Blackthorne Acadamy(Avengers-Au) Moon/Lady

“Ahhh, really?That’s intense and horrible.”Clint said making a face at the idea of not having a gender, even if it was only momentarily. “Hm, has to be why it’s demonic then....might be some Demons pet project....creating wendingo’s...might have gotten out of his control.”Clitn said shrugging a little.

“Am not!”Tony huffed making a face. “...I’ll get some food.”Tony said leaving to get some food for the man before returning with some snacks, wincing a little as he realized what bruce was sleeping. “That’s insane.” “Well, that would be handy. I mean, since most tracker dogs wont track wendingos, if you’re looking for a certain one, this would allow you to do it.”Clint said before tilting his head. “Okay, okay here we go.”Clint said before his eyes widened as he did it, with such a frightening ease you could tell he’d freaked himself out. “That was really weird.”He said letting go, realizing that he could control bruce as long as he wanted, unlike the other wendingo, his control was well in place, and would only stop when he wanted it to.
"i couldn't say. i don't think it matters though, a mindless Wendigo doesn't give a damn about sex after all." he admitted. "a Demon's pet protect? but that wouldn't explain why some flesh eaters don't turn while others do." Steve pointed out, looking confused.

"hey, i am not about to become a bloodhound!" Bruce protested, shaking his head, nearly staggering because his head was so much bigger than he'd expected. he whined when Clint's control left and he blinked a few ties. "that was... interesting." Clint admitted, sounding rather sluggish. "felt kinda nice actually." he admitted. "sort of like that time i smoked pot." he admitted, shaking his head to clear it. "okay. i think it should be safe for someone to come in." Bruce admitted. "i don't seam to be loosing ay mental facilities. better make it someone who can fight back though. Steve or James maybe? they'll have a major advantage." "i'll go." Steve decided. "i can transform faster than James and i'm bigger and faster in were form as well." he admitted, gathering up the massive pile of snacks Tony had gotten, most of it jerky from Sebastian. who was currently working on a thousand number batch. he'd thrown in two smoked hams, a beef brisket and a pork roast too. Bruce happily devoured it and allowed Steve to touch him. "damn!" Steve said. "he's freaking SOFT. like a puppy!" "...really?" Bruce asked, stunned. "yeah. it's like petting silk." he admitted before touching one of the claws, yelping. "damn! those are sharp, they're like razors." Steve admitted, sucking on his finger before stroking the long tufts of white. "this is soft too. more like feathers i guess." he admitted, Bruce snorting. "so your saying i'm a razor sharp cuddle muffin?" "something like that."
“Well, that’s true. I dunno, it just seems like something a demon would do. Fuck with something, just to see what happens.”Clint shrugged a little.

“Hm, but if this works, other’s could. I mean, if they wanted to.”Clint shrugged a little before snickering as the man nearly snaggered. Sighing a little before nodding slightly. “It was weird and nice. Definitely weird.”Clint agreed frowning a little before laughing. “Pot is a good comparsion.”He agreed before looking worried, but letting steve go in. Smiling a little as tony snuggled into james, even if he trusted bruce, the small werewolf was worried about sending his alpha in alone. “Really?”he said before whining a little. “I’m the only puppy you’re supposed to be petting.”Tony sulked a litlte before laughing even if he looked upset as he smelled blood. “Well, cuddly sharp indeed.”Clint snickered as he considered that amused.
"well. that's true." Bruce agreed, nodding. "stop laughing Barnes! i'll crap on your pillow! i can still crap you know!" he warned before nodding. "still, it's nice to know you can contain me if i ever loose control again." he admitted. "so in the future, if i'm ever in this state and no longer in control you have my full permission to control me." he stated before looking up when Steve walked in, carefully monitoring himself. "i think another can come in." Steve admitted, Bruce nodding his agreement, Peter already moving, pulling out a tape measure so he could take measurements. "you are the only puppy i pet Tony." Steve promised, smirking. "and i'll pet you all over tonight." "gross. no one wants to hear about how your going to defile my little brother." Peter complained, carefully measuring Bruce when the Wendigo indicated that it was okay. before long everyone was in the room, examining the parts of Bruce they'd been most curious about. for example, Natasha was carefully examining his crotch to see if he really was completely genderless. "are you done?" Bruce demanded of her. "no. hold still." "this is weird. i feel defiled." "you don't have anything to feel defiled about." "sexist!" James gasped, making Bruce laugh even as he spread all four arms out so that Peter could measure them.

