Blackthorne Acadamy(Avengers-Au) Moon/Lady

Bruce chuckled and James grinned a bit. hearing about Tony was always fun. "oh my..." Frigga murmured, looking at Clint. "you should be very proud of yourself young one. you've saved her life." she admitted. "worry not. by pumping so much energy into her, she's not near death anymore." Frigga promised him. "she will recover just fine. though, her internal damage is... well, we'll have to see." she admitted, setting her hands over Natasha and beginning to sing, dulcet tones ringing like bells in the room, her hands glowing, ribbons of light erupting all around them while sparkles of bright lights glinted off of the ribbons. when they landed on a person, they made them feel warm and sort of tingly.

"after the first transformation it's often so traumatizing a person goes into shock, trapping them in that form. most people are trapped as a wolf for days, even weeks before they can change back." he admitted before eying up Peter who grinned. "very good. i was actually scared for a bit there." he admitted with a smirk. "and yes, i must call you Names." he admitted, ruffling the others hair before hugging Tony back. "i heard you scored number one on the semester tests. so i got you a present. i'll give it to you later." he promised with a grin. "your gonna love it. i got it special by accident." he admitted. "anyway, i want you to stay with this guy, or with Sebastian. don't go anywhere alone until we get to the bottom of what's happened. i don't want to run the risk of you getting hurt too, okay?" Peter asked. "don't roam too much, but don't lock yourself in either." he turned to look at Steve. "you have permission to kill, Steve, should anyone pose a serious threat to you or to your pack." Peter explained. Steve nodded, flexing his fingers. "excellent."
Clint looked up, smiling softly as he considered the other. “T-thanks.”He said blushing at the praise, before letting out a relieved breath, slumping. “Thanks....I tried.I was worried I made it worse....”He said relieved he hadn’t made it worse, shuddering as he felt the other singing, trembling ever so slightly. While he could use the angelic magic, and he could feel it making him feel content, the angelic magic was making him twitchy to.

“...two days. For two days I was stuck, and even worse I’d had no idea I was a wolf, so it was even worse.”He shuddered before making a face at peter. “Fine. If you must.”He grumbled as his hair was ruffled, before grinning happily. “I did. Bruce complained for days for having to listen to me go on and on about my high school in tech.”The mage smiled happily, before tilting his head.”Special?”He said looking curious before nodding. “I will. And james. I doubt james is going to let us wander off without him.”Tony sighed quietly, smiling softly at steve, feeling safe with him.
the woman smiled at him. "you did exceptionally well, managing to maintain Angelic healing Aura while depressing your demonic." she admitted. "a rare talent." she admitted. "you should take classes. you probably won't ever be able to be certified as a full healer, but you could save lives if your out on the field or come across an accident." she admitted before smiling, the lights and song vanishing, Natasha groaning, her eyes fluttering open. "she will still be very sore. i have healed everything i can but her muscles will still be torn. i cannot heal those without compromising their fluidity. she will need to be abed for a few more days to recover..." then Frigga looked distressed. "i am sorry Child.... the damage done... you will most likely never have children." she explained gently to Natasha, whose eyes sprang with tears. never have children? now Clint would never want her.

Steve smiled a little. "i was too young to remember my transformations. but i know a guy who was stuck for two whole weeks." he admitted. "he got so used to being a wolf at that point he almost forgot to be human and changed back in his sleep." he admitted with a smile. "once he wasn't freaked out about it, it just happened." "i must." Peter agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "i can't imagine Bruce was too happy to be coming in second." then again, Bruce had an entire different set of classes, and he had come in first for his major too. they where only off by two points but Tony had still scored top of the entire school population. even over the students in higher level specialist classes than him. "yep! special." he agreed with a grin. "Tony, James has his duty to protect Natasha, Clint and Bruce." Steve explained. "he'll stay there until we're certain it's safe. neither he nor i is going to let anyone get the better of us again." Steve admitted, snarling when Peter ruffled his hair. "you take good care of my brother Rogers." he ordered. "shut up! this is MY pack! you take MY orders here..." Steve paused and then flushed. "sorry... Alpha response. i don't mean that." he promised Peter who was laughing. "oh! Frigga's done. Natasha is awake." Peter informed them, tapping his head. "best go check on her." Peter admitted, Steve nodding. "come on Tony."
"Hm. I learned by doing the opposite of what I do normally. It wasn't that bad."he smiled a little because he was normally more demonic powered then angelic, but he'd tried.biting his lip he nodded a little."I'll talk to phil. I'm sure I can get into a class."clint fidget ed despite usually enjoying praise this made him vaguely uncomfortable, as if he wasn't sure it was a good thing to be praised by a angel."it's fine. A few days bed rest is better then compromising her body."he said before his eyes went wide,holding onto natasha's hand offering support as he swallowed."you're sure?"he said sadly. Even if they'd never discussed it, he'd looked forward to having kids.

