Blackthorne Acadamy(Avengers-Au) Moon/Lady

“It does, but I didn’t know it was my favorite one.”he sulked sounding annoyed that his awesome talent had been ruined by the fact it was his favorite. “but you should be proud I managed to not hurt either of us with that trick. I’ve gttne better.”he grinned a little growling back at her as he rocked his hip, shivering as he fucked her. “You wont be.”

“Huh. That is really fascinating. Wonder if it’s cause you were so tired, you just zoned out.”Tony muttered frowning, the engineer looking curious as he considered it before sighing. “Hey, you said you wanted to learn.”Tony pointed out even if he agreed, he’d rather be in bed. Looking up at Frigga his eyes went wide, looking upset as he heard the other’s words, nearly whimpering out loud as he looked at the wolves, biting his lip as he struggled to understand. “ What does that mean?”He said the edge of panic starting to creep into the words, having been so scarred by his parents deaths, that he was afraid of being abandoned, afraid that he was going to lose them both again even if frigga hadn’t said it was life threatening, tony knew what it could do to humans, it scared him badly.
she snorted. "which is why you shouldn't burn up other peoples things." she huffed before smirking. "i am rather proud of you. just wait until you can give me a Brazilian. then we'll be impressed." she teased before moaning eagerly as he fucked her, tipping her head back and rocking her hips. enjoying the sex.

"i think it must be. i thought originally it was because the human brain had not yet regained control over the Wendigo completely but i think perhaps it is a lethargy, or a mental paralysis?" he wondered. "i do want to learn, just not when i'm feeling like shit." he grumbled. "it means, that Steve is likely going to have... episodes of illness for a lack of a better word. the Hep B will attack his liver and cause a plethora of side effects, but his werewolf healing will fix any damage done so his life is in no danger. it means that for the rest of his life he will have moments, sometimes months apart, sometimes years, where he is very weak, extremely sick and, not to be mean here, rather helpless." Frigga admitted. "in werewolves, these episodes can last a few days, to a month, though typically they last a few weeks." she admitted. "his life isn't in danger but he will always be contagious." she warned. "however, since James has already hepatitis and recovered from it, he is now immune. Steve cannot infect him again." she admitted. "however, he can spread it to everyone else and you all must be very careful. you can kiss him, but don't share toothbrushes, razors, needles or anything that could have even the faintest bit of blood on it. be very, very careful if he has an open sore." she ordered. "if you display any signs at all you must go to the doctor immediately and you should be tested every six months just in case. other than Steve being sick off and on, it won't affect his life much at all other than his needing to wear a condom, always during any kind of intercourse, if you are entering him, you also need to wear a condom." she stated, making Steve chuckle a little when he realized Bruce was blushing violently. "what this also means is when Steve is having an 'outbreak' he will be excused from classes, we will you and Tony at the very least." she informed James. "he'll need someone to help him, extreme lethargy and weakness is common. during a very bad episode he might not even have the strength to feed himself, if he can even keep any food down at that point." she admitted. "i'll leave a few books here for you to read and access." she promised. "and i'll be available for any questions you might have at any time."
“Hm, good point.”clint snickered a little before smiling, “that would indeed be impressive.”She looked amused as he growled,clinging to her holding her close as he pressed a kiss to her neck, shivering as he came.

“Ah, probably. It makes sense. I’m tired and sore after changing sometimes, makes sense if you would be to.”Tony said looking interested before sighing as he looked upset, worried about stve. “...So...he wont die?”Tony said needing to be sure, looking upset and worried as he pressed against his alpha, swallowing thickly. “Okay. I can do checkups and condoms.”he muttered so overwhelmed that he was spacing out before smirking a little as he saw bruce’s flushed face. “Okay. I can take care of him. I’m good at taking care of people.”He muttered before nodding, “Thanks Frigga.”
she moaned, arching against him, following him into orgasm. "fuck, i love it when you fuck me." she admitted with a smile. "come on, find me some clothes, i have a bad feeling." she admitted.