(brbing for snacks)
“No you wont do that. Natasha sleeps on my pillows, you’d just upset her.”clint said smirking a little before nodding. “I promise if you lose control, I’ll do whatever’s necessary.”he said knowing the other worried about it some, smiling slightly. “Good!I want petted.”Tony smirked happily before grinning at his brother. “I do!I want to know about this defilement.”he huffed. Clint smirking pleased as he inspected bruce’s claws, rolling his eyes at natasha even as tony played with bruce’s ears, utterly enchanted at the soft feel. “I feel weird and left out. She’s never inspected my crotch with that much enthusiasm.”Clint sulked a little.
"i'll only crap on your side of the bed." Bruce stated simply before relaxing completely at the promise that Clint would take control if he had to. "oh i'll pet you alright." Steve promised with a smirk before laughing at Peter's annoyance. "huh, Tony. he can whisper perverted things to you AFTER i am not right in front of you." he stated simply, watching Clint examine Bruce's talons. he's call them claws, but they where nothing like wolf or cat claws. thy where much more like the bird of prey's talons. "mmmmmm" Bruce purred, leaning into the hand on his pointed elf like ears. not unlike a giant kitten. he was even purring! "guess mine is just that much bigger than yours." Bruce quipped, making James collapse into laughter. "she's never seen a cock as huge as mine if she's that fascinated." Natasha had to turn her head away to keep from laughing.
“That’s just mean.”Clint huffed making a face. “Good.”Tony smirked even as he blushed a little before smirking at his brother. “No he can’t. It’s not nearly as amusing if you’re not freaking out. Besides, how else are you going to lead into the conversation about safe sex and stuff? I mean, unless there’s a reason to tell me about it, it’d just be a awkward conversation. Really, I’m doing you a favor by flirting in front of you.”Tony said with that wide eyed innocence. “You are so odd, Stark.”Clint teased rolling his eyes in amusement as he examined the talons, “They look like a birds.”He said sounding interested before snickering as bruce purred. Whining quietly at bruce’s words as tony collapsed into laughter next james. “Damn. Natasha!Please tell me it isn’t so?I feel my powers waning now.”Clint whined, because while he didn’t need the boost, sex always gave him a boost up in his power levels.
"it is mean. how strange..." Bruce muttered, cocking his head to the side. "Bruce seams t be much more dominant in this form." Peter mused. "he's typically a lot more shy than this.... interesting." he made a note of that. "Tony. your plenty old enough to know how to have Safe Sex and if you don't i'm sure your boys can teach you." "....sorry i don't know that position." James admitted, looking at Steve who shrugged. "i don't think it's a position. maybe it's a toy?" "....oh dear god..." Peter moaned. "i have to give three grown boys the sex talk." "like the little puppies talk?" "of sorts." Peter sighed. " a birds?" Bruce asked curiously. examining the smaller, cat like claws on his much smaller hands. "it makes sense. i'd need Talons to slice through resisting prey, and then smaller claws to pick off every bit of flesh." Natasha giggled at Clint's whining while Peter muttered that Bruce seamed to be more sexually aggressive in this form as well. "so, James and Steve, have you two been screened for sexual diseases?" "...what are those?" James asked, confused. "is that like when you have too rough of sex and you tear a little bit down there?" "" "oh." PEter groaned again. "alright, you two are going to the doctors again." "son of a bitch!" Steve groaned, sulking. "Frigga can test you for diseases and give you The Talk." Peter decided happily.
