Star Wars: The Ties of Destiny (nobody & Naomi David

She was thoroughly enjoying herself as they made love yet again... But something changed. It suddenly turned powerful, passionate... Well, it had already been passionate, but this passion was something different... But not that she cared, it felt wonderful! She was happily moaning in pleasure, and she spoke,"God... Incredible!'
"No," Kira grunted out, "You're incredible!" He was starting to sweat now, but he didn't slow the pace of his thrusts. He shifted forward though to be closer to Isabelle's face as his right hand slid up her voluptuous form until he could hold her hand, palm to palm with their fingers interlocking. He started to make out with her, partly because he simply could not get enough of the girl's taste, and partly to keep her quiet; he was not sure exactly how much sound could carry through these rooms, and he was sure that she was getting ready to cum soon...
She liked how close they were now. To her, it meant more of him inside her... And she just liked it whenever their skin touched. And the kissing, the kissing was one of the best parts. She was moaning in pleasure, she just felt so damn incredible... And hot. The sort of heat that only came from being close to one's climax.
As he got closer to his own orgasm, Kira could feel the heat from Isabelle like the scorching surface of a speeder left in the sun too long, the way she had gotten when they made love the night before. This time was different though, as if they were literally fusing together. Kira slowed his movements down and gave a couple of long strokes, pulling himself almost fully out and then deep, deep inside her until he finally started cumming his seed into his lover. He pressed his whole body tighter against hers, this time feeling an almost perfect ecstasy of being with her, his darling Isabelle, here in their old home. After the last jet of semen left his cock, he lay beside the olive skinned girl and held her close. He kissed her face and neck several times while pulling his member from her depths and then simply looked into her eyes while the euphoric afterglow washed over him.
One thing was going to be for sure after they were finished with making love. They'd need showers. With all the body heat they were producing, sweat was on their bodies, but as always, the end result was waaaaay worth it. Cum, and lots of it, from both of them. Their love juices mixing together... She smiled as she climaxed, moaning when he climaxed. In all the room was full of the smell of sex and sweat. When they were finished, she moaned when he pulled out, and she happily snuggled with him as he kissed all over her face and neck. She spoke,"This one was the best."
"You know what? I think your right, baby," Kira whispered and nipped at Izzy's ear. For a couple of minutes he sat and caught his breath, but then he remembered that there was work to be done, starting with getting cleaned up. He kissed his lover a few more times and rumbled quietly, "We should probably get to the shower now. It's still just down the hall, right?" He couldn't resist the urge to squish her boobs a little and run his hands down both sides of her body, all the way down to her feet as he stood up from the bed. Smiling down at the lovely woman, his lovely woman, Kira's whole being felt lighter, happier. "I still can't believe I really have you back," he said as he put some pants on and found a robe for her to wear on the way to the showers. "Now come on, you dirty little girl, we have to get cleaned up before anyone smells what we've been up to."
She laughed quietly as Kira had agreed with her assessment, giggling just as quietly when he nipped ever so gently at her ear. She spoke,"I best see a ring soon, handsome. But yes, the showers are still at the end of the hall." She smiled, and laughed, loving his hands going down her body, and she spoke,"Likewise. We really do need a good cleaning."
"Then cooome ooon!" He said with mock-exasperation as he took Izzy's hands and pulled her onto her feet. He let her don the robe before opening the door and starting toward the large sonic-shower room. There were a few others there, of various species but noone that Kira really knew, just a couple of faces he vaguely remembered seeing around the Temple when he had lived there. He stepped into a stall and washed quickly, then went to get some new clothes from the dressing room that was adjacent to the showers. He was pleased to find that the droid there remembered his preferred style of dress, and soon Kira was looking sharper than this morning in a brand new white-and black outfit. When Isabelle was also clean and dressed he greeted her with a smile and said, "Alrighty, let's get our stuff and blow this taco stand!" With that he took her hand and headed back for their room.
She smirked, she didn't think she could get used to these crappy showers after the hotel's shower, which had been like, magnificent to many degrees. She was happy again as she got naked and quickly showered. She was fast in drying off... And was soon dressed in a black flight suit, and she smiled, and spoke,"Totally!" She went with him back to their room. In her mind's eye, she could see them as children walking down this very hallway, him yanking on her braids, and her pinching him in the back of his neck, which he had hated for some odd reason.
Kira opened the door this time and, once inside, made quick work of attaching his selected gear to his person. Afterward, he took the old photo of his parents out of it's frame and scanned it into the commlink he'd brought to Coruscant, then sent it to Izzy's comm to make sure. "Now that that's done," he said as he rolled the paper up and tied it with his old ceremonial Padawan ribbon, "and I'm a Knight, I can finally let go." He smiled at Isabelle with a mixture of excitement and satisfaction as he held out his lightsaber and balanced the scroll on the blade emitter. His hand was much lower than the button, inviting her to help him in the erasure of his past...
