Star Wars: The Ties of Destiny (nobody & Naomi David

"Hmm, good point." He said as he dropped the Sith unceremoniously to the floor. He took both lightsabers from his belt and handed them to her before lifting Havoc again. "I would rather hold him though, so I know exactly what he's up to." When they reached the lift Kira waited for Izzy to open it so he could drop his foe again and cuff the Zeltron's wrists and ankles together. Once he had done so, he turned to his partner and held his hands out to receive the weapons. Dragging his eyes over his shapely lover, Kira let his lips curl up a bit on one side and said, "We're almost there, almost free from all this."
She smiled, she loved it when Kira listened to her suggestions, she loved it when he agreed with them. She took the lightsabers that he handed to her, and watched him cuff up the Zeltron. She didn't like them. Tricky, ornery folk. Great Jedi, there were a few in the order, but many of them turned their biological talents to crime. She smiled as she handed him his lightsabers back, and she spoke,"Yes, but don't say we're free until we're at the Order. I don't want to tempt fate to fuck with us more." She put the key into the lift, turned it, and withdrew it, and it lit up, and opened up. She walked right in, and she had a strange look on her face, a look that was of both deep thinking and of deep suspicion. She spoke,"Teach me psychometry. Something tells me I'm going to need it in the future."
Kira let his lips stretch further into a confident smirk and replied, "I'm sure we can handle whatever is thrown our way. We found each other from across the Galaxy, didn't we?"
At the sudden request, a look of surprise overtook his features and he spent almost a full minute frozen, trying to think of how to teach his talent. Slowly opening his mouth and raising a finger, he said "Ooookaaay, I think we should start with a meditation. Are you sure you need to learn this now? I mean..." He glanced and gestured toward the Zeltron on the floor, then to the ceiling of the lift, then Kira double took at Havoc, who had begun to stir, and sent a boot into the other side of his jaw, to which the pink-skinned man responded by sinking back to the floor, snoring and dripping blood from between his lips.
"Well, I sort of get it, but I'd rather practice on live beings and inanimate objects rather than dead bodies. The first time was a pure accident, a few years back. Coruscant was facing a terror like never before, a serial killer indiscriminate in his killings. I found the first body, and my wish, my desire, to find the killer, it was like I was... Well, I don't know how to word it. It was the first time I really brushed the Dark Side, the emotions were extremely powerful. I understand why the Masters don't like it when others in the Order used their abilities on dead bodies. But I could see who it was. Remember the homeless man that lived not far from the Temple? It was him-" she spoke, watching him ensure the Zeltron stay knocked out.

She continued,"The last time I did it was on his body after I killed him, after he had gone after the Grand Master. Sith experiment, poor bastard. He was experimented on, but he was a failure, and was let loose onto Coruscant to entertain the Sith by indiscriminately killing people. I briefly saw your face in the flash, you more were like a passerby in what I saw. It was one of my first real leads in ages while I looked for you. I want to learn it so in case anything happens, I have an extra tool to aid myself."

Soon enough, the lift came to a stop, and opened up, and she walked right out, and growled when she saw a door with a keypad. She spoke,"Remind me to go upstairs and castrate the club owner. He won't be far, I took off his hands and feet because he wouldn't give me a straight answer. Gimme a minute." She produced more than a few curious objects from her pockets, and set to work on the keypad.
Kira leaned on the wall and stared into Isabelle's eyes as she told him about her experience. He nodded, remembering the pleasant old man with which the two had shared many an evening snack during their apprenticeship. His expression darkened when she finished the story. "I remember," he started in a low, sorrowful tone, "One of the few people I counted as a friend on Korriban was an Alchemist. I found a scroll under a statue and I'm no good with dead languages so i gave it to him. He said the spell written on it would turn a man into an animal. It turned out to work on a primal level; he stopped coming to classes and talking to people. Then he totally snapped. He wasn't supposed to get off the planet, I mean you saw him! I guess that idiot couldn't bring himself to kill his pet..." Kira stared down at his feet until the lift opened up. When it did, he followed Izzy and made a note about the owner before asking, "Is there any way I can help?"
She hadn't wanted to kill the bum, poor bastard had been a philosophy teacher at one of Coruscant's many colleges. He had fallen on hard times, and became homeless, but still, he was a bright mind, a great person to help her through her many sorrows while she searched for Kira, and even gave her insights and suggestions that she herself would have never thought of. She could tell he was in terrible, terrible pain, so that was why she killed him, even though she didn't want to. Then she had wished to discover what drove the poor man to insanity, and it was then she discovered the cause, which was being experimented on by the Sith... It was then she got her thorn tattoos, and took the name 'Lady Blackthorn'. She spoke,"Kill him if you wish. Or castrate him. Either or, I don't care. I threatened the latter, then he gave me a straight answer. Whatever entertains you the most." She smiled when all the locks loosened. She got her work done, and pressed in a series of numbers and letters, and the door opened.
