Blackthorne Acadamy(Avengers-Au) Moon/Lady

when Tony and the others woke, thy where in a tiny, filthy cell and they where completely naked. Steve was huddled up in the corner, trembling, wide eyed and frightened and James wasn't looking much better. Bruce was sitting in front of all of them in his Wendigo form, snarling but in control for the most part, protecting them. Natasha was sitting in a corner, nursing her tazer wounds and was alternately trying to help Grant and Clint. Grant who had been taken from the detention center, being told that he was being transferred to prison. it wasn't until they'd hit the forest that they'd started beating him for being a traitor. Hydra bastards who had slipped in just for the purpose of taking Grant to the fighting rings. a massive underground crime system where people, some criminals, others innocent where forced to fight to the death against other prisoners or mindless beasts. Wendigo where their favorite beasts, as where dire wolves and anything else deadly and they bet on the outcome. winners got to eat, losers where dead.
Tony whimpered as he stumbled ot his feet, the young werewolf shaking as he moved to bruce’s side, looking him over before looking over the others, concentrating on taking care of them, instead of himself even if he was frightened. Nuzzling steve with his head for a moment before swallowing hard, concentrating and changing back. “Clint?”He said quietly. “Yea, I’m alive.”Clint groaned, swallowing hard as he sat up slowly, the two half demons having the worst bruises and cuts, having fought even through the tazers. “Where are we?” “Somewhere away from everyone.”Grant swallowed thickly, sitting up slowly.
"it's a cage..." James whispered. "i don't like the Cage..." he whimpered, Steve whining, deep in his chest. Claw had delighted in finding dog kennels and iron bars and putting 'naughty puppies in cages'. sometimes Steve and James would stay in a cage for days, even weeks with nothing to eat and only rain to drink. once they had gotten older they had gotten too big for the dog kennels so after a while they weren't punished that way, but the trauma had lasted. "away from everyone?" Natasha asked, anxious. "why take our clothes?" she asked, rather unconcerned about being naked. but... where they about to be turned into sex slaves? "so we can't smuggle weapons." Bruce growled. "so we feel helpless." "...i spend, like, all of my time naked." Natasha pointed out. "i walk down the halls of the school naked." Bruce shrugged. "i'm more worried about Steve and James honestly." Bruce admitted, glancing at them. "so, Grant. what the fuck is going on?" Natasha asked him. "we just came across you being dragged by some dick looking men talking about... oh god we're in the pits..." Natasha's breath hitched. "they threw us into the pits. we're going to have to kill people...." unlike most of the others, she'd never actually killed anyone. raised the dead, sure, but never killed anything or anyone.
“It is a cage, but we’re here with you. I wont let the cage hurt you.”Tony said whining anxiously at them, cuddling them both, trying to offer comfort as she stroked their hair. “Weapons.”Clint said making a face, swallowing hard as he looked them over. “You do. Of everyone they’ve ever thrown in here, we’re the ones most suited for nakedness.”Clint mused because it was true, for the most part most of them had been naked most of the time, even tony. “I’ll take care of them.”tony whined softly, looking at the other wolves worried. “Hydra. I betrayed them, and they threw me in the pits....and threw you in with me since you tried to stop them. I’m sorry.”Grant muttered and indeed looked very sorry, before moving over, looking her over. “we’ll keep you from killing if we can. As long as we can. You’re fighting with killers, nat, and they generally put two or three in the pit at a time, as teams. You’ll be okay.”Grant said trying to comfort her even if he knew there was little hope that she’d be able to simply not kill.
