Blackthorne Acadamy(Avengers-Au) Moon/Lady

“No I don’t. He’s mine.”Tony grumbled leaning into James, making a face, even as he petted his kitten. “Tony, Thor’s sebastian’s lover, you have to share.” “No I don’t.”Tony said, definitely a stubborn brat, even if he wasn’t aware of why he was being stubborn over something this stupid, but he didn’t like the idea of sharing sebastian’s time, not when sebastian was family. As much as he loved peter, it was sebastian who’d become the father tony needed, and it disturbed him to have to share. “What?”Grant looked up startled as thor bowed, wincing as he sat up slowly, his body hurting as he moved, frowning slightly. “...I uh...good. Then. I am pleased to meet you.”Grant said looking a little lost, before frowning, glancing at Clint, waving a hand at him to. “This is my younger brother, lord thor. If there is ever trouble, protect him first.”he ordered, even if having just found him, quite willing to use anything to protect the younger. “What?”Clint sputtered frowning.
Thor chuckled a little. "fortunately for the Little Lord here, i don't take up much of Sebastian's time." Thor admitted. "when your a few thousand years old, a human lifespan doesn't mean much." he admitted, grinning at Tony. "would you like to hear embarrassing stories about Sebastian?" "Thor. all those stories involve you being the one who gets embarrassed." Sebastian reminded him, Thor shrugging. "well, someone get's embarrassed i don't much care who." Thor admitted, making Seb snort. "he's not big on brains Tony, so use small words." Sebastian suggested, making Thor pout at him. "that's not nice Sebastian." he whined before greeting his future Lord. "ah." Thor blinked at him and then chuckled. "your not joking, how amusing." Thor muttered. "My Lord, i think your underestimating your own strength. once you become the Lord of Hell, no one will dare attack you or your brother." he pointed out. "as for now, both him and yourself are completely shielded. Demons cannot find you at all and those few that do can say nothing about it." he admitted. "if there is trouble, i have no doubt you would slaughter them yourself." he admitted. "you just need a bit of training is all, Sebastian and i have enough time to train you up." he admitted. "maybe then Beelzebub will stop sulking."
“Doesn’t mean much?!What?It means everything!This is important time. Lots of time.”Tony frowned looking upset and annoyed with the other man even as he clung to james and steve, because he was starting to truly process not just sebastain having someone, but the fact that his boys were sick, and what had happened in the arena. Emotional and upset, starting to work through the emotions. “...I would like that. Stories are good.”He said smiling a little. “Don’t worry Thor, none of us understand when tony starts telling us about things.”Clint snickered a little. “...No I’m not.”Grant said looking annoyed at the other’s chuckling, before frowning slightly. “...Good. And I’m not as powerful as you think I am.” “You’re standing days after a Quilin nearly gutted you.. Actually, you’re healing faster. I don’t think you’re on the weak end of things.”Clint said shaking his head in slight amusement at grant’s denial, before snickering. “he’s sulking?”
Thor chuckled. "that's not what i meant Little Fury. i meant that for me, it's not much time." he admitted. "i can give up lovi for a hundred and fifty to five hundred years without too much effort. i've done it before and i've no doubt i'll do it again." Thor explained. "i'm more than happy to let you have the brunt of Sebastian's time because you need him in a way that i don't." Thor admitted. "Stories are delightful!" Thor agreed. "i'll tell you about the time i had to pretend to be a woman in order to get Satan's most favored sword back from the Imps." Thor decided happily before blinking a little. "well, Loki wouldn't like him half as much if he wasn't intelligent." he admitted. "Loki likes smart people." Thor cocked his head. "i'm not sure why he likes me so much." he admitted. "but we've been together for a good few thousand years so i guess he must see something in me." "what he lacks in brain power he makes up for in the size of his cock." Sebastian informed them with a chuckle. "you are a Satan Spawn child. stop doubting yourself." Thor ordered. "the difference between you and me? i am a junkyard Dog and your a pure blooded German Sheppard with the police officer there to show you how and where to bite to cause the most pain. power is in your blood, power is in your heritage. Power is at your fingertips, your just too afraid to grasp it."
