Blackthorne Acadamy(Avengers-Au) Moon/Lady

they both growled again at the idea of an audience, both of them moving to block Clint's viw of Tny so that the man couldn't flirt with Ton anymore, shooting him annoyed glances and suspicious looks while they fussed over Tony, Natasha chuckling a little. "actually. where we have fed him our blood, his Wolf form will probably be much bigger now." he admitted. "it's not recommended, as the blood of a more powerful werewolf can actually fuck with the wolves natural growth, but things are different when lives are on the line." James admitted. "his blood is now mixed with ours and he'll get just as big, maybe even bigger than we are now." James admitted. "he's still an Omega, but he's going to be an Omega no one wants to fuck with." "James. nobody wants to fuck with an Omega." Steve reminded him. "just because Omega's are a little less violent, doesn't mean they aren't ten times more dangerous than an Alpha." "good point." he smiled down at Tony. "go to sleep Pup." James suggested, kissing the others head. "we have some good news once your feeling better." he promised with a smile.
Tony giggled a little as the others moved in front of him, poking them to get their attention. “He flirts with everyone. You know he wont do anything.” “Indeed. As amusing as it is to tease you three, I’d much rather stare at Natasha naked then you three.”Clint said smiling a little. “Really?”Tony said wincing a little, looking interested at the idea though, biting his lip a little as he considered that. “Will it hurt me?”He said worried about how being hurt and then saved like this, was going to mess with him. Nuzzling his face against james’ shoulder he sighed tiredly as he shifted, snuggling between the two, whining softly, he was hurting, but he simply wanted to be with them. “Good news?I wanna know now.”He muttered even if he was already drifting off to sleep.
they both huffed and nuzzled them, because Tony was Theirs and they didn't like other people looking at him. "don't care, he's flirting with you." James huffed. "you better wanna see me naked Barton." Natasha teased. "i'm not sure i like the way your looking at Steve though. i think we're going to have to have sex tonight, just to remind you who you belong to." she decided with a smile. "no, it won't hurt you. when a werewolves life is in danger their body reacts to certain things differently. while the blood of a powerful Alpha could harm you under calm climates, once your body goes into shock, powerful blood can mi much more easily and that blood is what saved your life." he admitted. "it will combine properly with your system and give your body a good boost now that your system is alm again." he admitted. "you can't know now. you'll get too excited. once your properly better we'll tell you." Steve promised with a chuckle, getly stroking Tony's feet, giving him a small foot rub to help him go to sleep.
“I definitely want to see you naked.”Clint grinned at his girlfriend, leaning in to steal a kiss. “As long as your healthy enough, I see no problem with sex.”he grinned happy with his girlfriend and knowing that she was okay. “..Oh. That makes sense. Good.”Tony muttered yawning a little, whining quietly even as he yawned. “Fine. Later then.”He grumbled as he fell asleep.

A day later tony grinned as he got up, slowly carefully, he was still a little unsteady but the man was definitely feeling better. “Can I know now?”Tony asked as he looked at his alpha, even if he was fiddling with his kitten, already trying to put it back together.
she smirked at him. "i'm healthy enough." she promised. "i might fall asleep before your done but i've been cleared and you can keep going after i've fallen asleep." she promised.

"well. i don't know. do you think he's well enough to enjoy it James?" "hmmm. yeah i think he is." James admitted after examining Tony closely. "shall i tell him then?" "hmmm. yes, i think you should." "Doctors said the heart worm is almost all gone. i don't have to worry about heart attacks or strokes anymore. i'm cleared for Sex." Steve admitted with a grin, watching Tony tinker while they headed outside where a massive cold iron, silver gilded cage with a snarling, howling, screaming monster sat inside. it was almost nine feet tall with four arms. two small for tearing strips of meat, the two massive arms, so large they where more like a second set of legs, where used for running, and killing. it was so frightening to look at, that most people stayed as far away from the beast in the cage as they could. "....That's a Wendigo?" James asked, breathless from fear. his werewolf form wasn't even that big. they would be very hard pressed to defeat such a monster. "yes it is." Bruce admitted. "that's what i turn into." "you aren't the same as that thing." Steve snapped. "it chose to become what it did. you where forced into it... how are we going to drug it?" "Tony's new toys. if he's willing. Wendigo rarely attack anything that isn't alive. researchers have wheeled remote control cars and stuff right passed them and they never payed any attention at all to it." Bruce admitted. "i need some blood samples from the thing first." he admitted. "before i administer the serum."
