Blackthorne Acadamy(Avengers-Au) Moon/Lady

“I could use the practice. I mean, now that I healed, and working with the Frigga, has given me even more control over my other side.”Clint hummed a little looking twitchy as he held natasha, the half demon a hair trigger away from losing control. “I could totally torture them, heal them and torture them again.” “I need a test subject for the scorpion poisons. Peter gave me some of the hunter’s books on posions.”Tony said resting his head against steve’s knee as he sat at the alpha’s feet, ignoring the glare he was getting despite bloodbane’s fate, the vampire obviously blamed the young werewolf for this.
Steve pondered all the suggestions and narrowed his eyes at the Bloodbane glaring at Tony, foot snapping out and slamming into the Vampires nose, breaking it with the front of his foot. "you don't look at Tony like that you disgusting creature." Steve snarled. "he is your better and you will act as such." he growled, eyes flashing. "get your toys Tony. i'll let you go first." he decided. "as for you..." he examined the other one, who was too scared to do anything but sit there and tremble. "you'll be Bruce's new science Toy." he decided. "as for the Bloodbane, once Tony has poisoned him, Clint can practice healing him." he decided. "and if Tony get's bored, then Clint can continue making the 'booboos'." he looked at Natasha. "fair?" "i like it." she agreed. "and once their dead. i want them. they'd make great undead." she admitted. "i need practice animating fresh corpses and raising new souls, so they'll be perfect."
“Tony smiled quietly as bloodbane moaned and sputtered at the kick, curling up, choking on the blood some. “Okay.”Tony said moving away, trying not to let bloodbane upset him as he went and returned with the scorpions, holding them ever so gently. “Oh good. I could use the practice. I mean, healing a vampire is different then human.”Clint said smirking a little as tony settled close to bloodbane, crouching down and watching in fascination as the scorpions crawled over the man.
Steve smirked a little, glad that everyone was happy. "those are nifty little things." Steve admitted, examining the scorpions but not trying to touch, he knew Tony would wig out, better to let Tony offer than to ask. he didn't want Tony upset right now, it was a time for fun, not for fixing upset Tony's. which was harder than it looked. "that's creepy Tony." Steve admitted, watching the Scorpions do Tonys bidding. "i'm beginning to understand why Fury fears you might be trying to take over the world." he admitted, watching Bruce yank the other one to his feet and forced him out the door where he would be locked in Bruce's personal labs. "don't get too close Tony. we don't want the filthy thing getting ideas." Steve warned. "he bites you and you'll be sick for some time."
“They are aren’t they?Cute. The cat’s cuter though.”tony hummed, crouched down on his heels as he watched the scorpions sting bloodbane, barely looking up at clint as the man settled at his side, as much as a guard as he was staying close to heal bloodbane even as tony worked. “They’re not that creepy. And peter wouldn’t have given them to me if he thought I’d take over the world.”He pointed out, nodding absently at steve’s warning, settlign a little further back, grinning happily as the cat padded over, metal claws starting to scratch at the vampire, yelping as bloodbane rolled some, enough to crouch both one of the scorpions and the cat’s front half under it. Knowing that there was one way to get a technomage to lash out, mess with his tech. Having every intention of provoking them into simply killing him as tony leaned in with a upset whine, to upset to be really aware of being careful, only focusing on the tech as he yelped as bloodbane’s fangs latched onto his forearm, latching on like a dog with a bone, knowing it’d seriously make the wolf sick instead of simply letting go.
Steve looked amused. "they're bugs. i didn't know bugs could be cute." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "but yes, the Cat is much cuter." he agreed with a smile. "i'm half convinced Peter is trying to help you in this quest to take over the world." he admitted before snarling when Bloodbane rolled over, leaping onto him as soon as his fangs sank into Tony's arm. he wasted no time in breaking he vampire's jaw. "Clint! heal this fucker! leave his jaw broken, we don't want him dying yet! James, take Tony to the medic people. someone get Bruce! Peter!" he looked at the Hunter. "rip it's fangs out and no one kills it until i say so." he ordered, Peter grinning viciously as he nodded, finding a pair of pliers was being handed to him Via Sebastian while James scooped Tony into his arms and raced for the med labs where Bruce was working on the other prisoner.
