Blackthorne Acadamy(Avengers-Au) Moon/Lady

Steve nodded. "i usually have to sit out. in another month or so, i should be healthy enough to join you." Steve admitted, looking decidedly happy about that. "well. meeting you was a good thing. and free food is a good thing. and this heated table is a good thing." James agreed. "and hot water is a good thing." Steve chuckled a little. James was really starting to warm up to the place. not Steve though, Steve was a bit more skeptical, nothing in life was free and he knew that someday, probably soon, the Hunters would demand some type of payment for their so called kindness. "i would like to see the people here force me to go to class." Steve scoffed. "but i see your point." he admitted. "are you all done James?" "yup." "Good. i don't want to be late for my exam." he admitted, getting up and stretching. "do you... would it be okay if i came with?" Bruce asked, he wanted to see how they took care of heart worm. "sure. you can take us there. we don't know where to go." Steve admitted, looking at Tony. "do you want to come with?" he asked. "i don't think your the type of person who should be trusted alone." Bruce and Sebastian both started snickering. they had pegged Tony so accurately. "Sir. your snacks." Jarvis handed tony a brown paper bag with so much beef jerky in it, the bag almost couldn't hold it all. "be sure to share it with Steve, James and Bruce." he ordered. Bruce always felt calmer after a transformation when he could chew on something.

as they walked down the hall, past people, Steve was aware of the whispers that followed them. whispers of 'filthy monster', mutters of 'he destroyed the molecular bio lab again', hissed complaints about the money it would take to fix the cool down tanks again. murmurs about how 'that thing' should just be killed already. it was something Bruce, and now even Ton was used to. but Steve was beginning to twitch at the perceived attack against a pack member. "don't worry about it." Bruce ordered Steve, noticing the twitching. "most of those kids are rich snobs. pure blooded even. they think beasts like me shouldn't exist, and they're angry because usually it's their money that cleans up after me." he admitted, which only made Steve snarl. "don't forget Bruce. i'm one of those 'filthy beasts' they don't want here." Steve admitted, eyes narrowed with rage. "your not the same as i am." Bruce admitted. "this is the Med labs. the hospital is down here as well." he admitted. "i suppose i should get my own checkup. Phil doesn't like it if i don't let a doctor see to me after a transformation." Bruce admitted.
“Awesome.”Tony said perking up at that idea before laughing a little at james’ words. Amused that the man was warming up to it. It made him relax even more at the idea of being at the school, to know his pack was starting to settle. “It would indeed be interesting to see.”he chuckled a little before finishing his own food, smiling slightly. “geek.”he teased bruce, amused that he wanted to go along before yelping, making a face. “What?What?!I can totally be on my own. I haven’t blown up anything in weeks!”Tony whined making a face at the two, “Thanks Seb.”Tony smiled as he took the paper bag, growling quietly at the idea of sharing even if he nodded.”Kay.”he muttered.

Growling a little as he listened to the whispers, he sighed quietly. “If it makes you feel better, they’re even nastier to one of their own being one of the beasts, as they are to halfbloods and poor kids. They’re just miserable.”Tony sighed smiling a little as he nodded. “Go get checked ou-”He stopped tilting his head at the archer walking out of the med labs, his nose newly splint. “...Clint. What did you do?” “Got in a fist fight. It’ll heal tonight.”Clint shrugged smiling a little as he looked over the two wolves, a air of casual arrogance on the demon/angel hybrid as he studied them.
Steve smiled a little. "i guess the school isn't all that bad." he agreed. "even if i don't trust anyone here. well, aside from you, Tony." he admitted. "besides, i am Alpha. no one tells me what to do." Steve huffed before smiling a little. "are you training to be a doctor?" "geneticist, biologist and M.D." Bruce admitted. "i'm dabbling in astrophysics and a bit in chemistry too." "what? but those are..." "extremely advanced classes. Bruce is a Genius." Sebastian admitted. "he has an IQ of only three points lower than Tony." Sebastian explained. "for most people, taking all those classes would be insane, it would cause a mental snap. but for Bruce they actually bore him a little bit. well, to be honest, both Tony and Bruce are bored during most of their classes." Sebastian admitted, making Steve and James blink. "wow... can you teach me how to read? i can do little things of course, like spell Cat." "filthy things." "and my name." James admitted as if he hadn't just heard Steve complain about cats. "but we never really got a very good chance of reading or writing while we where with the pack. strength was more important that brains there so no one really bothered with learning things." he admitted. "not unless it would make you stronger."