“Enjoy what?”Tony whined squirming a little as he looked between them, sulking as they didn’t tell him right away. Eyes widening as he realized what he was saying, grinning happily as the kitten was abandoned in favor of pouncing on steve for a kiss, growling as he kissed him. “Good.”he muttered before picking up the kitten again, tinkering as they headed towards the cage. Whining quietly, upset as he stared at the wendigo, swallowing thickly as he moved closer to james, whimpering softly, struggling to stay in human form instead of responding in fear. Swallowing thickly.”Yes, I brought one.”Tony said holding out one of the scorpions, biting his lip. “this one can take blood, it’ll sting like a real one, and draw blood if you want.”Tony said biting his lip, upset as he considered what the wendingo was going to do to the scorpion.
they grinned, he was so cute when he was annoyed. "uuuhmph!" Steve staggered, surprised by the kiss. he was still a tiny kid after all and Tony was a bit bigger than him still. "it's okay Tony." Bruce promised him. "Wendigo have a very blatant weakness." Bruce informed them. "if ever attacked, aim for the ribs in-between the two arms." Bruce suggested, prodding the beast with long hard pole right into the spot he'd indicated, the beast howling with rage and pain, collapsing and writhing. "the legs too are fairly brittle." Bruce admitted, setting the pole down. Steve didn't look quite so concerned anymore. the Wendigo was massive, frightening even, but it had an obvious weakness now and it was slower than his were form. not that frightening at all. "please." Bruce said, smiling at Tony. "and i have something for your kitty later if you want." he admitted. "it's a fake skin with fake fur attached." he admitted. "it' super soft and feels just like real cat fur." "he worked on it for two days for you." James admitted with a smile. "it's only small patches so far, but you can put fur on it in various locations. anytime i try to make bigger sheets it just disintegrates." Bruce admitted, watching the Wendigo s the scorpion drew blood. the beast didn't even twitch, just watching the small group of students. there was a massive crowd, watching, stunned by the packs blatant fearlessness while Natasha joined them. "huh.... there's death magic all over that thing." "not unexpected." Bruce admitted, accepting the blood sample from Tony. "thank you Tony." he chirped before moving to the large table and the portable microscope he'd set on it, examining the blood sample while Natasha stalked around the cage, looking curious. "Hey Bruce! could i...?" "sure." Bruce stated, knowing exactly what she wanted. she wanted to see if her necromantic powers would work on the beast.
Tony backed away looking startled at having staggered the other, looking worried."you okay?"he asked looking upset for a moment."really?"tony said eyeing the wendingo frowning as he considered the beast before relaxing."well. I guess it's true. The bigger they are, the easier it is to watch them crash down."he made a face."go ahead."tony smiled as he handed over the scorpion indeed looking quite fascinated as the thing got near the wendingo without a problem. "Welcome."tony smiled as he handed over the blood watching the beast in amusement. "Demon magic to."clint said as he looked around, looking at the beast in interest raising a eyebrow as he waited to see if natasha would be able to do it.