“It’s tech, they’re cute.”Tony supplied smiling at the cat, before snorting. “Peter wouldn’t let me take over the world.”he rolled his eyes, already starting to fall as james picked him up. Clint snarled as he shoved magic into the vampire, healing him quickly enough that it was extremely painful, doing what frigga hadn’t wanted to do to natasha, causing complications by healing to fast. Ignoring the laughing teenage sociopath, who was so certain he’d killed the young omega.

Tony whimpered, shivering, the venom already working it’s way through his system, pressing his face into james’ chest. Shivering, cold, and it was bad considering that while usually pain or fear forced the change, a bad side effect of a vampire bite was until it left his system, tony was stuck in human form, which would only make it worse as his body fought to be able to change.
Steve could only chuckle at that, shaking his head a little. "sure he would! he'd be on your counsel so that means that he'd be helping rule the world." James chirped, Natasha giggling her agreement. "don't let him die Clint. i want his death to be brutal and painful." Steve warned, smirking viciously. "feel free to practice on him for a while if you like. i'd suggest killing and reviving nerves." very, brutally painful.

"shh Tony, it's okay." James promised. "just calm down, the calmer you are, the less your wolf will fight." he promised, laying the other on the bed next to Bruce, who was turning faintly gray at the sight of Tony. "Stay in control Bruce!" James snapped, wrapping a Tourniquet around Tony's arm. "James! what are you doing?!" "shut up!" James snapped. "let me work! i've had to do this for Stevie a number of times." he admitted. "and he's done it for me and others of the pack. i know what i'm doing!" he snapped, picking up a clean scalpel that Bruce had been about to use on his new test subject and carefully cut Tony's arm, opening the vein, letting the poison, a good portion of it, bleed out. then he cut his own arm and held it to Tony's lips. "drink, Tony. the fresh influx of werewolf poison will help you flush out the vampire poison." he assured the other. "drink." he ordered again, keeping a close eye on Tony's bleeding arm. "stitch him up." he ordered Bruce, who jumped at the chance to help, checking the bleeding, trying to see what James had been looking for before staunching the bloodflow and stitching the cut and the fang marks closed while James carefully fed Tony his own blood. uncaring that the school Healer was already there and taking notes, as was Frigga. neither had seen this method before and it was clear to see from Tony's coloring that it was working. "he's still going to be very sick." James warned, gently laying Tony down, making sure he was resting in a half sitting position so he could breath even when he got some fluid in his lungs. "but he won't be at risk for death now." James admitted, Bruce nodding as he finished the stitches and carefully released the tourniquet.
“Deal. I’m going to go practice, and Natasha’s going to watch, and help. Go. Tony needs you more then we need supervision.”Clint said jerking his head towards the door as he settled in to work, his glazing slightly as he worked on hurting bloodbane as much as he wanted.

Tony whimpered, whining, “Can’ hurts Jamie, it hurts.”Tony whined turning his head into the other’s chest, eyes widening as james worked at his arm, to in pain in panicked to not fight, even if he knew james was trying to help him, he was upset and scared. “S-stop! Jamie!”he whimpered, looking up at james with wide wolf eyes, the soft blue looking even more scared in his human face. Gasping as james cut his arm, he tried to turn his head away, to in pain to understand what he was hearing before whimpering, shivering as he sipped the blood, trusting james. Slumping back into the bed he whined as bruce stitched up his arm, but to hurt to pull away. Snuffling a little as he felt his chest growing a little tight as fluid got into his lungs, he whined, wanting steve, wanting james closer.
