch me all the time too." Steve admitted with a shrug. "i hate the little beasts, but this one is kinda awesome. it doesn't need to eat, it doesn't poop in sand, it won't scratch or bite or wake you up at three in the morning wanting attention. it's awesome." he admitted with a smile before snorting at Tony. "sort of chubby then?" he asked with a grin. "it's never gonna happen, James is too hyper." he admitted. "compared to you, who really needs to put on some weight." "mmm, that's what happens when you get worms. you loose weight." Steve admitted, smiling as he watched Tony snuggle James, who grunted and snuggled right back, not even bothering to wake up for it. "yes, i'm here for a week, possibly longer. depending on how long it takes us to determine the depth of this problem." he admitted. "go ahad and sleep Tony, i'll be here when you wake up." he promised "there's cots around here somewhere." Steve admitted. "your welcome to sleep here if you like." he offered Peter who nodded. "i'd like that."
“It’s definitely awesome. It’s mine. I made it better.”Tony grumbled a little before nodding. “Yea. Chubby would be cute.” “And tony. Don’t forget the cute little omega who never eats enough.”Clint snorted a little smiling as he watched them. Glad tony had this. “Good. You’ll get to see the final result of the cat.”Tony mtutered happily as he fell asleep, smiling as he snuggled down to sleep, tugging steve in next to them, not wanting to be without them.

When they woke the next morning, tony was already in the spare bedroom, well it wasn’t so much a bedroom, as the room he’d cannibalized into being a small workshop, muttering happily to himself as he finished the cat. And indeed, the others, but the cat was the by far the one who’d been upgraded the most. the small thing looking utterly amazing and definitely a tony creation. Bounding out of his room after a moment he pounced on james, “James!Wake up. You need to see what I finished.”The technomage to excited and happy with his accomplishment to think about how bouncing on a sleeping werewolf might be a bad idea.
Steve chuckled. "and your going to continue making it better too, aintcha?" he asked with a grin. "Tony eats fine. most young werewolves loose a lot of weight when they first turn. because their body can't get enough calories even if they eat constantly. it's known as the 'stabilization' period and it's one of the reasons why most children and elderly below or above a certain age die when they are turned." he admitted. "the stabilization period lasts anywhere from six months to a year, so Tony might still loose a bit more weight. his constant snacking that he's now doing will help with that though." Steve admitted. "Tony is actually at a rather expected weight for his Turning."

"...Tony? did you sleep at all?" Bruce asked, looking amused as he woke up. Steve had been curled up under the table reading a book with only his head and arms above the elbows showing. every once and a while he would shiver, proving he was having chills. James jerked awake with a roar and snagged Tony around the middle and pinned him to the floor. how James managed to do all that without laying eve a scratch on Tony was a mystery that was explained by the suspicion that he had been attacked while sleeping a lot. "....Tony? sorry, i thought you where Axter." he admitted sleepily, rubbing his eyes sluggishly. "how long was i sleep? didn't mean to take a nap."
“”Of course.”Toyn grinned happily, before nodding. “I’m eating more. It’ll be good.”Tony said pleased to know that he’ll steady soon enough.

“A bit.”Tony said avoiding a exact number which meant yes, he’d slept, for a snatch of a few moments when he closed his eyes before waking up and pouncing on the tech again. Yelping as he was roared at, squirming, trying to get away with a anxious with whimper, looking up at james, swallowing hard before nodding.”It’s me, it’s me, jamie its me.”He sputtered sounding anxious as he looked up at him, before relaxing slowly, realizing the other knew him. Twisting to look at what time it was, he smiled. “Uh, nearly 10 hours.”
Bruce snorted. "make sure to take a nap later or you'll be grumpy." he suggested. "sorry Tony." James repeated. "i didn't scare you did i?" he asked, looking worried now as he searched the other for injuries, a sleepy Peter chuckling a little as he sat up from the stolen Cot he'd been sleeping on. unlike the wolves, and Wendigo he didn't like sleeping on the floor and Clint and Nat had claimed the big mattress on the floor. "Steven? should i prepare food for the prisoners as well?" Sebastian asked, examining the spare bedroom that had the two locked inside. "yes. i want them healthy when we deal with them." Steve admitted, still snuggled in the comforter with the heater on the inside going full blast. "chills?" James asked sympathetically. "stupid damn medicine." Steve agreed.
“I’m never grumpy.” “tony, you are horribly grumpy when sleep deprieved.”Clint said shaking his head a little as he woke up. “No,no I’m good.”Tony muttered not wanting to upset him by showing that for a moment the man had been utterly scared, making soft annoyed whines as he was looked over for injuries. “I’ll snuggle you. I’m warm.”Tony said more childlike and eager to please when he was tired, squirming away from james to go over and squirm his way under the blanket with steve.