“Seems like. Like the animal instincts are closer to the surface like this, less willing to be pushed around.”Tony mused looking interested before snickering. “I’m sure.”he said amused before looking at james, looking thoughtful and confused. “’ve guys had sex right?”Tony said looking confused on why they didn’t know this. “Yea. Exactly.”Clint said as he let go of the claws, snorting a little at steve’s question, though he looked worried. Maybe there was a reason beyond worms the boy had been sick. “It wont be that bad. I’ll go with you.”Tony said looking intensely upset and worried as he fussed over both alpha and beta, the young omega so worried.
Peter nodded. "it seams very likely. he's mostly asserting his dominance over you, Clint. perhaps because you are the only person who is an obvious threat to him." Peter admitted. "logically Bruce knows that you would never do it, but his instincts say he has to position himself over you o that you can't dominate him first. he's not going after Natasha because she poses absolutely no threat to him as a human necromancer, just as i pose literally no threat to him. he's not trying to dominate James, Steve or Tony because he knows they are more powerful than him." Peter mused. "it makes sense." James agreed, Steve nodding. "yeah we had sex all the time." James admitted. "until Steve got too sick to fuck about a year or two ago." he admitted. "no one at the pack ever talked about anything like safe sex. i mean, we know where babies come from and we know how to ave sex but we've never heard of anything like safe sex before." James admitted. "good. you have to come with us." James agreed. "so. Bruce... can you revert back?" Peter asked, making Bruce hessitate. "i have no idea how i'd even go about it. usually the Wendigo just wears itself out and goes to sleep and then i change back into Bruce." he admitted frowning in concentration. "well. maybe that's what you need to do now?"
“Ah. You know, that makes sense. I’m the only one that can be in control, and even if they’re more powerful, a werewolf wouldn’t be able to enforce the same kind of control.”Clint hummed a little looking interested and amused before wincing. Oh, tony was going to be unbearable until they figured out what to do. “Oh. Well. You know, that sorta makes sense. I guess it never occurred to them that you’d need to know.”tony said frowning a little. “...Lay down and relax bruce. Sleep, and you’ll probably change back.”Tony said looking worried for him, wondering if eventually the man would be able to change at will.
Bruce blinked a little. "i didn't even realize i was doing it." he admitted. "i'm still crapping on your bed." he informed Clint, making Natasha chuckle. "or, more likely, being a Wild Pack, never had such concepts as safe sex." Peter admitted. "a lot of wild packs live more like animals than people. fuck who they want, have babies during the spring, stuff like that. i can't imagine that the Blackmoon Pack had much care for personal safety in the first place." "not really. even our healer was more of a medicine woman than a real doctor." Steve admitted. "most of the pack can't read or write and a lot of them didn't speak much either." he admitted. "yeah. i am pretty tired." Bruce admitted with a yawn before curling up and going right to sleep. like always, he was soon back in human form and naked, since his clothes never survived the transition.
“No you’re not.”Clint said rolling his eyes a little. “Oh. Well. That makes sense, sort of. But it sucks now.”Tony said fidgeting and upset as he squirmed closer, snuggling into steve’s side, to worried about the two to be acting like a human, more like a anxious puppy as he covered bruce up with a blanket before following peter and the others up to the hospital wing, leaving natasha and clint to watch over bruce just in case he needed someone.
"i totally am." Bruce muttered. "i highly doubt we have safe sex." James scoffed, rolling his eyes. "we don't have any effects of being sick so we're fine." he sniffed, Peter groaning. "that is NOT how Safe sex works!" "i'm not entirely sure you know what Safe sex either." Steve admitted to Peter, watching Bruce snore on the floor, looking exactly the same as he always did, only no lingering scars this time.

Steve and James staggered out of the hospital wing looking pale and rather green. Frigga had not held back. she'd gone into extensive detail about why safe sex was important, how to use a condom, and why to use a condom. matter of fact, she had gone into the details of each and every known STD including the Blue Moon Fever, which was a disease Vampires got and passed on to humans, and 'crotch flees' which was a type of crabs that only lived on werewolves. turns out James had crotch flees instead of regular flees, which was why he was still so itchy all the time. a special shampoo would clear that up in no time. they where ordered to use condoms until all of their test results came back in five hours. " do... do things like that REALLY happen?" Steve asked, looking rather traumatized. "there's no way that Gonorrhea is real. no way!" James agreed, shuddering a little. "so... where do we get condoms?"