“Oh. Okay.”Tony sighed quietly, slumping, resting his head against james’ shoulder. Closing his eyes, struggling for calm and contentment before snickering. “I’d hope you weren’t using him for the same things I do. Treating him like a father would be to weird if you’re his lover to.”Tony snickered a little. “I think tony’s gone a little insane....”Clint said looking amused at the young werewolf, understanding just how he processed things. “....Really?”tony perked up at the story, grinning a little. “I could have done without that information Sebastian.”Tony snorted amused. “...I wont become Garret.”Grant said, snarled really, pain flickering over his features. Having discovered something inside himself when he’d nearly killed natasha, he really hadn’t liked who he was becoming.
the boys both gave Tony a kiss to try and calm him down. Steve had already taken his pill to help with the pain management so he was actually feeling very perky. "well that's true." Thor agreed with a chuckle. "i won't take Sebastian away from you Tony, though i wouldn't mind being a part of your life as well if you' have me." Thor admitted. "children are very rare for Demons." he admitted. "due to a... injury, i cannot have children at all, carry or sire." Thor admitted. "adopting is the only way to carry on with our maternal instincts and Sebastian has clearly chosen to adopt you." he admitted with a smile. "he's just adjusting." James murmured. "it's been a very long week for poor Tony." Steve agreed before sniggering at Sebastian. Thor scowled at Grant. "i don't know who Garret is." he admitted. "but there is a difference, between having Power, and being Evil Grant." he informed the other. "your Demonic half thrives on blood and pain, this is true, but who says that lust has to be used for Evil? you think i don't enjoy torturing people? of course i do, i love nothing more than to make a soul scream for hours on end. however, i choose to slack my bloodlust on those that truly deserve it. just as your father, Beelzebub does." Sebastian explained. "power, is Just that, power. it's what you do with it, that defines you. i enjoy slaughtering people, do you think me vile, wicked and evil?" Sebastian asked the young man.
“Good.”Tony muttered relaxing at the idea that sebastian wasn’t going anywhere, smiling a littel as he was kissed. Snuggling closer, before making a face. “Okay. Well. It seems everyone’s adopting me as their pet. Might as while have you to.”he said looking a little shell shocked still that he was having a family, this had been in truth, a very weird month for the young werewol. “Hm, being abducted and forced to fight will toss anyone off balance. Give him time, Thor. He’s not attacked you, he likes you.”Clint snickered a little. “....Garret was the man who raised him, and used him as a perfect weapon, to try to destroy everything and create a world that he wanted.”Clint said looking up at thor, understanding just how at a loss grant was. Because his whole world had come crashing down when he’d attacked natasha, and the man was still trying to find his feet, no matter how self assured and together he looked sometimes. “....No. I don’t.”Grant said looking around him biting his lip a little, “....Clint needs to learn how to ghost out. And how to do things without injuring himself.”he said, lobbing the words like a well timed ball throw, unwilling to talk about himself right now, and instead having every intention of getting thor and sebastian in on getting clint up to par.
Sebastian smiled at him. "your not a pet." Sebastian scolded. "well. he's cute enough to be one, but Pet's aren't nearly as interesting as lovers are." James agreed. Steve snorting at James because he knew James was trying to annoy Tony so they could go have sex instead of watching Tony sulk. "he was abducted?" Thor asked, looking horrified. "all of them where." Sebastian explained. "taken to the Pits. there where very impressive wards up and i couldn't get to them. none of them are very steady at the moment." Sebastian admitted. "...." Thor mumbled something under his breath in a language that wasn't quite hellspeach and then shook his head. "there is Evil in all places, just because you where in the hands of evil, doesn't mean you yourself are." Thor promised him before looking amused at Grants rather pathetic attempt at transferring the conversation. "don't worry. unlike most Demons, i am fully capable of staying in the mortal realms without a contract." Thor admitted. "i have much different skills and abilities than Loki, sorry, Sebastian." Thor corrected himself. "i will train both Clint and yourself in demonic skills. you'll be capable of defending yourselves in no time."
