Blackthorne Acadamy(Avengers-Au) Moon/Lady

“Quilin. Someone’s been telling stories.”Grant said twitching a little, because while this one was a adult, garret had made him fight a yearling once, and had gotten lucky that he hadn’t been killed in the process. “Someone’s hoping to just kill me.”he muttered. “well, that’s true I guess.”Tony huffed making a face at the idea fighting a demon. “Not demon enough.”Clint shrugged a little, sighing as he settled in to relax.

“...”Tony whimpered quietly, pressing his face into steve’s chest even as clint and grant fairly smoldered with surpressed anger, you just knew there was a expolsion waiting to happen, but they were listening to steve, and not lashing out. Looking up at the guard, clint tilted his head slightly, “We would request shared rooms please.”The half angel said pleasantly, because he needed to be with the others, not only because he needed to stay with natasha, but he needed grant,tony, and natasha’s, and the other’s help to figure out what the hell had happened in the ring.
"talking!? Quilin!? oh my god." Natasha groaned, giving Grant a look over to make sure he wasn't hurt too badly. "as evil as the people around here are, how did they even get one in here?" she wondered.

"shh." James murmured, stroking Tony's hair while Bruce and Steve both took Grant and Clint's hands, calming them both as much as they could while Natasha whispered in Clint's ear, murmuring soft promises in his ear. "all seven of you?" The Guard demanded of Clint, Steve nodding. "all seven of us." "a'rght then." the Guard agreed, writing that down before cuffing them and moving on. one of the others struggled, fighting against the guards and was tazed until he collapsed and didn't get back up. he was dragged out and the others where hooked up and then walked out to more hallways. more hallways, even more hallways until finally, one by one, people where shown into doors, uncuffed and let in, doors shut and locked behind them. "Thiss'n's yers." the Guard gruffed, un-cuffing them each one at a time and let into the room. which was a large, empty area with eight doors. seven doors led to smaller rooms that where apparently bedrooms. there was no furniture, just cold hard stone save for one area covered in a large filthy rug. the bedrooms where all the same, only with smaller rugs. the eighth door was a simple bathroom of sorts. there was a drain on the floor and a shower head above it for getting clean and a toilette seat with no lid and no water back. instead it was just a hole in the floor that apparently swept the waste away.
“Yea, it wasn’t that fun.I’m okay, really. Just bone deep tired.”Grant said offering her a small smile, bruised and scratched, but not to bad. “No idea. But it’d be interesting to know.”

“Yes all seven.”Clint said following the others looking around him. Shuffling into the room he made a face as he looked around him, before running his hand through his hair at the sight of the rooms, well at least this wasn’t going to be to horrible. Who was he kidding, this was going to be bad? “Hey Bruce.”Clint said moving over towards the man, settlign on the floor tugging natasha down with him, holding her gently."I got a question for you."He muttered.
"....this is shit." Natasha complained. "the more we fight, the better our rooms get, right?" James asked. "so every-time we win a fight, no... every time we please the crowds, put on a show, make Mercury pleased, the better our rooms get." James deduced. "that's what she meant by pleasant. everything is about her, we have to please her, and the betting crowds and we'll get more 'pleasant' living arrangements. Claw was the same way. we have to make the fights good ones. let the other side of the fights get in good hits, make it a show worth watching." Bruce agreed, nodding. "Tony, are there Cameras or listening devises in here?" Steve wondered. there where not, not mechanical anyway. "question?" Bruce asked back just as quiet, head tilted to the other, listening.
“Yea, it’s just....”Tony frowned trying to remember the roman phrase that described this. “Bread and circuses.”He muttered blushing a little as grant simply looked at him. “It’s Augustus Caesar. Said that his empire was made in the gladitor arena, because as long as you fed them, and gave them bloodsport, the crowd would love you.”He shrugged a little. “...No.No cameras.”Tony muttered after a moment. “Yea.”clint said quiet despite tony saying there was nothing there. “In the fight...I got thrown into the bars. I mean, it hurt, but it didn’t cause blistered, it just sorta looked like I’d laid my hand on a stove for a moment.” “ touched the steel?”Grant said looking thoughtful, because he’d done it to, and the lines of blistered showed still on his wrist where he hit the bars.
