Star Wars: The Ties of Destiny (nobody & Naomi David

After a second of careful thought Kira shook his head. "No, sorry. I've been pretty busy for the past few years, not much time for Republic news."
The train then started to move and Kira leaned his head on the back of his seat.
"Finally! It should only take about an hour to get to our stop. The guy I want to talk to won't even wake up till then anyway, so we shouldn't have much to worry about. Anyway, what were you saying about this Blackthorn person?" Kira looked at Isabelle, eager to hear about a mission that he had missed.
She was faintly disappointed he hadn't heard of her alter ego, and she spoke,"A lot of people feared her, a woman who had no compunction against slitting throats if you displeased her. Plenty of people still fear her, especially the criminal underworld. People always fear those who can harness the Dark Side. A ruthless, calculating woman, a woman who was not afraid to push limits as leads for what she was looking for slowly dried up..." She blinked, her eyes turning that frightful yellow, and she blinked again, her eyes turning normal again. She spoke,"All the Jedi think is that I've specialized in mind tricks, but I can do so much more than that."
As Isabelle described the Lady Blackthorn, Kira began to feel a nagging suspicion until, with a flash of burning yellow between blinks, all doubt flew out the window. Kira shook his head slightly without breaking eye contact. "No," he whispered, " No, Isabelle you-" he turned his head and loosed a series of curses in the three languages he knew. After a few seconds and a muttered apology to a nearby passenger he looked at her again and asked with a hint of dread in his sonorous voice, "Isabelle, are you kidding me right now? Please tell me this is one of your sick jokes..."
"I'm not joking to you, not at all. When normal Jedi persuasion didn't work... I was doing what I had to do, getting any scrap of information to bring you home. After sentry duty that night, a few nights ago, I was waiting for a contact. Earlier information had said to go to any of the Sith planets. My contact was going to tell me which one to go to. After our bout... I went to see where my contact was, but he was dead. Obviously somebody didn't want me finding you... But Lady Blackthorn still has an open invitation to attend the Sith Academy on Korriban. Words of my exploits reached the ears of your former superiors... But don't worry. Our Master knows. Don't ask me how, the old man always does. He condoned it. He told me that since he was too old to go and do it himself, he wanted me to do it. He views us still as his little ones. And now I don't have to do it any more."
By the time Isabelle finished talking, Kira felt ready to explode in anger. His hands were balled up into white-knuckled fists, which he managed to keep in his lap and his own irises had shifted to molten gold. He opened his mouth to speak, then shut it and decided to speak silently to her, so they would not be overheard. Outwardly he shut his eyes and bowed his head but through their mental link, he expressed his Fury and concern freely.
'This is unbelievable! Ulrich just let you go around the underbelly scum of the Galaxy and become some Sith-aspiring rogue? I should have expected as much, but I never thought that you would do anything so drastic. Isabelle, you don't want that. I promise you don't want that life.' If she were looking, the female Jedi would see a few tears dropping from Kira's downturned face to land on his clenched fists in his lap. She certainly would feel the swirl of disgust at their Master and protective fury, fueled by fear, that lit up his aura in the Force and shaded his thoughts.
Well, Kira didn't take it well, that much was obvious, she could see it through her own eyes, and she could feel all of his emotions through the Force. She couldn't see his tears, and she spoke back through the Force,"I won't do it any more. I don't want to do it any more. I don't need to do it any more. Never again since I have you. But had it been me, what would you have done?" She continued, finally speaking to him of her vision,"I had two visions. You may have already heard me talking about one. One being where we were happily raising a family. The other is a darker one, an infernal version. We were the rulers of the galaxy, a Sith Lord and a Sith Lady, watching it burn at our feet. At the time, I almost didn't care which vision came true, because in both of them, I still had you at my side. My heart wasn't shattered anymore." Though if they were going in certain parts of the Underworld... Her eyes would be yellow. She felt the urge to pat along her back, her 'Sith' sabers were there. She made the red crystals herself.
'I don't know... I can't know what I would have done, because I am not the same kid. I just don't want you messing around with the Dark Side so much, it's far too easy to loose your life, or yourself.' Kira moved his left hand to Izzy and clasped his fingers with hers before going on.
'I saw your dream last night, by the way. That's the one that you will get to live, because that's the one I want to give you. Freedom, Peace, Love; you deserve these.'
