Star Wars: The Ties of Destiny (nobody & Naomi David

Isabelle was glad it took no time at all to get into the Nebula Club. Mainly because of the saber. Nobody said no to a Jedi... Or to a Sith, for that matter. So much loud music. It mattered not, Kira and she could talk to each other telepathically. Two shots of Corellian Whiskey. The Corellians were famous for strong brews. She raised her glass as well, and replied,"To our love!"
Kira tapped his glass to Izzy's and tipped the dark brown drink down his throat. He gestured for the barman to refill both glasses and looked over the crowd. He wanted to get a feel for the place, maybe figure out who was in charge before the owner noticed their presence. It didn't take long to find the security staff; most of them were burly men in dark uniforms and none of them seemed phased by the boisterous music or the excess of exposed skin that so entertained the guests."I can't see the owner anywhere, can you?" He asked into his partner's ear...
She tipped it down her throat. It was as strong as she remembered it to be, the last time she drank was the day after she woke up all those years ago. She spoke, whispering really,"He's one of people dancing on the dance floor. If you want a feel for what the guests want, join them. Clever way to improve the business, if you ask me."
Kira honestly had not thought of that possibility but it did make sense. He nodded and, still scanning the throng of wildly flailing bodies asked, "So do you know which one it is? I admit I don't know much about these places..." He figured that Isabelle, being more familiar with the darker parts of Coruscanti society, would be able to spot their suspect more easily, if indeed she didn't already know who it was...
She shushed him, and closed her eyes, her mind searching for the owner... She could sense him, sense him way back in the club, dancing, but also talking... She spoke,"I know where he is. Follow me." She got up, waiting for Kira to do so as well.
He waited patiently as his partner searched the crowd, carefully avoiding eye contact with any of the admittedly attractive women who kept casting friendly or more-than-friendly looks his way while silently warding off the equally numerous young men clearly eyeballing Isabelle with intimidating glares. When she said that she'd found the club owner, he downed his second drink and stood to follow. Through their telepathic link he said, 'Why don't you try to get him alone? I'll back you up.'
Isabelle went through the crowd, blending in amazingly well, then again, nothing could ever be considered extraordinary or weird in the club, all ages, races, creeds and such, anybody and everybody needed a drink or a dance sometime. She spoke telepathically,"I found the bar owner." She waited for a response, and telepathically replied,"Fine." She found him surrounded by women.
Xak Yoran, a tallish, thinish, man with short pure white hair and icy blue eyes had been chatting up a pair of Togruta women when he noticed a curvaceous young brunette join the small group of admirers swaying around him. Almost immediately, Xak found himself entranced by the black clad woman and had to introduce himself. "Well goood evening!" He displayed his most endearing smile as he reached for her band, "I'm Xak Yoran, welcome to the Nebula, Miss..."
Well, she didn't even need to Mind Trick him to get his attention, that was a plus, she thought, as the owner tried to chat her up, and she spoke,"Fairchild. I am seeking information about recent dealings here." She extended her hand, and shook his.
Yoran smirked and replied easily, "Information, Miss Fairchild, happens to be a specialty of mine. Why don't we go upstairs where it's a bit quieter, and you can tell me what it is you are so interested in?" The flamboyantly dressed man quickly excused himself from his other company and lead the way up a set of stairs to a VIP lounge. Ignoring the two short, burly Zabrak men who stood in opposite corners, Xak poured two glasses of white wine and sat on one end of a blocky but quite soft couch. "Please, Miss Fairchild, take a seat. I'm certain you Jedi do quite enough standing. I like my guests to be comfortable, you understand. Now, what did you want to know about?"
She held back the repulsed look she was feeling, ensuring it didn't show on her face as she followed him to the room with the guards. She didn't drink the wine that was offered to her, and she spoke,"A hit was put out on an associate of mine. I wish to know who, and why..."
Kira intently and unabashedly watched as Isabelle made contact with and was led upstairs by the owner of the Nebula. He noticed that just before the pair was out of sight, an greenish humanoid guard had noticed him and he gave the black-shirted being a cocky grin. To his amusement, the green man whispered to an orange-haired human coworker and then started toward Kira.