Tony was pacing the hall outside, having not wanted to sit in on the talk, because he was to nervous and upset to listen. Looking up at the two he whined softly before nodding. “It is. Happens alot. You guys okay?”He said looking upset at how upset they were before holding up the box, blushing slightly. “Peter gave me some.”he said squirming a little because while he knew his brother didn’t like to discuss his sex life, the older man had made sure he was looked after, and knowing tony was going to have sex no matter what, he was making sure he was safe.
James ad Steve looked utterly horrified at the idea of sexual diseases. "yeah, we're okay. just a little... freaked out i guess." Steve admitted before blinking and taking the box Tony had, examining them. "and you know how to work them?" he asked Tony, his head tilted a little. "Peter really gave you these? i thought he didn't want you to have sex?" James asked, looking confused. "no. he doesn't want to hear about Tony having sex." Steve corrected. "besides, we're all horny and of adult age right? we can decide if we want to have sex or not." "...James i don't think they follow Pack laws. i'm pretty sure fourteen is not the age of adulthood here." "oh. well.. we're still old enough."
“Oh. good.Well. I was freaked out to the first time I had the talk with peter.”Tony smiled a little before nodding, “I do. It’s nto that hard once you know how to use them. I’ll show you.”he said blushing before snickering. “He doesn’t mind me having sex, I mean, he knows you two, and he knows it’s goign to happen. He just doesn’t want to know details about it.”Tony snickered a little before shrugging, nodding a little. “We are old enough, though for most of the world, 18 is adulthood.”He said before twitching, fidgeting,”So. Bedroom?”
James shook hi head. "i think i would have preferred it from Peter..." James muttered. "Frigga had pictures. it was horrible." he admitted. "i'll never get some of those images out of my head..." he mumbled before smiling. "awesome! so as long as we wear these, we can have sex?" he asked, examining one of the packets from the box. "i don't get it." "it's like those pop-tarts, you have to open it first." "oh! can we eat these?" "i don't know... probably not." "well that makes them much less exciting." James admitted, Steve snorting. "yes. bedroom now. and since some of that nasty can be spread through oral, we'll wear condoms for that too. at least on you." he admitted to Tony. "if we're diseased we don't want to spread it to you. if we are diseased me and James have already spread it to each other so i don't think that matters as much." Steve admitted. "but we'll wear condoms too, just cus i wanna wear one."
“I’m sorry. But I’ll help you forget.”Tony smiled leaning into the man a little before nodding, “Yes we can. And they’re in the box, not the box itself.”tony said with a smal giggle before shaking his head. “No you can’t eat them. They are flavored, but you can’t eat them.”Tony said smiling a little, before nodding as they headed for their rooms. Looking upset and nervous, dropping his head a little as he stared at the floor as tehy walked into their rooms. Fidgeting as he closed the door. “....You don’t....have to include me...I mean...if you are sick....keeping me not sick...will just make things complicated to remember to wear condoms all the time don’t have to.”He said, so used to being abandoned when things got hard, the man was willing to give them the option to leave before they thought of it themselves.
they nodded, delighted by the idea of sex, James peeling open the box and examining the foil wrapped... thing. "well. what's the point of flavoring them then?" James wondered. "...kinky?" Steve guessed, James nodding. "yeah, kinky." James agreed before they both blinked at Tony. "shut up and get over here and kiss me Tony." Steve ordered. "wait! do we need condoms for that?" Jams asked. "what if we have chlamydia!? we can spread that to mouths!" "...fuck. can we? we'd know though, wouldn't we? we don't have any white stuff in our mouths right?" "i don't know!" "okay. no kissing until we know." Steve agreed. "we'll do blowjobs instead. with Condoms." he smirked at Tony. "we'll take turns on Tony." James smirked. "i like that plan. but what about eating him out?" "oh... yeah that needs our mouth too..." he scowled, thinking hard. "do they make condoms for mouths?" he wondered. "i don't think so." "well... we'll have to find another way to slick him up." "with what? we know water doesn't work." "cum does." "....your a fucking genius Stevie." "i know. now. Tony. put one of these on." he ordered, handing him a condom. "and then we'll suck you off. or, no. James will suck you off and you'll suck me off." Steve decided. "once i figure out how to put this on."
