Blackthorne Acadamy(Avengers-Au) Moon/Lady

Steve was chuckling once they settled into the rooms, ignoring the healers, but not fighting them either as they stitched his rib back together. "fighting healers never works Clint, just let them fix you." James ordered, letting one scan him and fix the minor scrapes and bruises. Natasha wasn't hurt at all and was watching with amusement when their reward came in. Seven brand new, very comfortable mattresses, better clothes and a refrigerator to store their leftover water and food. it ran on magic however so there was nothing electronic to work with. really it was juts a large plastic box with a door with a chill spell on the inside. when Natasha looked inside it was full of chocolate, candy, soda pop, juice, water and... "PIZZA!" Natasha crowed in delight, grabbing one of the slices and bounding over to a corner to eat it. it was cold, wrapped in cellophane, but it was Pizza! Nat loved pizza. Steve hated it, too much cheese. "...hey. i was wondering." Bruce admitted, looking at Tony. "doesn't Sebastian know where you are, always, at all times?" he asked, his head tilted. normally that was true, but Sebastian was not what he appeared, and there where heavy wards keeping him out. wouldn't stop him from telling others where Tony was, if Tony could get Sebastian's attention properly.
“Fine.”Clint sulked a little as he let the healers work, smiling a little as he watched everything come in, nearly snickering outloud when he saw tony sulking at no tech to work with. Knowing the mage had hoped since they didn’t know about it, they’d mess up and give him tech. “You are obsessed.”Clint teased kissing her head as he ate his own piece, amused at his girlfriend’s obsession with the cheesy goodness. “...Usually. I’ve tried....usually if I just try to reach out, he’s there...but I can’t...I think they’ve warded against things...but I sent a message to my own cellphone, along with peter’ least I think i did. We’re somewhere that it messes with signals, so they don’t always go out, but I’m trying to get a message to them...”
while no one knew that Tony was a mage, his skills with Tech was well documented and they didn't want to give him anything at all to work with. plus there wasn't running electricity in the place. it was all underground after all. everything was mage lights, torches and heating spells. "of course i'm obsessed! it's heaven!" she informed him. "well Tony can have mine and you can have Steve's then. we don't care much for bread. or cheese." James admitted, sucking on a raw steak to get all the blood out. "oh... oh i have an idea." Steve admitted, looking at Tony. "can you reach the Cat? it's already full of your power, it should be trying to reach you even now. can you reach the cat? if you can, Sebastian should be able to lock onto your signal then, right?" he asked, smiling. "or Peter even. someone will surely be watching it, waiting for it to react to your power." he admitted. "since the cellphone thing doesn't seam to be working."
“It is heaven.”Clint snickered amused at natasha’s words, watching as tony started chowing down on the pizza. “Well, that’s just more for me.”Tony said smiling at james before looking startled, having not thought of that. “I should be able to...”he said finishing his food as he stared down at the floor, watching nothing as his eyes glazed, reaching out. While the wards would keep others out, they couldn’t keep tony from reaching out. Eyes widening as the cat meowed, “....Peter has keeping it close...”Tony muttered patting at his brother’s arms, inhabiting enough of the cat with himself that it seemed he really was patting peter’s arm instead of touching him with the cat’s paw.
James and Steve both chuckled as Tony and Nat both devoured their second pieces. they where, fortunately, a good strong pack so Steve didn't see any jealousy cropping up because of this. they where all happy to press all seven mattresses together and have snuggle times that way. "good! Tony! can you give him a message? i don't know where we are but you should be able to keep the signal going until Peter can track it right?" James asked, looking excited. he knew that their fights would only get harder and harder as time went on, it was best to get out of here before the fights got to the point where they where actually getting injured.

"Tony?" Peter asked, staring at the Cat. he looked terrible. he had slept in days, and probably hadn't bathed either. "Hold on to the connection Tony!" Peter ordered, fiddling with the tracing system he'd very carefully attached to the cat. "i'll find you, i will! just hold n!" he ordered, staring desperately at the computer for any hint of a signal. thank god Tony acted like a signal himself so the line between cat and Tony could in fact be traced. they just needed enough time for the trace to work.
Tony smiled a little as the mattresses were pushed together, swallowing thickly as she he shifted, leaning into james’ side, a hand resting on steve’s arm, while he couldn’t burrow their powers, or the touch did nothign but to ground him more, the man felt steadier at the touch, holdign the connection. “I can...”Tony said his voice trembling a little with the effort. Because while he was one of the strongest in the world, he still had to work to keep the connection open through the wards and distance.

The cat nodded, patting his arm again, acting very much like tony when he was tired, grouchy and needy, crubbing against the hunter as the spell started to work.
they smiled back at him and settled down, offering him what comfort and strength they could. "your doing great Tony. keep holding it. you can do it." Steve praised gently. "you can do it." he murmured, kissing the others temple. looking worried when Tony's connection snapped and he came back to them. "...did it work?"