"Bread? i don't care much for bread." James admitted making Bruce snort and shake his head. how could all the people he loved the most be so poorly read? "it's true. just look at football." Steve pointed out, making James hiss at him. "don't you dare piss on football again!" Steve rolled his eyes. James loved football. " touched the bars?" Bruce asked softly. the bars didn't affect him so long as he was a human. "it seams likely that your angelic nature buffered you against the effects of the blessed steal." he admitted softly, eyes glinting. "you might have a chance after all, if you can suppress your demonic aura enough to slip past the bar and Grant can teach you to vanish, you could get help." he mumbled. "we'll have to do a lot of practicing. but i think we can pull this off, and if we can put on the right kind of show, they won't watch us much. we'll get better living quarters while we fight and you'll get all the time we need for you to learn." he mumbled. "we can do this. we can survive this."
“We’re going to have to read to them more.”Tony said looking amused as he snuggled into james. “....Football....Is...amazing.”Tony said slowly, because he didn’t like football, simply not enough tech. “Yea. I did. It burned, but I could.”Clint muttered before nodding some.”That makes sense.” “I can train him. It’ll be annoying, but the walls aren’t bare blessed steel...we should be able to practice short jumps in here...”Grant said looking around the room, already planning on how to help. “We’ll give them a show. And we’ll get out.”
"yes. we are." Bruce agreed, both Steve and James perking up at the idea of more story time. "you hate football too don't you?" James asked, pouting at Tony. "it only burned?" Bruce asked, lifting an eyebrow. "most Demon born who touch blessed steal report sensations like being electrocuted from the inside outward." he admitted, looking at Grant. "i'd imagine that's what Grant felt, right?" he asked the other man. "even if it takes a while, they won't give us anything too dangerous first i don't think. so we'll just put on as many shows as we need to, please the crowd while Grant and Clint practice. we need to rest now. we don't know when the guards will come back to take us to a fight." James admitted. "we should take a nap and then practice. who knows how tired this will make Clint?"
“Do not.” “Don’t believe him. Football bores him to tears since it doesn’t have tech in it.”Clint snickered a little looking at james. Before nodding as he looked back at bruce. “Yea. Like I’d been out in the sun to long.”He shrugged a little. Grant stared at his half brother before nodding. “Felt like my heart was going to stop since I touched something electric.”Grant said making a face before nodding, agreeing. “They wont. They took the time and energy to get us here, they’ll make sure they have a good show first.”Grant agreed. “I’m tired. Nap with me.”Tony muttered snuggling into the other two wolves with a sigh, shifting to get comfortable.
James sighed. "no one appreciates football." he complained, shaking his head. "so like a sunburn, that's very interesting, i never imagined your angelic blood would protect you so much." he admitted. "are you sure your alright Grant?" the doctors had already healed him but sometimes there where lingering pains depending on the demon, the strength of the blessing and other things such as how many times a demon had been exposed previously or illness in the demon. "they need us to put on the dancing pony." James agreed shifting into his massive wolf form, Steve doing the same, both of them wrapping around the group to give them a more comfortable sleeping place. ignoring the chunking sound of the chute opening, depositing soap and shampoo, a few towels and some blankets. they could stay there until someone wanted a shower, the wolves would keep them very warm.
“Neither did I. I mean, I knew I was part angel, but I never considered it being protection.”Clint shrugged a little. “I’m sore. But it’s not the strongest blessing I’ve ever seen, or the first time I’ve had to deal with it.”Grant said shrugging a little before nodding. “They do.”He said looking amazed as she considered the wolves, smiling as he shifted to get comfortable. “...Thanks guys.”Tony muttered shifting, laying down next to them with a tired, happy smile.