"very grumpy." Natasha agreed, Peter nodding. "how many times have you bitten me because you hadn't gotten enough sleep?" Peter asked, looking amused. " bite Peter?" Steve asked, sounding very much like he wanted to laugh. "mmm snuggles would be nice." Steve agreed, watching James let Tony up and let Tony snuggle with a fond expression. yup, James was utterly smitten. "mmm you ARE warm." Steve sighed, nudging Tony into place so that the slightly larger boy was completely laying on top of Steve, who looked very, very pleased with this position. James snickered, watching them with a grin before he started nosing about for breakfast only to get his fingers smacked for trying to dip them into the waffle and Crepe batters. which was the same thing Sebastian did to Tony so no one was really surprised bu James.
“...It’s your fault for interrupting my work, not cause I was sleepy. You deserve being bitten.”Tony grumbled, not even about to admit that they were all right. That he was so very grouchy when he didn’t sleep. “Only when he deserves it.”Tony huffed a little as he settled over the blond, resting his head in the crook of his neck, for a moment completely unaware, before smirking squirming a little as he pressed down tighter into the other man. “You’re going to be warm soon.”He muttered. “Don’t look so surprised. He smacks tony to.”Clint snickered a little looking at james in amusement.
Peter snorted. "sure. that was it. never mind that most of the time we where eating, or playing board games, or i was trying to gt you to take a nap." he teased with a smile before hesitating along with the rest of the room when Steve went instantly tense when Tony ground into him. he stayed tense for an anxious moment and then went completely lax under Tony, happy to let Tony do whatever he wanted. after all, being Alpha didn't mean he always topped. being Dom didn't mean he always topped, he just tended to prefer it that way. once Steve relaxed James did too and once James relaxed so did Natasha, Bruce and Peter. Sebastian still stayed tense for a moment longer before returning to his cooking. "but... he smacked me!" James finally complained, blinking at Clint as if the whole room hadn't just been on the verge of a panic attack.
“....You deserved it.”Tony huffed a little. Going still as he realized. Granted, he’d known what he was doing, but hadn’t truly processed that he’d done it to a alpha. While he was usually completely okay with bottoming, steve had let him lay on top, and instinct had had him grinding against the other, but now he was upset snuffling a little as he nuzzled the other’s neck, making soft anxious whines as the rest of the room ignored them. “So?he smacks us all when we try to get bites.”clint said taking a deep breath, swallowed hard as he glanced at steve and tony ,but ignoring it if the wolves were going to ignore it. “I finished my cat. Wanna see?”Tony said with a quiet worried upset whine.
Peter snorted. "i'm sure i did." he agreed before watching Steve carefully. Steve who was now uttering that soft contented purr like sound while Tony nuzzled his neck. "well.... i didn't know that!" James complained, whining. "that's not fair at all!" James whined, Steve humming. "cold..." he complained, turning his head to give Tony a kiss. "you said you where gonna warm me up." "okay, if you two are gonna fuck? i want to be moved to another room." Natasha complained, startling Steve into laughter. "okay, okay. wounded warrior wins." he promised, smiling at Tony. "you finished the Kitty then?" he asked, sounding curious despite his medicine induced chill.
Tony smiled happily as his alpha purred, relaxing a little as he relaxed, “Don’t whine, Jamie. Just come over here and cuddle. I’ll kiss your fingers better.”The omega demanded with a snicker, pressing closer to the other as he kissed steve back. “I think I will.”he muttered groping him a little before sulking as he raised his head to look at natasha. “But it’d be such a good show, Nat.”Clint said snickering a little. “No sex.”Tony muttered flushing a little as he ducked his head, nodding. “I did.”he muttered rubbing the other’s body, trying to warm him up. “It’s amazing. See?”He said grinning as the kitten walked across the room to nuzzle against steve’s cheek.
James huffed and sulked but moved over to Tony for comforts. "don't forget, Tony. Steve can't have sex." James reminded him. "if his heart rate goes up too fast he could have a heart attack." "fuck off." Steve growled at James, who didn't look bothered in the least by Steve's growling, nor bothered by the fact that Steve was still being groped. "it's gross." Natasha complained. "i eat at that table. it's unsanitary." Steve snorted and James sniggered at the blatant lie. she just didn't want them to have sex because she couldn't have sex. Steve sighed, going lax under Tony as the other rubbed him, James chuckling. "he's like a cat that way. rub him the right way and he just goes limp." "piss off...." Steve ordered James again, though it was broken by the content purring sound Steve was letting off. "...okay, wow. you did this in a night?" Steve asked, truly awestruck by Tony's brilliance, gently stroking the kitten's nose with a grin. "can you make others?" he asked. "if you could copywrite these, you could sell them, or rather, less impressive models, and be rich!" James admitted. "i think this little guy is too special to be copied, but you could make lesser models right?"