"not for a lack of trying Tony." Sebastian admitted. "you nearly blew up the oven last week keeping volatile chemicals in it." he admitted. "yeah we're definitely not leaving you alone." Steve decided, looking amused. "they are bigots." Steve stated simply. "if they cause problems for you Bruce, i will put a stop to it." he promised, lifting his right hand, curling it into a claw, his nails sharper than knives in an instant. for a werewolf, simply assuming the in-between state was hard enough. becoming half wolf half man was a challenge some wolves never managed. for Steve to be able to change separate body parts at will like that was nearly unheard of. no wonder he was such a powerful Alpha. "ah. Clint?" Bruce asked, looking worried. "you didn't get in a fight about me again did you?" he asked, looking rather frantic and worried. "you shouldn't get into fights like that Clint. it's not worth the trouble." he protested. "that's a horrible thing to say about yourself." Steve chastized Bruce. "of course your worth the effort. did you think i was bluffing when i promised to take on anyone who caused problems for you?" Steve demanded. "you don't even know what i am!" Bruce protested. "they aren't lying when they say i'm a monster Steve!" Bruce complained before shaking his head. "never mind! your just getting me all worked up!" he complained, shoving his way into the doctors office so he could have his after change checkup. "i think you upset him Steve." James admitted, making Steve sigh.
Tony smiled, preening a little at the idea of steve trusting him, the omega quietly content with the words. “Hm, does that mean I shouldn’t tell you I’m studying astrophysics, engineering, technomagery, advanced computer engineering and mathematics?To many advanced classes?”He snickered a little because he really did get bored despite the advanced classes. “What?You...of course I can teach you to read.”Tony said perking up at the idea of being able to repay them for taking him in. He’d totally teach them to read.

“...I needed to add heat to them!They were supposed to stabilize, not blow up!”Tony whined a little sulking a little. Eyes widening as he looked at steve’s nails, looking interested before snickering at bruce’s worry. “Of course I didn’t. I do get in fights over Natasha sometimes, you know.”Clint said in that off handed way you just knew he was lying about fighting over bruce, but willing to pretend it was over natasha, sighing quietly as he watched bruce leave. “don’t worry about it...he’s usually easier to upset right after a episode...”tony muttered sighing a little.
Steve smiled at him. "no. you shouldn't tell me that. i don't even know what most of those things are!" James whined. "i'm taking just as many classes, only geared towards living things." Bruce admitted. "it keeps me entertained while i work on my private studies." he admitted. "you do all that and study on your own? wow." James was very impressed. "it's not all that impressive. all of those classes are spread out across five days, and we always get at least a week for our homework." he admitted. "it's not really all that hard at all." he admitted. Steve smiled, glad to have someone to tutor them. most of it would just be practicing. they knew the basics, they just had to learn and practice.

"they melted a hole in the floor." Sebastian admitted to the assembled group, making Bruce snicker. "so that's why Phil was yelling at you last week." he teased before blinking at Steve, eyes wide before blinking at Clint. "your a terrible liar Clint." Bruce complained, shaking his head with a sigh and a scowl, storming off. "i didn't mean to upset him, but you know i am right, don't you? no matter what he becomes, he's not a monster. there are plenty of creatures that can't control their transformations and i'm sure those bloodsucking leaches cause just as much damage when they go on one of their bloodlusts." Steve huffed. "they have no right to speak of Bruce in that manner, especially in such a way as he can hear them. i know none of them where trying to hide it from him. they where only pretending to speak softly so the adults would not realize they where tormenting him." Steve said. "they have no right to deny his existence just because he wasn't born to the right set of parents."
“Well, you should come to class with me sometime. I’m amazing at everything, you should see my computer stuff.”Tony said, the small omega eager to prove that he could be of some use to his pack, to the men who were taking care of him. “Not to mention, we tend to talk to each other, so we usually have our homework done early. Side studies are the only way to not go insane.”Tony added smiling a little.