Bruce nodded. "i think it might possibly be a survival tactic, like a glitch in the brain. my human mind can't understand the change so it shuts down. i think."sort of like how people forget things that traumatized them." he admitted. "i'm not sure." Bruce admitted. "i'd love to get an ECG of my brain during and after a transformation." he admitted, making James and Steve snort. scientists! they where all insane! "no, he won't die." Frigga promised. "most humans with Hep B don't die either in healthy adult cases only 5% die from HBV." she informed him. "the most common cause of death from HBV is liver damage or liver cancer, but Steve doesn't have to worry about that." she admitted. "fortuneteller, Mr. Stark, your last exam was only a few weeks ago, you where clear then so we won't do another check for another three months unless you start having any symptoms." she decided. "since he seams to be so tired and sore today, i would say he's having a flair up and will probably spend the next couple of days in bed." she admitted. "try to get him to eat whatever he can and keep him hydrated during these periods." she admitted. "it's no problem dear." sh promised Tony. "you can come to me for anything." she promised, patting his shoulder before leaving, Steve had remained silent the entire time, staring into his cup before taking a slow sip. lost in thought.
“Hm me to.”Clint said smiling as he pulled out, kissing her slowly before nodding. “Okay.”he said, having learned to trust when natasha thought something was wrong, finding them both clothes before heading for the other’s rooms, knowing that they’d be up probably by now.

“Ah, that would make sense. Humans can only had so much....We’ll do that next time.”Tony said looking interested in the idea, before making a face at the other two, knowing they were laughing at him. Relaxing a little he swallowed thickly, sighing softly. “Good.”he said squirming closer to steve, snuggling, worrying over him before nodding. “Okay. Three months.”he said relaxing at the idea, before sighing softly, looking at steve before nodding. “we’ll make sure he’s okay.”he said before watching her leave, before looking at steve, looking at him. “Steve?”
she nodded and got dressed, heading back to the room, getting there just as Frigga left.

