Star Wars: The Ties of Destiny (nobody & Naomi David

Isabelle was pleased that Kira was able to make contact with the Sith, though it was a mild disappointment that he wasn't able to get his saber deeper into the Sith for a real wound, most he got off was a bit of cloth. But still, that was far more than what she had been able to accomplish... Then he took the next step by body slamming the Sith, really impressing her... But the Sith sent him flying back, and she resumed the fight, going at the Sith with renewed strength and vigor...
He was pleased to see that Isabelle was keeping the Dark Side warrior at bay and distracted. Once his saber slapped into his palm, Kira saw the Sith's leg wide open again and dove for a surprise strike, only sparking his blade up just before swinging for an ankle. Somehow, the dual-bladed Sith managed to swipe his entire weapon around to deflect the green blade and throw the attached Padawan off balance, in doing so presenting his entire left side and back to Isabelle...
Isabelle was thrilled to finally see an opening in the Sith's defense... She drove both lightsabers home towards his back, where the part of the back allowed one to sever both the spinal cord and pierce the heart
Kira stretched his arms and kicked one leg out as his blade was directed away from any flesh. He was off balance, but he still had his weapon and it only took a quick roll to return to his feet. He resumed a guard stance as his feet took up position under his body mass, but as soon as he looked, he heard the long, slender hilt of the Sith's weapon clatter to the floor. The next thing he heard was a sputtering groan and a loud sizzle as the man impaled upon Isabelle's azure blades crumpled to his death.

At first he did not move, but then a single laugh escaped the Padawan. For at least a second he stood there, sword inactive, beaming with the shock of triumph. He almost tried to kiss the ever-dependable girl again, but then he sensed the final Echo of the defeated warrior lying between them. As one would expect, it was an enraged, wrathful thing, but it seemed odd. The cry was tinged with something that one typically only associated with the cartoonish Sith Lords depicted in holodramas; mirth. As if the being who was now cast eternally from this realm held some small satisfaction, even in his ultimate defeat.

This had the effect of bringing Kira back to his usual level of observance. He regained awareness of the titanic room, the urgently beeping yet intact Zero pods, the armored guards, silent in their reverence for the lethal spectacle that had just taken place before them.
Kneeling at the still smoldering corpse, the young Jedi removed the red and yellow mask. The surprisingly peaceful face beneath belonged to a Pureblood Sith.

"Geez, I thought you guys were extinct..." He whispered to the unhearing Sith. He did not know enough about the race to guess his age, but the unscarred creature sported no notable wrinkles or other blemishes. Sitting back upon his heels, Kira looked up to his partner's eyes. She still looked fiercely georgeous, the way a Nexu might look in between making a kill and enjoying the meat. The sheen of sweat in her hair reflected the artificial light and gave her an almost dreemlike appearance.

For no reason he could immediately ascertain, Kira's heart dropped into the pit of his stomach, and a thought crossed his mind. It was a dark and terrible thought, one he knew he should not speak, but one he could never keep from her.
"Isabelle," he started quietly, though Zero block's acoustics probably carried the words to the guards, at least the ones not already calling for help on their comms. "Do you think... that it's over? I mean, the Sith usually put up more of a fight."
Gods, he hoped he was wrong....
She twisted the blades a few times, shifting them in more than one direction, since that depending on the species, the heart could be in a different place. It was true that the spinal cord would have sufficed in killing the Sith, but getting the heart always ensured death, and so did taking the head off as well, some creatures were much harder to take out than other creatures, like the ones that had multiple hearts, those were a bitch. In this instance, after the Sith crumpled to the ground, she swiped at the head with her lightsabers, definitely ensuring that the Sith was dead. Her rule was to take out the head, the spine, and the heart, or hearts, to ensure death. Then, to this was surely going to be looked at as overkill, she stabbed through the skull, piercing the brain, with her lightsaber. Anything was possible, you never knew with some species.

She spoke,"Now it is dead..." Then she frowned, and spoke,"Something had to let it out, so this can't be over, this was far too easy, this is definitely not over. What we fought was an Apprentice, I'm sure of it, so the Master can't be too far away." An Apprentice was a hard enough of a fight... But a Master, she and Kira were so massively screwed unless it was a poor fighter like his or her Apprentice was.
There it was, Isabelle had spoken his fear. He knew that it was true, regardless, but to put it into words somehow made it more frightening; there was nothing they could do but wait and they knew it.

That was when he sensed it. The Sith Lord's vile, ominous presence coming closer, and much faster than it should be. There was a booming, tearing crash as the still-open turbolift's ceiling collapsed into a cloud of debris that filled a small area around the lift. "There's your rancor!" Shouted one of the guards before all four of them opened fire, no longer caring how they might die. Most warriors in the galaxy knew that they could do little in the face of a true Sith but slow him down, but these already owed their lives to the Padawans and Jordon Katz was known for hiring the most effective fighters outside Mandalorian space.

