Star Wars: The Ties of Destiny (nobody & Naomi David

"Mmm-hmmmmmm," he hummed in reply with his lips against hers, so that the vibrations would run through her body. When he started to smell Isabelle's juices, he kissed her vagina ernestly. After letting her enjoy the sensation for a couple of seconds he paused to say, "Remember back before Yavin, those two weeks when I was making midnight trips to the Archives for extra research?" His hands slid back down to Izzy's thighs and made one long lick up the length of her slit and flicked off of her emerging clitoris... "Let's just say that the nighttime librarian condones the sharing of all knowledge..."
She moaned in pleasure, she could feel the vibrations throughout her body, and she got very wet. She spoke,"So that's what it was all about! Now I know why you're so good at all of this..." She moaned even more as he continued to pleasure her pussy orally, this indeed explained a great deal.
Kira smiled to himself when she said that he was doing well. He knew that like anything else, he was only going to get better as the years went on, but right now he had to focus on the moment. He remembered those late nights scouring the least trafficked parts of the Archives, heart pounding in a nervous mixture of fear that some cranky old Master would catch him and anxious anticipation of the moments when he would try to convince Izzy to let him use the forbidden skills. He recalled what he could, and dove his tongue into her hot body to stimulate the walls and even letting the tip of his nose brush her clit as his hands rubbed her thigh and ass.
The best part about being a woman, she thought, was that women were multi orgasmic. And indeed, if they kept on doing what they were doing, she could envision herself cumming a great many times tonight. She was moaning more and more in pleasure, and she spoke,"I'm surprised that the Order even has this sort of thing in the archive!"
"I was too," he said in a short pause from his oral assault. "But it's like they say, 'if it isn't in the Jedi Archives, it does not exist!'" Then Kira rolled sideways to let Izzy lie on the bed so he could get more comfortable as he redoubled his efforts. Kira started by slipping two fingers into his lover's sex, wiggling them a bit and pressing them down toward her back to make room for his lips. He started to swirl his tongue in circles, then press it against the top as he sucked his lip down, to stimulate her clit from both sides while his fingers danced inside her. After a few seconds of that, he would keep his hand still and go back to licking her insides. If this worked, it wouldn't be long before she succumbed to her nervous system...
She could feel herself growing hotter, her body was producing much liquid, but not at the levels of cumming. It felt good to reposition. If before what glorious, this was heavenly. Oh god oh god oh god oh god, she was so, so close to cumming, she could feel it coming down on her like a freight train... And it happened, she flooded him with her juices, and she moaned,"Damn..."
As Isabelle moaned and squirmed under Kira's touch he noticed her thoughts growing more frantic and primal, less coherent. He removed his fingers and focused on the little nub of nerve-packed skin with his mouth and when she came, she came hard. His mouth was flooded with her sweet juices and he felt her body tighten up around the tip of his tongue. Kira planted a few more kisses on Isabelle's quim as she calmed down, then he slid his tongue up her body and neck, pinning her hands to the bed as he straddled her and just watched as she went through the last throes of her orgasm. "So," he smiled down at her flushed face, "what do you want to do next?"
Isabelle was feeling nothing but sheer bliss as she came off her orgasmic high. She giggle when he began to kiss up her body and neck, and she smiled as he straddled her, and she spoke, naughtily really,"Some baby making would be just divine!"
"Baby making?!?" Kira gasped in mock-astonishment. "Why, madam, I daresay we had better get our act together in the next few months." He pinched Izzy's nipple and started kissing her soft lips as he shimmied his legs down. "I want our house to be ready by the time any younglings arrive." He arched his back to kiss and suck on her breasts while he pressed them together with his hands. Then as he sat up and smiled devilishly into those chestnut eyes, Kira brought one hand down and fit his dick into Isabelle. "Mmmmooohhh, fuck me," he groaned as he shifted into place and ran his hands over Isabelle's succulent body. "How do you want me, baby? Rough?" His right hand went up to her neck and pressed a little as the left pinned her wrist by her head. Then his hands both slid just upward, to carress her face and weave fingers, "or gentle?"
She purred, and spoke,"So many nice planets for us to settle down on..." She smirked as he sucked on her breasts, not so long from now, she knew their little ones would be doing the same he was doing. She moaned as he entered her again, and she spoke,"I want you to do as you like, so as long we end up with children." She smiled as he pinned her wrist by her head...
Kira paused and looked right into Izzy's eyes, his lips slightly parted in awe. She meant it. He knew that she wanted a family; he had seen her dream and how beautiful, how happy she looked, but he was just now beginning to realize what it would mean. She would be the mother of his children. He broke into a wide smile and kissed her on the forehead, then he held her by the waist and rolled to the side of the bed against the wall so that Isabelle was on top of him. He then started to push into her slowly, watching the way he made her move and enjoying each thrust...