"yes, a good idea." Bruce agreed, ignoring the slight sniggering that the two werewolves where doing. Steve snuggled with Tony, letting the tea warm his hands. "hmm?" Steve asked, looking up at Tony before glancing at Nat and Clint when they walked in. "...what is it?" Natasha asked. "what's wrong?" "...Steve's sick." "how sick?" "Hepatitis." Bruce explained, making Natasha pale. "it works differently for werewolves so his life isn't at risk, but it will affect him the rest of his life apparently." "...affect him how?" "i'll have moments of..." Steve paused, his expression twisting into distaste. "weakness." as an Alpha, he despised being weak. as an Alpha from the Blackmoon pack he knew that a weakness would only get him killed or worse, cause his pack to leave him. he had to be strong, he had to be power so he could protect Tony and keep Tony with him. he couldn't let another Alpha push into his pack. he had to be strong, no matter how sick he was, he wouldn't loose his pack, not when he loved them so very much.
“You okay?”He muttered looking at steve in worry. Upset because steve was upset. The omega wanting to fix everything. “...”clint paled swallowing thickly before wincing, tilting his head a little. “Well. When you’re not feeling well, that just means me and bruce’ll just have to be scary. I mean, would you want to face a wendingo?”clint said trying to make steve feel better, to know that they’re not going anywhere, and that they’d fight to stay with him.
Steve nodded. "i'm okay. it's just a headache. the Tea is helping." he admitted with a smile before focusing on his tea again, wondering what this really meant. could he protect his pack? "...huh..." Steve linked at them, somehow, he'd forgotten, this wasn't the Blackmoon pack anymore. he didn't have to always be strong. he had strong pack members to be strong for him. "yeah. that's right, no one wants to mess with a Wendigo or a Demon/Angel...." he agreed, smiling at the other. "so. anyone think of any names for the pack?" "Rosemoon!" "Lunarlightning!" "the fluffy pink bunny rabbits of doom!" Natasha piped up, grinning ever so innocently when they all turned to stare at her.
“Good.”Tony said sighing quietly, relaxing a little. “Not to mention James. Jamie is strong enough to protect us to.”Tony said not including himself on the list of strong people as he leaned into steve. “See, we’ll be okay.”Clint smiled a little before snickering. “MoonRising.”Clint offered before staring at his girlfriend. “...Can we eat the pink rabbits of doom?Cause I can totally go for that. Let’s be fluffy bunnies.”Tony said looking at the other’s with wide eyed innocence.
Steve nodded. "and once you grow a little more you'll be good for protecting us too." Steve admitted. "Omegas are scary as fuck once you piss them off enough." James admitted. "oh! oh Clint!" Steve declared, eyes bright. "the Rising Moon Pack. that's our name. because we are the rising new moon. a new start, a new life. the Rising Moon Pack, it's perfect! what do you guys think?" Steve asked, delighted to finally have an official name, providing that everyone liked it anyway. "yes. we can eat the pink bunnies of doom." Steve promised with a chuckle. "actually me, Tony and James where planning on going on a run to get Tony used to life as a wolf, would you lot like to join us?" Steve asked them.
“I will.I’ll try.”Tony squirmed a little, pressing a kiss steve’s cheek, glad that steve and james had faith in him. “oh!I like it. Rising moon pack.”Tony grinned happily. “It’s a good name for us. We’re starting over.”Clint agreed smiling a little. “Awesome. I like bunnies of doom.”he smiled happily at the idea of going for a run. “We would.You want to?”Clint asked looking at natasha with a smile.
Steve smiled at him. "you just need some practice and self confidence is all." he admitted. "yu are a strong, powerful wolf. just as you are a strong, powerful techno-mage." he admitted. "The Rising Moon Pack, i'll submit the name and pack affiliation information to Peter." Steve decided. "as a pack, we have to inform the hunters of our numbers, name and type of Pack. for example, we are a mixed pack, since not all of us are werewolves." he admitted. "i will watch." she decided. "i hate running." she admitted, making Bruce chuckled. "i'll watch with you. i don't want to try forcing a Wendigo transformation on my own yet. who knows what will happen." he admitted. "while we're experimenting with the Wendigo i want to be in the detention center. the chill room i mean." he admitted with a smile. "then if i lose control i won't eat you, the Hunters have reported that Mr. Horny is still semi aware, though he's sulking at realizing he doesn't have sexual organs anymore."
“Well, we’ll work on that then.”Clint grinned, ruffling otny’s hair a little. “He’s going to be a true terror when he gets control. A technomage werewolf.”Clint teased. Tony grinned relaxing, tilting his head before nodding. “We should probably tell Peter we’re going out anyways.”he shrugged a little. “Well, I’ll run with you three. I mean, it’ll be fun.”Clint grinned, because he had so much energy and emotion most of the time, it really took alot of excerise to wear him out. “good idea. You shoud probably rest some before we try anything else.”Tony said looking just as interested in experimenting before snickering at clint’s scowl at the mention of the other wendingo. “Good. He shouldn’t have sex. He’s a beast, and he’ll stay away from my girlfriend.”Clint sulked a little.