"Izzy, give me a gun!" Kira held his left hand out to his partner. He knew that she always kept extra weapons during missions like this, and she knew exactly which solid-slug pistol he liked to use when things got too hairy. As soon as the weapon hit his palm Kira aimed into the hazy lift and sent two bullets toward the being he still could not see. The solid metal projectiles were much harder to sense, and therefore dodge or block, and even with a lightsaber one had to be much more precise in blocking, lest one be struck by a small piece of shrapnel or slag.
Isabelle spoke a most un-lady like word when she sensed the Sith Lord's presence, she had only fought against one once, and it earned her a wicked reputation since she had killed him. Her Master had been knocked unconscious, and she had to fight like nothing ever before to kill him. Blessedly, her Master had already weakened him, so she pretty much cleaned up the mess...But this Sith, this one felt far more dangerous than the one she had killed... She was praying to whatever deity existed, if any, to give her and Kira strength and to help them win this battle. When Kira asked for a gun, she threw him one, the one that spat metal bullets. She spoke to Kira telepathically,"See with the Force. You'll see through the dust and smoke."
Almost as soon as she said it, the dark-robed Padawan's advise lost some of it's necessity. During a pause in the firestorm there was a piercing screech and a sinister glow swam from the stagnant, dusty atmosphere inside the turbolift. All at once, the four prison guards flew bodily into the tall, solid ceiling where they made a brief cacophony before slamming into a bloodsoaked heap of twisted muscle and crumbling bone across the room.

Instantly, Kira's blade screamed to life and he took aim again. The wispy, indistinct form of the now-chuckling Sith Lord resolved at the edge of the debris cloud brandishing a single, crimson lightsaber. The deep, disjointed laughter resonated through the Force as well as the room. Focusing hard on his target, Kira fired three more rounds at the Sith, who vaporized all of the shots with a single lazy flourish.

"My my, so aggressive! What would your master say?" Taunted the shrouded man.
The screech... The glow... It was a Dark Side power she had only seen once, she forgot the name, but it for some reason worked best on mundanes and for some reason, not so well, or not at all, on those who could use the Force. She never liked the end result, it made such a nasty looking mess. She, of course, replied,"Well, our Master lets us do whatever we want. I doubt he'd care." That essentially was the truth. The more dangerous the mission, the more leeway they had.
"Yeah, he'd probably tell me to do this!" Added Kira between shots as he unloaded his pistol at the Sith Lord. None of the six bullets made it to their target, who calmly walked closer to the Padawans, flicking his lightsaber about to destroy the projectiles.

Kira tossed the empty weapon to the ground and took up stance against the Sith. He focused on the Dark Lord's movement but waited for an attack. He had never faced a person this powerful before, he remained neutrally vigilant, ready to dodge or deflect whatever attack might come from this tall, menacing being....
"Cover your ears again. I'm going to focus the Scream above him, forcing the debris to come crashing down on him." Izzy warned him, before opening her mouth to let loose the horrid Scream again.
As soon as he got Izzy's warning Kira deactivated his lightsaber and rolled backward, covering his ears as he came to a knee inches from the girl. He wrapped himself in a protective bubble Force energy and expanded it to cover her too, but he kept his remaining senses alert in case he had to protect his love...
Isabelle generally didn't Scream more then once a day, doing it once was exhausting enough, but twice really drained her, unless she got lucky... But she Screamed, putting all her emotion into it, all her feeling, every last bit into it, and concentrated at the area above the Sith Lord, hoping to force all the debris to come crashing down...
As he knealt beside her, Kira began to feed some of his own energy to Isabelle. He knew how exhausting this skill could be, he also knew that they would both need as much energy as possible to survive if this didn't work. Thankfully, it took only a couple of seconds for the sonarkenetic attack to begin shaking loose huge chunks of duracrete and with them, the steel rods that had supported them.

At first, a couple of misshapen blocks were held aloft by the Sith's power, but as the gargantuan debris continued to fall, the Sith used the Force to supercharge his muscles and darted away. The rocks slammed and crumbled to the floor and kicked up dust.

"Impressive, what else can you do?" The rumbling, resonating drawl echoed loudly within his brain, and Kira spun around. The Dark Lord stood only a meter behind the Padawans, his hood was down and his obsidian face curled into an amused smile. His blade flared back to life but he did not move into any real stance, he just stood casually.
God, the skill was exhausting! She nearly stopped screaming, but then she felt a sudden influx of energy... Kira was doing it again. Giving her some of his strength, his energy. It was a skill they both possessed, where they could give the other energy if they knew that the other's strength was faltering. Thank god he did, she was able to keep it up. But it was all in vain, the Sith managed to dodge all the debris. She growled when she turned around, and she spoke verbally, in the most snobbish, aggravating voice she could use,"We are not your pets for you to tell us to do tricks!" But she could do plenty more. Light Side, Dark Side, she could do a lot.
"Oh, silly child. Of course you aren't pets; you're more along the lines of... Captive Applicants. You see, that poor young failure you cut down just now was my apprentice. No need to apologize, in fact I should thank you. His arrogance was beginning to grow irksome. But there is still the issue of his replacement, and since you opened up the position I think it only fair that you get the first chance to fill it again. That is the way things work on Korriban, but I imagine you knew that already."
The whole time he spoke, the Sith smirked like he was only explaining the way any proffesion worked to a small child.