“but only my floor!It didn’t go through to the room under me.”Tony whined, before sulking. “Yea, yea it was.”He sulked. “I’m a perfectly good liar.” You’re a terrible one, especially for hellspawn.”Tony teased before growing serious, flushing a little. Realizing that steve really meant it, and even if the words weren’t about him, well...he felt a little less raw and like he was a monster. “We know, we just can’t get it to stop bothering him, or get them to stop.”Clint sighed. “You better get going steve, we’ll wait out here for you.”tony said hoping to keep a fight from happening, knowing if they got clint going again, he’d go after the bullies.
Steve smiled. "we might have to, it would be interesting to see." he admitted. "i've never even seen a computer before. are they hard to use?" James asked curiously. "we used to have a TV, but Fefela broke it when some soccer thing failed or something." Steve admitted. "we used to watch Sesame street on the weekends." "you learned how to read and write using sesame street?" Bruce asked, looking startled, Steve nodded. "yes. of a sort. Timothy was the most learned, he taught us a bit too, but mostly it was Sesame Street." he admitted. "Big Bird always did look tasty." James admitted, making Steve laugh.

Steve and James both snickered at the idea of Tony burning a hole in his floor. that was awesome. "that is entirely not the point." Sebastian said, looking just as amused as the two werewolves. "i will make them stop." Steve stated simply. "they will not want to face an Alpha, no matter how sick i am." he admitted, baring his teeth. "i will let no one cause harm to Bruce. not even if i have to tear their throats out." he stated before he headed into the room to get his own check up done. " you think he meant it?" Bruce asked, looking worried from where he'd been hovering out of sight. "he won't really attack people for bothering me will he? he's going to get in trouble!" that was Bruce for you, always more worried about others.

“Not horrible. They’re easy enough to figure out. I’ll teach you to use one along with reading.”Tony said perking up at the idea of being useful and showing off his utter tech skills. “Oh yes, the big bird looked tasty.”Tony said rolling his eyes in amusement.


“Yes!It is the point.”Tony huffed. “Hm, I’m on your side, and I don’t want to face you.”Tony said shuddering a little.  Watching steve go before glancing at his friend, before looking at clint. “Probably.” “most definitely. The small wolf has accepted you as his pack, and accepted tony, who you are important to, I don’t think its going to be a problem for him to beat up someone. They deserve it.”Clint said, maybe a fight from someone as small as steve instead of him would get through to the bullies.
Steve nodded. "it would be kind of cool to play on a computer. we weren't allowed t touch the TV at all." James admitted. "and Fefela got into a hell of a lot of trouble when he broke it, and he was Second in command." James admitted. "he does look tasty! i mean, he's a giant yellow chicken right? i bet he has to taste good, and he has a lot of meat on those bones." James admitted.

"no one wants to face Steve." James admitted. "even Claw.... he was the Alpha of the Blackmoon pack. the strongest werewolf in the whole pack and before Steve got sick, he never tried to antagonize Steve the way he did the rest of us. it was only thanks to Claw that the others didn't kill Steve once he started having problems keeping up." he admitted. "i don't know why Claw wanted Steve around so bad, but i think Steve does." he admitted. "i think it's why Steve didn't fight back when the Hunters came." he admitted before looking at Clint. "Steve is pretty possessive, and he's taken an almost instant liking to Tony. i have to admit, as little as i know about him, i like him a lot too. if protecting Bruce makes Tony happy, then that's what we'll do. besides, i think Bruce really needs a pack." James admitted. "in any case, Steve's not allowed to get his heart rate up, anyone who needs to get beaten up will fall to me until Steve gets better. well, that probably won't stop Steve though." James admitted with a smile. "you don't even know what i am." Bruce protested. "we don't need to." James admitted. "Tony trusts you, and Steve trusts you. i trust you, i knew the second i saw you that you would give your life to protect Tony. no matter what manner of creature you are. your ours. your part of our pack. we'll protect you, always."
"I'll teach you then."toNY smiled at the idea of teaching james and steve to use a computer."he probably does. To bad he's not a real bird we could find and hunt."tony said disappointed.