"Well he came in first for his speciality, I just scored two points higher to beat him for the whole school."tony smiled happy and pleased. Before making a face."don't make it sound like you think I'm special ed."he grumbled."...oh. that makes sense. We'll good. We're all protected then."tony said relaxing at the idea swallowing hard." you are in charge steve."tony reassured him before swallowing hard."let's go then."he said nervous and worried as they headed for the hospital wing.
she smiled at him. "well! instinctive learner! i'm impressed." she admitted. "most who have duel auras can't do that." she admitted. "i imagine your love for the young woman forced back the demonic aspects of your soul." she admitted. "Love is a very powerful emotion young one. never feel ashamed of feeling it, or using it to help the ones you care about." she suggested. "if you can learn to harness your angelic and demonic side equally, you would be amidst one of the most powerful beings on earth." she admitted. "think of it this way." she suggested. "your angelic side is love, healing and protection. your demonic side is hatred, attack and curses." she explained. "if you can harness feelings of anger, rage and whatnot you should gain more control over your demon side. if you can harness, love, protectiveness, joy and other such emotions you will have much more control over your angelic side, and they should stop giving you so many problems." she admitted with a smile. "it will take a lot of work of course, but you are a stubborn young man, i'm sure you can manage it." she admitted before focusing on Natasha. "no. i'm not sure." she admitted. "it could be that she might heal in another ten years. perhaps her Magic will bolster her system, maybe there is a human surgery that can fix it, i don't know. but right now, physically speaking, she will likely not have children." she admitted. "i'm sorry, but don't give up all hope. there is still a chance." Frigga admitted, Natasha nodding. "now you just sleep little one." Frigga assured Natasha. "you'll be very sore for a while, but you will be fine in a few days."

he chuckled a little. "your so competitive Tony." Peter teased with a chuckle. "no your not Special Ed. a little insane maybe, completely mad, bonkers, off your rocker." Peter teased with a grin. "but, like Alice says, all the best people are." he teased, quoting one of his favorite movies. "then again, i'm even more insane than you are, so that's saying something." he admitted with a chuckle. "yes. the Pack is important. as second in command, James is typically in charge of security and fighting forces and the like." he admitted. "yes. i am in charge." Steve agreed, pleased that Tony had said so. "it's fine Tony. Steve's worked up right now is all. i challenged his authority ad he responded as the Wold instead of as Steve." Peter explained. "i have to go upstairs and help question the suspects." he admitted. "be safe okay? i'll see you in your room after dinner okay?" he asked with a grin. "i'll give you your present then."
“Probably. Natasha’s important to me.”He growled, softly, and possessive, as if he thought she was going to take her away, or convince her to go away. Which wasn’t surprising, considering how many people tried to tell natasha she should leave the demon boy. “...I never considered it over that...I’ll try.”he sighed thinking about how much practice he was going to have to work to get control of both halves of his heart before staring at natasha, wincing a little as he tightened his hand, holding onto her, as if he suspected she’d run away from him. “Okay then. We’ll just keep hope....sleep, natasha.”He ordered pressing a kiss to her forehead.