"shhh, Tony. it's alright, i'm right here with you. i'll make sure you'll be okay." he promised, stroking Tony's hair. "shh, it's okay Tony." James promised. "i know it hurts, but this will help. it's okay." he promised. "i won't let anything bad happen." he promised, stroking his cheek gently while Bruce did the stitches. "there, all done. it's all over." he promised, gently holding Tony. "it's okay, it's all okay." he promised. "your going to be sick for a few days Tony, but it's going to be okay." he promised, looking up when Steve slid into the room ad snuggled into Tony's other side, Bruce curling up at the end of the bed, not wanting to leave when Tony was so scared. as the night progressed, Tony's fever got worse and he started hallucinating ad having waking dreams. but he wasn't dying and that's what was important.
“....Promise?I’ll be okay?”He whimpered leaning his head into the other’s hand, shivering as he swallowed thickly. This was horrible and he hated it. “...okay...”he muttered looking a little more relaxed as steve snuggled into him.

It was nearly two days later before tony was aware enough to understand what was going on around him, definitely thinner and smaller then he’d been before. Showing signs of being sick. Whimpering quietly as he turned his head into steve’s shoulder, whining. “I’m sorry, sorry....”he muttered swallowing hard.
"shh, Baby. there's no reason to be sorry." Steve assured him, stroking his hair. "your okay. it's okay." he promised, watching Bruce scurry around getting various things to test on his new toy because he couldn't stand not having anything to do to help Tony so was trying to find a way to neutralize Vampire and werewolf venom instead. it wouldn't work on someone already changed, but it could stop a newly bitten from changing, and stop a werewolf from being killed because a disgusting vampire bit him too many times. "here, Love. drink this now. as much as you can..." it was sweet juice, which was loaded with as many vitamins and minerals as they could cram into it. sometimes he'd drink it, sometimes he wouldn't, but he clawed at his IV's and this was easier. sort of, then trying to stop Tony from clawing himself bloody.
“Didn’t mean to get close. But he killed my kitten. She’s gone.”Tony whimpered, whining quietly as he leaned into the other’s hand, whining quietly as he looked up at the alpha blearily. While he looked tired, the man was more clear eyed then he had been in days. “Didn’t mean to get bitten, but he killed my kitten.”He whined, making a face as he watched bruce work.”what’s he doing?”He muttered looking curious, aware enough to want to know. Whining quietly as he made a face at the drink, sighing quietly. “Don’t wanna. tastes bad."
Steve smiled. "hush, Baby. it's okay, i know you didn't mean to. he tricked you." he promised Tony, stroking the others hair. "no ones mad at you, or upset with you either." he promised. "and your Kitten is fine. Peter did some emergency work on it and it survived. it's going to need some serious Tony care, but the kitten is okay." he promised. "he's trying to find a cure to Vampire venom. he's very upset that he wasn't there to protect you and that he can't make you better." he admitted. "it tastes like Mango Tony. you love Mango." James said soothingly. "...oh my GOD!" Bruce suddenly yelped, gaping at the... something in front of him. "i think i might have just created my own cure...."
"But I got bit after you told me to be careful..."he muttered whimpering quietly. His own abandonment issues and omega nature leaving it even harder then normal to sooth a upset tony. "Really?kittens okay?"he said looking up the hope painful to see because he so wanted to believe his kitten would be okay with work."oh...I just feel sick...not to had anymore."he muttered sighing quietly making a face."don't wanna."he said looking at james even though he did lean up to sip the drink through the saw before starling looking at bruce."what?"
