Blackthorne Acadamy(Avengers-Au) Moon/Lady

"Yes. it might take him a ear or two to have sufficient control over both his Demon and Angelic halves, but he should be able to manage it relatively easy. it's more lack of trying and training than anything else." Sebastian admitted, his head tilted a little. "Clint has never tried to harness his Angelic half until recently, so he's never really considered being able to use it before i don't think." Sebastian admitted, Natasha nodding. "it's true. he's been focusing more on the destructive power of the Demon. we never realized his Angelic half would give him something too because it's more... quiet maybe? healing and protection and stuff doesn't show as much as bursting into flames after all." Nat mused before smirking at Clint. "it's so cute that you get lonely. come on. you can lay down and put your head in my lap." she offered. "Phil was not staring at you." Peter teased as he followed Clint down. "he was watching you sleep." he teased with a smile.
"Well considering he's devoted the last five years being destructive, it makes sense it'll take time for him to get control....and he never needed it. Till natasha got hurt. He loves her enough to need control."grant smiled a little having heard about the half demons healing."well. Getting tossed into blessed steel has a way of showing that I gain some things by being angelic."clint snickered a little making a face at natasha as she teased him and laying down with his head in her lap.bits not cute...and yes he was. Watching me sleep means he was staring."
"makes a lot of sense." Sebastian agreed with a smile. "Love is the main emotion that triggers Angelic powers." Sebastian agreed. "your adorable." Natasha teased with a smile, stroking his hair. "and he's just worried about you, you know that you are one of Phil's favorites." she admitted with a smile. "not that he'll ever admit that, he's not supposed to have favorites." "just go to sleep Clint." Steve ordered, looking amused. "By the way. once Grant is more recovered he's going to need some help, would you feel okay moving him into the Pack Rooms?" which was technically James and Steve's rooms but the entire pack tended to stay in there so Steve just let them keep it as the Pack room. he didn't care about privacy so he didn't mind and rather enjoyed having people around all the time.
\”I am not adorable.”Clint grumbled sighing softly as the other stroked his hair, simply enjoying the touch before whining a little. “One of?I’m the favorite. Always. Everyone’s favorite.” “I’m sure tony’s his boys favorites.”Grant voiced wincing as the laughter hurt him before looking thoughtful as he considered what they were talking about. “Kay. He should stay. He’s gpt no one else, and he gets in trouble. Needs someone to look after him.”Clint said sleepily, stariting to fall asleep.
"you are adorable you sleepy munchkin." she teased with a smile. "you are one of the favorites." Steve stated simply. "i'm pretty sure he has the hots for Bruce." Bruce flushed brightly and glanced away, well aware he was just confirming that he had fallen into lust, if not love with Phil but couldn't do anything about it because of his 'condition'. "Tony is my favorite." Steve agreed with a smile. "and he'll stay. Grant is part of the Rising moon Pack now. he is one of ours, ours to take care of." Peter looked very pleased to hear that.
“I’m not a munchkin,....and you’re right. He does. Definitely should do something about that. Bruce needs a date.”clint muttered. Tony smirked watching bruce, amused at his reaction before smiling at steve. “Good. I am a amazing favorite.”Tony grinned stealing a kiss before nodding, pleased that grant was going to be looked after.

A few days later, grant growled quietly as he looked at the hunter, his eye twitching a little. “I don’t need help getting up.”he grumbled, growling, annoyed at both peter’s and clint’s hovering.
"you are a munchkin." she teased with a smirk. "Bruce does need a date, but is Phil allowed to date students?" "so long as they are over a certain age, yes. age of adulthood for the immortal is seventeen, which Bruce is." Sebastian admitted with a smile.

"you do need help getting up."Peter stated simply. "your very injured and you will do as i say or i will leave you here and let you crawl up to the Pack rooms. three floors up." Peter warned, more than a little amused by Grant. "be good and i'll give you a kiss, hows that?"
“”Do not. Get away from me.”Grant growled at him, standing carefully, though he didn’t look overly steady on his feet. “....And who said I wanted a kiss?”He said sounding fairly unamused and annoyed at being injured and teased.