"Really?but...he's so small."tony said sounding surprised and with wide eyes. WhIle he liked the man,and was naturally submissive towards the man,it amazed him that even another alpha would back down around steve."tony's easy to like. aware there are emotional wounds he's not quite healed from. Or managed to hide as well as he pretends." "Clint!stop telling him things."to y whined. "What?he needed to know,otherwise you're random freak outs make no sense."Clint said before smiling at bruce."see I told you me tony and nat wouldn't be the only people ever to like you."
James smirked. "your underestimating him because of his size as a human, but don't forget. in full wolf form? he's bigger than i am." he admitted. "plus, strength isn't always about physical strength, there's intimidation and mental battles as well. Steve can get this look in his eyes, and when he stars at you, you get scared." he admitted. "i hate that look in his eyes, even when it's not directed at me." he admitted, shaking his head. "Steve is much more powerful than anyone could really imagine. i've only seen him let loose once. when the second in command, before Fefela. his name was Osk. he thought Steve would be helpless prey. Osk had a think for kids you see, and we where still rather young back then. only ten or twelve i think. Osk tried to force Steve, and Steve slaughtered him. he was even smaller back then, if you can imagine it, and he slaughtered Osk with bare claws. he didn't even bother turning into wolf or were form." he admitted. "it was amazing, actually. Fefela became the second in command after that." he admitted. "because Steve turned it down." he admitted. "after that, no one fucked with him until he got sick. they didn't dare." he admitted.

"emotional wounds?" James asked curiously. "that's okay. me and Steve have our own traumas we have to work through." he admitted. "considering what Tony's been through, i can imagine that he would have his own emotional problems." James admitted. "besides, a submissive can never hide their true feelings from an Alpha." he admitted. "Steve already knew Tony was going to be a handful." he admitted with a smile. "but Steve is funny that way, he loves a good challenge." James admitted before blinking at Bruce. "what is it?" "it's... Steve's... killed before?" Bruce asked, looking upset. "he's.. okay with that?" "of course. sometimes, there are people who just need to die. Osk was the reason why three of the children who managed to survive being bitten died." he admitted. "he was hurting children, and Steve can never allow that. sometimes people need to be dead, so they can't hurt anyone else." James admitted. "we where raised to be killers and we are good at what we do. not everyone can kill without feeling." Steve said as he walked out of the room. "most of the mass is gone." Steve admitted. "it's mostly babies now. i should start to do physical activity again in a few weeks." he admitted before yawning. "the drugs make him sluggish and sleepy, he'll be dopey for a few days." James admitted.
"...that's true. I forget looking at him that he gets that big."tony mused smiling quietly as he considered the man before wincing. "That's both scary and awesome."clint said what tony was thinking smiling slightly. It was good to know tony and bruce had others they could rely on to because it scared him when it was just him and natasha protecting them. Because of natasha's problems both of them had days where they were completely useless to anyone.

"Hm yes."clint smiled a little."but those are tony's to tell you in detail." "I'm not a handful. Definitely more then a handful."tony said with a perverted little smirk, having every intention of distracting them from his problems."some people just need to be taken care of."the half angel agreed because that's actually how the teen had been found. Slaughtering a pedophile after his unique abilities tied to his demon blood had shouted the man's crimes to him. Slaughtering him had been a mercy. "...good."tony grinned happy steve was doing better before smiling quietly."we should go out,enjoy the sun before it gets cold."
he nodded. "and in his half form, he's bigger than me too. by a lot." James admitted. "people think that just because he's small, he's not extremely dangerous." he admitted. "it's not something you forget when you see him in action." he admitted. "it is kind of awesome." James admitted. "where's Natasha?" Bruce asked suddenly. she was having a bad day and was refusing to leave her room. the ghost where clawing at her today, trying to demand her attention. in her bed, they couldn't bother her because of the barriers that Phil had gotten another Necromancer to bring up for her. it was a limited effect though, she she had chosen to place it around her bed so she could sleep without being bothered by ghosts. "hmm. i dunno. maybe you better prove it." James teased, smirking at Tony, willing to let him change the subject. besides, he and Steve where rather curious about the little Omega. "hmm. yes. i want to go outside." Steve agreed, nodding sluggishly. James chuckled a little and stabilized Steve when he listed to far to the left. Bruce frowned a little, thinking hard about the things Steve and James had said before sighing. it was only right that they know the truth. he would tell them, later, in private. Clint and Natasha too since they where such good friends.