“Definitely. I have to be, otherwise I’ll get bored.”Tony huffed a little, before making a face. “I’m not bonkers!”He whined a little before nodding, rolling his eyes. “You watch that movie to many times.”he said looking amused before leaning into steve, content to reassure him that everyone listened to him, before whining, making a face at the knowledge he couldn’t have the present now, but he could wait. “Okay. We’ll see you then.”
Frigga smiled. "good." she admitted before examining him, pursing her lips before nodding. "it's a bit of a secrete. but did you know that the only way a Demon and an Angel can procreate, is if they both love each other?" she asked him. "yes. Demons can love. people like to pretend they are evil, they have no feelings or emotions, but it's not true. in fact a Demon can feel even more strongly than a human or an Angel." she admitted. "both halves of your heart love her, why else would your Demon half comply and pull back if not because it loved her just as much as the Angel half healing her?" Frigga asked, smiling at him. "you love her very much Mr. Barton, and never doubt the love she has for you. your souls where meant to be." she admitted before smiling when Natasha woke up and started to cry at the knowledge she would never have children. "Don't leave me? please... don't leave me." Natasha pleaded softly, staring at Clint. "i love you." she whispered before closing her eyes and going to sleep.

he chuckled a little. "well that's certainly true." he agreed before heading up to Fury's office, examining the gathered group of kids which had been sorted into three groups. one of the innocent. one of the guilty, and one of the 'it's complicated'. Peter was not surprised to see Bloodbane in the Guilty group, but was rather shocked to see Grant Ward in the 'it's complicated' category. "your certain these three are completely innocent?" he demanded, examining the three students waiting nervously. they hadn't had anything to do with attacking Natasha and aside from thinking very nasty thoughts and having a nasty mouth on them they hadn't even thought of actually attacking anyone.
“...Really?”clint looked startled at the idea, smiling quietly. “Well....good.”he said, he’d known his parents had loved each other, but it was still something to hear. Swallowing thickly she nodded. “I love her so much.”He muttered quietly, shuddering a little before nodding. “I know. Always meant to be.”He muttered before wincing as natasha started to cry, shifting her over, holding her gently.”I’m not going anywhere, I promise.”he muttered snuggling her a little as she fell asleep himself.

“Fury nodded a little. “Very.”Fury sighed softly, glancing at the half demon who was staring out the window. For all teh world looking like nothing ever bothered him. “It’s more complicated then we thought...”fury said tilting his head towards grant, trying to figure out how to tell peter just who he was related to, without telling grant to.
Frigga smiled at him. "love o strong, can do almost anything." she admitted, gently patting his head before smiling when Natasha clung to him and went back to sleep. "everything okay?" Steve asked, walking back in and examining Natasha, relaxing a little when he saw she wasn't in too much danger anymore. "Peter's upstairs with the suspects now." Steve explained, sitting down and watching Frigga as she settled in to watch over them all. she was supposed to make sure no one tried to attack them.

"then you three can go and not a word to anyone." Peter ordered the three innocent ones before turning to examine the half demon. "so this is the one?" he asked Fury. "the one related to...?" he asked, examining him. "why is he in the complicated group?" he asked, glancing at the Soothsayer that had questioned the groups.
“Yea, we’re okay.”Clint muttered smiling slightly as he looked up at them, smiling quietly as he looked at the young werewolf who settled on the couch between james and steve, seeking comfort in his group, snuggling close. “Any other news?”he muttered curious as to what peter had to say.

“Yes, he is.”Fury said ignoring the sidelong look he got from Grant. “Here, Mr. Quill.”The young soothsayer said passing over her report on how the boy showed signs of brainwashing by the teacher whitehall, and a odd relationship by the boy and hunter. It was...weird and complicated really.
Steve and James both shifted to give Tony room to get comfortable before looping arms around him, James around Tony's shoulders and Steve around Tony's waist. "no real news. only that Peter will be by after dinner and he has a present for Tony that's apparently something pretty special." Steve admitted. "other than that, nothing really." he admitted. "i do know he dances funny." Bruce could only chuckle at that. "i can assume he'll have more information after dinner."

Peter nodded, examining Grant. "how curious." he mused before accepting the report, blinking. "are you absolutely certain it was Whitehall?" all four of the 'it's complicated' group had specific brainwashing signs in their minds. one was actually mind raped so bad at this point he'd probably never think on his own again. he just did anything Whitehall told him to. all of them had memories of being with Whitehall while he told them what to do, attack Natasha. "right. someone arrest Whitehall." he ordered one of the guards standing net to the door, the man saluting and leaving to do just that. "let's see. Grant Ward right? your Guardian is John Garret. one of the best Hunters we have. so. care to explain why you suddenly decided to beat the shit out of a girl a year younger than you?"
Clint sighed softly. “Well, good. Hopefully that’ll distract tony. He always enjoys peter’s presents.”he said pressing a kiss to natasha’s head, closing his eyes, simply relaxing. Trying not to worry to much.

