Star Wars: The Ties of Destiny (nobody & Naomi David

She was so glad she had learned the Sith magics, so, so glad... A good chunk of the warriors fell to the ground, shaking and cowering. Then she started slaying the lot of them, the ones incapacitated by fear. She ignited her red lightsabers, and began her nice work. Decapitating, stabbing, flaying, all sorts of nasty things... She disengaged the sabers, and she spoke in the language,"Come alive, my hidden weapons..." Now Kira would see why she was called Lady Blackthorn... The tattoos seemed to melt off of her, and wrap around her hands. In each hand, she now held whips with thorns on them. Designed to cause maximum pain and suffering.
Kira smacked an incoming laser into the foot of an assassin as he advanced on the shooter. He had already stacked up five bodies, and as he sent a crushing telekinetic blow to the rifleman, he sent a charge of electricity through his hand and into the lightsaber he held. He tossed the hilt across the room where it collided with another Mando's helmet and exploded from an overcharged core, bringing his count to eight. Before he could reach for his own weapon, a Sith holding twin daggers was upon him. Kira had to dodge and block several quick swings before he could grab both of the black-robed phandom's arms and twist them around so that he was sitting on the assassin and pressing the curved blades into the screaming man's chest. The smell of that fear and pain tinged blood excited him, and he could not help himself but to twist the daggers in a circle and stab one into his victim's heart, bring it into the air and sink his teeth in. Kira's vision went red and spurts of blood ran down his chin while a fountain stained his clothes. As he looked up, he noticed Isabelle tearing chunks of flesh and yanking weapons around with some sort of thorned whips. He could sense that they were made of her own will, she had certainly been busy while he was away. At the sound of boots behind, Darth Viscera turned on a knee and unleahed a torrent of lightning into the encroaching enemies...
Isabelle used to be one lazy bitch, she had always hated studying, it was only Kira and her Master who could coax her into reading books to study and such. While Kira was away, she was whole heartedly studying. Jedi techniques, Sith techniques, techniques from other Force using cultures. She wasn't picky. But she studied so hard and long. Being alone, relying on only her wit and her will sucked. She was glad to be fighting side by side with Kira again. She was glad he got to see her thorny whips. The whips were black, as well as the thorns. Lady Blackthorn. She had lost count of the bodies she had killed, but it was very high. She was insanely fast. It had taken her a long time to figure out how to do the whip magic, much less how to use it.
With a bubbly groan, the last of the mercenaries died and crumbled to the floor. Viscera- no, Kira! He had to remind himself that he was no longer a Sith- flicked his acid green blade in a circle in a salute to his final enemy... The sneering Zeltron who called himself Darth Havoc. The Sith had taken up a lightsaber from one of the dead men lying several feet away and held a tense, threatening middle guard. The two Darksiders stared each other down for several seconds, but both flinched when a command boomed out from a green Twi'lek standing, unnoticed till now, in a relatively blood-free corner. His dress was that of a Jedi, and Kira recognized him as the Councilman who had so loudly protested against this assignment.

"Kill him, you cowering fool!"

"Y-yes, Master!" Havoc locked eyes with Kira, who had already lunged forward, and they becan a second deul.

Meanwhile, the Jedi Master sparked up his bright yellow blade and closed in on Isabelle, speaking with the same harsh, chiding tone he had used that morning. "You idiotic, insolent little girl! You were warned time and time again about the Dark Side, that you'd emotions would soil your judgement and lead to your doom. Now you will be killed here and condemned as the Witch you are, along with your precious boyfriend." He spat on the ground and pointed his blade at her neck and continued, "Unless you kill him and come with me to the Temple. Choose wisely, child..."
Isabelle was very pleased when the last of the hired help died, now, it was a fight between Kira and the one called Havoc. Perhaps she should help... No. It was his fight, and she would not interrupt. Then she jumped at the booming voice, and finally, it was like her mind was clearing. No more hidden Force presence. It was the Master from the morning who was so damn against this assignment. What really riled her was that he commanded Havoc to kill Kira. She hastily built a toy behind herself, pressed a few buttons, and hoped it would start recording. She couldn't help but find her little predicament so amusing. She laughed, and spoke in her genuine mocking, condescending way,"Little girl? I find that I am much taller than you are, shorty. You'd kill me as soon as I stepped out this place with you! You're pathetic!" She could tell her words had frozen him for a moment, and she flicked her wrists, and the vines retracted, looking once more like tattoos. She brought out one of her Sith lightsabers, and she flicked it on, and she spoke,"Tell me this much... Are you responsible for this whole thing?"
Master Jaru froze for a moment, shocked and slack-jawed. After Isabelle taunted him again and lit up a red Saber, he gritted his sharp teeth and growled, "Me? You would dare to accuse me? You insolent fool, I only followed you today to ensure that this boy," he waved a hand toward the two Sith fighters as they struggled to grapple around each other's blades, "didn't spirit you away to Sith space or leave you dead in some alley underground! It's clear now that you have already fallen into his influence. The Darkness has consumed you both. I always knew that you two would fall, just as I knew that Ulrich was too blind to keep this from happening. Now, you two will perish and I will show the Council that I should be the one at Master Suun's right hand, not your Master, who condones the use of Sith Arts!" By the end of the speech, the Master was clearly angry, and fighting to keep himself calm. He put both hands on his Saber and leveled it with his eyes as he began to circle Isabelle. Not a second passed before he lunged into a stab aimed into her chest...
"You're consumed by ambition, too consumed by it. A Jedi is patient and careful... Clearly, you have demonstrated that you are neither patient nor careful." Isabelle spoke, her voice clearly dripping with enough contempt to poison a Bantha. She quickly blocked his strike, and she spoke with even more contempt,"You weren't paying attention during the Council meeting, were you? After Kira and I return the holocron, we're leaving the Order for good. In any case, you have no real jurisdiction." She spoke again, this time her tone was so full of mocking it would piss anybody off to no end,"Did somebody squeeze your brain tails today? Is that why you're so pissy?" Only she could piss somebody off that much.
"ENOUGH with your MOCKERY!" Bellowed the older man as he launched several violent strikes at the infuriating Isabelle.

