Star Wars: The Ties of Destiny (nobody & Naomi David

After a couple of minutes, he had to break off to keep from hyperventilating. He pressed his forehead to hers and panted a bit before whispering, "Geez, Isabelle what are we going to do? I came here for a holochron and I cannot go back without it. That's why I killed that Rodian the other day... She fucking lost the thing. But you could help find it." God he hoped she would leave with him. Even with the damned crystal he could not see himself without Izzy again.
Mmmmm, perfectly long, but not overdone. Just perfect for Isabelle. She smiled, and spoke,"I'll help you, don't you worry. We'll be together again. Fate has said so." My dreams have said so. Good future or bad future, they'd be together again. She spoke,"The Jedi have been searching for it as well... The Masters are furious that mundanes were able to break into the Temple to steal."
"I'm so relieved to hear you say that," Via hugged her tight and kissed her forehead before stepping one foot back and sitting on the fountain wall. He then unfolded the corners on the thick paper box and revealed a pair of spicy meat and vegetable burritos with a pair of drinks.
Handing one to Izzy, he talked at a more regular volume. "I got your favorite."
She smiled, hugging him just as tightly back... His scent was really wonderful, the feeling of lips on her forehead felt even better. She looked delighted when she saw what treasures he had. Food. She sat down next to him, took the burrito, and began chowing down. She spoke,"Ah... Haven't been to the restaurant since that day..." Always, after a hard mission, or any given mission period, she and Kira would always go to the restaurant that served this yummy food.
Vis felt quite pleased once Izzy started to devour the food. He had forgotten how gratifying it was to make her smile. After taking a couple of bites he pulled some of his drink through it's straw and replied, "I forgot how tasty these things were!" He finished the meal quickly, like the athlete he was, then sat quietly and watched beings walk by while his lover finished her own. He had also forgotten how nice moments like this could be.
She too finished her meal quickly, it was always her nature to eat quickly, because who knows if she had to scram in the middle of a meal. She spoke,"Never got another partner. Nobody understands me the way you do."
He looked at her for a second before looking up at the orange sky through the web of airspeeders above. "One thing I noticed about Jedi is that few of them really take the time to understand each other. Those who do tend to stop being Jedi. They grow attached and, well, you know what they say about attachments."
He paused for a minute, then he took a deep breath and spoke up again, "So, you didn't really answer my question. What are we going to do... about us?" He looked at Izzy with a mixture of hope and fear in his amber eyes...
"We are not separating again. We will be together, always and forever." she spoke, her tone was exquisitely firm. Nothing was keeping them apart.
"Izzy, of course!" He took her hand and held it firmly as he scooted closer. His leg touched hers from hip to knee and she became the only other person on the whole planet. "No matter where we go, we go together. But where will we go? I... I don't think I could go back to being a Jedi. Not after learning what I have learned, doing what I have done. I could never take the Masters seriously again. As for the Sith, I don't know if I could watch you go through that. If you did and you came out the other side of that academy, there's no guarantee that you would still be the gir- the woman you are now. And if you didn't..." His voice cracked right at the end and he squeezed her hand. The thought of that ancient pyramid on Korriban being Isabelle's burial place almost made him loose his mind.
"We could start a family together... And Kira, don't worry about me. I still see the same little boy that yanked on my braids when we were little. I still see the same man that I kissed seven years ago. You are changed outside, but the inside, I still see the man I love." she replied, nuzzling him.
Kira, who no longer wished to hang on to the false name of that phaze when he was without his soulmate, froze while he let her words sink in. His free hand absently went to her shoulder as she snuggled closer. When he did regain his voice it was a whisper, but that was all she would need to hear him.

"A... family?" His mind exploded with questions. Where could they raise a child safe from the Sith or the Jedi? What would they do for work? What if their home did fall into a war?
No, he could not let these things keep him from living the life that he had only dared imagine when nobody was around to shatter his fantacy. Well, it would not be a fantacy much longer.