“I am indeed very adorable. I’d make a awesome pet....and you don’t think I’m interesting enough to be a lover?”Tony pouted looking up at the brunettte, even if they were already lovers, indeed james was starting to annoy him. “He was. Well, we all were. But tony’s never dealt well with changes, and alot’s happened in the last few weeks.”Clint said smiling a little as he looked up at natasha as the woman came in, some of the worry and anxiety relaxing in his features, at the simple presence of his girlfriend. “Do not worry, thor. The pit and it’s masters have been taken care of.”Tony promised before smiling at grant’s attempt to change the subject. “Good. And I could use a teacher myself. Getting attacked and having to improvise isn’t the best teaching method, I’d rather not have to teach clint the way I was taught things.”Grant smiled tiredly, slumping back into the pillows, he was tired and hurting, but stubborn enough to not want to admit it.
"you are adorable, but your too interesting to be a pet. all pets do is lay there, so boring. you do tons more stuff that just fascinate me to no end." James admitted. "there's nothing i love more than just watching you do things." he admitted with a smile. "especially if it's naught things." he leered playfully. "more than a lot." Sebastian grumbled before smiling when Natasha bounded into the room and over to Clint, chewing on her snacks she had pilfered from the fridges of the kitchens. "you will be taught." Thor assured Grant with a smile. "but as you are injured, your powers will be fluctuating too much for you to harness their abilities at the moment." he admitted. "you need to rest no doubt." Thor said, examining Grant knowingly. "a wound such as that must cause a lot of pain."
“Ahhh, well I could lay there if you want. In bed preferablly.”Tony said with a smirk before smiling, looking amused. “But you’re right, I do alot of things. And you should be fascinated with me, I’m amazing!”tony declared shivering leaning in for a kiss before nudging him. “we should go to bed.”he said pleased with the idea. “Hey.”Clint smiled stealing a bite of her food before kissing her a little before looking at grant being a stubborn bastard. “I do not. I’m fine.” “Grant, you got attacked by a quilin two days ago, and just walked up a flight of stairs cause you’re to stubborn to let peter help you. Go to sleep.” “You’re the younger one. You don’t get to order me.” “I do when you’re being a stubborn bastard. Sleep.”Clint ordered snickering quietly amused as grant did indeed drift off to sleep
he snorted. "only if your naked." he ordered with a grin. "you are amazing." he purred, kissing the other. "and Steve is feeling pretty perky too. we should see how amazing you are in bed huh?" he teased with a smirk, nodding in agreement at the suggestion of bed, Steve smirking as he bounded into the bedroom to get the amazing thing called Lube and the condoms. "hey! hey! that was a 'welcome back' kiss not a 'you can have a bite of my food' kiss. pay your taxes like a proper good boy." she ordered, eyes glittering playfully as she kissed him again. "he is the younger one, which means he knows all the best tricks." Peter warned Grant with a chuckle. "go to sleep. i'll watch over you." he promised. "by the way i asked for a permanent transfer. i now officially work for the school so i'll always be around." he promised Tony with a smile. "well, until the lot of you graduate anyway." he admitted with a chuckle.
“I’m amazing in bed to. And really?he is looking better. We should.”Tony said grinning amused as steve bounded for the bedroom. “Hm, and however shall I pay my taxes, love?”Clint said smirking a little as he kissed her again, wrapping a arm around him. “....Clint wouldn’t dare prank me.” “Not till your feeling better anyways.”Clint said, absently running a hand over natasha’s back, a distracted groping that said the man was feeling a little under the weather, that said even if he enjoyed sex all the time, the man was feeling needy. “What?Really?!Awesome!”Tony grinned happily from the bedroom door before pausing. “But that doesn’t mean your going to stop my sex life right?I can go still have sex right?”He said looking towards the bedroom.
"i am looking better. let's go have sex." Steve agreed, making Natasha and Peter snort while James grinned and Seb rolled his eyes. "how do you always pay your Taxes my lusty Demon?" she asked, smirking at Clint. "oh trust me, Clint's pranked everyone. he even pranks Phil, Fury and Maria." Nat pointed out with a grin, snuggling with her lover. "yes. Tony, you nympho you can have sex so long as Seb puts up a silencing spell." he promised with a chuckle. "done." Seb agreed, tossing up a 'spell' which wasn't what it was at all but who cared as long as it kept the sex noises out of the room? "yeah, we're gonna need one of those." Nat warned Sebastian with a smirk, the Demon rolling his eyes even if he looked amused. "you cannot go to your own rooms?" "too far away."