Steve smiled. "but you where being careful." he pointed out to Tony. "sometimes things happen even when we're careful, we can't prepare for everything after all." he admitted, stroking Tony's hair and kissing him behind the ear. "Kitten is... well, she needs a lot of work, but she pulled through." he promised with a smile. "good. if you need to puke let me know, we have a bucket here for you." he promised. "that way you won't get sick all over yourself." he admitted before smiling. "just a few sips, okay?" he asked, watching Tony drink before blinking at Bruce. "well. i mean, it's not a complete cure, but i think i should be able to keep my mind when i change now...." he admitted. "of course, the tricky part is going to be testing it. i cant test it on myself..." he muttered, frowning. "no one would let me do that..." "why not ask the hunters for a fully transformed Wendigo? from what i understand, they deserve to be tested on if they are fully transformed right?" "a good idea! yes, i'll do that." Bruce agreed. "then of course the Wendigo will have to be put down, they really are dangerous things who deserve to be killed... most of the time." Bruce admitted, making James blink. "most of the time?" "well there are cases like mine, and Tammy Tamora's. she's in the same state i am, only she's six." Bruce admitted. "her Wendigo father force fed her Wendigo mother to her... it was..." here Bruce looked a little green. "a mess." he admitted. "she was found before i was though, so they, thankfully, already knew what signs to look for." he admitted. "it doesn't happen often though." he admitted. "in any case they are always careful to capture all Wendigo alive and wait a few days to see if it turns back. there are other signs but it would be inhumane to throw a person into the Wendigo cage and see if it eats the person. they die either way." "so... if they don't eat the person, then they aren't a 'real' Wendigo?" "correct." "so you never try to eat people?" "nope, just slaughter them." "...weird." "very."
Tony whined a little, sighing quietly, relaxing, closing his eyes.”Oh.okay.”He muttered shivering as he was kissed, the spot was a weakness, just like in wolf form, he loved having his ears rubbed. “Kay. Don’t need to puke now though.”Tony muttered sipping it slowly before laying back, tired still and for the moment not wanting more. Frowning slightly at bruce. “That’s awesome. That would be a good thing.”Tony smiled a little before nodding. “Ask peter, he’ll be the one best able to tell you, and he is hanging around still.”Tony whined a little, because despite having his brother, and lving knowing him, and seeing him, it still upset him that the other was here, simply because he was hurt. Afraid of making the other grow tired of him and simply abandon him. “...people are sick. That’s gross.”Tony whined a little making a face at the idea of a child going through that, whining quietly, upset because he couldn’t go comfort bruce like he normally would when they were talking about wendigos. “its a good thing though. Eating people is gross.”
Steve smiled at him and nuzzled that same spat to soothe Tony a bit more. "okay then." he agreed, glad Tony didn't have to puke. he hated it when Tony puked because James had a queasy stomach and then he'd puke, which would set off Bruce which would make HIM gag.... not fun. "yes a very good thing." Bruce agreed, smiling at Tony. "i'll make sure to ask Peter. oh! ad you should know, your brother scares the hell out of me. he actually used a pair of rusty pliers to remove all of Bloodbanes teeth. he was smiling... it was frightening, i had nightmares." Bruce lied, eyes glittering, because everyone knew he adored Peter but he liked to pretend to be scared because it made Peter go out of his way to be extra nice when around Bruce. "people are pretty sick." Bruce admitted. "but people become Wendigos specifically because they're sick and the first thing they do is try to force the transformation onto their children. no ones really sure why." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "don't worry. it's not upsetting me." he promised.
Tony sighed softly, relaxing, closing his eyes as he simply enjoyed being nuzzled. “What?Peter did?”Tony frowned, worried about peter. Afraid of his brother losing himself in what he did, in becoming one of the monsters. And he didn’t want his brother losing his mind simply because tony had been hurt. It scared him, “You do?”Tony whined softly, upset. Even if he’d normally know that it was a lie, because it worried him. Peter worried him, he was always so scared of losing peter, of making him do something that would change everything. “That’s weird. Maybe someone should research that....”Tony frowned a little at the thought before whining softly. “Still want to hug you.”he grumbled despite bruce’s reassurance, poking james."Go hug him."He ordered.