James and Steve both pressed their faces into Tony's stomach, like small children trying to hide from shadows. "they seam to forget that we are all weapons in our own right." Bruce mumbled. "but then, most of the people they kidnap are human raised, they wouldn't know any better." Bruce admitted, tearing apart what looked like a bone in his slender, smaller hands, simply occupying himself so he didn't try to rush the bars again. "ah. that does make sense i suppose. still, at least we know your not all bad." she admitted, patting Grant's knee before snuggling up to Clint. "are you okay? your all bruised and battered..." trying to hide her terror. "i'll have to kill eventually. i'm the weakest link in this party." she admitted softly. "they'll target me first, trying to get me hurt, or dead to ruffle your feathers." "she's right. we have to keep our guard up and she needs to be able to understand that she won't be blamed for killing. we have to survive, Peter will come for us soon enough. Tony? can you acess anything electronic to get a signal or a message out?"
Tony swallowed hard gently stroking their hair, “Shush, I got you.”He muttered so focused n the boys he wasn’t thinking about anything else. “They’re not used to dealing with children werewolves, a techmage werewolf, two demon spawn, wendingo and a nercomancer that can wipe the floor with most people.”Grant muttered glancing at Natasha, he knew what he could suggest, but not about to say it when she was already freaked out. Glancing at Clint, he knew the other saw it to. Even if she couldn’t kill, the dead could be their own weapon. “I’m okay. Just battered, sore. I’ll heal in a few hours.”Clint muttered pressing a kiss to natasha’s hair as he held her, before sighing, nodding a little. “They will....but they have two other wendingo’s...I can hear them...she might be able to turn the defeated and the wendingo’s to her will.”Grant said before looking at tony as he looked up. “Hm?Tech?”Tony frowned looking startled, before looking up, his eyes going unfocused before nodding a little. “...someone has a cellphone I can tap, but if I do, they’re going to know I used it....”
they both shuddered at his voice, relaxing against him, glad that they weren't alone but still scared witless. "we don't have an advantage though." Natasha muttered. "we really don't." sh mumbled, pressing her face into her knees. "they took us all down so easily." she hated how weak she was. sure she was a black belt in Kenpo, jiujitsu, Akido, Judo and even Taekwondo and Hakido. yet they had dropped her in seconds. "okay." she agreed, kissing him gently before scowling, reaching out with her senses, touching the Wendigo, making them roar in rage and thrash about in their cages. "yeah. there's two of them alright, naturally made and hungry. they haven't been feeding them." Natasha mumbled. "okay. don't send out a signal yet." he ordered. "wait until the first fight, our first fight, everyone will be distracted then and we might be able to get a signal out without anyone noticing." Bruce stated. even if they do notice, they won't really be able to do anything about it. not unless they want to get rid of their entertainment."
“We do.”Grant said looking at Clint, tilting his head a little. Wondering just how much the part demon was willing to sacrifice. “Maybe. We’ll see how the fights go...”Clint swallowed because he knew he could do it, but he wasn’t ready to lose everything. “And they had tazers. They wont use them in the arena.”Tony mused gently stroking his boys’ hair. “even if they do, I’ll be ready this time, any electronic weapon is mine to paly with.”Tny shrugged a little. “We’ll figure out how to work this till Peter comes after us.”Clint muttered kissing her head, knowing that peter would already be looking for him. “I can do that.”Tony said looking pleased at being helpful, even as he thought about the fights, the strategies. It wasn’t his strongest suit, but he could plan things.
"we do?" Natasha asked, looking confused. "what kind of advantage?" she asked, frowning before nodding. "yes the first fight will be easier, they'll want to judge our skills." she mumbled. "Peter will come." Bruce agreed. "he always comes." he growled, scratching his stomach, getting bored, and hungry, and a little bit tired. he couldn't relax yet. not yet. there was a clunk, a rattling sound and a slot opened in the side of the wall. clothes appeared a second later and the hatch vanished, leaving the clothes. they where rags more than anything else, but they would keep them warm at any rate. Natasha was the first to go and examine them, looking them over. "well. they're clean at least." she admitted before getting dressed, looking startled when she realized there was a dead snake with the rest of the items, a smirk lifting her lips as, with a twitch and a spark of her magic, the fresh dead, venomous snake came to life and wound around her arm. a defense. a weapon. she had no doubt they'd sent it on purpose, but she didn't care. it was hers now.