"A hit? On a Jedi? Well I can certainly understand the need for information on the culprit. Oh what is it?" Xak snapped at a guard, the blue one, who had just invaded his personal space, and the Zabrak leaned over to whisper into his employer's ear. Yoran cracked a big smile and clapped once, loudly before rubbing his hands together and then clapped them onto his knees. The guard retreated and Yoran spoke again, the way one might speak to a small child or pet when something exciting was going on. "You Jedi really are a silly bunch, you know that? You think you can collect all the knowledge in the universe to keep it locked away in such tantalizing little glowing gems-" Xak cut himself off, having grown more and more irate by the word that he had to take a deep breath. He started again more calmly, "And when one of you is attacked, you bring that one directly to the person who wants him dead. Into the Rancor's den! Hahahaha! Brilliant!" He was beaming with mirth again by now. After a sip of his wine, he gestured toward Isabelle and the two Zabrak approached her with knives in hand...
"I am no Jedi, clearly, you have not seen one in a long time." she coldly spoke, blinking, her eyes turning the fearsome yellow as she stood up after his revelation that he was the one who put the hit out on Kira. She spoke,"Maybe you've heard of Lady Blackthorn. Maybe you haven't. But Lady Blackthorn... I do not take kindly to be screwed with like this." She reached her hands out, and was mercilessly Force Choking his guards. After a few moments, both of them died, and she took out her Sith lightsabers, and she activated both of them, and she pointed the ends of the blades at his throats, the red illuminating his face, and she spoke,"Listen to me very carefully. I want that item, now. I have no compunction against slaughtering the rest of your guards and dangling you over the edge of the street to drop you to the very bottom of the Underworld."
Yoran's smile didn't fade, except in disgust at the moment of his guards' death, as he watched Lady Blackthorn reveal herself. "Oh, Jedi, Sith, you all look the same from the outside, my dear. And no, I'll not hand over your precious textbook without a fair price." Just then the sounds of a panicked evacuation mixed with blasterfire could be heard from the nightclub proper as the music stopped. "And right now, Miss Blackthorn or whatever you call yourself, you don't seem to have a lot of bargaining power. Save your swords, I mean." The white haired man still smiled childishly, as if the whole scene were happening to someone else...
She had a repulsed look on her face, and she spoke,"What is a fair price to you? Trust me... The alternative for you is not pleasing." She slowly lowered her lightsabers, and slowly ran them up his arms, flaying off the flamboyant clothes, and the top layer of skin, very, very slowly. She spoke,"I can go and do this to you all day. Want my counter part to come in?" "Oh dear, I might be flaying off the layers of skin off this man because he won't give me the information we require." she telepathically spoke to Kira.
'Yeah, do what you have to,' Kira thought to her franticly as he dispatched the security staff while trying not to hurt any civilians. Within seconds, all the dancers had left and there lay several bodies throughout the place.

Xak Yoran yepled at first, but he was able to turn the pained sound into a long grunt, ending in a few short giggles. "Oh please, Lady Blackthorn, the real Sith did worse than that before he asked me anything!"

Downstairs, Kira shut off his weapon and turned to go to his partner, but froze as he sensed several presences sneaking about in the sporadic light-shadow mix. 'Shit, I might need some help down here,' he called through their link.
She made a disgusted noise, then took off his hands and feet with her sabers, but she did it really slowly to maximize the pain. She also used the Force to make the pain seem worse than it actually was. It was a simple matter of looking at him. She spoke,"Oops. Want me to cut out your reproductive parts? I'm sure they can make prosthetics, but I don't think your partners would want to be fucking a robot." She did a mental check of downstairs of the assailants, and found they had either electronic devices and or metal things, and she spoke,"Use Force Lightning if you can. The lot of them have either electronic devices and or metal on them. Use the Force Lightning and use their things as conductors. Deals with multiple targets."
The obstinant Human screamed out his pain but showed o sign of comiance until his genitals were threatened. He stared at Blackthorn for a tense moment, but just as one of the flaming blades began to sing his pants he helped out, "STOP! Okay okay I'll tell you where it is!" He moaned in pain for a few seconds before looking his captor in her eyes and saying, " I-it's hidden away. In a Vault below this club. I was told to keep it safe until my Lord came to collect it! All you have to do is take that lift down and enter the key. It's here around my neck! OHHH GODS!" The man began to weep and shivver and then he whispered in a frightened tone, "Just kill me, please kill me now! Before he comes here and does something worse!"