Steve and James grinned a little. "he'll likely be a very powerful werewolf even without the techno-mage skills." Steve admitted. "we have a powerful pack. no one will fuck with us soon enough." he admitted before beaming at Clint. "we'd be glad to have you running with us." he admitted. "Bruce and Nat can stay in the tree stand we found up in our territory." Steve admitted. "i plan to rest." Bruce admitted with a nod. "oh, once we have the information we need from him, he'll be put down." Bruce admitted. "his crimes mean Death sentence even before he became a Wendigo. but then again, that's true of all naturally made Wendigo." he admitted with a shake of his head. "when are we running?" "later." Steve admitted. "my joints hurt today and i'm tired." he admitted.
“I’m just awesome, aren’t I?”The young omega beamed looking pleased and amused. “No they wont. We’re a good strong pack.”Clint grinned pleased with the idea as he pressed a kiss to natasha’s head, nodding a little.”Good. Stupid old wendingo. Very annoying.”Clint grumbled, because he really, really hadn’t liked the beast. “Need anything?”Tony muttered kissing steve’s hair, stroking his hair, even if he was a little twitchy. The man twitchy and anxious enough about steve being sick, that the man really wanted to just go build for awhile, but he didn’t want to leave them either.
"well. you are pretty awesome." James agreed with a chuckle. "very annoying." Bruce agreed. "all Wendigo captured are now going to be part of the experiment." he admitted. "i'm getting a medal for my contribution to ending the Wendigo influx." he admitted. "and best of all, one of the other Wendigo captured explained why the first thing they do is go after the children. the Wendigo is a bastardized form of a werewolf and some various instincts remain in the first few weeks of the first transformations. it's pack mentality, they don't want to leave their children behind, or eat them, so they change them. by the time the children are changed the few werewolf instincts that remain are gone and nothing but the Wendigo remains. Wendigo don't attack other Wendigo though, so by then the children are usually safe. they are hoping that the Serum could be synthesized into a cure for the children forced into changing." he admitted. "it probably wouldn't work on me, since i've been changed for so long, but newly infected would have a chance at a life if it works." he admitted with a smile. "no. yes, more tea?" he asked hopefully, pouting at his empty cup, relaxing as he realized that it really was okay to be weak here because no one wanted his position as Alpha. "heat helps too." James admitted, turning up the kotatsu for him. before long Steve was snoozing, comfortable because James had gotten him a pillow. "Tony? your twitching, go build stuff." Bruce ordered, James blinking. "is that why he's fidgety?" "yes. when Tony get's upset he likes to build things, he gets twitchy if he thinks he can't." "of course he can, me and Steve wouldn't tell him to stay away from his tech." James promised Tony, as well as everyone else in the room. "you go make things, i'll get you the second Steve wakes up."
Tony smiled happily, glad to know that they thought he was awesome. “That’s great Bruce. REally.”Clint said smiling slightly, glad that the other had gotten recognized for his work. “That’s disturbing actually, that the wendigo have some werewolf mentality but it fades.”Tony said looking thoughtful before ndding. “Probably not. You’re body’s been like this to long, but the newly changed ones, wuld probably have a chance.”he smiled before getting steve some tea, looking pleased as the other relaxed and went to sleep. Frowning at the order he looked up, looking at the other. “...Can’t. Don’t want to leae him.”He said, as if he was afraid to leave, just in case something happened and they left. “Go tony. You’ll feel better.”Clint said watching him, smiling as tony headed for his workshop, amused at the sound of the door shutting behind him, the genius soon enough lost in tech. “./....Ten bucks say we all have robot animals soon.”Clint smirked a ltitle.
Bruce beamed at them, delighted to have been able to help others. "from what little we've discovered,we think the Wendigo originated in the Algonquian peoples... the Native Americans that spoke a certain dialect." Bruce explained when he saw the blank looks. "the most notable are the Ojibwe and Saulteaux, the Cree, the Naskapi, and the Innu people, we haven't yet discovered which tribe specifically but those are the ones with the earliest tales of the Wendigo. from various tales, it's said that one of the tribe went mad after the loss of his tribe, now unnamed. he started hunting the white man during the winter because he could find nothing else to eat. when the bounty pf spring began however, he had become addicted to man flesh and began to hunt, not only the white man, but the native American peoples as well. according to the legends, he managed to gather a crowd of equally hateful, an they all began hunting and eating the white man as well. a powerful Shaman saw what they had done, and could see the monsters they had become inside, and cursed them so that their sickness on the inside, would show on the outside using several components from willingly donated werewolf parts that where left to rot for a week before use in the ceremony, which is where the suspected werewolf habits come from." Bruce admitted, reading most of this from a book he always had on hand. his research notes. "according to the legend, the Shaman wanted to give them a chance to redeem themselves." he looked up at them. "from what i understand, those of us unwillingly changed are half redeemed. we didn't willingly imbibe flesh, so we can't fully be redeemed because in our hearts and souls we aren't sick to begin with." he admitted, closing his book. "it's mostly speculation after so many hundreds of thousands of years of nothing but word of mouth, but it's all we got as far as origins go." he admitted.