"I've got it Tony! i got it!" Peter crowed. "your in... Death Valley!?" he gasped, stunned. "i never would have imagined you'd be THERE of all places." he admitted, stroking the cat. "i'm coming for you Tony. i'm coming. you just hold on!"
Tony swallowed smiling absently at the praise, smiling happily at the praise, before gasping, slumping into James side as the connection snapped. Blinking blearily at them, he ndded slightly .”Yes. He’s on his way. We’re in Death valley.”he muttered.

“Come.Come get us. Hurry.”Tony said, the cat wasn’t made to talk,but the tech mage forced it out, the sound granting and painful to hear.
James smiled, stroking Tony's hair. "you did perfectly." Steve murmured, nuzzling him. "so perfect. lay down and take a nap. they're coming for us. it might take a few days, but we'll be home soon." he promised Tony, stroking him and murmuring stories to him to sooth him. they where not summoned again, better food was provided. more jerky, more Pizza, more candy, hamburgers, grilled chicken and other such thing slid down the chute. this time plastic plates where provided. Tony had gotten away with it. help was coming. it would take two days before they arrived, and only James and Steve had been asked to fight in that time. they came back clawed all to hell but they where healed in no time even if they where sulking about having to fight an entire pack of Shadow Lynx. asshole Hydra bastards.
“I did.”Tony muttered sounding so happy and pleased to know that he did well, smilign tiredly as he shifted forms, the smallish wolf turning and shifting around to get comfortable before going to sleep. When the boys got back from their fight despite being healed for the most part, tony was unhappy and annoyed as he fussed over them, “Are you okay?”Tony muttered looking them over.
“,”Clint grinned happily as he held a hand out, wisps of smoke curling around his hand, fading some. While it wasn’t a complete fade, the man was starting to be able to smoke out. Having gotten over his fear of grant, the man had taken well to the elder’s training, utterly delighted in having someone to talk to, who understood intimately and painfully some of the cravings and needs that drove half demons.
they smiled, holding Tony quite happily. they where pleased with him, he had done a very impressive thing indeed. "were fine Tony. honest." James promised him, giving him a nice long kiss to calm him down. "we got all scratched up because they where faster than us, that's all. the scratches would have healed in a matter of hours on it's own." Steve promised him. just then, Tony would feel a spike, his Cat. his Cat was very, very close. within a mile, close enough that it could reach him, instead of him reaching it. Peter was close. very close.

Nat looked up at him, surprise fluttering in her eyes before she smirked. "well now, that's impressive." she admitted, nodding a little, moving over to him and yanking him into a kiss. "your learning so much." she admitted with a smile. "i think we should keep Grant in the pack. he's really stepping up as your big brother." she admitted, watching Grant as he dozed.
Tony grinned a little, but still looking worried. “Okay. Well, if you’re sure.”He muttered looking upset and worried for them before flinching, eyes widening as he shuddered. “...Peter’s here.”He muttered closing his eyes a little as he reached out for the cat, connecting, knowing he could at least give peter a nudge in the right direction to getting them faster instead of letting him have to search everywhere.

Clint grinned, nodding a little as she kissed him back. “Not as impressive as grant. He’s nearly ghosted all the way out, in spite of the steel. I only got this far.”he sulked a little, annoyed with himself for being so slow on learning, even as he snuggled closer, glancing at grant, who was actually sleeping for once instead of forcing his body on. And despite knowing he needed rest, grant had rarely slept in here. “I’m glad he trusts us to go to sleep.”He muttered glancing over at tony as the boy spoke, tilting his head. “I think we’re about to have company.”he muttered to natasha.
very sure."James promised, since Steve was too busy inhaling food to answer before pausing when he realized Tony had reacted to something. "Tony?" he asked, eyes lighting up with excitement. "does he know how to get in? because i don't." he admitted, letting the other focus on the cat. "Tony!" Peter gasped, looking delighted. "Guys! we're getting closer!" "i still cannot sense him, but now i know why. there are extreme enchantments. as a full blooded Demon, i cannot pass this point or reach inside." "you're a demon!?" Peter demanded, stunned. "indeed, i am." Sebastian admitted. "Tony is well aware of what i am, and it is not his soul i was after when i bound myself to him." Sebastian promised. "no, Tony will most certainly be free to go off to heaven once he dies in a few hundred years. and before you ask, no i am not the same kind of Demon as Clint and Grant and thus can offer them no assistance."

she smiled. "he doesn't have angelic blood fighting against your demonic powers." she reminded him. "he's also had a good dozen years more experience than you and proper training that your only now just getting." she admitted with a smile before nodding. "i'm glad too. he's been pushing himself entirely too hard." she admitted, worried about the man. "i think your right." she admitted. "we'll let Grant sleep until the action starts."