Peter smiled a little at him. "everyone wants a kiss, right?" he asked with a smile. "don't worry. you'll heal up just fine. your already healing faster than Sebastian thought you would." he admitted with a smile. "just take it easy, let us help you. i know you've never had anyone you could depend on before, but you have a family now. your a part of this pack and your going to have to get used to people helping you. especially Tony and Clint."
“....To right. Everyone wants to make out with me. Including my brother. Which is both incestous and hot. I mean, come on, twincest with two demons would be great.”Grant said blushing a little, deflecting from the desire to kiss peter by making fun of the other’s words, before sighing. “...It wasn’t a demon wound. Demons wounds heal slower on me I’ve found, where if it doesn’t outright kill me, I heal faster from other stuff.”grant shrugged before sighing quietly. “....Okay.”Grant made a face looking up as tony bounced into the room, the small kitten bot cuddled in his arms, “Grant!Peter, you’re supposed to be helping him. Help him. And get him upstairs so I can show him his new toy.”Tony whined looking upset, having come down to make sure that grant was listening and taking it easy.
"our not his Twin, your his brother." Peter pointed out, looking amused. "so it can't be Twincest." he pointed out, helping the other to his feet and stabilizing him a little but letting him, mostly, walk on his own. Grant would be the one paying for it when he collapsed in the hall after all. "Ah, that doesn't make much sense. typically you should heal slower from angelic based Attacks and a Quilin is Angelic in nature isn't it?" he asked, looking quite baffled. "i know Tony, but Grant is even more stubborn than you are. i figure i'll just do what i used to do to you." "let him collapse in the hall and only help once he asks for it?" Sebastian asked, looking amused. "somehow, i don't think that will end well." Peter shrugged. "worked on Tony." "Tony is not a Demon." "true. still, i'm sure it would have worked. especially if i gave him a kiss." "are you flirting with a demon?" "yes. yes i am." "you are aware they can get men pregnant." "yes. yes i am aware." "....suit yourself."
"Yes I am, but demons almost never have twins, so it's the closest we get to twincest. And shut up. I don't want to screw him so it doesn't matter what it's called."grant said sulking because he'd been arguing simply to argue about it before shrugging."I know and they are, but this wasn't the first time I've been injured by one. Each time I healed the angelic woundsfaster the demonic."grant shrugged because he didn't know why, he simply knew the result that he did heal it faster."there is no one more stubborn then me."Tony huffed. "There is. Grants had years longer then you to learn how to dig in his heels over stuff."clint snickered a little as he followed tony in."....I'm feeling confused Now. Is your brother flirting with mine?" "Yes he is."Tony answered making grant snicker at both younger siblings, amused at the looks on their faces.
he rolled his eyes a little, amused. "i don't think Natasha would share him anyway." he admitted with a chuckle, shaking his head. "you're just an argumentative little punk huh?" Peter asked Grant with a chuckle. "huh. how confusing." "not really. he's simply developing an immunity." Sebastian stated. "Demon attacks are rare on demons. but angelic attacks occur often. he's basically poisoning himself over and over again until it no longer hurts him. though i doubt that was his intent. there is only so far an immunity can go however. he'll still become worse if an Angel tries to heal him." Sebastian admitted before Peter could open his mouth to ask. "well damn. is there any way to help him heal faster?" "not unless you want to take him to hell. not a good idea." Sebastian had explained earlier that if Grant crossed Hell's boarders, every demon there would know he was 'Satan spawn' and would likely be attacked immediately by his 'uncles' minions. "you have to ask?" Peter asked, lifting an eyebrow at Grant before snorting at the looks on Clint's and Peter's faces. "here. sit down before you fall down." Peter ordered Grant.
“Hm, probably not. Though the man has a exhibitionist streak a mile wide, you hang out long enough, we’ll get to see him having sex even if we don’t participate.”Grant snorted amused before nodding. “I am indeed.”He sadi before looking at sebastian, tilting his head. “....well. That explains why Garret kept having me fight angelic things.”Grant said looking thoughtful. “That’s good to know. So no letting clint heal me.”grant shrugged. “figured I couldn’t.”Clint shrugged a little before shaking his head. “No. He’s healing, we’ll just have to wait.”Grant sighed a little before snickering a little, wincing at the pain as he sat down. “Thanks.”he muttered smiling at the other man.