“Hmmm....a hellish one.”Grant made a face. “If we’re willing to destroy everything in a few couple miles, and risk losing ourselves, we can summon lower level demons.”Grant said because he knew a summoning of that kind could really do more harm then good, but they might be able to pull it off. “last resort. I’m not summoning a demon to this plane if I can help it.”Clint made a face growling a little at the rattling, tense before relaxing a little. “And they gave you a weapon. Good.”Clint smiled kissing her head. “They smell.”Tony whined a little, looking annoyed even as he gathered clothes for him, james and steve, helping dress the werewolves, his senstive nose picking up everything on the clothes.
"...i've summoned minor demons before. i might be able to help." Natasha admitted. "we'd have to be very careful though, there's nothing around here to make a protection circle at all so we might as well be inviting it to eat us." she admitted before hesitating. "you two... have the same father, right?" she asked them. "could you... maybe? try and contact him?" she wondered. "would that... i mean would he be the sort to help his offspring?" "T.Tony?" James asked, letting Tony dress him. "are we going to die?" that seamed to snap Steve into his right mind again. "no one is going to die." he growled. "we are The Rising Moon Pack. we are strong, powerful. we bow to no one, we do not die at the hands of pathetic wastrels who have to attack us at our weakest to win. we are better than them and we will prove it."
“Exactly. We’ll wait, and be truly desperate before we do that.”Clint said making a face before glancing at grant before nodding slowly at natasha’s question. “We do.” “we could...I mean...I’ve talked to him before....” “What?You have?Seriously?”Grant stared at his younger brother until the half angel nearly squirmed in place. “Yea...well...I was curious okay?Angel demon hybrids don’t happen all the time.”Clint made a face before nodding. “We’ll try...but time moves different for him...I mean...he’s...ancient. Years can pass in a blink of a eye for him....he might not notice till it’s to late...but we’ll try.”Clint promised pressing a kiss to her head. “Hm?”Tony hummed a little before frowning, “Of course not.”he scowled lightly as he helped james dress before smiling at steve, glad to have his alpha back before nodding. “we’ll definitely show them we’re better. And we’ve added another half demon to our ranks, I don’t think there’s enough fire extinguishers in the world to stop that fire...”Tony said joking a little because he was scared and upset, even if he was hiding it well.
she nodded. "can you reach him from here?" Natasha asked him. "can ou get his attention? he might not get here in time but it's a chance we can take, right? even if we have to fight, there's hope that way." she admitted before blinking at Grant. "you've never spoken to our father?" she asked curiously before shaking her head and snuggling into him. "okay." Jams mumbled, pressing his face into Tony's chest. "yes." Steve agreed, looking at Grant. "for now. you are part of this pack." he admitted. "that means we protect you, and you protect us." h stated. "it also means, that if you have a chance to escape, do so. you, i think, are currently the only person capable of escaping. you or Clint. if you have the chance, do so. go straight to the Hunters, both of you, or even just one of you, go straight to the hunters and bring them back here." he ordered. "don't risk your lives trying to escape, but if you can get away doing that shadowy thing Demons do, then do it." Bruce tilted his head. "actually. can you do that?" Bruce asked. "the thing you do, where you puff apart like smoke and then puff back together in another place..." he was getting tired. his words didn't make much sense.