Bruce nodded. "i never expected it myself." Bruce admitted. "it's fascinating. i almost wish you where evil so i could experiment..." he admitted, making Natasha laugh. Bruce was always about the scientific experiment. "of course." James said, nosing Tony a little before they all settled in for sleep. uninterrupted sleep. they where only woken in the morning by the chink f the chute opening and depositing a rather nice breakfast. more raw meat, this time wrapped up in plastic, massive sub sandwiches, even more bottled water, bottled juice and bottled coffee. there was a few dozen pounds of beaf jerky and large salads tucked into plastic containers. already reaping the rewards of their impressive fights. granted, Bruce's and Natasha's fights had been rather boring, but they had been creative, gleaning extra points as well. "i wonder if they'll have the medication Frigga wanted to put me on?" Steve wondered. "it wouldn't cure me, but it would have helped with the aches and pains." "are you in pain?" Bruce asked Steve, worried when the boy nodded. still being affected by the flair up.
“Hm, well, I’d love nothing better then to be your experiment.”Clint snickered rolling his eyes. In the morning Tony yawned tiredly, pressing his face into steve’s side, not wanting to get moving, stirring as he stretched, sighing as he ran his hands through his hair as he studied the food before starting to eat slowly. “We’ll ask.I wonder if they’re listening. We could find out...”Tony frowned looking at the chute, fairly worried about steve as he studied the other.
Bruce shook his head. "i doubt you want to be cut open and have your organs examined." he pointed out with a chuckle and a shake of his head. both Wolves growled unhappily at being woken. "i hope they're not listening. could you imagine trying to fuck with them listening?" Natasha asked with a yawn, making Bruce choke. "no sex while we have to listen to you!" he protested, looking around for where he was supposed to throw away the wrappers and bottles they had finished with. there was a single wrist sized hole to the side of the chute that said 'trash' above it. with a shrug he started tossing the wrappers in there, leaving the still full bottles of water alone. "hold on." James said, moving to the door and pounding on it. "HEY! SOMEONE OUT THERE?!" he yelled, waiting, pressing his ear to the door, jumping when it slid open revealing a guard. "what!?" "my Mate, Steve. he has Hepatitis and he needs medicine. he was supposed to start taking it when we where... acquisitioned." the guard was silent for a moment before. "i'll get medical down here." he informed them, slamming the door shut once more. "well. at least we know someones here if something happens."
“,,,hm, that would be awkward. Though hot. I mean, audience. And I could totally make them jealous.” “ you have no shame?”Grant said yawning a little. “No, not really.”Clint said snickering a little as he finished his food and tossed the stuff out before looking at james. Tense, waiting to see what would happen before relaxing. “True. Hopefully they’ll have what we need.”Tony said sounding upset, gently stroking steve’s hair with nervous and fidgety hands.
Natasha snickered. "i think Bruce is just upset because he can't have sex." "well. now that he's more in control, he might be able to." Steve admitted. "we really don't have any shame." Natasha admitted, stretching, naked again. she'd peeled her clothes off during the night after she'd gotten too warm. "i'm sure they will." Bruce admitted. "considering the impressive medical care they have here, i can't imagine them not having something for one of the more common sexually transmitted diseases." he looked up when the door swung open again and the medical came in, took a blood sample from Steve, who snarled in annoyance but didn't fight or protest, and left. "well. hopefully you won't have to fight today." James muttered, stroking Steve who returned to wolf form since he didn't feel as sore that way. amazingly. none of them where asked to fight and that night with dinner two pills in a baggy where delivered along with the meal with Steve's name printed neatly on the baggy. the next morning he felt much better, which was great because a note had been dropped with breakfast informing them that they would be fighting two hours after breakfast. all seven of them.
“Well, probably. And we should totally try to set him up with someone now. I mean, when we get out.”Tony said perking up at the idea. Snickering amused as clint turned his head to watch his naked girlfriend. “That’s true.”Clint said sighing a little, he just knew that no matter what, this was going to be hard. And while in the meantime him and grant had gotten some practice in, and sly testing of how clint responded to steel, and trying to smoke out, the two were slowly working on a way to work, but it was awkward and hard for them, because they were trying to not be obvious. When the note came both tony and clint froze, while grant made a face, cursing quietly. Shaking his head a little he huffed. “I don’t know if I should be disturbed that they’re wanting us all and worry that they’re trying to kill us, or if they simply want the best show available...”
