Blackthorne Acadamy(Avengers-Au) Moon/Lady

“...I’d never bite you.”He muttered nuzzling his head against the other’s hand, protesting even if he knew he probably did. Whimpering quietly as he relaxed, trusting them. Knowing that they were safe, even without seeing the others, he knew if they hadn’t been safe, james and steve wouldn’t be so relaxed. “...Okay. Being not bothered would be good....are you sure Grant’ll be okay?I like him as part of our pack. And clint needs him.”Tony muttered sounding upset, before wincing, staring down. Avoiding looking at them. “....”He sighed quietly, wanting so badly to not answer. “....yea....”
James chuckled a little and shook his head. "you bite people a lot when your tired from what i'm told." James admitted, Peter chuckling from where he'd been sleeping on his cot. "yes, Grant is fine. his surgery went very well and is already awake and bitching about being trapped in bed. once he's a little more stable he'll be moved to his own room so he can recover in comfort." he admitted. "i figured we could take turns keeping him company and taking care of him. he did save both your and Clint's life, it's the least we can do for him." Steve admitted. "we'd like to include him in the pack, but everyone needs to agree, Clint more than anyone and he's still exhausted." he admitted, looking at the sleeping Clint. "the only reason why Clint is sleeping now is because Natasha promised to watch over Grant while he took a nap."
“Ah. Well. Mostly just peter. He’s very annoying when I’m trying to sleep.”Tny sulked a little before relaxing, glad. “Well, at least he’s like clint that way. Can always tell how quickly he’s going to be okay, by how long it takes him to bitch about being in bed.”He snickered before nodding. “We can. I’ll take some tech down, he was interested. I’ll have to see what else he knows.”he said looking amused and more then happy to keep grant company since they made had saved him. “....well, how about we let peter watch ovre clint, I want to see grant and natasha myself.”He said needing to see everyne, to assure himself everyone really was okay.
"ah well, i'll bite you back next time." he warned with a chuckle and a yawn. "yeah he and Clint are a lot alike." Phil agreed as he knocked on the door and walked in. "i'm glad to see you all back and perfectly okay." he admitted, looking very relieved indeed. for a great many people in the Academy Phil was the father they'd never had, and he worried about all of them. however. the Rising Moon Pack was one of his favorites. Natasha, Bruce and Clint had been with him for many years now and he felt as if they where his own children at times. "i'll watch Clint." he promised them. "i need to speak to Tony about Sebastian." he admitted. "but it's nothing pressing and it's nothing to really be concerned about. Sebastian, by the way, is with Grant recovering himself. he was rather badly burned, though he'll be back on his feet a lot sooner than Grant will."
“:I might enjoy that.”Tony said with a smirk, before looking up at phil, tilting his head a little. “Glad to be back.”he said, before glancing at phil then clint. Fussing a little before nodding. “Okay. And...I don’t want to.”Tony whined a little at the thought of talking about sebastian, having been avoiding talking about it, before nodding. “Thanks. We’ll go talk to him to.”He said heading for the door before anyone could question him about sebastian.
"i'm sure you will." he admitted with a snort before smiling at Phil, who would never admit it, but Tony had become a favorite of his as well. "you need to Tony. it's mostly just making sure your stories match." Phil promised. "and i'm sure your brother would feel better knowing that you haven't attached your soul to a demon." he admitted with a smile and a shake of his head. Sebastian hadn't even tried to go for Tony's soul. Sebastian had appeared simply because he had wanted to take up the souls of the Blackmoon pack and had arranged to keep the souls of the Blackmoon pack and then made a deal with Tony to 'share life force'. it was not actually stealing Tony's life, what it was, was a tether of sorts. Sebastian attached his physicality to Tony's life force, making Tony an anchor. so long as Tony was alive, Sebastian could stay amidst the mortals. which he normally couldn't do. this allowed Sebastian to hunt for his favorite souls as he pleased without having to wait for them to die first. a good thing Sebastians favorite souls where the most depraved. speaking of, Sebastian was laying in a bed, both arms up to the elbows in a silvery liquid that was rebuilding the things that had been burned off. muscles, nerves, blood vessels and skin. it also completely obscured the mess from view, which was a good thing considering Natasha was still a bit squeamish. she was sitting vigil in-between Seb and Grant with a book.
"Ah...well. okay."tony said still not looking happy about it but it was okay. He'd talk about it if it made peter feel better. Looking upset as he rushed into the hospital wing tony whined quietly as he looked him over, frowning."your going to be okay?"he said looking him over. Having never seen the other hurt, it was extremely upsetting him to see him hurt.