“I’ll try. I can’t guanrantee anything, but I’ll do what I can.”Clint nodded sighing a little as he closed his eyes. To tired for the moment, to try reaching through the dimensions to find his dad. He needed a little rest, to recover and he’d try. “ I mean...I was left in the human world...figured he didn’t want to talk.”Grant shrugged a little, more like hydra had convinced him he wouldn’t be wanted. “Hm, I got you.”Tony muttered as james pressed into him,gently stroking his hair. “....I will. If we can escape we will.”Grant said before tilting his head, wincing. Having not considered that. Before glancing at clint. “...Don’t look at me. As strong as I am, there are some things I haven’t been able to teach myself.”Clint grumbled. While they weren’t super rare, half demons weren’t exactly common either, and for the most part, clint’s control and learning things was trial and error, as he tried to figure out things, since he had been avoiding grant, he couldn’t even ask the other half demon for help. Looking at the man in curiousity. “...I can. But not in here.”Grant said looking at the cage in dislike. “Silver for a werewolf, and blessed steel to keep a half demon caged and from doing the smoke thing....I’ll have to be in the ring before I try...”He said and even then, it might be iffy. But he’d try. But first, looking at them all, he realized they all needed some sleep. “Rest bruce. I’ll stand guard.”Grant offered looking at them, sighing quietly. Even if they didn’t trust him, he looked to be the best aware at the moment, and willing to watch over them so they could recover some.
Natasha nodded. "that's all we can ask." she admitted with a smile, snuggling into him. "Half humans are not allowed in Hell." Natasha explained to Grant. "that doesn't mean that the Demon fathers can't be summoned to earth for a quick chat ow and again." she admitted. "if Clint was half human, he'd probably be allowed in heaven to see his mother, but being half demon he can't set foot in there and Angels cannot access earth under most circumstances." she admitted. "sometimes a half angel will come down and give Clint messages though." Nat admitted before kissing Clint's cheek. "i think your doing an impressive enough job." she admitted. "how did you learn Grant?" she asked him curiously. "and cold Iron for the Wendigo." Bruce admitted, giving the area a disgusted look. ".....okay." Bruce agreed, curling up next to the werewolves and going straight to sleep. "wake me up in an hour." Steve ordered. "we'll take turns keeping watch." he decided, stroking Tony and James hair, still looking very, very upset at being in a cage. he was in control now, thankfully, but the cage was very disturbing.nothing happened at all, giving everyone a chance to get plenty of sleep even with Grant and Steve trading off watches. Steve was figuring it to be about nine in the morning when the rattle came again and food slid down into the cage. wrapped sandwiches, juice boxes, bottles of water, bags of chips and raw steak slid into the cage, just enough food and fluids for the crew to keep their strength up. Steve and James happily mauled on the raw steak, Bruce hesitating before joining them, letting the more human Tony have his sandwiches instead.
“....Huh. I didn’t know that.”Grant frowned thinking about it. “I do. Mother’s sweet, even if I wish I could see her.”Clint muttered sighing softly as he rested his head against his girlfriend’s, closing his eyes. Simply relaxing. “I better be doing a impressive job.”He muttered nuzzling her a little. “....Garret....summoned a demon to teach me...”Grant shrugged a little. “I will.”grant said smiling a little as he watched the others. Tensing when the food came through Grant swallowed hard before relaxing as he looked at the food, giving clint and natasha and bruce the food, giving them what they needed before starting to eat himself. “Thanks.”Tony said looking relaxed a little as he nibbled on hsi food with a smile.
Natasha smiled a little. "she is sweet." she agreed. "i wish you could see her too. maybe, if she's watching, she might send help too." she mused, shaking her head a little because she knew Angels where usually too busy handling their duties to check in on their children. "you learned from a full bred demon? wow!" Steve was suitably impressed by that. "you'll have to teach Grant, as much as you can. i know he gets frustrated, having to figure out everything on his own." Natasha admitted. hopefully, it would give them a fighting chance as well. "it's not drugged." Steve informed them at their tenseness. he wouldn't have eaten it if the meat had smelled off in any way. "you know. this is pretty good." Bruce admitted, munching on his raw meat. he avoided it as much as he could, fearing it might set off his Wendigo. now he didn't seam to need to worry about that. the raw meat made him feel warmer, stronger. gulping down his water and looking up when the door to their cell opened, revealing about ten guards, all of them heavily armed and wearing Gas masks. "...looks like it's show time." Bruce said, standing up and staring at them. "Silver bullets?" he asked, several heads nodding. "i'd imagine the rest are cold iron and blessed steal?" more nods. "well fuck." Bruce muttered, heading out, still naked because he hadn't bothered getting dressed. his clothes would just be destroyed when he transformed anyway. outside the cell, all of them became aware that they where not the only prisoners. there where a good dozen other freshly caught and terrified people in a chain line. Bruce, James and Steve didn't fight while their ankles and wrists where cuffed, Natasha struggled a little, but settled immediately when one of them pulled a tazer.