“I am.”The young soothsayer, skye, nodded slightly. Watching the guards go, before looking at grant, staying to backup peter. While she trusted teh man to take care of himself, until they sorted this out no one was going without a partner. “...Yes.”Grant said turning to look up at the other. “You said I was a relation to who?” “At the moment, not your concern.”Fury said watching the man before sighing. “...Garret thought it would be a good idea. Set it up with Whitehall. Told us to do so.”
he nodded. "this is going to be a mess..." he mumbled with a sigh before examining Grant. "that is up to the relation to reveal. right now they don't feel safe enough to expose themselves to you. considering your behavior, i can't really blame them." he admitted before freezing. "i'm sorry. did you just say Garret, as in one of my oldest and best friends, the guy who trained side by side with Phil, Maria and Me, told you to beat up on a girl incapable of defending herself against you!?" he demanded Grant, just to be sure. because of her unique necromantic talents, Grant's demonic aura could render her completely helpless if he used it against her in the right ways. "you don't feel the slightest bit of shame over what you did, do you?" Peter demanded. "that girl is dead because of what you did!" several of the students went very tense. the two in the guilty party didn't, if anything they looked smug. but the two in the 'complicated' did, looking like they wanted to be sick. the one who couldn't think for himself anymore just sat there, waiting for more orders.
“...Huh.”Grant frowned thinking about it, wondering just who it was there. Frowning slightly, paling as he realized he’d made a mistake. He had known Quill was investigating, but he hadn’t realized the man wasn’t on their side. Wasn’t simply distracting the investigators from finding out what really happened. Hearing the actual surprise in the other’s voice, he knew he’d messed up. “...”Grant stared at him, refusing to answer before paling, looking away. “She’s dead?”He swallowed thickly. Not because he truly cared for natasha, though he liked her somewhat, but because he knew the other half of that romantic equation. If Natasha was really dead, Clint Barton’s reaction was going to be violent, bloody and painful for all involved.
Peter stared at him, writing down that observation and sending a Text to the Hunters association that Garrett needed to be taken into custody before looking up at Grant. "and what do you care? wasn't that your whole goal in the first place? between your demonic aura and the massive internal injuries. Clint did his best but he didn't have enough control over his Angel Aura to heal her. she died in his arms." he stated simply. "of course, your more worried about Clint's reaction than the fact that you killed a girl. honestly what else did you expect to happen?" he demanded. "you beat the hell out of her, of course she was going to die." he huffed. "of course now we have to worry about Clint, not to mention Bruce, James, Steve and Tony. it's half on half of what Clint's gonna do. he's either gonna suicide, not that a heartless bastard like yu would care, or he's going to go on a bloody slaughter. Bruce of course is barely maintaining control as it is. he turns and i'm just handing you three over." he stated, indicating the two guilty and Grant. "of course, operating under the Law, you two, at the very least, are now Steve rogers property to do with whatever the hell he pleases. turn you into sex slaves maybe, or perhaps just make a meal out of you a limb at a time." Peter mused. "maybe they'll let me watch?" he mused.
“...No. I was just trying to beat her up.”Grant said emotionlessly, “I care. I like her some. And provoking Barton into a murderous rage, or Banner, or the werewolf cub wasn’t my intent.”Grant said, well. There seemed a brain behind those dark eyes despite the brainwashing and orders to kill natasha, the man had been aware enough to pull some of his punches, knowing that her pack would be vicious in the retribution. “...”Staring at the other two he swallowed hard, before shaking his head. “He wont do that. Stark’s to soft hearted to let them be sex slaves, or let them be lunch.”Grant said simply, relaxed.
he nodded, writing that down as well. looked like there was some kind of chance for Grant at the very least. "you should know better than that. attacking her at all was going to provoke them. they are a Pack. they declared it in front of the entire school an attack on one is an attack against them all." he stated simply before staring at him. "one of Tony's only friends has just died because you beat the shit out of her. he might be soft himself but he's sure as hell not going to lift a finger or voice a sound to stop them. the only reason you lot aren't destined to become sex slaves is because Clint is loyal only to Natasha, James, Steve and Tony don't share and Banner can't have sex." he stated simply. "becoming lunch on the other hand. well, it's not cannibalism if they're already animals now is it?" he asked, smirking. "in any case, there are other things worse than sex." he admitted. "you might become punching bags for Tony to practice self defense on. you might have your fingers cut off. maybe they'll just lock you in a dark room until you die of thirst?" he shrugged. "those two are entirely Steve Rogers property... you, on the other hand..." he examined Grant. "i'm not sure what i want to do with you. after all, our practically a Hunter, being raised by one. i think i should handle you myself. we've been in need of a test subject. we've been trying to find ways to strip dangerous demons of their demonic aura. you'd be a great starting point." trying to scare Grant into giving something vital away.