Peter nodded and smiled a little at Tony. "we won't send Sebastian away Tony. i promise. he's no threat to you or to the school at all." he promised. "considering it was only because of him that we where able to break down the wards fast enough to save you, we owe him." he admitted. "he won't be sent away, we just need to make sure he's not about to cause any problems." he admitted. "Tony. of course i'll be fine." he promised his young 'ward'. technically, with the death of Tony's parents and Stane, Sebastian had become Tony's legal guardian in absence of Peter. they typically worked together,Peter and Sebastian, to make sure Tony had the best life possible. they where sort of co-parents. "the wards where erected with the specific purpose of keeping any demon of a higher level out. you must remember, i do not feel pain, this body is... little more than a doll i suppose, that my spirit inhabits. it doesn't hurt." he promised Tony with a smile. "i'll be fine in a matter of a day or so." he admitted, kissing Tony's forehead. "now, go check on Grant, i know your worried about him."
“...Good.”Tony said studying his brother for a long moment, swallowing hard. Glad to know his friend, his parents wasn’t going to be sent away. Looking down at Sebastian he huffed a little, smiling slightly. “I know. But it still looks like it hurts. And it worries me.”Tony whined a ltitle before nodding, “Good.A day then.”he muttered relaxing at the kiss to his forehead before smiling as he scampered over to see to grant. “Hey tony.”Grant smiled tiredly. “How are you?” “Healing I promise.”
Peter smiled at him. "Sebastian's practically adopted you. we all know what it means when a demon gives their heart to someone after all." Peter admitted with a smile before letting Tony go. "it doesn't hurt and you can't even see the injuries." Sebastian teased with a smile, settling back into the bed with a hum. "he's doing much better already. he can wiggle his head." Natasha admitted with a smile at Tony. "Clint still sleeping? he better be." she admitted. "or i'm gonna beat him until he does." "he's asleep." James promised with a chuckle, examining Sebastian curiously. "i've never seen a full blooded Demon before. do you really eat virgins?" "no. though some do. nasty uncouth freaks." Sebastian admitted. "i prefer a different sort of soul." he admitted with a sly smirk.
“I don’t care. I know you’re hurt, and it should hurt.”Tony whined a little watching him before smiling. “I am. And I can talk without it hurting.”Grant said though it was still careful, since breathing hurt. “Good. And yes he is.”tony promised looking at natasha with a smile. “....if you’re going to say you like perverted little werewolves, I’m going to hurt you for flirting with my boys.”Tony warned.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "i'm fine." Sebastian promised again. "breathing still hurts so don't make him laugh." She warned. "actually. my preferred victims are the truly depraved." Sebastian admitted, his eyes glimmering with delight. "there is nothing better than breaking the soul and spirit of a man who likes to fiddle with children. i particularly enjoy making them experience everything they put their victims through." he admitted. "wow. that's... poetic." "indeed. of course, only the souls i claim personally undergo such. rigorous punishment. most just burn. how completely unimaginative." Sebastian huffed. "in any case, souls like Tony's or Peter's have no interest to me. particularly since their likely to go to heaven." he admitted. "pure souls are so boring." he admitted. "they deserve to go on to boring old heaven." he stated simply even if he was grinning with amusement.
“I wont.”Tony said looking upset before snickering a little, relaxing as he leaned into james, sighing quietly content to know that his friends were going to be okay. “They are indeed quite boring. Demons have no imagination. Well. Except maybe half demons. Having imaginative sex is always good.”Grant said trying not to laugh, sighing quietly. “I’m definitely going to heaven. I’m awesome like that.”Tony snickered, laughing happily, because he knew that things were okay, that they were fine.
Sebastian smiled a little. "i would help, but my specialty is killing, not healing." he admitted with a smile. "but at least Grant won't be bored with me here." he admitted. "not to mention that both he and Clint show the capacity to learn body modification." "you mean like piercings?" "no, i mean like the enhancing and reducing of demonic traits. for example, horns, fangs, talons, tails and even wings depending on what their father has. so long as they have the genetic capability of it, they can awaken and then grow those limbs. not all Half Demons are capable of it." Sebastian admitted. "you are going to heaven Tony. you faced temptation of a world burning and you not only turned it down, you didn't even consider it." Sebastian admitted. "that alone promises you a place in heaven's gates." "i thought all people who dealt deals with demons..." "ah. but that's not so. it's a common rumor but it's false. only those who deal with 'devil's' as it where, for greedy or selfish reasons, or worse evil. but those who, like Tony, make a deal with a devil, sacrificing themselves for another. not to mention that Tony didn't real make a deal, as it was. i was the one who made a deal with him." Sebastian admitted. "and even then it was for souls of the already dead, so long as i didn't touch Maria or Howard, not that i could have. those that go to heaven leave immediately. those destined for hell, linger until a demon comes around to collect them." he admitted.