"like your one to talk." James teased with a grin. "Demons and werewolves both are extremely sexual creatures. what's a gathered crowd compared to pleasure anyway?" Steve wondered playfully. "more likely Garret just wanted to watch you kill Angelic beings. i highly doubt he was aware you could develop an immunity. it is not something we spread around." Sebastian admitted. "more than likely, he just wanted to make sure you where capable of killing anything he might need to have killed." Sebastian admitted. "by the way, i cleaned up a bit, got rid of your scent i mean, and went back to Hell." he admitted. "Beelzebub gave me some books to give to you. i have removed their traces so Demons cannot track for them." he promised Grant and Clint. "they are full of information on how the hierarchy of Hell works, what a Demon can do and how to do it and some information on special powers you might display as Satan Spawn." he admitted. "it will give Grant, at least, something to do while he rests and heals."
"never said I was against a show."Grant snickered a little amused at the werewolves' words before tilting his head at Sebastian. "Oh. well, that to, makes sense."He said almost sadly, hating that he'd simply been used for garret's amusement when he'd loved the man. "Really?Thank you."Grant said tilting his head a little before looking startled, biting his lip a little as he considered that he was getting something from his father. "....Well. that's good. He needs something to do since he can't teach me until he's better."Clint teased amused because he knew that it was going to bug grant, now that he knew about his brother, to not be able to teach him right away.
"well, i would mind. because i don't want to see my little brother naked." Peter admitted with a chuckle. "how about you Sebastian? you have someone you want to woo?" "already wood." Sebastian admitted. "he's tied to my bed right now." he admitted, lips twitching. "he could escape if he wanted to of course but he seams to enjoy waiting for me to come back." he admitted. "yes he does have something to do. and so do you. Frigga has delivered this for you." he stated, handing the other a book on Angelic powers, properties and benefits."while Grant can help you with the Demonic, only you can train yourself in the Angelic. Frigga has offered to help as much as she can, but she's a very busy woman after all."
“....Well. That’s true. Seeing tony naked would be scarring.” “hey!I’m very good looking.”The tech mage whined, looking upset at the half demon’s words, sulking a little as he leaned into james and steve with a sigh before looking up at Sebastian interested. “Who?”He demanded looking annoyed that he’d missed finding out that. “Oh!Thanks. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do this though....”Clint said biting his lip, nervous about teaching himself before nodding. “I know she is. The fact that she took a few minutes to help, is enough. I can just teach myself.”
"very scarring." Peter agreed. "no one should have to see their little brother getting fucked." he admitted with a grin. "you are very good looking, but there's some things a person shouldn't have to see Tony." Peter admitted with a smile. "oh, he's from Hell. full Demon, never leaves." Sebastian admitted. "i've had him since before i was contracted with you." he admitted. "he's of the thunder and lightning persuasion." he admitted. "you'll do fine." he promised Clint with a smile. "she'll be here from time to time to help you, but she is the primary healer and needs to be available to save lives." Peter admitted. "your a smart guy though, i think you'll do just fine." Peter admitted, smiling at Clint. "so. Sebastian? what's the chances of meeting your boy toy?" Natasha asked with a grin. "pretty high." Sebastian admitted. "he's not the kind who comes up to earth often but i could bring him up to meet the pack." he admitted.
“Well, that’s true. We’ll forgive you for not wanting to see it.”Clint snickered a little as tony looked appeased with the logic behind that. “Oh. Well. I want to meet him.”Tony said looking curious about sebastian’s boy toy, because while he’d never admit it, he still had problems admitting his feelings, as much as sebastian had adopted him as a son, tony had adopted him as a father, a better then one then howard anyways. “Not to mention she said I could write her a letter if needed, when she’s gone.”Clint said looking nervous but okay, he really could do the angelic thing, he had backup if he needed it, he could do this. “....Really?Can we meet him now?”Tony said looking up at sebastian with a happy smile.