Kira nodded, physically and mentally so that she would notice through their link. As much as he had changed in the past few years, coming to enjoy and revel in violence, death and chaos, when it came down to his soul and his relationship with Isabelle, he was still the person he had been back then. He still cringed inwardly at the thought of Isabelle going overboard, too much into the Dark Side. The more time he spent with her, the more he wanted this mission to end. Once they were done they could leave the planet and... He still didn't know what, but that would have to wait. Right now, they had to get the Holocron. "Let's just get the cube and go, I've had about enough of this city."
She smiled as she felt the nod, and she spoke,"Hush. I need to make sure there aren't any traps in the vault." She took a small box out of her pocket, and opened it, and flung its powdery contents into the room, and made sure the dust started at the top of the room, and floated its way down to the bottom. She snarled when the bottom of the floor lit up, but it didn't go off, and she spoke,"Move me telekinetically across the room. The holocron is in the middle. The floor is laser alarmed. Break the laser and the force knows what'll happen."
"Right," he said, locking with his partner's eyes for a moment before sitting down and letting his eyelids fall over their green-rimmed orbs. Kira took several seconds to concentrate before lifting his hands from his lap, and with them lifting Isabelle several inches off of the floor. "I've got you," he said out loud as he slowly pushed her toward the bright, energetic thrumming of the ancient crystal...
Isabelle smiled when Kira was careful to telekinetically lift her off of the floor, and she spoke,"Good, nice and easy..." She carefully activated one of her Jedi lightsabers, and she sliced the top of the case that contained the holocron, and she telekinetically dropped the case top off outside the room, and she telekinetically took the holocron out, and she spoke,"Okay, pull me back!"
Kira began to pull Izzy back as soon as he heard "OK", and after a few seconds he let her down directly in front of him. He inhaled as he opened his eyes and stood with an excited grin. He liked the way that the luminous cube cast it's soft glow onto Isabelle's triumphant face. "You're getting more beautiful by the minute, you know that? Come on, let's get this back to the Temple; I don't know how much longer I can stand this restraint!" He was, of course, joking. He had always been the one with restraint. Still, now that they had shared their bodies he was eager to explore the possibilities of pleasure that they could inflict upon each other.
She felt great relief when he pulled her back, and she had the crazy smile upon her face, and she blushed when he said she grew more beautiful by the minute. She spoke,"We must still proceed with caution. Anything could happen in the while it takes to get back to the Temple!" She stroked his face gently.
Kira reached up to Izzy's hand and kissed it gently, right in the center of the palm. Then he pulled her hand down as he gazed into her eyes with vibrant green eyes and a hopeful smile. "Don't worry about a thing, Izzy. Nothing's gonna stop us now, I promise." He then slipped a thin, silver ring inset with a single saphire into her hand and went on, "I'm never going to let you go again."
Isabelle smiled when he kissed her hand, and she looked delighted to see the ring. She spoke,"And I will never let you go either!" She closed her hand around the ring, then opened it again and put it on one of her fingers, her right ring finger. She was doing a quick mental scan of the place, for a holocron of such import, there should have been way more security... This was too easy.
When Izzy put the ring on, Kira went for a kiss but paused when he saw the destracted look in her eyes. Reaching out with his senses, he noticed that Havoc was no longer in the elevator, and reaching farther, he felt the unnatural hum of someone upstairs trying to hide their own presence. Stepping away and looking at the floor, Kira cursed out loud. "Well this is just fantastic! There's no telling how many other goons that slimy little bastard already has up there..." He was pacing now, and running his hands through his long, raven black hair as he tried to think of a way they could get out without having to face the unknown number of Sith and bounty hunters upstairs...
She stepped back from him, and she spoke, in a language that would sound highly familiar to him if it was spoken on Korriban. She decided to learn the Sith language, and some of their odder tricks. She decided to go all out for the whole undercover operation. She blinked again, the eyes returning to the yellow, and she spoke quietly,"Speak to me, my allies in the shadows...." It sounded like a lot of hisses and strange vocal intonations, but it was the language, the Sith language. As she intoned she spell, she placed her hand on a shadowy part of the wall, and gleaned a great deal of troubling information. She spoke,"Oh boy... We've got the Force, but they've got way more... I count several bounty hunters and several acolytes, and of course, the person trying to hide."
Kira whipped around at the sound of the old Sith tongue and hissed harshly, "What's that supposed to mean?" Before he realized that she was performing some spell. He was impressed that she had actually had the patience to learn any such magick. He was acutely aggravated that she had gotten herself so deeply entrenched in the Dark Side of the Force. He experienced both these feelings at once, but his body lacked the ability to express them at once, so he settled for a harsh look of anxiousness as he waited for her to glean whatever it was that she was asking for. After she spoke again, he heaved a great sigh. "How's your Soresu? As good as you wanted me to think the other day?"