"it's a very nice forest." Steve admitted, laying in the grass and looking up at the sky. "it will be fun to hunt in there." he admitted. "there is a lot of good prey. i can hear them." he admitted with a sleepy smile, James watching him with an affectionate smile. "we'll go hunting again soon." he agreed, gently nudging Steve's head into his lap. "so..." Bruce said suddenly. "you... wanted to know what i was, right?" he asked Steve, James and Clint. "you can tell Natasha too, once she's feeling better, but i'd prefer it if no one else knew." he admitted, blinking at a flower that was swaying in the breeze. he was curled up quite tightly, knees to his chest, head on his knees, arms wrapped around his legs. like a tight little egg, waiting to be smashed to pieces.
"All the better. I mean,easier to get close and cause damage if needed if they underestimate you."tony said with a small smile."in bed. She's having a bad day."clint said wincing a little as he thought about his girlfriend. He wish he could extend the effects of er wards,but even if he could see ghosts,there was limits on how he could help."I will!"tony made a face,and if he'd been in wolf form he would have been puffed up and defensive in trying to prove he was bigger then he really was."outside it is."tony smiled settling on steve's other side making sure he didn't fall over as they headed outside.

"It is. There's lots of rabbits."tony smiled a little because while he hadn't gone hunting he had gone out and run among the woods even if he hadn't managed to catch anything."yea we do."clint said looking worried as he watched bruce smiling slightly as tony squirmed over to his side and cuddled against him."just us and natasha."clint promised watching him."but you don't have to tell if you don't want to. We like you anyways."
James chuckled a little. "you would not imagine how fast Steve can be." he admitted. "and everyone always underestimates Steve until he looks at them with those eyes." he admitted before blinking, wondering what a bad day was?