“She might.”Clint said not hopeful about it, but maybe his mother would be able to. “Yea, I did. It was both awesome and terrifying.”Grant said smiling a little before nodding, looking at his brother. “I’ll teach him what I can.”He said, though the blessed steel was going to cut down what they could do for the moment.

Staring at the guns clint glared a little, before tilting his head. Talking about his mother had gotten him thinking. And clint barton thinking was what nightmares were made of. But he wasn’t going to press it, not yet. He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to, and he didn’t want to test it out with guns pointing at them. “...Tony?”Clint muttered tilting his head down at the werewolf at his side as he was cuffed, smirking slightly as the mage’s eyes glazed a little, smirking quietly as the tazer sparked, just enough to startle. Oh yea, tony could fight dirty, it wasn’t great, but maybe they could get their captors wound up and confused at the tech fails.
Steve glanced at James and then smiled a little at the startled yelp and then muffled cursing as the one with the tazer smacked the Tazer a bit, trying to make it work properly. this made Bruce realize, or rather remember, that Tony had never registered as a technomage. Peter knew, Tony knew, and the people Tony told knew, but there was no paperwork. no way for Hydra to realize that Tony was a technomage. with so many new prisoners, they might get a signal out without tipping their hand. he was distracted by sudden light as they where all lead into a massive opening, a pit. one of many. "Welcome! Welcome!" a Woman called out, smiling at them. "Cambion." Natasha hissed, her necromantic powers flaring against her control. Incubus/Succubus and Necromancers never got along, and the offspring of either or both never got along either. "My name is Madame Mercury! your new owner." she informed them with a sly smile. "you are, if you have not already guessed, now in the fighting pits of Under." she informed them. "for those of you who still do not know where you are. you are in a place where i will make you fight for your lives. sometimes against beasts, sometimes against people who have displeased me, sometimes against each other. it is simply how i feel. this, is my home. my realm and if you please me, i might take mercy on you. make no mistake, however. you are here for the rest of your lives. there is no escape. there is only life, and death." she informed them. "every one of you, will now go through assessment. the weak, will die. the strong, will prevail." Mercury informed them with a bright little smile. "Good luck." with that, a single person from the front of the chain line was un-cuffed and shoved into one of fifty doors around the enclosure. the one they had entered through was numbered I. one by one, each person was shoved into a different room, before the third person had been forced in, the screams from room II had started. a weakling who was, no doubt, dead if the cut off scream was anything to go by.
Tony smirked a little swallowing hard even as he realized that they had a weapon no one knew about. Reaching out for the tech some, he searched and worked, sending a signal out, trying to get to peter, but he’d have to keep trying, carefully, easily. Not pushing to hard as to tip their hand, but he could send a signal every once in awhile. Hoping peter would find it. Clint growled, shaking his head at the woman, growling protectlvely.wanting to protect natasah from the other. Tense and annoyed as he listened to her speech, even as he looked at the group he was in. While they were small and looked fragile, staring at them he could see the fierceness of his pack. They’d be okay. Even small tony, who was so fragile looking, was snarling and annoyed, bristling with annoyance as he watched what was happening, the anger and annoyance hiding fear as he waited. Knowing that they were going to have to face what was in there soon.