He’s working on it.”Tony muttered softly, nudging steve and james a little. “You better get up. There’s some serious wards, to get in their going to have to break them, and crash them badly. It’s not going to be pleasant for anyone.”he muttered knowing things were about to get messy.

“...Well that’s true.”Clint sulked a little before making a face. “He’s only 11 years older.”He muttered, not about to admit that she was right before nodding. “Me to.”he muttered studying the elder half demon, who looked nearly....fragile laying there sleeping so innocently. “I think that’s going to be any moment now.”He muttered watching tony, watching glazed eyes flickering around unseeing, knowing tony was connected to the cat and whatever else Peter had brought with him.
Steve and James both nodded and started stretching again, ready to attack at a moments notice. "yes and he's also been trained from birth. whereas you only started training when you where brought to the School. i forget how old you where." she admitted. "i know it was before i got there." she admitted with a shrug. "he also had better quality training." she admitted, watching the sleeping half demon, her head tilted, feeling the wards shudder. "it's show time. Grant! time to get up!" she informed him, gently touching his shoulder. "the Hunters are here, we're going home." she informed him.

outside, Phil, Fury, Maria, Sebastian, Peter and a full thirty other hunters here trying to break down the wards. Sebastian was doing most of the work, ignoring the fact that his hands up to the elbow was being burned. his fingernails had grown long and black and he was baring his teeth, revealing dog like fangs. showing his demonic heritage because it made tearing down the Wards much easier. he snarled, eyes as red as blood and with a shattering sound, the wards collapsed, revealing that Sebastian had burned himself down to the bone to get to Tony. it was enough for Peter to know exactly why Sebastian was with Tony. he had fallen in love with the young Technomage. he was acting just like a Demon whose child was in trouble.
Clint sighed making a face at his girlfriend."I was muttered sighing quietly because despite feeling inadequate she was making him feel better."huh?what?"grant bolted away already half ghosting out before he realized she'd simply woken him up growling as he felt the wards tremble and crash. His snarl fierce as he looked at them."be right back."he growled as he ghosted out and the sounds of the guards being thrown around came moments later followed by the door opening."you guys ready to get outta here?"
she smiled at him. "there, you see? so he has... lets see... twenty five years experience more than you? he was born eleven years earlier and... am i doing my math right?" she wondered, frowning a little. "i'm pretty sure i am." she admitted before smiling at him. "just think of it this way, Grant will be teaching you everything you haven't learned yet." she admitted before watching Grant ghost out. "fuck yes!" Bruce said, darting out of the hall, shifting as he went, body still uncoordinated, but much more in control than last time. the guards shrieked in terror when thy saw him, and most of them vanished. then, without warning, the entire underground complex shuddered, the halls filling with the sounds of beasts and Wendigo. "fuck... they released the challenges..." Steve hissed, shifting himself, not into his full Wolf form, but into his massive Were form. they where going to need the bigger, faster, more dangerous forms to fight off the beasts that they would be coming across. James tossed his head back and howled while shifting into his own Were form. soon they where wading through annoying pests, goblins, golems, pixies and imps. so easy even Tony in human form could have taken them out. Natasha was just batting them away. they would be coming across much more dangerous beasts soon, including a unicorn, a Quilin, two Wendigo and a Fire Wyrm, also known as a Dragon to the ill educated.
“well....something like that.”Clitn sulked because no matter ho inadequate he was feeling, natasha was making her feel better. “Well, that’s true to. He will teach me.”He smiled pleased at the idea. “Well, let’s go then.”Grant grinned as he let them out, wincing as he realized they’d been let out, snarling himself as they started to fight. Tony shifting into his wolf form as he followed the others, wincing as he saw the quilin going for clint and natasha, already moving towards them even as grant went for them. Grant snarling his own anger and dpain as he slammed into the quilin in a full body slam, the half demon howling as the beast nearly gutted him, even as grant’s fingers lengthed into claws and nearly completely dismembered the beast even as he collapsed onto the floor in a bloody mess.
she smiled at him, fighting back the urge to laugh in his poor face. he was so cute when he sulked. "yes. lets go!" James snarled, eager to escape. he couldn't stand being caged. the Quilin dove, it's horn heading straight for Tony's heart, even as a sharp clawed foot went for Clint. Grant had saved their lives, most likely at the cost of his own. "Grant!" Natasha could only scream the man's name, rushing over to him, knowing that Clint couldn't do anything. angelic healing would only make Grant worse. all Nat could do was force Grants soul to stay in his body and keep the electrical pulses in Grant's brain going. even if his heart stopped, she could bring him back to life without brain damage so long as she kept his brain going and his soul attached. Steve, James and Bruce circled them, slaughtering anything that attacked them until suddenly, the Hunters where there, and a bloody, bone exposed demonic Sebastian appeared to begin Demonic healing on Grant, not that Seb could do much. no one could. Grant would be bedridden for weeks, and would likely need physical therapy once he was finally allowed out of bed. "Tony!" Peter yelled, rushing over to them, panting and terrified for his brother. "you and i are having a long talk about summoning Demons Tony." Peter warned, moving over to check on Grant who had come back to life with Natasha's necromancy.