“...I know.But I had my orders.”the man swallowed hard, looking down before shaking his head. “Stark puked all over the science lab dissecting a frog. He wont let them eat them.”he said though he was starting to sound unsure, his faith starting to waver, “You wont do that. You’re Garret’s best friend. You wont torture me.”He said starting to sound panicked, “It wasn’t supposed to be like this. You weren’t supposed to be the one who showed up.”
"you know, following orders didn't work as an excuse for Nazi soldiers." he pointed ut. "it doesn't work for Army personnel when they 'follow orders' and do something wrong and it sure as hell doesn't hold any weight int he Hunter division." he admitted. "Son, at what point did you ever think that what happens to you was ever my decision?" he asked the other, lifting an eyebrow. "my role here is to decide who i pawn you off to. it's looking more and more likely that your going to end up in Steve's claws. legally, you already belong to Steve, aint nothin i can do about that." he admitted before shrugging. "besides, he was my best friend until i found out he just arranged for the murder of a young girl." he admitted. "no one is above the law. not me, not you and sure as fucking hell not Garret." he admitted. "oh? i wasn't? who was supposed to be here then? someone who didn't care if some little crazy girl got hurt? someone who would support you?" he asked. "hate to tell you this kid, but with Fury, Phil and Maria here? your ass still would have been grass. now you have one chance, you talk now and i might, might be able to convince Steve not to torture you before he kills you."
“Garret and Whitehall mean everything, and the rest of you are nothing. What they want... Is for the best. For everyone.”Grant said though he was starting to sound shaken, before staring at him.”...because you’re here.”He muttered because for a moment, when he’d first walked in, he’d thought, maybe the great peter quill had changed sides, had joined them in their quest to change the world. “...Bashi.Bashi was supposed to be the investigator...”he muttered swallowing thickly. “...My life is a small sacrifice if we change the world.”He said though the fear was starting to come through, staring at the other for a long moment, before spilling everything as he slumped into his chair.
he nodded. "i see. so the slaughter of anything 'half blooded' is what's for the best? you realize that you are one of those 'beasts' that Whitehall wants to be killed don't you? you think the complete enslavement of the entire human race to be raised as breeding cattle and food resources for werewolves and Vampires is right? you think you could survive in a world where your nothing but a slave is the right thing? oh wait... you sort of already are, aren't you?" he asked, his head tilted. "Bashi? Bashi isn't cleared for this level of operation." he stated simply. "he was demoted last week for calling a werewolf 'mongrel' which you might know can be a deathly insult. sort of like calling a black man that filthy N word." he admitted. "you shouldn't be so fast to throw your life away." he admitted. "especially since you have a sibling." he admitted. "didn't know that, did you?" he asked. "well. i suppose it wouldn't hurt to tell you, since your going to die anyway." he admitted. "you just killed your future sister in law." he admitted, staring at the man. "hows it feel to know your only living family hates you more than anything else in the realms?" he wondered, already texting the Hunter association to take Bashi into custody as well. god how deep did this go?
“...Yes. To bring the world into peace, to stop the hunters from saving the mongrels and disgraces....”Though you could tell it wasn’t him mostly, he was parroting what he’d heard, what he’d been told was right. “...I am a treasured asset!I am.”Grant protested looking annoyed before wincing, he hadn’t known that. Of course no one had bothered to tell him the change of plans with Bashi...dammit, no wonder it had gone so wrong. Paling as he looked up, he shook his head. “no...”He said swallowing thickly, flinching as he realized what he’d done. Hanging his head as he swallowed, biting his lip a little, before starting to talk, in that quiet stuttering way that was left over from a childhood worth of abuse, and spilling every name he knew. This....this was a gift he could give the sibling he hadn’t known he had, and that he was aware that was afraid of him. He could give clint revenge.