“Hm, in amazing and awesome sex?”Clint smirked, kissing her slowly before laughingm, nodding. “I prank everyone.” “WEll, no pranking me.”Grant ordered, knowing better then to know that clint would listen to him. “Awesome.”Tony grinned happily, heading for the bedroom, looking amused as he shut the bedroom door. “”Definitely need one of those. And you know it makes tony twitchy when we’re not around. Easier to stay here.”Clint smirked as he headed for his and natasha’s room, smirking as they shut the door.
"very well done, that is the correct answer." she teased, smirking at him a little. "he does prank everyone. except Tony. he never pranks Tony." because Tony got very upset. "oh, telling him no just makes him do it more." Bruce warned. "you have to get tear eyed, something i don't think you can do effectively." he didn't prank Bruce anymore either, but that was because Bruce was the prank king and had turned Clint into a yellow feather covered chicken man and Clint still couldn't figure out how Bruce had done it. "that's true. and Grant would probably be more comfortable knowing that they are close by too." Sebastian agreed, flicking his fingers at the door when it closed, silencing that amorous coupling as well.
“....why not?” “Because tony cries and gets extremely upset about it. Even without the other two breathing down my neck, that’s not a comfortable thing to be responsible for.”clint answered, because it made him extremely anxious whenever tony or natasha were upset. The others didn’t affect him as much, but tony was....softer. Made him feel so fiercely protective, despite being a werewolf, there was something in him that clint recognized as being someone to look after. The demon recognizing the omega werewolf, even if he wasn’t sure what to call it. “Probably.”Clint agreed as he headed for his room.

“So. How do you want to do this?”Tony said looking at his boys interested, tilting his head a little as he considered them, now that they were doing this, fidgety and nervous
"Tony isn't sensitive normally, but when someone he loves and trusts plays tricks on him he gets very upset." Natasha explained, looking amused. "Tony has no problem taking pranks from people he doesn't much care about, but when it's someone he loves it sort of makes him feel betrayed." right, no pranking Tony. everyone was always congregating around Tony, sweet innocent fun Tony who was like a little brilliant five year old who needed love and affection and encouragement, at least that's how Natasha saw it. Tony would probably be very displeased to know she thought such things though.

"well there are a couple of ways. we can all take turns on each other. one can mount you while the other mounts the other. you can mount one while one of us mounts you. we can watch while you fuck yourself. you can watch while we fuck each other. there's really no way it has to be done." Steve admitted. "whatever sounds best to you. Omega almost always runs the bedroom so feel free to command us." James admitted with a chuckle."and before you ask, yes, me and Steve will bottom for you if you want to try that, Steve might take some cajoling but he's done it before and likes it well enough."
“Ah. Makes sense.”Grant said looking vaguely amused to know that, and glad to know. He’d try avoiding upsetting tony, and not just cause his boyfriends had fangs, but he had a feeling clint wouldn’t take kindly to it. “...You know, if he knows you think he’s a kid, he’ll be annoyed with you.”Clint teased his girlfriend as he walked into their bedroom, leaning down to kiss her lightly. So utterly glad to be at home and with her.

“Hmm...”Tony bit his lip tilting his head as he considered what to do, fidgety and nervous. Cause well, he hadn’t ever really done this before. He knew how to have sex in theory, and gave amazing blowjobs, but he’d never actually felt comfortable enough with anyone to go that full final step. But he understand sex. “Hmmm, I do like bossing you guys around.”he said looking amused before nodding, “Okay.”he said looking startled that he was giving the option of topping before sighing quietly, “...I wanted fucked. I don’t care who goes first, but I want both of you to fuck me.”he said leaning in to kiss them both.