She smiled when she saw the picture on her comm, it was a very nice picture of Kira and his parents. She wondered why he sent it to her comm, but she wasn't going to complain. It was still very nice to look at. She wondered what he was doing until she saw what he was doing, and she moved her hand to where the button was, and she spoke,"You sure?"
"As sure as I ever have been," he said, setting his features into an expression of confidence. This would be the end of his boyhood, his own personal right of passage which he would share with the one person with whom he would share everything else...
Kira nodded once, stared into Isabelle's eyes for a second and then set his left hand over hers to shut his weapon down. "Right, let's do this thing," he said as he turned to the door and opened it, standing aside to let her go first.
Izzy loved so much how Kira stared into her eyes, it had been one of the many things she had missed while he was gone. She helped him shut his weapon down, and she walked out the door, eager to start their new life together.
Kira hooked his saber to his side as he stepped into the hallway and lead the way to the front steps of the Temple. Outside, the whole world looked different, almost brighter. With a giddy smile he trotted down the stairs and looked around the street. "Let's go to the train station, my first lead is a little far from here." he said, heading towards the station a couple blocks away.
She smiled as they made their way to the front of the Temple, and she spoke,"Remember how we used to be stupid? Literally hop from train car top to train car stop, using naught but the Force to steady ourselves?" She followed him to the station, smiling at how much fun they had as kids.
"Oh yeah," Kira snickered at the memory. "And that time we rode those repulsor boards of yours down the Senate building into the airspeeder? I thought we were gonna be shipped off to the Ag Corps for sure..." He cracked up a bit, remembering the rage on their Master's face, and how it all seemed so small now, compared to what had happened since. Soon enough, they were at the maglev station where, Kira noticed with a start, they had crossed blades just a few days ago. Slowing his pace, Kira replayed the whole scene in his head, coming to a stop on the spot where he'd pinned Isabelle down, and he crouched. He ran his fingers over a bloodstain on the duracreete and mumbled to his other half. "It seems like so long ago... Almost longer than Yavin, ya'know?"
"It all seems so insignificant now... But still, we had some excellent times!" she spoke, smiling as they made their way to the place that they had crossed blades. She spoke,"Kira... Can you still do that thing? That thing where you can read a person's memory from their DNA, even if they're dead?"
When Izzy asked about his psychometry Kira automatically remembered the last time he'd experienced it. Blinking hard and shaking his head, he stood up and placed a hand at the small of her back. "Yeah," he started toward the train they needed to take, "In fact it's one of my strongest abilities now. I'll tell you more on the way to the shop." They stepped onto the train uncontested since Jedi were allowed to use public transport freely. Kira found a couple of empty seats and began to tap an anxious rhythm with his feet while they waited for the train to start moving.
She was glad he could still do it, it would make things a lot easier if need be. She smiled as they made their way to the train, and she sat down next to him, and she spoke,"Mind tricking is one of my specialties now. Some times a mission requires subtlety and not violence. And as you can see, my scream has not diminished."
"Wait a sec," Kira set a hand on his partner's leg as he sat up straighter. Looking at her head-on he whispered "Subtlety?" He raised an eyebrow and asked, "Who are you and what have you done with Isabelle?"
She made a face at him, and she spoke,"It's how I've been trying to track you down all these years. Criminal sorts aren't that hard to screw with." She smiled widely, though after all those years, she never had any leads on Kira.
She made a face at him, and she spoke,"It's how I've been trying to track you down all these years. Criminal sorts aren't that hard to screw with." She smiled widely, though after all those years, she never had any leads on Kira.

Kira smiled softly and held his hands in his own lap as he sat back and sent his partner a feeling of love and approval through their connection. He knew that she had probably spent a lot of time looking for him, as he had drawn much of his drive to survive from the hope of seeing her again some day. "Most thugs are simple, sure, but the uper eschalon bosses tend to take more conventional convincing. You know, the kind you like, unless you suddenly decided to become a diplomat..." He teased her with a smirk...
"I had lots of people to practice on. Ever hear of... Lady Blackthorn, the one everybody was so afraid of?" she spoke, thinking, All along, everybody was afraid of me, afraid of somebody who would do nearly anything to get what she wanted, what she needed. A woman who so appeared so calm, but was so clearly somebody who had no compunction against slitting your throat if you displeased her... But nobody knew it was Jedi Fairchild, the friendly Jedi, who gave small children a few extra credits if they wanted sweets...
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