Grant’s eyes glazed over even as Natasha held his soul to his body. Tony whimpering a little as he stood guard over clint as the man knelt down at natasha’s side, silent tears streaming down his face. “You fool, foolish foolish man. Thank you.”he muttered shivering, to out of it to guard himself even as tony snarled and snapped, guarding them before looking at peter, shifting back, slumping into his brother, clinging to him. “....Later. Help clint and natasha get Grant out of here.”He muttered feeling exhausted as he looked at the werewolves, “Let’s all get out of here.”
Natasha whimpered, doing her very best to make sure he stayed alive. she wouldn't let him go. not now. not whn Clint had finally gotten him. "he's okay. i have him. he won't die. i won't let him." she growled, refusing to give in and let go. "Sebastian has him." Peter promised, and indeed the Demon had torn open his own arm and was feeding the blood to Grant, giving him a power boost and helping him to replace the blood he had lost before both of them vanished into smoke. he would make several hops back to the Academy while the others fought their way free. there wasn't much left to fight aside from the two Wendigo and that was because they where trying to catch the beasts alive for Bruce's studies. since bruce was so brilliant, they had given him a permit to have constant access to a Wendigo so that he could try and make a cure or domesticate the wild ones. the Hunters, when they found their way out, where lining up the dad creatures, and one Cambion stared blank at nothing. dead, ravaged by her own Quilin if the goring patterns where anything to go by. a second, identical Cambion to Mercury however was huddled up with a blanket around her shoulders. she was bruised, cut, filthy and so thin you could count her ribs. a twin who had clearly been abused by her sibling. "That's Venus." Peter explained. "younger twin sister to Mercury. she tried to free some prisoners a few hundred years ago and failed and then tried to escape to find the hunters and failed." Peter admitted. "she's going back to the Acadamy with us for some badly needed mental and physical assistance."
Clint slumped looking scared and upset as he clung to Natasha, swallowing thickly as Sebastian disappeared with grant. He could only pray that the man would be indeed okay. When they got outside, tony frowned as he clung to his cat, possessive and needy, feeling out of sorts out that the fit was over as he stared at the twin. “....Good. Something good should have come from least this game is done.”he muttered shuddering a little, looking up at peter with tired exhausted eyes, nearly swaying on his feet. Now that he was free, the whole ordeal was starting to hit him. “...Can we go home Peter?”
"it's okay. he's okay." Natasha murmured, nuzzling him a little. Peter was more than happy to let Tony hold the cat, murmuring softly to him. mostly nonsense stuff, trying to keep him calm. "a few good things came from this. four Quilin managed to make it out alive. they're endangered you know. four new blooded Quilin could really give a boost to the population. plus over four hundred and fifty missing persons have been located. even if not all of them are alive it will give the families some closure." he admitted before smiling at Tony. "yeah, we're going home Tony." he promised. "you take a nap and when you wake up we'll be on our way." he promised. actually, by the time they woke up, they where at the school in Steve and James rooms. "morning." Steve said, smiling at Tony. "Grant is out of surgery, they said he's going to be fine." he admitted. "he'll be bedridden for a while, but he's pulling through."
Tony smiled sighing softly as he listened to his brother, relaxing in his presence with a sigh, “Good. They’re nasty, but at least they’re going to be more to breed witih.”Tony muttered sounding tired, before nodding, settling down with a sigh as he fell asleep. Looking annoyed when he woke up he frowned a little, staring around. “You were supposed to wake me up!”He whined sounding upset at having been moved without being aware of it, the trauma of being tazered then taken to the games leaving him upset with not knowing what was going on.
"the Quilin aren't so bad most of the time, they where just hurt very badly." he admitted. "they where tortured so much they couldn't tell good from bad anymore." he admitted, smiling at Tony and stroking his hair once he went to sleep.

"Sorry Tony. we tried to wake you up but you just bit me." James admitted with a smile, stroking the others hair. "we're safe now. it's okay. and we're moving our territory as well, just in case." he admitted. "we'll go out once we're all a little more calm and find a place more suited to our needs, probably a little deeper so we won't be bothered again." he admitted. "... did you know that Sebastian is a really freaking scary ass Demon?" he asked. Sebastian was not like most Demons. he was a 'dealer'. meaning he made deals for souls. people who said they sold their soul to the Devil, had actually dealt with demons like Sebastian.
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