"As long as I have you, I'm happy. That's all I've ever wanted." she spoke, blushing when he said he saw her dream. The one where they had a pretty, happy family. She spoke,"A nuclear option would be using... My other contacts to help assist in the search for the holocron."
Kira opened his eyes again and grinned, releved by Isabelle's words. He then spoke, "They may be of use, but I'm hoping that this will be our only stop today." Then the train came to a stop and Kira stood up, pulling his partner by the hand onto the platform and away from the station. They were several levels below the surface, in a merchant district the likes of which were seen in many a crime-related holodrama. "You see," he began as he lead the way down a street full of the kind of shops no parent would ever let their children go near, "the man we're going to see was part of the heist, the actual theif who took the Holocron. I have a hunch that he never actually gave it to the bug who was supposed to deliver the item. That or he took it from her when she wasn't looking." He stopped in front of a 'second hand' electronics dealer and looked at Isabelle. "Do you want to keep watch out here? It shouldn't take long..."
She smiled at his words, his voice was so soothing to her, and she was glad the train came to a stop, and then he took her hand and lead her out of the train and away from the station. This also pleased her, that they were holding hands. This place looked like a dump. She'd certainly never let her kids here. She made a face when he called the Rodian a bug, and she spoke,"I'll keep watch. But if you need my mind tricking... Or other persuasion, just ask."
"I will, Izzy," he said as he reached for the door. Kira paused, looked at Izzy again and pushed her into a shadowy spot, where he smiled and said "One thing first..." And kissed her deeply, running a hand down her backside as he held her head and body close to his own. After several passionate seconds Kira pulled back and set his burning gaze upon his lover's face. With a deveous, toothy smile he stepped back, letting his fingers slide from Izzy's cheek and linger upon her lips until he turned to go inside the store...
She doubted he'd ask, but she'd play along with him, smirking as he took her to a shadowy spot, where they freely made out, and she smirked as his hand found her backside. She spoke,"What would step 2 be if this doesn't pan out?"
Kira froze with his hand on the door and answered with a sidelong smirk, "I won't come out without a lead." He then disappeared into the neon lit shop. Inside, he approached the counter and asked the Chiss shopkeeper to see the back room. Or rather, he told the young woman to bring him to the illegal apartment under the shop after threatening her with an official report on the building, if not gruesome bodily injury. Reluctantly and fearfully, the Chiss let the muscular Sith behind the counter and showed him the staircase leading to the theif's lodging. He surprised the slender Human, who had been taking a nap and was fairly frightened by an angry Sith in his bedroom. After several minutes, Kira exited the store with an irritated scowl and a few drops of blood on his tunic. Moving to Isabelle's side he asked curtly, "Anything interesting happen out here?"
Mmm, that sounded promising. She was watching around for any bad things... She blinked, and the yellow returned. People usually knew to stay away from the yellowed eyes people. Nobody wanted to rumble with a Dark Sider. Nobody wanted to rumble with a Sith. She spotted somebody watching her from across the street, and she smirked upon seeing the blood drops on Kira's tunic after turning around for a moment. Bad boy. She whispered,"Across the street, we have a watcher, not one of my contacts..." She spoke to his mind,"Don't mind the eyes. It's helped keep the snoopers away." She held up her right hand, and the finger tips sparked. Not enough to catch the attention of passing traffic, but to let the person watching them across the street know that if he or she wanted to rumble, she had no problem taking him or her on.
'I'm sure it does' he replied silently as he leaned against the wall and looked at his lovely woman. Reaching out through the Force, Kira sensed the sneaky being across the street, then he reached his arm out to grab Izzy's shoulder and pull her into a crouch a split second before several green blaster bolts pelted the wall. The few people on the street screamed and ran. Kira drew his lightsaber and vaulted over the speeder that they were crouching behind and gave chase to the fleeing assassin...
Izzy growled when he pulled her into a crouch, but she realized it was to keep her from getting shot... She followed after Kira, running as fast and as hard as she could. NOt time to pull out the Sith sabers, not yet. Don't cause Kira undue stress....