"yes. good. your forgiveness is all i will ever need in life." he swooned playfully, smiling at Tony. "you will." Sebastian promised with a smile. "did she?" Sebastian asked, looking very pleased. Frigga was very curious about Clint, she wanted to see him thrive. "hmm." Sebastian examined Tony for a moment before smiling and dragged his forefinger through the air, leaving a line of fire hovering there. then he drew another line, making a +. h carefully peeled away the corners, making a square that stared into the burning black abyss of Hell. he spoke only one word in Hellspeach, well aware that Clint's ears wold ring with that single word. more might make his ears burn or bleed. "Clean your stench pet and come join me. make sure your not followed." Sebastian ordered. "you have an hour. don't give me that look." Sebastian scolded. "i am well aware you can get free you oaf. you think i would leave one of Satan's key enforcers tied to a bed?" he demanded before smiling. "yes. i love you too. get your ass up here and meet my Crukushk." he ordered, before folding the corners back down and erasing the fiery lines with a sweep of his hand. "he is on his way. i apologize for the hell speech Clint."
"You are so weird."Tony said making a face at his swooning brother even as grant snickered."she did. Wanted to make sure I wouldn't hurt myself or do something wrong."clint shrugged a little."ek!"clint shuddered growling in annoyance and pain as he flinched, rubbing at his ears as he listened. GrinNing amused at tonys near bouncing in excitement at getting to meet sebastians love."I'm sure you would keep him tied're very evil like that.Btony teased grinning. "It's okay. Though a warning would have been nice...."clint said rubbing his ears.
Peter smirked at him. "i know." he admitted, ruffling Tony's hair before nodding at Clint. "makes sense. the question is, will you actually contact her before you do anything dangerous or just when you've badly damaged yourself?" he asked, looking amused. "he could escape anytime he wanted to. i didn't even use enchanted rope." he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "i will make sure to warn you next time then. though the window portal to hell probably should have been a clue." Sebastian pointed out, looking amused. he set about making Lunch when a giant of a man appeared in the lawn with a crack of lightening and a roll of thunder. "there he is." Sebastian stated with a smile, watching Hunters and school officials converge on Thor who explained why he was there and was soon lead to the Packs rooms. "Loki!" The man called, looking delighted to see Sebastian. the man was massive, blond, ad towered over them. "it's Sebastian at the moment." Seb admitted with a smile. "Sebastian then." the man agreed, sweeping the smaller Demon into a dip and kissing Sebastian senseless. "i am Thor! King over lightning and Thunder!" he said with a smile. "it is an honor to meet the Crukushk of my mate!... which one is it?" Thor asked. "not all of them surely?" Sebastian laughed. "no. they are my Crukushk's pack." Loki explained. unlike most hell speech, words of love in he language did not harm the ears of angelic beings, so Clint wasn't affected by all the Crukushk's rolling around. "This is Tony. Son of my heart." Loki said, setting his hands on Tony's shoulders. Thor examined Tony intently for a moment before beaming at him. "then he is a son of my heart as well!"
“I’ll contact her. Damaging myself would upset not only frigga, but my girlfriend and your brother, better to not hurt myself.”Clint said making a face. “It would have been, if I’d realized what you were doing.”The half demon said, looking at grant, who looked to be handling it well. “hey, I’m not half angelic. Hellspeak is my milk tongue.”Grant snickered a little. “....He’s big SEb.”Tony said with wide eyes as he looked at the thunder, before looking startled as sebastian was kissed, giggling a little as he was kissed. “No, not all of them. He’s mine!”Tony said as possessive over sebastian as he was over his tech. Looking up at Thor he smiled, before looking startled. “I-what?He’s....Did I just get adopted?”
"good." Peter and Sebastian chorused, pleased that Clint would be a little more careful. "Grant is quite right." Sebastian admitted. "his human half is protected by the demonic so he has no ill effects." he admitted. "he is big." Sebastian agreed with a chuckle. "he's a teddy bear." he promised. "possessive!" Thor stated, surprised before grinning. "i lie it! you'll have to learn to share him with me from time to time Little Fury." Thor said with a grin. "yes you did." Sebastian admitted with a chuckle. "Thor will accept you, if only because he loves me and i love you." he admitted. "but he likes you anyway, so he'll do it for that reason as well." Sebastian admitted. "sit, Thor." "in one moment." Thor stated, turning to Grant and bowing low to him. "i great you, Future Satan." he said to the boy. "i am Thor, your fathers Key Enforcer. he makes a rule, and i enforce them." he admitted. "i am the one who hunts down rouge demons as well. someday, i will serve you, as i serve our father." he admitted. "and i pledge my loyalty to you, the young Prince of Hell."
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