"i know." Nat admitted with a smirk and a snicker while Peter fussed over Grant and made the demon halfling a little more comfortable. "i think your brother is on the good end of a pretty good crush." Natasha admitted with a chuckle before kissing him eagerly, fisting her hands in his shirt. "your wearing too many clothes. get naked." she ordered, voice an eager little growl.

"it's okay Tony. we'll be gentle with you. and we'll stop as soon as you tell us to if you get scared or nervous or are uncertain about something, okay?" James asked him with a smile. "well i like being bossed about." James agreed, smirking. "i'll go first then." James decided, since Steve was distracted by reading the instructions on how to use the Lube, wanting it to be perfect for Tony. "Steve likes to watch and he gets twice as randy." he admitted with a grin, both of them kissing Tony while Steve handed Tony the lube. "i forget that i can't read yet. tell me how to use this?"
“Hm, I think so to. Tony’s going to be so disturbed at the idea of his older brother having sex.”Clint snickered, knowing that the siblings would indeed find each other’s sex lives disturbing. Before smirking as he started to strip down, raising a eyebrow. “You’re awfully bossy today.”

“Okay. Good. I can do that.”Tony said smiling a little, before grinning at james, “You do. You’re so easy to boss around.”he smiled running his hand through his hair, before shivering at james’ words, leaning into him, smiling slightly as he watched steve. “Well, we’ll make sure he gets a show then.”He said before grinning as he was handed the lube. “Okay then.”He said smirking as he stripped down and laid back on the bed, drawing his legs up,pouring some lube into his hand, coating his fingers before whining quietly in pleasure as he pushed his fingers into himself.
"it is rather disturbing." she agreed, smirking. "your not bothered b the idea of Grant having sex?" she teased before smirking. "yes i am. now go lay on the bed, on your back so i can suck you off and then ride you until you can't even move." she growled, stripping herself down as well and then jumping on him.

"i am easy to boss around. people always think it should be the omegas, but you guys are just as stubborn as the Alphas are." he admitted. "us Beta are too laid back." he admitted with a grin. "we will." he agreed, snickering at Steve before both of them gasped and stared at Tony, eyes wide as he worked himself open. "did you know people could do that?" Steve asked James who shook his head. he'd never tried putting his own fingers inside of him. it looked... very awkward, but very pleasant if the noises Tony where making where any indication. "fuck." James hissed, moving over to the boy. "keep doing that." he ordered, flipping Tony onto his back and enveloping his cock in a hot, wet mouth while Tony worked himself open.
“”For them. For me?Not so much. Grant getting laid just means he’ll consider not setting things on fire, or being a bastard. And half demon here, the whole weird factor is totally not a issue.”Clint snickered before laughing as he laid back on the bed with a smirk, raising a eyebrow. “I like this plan.”

“hm. I’m not that stubborn.”Tony said making a face even if he knew it was a lie, before shivering at the other’s staring as he worked himself open, turning his head to watch them watch him. “You’ve....never done this?”he said panting as he looked up at the others, shivering before yelping as he was flipped over, gasping as the other sucked his cock, making happy little whines as he rocked up into the other’s mouth and down onto his fingers. Gasping, trembling, wrapping his free hand in the others hair and tugging. “Gonna...gonna come don’t stop...”
"you are that stubborn." James teased before chuckling at him. "well, sure. to each other. i never thought about doing it to myself!" he admitted. "good. fuck his mouth. he likes that." Steve purred from his seat in a chair, just lounging and watching. "tug harder, make it hurt, he likes it when it hurts." Steve admitted, smirking when James whined and shuddered and pressed his head a little tighter to Tony's hands. "Cum, James loves to swallow, gets him all turned on, doesn't it James?" Steve teased, Jame's nostrils flaring, whimpering again even as he tried to nod. apparently, despite not being involved yet, Steve was the one in control.
“Well, you’re just silly then!You should have done it!”Tony teased laughing a little, squirming as he fucked the other’s mouth as he fingered himself, whimpering, squirming as he tugged on james’ hair, starting to come undone as he turned his head to look at steve, eyes wide as he listened to the other’s orders, gasping as he came, falling apart under the other’s mouth and attention.
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