"wow. that's freaky as fuck." James admitted, Natasha nodding. "has anyone ever redeemed themselves?" "not that i know of." Bruce admitted, watching Steve nap. "yes. go on. it's okay." James promised. "if anything happens Sebastian will get you in a flash." he promised. "not that anything will happen, he'll just sleep for two or three days and then be right as rain again." he promised, smiling when Tony went into his workshop. "no bet." Bruce stated calmly. "sorry. no money to bet with." James admitted, Natasha snorting. "Blowjob says he makes Steve a specially heated mattress for when he gets cold."
Tony looked thoughtful tilting his head at that, making a face. “that’s really freaky.”Tony agreed with the other;s making a face, looking a little sick at the idea of the stories of how they became wendigos, “It’s like everyone’s origins. There’s as many facts as there are theories and speculation to go with it.”Clint said looking a little disturbed at the idea before smiling a little as tony left. “Hm, I’ll see you a blowjob and raise you a shopping spree that says peter’s going to get some epic new toys to play with.”Clint snickered a little.

And indeed, when they bothered to get tony later, there was some really impressive weapons, cats and one little freaky ferret for clint, and a matress around tony’s body, along with the utter little freaky melted metal piece he was working on. So tired that there was no rhyme or reason anymore to what he was trying to make, simply that he was trying to make something, because they needed it, and that he needed to protect his family.
Bruce nodded. "yes. apparently, the werewolves involved where all so disgusted by the actions, they donated their life to the cause, which is why the curse is so powerful." he admitted. "willing sacrifices always produce the most powerful results." James agreed with a nod. "well, we all know how Werewolves where born." "we do?" Natasha asked, looking baffled, James smiling. "well. all Wolves do. it'll be a nice bedtime story, Steve tells it way better than i do." James admitted before watching the two betting with an amused grin. "alright, i'll see your blowjob and shopping spree and raise a willingly attended sport of your choice that Tony ends with making useless junk that has no point or purpose." "i'm not sure that's how betting works." James pointed out.

"well. i owe you a blowjob." she admitted, looking amused at the ferret. "Tony." Steve said, slipping into the room, gripping the others shoulder. "Tony your exhausted, come to bed and help me keep warm." Steve ordered gently, smiling at him. "you've made some pretty cool things." he admitted, examining the melted piece in Tony's hands. "come on Tony. bed. i'll tell you the story of how the first werewolf was born."
“Ah, they do.”Tony agreed, because he knew it. Had seen it fuel clint’s powers once as the man had lashed out at the bullies, the victims letting him use their emotions to build the punishment stronger. “Really?”Clint said looking amused before snickering at natasha’s words. “I’ll take that bet. And that’s how betting works for us, don’t mess with it Barnes, I’m getting a blow job and a willingly attended archery event. Shush.”