“It’s okay. I’ll heal faster then natasha did. Definitely getting paid back for putting her in here before.”Grant made a face. “You paid that debt in full, making sure we lived.”Tony reassured watching grant before looking curious. “Satan. The big guy. Garret was excited to know me and clint existed, seems he doesn’t get out of the fiery pit that often, as of right now, we two are the only two of his seed in existence. At least that we know.”Grant said making a face. “...I just wanted let out.”Tony muttered making a face, because he had. He’d just wanted out of the closet his mother had put him in, wanted a life of his own really. And sebastian had gotten him that, gotten him to peter.
"You have definitely payed back that debt." Anna promised him. "you jumped in front of that Quilin knowing you would die and you didn't hesitate." she kissed his forehead. "there isn't a debt anymore, your one of us, even if i have to make Clint agree. and i can." she admitted with a smile. not that she thought he would refuse. Clint had grown rather attached to Grant while they where fighting for their lives. "wait... wait a second..." Sebastian ordered, staring at Clint with wide eyes. "you mean to tell me that.. that your father is Beelzebub!?" Satan Beelzebub?!" he demanded, stunned. "your the big man on tops kids?!" he looked amazed. "i didn't know... i would have..." he paused, frowning and then. "well, no i probably wouldn't have been able to do anything." he admitted. "i work directly for him." he admitted. "he's literally the only person i answer to." he admitted before smiling at Tony. "you can try to delude yourself Tony, but you called me in an attempt to save your mother." it was only a shame that he had been too late to help her. the soul had already departed. "in any case, you have Peter and you have me, and so long as you are alive, i will protect you with my life." he promised Tony with a smile. "You are my Crukushk." the hellspeak seamed to burn the air, but Tony knew what Crukushk was. it was a son of love, rather than a son of blood.
Grant smiled a little, looking up at the girl.”Good. I like being with you guys.”he muttered relaxing, before staring back at sebastian, nodding. “We are indeed.”Grant said before looking startled, “oh. That’s...oh.”Grant sadi dlooking overwhelmed with the idea that someone who knew his father personally before looking looking at tony. “...I’ll delude myself all I want.”he grumbled, not wanting to admit that he hadn’t been able to save his mother. “....Love you to,Seb.”Tony muttered blushing a little.
"we like having you around." Natasha admitted, smiling at him before examining Sebastian. "oh man... i can't believe it... you have o idea what that means, do you Grant!?" Sebastian demanded, wide eyed. "you see, there's a rule in Hell. pure blooded Demons cannot assume the throne. your father, Satan... it's a title, Satan. there have been only Thirteen Satan's in the entire history of heaven and Hell." he explained. "your Father, Beelzebub, took over from his half Demon father Arcturicus. it has to be through lineage. only someone born of a Satan, who has human ancestry can become a Satan... your... fuck your Heir Apparent! your the Prince!" h informed the other. "but this doesn't make any sense.... why would Beelzebub keep this a secrete? unless... of course... Carnifus..." he mumbled. "he's been after the throne for over six hundred years now..." "i think Sebastian's mind has snapped." "no. Carnifus is the second sun of the Satan before Arcturicus. he's Beelzebub... uncle?" he muttered. "great uncle. something like that. since Arcturus met the conditions, and had a human born son, that son, your father, Beelzebub became the Emperor, the Satan. but Carnifus thinks he has the right to rule, and killed Arcturicus and i have no doubt he would try to kill Grant if he ever realized Grant existed. Carnifus thinks Beelzebub is without an heir, and will be trying to sabotage Beelzebub. he's already tried, and failed, many times in ploys that cannot be led to him. by almighty Law, Carnfus cannot simply try to kill Beelzebub. nor can Beelzebub try to kill Carnifus or they will be stripped of their demonic powers and turned into nothing more than a human soul, slave to the one they actively tried to kill. that won't stop them from trying to set up accidents, hire assassins, or do other things. i think that's why he never contacted you, Grant. because until Carnifus is dead, or dealt with, your life would otherwise be in danger, since you are not protected by the Almighty Law yet."