Steve chuckled. "i'm fine." he promised Tony. "i was more surprised than anything else." he admitted. "i am a runt you know." he admitted a smile. "i'll be getting some of my muscle and weight back now that the worms are gone." he admitted. "hmmm. it's more the nerve cluster that's centered there." Bruce admitted, smiling at him. "most people would have trouble with a Wendigo, but werewolves are fast, strong and smart. no problem against a slow, dumb Wendigo." he admitted with a grin. Natasha focused on the Wendigo, wrapping her own power around it. it took a moment, active death magic was different than what she was used to. but finally... "Sit!" she barked and muck to Bruce's shock, the Wendigo obeyed. "Stand up!" it obeyed again. "turn in a circle! sit!" she looked delighted when it obeyed again and then she winced when it roared at her, her focus snapping, making her stagger. "phoo! that's hard..." she admitted, winded from the effort it had taken, the Wendigo throwing a massive tantrum now that she had lost her control over it. "that's a tool the Hunters can exploit though." Steve admitted. "enough practice and they could be used as weapons against some of the more disgusting renegades." "....renegades?" "like the Blackmoon pack, or Wendigos, or the Fallblood tribe..." all human hunters, and Hunter killers. dangerous, very dangerous and nearly wiped off the map too. well, the Wendigo population was taking a sharp rise for some reason.
“Good.”Tony smiled relaxing a little as he leaned into james a little, before laughing quietly.”You are a runt.”He agreed humming pleased at the idea of the worms being gone. “Ahhh. That makes sense.”Tony said frowning as he considered the wendingo, fascinated with it. Clint smirked, pleased as he watched natasha, that was quite a sight really, before wincing, already moving to her side as the woman staggered, catching her gently, holding her close. “You oaky?”he said looking her over anxiously. “Well, if they can control them, or if bruce’s cure works, peter might have a weapon he can use.”Tony agreed sighing softly.
Steve nodded before pouting at Tony. "your not supposed to agree with that you know." he complained, looking amused. "sure. lots of sense." James agreed, clearly he didn't understand how that made any sense at all. "i'm fine." Natasha promised. "just tired. it's hard connecting to the same necromantic patterns. it's like trying to take over another necromancers undead." she admitted. "it can be done, but i haven't had a lot of practice, so it's more tiring than it should be." "like exercising?" James asked. "when me and Steve first started working out, we got tired, but the more we did it, the easier it was. right?" "that's exactly right... here, Clint, you try." Natasha ordered, prodding him, wanting to see of Clint could have any effect on the Wendigo while Bruce examined the blood in his microscope.
“but you are. And you said not to lie to you.”tony said with that angelic smile that said he was just jerking steve’s chain, testing the boundaries, so used to people leaving he had to test it out. “Ah. Okay.”Clint said relaxing, relieved that she was okay before nodding. “Exactly. Someone else’s work is always harder to do then your own.”clint sighed before whining as he was prodded before nodding, stepping away fro mher. Raising a hand as fire curled around his first, growling slightly sweat beading on his forehead as he worked. It was harder for him, snarling. “Bark.”He ordered, wincing as the wendingo barked, though his control didn’t last much longer then natasha’s, the amount of power he’d had to use backlashing and sending him to his knees.”Damn.”he panted. “There’s demonic power to it, but it’s harder to control, it works mostly on death magic, not demon.”
Steve blinked at him, startled before he laughed. "your such a dick Tony!" he complained, grinning as he leaned over and kissed the other. delighted that Tony was comfortable enough to be mischievous with them. "yeah. it's like trying to tune a radio with your mind i guess." she admitted. "it's the closest explanation i can come up with." she admitted before watching Clint, grimacing when the Wendigo howled in rage all over again at being contained, controlled, tamed. "so it might be better to have a few necromancer specialists." Natasha mused. "providing that Bruce's Serum doesn't work as planned i mean." she paused when Bruce grinned and pulled away from his microscope and loaded a scorpion up with the drug. "okay Tony, inject the Wendigo." he ordered, setting the scorpion down. "this is gonna work. it's totally going to work!" he muttered, watching the Wendigo get injected, no reaction from the beast yet again. at least, until it started to twitch and writh, howling in pain and rage. only for nothing to happen. "...well damn." "well fuck you too." the Wendigo snarled right back before pausing, looking shocked, if a wendigo could do such a thing before it smirked. "why don't you come closer babe. show you what a real cock looks like eh? i bet you'd be... tasty." the Wendigo growled, licking it's lips. "come on Girl, you know you wanna see what a Wendigo can do to a cunt." "....well. i'm regretting this experiment already." Bruce admitted.