"Oh. Right. Sorry."tony said letting out a upset whine as he gentle his hands, not intending to turn him on or for sex,but simply warm him."considering what we've done on some tables tony eats on, it'd probably be payback."clint snickered amused at tonys irate growl at that. Tony let out a worried whine as steve went limp looking worried as he glanced at james before relaxing as he realized it was okay. "You okay?"he muttered nuzzling the other a little. "oh yea. It was a night. Granted he's not been asleep either."Clint pointed out with a smile. Tony snarled upset at the idea of sharing before swallowing?realizing he didn't have to give this one out,just some version of it."I could....I should look into it..."
Steve whined, sulking when Tony stopped. he wanted sex dammit! "if i smell anyone having sex on MY Table i will be very displeased." Steve warned with a growl, making Natasha chuckle. "how about your bed?" "i don't care about the bed." "....seriously?" "not really. Tony or James might, take it up with them." "it's fine Tony." James promised with a smile. "Steve's very tactile, he loves to be touched." he admitted, running his fingers through Steve's hair, gently massaging the others scalp, making Steve sigh in delight. "well, we'll just take a nap later. me and Stevie's used to taking naps int he afternoons. especially where he's been sick." James admitted with a smile. "hows that sound?" he asked Tony.
"Don't care about the bed. Just not the table."tony said making a face. Relaxing as he settled against steve gain gently petting him."oh. Okay....I like pething you...make you feel better..."the omega muttered smiling as he glanced at steve."Okay. Naps are good."he muttered smiling happily. "I think that's the easiest I've ever seen him agree to take a nap."clint snickered a little
"hmm i like petting." Steve agreed, looking very content and happy indeed. "i don't feel cold anymore." he promised Tony with a smile. "you have to stay there though or i might get cold again." James snorted. "you just have to know how to handle him is all." Peter admitted. "granted, i don't know how, but it looks like James does." James rolled his eyes. "that's an easy one. Tony doesn't like sleeping alone, that's all."
"Good. I'll glad I made you better."tony muttered sighing quietly. "Are you're sure you're just not trying to have sex?cause you can't have sex yet."tony Scolded lightly."really?you know I'd never considered that."clint snorted a little amused as he gently kissed natasha's head."how you feeling today?"
"mmmm..... of course not." Steve purred seductively. "i would never do that." "your a horrid liar Stevie." Jame admitted with a grin. "i know your frustrated, but it's just a few more weeks right?" "but i want Sex now!" Steve whined, sulking. "seriously. this is ridiculous! i feel better than i have in MONTHS!" he whined, sulking. "stupid doctors." he grumbled, Natasha chuckling at Steve's antics. "i'm feeling a lot better." Natasha admitted. "i'm still sore all over, but it's not so bad now." she admitted. "i'm still really sleepy though." she huffed.
Tony whimpered squirming a little at the other's tone, nuzzling him."evil man."he grumbled. "We'll we wouldn't want to make you worse by having Sex. We can wait."he muttered smiling at james a little."they're just trying to make you better stevie." "Good. And after we have breakfast you can go back to sleep if you want."clint said fussing over natasha.
Steve sulked. "but it's not fair!" he whined, pouting. "fine. but you can't have sex until i can." he ordered James and Tony, James chuckling a little. "we can wait Stevie. we'll be okay." he promised with a smile, ruffling the others hair. "fine." he grumbled, Bruce chuckling as he watched them, glad that Tony had such loyal friends, a loyal pack. it was so perfect. "yeah i think i better. if i can make it to breakfast at all." she admitted with a yawn, snuggling into Clint and smiling when Sebastian came over with food for her so she could eat before going back to sleep.
“That’s fine, we can wait for you.”Tony smiled nuzzling him a little turning to look at up james with a smile. “Well, we can just have breakfast in bed.”Clint said pressing a kiss to the other’s head, smiling a little in amusement as he watched tony squirm around, getting comfortable snuggling steve even as he tried to work on the cat some more. having thought of even more improvements again
Steve nodded. "until then... keep petting." Steve decided, still limp as a ragdoll under Tony, making James chuckle. "he's a bit of a glutton really." James admitted with a smile. "Clint i can't even scratch my own ass, i don't think i'm eating anywhere but in bed." Natasha pointed out, looking amused, letting Clint feed her. Steve watched Tony working, a small smile on his lips, happy to lay, warm and calm under Tony while he worked.

the next day followed the same pattern and on the third day Natasha was well enough to be active again, even so far as managing to go to all her classes before coming back to discuss what should be done with their two prisoners. Steve had been very unhappy, he'd been downright pissed off when he realized he had to attend his own classes. mostly basic tests to see where his education was lacking. which was everywhere. so he had to learn better reading, writing, math and others. he even had to take classes on how to cook, (apparently charring it over a fire didn't count) how to clean, (living outside most of the time was no excuse) and even how to shop (neither Steve nor James had never needed much for money, until now apparently.) so he was not in a good mood when he pulled out their prisoners, freshly tied up and dumped them in the middle of the semi-circle that was discussing their fates. "i mean, i could use the test subject. i'd only need them for a week and then you could have them back... well, if they don't die. i don't think they will but one can never be sure..."
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