A lot of Force Sensitive women that she knew of, the ones that had training, after they had children, they essentially retired. They retired to raise their children while the men continued doing what they were doing. Some how, Izzy knew, she would find time for both. But now, she had to think of now, think of how wonderful the sex between her and Kira was. It was slow, it was wonderful, it was pleasurable.
Kira sat up after a minute and started to kiss and bite Izzy on the neck. He used his hands to move her hips around and he giggled a bit, moved his lips to her ear and whispered, "C'mon Isabelle, ride me like a speederbike."
She was always the one jumping wrecklessly into action, he wanted to see what she would do in bed when he let her loose...
She smiled as Kira sat up, it felt so damn naughty and equally sexy when he nibbled her neck. His hands on her hips were so gentle, and she smirked widely when he told her to ride him like a speeder bike, and she naughtily purred,"Be careful what thee wishes for." And she got into the proper position, and began her work. She started slow and steady, and then she started to go nice and fast...
As Isabelle slid herself up and down the length of his cock, Kira lay back and enjoyed himself. Hi s hands worked from her bouncing breasts to her tight belly and waist, he even used his thumb to rub on and around her clitoris while the other hand squeezed her shapely thigh and ass. "Keep it up, girl," he panted as he flexed his cock, expanding it a little as her womanhood had him fully enveloped, "I'm going to fill you up!" He was already so horny from making Isabelle cum, he could feel that this orgasm was going to be a good one...
Isabelle was moaning in pleasure, she was happy, she knew her bouncing breasts were highly arousing to Kira... God damn, she was feeling the intense heat again since he was mercilessly playing with her clit. She moaned,"Mmm, do it!" She wanted those kids from him!
An intense pressure was building at the base of his cock, and the spasms of Isabelle's quim hugging his manhood told him that she too was reaching her climax. Kira was unable to wait any longer, so he put his hands on Izzy's back and pulled her down to press against his chest. With one arm still holding her tight, his right hand grabbed her breast and he used his hips to thrust a few more times and he started cumming. Loud moans escaped him as he sent jet after jet of his hot seed directly into Isabelle's womb...
She came, long and hard, the heat had become too much for her, she just had to release, she released as soon as Kira held her against his chest. She didn't know who came more. Her or Kira, but either way, the feeling of pleasure was so incredibly intense!
As the shockwaves if extacy ran through his body, Kira held Izzy tightly with both arms around her back. He held the back of her head so that he could suck on her neck, and kept the other hand on her butt as his hips bucked into hers a few more times. He held her this way for a few minutes until he caught his breath and then kissed his lover on the lips as he rolled her onto her back and slipped his cock out of her, still dripping the viscous, white essence of their passions. He then hovered over Isabelle's naked body, smiling with perfect love. "You know I wish we could stay here forever, but we should really get going..." He said softly, reluctantly.
Isabelle smiled as he sucked on her neck, glad to have his hand on her ass because it felt so good to have him squeeze and massage there... She gently kissed him on the lips back, and she moaned softly as he pulled out of her, and she spoke,"Mmmm, shame we can't stay here forever, but you be right, we should go."
"Not to worry, darling; we'll have plenty of time for sex when we're married," said Kira as he slid from the bed, literally kissing Isabelle from her head to her toes. He set her clothing on the edge of the bed and then threw his own clothes on. Once both the young Jedi had dressed, Kira grabbed the blue crystalline cube and then hooked his arm in that of Isabelle. Looking into her eyes, imagining the life ahead, he smiled and said, "Ready to go?"
She purred as he kissed her from head to toe, and she quickly got dressed, and she smiled as he took the cube. She spoke,"I am ready. More ready than I've ever felt."
"Good, 'cause I can sense Master Ulrich just about to walk into the building, and we'll need to get our story straight with him before anyone else arrives." Almost as soon as he said it, Kira cracked up at the old, familiar phrase and the realization that he wouldn't need to use it again for a long time, if ever. "C'mon, Love. If we get this over with tonight we can be on our way to Naboo before lunch tomorrow!" He opened the door into the Nebula Club and slapped Izzy on the butt as she walked out. Coming back to the stairs, they saw their old Cerean Master walking about the dancefloor, admiring their gruesome handywork. Looking sternly up at the young couple, he said, "Well you've certainly made a mess of things this time. I suppose you expect me to clean all this up for you?" After holding their gazes for a second, Ulrich cracked a grin and chuckled. "Come now, tell me what happened. Starting with where you found our boy, Young Lady..."

*cheezy wipe, theme music, roll credits*
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