“Indeed I am.”He said looking amused, as he kissed the other back. “probably. And my talent for manipulating things, comes from my dad, who’s a Satan, I wouldn’t trust any of the lower levels of hellspawn to try what I just did.”Clint said tilting his head a little. “Kay.”Tony said taking the scorpion and setting it down, sighing happily as it went to sting the wendingo. “Dammit.”Tny cursed wincing a little before startling as he stared at the beast. “Can I kill it?”Clint growled, normally stormy grey eyes getting lost in a blaze of hellfire as it eclipsed his pupil, growling as he moved between natasha and the beast.
she nodded. "i still can't believe the big man i hell himself had a son." she admitted with a smile before blinking at the Wendigo. "no you can't kill it. i need to run tests still. i need to see how long this lasts." "hey, hey, hey! who the fuck do you think you are!? experimenting on people! that's inhumane!" the Wendigo complained. " rape and then eat people Markus Sinclair." Bruce stated. "i don't think anyone gives a fuck about your thoughts on the matter." Bruce stated simply. "only the hearts! that's the best part of the whole body you know. the sweetest meat. chewy though, that and the back-strap but that's so hard to get to in the time i usually have. they do raise a fuss after all. i love the way they scream...." he paused, eyes going glassy as Natasha raised her hand, focusing on him. "huh. it still works." she admitted. "sit!" she ordered, watching the Wendigo sit before her focus snapped again. "well that was fucking rude! i think i'll eat yu first!" the Wendigo snarled, lifting it's lips at Natasha who shrugged. "i'm not too scared." Natasha admitted. "for one thing i have three werewolves and a Wendigo of our own on our side." she admitted, picking at her nails, rather bored now.
“I know, just think, he did it twice. As bad as it disturbs me to suggest, Grant’d probably be able to do that to.”Clint said tilting his head a little. “You’re not human.”Tony pointed out, shaking his head a little before making a whining sound, swallowing hard. It was upsetting to hear the other’s description of food, seamlessly making the shift to wolf, upset at the idea of natasha being eaten, padding over to her side, leaning heavily against her side, and indeed, he looked bigger now, james blood having done it’s job and helped him grow some. “Not to mention hellspawn and a hunter watching.”Clint pointed out as he petted tony’s head, tilting his head towards peter would while not hovering, was still watching to make sure they didn’t screw up.
she nodded. "he probably could." she agreed. "hes not quite as powerful as me in necromantic capabilities, but he's talented enough and much more practiced." she admitted. "have you talked to him at all yet?" she asked, curious about how Clint was handling his brother. "so? neither are any of you." the Wendigo complained. "your all treated just fine, that guys an evil demon for gods sake!" "you have no right to talk about any gods." Steve snarled before watching Tony change, angry that the Wendigo had upset Tony so much. "hey, you ARE bigger!" Natasha said, blinking at Tony. "don't worry, i'll shut him up." Bruce promised, pressing a button on a remote, electrically charging the cage, the Wendigo shrieking in fury ad pain as it was electrocuted. it learned it's lesson pretty damn quick because it hunkered down in the cage and mumbled to itself while Bruce monitored it's vitals and brain patterns. after an hour he declared that they could go inside and he could monitor the monster from a distance. by morning, it was obvious the Wendigo wasn't going to stop thinking for itself and Bruce handed Tony everything he'd done, looking for a second opinion before he decided to try it on himself.
“No he’s not, but no one is really. Grant makes up with practice what he was missing in sheer power.”Clint shrugged a little before wincing. “noooo.”he shuddered a little because he really he’d been seriously putting off talking to his brother yet. Because he had no idea how to handle it. “Evil?Am not. My mother is quite angelic actually.”Clint protested making a face. “He is.”Clint agreed laughing a little at tony happy little woof as he leaned into natasha more. Contently happy to be protecting her.