he nodded. "actually, you actions are of war, not peace." he admitted. "and if you ever utter that slur in front of me again i'll kill you myself. my Brother is one of those 'mongrels' you know." he spat before shaking his head. "your a tool. a toy." he corrected. "you think someone who preaches supremacy is really going to value something they see as trash?" he asked. "they didn't even tell you there was a change. they just let you go ahead as schedule because they didn't think it would matter if you got yourself caught and punished." this was harsh, very harsh. but the boy was finally beginning to realize he'd done something wrong. he smiled when the other started spitting out every name he knew was involved. as a tool, he didn't know more than a few names, but it was more than enough. "now then." he snapped his journal closed and examined the two boys who had been brainwashed and essentially compelled to be involved. "you two will be going to a mental health care facility to undue the damage White Hall did to you." they both relaxed and started crying, they had been petrified. they didn't understand themselves why they had attacked a girl. "you two will be tied up and presented to Steve Rogers." he stated, examining Bloodbane and the other truly guilty party. "as for you-" he turned to Grant. "-well, you'll be locked in the detention cells and placed on suicidal watch. since you seam to actually regret what you did, it will be up to Clint, more than anyone else, what will be done with you." here he paused. "oh and i lied. Natasha is fine." he admitted. "so you two might be lucky with just a maiming, maybe." he examined Grant. "up." he ordered. "Fury? chain those two up would you?" he asked. "what about Gunther?" one of the two mind raped boys asked. Peter winced and shook his head. "i'm sorry boys. there's nothing we can do for him. he's basically brain-dead..." he admitted. "he'll be moved to a hospital, but i don't know that he'll ever recover."
“....”Grant stared, eyes wide as he considered Peter, the harsh reality breaking him. The knowledge that his sibling was the man he’d hurt the worst, was breaking him even more. Watching Bloodbane he sneered a little, tilting his head. “Rogers is going to have a field day. You hurt Stark.”Grant said, quite willing to turn on his teammates, and knowing if he goaded peter the man would suffer even more. “What?But-” “Bloodbane, shut up.”Grant snarled watching the vampire before looking up at Peter himself, tilting his head. “...I’m not sucidial.”He muttered before looking up, starting as he realized natasha was alive. The slight relief that crossed his features before he hid it was a good thing, it meant there was some help for him. “I will.”Fury said already moving to tie him up, before looking at the clock, “you better be going. I know you made a promise, and he gets grouchy if you skip dinner.”Fury said after a moment, sighing. Knowing that it was a standing promise between the siblings to always have dinner together when peter was at the school.
"yes. you did hurt Tony." Peter admitted, examining Bloodbane. "tried to rape him, if i remember correctly. yes Steve is very eager to have his hands on you." he admitted. "shame your a vampire. it limits what he can do to you a little bit. eat too much of you, after all, and he'll get sick." he paused, gripping the Bloodbane's chin. "then again, i wonder if a Wendigo would get sick if it ate you, little piece by little piece. it's been a long time since Bruce has been able to feast on real flesh." that was, of curse, a total lie. Bruce had to go through serious, intense psychological help after he found out he'd been eating people ever since his mother had died. the idea that he might have eaten his mother still tore at the young man. but Bloodbane didn't know that. no one but the teachers did.

"yes you are, or you wouldn't have done what you did." Peter informed Grant. "besides, if Clint decides to kill you, he deserve to have that chance. if he decides to try and forgive you, rare though the chance might be? well he deserves that too." Peter admitted before smiling. "yeah, she's alive, but only because Clint's demon half loved her enough to stop fighting his Angel half long enough for him to contentiously pour Angelic energy into her. he nearly risked his own life doing it, though no ones about to tell either of them that." he admitted before glancing at his watch. "your right, i'll take these two with me then, once you'd got em all tied up nice and snug, and you can put Grant in the prison cells." he stated. "the other hunters will take these three to the facility for some mind healing. they might never fully recover but i'm sure these two will be able to be a part of normal society." Peter admitted, grabbing the two guilty once they where properly tied up and started dragging out the door before pausing. "oh and... just as a forewarning, i'm sorry in advance abut Tony's present." he warned with a grin, making Phil choke in horror at what Peter might have gotten Tony.
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