"i like Rabbits. even if they're barely a mouthful." Steve admitted with a smile. "No. i want you to know..." Bruce admitted. "it all started when i was really little. my father was... unstable. he was one of the best people in the field of biology and genetics. he taught me from a very young age, everything he knew about genetics, DNA, biology and other such things. as time went on, he got more and more unstable until he started..." here Bruce closed his eyes. "well, he killed my mother by accident. then he killed the mailman when the guy surprised him. then the milkman, then he started going into town to hunt... it wasn't until i was older, that i started to realize..." he admitted. "he wasn't human anymore. he had started eating the people he was hunting. he'd cook the meat at first. i was too young then to understand what i was eating..." James and Steve both looked like they wanted to be sick. "one night, my father came home and he wasn't human at all, and i was scared. he laughed at me, he said he would make me into an even more impressive monster than he was. he started to experiment on me. using mixtures of his own blood and other creatures..." Bruce swallowed. "it hurt, so much. the feeling of my bones cracking, breaking as he forced me down onto the table. held me down and cut me open time and time again...." Bruce finally looked up, his eyes a shining, emerald green. "finally i could take it no more, i was in so much pain, i hurt so much, i was so hungry... i killed him, and in an instant i wasn't human anymore. the Hunters found me, chewing on his leg. they would have killed me, if not for the fact that one of them had found my fathers journal once they'd contained me. when they realized how young i was..." "Wendigo." James whispered. "your a Wendigo... but i thought that..." "only people who willingly slaughter and eat human flesh can become a Wendigo... unless you've been fed human flesh for long enough, and are repeatedly introduced to Wendigo blood. it is only because i did not willingly devour the flesh of a man that i can remain in human form. most of the time." Bruce admitted. "one day, i might never turn back into a human... that's why the others call me a monster. because they knew that the only way to become a Wendigo is to eat other humans."
Tony and clint both looked sick to their stomachs as tony Curled up closer to bruce golding onto him."I'm sorry bruce....but they're wrong you know. Not a monster. just a victim."tony muttered making quiet distressed whimpers that he couldn't help wincing as clint stood."ill...I'll be right back."clint said and while you could chalk it up to disgust one glance at his face said it was for bruce's father,the look of barely contained rage shining in dark eyes as he walked into the woods and the bright red flames that raised from his food steps said the man was moments away from bloodshed,from slighter ing his need for vengeance for his friend turning into a bright hateful thing,and utterly frustrating to the half breed because there was nothing for him to kill to get it out."hell be back...don't worry. Clint's got the most control of us all..."tony said sounding distressed yelping as he changed the emotions to much the wolf pup making distressed sounds as he nudged bruce with his head
Bruce leaned into Tony because he couldn't not accept the comfort. "i'm... wrong?" Bruce asked, looking startled, stunned even, James and Steve nodding. "Tony is right. your a victim, not a monster." Steve admitted, his eyes glowing gold with rage. "it's a shame your father is dead. i could have made his death a little more fitting to the crime." Steve admitted, making Bruce blink, startled that someone would torture his father just to make him feel better. he cringed when Clint got up, but some how knew that Clint wasn't mad at him. "i know." Bruce whispered, Steve nodding, his form melting into his massive white wolf form, James following in black, both of them laying down, forming a protective circle around the young Wendigo, Bruce wrapping his arms around Tony and beginning to cry because this much support, this much love was foreign to him. no one had ever loved him like this, no one had ever cared for or cared about him until Tony, until now. it was too much for the boy who had lived his entire life in solitude and fear.
"You are."clint agreed tilting his head at the wolves. Tony whined a little as he shifted to get comfortable snuggling. "You know. See you four makes me wish I could draw instead of use a bow."clint smiled tiredly,wane ly as he waliked back settling on the ground next to them,exhausted from his fight for control and walking nothing more then to crawl into bed with natasha and sleep
Bruce smiled at Clint, glad to see the other wasn't mad at him for real. Steve huffed at the demon halfbreed and reached out with very gentle teeth and pulled him into the protective circle, tucking him tight against white fur, as if ordering him to sleep there. so Steve could watch over him as well. many students saw the two massive wolves wrapped around Bruce, and knew exactly what it meant. by lunchtime, almost all of the not so hushed whispers would vanish. not all the people in school where smart though, not all of them recognized the two wolves as Blackmoon. they thought that because Steve was a half breed, a runt, tiny, that he was helpless against them. they would be proven very wrong. "Clint?" a voice asked, ten minutes before lunch. "are you being held against your will? should i rescue you?" it was Natasha, out of her bed at last, sounding very amused. "it's almost lunch time." she informed them all. "Phil asked me to come down and fetch you all." she admitted. "and Sebastian is worried that your snacks will run out." she admitted, "so he sent some more with me." she admitted, holding up a large brown paper bag.
Clint smiled back yelping a little as steve grabbed his arm even if he shifted around to get comfortable and snuggle close to get some sleep."huhhhh?"clint blinked stupidly up at his girlfriend,he wasn't the most alert person when first waking up laughing as tony bounded to his feet,the wolf wolf nearly tripping over his furred feet as he scrambled over to natasha,the small pup eagerly nudging at her bag of treats."It seems we are in need of more snacks."clint snickered a little as tony leaned into the woman.
Natasha looked very amused indeed before her eye twitched. "would you shut the fuck up already!? Jesus Christ!" she screamed at empty space next to her, making Steve and James blink in surprise. "just because your a ghost... i think your a ghost... doesn't mean i can't rip your fucking head off! that's right! run away you little bitch! don't come back!" Bruce chuckled a little when Natasha resumed smiling sweetly at them, laughing when Tony rushed over to her, kneeling down and producing a massive quantity of beef jerky. "Sebastian said i had to make sure you share this time." she admitted, looking over at Bruce. "how are you feeling?" she asked him. "i'm fine. how about you?" "i've been better, but i think they'll leave me alone for a while now." she admitted, handing him several strips of jerky, watching as the two massive wolves became a very nice looking man and... "a runt?" she asked, blinking at Steve who snorted and reached into the bag for a few strips of his own, James outright laughing. "i like her! can we keep her?!" he asked Steve with a grin, Steve rolling his eyes. "we might as well. since Tony seams to like her so much."
Clint winced as he looked at the ghost sighing quietly."she's a ghost."clint confirmed snickering a little as Natasha smiled sweetly. Tony whined even as he shifted back,making a face."I don't want to share."he grumbled as he snagged a few pieces for himself, even though he was protesting he didn't try and stop them from trying to get f the food back."hm but he's a runt that changes into a 500 pound wolf. I think it kinda makes up for being a runt."clint mused as he nibbled on a strip of jerky. "I do like her. She doesn't mind it when I talk to myself."tony smiled
Natasha nodded. "i thought so. i didn't recognize her, so it made sense." she admitted before smiling at Clint. "thanks." she stated before smiling at Tony. "you never want to share." she teased him. "greedy guts." she stated with a smile, chewing on her own piece of Jerky. "well, you have a point there." Natasha admitted to Tony. "he is rather massive for a werewolf. they don't typically get so big." she admitted. "it takes immense strength to turn into a wolf that big. most never get any larger than a car." she admitted. "but they're big enough that they could probably pick up that small car and carry it around for a while." Natasha would know. she was majoring in alternate politics. which meant dealing with packs, clans, tribes and other such large political gatherings of the supernatural. of course, she had to work on controlling her necromantic powers first. "how can i be annoyed with you, for something i do myself?" Natasha asked, her head tilted. "sure, technically there are others there, but most people can't see them." she admitted with a smile. that was actually how the hunters had found her. she had been born being able to talk to ghosts, so she'd been checked into a mental hospital, and had never been checked back out. from the time she was six, to the time she was twelve she had lived int he mental hospital. and then all of a sudden every body in the morgue had gotten up and started walking around, leading them to Natasha. "most of the people around here think i'm just nutters." Natasha admitted. "but lucky for me, i can actually raise Demons and the dead, they they don't dare mess with me too much. last time someone did, i animated a whole bunch of half rotted snakes and dead animals and sent them into her rooms. she refused to go back in, even after i promised to never do it again." Natasha admitted, looking quite pleased with herself. "oh i REALLY like her." James admitted with a grin.
"Welcome."clint smiled at his girlfriend leaning over to give her a soft kiss."no. It's mine."tony whined a little smiling a little at her teasing. Before his eyes went wide,startled at the idea as he looked at steve and james."really?that's pretty cool really."he said before blushing brightly at the idea of them changing sizes as his mind took a perverted detour. "We'll that's true,but most people do." "We're used to you tony. Don't worry about it."clint smiled ruffling the younger man's hair amused as he ate."that was disgusting. I can still smell it sometimes when I walk past her room nat."tony sulked making a face at the woman. Clint shook his head amused as he stretched and stood."we better head in before phil thinks we got lost."
Natasha smiled, happily returning the kiss. "it's ours, Sebastian said so." Natasha said with a sniff. "you have to share, or i'll beat you up again." she ordered. "yes. really. you see, werewolves have three main components that they are working with when they transform." Natasha admitted, holding up three fingers before dropping to of them. "first is physical strength and size. like James is big and brutish, so his wolf is big and brutish, but Steve is small, tiny even-" she ignored the eye twitching Steve was displaying. "-so logically his wolf should have been small. but it wasn't." she raised a second finger. "second, is Will Manifestation. some say it depends on hos stubborn you are. how strong your mind and will is. mostly, it's the internal magical power you posses and how much control you have over it. someone like James has plenty of control over it, but not as much as Steve does." she raised her third finger. "Third, experience. how long they have been a wolf, as well as how much practice they put in to controlling and working with that wolf. since the where bitten as babies, they have an intense amount of experience and control over themselves and their Wolves. even trueborn wolves can be small, if they lack in size and willpower. that's why Omegas are usually so much smaller than the others. because they have less willpower, less of a desire to dominate, overpower, or control others."