When bruce handed over his research the man nodded, “Thanks.I’ll look it over.”he smiled a little as he settled down on the bed, snuggling close to james, wanting snuggles as he read, before looking up at bruce, nodding slightly. “you’re right. While there might be some oddities since you’re not a full wendingo, it shows every sign that it will work like oyu want it to.”
she nodded. "there has to be someone more powerful than me." she scoffed. there was a couple, but they lived in other countries. "well that's okay, he'll be fine where he is until your more confident with what you want to do about him." she agreed before snorting at the Wendigo. "you eat people. if anyone is evil here it's you." she admitted, patting Tony's side and letting him do what he wanted. she did feel safer with him right there.

"...." Bruce took in a shaky breath, and took the notes back, hands shaking. "so the only thing to do now is-." he paused, swallowing convulsively. "i'll need to be in the cool down tank. just in case... and we'll need to tell Phil." "Phil already knows." Peter informed Bruce. "he has the tank ready and waiting for you." "..." Bruce swallowed again, he was scared, and excited. "Tony? can we use a scorpion to inject me? i can't stick myself..." Bruce admitted, looking like he wanted to crawl out of his skin.
“probably, but no one here.”Clint said pressing a kiss her head before nodding, closing his head eyes as he rested his head against hers. “He’ll keep....and you can help me figure out what to do.”clint sighed before rolling his eyes at the wendigo. “Definitely the beast that’s evil here.”He said sighing quietly, shaking his head as tony whined happily at being petted. “let’s go inside. Food sounds good.”he said smiling a little.

“Yes. It is.And to be calm.”Toyn said smiling a little before looking up at peter, “And I’ll go down with you. Not in the tank till we know it’s okay, but you shouldn’t be alone.”tony said smiling as he sat up, rubbing a hand over his face before nodding, “Yea, we’ll use the scorpion. Best idea.”He said watching the other, getting up and hugging him tightly. “Calm down. If you keep going like this, you’re going to make yourself so nervous you’ll get sick, and that wont be good for any of us.”
she snorted. "so i'm the most powerful necromancer in the school. big whoop." good ol Natasha, always in denial. "i think we should see what he has to say before we decide what to d with him. honestly? i think he was raised to obey orders, and that's what he did. i think he was honestly doing what he thought was the right thing, like a little kid stealing because daddy told him to." she muttered before smiling a little at Tony. "food does sound good." he agreed.

"yes. okay." Bruce agreed, Peter nodding his agreement. "we could all go down." Steve agreed. "hang out in the observation room." James decided. "then we can see and hear everything but if it goes wrong no one will get hurt." Bruce nodded, he liked that idea, then there would be people there to stop him too if something went wrong. "sorry. i'm a bit scared." he admitted. "this is... i've never been aware when i was a Wendigo before. i know i don't eat people but i still try to kill them in that form and... i'm a bit worried about how i might think when i'm in that form." he admitted, even as he headed for the tank.
Clint rolled his eyes a little amused, but letting her be in denial, resting his head against hers. “Well....that works for me.We’ll talk to him. Soon.”Clitn said still fidgeting though, but willing to do whatever natasha thought would be best.

“We could.”Tony agreed perking up at the idea of everyone being there, that he could have every there just in case things went wrong and he needed help taking care of bruce. “It’s okay.”Tony said squirming his way over to bruce, snuggling against his side as they headed down to the tank. “Well, if you think about natasha being food and would like to try your cock on her, know that I’ll be feeding it to you. So don’t worry to much about what you think, can’t be worse then that.”Clint teased teh other a little looking amused even if he was worried.
she nodded. "i'll talk to him alone first." she decided. "after Bruce is done." she decided. "i want to make sure he's fine first." she admitted.