as soon as Tony sent out the signal, the tech he had been using was turned off, cutting the connection. far too late, the signal to Peter had already been sent. whether it reached Peter or not was going to be the question. no one seamed to react, so either no one realized what had happened and the phone or whatever being turned off had been a coincidence, or no one cared. Natasha shuddered and snuggled into Clint, letting his demonic aura shade her. Demons didn't much care for their incubus cousins much either, and Angels despised them. suddenly, it was Steve's turn. none of the ones who had been sent through room II had returned. meaning that either they had all died, or there was a secondary exit. soon it was Steve's turn. a howl, and screams of pain that lasted much shorter than the others. then James. this time the screaming lasted longer, the snarling and snapping only making Natasha more tense. then it was Natasha's turn. no sound emanated from the room at all. Bruce went in next and again, no sound emanated. finally it was Tony's turn. he was shoved through the door into a hallway that led to another, massive circular room where three Dire Wolves where pacing. there was blood all over the floor, parts and pieces of humans, wolves, massive monsters and guts littered the circular room. the Direwolves howled, racing for Tony. no Dire Wolf was a match for a werewolf though, so long as the werewolf knew how to fight. Tony was hunter raised though, of course he knew how to fight, not to mention James had been teaching Tony some simpler fighting abilities as a wolf. he would win, hurt or not he would win. next was Grant, who was facing a Hell Hound, a being which would normally never attack him for being a demon, flw into a rage because of his angelic heritage. Grant was facing a Quilin. the unicorn dragon hybrid loathed demons, and would do anything it could to destroy evil or darkness. this one was much more challenging, a Quilin wasn't something an average person could handle. they where clearly reacting to Grant's skills from what they had on him from Hydra.
“you;re okay.”Clint muttered letting natash move closer, because he didn’t like the incubus. Tensing a little as steve went in, he reached out, holding tony’s hand even as teh omega clung to james’ hand. Swallowing hard, whimpering as soon as james had to go through. Looking upset and worried as he looked at the others, annoyed and scared of going in, eyes widening when he saw the direwolves, sharling even as he changed and fought. He’d learned well, had started fighting nearly as instinctively as james or steve. He was hurt when he got out, but not life threateningly, he was just hurting. “...Bloody fuck!”Clint cursed as he fought, his back hitting the blessed bars with bone jarring force, even as he tore the hell hound into pieces, it wasn’t always obvious, but he was stronger then a normal human, or even a normal hellspawn since he was part angelic, without the flaws of human weakness in it. “....You have got to be kidding me!”Was the only thing you could hear when Grant entered the ring, looking very annoyed and pissed to be fighting a quilin, and he hated to deal with it. But it was obvious the man was fighting if the screeches and cursing was anything to go on. And when it was over Grant emerged, a snarling, tense ball of hate and anger as he saw the other’s.
when they exited, they saw that only five of the several dozen new 'slaves' had survived their various tasks, there where guards everywhere in the small stone room they where now being held in. from here they could still see Mercury who was smiling, watching into the pit where everyone was fighting. by the time the last person had entered, there was only seven people, aside from the pack that had survived. there was more food available, which Steve and James where chowing down on, along with more water and a medical center where one man was having his arm reattached and another was having his jaw set and healed. Tony was also healed up in seconds and Clint's blessed burns where also healed. the slaves where kept in good condition, after all, who wanted to watch two half dead people fight to the death? "here, Grant. eat." Steve ordered, urging the Half demon to sit and eat before the medical center came to get him and heal any wounds he had. "i had to fight a Poltergeist." Natasha was explaining to Tony. "those are evil spirits that are trapped to earth, typically to something that means something to them in life. this one was a dead serial killer who was trapped to the knife he used to kill people." she admitted, stroking the half dead snake wrapped around her neck. "i had to fight a Shadow Lynx." Steve admitted. those where tricky beasts, shadow lynx where a type of mountain cat that could leap through shadows or envelope themselves in shadows to make the invisible. they hated canines of any kind, wolf, dog, coyote, werewolf. "i had to fight a Dune Wyrm." James admitted after gulping down some water. a Dune Wyrm was a blind, deaf worm that grew to about thirty to fifty feet long and spewed acid and hunted through vibrations. clearly they knew that Steve and James where of higher caliber than the rest. James winced when more screams started and he closed his eyes when the sounds stopped and the door didn't open. meaning the 'contestant' had died. all they could do was eat, drink, get medical aid and wait for what would be happening next. "from what i understand, there's around three hundred new applicants who are tested in groups of fifty." Bruce said, sharp ears focused on muttering guards. "this is the second group coming in now." only fourteen people from a group of fifty had made it. that was sick. worse, they had five more groups to go through before they could find out what would happen next. "let's get some rest. they won't hurt us unless we raise a fuss." James murmured. "we should get what rest we can."