“...No I don’t. I mean, I’m part human. Didn’t get history lessons.”Grant said looking utterly confused as he listened to Sebastian. “Sounds like he’s talking in circles.”Tony agreed frowning before tilting his head. “....No. Grant hasn’t talked to him, but Clint has. He might be part angel, but Clint was strong enough to summon him to have a chat.”Tony frowned thinking about it, “.....Despite being the younger son, is clint out of the running because he’s part angel?”Tony asked, wondering because Clint mattered to Grant. It would be a death he never recovered from, if Carnifus was aware of his existence, and made the connections to Beelzebub having a elder son, might take revenge that way to.
he nodded. "that's alright though, because most Heir Apparent are raised in the human world to better understand the souls we are collecting." he admitted. "by Almighty Law, we are only supposed to have the souls in which we are allowed. anyone who makes a deal with us, is forfeit to us for example. however, some Demons like to go and collect innocent souls, a difficult task to be sure." he admitted. "there was some Demons who force, or trick children for example. an act that is normally considered abhorrent." he admitted. "demons like that are rather rare and Satan is quick to deal with them. which is what Carnifus hates most. he thinks Demon's should be free to harvest whatever souls they want. if he where to become Satan, then the Almighty Powers would no doubt, be swift to strike him down." he admitted. "that is correct. because of his Angelic heritage, Clint would die where to he set foot in Hell, therefore he cannot become Satan." Sebastian admitted. "further, because of his angelic heritage, Demons won't be able to track him. as for Grant, Beelzebub has placed heavy protections onto him and he cannot be tracked either unless Beelzebub dies, then the Almighty powers would protect him."
“Ah. Well. That’s still weird. I mean....I’ve never tried...I mean. I assumed I was on my own here.”Grant said frowning, which made him wonder all the worse about whether garret had guessed what he was, who he was. The heir apparent, the secret garret could have traded for if needed. “Well, no. That doesn’t work. It’d be a bloodbath if demons get to do what they want.”Tony frowned thinking about it before looking relieved at least clint wouldn’t have to deal with that. “Good. At least we wont have to deal with demons showing up here....though. Since you’re here, can someone follow you here to him?”Tony said worried for grant, and clint.
he nodded. "no doubt, you are." Sebastian admitted softly. "Beelzebub won't dare interfere in your life until either Carnifus is dead or you are more powerful than Carnifus. whichever comes first i would imagine." Sebastian admitted. "in any case, the Almighty Power would never allow for the free reign of either over souls. Demons or Angels, each are controlled in who they can, and cannot interfere with." he explained. "there are some Angels, after all, who feel they should be allowed to punish the wicked." he admitted. "of course many of those Angels think that some people are evil just for being born to certain parents. definitely not people who should be in control of an position of power." he admitted. "and no. even if someone did follow me, they would only see my recorded status as 'in contract'. that means they should not bother me unless either Beelzebub himself calls me, or if it's a life or death situation for one of the very few i actually care about." he admitted. "even if someone does show up, it's highly unlikely that they will recognize Grant as anything but a half demon, especially if i cover for him. and i will cover for him."
“”Ah. That makes sense.”Grant said sighing softly, closing his eyes, his chest was hurting despite starting to heal. “Which explains why clint can talk to demons, but has more issues talking to his mother.”Tony muttered looking thoughtful as he considered the rules and regulations governing them, “Good. I don’t want to put you guys in danger just by being here.” “Don’t worry about it. You’re part of our pack. We’ll take care of you, and clint.”Tony promised leaning into james. “How’s everyone doing down here?”Clint said smiling as he walked in.
Sebastian nodded. "actually, Clint has more problems talking to his mother because he is more in tune with his demonic side, which makes opening a heavenly portal nearly impossible. add that to Angels being forbidden to leave heaven but for their work, means making contact is very big challenge for him. if he works with Frigga and learns to harness his Angelic powers, he would probably be able to open a connection to his mother." Sebastian admitted. "you are placing no one in danger. if Carnifus makes the mistake of showing up here, i have every legal authority to slaughter him." Sebastian admitted. "my contract is basically, making Tony happy. as he is my Crukushk that means that legally speaking, i am allowed to kill anyone who places his life, his health, even his happiness at risk and a personal attack upon one of his close friends is enough for me to take action without repercussion." he admitted. "of course, any assassins, tricksters or other nefarious assholes can also be dealt with by me." he admitted before smiling at Clint. "hy Clint. your supposed to be sleeping." Natasha complained.
“That makes sense really.”Tony said looking thoughtful before looking at grant. “I’ll help him to. Between frigga helping him get his angelic control, and I should be able to help him mask his other side, we should get him giving him more talking.”Grant said, even if they hadn’t really talked about it, he understood from personal experience how missing a mother could be. “Good.”Grant said relaxing, glad to know that sebastian wouldn’t be in trouble, or that his presence was going to endanger them. “I was sleeping. Then everyone came down here, and phil was there all alone. It was weird having him stare at me asleep.”Clint pouted, more like he’d freaked out at being alone when he woke up, and needed to check on the others.
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