"let's all go then." Natasha agreed with a smile, following them. Bruce smiled at Tony, not tensing at all. Tony was the only one who could hug Bruce without the man tensing, flinching or squirming. well, him and Phil. "....gross, Clint. i highly doubt that." he admitted. "however. once we know if i'm going to keep my mind, i would like to see if you and Natasha can gain control over me the way you could the other Wendigo." he admitted. "don't worry, i know you won't make me do anything too bad." he promised when Natasha blanched at the idea. "it's an important part of the scientific process. for some reason, true Wendigo and forced Wendigo react differently and i want to know if the necromantic and demonic influences are the same." he admitted. "...fine, but only the once." "once will be enough." Bruce agreed before taking a deep breath and stepping into the tank, leaving Tony with the scorpion and the serum so he could load up the little robot and then inject Bruce. once stun, Bruce waited, and then collapsed, screaming and writhing. it hurt a lot more than he'd anticipated, form splitting, limbs growing long as he howled his way into Wendigo form, snarling and clawing at the floor in his pain before the pain ended and he panted on the floor, catching his breath before staggering to his feet, or trying to. the form was different, very different. unlike the natural Wendigo, he was not aware of his own body, and had to figure out how it moved. "he just ran into the wall..." Natasha muttered, trying very hard not to laugh. "i can hear you!" Bruce complained. "my body is all weird!" he complained, managing to get onto all fours, large arms holding him up while his tiny hands flexed. "this is so weird!" Bruce muttered, trying to take stock of how his body worked.
“Tony smiled before laughing. “I doubt it.” “I know, but I wanted to make sure yo uknew there was some lines to not cross, unlike the idiot wendingo.”Clint snickered a little before making a face, “Fine. Once.”He said shaking his head a little, because he didn’t like the idea of trying to take control but he knew all about how bruce and tony were about the scientific process. Eyes widening as he watched bruce change he nodded a little. “He’s never had to function as himself like this. He’s usually unaware.”clint pointed out shrugging. “Never had so many different limbs before.”He said shuddering a little, biting his lip to keep from laughing. “I’d like you to keep that in mind next time I change and do something goofy!”Tony said smirking a little before nodding. “It’s very weird. But how are you feeling?”
Bruce shrugged a little. "unlike the Wendigo, i am well aware of the fact that we have no genitalia when in Wendigo form." he stated simply. "what? seriously?" "yup. Wendigo have no genders. only their human forms do." he admitted. "they don't breed, ever. they just eat." he admitted. "the only way to become a Wendigo is to repeatedly eat human flesh. however, that isn't enough. there are approximately three thousand known cannibals around the world and most of them never turn into Wendigo. there is at least one other precursor that we are, as of yet, unaware of. possibly demonic activity since there is demonic auras within the Wendigo makeup." he admitted. "it's all theoretical at this point of course, but we might finally have some answers depending on how well and how long the serum works." he admitted before smiling at Clint and heading into the Tank.

"Your always goofy!" Bruce teased right back, slowly gaining control of his form. it would take a long while, but with enough practice he'd be able to function in that form just as easily as his human one. "i'm hungry." Bruce admitted. "and a bit sleepy. everything SMELLS and i can hear SO much. i can hear your heart beating, and you breathing even from a different room." he admitted. "i can smell brimstone, and something cold and damp. and i smell a lot of musty... well it kind of smells like wet dog and something smells like a feather pillow..." he admitted, sniffing at the air and Natasha blinked. "he can smell US! cold and damp. that's me, Necromantic abilities. brimstone and feathers is Clint, and wet dog is you three. that's amazing!" "huh. okay Nat. see if you can control me." "...fine..." she muttered, focusing on him before frowning. "...i can't find the necromantic wavelengths." she said. however, when Clint tried, it succeeded with frightening ease. the Demonic aura around Bruce was intense. "because it's a curse... the other Wendigo accepted the curse and killed and murdered and devoured the dead. that's why it's more necromantic than it is demonic. however, Bruce was changed against his will, like a curse, making him more demonic than necromantic." Phil guessed, watching because he was fascinated. "and that's why they behave differently. because Necromancers are very different from Demons. even their magic is completely different." Peter mused. "this is amazing information. Bruce could get medals for this kind of information. not to mention the serum, which could help the dozens of kids forcefully turned by their parents."
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