Meanwhile, Havoc had been leading the fight with swing after blindingly quick swing. It took as much concentration as Kira could muster to defend himself, but then he noticed a pattern. The bright-red Sith would switch from top attacks to swings at the legs, but almost always go from ankle to an upward slash at Kira's chest, then spin into a thrust. Only this time, after blocking the up-slash with a down block, he lunged forward, past the red blade and shoved his own Saber into the Sith's gut. Havoc seized up, coughed up a bit of blood, then fell as Kira deactivated his weapon.

Kira then stood upright and looked to see how Izzy was doing with her fight...
It was part of Isabelle's style, to piss her enemies off, to distract them, to rile them, because a distracted enemy was an easier enemy. He was too aggressive, but she was very good with defense. It gave her time to plan a strategy. He was getting predictable, but she didn't let him know that she knew that. She was enjoying the fight, the battle was making her very excited. Since her other hand was free, she did a quick Force Push and sent him flying into the wall.
Kira gave a low wistle as the old Jedi stumbled to his feet, clearly hurting from either the impact on the wall or the effort it took to fight such a young opponent. He smirked and nodded to Izzy as he stepped closer to Jaru, who had taken a middle stance and began to shout,
"You impotent cubs cannot truly think that you have a chance against me! I am a Master of the Jedi Council, not some easily swayed upstart like your pretty friend there." He nodded at the Zeltron who lay dying just meters away.