Meanwhile, Kira stood in the dance floor, still and silent as he waited. The beings around him seemed to think he had not yet noticed them, or perhaps they wanted him to attack first. Either way, he wanted to wait for Isabelle. These were clearly Sith acolytes, and in a number he did not want to be left alone with... Then he sensed another Sith coming. A Sith Lord. In the upper level of the club, a Zeltron man appeared. "Fancy seeing you here, Viscera."
He was quick to answer, "You mean on MY mission, Havoc?" Both men stared each other down until the lithe Zeltron leapt down and attacked with his pink-tinged lightsaber...
She had a cold, cruel, but insane looking smile as she slowly moved her sabers toward his pants, and she spoke, her voice like razor blades,"There, that wasn't so hard, was it?..." She yanked the key off of his neck, but she didn't kill him, Kira needed help. She blinked, sensing a real Sith Lord downstairs. Funny, the bad guys, the multiple ones, that Kira told her about, weren't doing jack... Maybe their boss didn't want them to... She silently made her way down to where Kira was, and she Force Screamed, but not before telling Kira telepathically,"Cover your ears!". It was much more powerful since she was fueling it with more Dark Side power than ever before. She had much better control on it than ever before, forcing the sound waves to do some serious internal damage to the Acolytes. All of them started to shake and shiver, and began to slump over, blood pouring out from their very pores, and soon enough, stopped moving, dead. Honestly, Kira need not cover his ears, but safety first.
Kira defended easily, swiping his rival's blade aside and dodging out of it's way only a few times before he got a warning from Izzy. As soon as he did, he retreated to within arm's reach of one of the Acolytes and put up a Force Shield. Sensing trickery, Darth Havoc put up his own Shield in time to avoid serious harm. After the sonic barage, Kira lunged in and attacked the cocky Zeltron. The two Sith traded blows for about three seconds before Kira was able to land an elbow strike that knocked his opponent out cold.

After an uneasy second spent pointing his blade at the fallen Sith's neck, Kira stepped away, collected Havoc's Saber and turned to look at Isabelle. "Thanks for the backup" he grinned and gave her a kiss before saying, "Miss subtlety" and poking her nose. "So, what did you find out?"
Isabelle was proud of her good work with the Scream. Always did a good chunk of damage. Of course, Kira won his bout. She happily kissed him back, wrinkled her nose, and spoke,"A good deal. The Holocron is hidden away in a vault below the club. I have the key to it, obtained from the Club owner. Take the lift down, enter the key, and we have it. But I sense this conspiracy goes farther. He was threatened by the Sith, maybe the one you knocked out, maybe not, but there's more to investigate." She deactivated her red lightsabers, and she spoke,"Should I kill him, the guy you knocked out? Or you will do your psychometry and get info from him?"
"Oh, I'm sure it was him," Kira said, looking over the dead bodies around them. "And no, don't. He may yet prove useful." The green eyed Jedi noticed his partner puting her weapons away in an unusual spot, then noticed that her lightsabers were still in the usual spots. "Where did you get those from, Izzy?" He asked as he knealt down to inspect Havoc for any other weapons.
"I made these. Master had advised me that for going undercover, I make new ones since those who used the Dark Side didn't have lightsabers that were Jedi colors... Having extra saved my skin more than once. They always go for where the holsters are, never the back, when they strip you of your weapons." she replied, blinking away the yellow. She found it rather useful to be able to wield both sides of the Force, her move set was so diverse now...
"Makes sense," he replied after a moment. He was sure that having those lightsabers had helped keep her cover, but Kira was unable to shake his resentment for the necessity of it. He became visibly irritated; tossing the knife he found on Havoc without even looking at it and treating the Sith's other belongings similarly. Once he was sure that his rival didn't have anything useful anymore, Kira lifted the slim Zeltron onto his shoulder and asked Izzy, "Where's the lift?"
"At the back of the club." she replied, she could tell Kira was most displeased at her having red lightsabers. Back in the olden days, Jedi wielded lightsabers of all colors, including red. It was only when the Sith began to favor the red ones was the red dropped from the Order. She spoke,"I wouldn't carry him. I'd use the Force to do it. That way he doesn't suddenly wake up and grab the sabers at your sides and gut you." She walked to the back of the club, deep in thought.
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