Tony flinched, swallowing hard as he listened, squirming closer to James, leaning on the other a little for comfort even as he talked to natasha. “Thanks.”Grant muttered focusing on the other, swallowing thickly. He looked tired and exhausted. “Ah. Well, at least it was something you could figure out. Death magic.”Tony muttered before listening to the other’s talking, whimpering quietly at the idea of him fighting a shadow lynx. “...that wyrm’s are disturbing. I feel underprivaledge in I just got a direwolf.”he muttered, “I ended up with a hellhound. Which sucks, cause they seriously don’t like angels.”Clint made a face watching grant, curious but when the other didn’t volunteer the information, he shrugged, it didn’t matter he supposed. Listening and waiting was the hardest part. Frowning as he liistened to the groups coming in. Nodding slightly as james settled them in to resting, studying clint's features, wondering how to ask what he was thinking about so hard without drawing attention.
James wrapped his arm around Tony, holding him close since Steve was trying to keep all of them close enough to protect them. Natasha looked a bit worried about Grant. "are you okay? what did they make you fight?" most of the creatures they had come across where nothing worse than a level three. a level one was something akin to a ghost. annoying but not really harmful. Dire wolves and poltergeists where considered level two, because they could seriously hurt, even kill you. level threes, like the Shadow Lynx and Sand wyrm where exceptionally dangerous. a Quilin was considered a level one because they never attacked unless you where evil, then they where considered a level six. clearly someone had been hoping Grant would just die. bastards. "you should be glad for that Tony." Bruce grumbled. "i got a Demon." he huffed. "it wasn't too hard, apparently demonic powers can't control me unless i'm in were form, the damn thing spit fire at me but i just grabbed a claw from a pile of parts and slit it's throat." he admitted, shaking his head. "that bitch-" he looked up at Mercury. "seamed rather disappointed in my fight since the Demon was held in a circle and couldn't really fight back." he admitted. "people really are stupid sometimes." he admitted. "a Hellhound!? your a demon! why would a hellhound attack you!?" James wondered. "because he's also half angel." Natasha explained. "it reacted to the angelic part." "oh." James shrugged at that and growled when the people passing out food came over to hand them some more water and to take Grant to the medical center. it was hours before the final group came in. the first group had been the exception. in the rest of the groups. only one to six came through the survivors door. in the end, there was only. thirty two people left in a number of over three hundred.

"congratulations on surviving!" Mercury called, smiling ever so happily at them. "tonight, you will rest. tomorrow, the real fights begin." she said, clapping her hands together. "so long as you do as your told, your life can be a pleasant one here." "pleasant!? you sick bitch you just made us fight for our lives and you call this pleasant?!" one of the others yelled, Steve murmuring to his pack to keep their heads down and to not get involved. "yes. very pleasant. unless you'd like to become the first victim?" she asked the man, her tone no longer calm or happy. it was as sharp as ice. "i assure you, there are worse things than death, and being a training Dummy is only one of those things. imagine, never being able to die even while the fighters practice gutting you over and over again." the man who had yelled look sick and subsided, dropping his eyes to stare at the floor, making Mercury smile. "there, you see? this is pleasant, and for some of you, it's better than anything you've ever had before." she admitted. "you will now go to your rooms." she said. "the more fight you win, the better rooms you have." she looked at the pack, eyes alight with greed. "requests to share rooms must go through the guards." she informed them, watching as the guards came through and cuffed everyone into a chain once more.
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