Bruce rolled his eyes. "i still can't have sex, i'll still change Tony." "for now. but you'll gain control sooner or later, of that i have no doubt." James admitted with a grin making Bruce groan and shake his head. "why don't you focus on Grant? he's single too you know. i bet he hasn't had sex in years either." compared to Bruce who had never had sex. Steve and James lounged in Wolf form, watching Clint and Grant, feeling pleased that the two brothers where getting along. Grant had done some terrible things, but he was more than making up for it, since Nat had already forgiven him. mostly. "well. we'll have to put on a show then." Steve said, stretching out and getting ready for a fight. "those who can't fight, will stay in the middle." Steve ordered. "if we're up against Angelic beings for example, Grant and Clint should stay in the middle. we'll take care of the majority so you only have to worry about the few that get past us." "it's probably going to be a collection of different beasts, or worse, it'll be a group of prisoners just like us." Nat admitted sadly. "no. i researched this place a bit. the only time prisoners are pitted against other prisoners is when the prisoners are being punished for something." Bruce admitted, shaking his head a little. "it sucks whatever we face, but we're strong. we'll survive, we'll fight." James said, eyes gleaming. "it's been so long since i've had a good fight."
“So?you start a relationship now, by the time it’s the time to have sex, you’ll have control.”tony said refusing to be presuaded away from the idea. “....We’ll fix grant up to.’Tony decided. Tony whined a little as he stretched, upset and not rady. He’d never really been in fights, and he was worried that the last win had been more a fluke, rather then skill. Swallowing hard. “I doubt angelic something.Which is good. They’re rare, but horrible to fight.”Clint muttered making a face before nodding. “well, at least that’s something. We wont be killing some of the poor bastards stuck with us.”Tony said making a face before nodding, leaning into james a little. “We’ll be okay.”He swallowed thickly, nervous. grant grinned, eyes dark and wide, oh yea, he was enjoying the idea of a fight. "Definitely been to long since a good fight."
"that is so not how dating works. besides i... i kind of like someone and i don't want you interfering." he ordered Tony with a sniff before he paused, looking sly. "think i could seduce a guard?" "Bruce!" Natasha gasped, stunned. "oh you sly devil! stop channeling Tony and Clint!" Bruce just laughed. "it's okay Tony." Steve promised him. "you are a strong, powerful wolf. or did you not notice how much bigger you are?" he asked, smiling at Tony. "direwolves are a challenging enemy and you breezed through them effortlessly. you'll be fine." Steve promised. "you focus on keeping yourself safe, me and James will do the showboating." Steve promised, a gleam in his eyes. they where feral after all. there was nothing a Feral werewolf loved more than fighting save sleeping, eating and sex. "here we go." Bruce said when the door opened. "thanks for the pills." Steve said to the Guard who looked a little startled. as far as Steve and James where concerned, this was basically just a vacation even if the housing sucked a bit. they where lead into a massive round room with no doors, only a large metal gate which swung shut behind them. in raise seats above them, people where cheering and screaming and Steve smirked and started stripping, letting the crowds whistling and cat calling wash over him, completely bothered. James was following suit and once they where naked they slid into wolf form, tossed their heads back and howled. the Blood song. in the audience, other werewolves raised their voices too, howling, eager for blood, eager for fighting. Steve and James where already putting on a show.
Both tony and clint paused to look at the door."we could totally seduce a guard...."tony said looking curious. "We could."clint agreed ignoring grant's rolling his eyes as he watched them."...yea. I am bigger now....and those wolves were huge..."he muttered perking up a little swallowing thickly. Eyes widening as they walked into the ring tony looked around him, running his hand through his hair Pulling off his own clothes in preparation of shifting moving towards the middle, we'll letting clint and grant put him and natasha in the middle of the other five,leaving the fangs and claws, fury and fire a bristling guard around them.