Steve nodded. "it was pretty awesome. he was quite focused, i don't remember him smiling though." "he wasn't, and no Tony i'm not having nightmares. i just like to make Peter be extra nice remember?" Bruce asked Tony with a smile. "the only nightmare i have are the normal ones... well, no, i dreamed i walked into Micro-Bio completely naked last night, does that count?" he asked, James snorting. "people have tried but by that point there's no human thought or speech anymore." Bruce admitted. "however, if this drug does what i think it does, we might actually get some answers to many questions..." he admitted. he tensed when James hugged him, he always tensed, well he didn't tense when Tony hugged him, but he did for everyone else. too used to pain to be okay with comfort. he let James do it though, which meant he trusted James just as much as he did Natasha. who was typically the only other person to offer hugs. "thank you Tony." Bruce stated once James had let go, looking amused. "i'm glad your feeling better." "Tony's feeling better?" Peter asked, sounding delighted as he skipped into the room and beamed at him. "i'm so glad your okay!" he admitted, very gently pulling his little brother into a hug before gently lowering him back to the bed before Tony could squirm. "Peter! i need a Wendigo." "you need a WHAT?!" Peter demanded, shocked.
“heh. That’s both amusing and worrying.”Tony whined a little with a smile, before making a face at bruce, to worn out to have remembered about their running joke about peter being nicer. “Oh.I remember....and that does count. I walked into the lab naked for real once, so it’s definitely a nightmare.”Tony hummed amused before nodding. “Maybe we will.”Tony said smiling as james hugged bruce. Glad that the other let him. “You’re very welcome.”Tony said before wincing a little as he was hugged. “I am.”He said before wincing as the motion made him nauseous, throwing up into the trashcan as he grabbed it. Whimpering a little as he looked at his shocked brother. “Wendigo, he found a cure. Maybe. Needs a test subject since he can’t use himself’.
Bruce chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "yes, i remember that. you claimed that little witch in the year above us spelled your clothes away." he admitted, looking amused. "no one was sure if you where telling the truth though." he admitted, looking very amused. "sorry." Peter murmured, gently rubbing Tony's back when he was sick and offering him some water to rinse his mouth out with. "a cure? really?" Peter asked Bruce, looking excited when he nodded. "i think so. i can't be certain without testing it and i know you'll all hate me forever if i test it on myself." he admitted with a chuckle. "i'll make sure you get one." he promised, already making the call. "this is rather exciting." Peter admitted once he hung up. "and your in luck, we have a fresh caught. we even managed to catch him before he tried to turn his twelve year old twins." he admitted. "be nice if we could find out why they do that." Peter admitted, Bruce nodding. "when will it be here?" "tomorrow. it will have to stay outside in the cold iron and silver cage." the cold iron weakened the creatures, and the silver burned them. which made transporting them much easier.
“She totally did!I wouldn’t simply walk into class naked. That’s very bad. Even if everyone was jealous of how good I looked.” “Indeed. They were amazed the littlest guy in class was well hung.”Clint snickered as he stepped into the room, natasha cradled ever so gently in his arms as they walked in, settling her in a bed next to tony’s. “I’m not the tiniest!”tony whined even as he took the water, rinsing out his mouth as he sighed, smiling. “it’s okay.”He reassured peter before smiling, listening to them talk. “Good. I should be able to get out of bed by then. I want to help with your experiment.”Tony said smiling a little.
Bruce chuckled a little and shook his head while James scowled at the idea of Tony being naked where other people could see. "you are the tiniest." Natasha chirped. "though, Steve does seam to be a bit smaller than you now." she admitted. "so i guess he's the tiniest." she admitted with a smile, watching Tony, glad that he was finally feeling better. she was too for that matter, it just exhausted her, walking around so Clint carried her. that and she'd worn herself out, raising a few ghosts to haunt the Bloodbane when they weren't torturing him. "if your not well enough then i'll wait for you." Bruce promised.
“Don’t look so upset. He’s not getting naked around anyone but you two, though if you want to put on a show, I’m certain he’d be okay with a audience.”Clint teasted tiling his head at james, smirking a little as tony whined, nuzzling closer to james when he saw the scowl.”that’s true. Though I think once he’s feeling better, steve might grow a little bigger then tony.”Clint pointed out with a smile, relief in the look, glad that the wolfling was feeling better. “Good. I wanna see.”Tony said smiling tiredly, while he was feeling better, he was still sleepy. Shifting he yawned, resting his head on james chest as he relaxed.
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