“Good.That ferret is awesome.”Clint grinned as he stroked a finger over the animal’s head, looking up when steve came in. “...Can’t. Gotta keep working. Make everyone better. Safe to.”Tony muttered trying to stay with his stuff. “Tony, go to bed.”Clitn said smiling slightly, as he took the metal from him, wincing as he felt claws scraping against his forearm, growling in both surprise and pain that tony had gotten claws without actually changing forms. “Go to bed, tony.”Clint said watching the man sulk and look annoyed even as he let steve take him to bed.
"The Ferret is pretty cool. i'm glad he's making impressive use of the fake fur." he admitted. "Tony could be rich, marketing thse for kids who can't have real pets because of allergies or something." he admitted. "no Tony, you've made more than enough and we're all perfectly safe now." Steve promised, stroking the others back, wincing when Clint was clawed. "there's my good Pup." Steve said with a smile, tucking Tony in ad beginning the story of a young boy named Niwa, who had been abandoned in the woods as a very young boy by parents who didn't want such a scrawny weak child. Niwa was raised by wolves and taught how to survive in the woods. Niwa was ten when his parents came back for him because they had tried and failed to have more children and had realized he was still alive. they tried to force him to be a human, and hit him often to make him behave. the Moon was very fond of her special Niwa, who she had watched all his life, and gave him the ability to become a Wolf for real when he prayed to her. the parents where horrified to find a wolf in their house and tried to kill him. he bit them and ran away to the forest once more, but in her rage, the Moon Goddess cursed the parents into becoming wolves too, and they where killed by angry villagers. Niwa stayed in the woods, but eventually fell in love with a young girl from the village. she fell in love back and they got married and became wolves under the full moon together. her parents where sad to loose her, so the Moon, in her joy at such love and acceptance, gave the parents the choice to become werewolves together as well. they had many puppies, and those puppies married humans who became wolves, and soon the werewolf spread across the world. of course, just like people, sometimes there where bad werewolves, but Stve didn't mention that part.

he woke in the morning, feeling even more terrible than usual, weak like a pathetic kitten and with a throbbing headache and a fever. he smiled at James who was gently laying a cool cloth over his head and at Toy who had covered him with a heated blanket, uttering that soft, content churr that only werewolves could produce. by that night, Steve didn't want to be in human form anymore and insisted they go out to the woods so he could curl up in the cool creek in wolf form. James knew better thn to argue so he helped Steve into the woods and watched him soak in the creek in his massive white wolf form, smiling a little at Tony. "he's fine." he promised the other. "i swear, he's fine, okay?"
“It is indeed quite impressive. He’ll probably do it, if you point it out to him.”Clint said snickering a little, well aware tony wouldn’t think of sellign them on his own, he created simply because he liked to create. Wincing as he was clawed, but also proud of the man, smiling as they settled in to listen to the story, laughing quietly as tony was asleep within minutes. “...that was good.”clint smiled finding the story awesome and touching all at once.

By the time they got to the river tony was fidgety and upset, looking up at james, “Shouldn’t he be inside?Wont this make things worse.”he twitched looking up at james as he leaned against james’ side, twitching a little, it was obvious he wanted to change and run a bit but not feeling right to run off without steve.
Steve nodded. "we'll do that." he agreed. "he has the money for a start up." Bruce agreed. "it's just finding someone to build them for Tony, since he'll get bored making things he's already made." he admitted with a smile, snuggling in with the others to enjoy the story.

Bruce watched them. "no Tony, calm down, this isn't too bad for Steve." he promised. "the water probably feels very nice on his aching joints, and as a wolf pain sensations are dulled." Bruce admitted, James nodding, wrapping his arm around Tony. "it's okay Tony, trust Bruce and me if you can't trust Steve right now. we got Frigga's permission too before we came out here." he promised. "come on. let's go for a run." he urged, shifting effortlessly into his wolf form and nosing Tony, Steve cracking open an eye to them and whuffing, James barking his agreement. Steve had told them to stay within the territory before he went back to doing in the nice cool water. once they where gone, there was a hefty commotion further out to the groups left. it was three men, dragging an unconscious and bleeding Grant Ward through the woods, talking about how he would make them tons of money in the fighting pits. "You bastards!" Natasha snarled, rushing to attack, managing to break one mans arm before she was struck down with a tranquilizer and tazer combo.
“True. We could offer it to some of the other techmages. They might get a kick out of helping him do it.”And since it would mean steady work after school, it was probably something some of the students would like.

“...Okay.”Tony said relaxing, sighing quietly as he leaned into james, sighing quietly. RElieved to see that things were okay for steve to do. Knowing that this would help made him feel better. Laughing a little as the other nosed him, grinning as he changed to. Running after james happily. Snarling when he saw grant, attacking even as clint and natasha moved in to, yelping in startlement as he was tazed, the young werewolf hitting the ground with a thump, even as he heard the other getting tazed and captured to.
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