"that's very good." Steve admitted. "but you are forgetting something." he admitted. "there are two types of Omega. after all." "what? there is? i haven't reached that part in class yet..." Natasha admitted, looking surprised. "it's not something most outsiders would know." Steve admitted with a smile. "you see. there are two Omegas. there is the True Omega, and then there is the Alter-Omega." he admitted. "the True Omega, as you said, are born as Omegas. they are usually smaller, much more submissive and make very good mates for overly controlling Alphas or other Dominants." he admitted. "they are the life blood of the pack, True Omegas. they are the ones who can stop a fight between two Dominants with nothing more than a sniffle, or a bark." he admitted. "they keep us from ripping each other apart in fights for dominance." he admitted. "then you have the Alter-Omegas. they are those who have bothered the wrong Dominants, upset the wrong Omega or even betrayed the pack in some manner. they are, in effect, the outcasts and are the lowest of the totem pole. they have a chance to rise in rank of course, should another Alpha take over or they redeem themselves. the Alter-Omega are basically the ones that are forced to live at the edges of Pack society because they fucked up." he admitted. "you see. Pack politics, and pack relationship are not the same thing, even if many of the words used are the same. for example, i was an Alpha in the Blackmoon pack, but i was not The Alpha." he admitted, shrugging a shoulder. "it is convoluted, confusing and changes from pack to pack, relationship to relationship. Steve admitted with a smile. "it depends on the pack itself and the people who make it up." he admitted. "makes sense?"
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