He hugged his woman tighter and whispered into her ear, "I don't think I ever heard a better idea in my life." He took his hand from around her shoulders and used a finger to move her chin up. When he could see her entire perfect face Kira beamed at Izzy. "I love you," he said before kissing her lips again.
"I always wanted to raise a family with you. TO live life the way we want, to live life away from dictations or rules..." she whispered back, glad he shared her dream, and she happily kissed him back, and she replied,"And I've always loved you."
After the kiss, Kira noticed that the sky had dimmed and that the electric lights of nighttime Coruscant had taken over for the sun. For the first time this evening he realized just what Izzy was wearing and he let out an amused sigh.
"Don't you ever check the climate schedule anymore? It's going to get cold soon and you haven't even got your cloak. Honestly, how did you even survive these past few years?" He poked the tip of her nose, the way he had always punctuated his jokes while they were alone.
"Anyway, my room is right over there, we can stay there tonight and talk to the Council tomorrow." He nodded to a popular hotel as he stood up, taking Izzy to her feet as well.
"The cold nor the heat really bothers me any more." she spoke, making an adorable face after he poked her nose. She smiled as they made their way to the hotel, and she spoke,"You and me against the big galaxy, like when we were little kids."
"Yeah, just like old times only better." He led the way into the massive building and then the 'lift. He pressed the button for the third level up and said to Izzy, "I think I will miss the Impirial Treasury access the most. I just hope we can get a decent haul from my starship. And don't worry about any unwanted ears, I had Kyber debug the whole floor as soon as we got planet side." Only after he'd said it did he remember that she had never had another field partner. He hoped that she wouldn't ask...
She smiled, cuddling up to him as they made their way to the turbolift and went up. She spoke,"Find the holocron, then we can scram... Where have you always wanted to live?"
"I never really thought about it," he started, "I guess it depends on what we do... For money I mean. It would have to be spacious, so we can keep training... But we can figure that out later." The lift stopped and opened into a wide corridor. Kira lead the way to his door and opened it to reveal a main room and kitchen of respectable size for a house, quite large indeed for a hotel room. "Do you want anything to drink or eat? I still have a couple of days before anyone should try to contact me so don't be shy about spending the Emporer's credits, not that I recall you being shy about anything," he cracked another devilish smile as he moved toward the kitchen...
She spoke,"But we need to get that holocron at some point." She smiled when she saw how wonderful their hotel room was, and she continued,"We're gonna need plenty when we go leave our respective Orders, so I know plenty to spend...." Then she got a happy look on her face, and she spoke,"We could go to Naboo. The air is always clean there. It's a peaceful planet... A perfect place to raise a family!"
"Right, that's why I wanted to see the council tomorrow. I'll tell them about the holochron, when we get it back to the Temple we can announce our plans to leave. Let's just... Not tell anyone where we go." He thought about her suggestion, then said, "I did enjoy Theed quite a bit..." He remembered the short time they had spent in that city quite fondly.
"Besides... I'm grabbing the crystals from our room so we can create new lightsabers later on if need be..." she purred, and spoke,"The peaceful life we've always wanted, we will have it."
After drinking a bit of water, Kira returned to Isabelle in the living room. "I still can't believe that I finally have you back," he said as he took her hands and looked into her beautiful chestnut eyes. "All that time I thought you were dead... It was like constantly fighting for air and now I feel like I'm made of the stuff!" He let out a laugh and brushed some of her hair behind her ear, he left his hand on her cheek before going on, "But now that you're here, all i can think about is how I want to be closer to you." By now, he was only a couple of inches from making lip contact...
"I felt empty, broken inside with you gone, I felt wrong without you..." she spoke, glad to have as much contact with him as possible. They were so close, so close... So she moved forth and kissed him, kissed him with more passion than ever before...

Honestly though, what would their new careers be? Bounty Hunters? Pilots? Body Guards?
Almost as soon as she touched his lips Kira brought his other hand to her lower back and pulled Izzy's body against his own. He could tell that she was of the same mind he was, and he pressed her back against a wall, moving his head down to kiss her neck as he removed her belt and tossed it, weapons and all, to the couch behind him...
About damn time they were about to do this, to make love... Soon as he had her against the wall and removed her weapons belt, she began to unzip her outfit...
Kira pulled back long enough to strip his own chest bare. He resumed the kiss as he pulled back Izzy's lapels to free her shoulders from the second skin. He kicked off his boots too and let his hands explore her exposed back and the curve of her waist. Soon he put his forearm under her butt and lifted her up. There was a perfectly good piece of furniture for this just in the other room...
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