Tony giggled a little as he watched the other examine the condom, snorting a little. “Cause it’s better then tasting latex if you’re giving a blow job.”Tony shrugged a little before squirming, ducking his head a little before startling as he looked up at the order.”Are you sure?”He muttered frowning before snickering quietly at the other’s argument. “I don’t kisses yet.”he decided leaning in to kiss the other’s cheek, nuzzling him a litlte before shuddering. “Blowjobs, yes.”he moaned softly before sighing. “I don’t think so.But we should ask clint. Later. Man spends alot of time having sex, he might know something.”Toyn offered before shuddering, “Hm, he is a genius.”he agreed before nodding, taking the condom and ripping it open. “I’ll show you.”he said smirking as he dropped to his knees and undid steve’s pants. Smirking as he took the other in hand, sliding the condom onto him even as he followed it with his mouth, starting a blowjob even as he finished putting the condom on.
"huh. i guess." he agreed, his head tilted a little. "what's Latex?" he asked, a bit baffled. "it's like plastic, or rubber. Steve replied. "i think." "of course i'm sure." Steve huffed, rolling his eyes. "we just have to be careful not to infect you with our ickies, and a lot of those STD's can be cured so if we do have something i'm sure it will be cleared up in no time." he admitted, grinning at Tony's nuzzling. "okay, we'll ask Clint." he agreed before shuddering when Tony went to his knees. "oh fuck yes." Steve murmured, watching Tony, James smirking as he mimicked Tony's actions on Tony himself, carefully trying to unroll the condom onto Tony's cock, head tilted a little. "huh. that's nifty." James admitted, making Steve snort. "nifty?" "yeah." "the hell is a nifty?" "you know. like 'that's cool' or 'that's neat'." "where do you even get vocabulary like that?" "TV." Jams admitted before busying himself with sucking Tony off while Steve moaned, one hand buried in Tony's hair. the other in Jame's. guiding both heads into the same pattern but not trying to force them, not wanting either to choke, even if James loved choking on cock.
“It’s a flexible plastic.”Tony said before nodding, relaxing.”Okay. Good.”he muttered blushing a little to know that they wanted him, before nodding. “Okay. We’ll be careful then.”he shuddering whining softly as he was nuzzled, closing his eyes as he enjoyed it, moaning as james sfollowed his example, hips bucking a little as james unrolled the condom. Double checking to make sure it was okay he smiled a little. “Good job.”He smiled a little before snickering. “Tv gives us the best vocab ever.”Tony agreed snickering, moaning as james sucked him down, whining quietly around steve’s cock as he worked steve’s cock, the young werewolf so totally focused on making sure steve was enjoying himself that he wasn’t even truly aware of what was going on with his own body, even as he squirmed and trembled under james’ attention.
"oh. they kinda look like balloons." was James comment once he saw it on Steve's cock. "yes. careful. Frigga said the blood tests would be back by tonight so we'll know for sure before we ave to go to bed." Steve admitted before moaning eagerly at the mouth on his cock, James grinning, proud of himself for putting it on correctly and making Tony happy. he sucked faster the more Tony squirmed and Steve relaxed into the pleasure, making Tony do all the work, grunting and enjoying th sensation of lips on his cock, even if it was a bit muted. he didn't mind it though, it made the pleasure last a little longer. soon though, he was pressing down on Tony's head, sliding in as deep as he could go, growling when he came, shuddering while James mewled and choked himself on Ton's cock just because he enjoyed the sensation.
“Yea. Though I wouldn’t suggest blowing them up and making balloon animals with them. That gets you yelled at.”Tony said smirking a little before relaxing, realizing they’d know soon enough if they were okay. Gasping as the other mouthed his cock, whining shivering quietly as he sucked on steve, eyes widening as the other came down his throat, rolling his eyes up, looking up at him with wide eyes as he came, collapsing against steve even as he pulled his mouth off the blond, whining quietly as he relaxed, content.
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