"Yeah right, like we're just dying to take up that offer," Kira spat back as he stood up tall, though a little shorter than the other man. His saber then fell to the ground and his veridian eyes grew wide as his hands clutched his own throat.

"I will not stand for such insolance, boy. Now listen politely or I will kill you now," snarled the Sith.
Isabelle rolled her eyes the whole time they listened to the Sith offer them the position of Apprentice. Her eyes grew wide when he began to Force Choke Kira, and she snarled, and she let loose a powerful Force Push at the Sith, trying to distract him enough to where his concentration would slip so Kira would be freed. Then they'd have to retreat.
The dark form of the Sith hurtled backward several meters before he righted himself and landed in a crouch. Kira gasped and knealt down, took up his lightsaber and stood again. As he caught his breath he filled himself with the cosmic energies. He would not be caught off guard again.
"What now?" He asked Isabelle telepathically.

Meanwhile, the Sith Lord across the room stood to his full height. His crimson blade growled as it began to trace a figure-8 across his body and he slowly stepped toward the young Jedi. At this rate it would take several seconds to close the space between, but then Kira noticed the small trails of electricity darting along the Sith's left arm and between his fingers.
Isabelle ran to Kira's side as soon as he dropped, and she spoke back,"I don't want to do this, but we have to retreat, we're outmatched." She looked closely at his hands, the Sith's hands, and her eyes widened, and she spoke,"He's about to use Force Lightning! We gotta get going! We can deflect it with our lightsabers, but we'll need to retreat!"
He looked at Izzy, whas she serious? Retreat? He had not realized that she even knew that word. There was a loud squeaking snap from the enemy's blade biting the floor and Kira snapped his attention back to the Sith just in time to see the pitch black hand reach out and produce a furious burst of lightning. The young Jedi snapped his blade up and began to use it to dissapate the energy. It was far more than he was used to practicing with at the Temple but it seemed manageable... For now.
Isabelle really hated hiding, running, retreating, and the like, but she recognized that pulling back was sometimes the smarter of moves, you needed time to rethink, regroup, redo things, get smarter, really. She snarled, and charged forth, and made her way to strike at him with her lightsabers...
With an irritated growl the Dark Lord slapped both Isabelle's blades away with his own and stepped past her so that her back was wide open. In the same motion he lashed the bright red beam at Kira and used his empty hand to launch a crackling ball of lightning right into the girl's spine before spinning again to repeat the strike at the boy's head.

Kira blocked both strikes and took the power from the second to spin his own saber around at the Sith's neck, who ducked under and punched the Padawan in the gut. Kira felt as if he had been shot by a turbolaser and was blown halfway across the room, where he rolled to a stop. His blade was out and his guts felt fried but he was now much farther from the Sith than Isabelle was. That wan unacceptable. Somehow he was up again and running at the bastard. Someone was bellowing out a battle cry, it sounded like his own voice...
Damn it, damn it! What did her Master teach her? Never attempt a direct attack! You will fail! And that was exactly what happened... She got stepped past, and a excruciatingly painful blast of electricity in her back... Which sent her spinning head first into unconsciousness.
"Looks like you win, boy." Kira heard the voice but did not see him. He realized that he was choking again right before he wasn't. The invisible hold on his throat was there, but it let in some air. "No. Not until.. You die too!" His fists clenched but he could not stand.

"Wrong. You are mine now."

The Sith was holding Kira's lightsaber in one hand and Izzy's twins in the other. After a second of consideration he tossed her's up and sliced them into four with Kira's blade. Kira winced and gagged a bit. He stared at the destroyed weapons, one of them had busted open, exposing a bright blue crystal. He could not resist, he took the stone and put it in his pocket and the Sith started to laugh. It was a cold, terrible sound.

"I see now, boy. You love her don't you? How sweet. I wasn't aware that you Jedi were allowed such... Passions."

Suddenly the lightsaber hit the floor in front of him, and Kira grabbed it instantly. Just as fast came a black boot on his hand.

"Not so fast. You already had your chance with me. Now kill her."

The Sith kicked him in the ribs, cracking a couple more of them.

"Did her scream break your eardrums? Kill the girl so we can be on our way."

The choke hold left him and Kira stood. He stared hard into the Sith's eyes and headbutted him in the nose.

That was the last thing he remembered, besides the liquid agony of Force lightning setting his very brain aflame...
She was floating, floating, floating in the darkness that was unconsciousness... All she knew was that several hours later, maybe several days later, she was awake, and she tried to get up, to speak... But she couldn't. She was too weak. She recognized her surroundings as the Infirmary of the Jedi Temple. She moaned,"Kira, Kira..." The doctor closest to her spoke,"Rest easy, Isabelle. You've sustained serious injuries-" She interrupted, feeling a little more awake,"I don't care. Where's Kira?" The Doctor had a look on her face that said she didn't want to tell her, and Isabelle spoke,"If you do not tell me where he is, I will scream, raise hell, and cause quite a bit of trouble." The Doctor sighed, and spoke,"We couldn't find him. All we could find were your destroyed lightsabers..."
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