Kira had to shut off his lightsaber as he weaved through a small crowd, so he couldn't stop anyone around from being hit by the occasional blasts fired at him, but he kept a steady pace. Soon enough, he turned a corner into an alley where the indego-robed gunman was climbing a fire escape. Kira reached out with the Force and tripped the would-be assassin, who fell down the ladder and landed with the crack of breaking bone. The de-facto Jedi stalked over to the groaning, cowering figure and crouched, setting a knee in his chest. "What's the big idea, bucko?" He asked just as Izzy turned the corner...
Damn, so many people in the way... It would make things so easy if the streets were empty. Kira unfortunately got to the would be assassin first, otherwise she would have happily tortured him for information. She got to him moments afterwards, and the assassin refused to talk, and she spoke coldly, beginning a mind trick on him,"Tell us what we want to know, or I shall torture your mind with your worst fears until you talk." He squealed,"Indigo Club! I was hired there to take out you both! I don't know who hired me! I was just given lots of money to do so!"
Kira growled at the man under him before saying "Is that so? How about I take a look?" Ignoring the frightened protests, he sprawled his left hand on the Assassin's head over the Indego Club tattoo and used his right fist to put pressure on the Assassin's broken leg. Kira used the man's fear and pain to enter his mind, where he reviewed his memory and found the truth. After a minute, the long haired Jedi snarled again and leaned some more weight onto the knee on the Assassin's chest as he stood up. "I'm going to let you live for two reasons. One: because I don't particularly want any more blood on my clothes today and two: so you can tell any of your shadow killing buddies what happens when you take a job on a Force user." He punctuated the sentence by kicking the broken leg before turning away from him and heading towards the main street. "So, what do you know about this Indego Club?" He asked Izzy.
Izzy smirked as she watched Kira do his work, she found it strangely hot watching him torture the loser of an assassin. She could so easily feel his pain and fear... And found it slightly intoxicating. She spoke,"Where there's a bar, doesn't matter which one, all sorts of business takes place there. Pick your poison. Bounty hunting. Assassinations. Slavery. Folks have tried to shut it down for years... But it never worked out." She followed him onto the main street, and spoke,"Well, that was fun. We're undoubtedly gonna run into more idiots like that."
"Most likely," replied the golden-eyed young man as he approached a taxi. He opened the door for Isabelle and then sat beside her in the back seat. After paying the droid and instructing it to ignore their conversation, explained what he had learned. "OK, so the theif I hired was dumber than I thought. He decided to nick the cube from the courier so he could double his money on the black market. And as it happens, our trigger-happy friend picked up his assignment from the very nightclub owned by our buyer. What does that tell you?
He was such a gentleman as he opened the door for her. She sat down, and once he closed the door, she began to talk, well, after he talked,"I see it as one big conspiracy. You were going to get screwed over from the very beginning... But I think if we ever have to shout... 'Sith Business' in a crowded club, it'll clear out faster than if we shouted 'Jedi Business'. And I must say, the color of your eyes suits your face very well, despite the negative connotations that goes along with it."
"I think you're right on both counts there. Someone is always trying to get a leg up, and the easiest way to do that is by killing ambitious young guns like me. As for my eyes, I do hope you don't get too used to them being this way." By then, the airspeeder had come to a stop a little way up the street from the place they wanted. Kira stopped talking long enough for the both of them to get out and moved to the other side of the walkway, so other beings could pass freely as they finished their conversation. "Then again..." He said reluctently as his eyes wandered over Isabelle's strong, tantalizing form, "the more I think of it, I really think that you of all people could make it as a Sith..." He trailed of as he remembered their meeting in the old theater the other day.
"Kill off the competition. It's what I'd do. Politically, financially, screwing people over, and the obvious one, murder. Pick your posion, all have the intended effect..." she spoke, then going to a whisper,"Everything about you is perfect to look at, no matter the color, dearest." She smiled secretly when he said that she would make it as a Sith. She spoke,"You did a fine enough job." It was nice to talk while walking. Especially with Kira. But little did the folks know that Kira was being assisted by none other than the feared Lady Blackthorn.
Kira grew a confident smile as they approached the entrance to the Nebula club. They didn't have to wait long to get in, since the sun had just gone down in this part of Galactic City, and the bouncer let them both in as soon as he spotted the menacing lightsaber on Kira's hip. Inside the building loud electronic music pumped through everyone's bodies as colorful lights played over the dancing crowd. Taking Izzy's hand, Kira went to sit at the bar and ordered two shots of Corrilian whiskey. He raised his glass to his lover and said, "To our new life!"
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