"Save it, Master," Kira cut him off. "I may have been gone for seven years, but I still remember what it is to be a Jedi. But being that I've trained the Sith Arts too, I can recognize the Darkness in you. You're no longer fit to lead the Jedi and if the others on the Council don't see it, we'll just Force you from your chair the way it's done on Korriban."
With that, he lit his Saber and took his Soresu stance, ready to face this threate way the way he had always preferred; with Isabelle at his back.
She was smiling, it pleased her that he was in pain, and she purred into Kira's ear the way she knew he liked it, the way she knew would give him a boner,"Mmmm, dear, let's smash him into the wall a few more times, squeeze those tails of his. He wasn't very nice to us... After this shit, let's celebrate with all the good eateries in the restaurant just a block from here, you know, the one where you have to be mega rich to eat at..." She had that look on her face that people knew to fear, the look that clearly spoke of taking pleasure in somebody's pain and suffering. She spoke, getting ready with her lightsaber again,"You be an old man. Talk about impotence..."
Kira tensed up for a second as Isabelle purred diabolical things to him, for a flash he thought he was back on Korriban, trying to resist the temptation of the Dark Side as Master after Master came into his holding cell to appeal to him. Then he glanced back and saw that coy smile upon her lips, the way she held her body just a little bit closer to his than she had as a kid... It excited him. He smirked and hissed a short laugh. By then, the old Twi'lek was closer and raised his blade for a strike, but Kira unwound his arm from Soresu guard, swiped his blade up to parry and landed a chest punch that threw Jaru back.
"Like that, you mean?"
She smiled, watching Kira take down the old Master, and she slyly spoke,"Just like that... I love doing this sort of thing, I can do it... All day." She was telekinetically bouncing the Master into the wall for entertainment, until he decided he would give up.
It was not long before the old Twi'lek lost his grip and let his lightsaber clatter to the floor. Kira let Izzy slam him one more time before he laid his hand on her arm and said, "That's enough. I'll finish him off." He sliced Jaru's Saber in two as he stepped closer to the old Jedi, who was lying on his side and coughing blood. He kicked the old man's shoulder so he would lie flat and planted a foot into his chest. Looking into Jaru's eyes, Kira said, "I'm sorry, but I cannot allow you to endanger my new family. I wish you peace in the next life..." And he kneeled down, plunging his blade through the old Jedi's chest. After a second, he stood again and clipped his Saber to his belt. "It's done, baby. We're free. Do you still have the Holocron?"
Isabelle was disappointed when Kira stopped her, but it got boring when they couldn't fight back after awhile. Oooh, the old man was coughing blood, that was a new one, she didn't think she was smacking him into the wall that hard, but often times she underestimated her abilities. She smiled as she watched Kira finish him off, and she spoke,"Yes, I've still got it. And the Council knows what's happened here. With the remaining mechanical toys, I improved my comm and transmitted all audio to the Temple. They know of Jaru's... Problem with us."
Kira could not help but to crack a blood-streaked grin. "You never fail to impress me, you know that?" He leaned in to kiss her lips and felt an instant surge of heat run through his body as they touched. Instinctively Kira's hands were at Isabelle's waist, pulling her tightly to himself. He took a breath and said "Nor to turn me on.." And he pressed his hips to hers so that she would feel his growing erection as he smooched over her face and neck, licking up the streaks and drops of blood and sweat...
She loved that smile of Kira's, no matter how filthy he was. She smiled, hungrily kissing him back as he pulled her tightly to him. She could feel his cock growing and hardening, she knew he wanted to bang now, and she purred in pleasure, feeling him kiss her face and neck.
As he ran his hands up Isabelle's body to undo her suit, he looked around for a good spot to get busy. He picked her up and let her sit on his forearms, and asked, "What do you think, Love? Wanna take this up to an empty lounge or just go on that stage there?" He smiled wickedly, keeping eye contact as he used his teeth to draw her zipper down, then kissed her chest and the insides of her breasts while he awaited her answer.
She giggled as he picked her up, and she spoke,"An empty lounge would be good. All the rooms in here have liquor. I know this because I've gotten many uncooperative informants drunk to get information from them." She purred as he began to unzip her suit with his teeth, and smiled, feeling him begin to kiss her chest and breasts...
"Right!" He lifted Izzy higher, threw her over his shoulder and ran for the stairs saying, "upstairs it is!" He bounded up two steps at a time, slapping Izzy on the butt with each footfall until he reached the hallway lined with doorways to private rooms. After touching a few doors to sense when they were last used, he threw one open and bent over to let her down. The lounge was as big as the bedroom at the hotel, but it was furnished with a couch the size of a bed... Or perhaps a bed shaped like a couch.. Whatever it was, it was exactly what they needed. Kira shut the door behind Isabelle and started to take own clothes off...
She giggled when he quickly threw her over her shoulder, and laughed openly as each time his feet touched the steps, he smacked her ass. She smiled as he let her down soon as they got to a private room. She happily pranced into the room, and worked quickly about getting naked herself.
"Mmm- mm... I could get used to this view," said Kira as his eyes, which were more green than yellow but still lighter than the natural color, scanned over Isabelle's glistening skin. His cock was already at attention, twitching slightly at each heartbeat as he stepped in to grab Izzy's butt and kiss her wildly. His fingers wrapped around her fleshy cheeks, the tips reaching her inner crack, anus and the bottom of her pussy. His tongue moved inside her mouth almost frantically as the top of his shaft throbbed against the lips of her quim...
She purred as they were hungrily kissing, and she spoke, coming up for breath,"After a great victory like this, we should have sex, ride the wonderful rush that comes along with victory." She was so happy to be naked, to see her beloved naked, to touch his wonderfully naked body, to have him touch her naked body. It felt so good, this moment did. She really was blessed.
"Hmm, you think so?" He grinned, leaning forward a bit to kiss down Izzy's neck to her shoulder and start rubbing around the outside of her vagina as he use one foot to subtly spread her legs apart. "I thought we could just sit up here and play sabacc." Then Kira brushed his nose on hers and giggled a bit before moving his face back down to kiss Isabelle's chest. All of a sudden he slid past her and dive-rolled onto the bed so that he lay on his back and his head was between Izzy's legs. Before she had time to react, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her on top of himself, her shoulders propped up on his thighs and his head still between her legs. He ran his hands up to her breasts and groped them while he kissed along her inner thigh and spoke in his husky bedroom voice; "You know (kiss) when we were kids (kiss) I planned to do this (kiss) to warm you up to sex.." Here he kissed right where her leg met her pelvis and looked into her eyes...
She smiled as he ever so sexily kissed down from her neck to her shoulder. She moaned lightly, feeling him rub the outside of her pussy. She felt her legs spread a bit, and she decided to spread them wider. She loved where ever his lips decided to land on her body, and she laughed when he decided to kiss her pussy. She moaned so much at his touch, and she spoke,"Mmm, honey, sure sounds like you planned everything out...."
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