"i am not seducing a guard!" Bruce protested, horrified that they where actually taking him seriously. "you are much bigger now. while we're here we might as well help you train." James admitted, nuzzling Tony. "think of it as a vacation." Steve agreed with a grin, leading the way into the arena. "Welcome! welcome! The Rising Moon Pack!" the announcer called. "this is the debut fight of all seven pack members!" the announcer called. "i present to you, your weapons!" there was a shuddering sound and a thick stone door slid open, revealing two dead beasts. both of them bucks. there was nothing else. Natasha stepped into the middle of the circle, raising her hand, her dead snake in full view, it's head on her hand. it was easier for her to focus her necromantic powers with a dead power already in her possession. soon the two bucks where bounding around them, offering a layer of protection. there was no electronics though, lending more credence to the idea that they didn't know Tony was a Technomancer. "And now! your challengers!" the Announcer called, Steve and James howling again, the challenge song, the voices of wolves joining them from the audience. what poured out of the newl opened door was enough to make Steve want to laugh. trolls! five, massive, stinky trolls. one of which was already down since both bucks had slammed into it, their massive antlers gouging and goring the mighty beast. eight feet tall. four hundred pounds. stupider than a microbe and strong enough to bend steal as if it was play dough. yet no real challenging for a werewolf, let alone a wendigo, since Bruce was shifting, snarling, snapping, foaming at the mouth and all around making a spectacle of it, winking at Grant and Clint, letting them know that they where supposed to pretend to be controlling him. no need to let anyone know that Bruce had his right mind, in fact, he even went as far as to hunker down next to Grant, murmuring to him. "just enough to give me nudges. so it looks like i'm under your control." he knew Clint didn't have the control to do that, Grant on the other hand, could halfway guide Bruce, who couldn't use his body properly yet, into acting the way a Wendigo was supposed to.
Tony looked up at the sound of the announcer, eyes glazing ever so slightly as he reached for tech. Hoping to send out another signal as the chaos of the fight covered things. And for a moment he found the cell phone, wincing when the connection broke though, snarling in annoyance as he shifted, the wolf looking small next to the other two, but he was definitely bigger then he had been. Clint smiled resting a hand on tony’s back as the wolf walked around him, protecting him. Even if clint was stronger, the man was still human, vulnerable to tony’s wolf mind, and needed to protect his packmate as they tore into the trolls. “I got it. Don’t worry.”Grant muttered as he rested a hand on bruce’s back, eyes bright with fire, giving him enough of a nudge to help him figure out how to act like a wendigo, even as he half concentrated on figuring out what the cage was made out of. “Clint, this is gonna hurt.”Grant muttered to his brother, wanting to test something even as he nudged bruce into ‘accidently’ knocking clint into the bars, looking curious as the bars smoked as the half demon hit them, but he was back on his feet within minutes helping finishing off the trolls. Huh. interesting.
The two Wolves snarled and howled and yipped, showboating. showing off as they tore into the trolls while Bruce ravaged the same one, tearing it to pieces even if it was already dead. the crowd cheered and booed and screamed their approval. they howled when Steve caught a massive, mighty strike from one of the Trolls, fur shifting. he would likely have a cracked rib, but to the audience it looked as if Steve's ribs had been shattered. Steve yowled in fake main and shuddered, collapsing against the ground, the crowd going wild at the supposedly incapacitating strike while James 'took revenge' and Steve gently, softly reassured Ton that he was just fine. he'd 'slipped the hit' as he called it. Bruce tossed his head back and howled when the last Troll was down, slathering and snarling like a rabid beast even as he moved over to Grant and in a show of Grant's power, laid next to him like a loyal dog. the crowd howled their approval and money was being exchanged while Steve carefully got to his feet and made a great show of limping to the doorway. once they where back in the hall Steve was swarmed with healers who looked startled when they realized it was just a cracked rib and that Steve was just fine. e just smirked at them, slipping back to human form. "that, was awesome." Steve admitted, looking like he wanted to go back in and fight some more. JAmes was nodding, eyes just as alive.
Indeed tony looked worried until steve reassured him that he was fine even if the young werewolf set about tearing into the trolls to to get revenge. Looking amused and tired when they got to the rooms he smiled innocently at the healers as they looked them all over. "Stop. I'm fine. Stop."clint growled annoyed as they looked at the burns across his back while they looked worse then they had before they weren't nearly as bad as they should have been, even with his angel blood. Grant smirked as they were left alone making a face."the rings steels flawed. I don't think it's been blessed enkugh."he muttered because if he was going to get clint to ghost out he'd needed to know what he was up against
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