"My Soresu is better than ever, but aggressive techniques have always been my thing." She spoke, thinking, You have no idea how much magicks, how much I've learned... She spoke,"I can cut through the wall, but the resulting structural damage would kill us all." And make too much noise. She was pressing her hand to the wall harder, saying the spell again, looking for other ways out, but upstairs was the only way out. She got an odd prickly feeling, like something was trying to block the spell, and the hair on the back of her neck raised, she sensed more danger than the numbers said there were. She spoke,"Just how badly did the leaders want this damn Holocron? What's so special about it? The Jedi have loads of other ones!"
"Yes, I know, just-" Kira's eyes flicked to hers, then he turned and ran a hand through his hair as the other gripped the gnarled, stained bone grip of his lightsaber so tightly his knuckles turned white. He muttered several intense curses before turning to face Isabelle again. His eyes were tynged yellow and his jaw was set. "It doesn't matter. We've both grown far stronger over the years, and now that we're together I'm sure that we can handle this. By now he has surely told them about your scream so that is unlikely to work again... What else other tricks have you got?"
She spoke,"We may need to retreat. There is another magic user that was trying to block the spell I was using to see what our numbers are. And our odds suck, so I'm trying to figure out what other Dark Side and Light Side tricks I can use. I can't use explosives, again, too risky." She was thinking of escaping through the ventilation shafts, but they were too small, and they'd make too much noise if they did. She spoke,"I know of a spell that will drive them all to insanity, Sith magic, obviously. Actually, the Night Sisters came up with this one if I remember correctly. I was sneaking around in the forbidden holocrons, the Dark Side ones, for ideas on how to look for you and I came across the magic. Shall I use the spell?..."
"Well," he started with crossed arms and eyes turned to the floor in thought, "you could probably get a few of them with that, but if I know Havoc, he's brought at least a few warriors trained to resist that sort of thing. Or worse, Marauders who will become even more violent." He thought for a few more seconds and started to nod, "Yeah, I'm sure he has, especially since he knew he was going against me. But crippling fear would make them easier to dispatch. I doubt your sonic bombardment would work again though, he will have warned his goons about that by now." Kira looked back up at Isabelle and put his right hand on her shoulder, finally noticing consciously the winding vines tatooed on her neck and making note to ask about them later. He quickly moved his eyes to those of his lover and concluded, "It looks like we're going to have to pull out all stops this time. You show me just how much you've been training all that time I was away... And I'll show you why I'm called Darth Viscera..." He slid his hand up Izzy's neck to her sharply angled jaw and pulled her in for a deep, desperate kiss, a kiss through which he tried to impart every bit of the love he felt for her, and the hopes he projected for their future, and just at the end, when his heart was pounding harder than it had in his memory and their minds were almost perfectly as one, he gave to her the spark that would ignite their passions and turn them into the single minded bloodlust they would need to survive the arduous battle awaiting them upstairs. As he finally wrenched himself away from the nearly insurmountable desire to disrobe and stay here for far longer than they should, Kira looked into Isabelle's eyes and it seemed almost as if he was seeing himself from her eyes. With a pleased, yet outwardly terrifying grin he thought across their telepathic link, "Let's go get 'em."
She listened to him speak very intently, knowing each word he now spoke was extremely vital to their survival. He knew these Sith beings far better than she did. She spoke,"Fear, madness, illness, I can do them all. The illness one not so much, I started learning the spell for that a weak ago." The illness spell was the longest one, and was the hardest to pronounce. She guessed even the creators of the spell didn't want their own kind abusing it. She looked up to his face, and she spoke,"I travelled, and learned-" She was interrupted by their most passionate kiss yet, it felt desperate, but so wonderful at the same time. She saw and felt his love, felt his hopes and dreams... And his bloodlust, her bloodlust. She pulled back, and spoke telepathically,"Soon enough I'll show you was I took the name Blackthorn. And yes, let's raze them."
Kira took his hand off of Izzy's cheek and grabbed her wrist as he turned and strode to the lift. As soon as the turbolift started to move he sat on his knees and went to work churning his passions through the closed-loop of wrathful power that was the Sith Code. By the time the lift gave it's little ping to signal the end of the ride, he could feel the Force burning through his veins and across the connection go Izzy's soul, and he fed her a wave of energy with a simple instruction, "Now"
She smiled as he took her wrist and lead her to the lift. She was going to start off with the fear spell, then she got an idea. Drive them to insanity through fear. All she had to do was amp up the fear spell, which she began to speak as soon as the door opened, when the ride ended, when Kira fed her the extra energy, speaking the old Sith language,"Come to me, my dark allies, and be my weapon against the minds of these people! Show them the fear of the unknown!" It was strange, it was like watching the shadows in the room come to Isabelle's hands. She flicked her hands, and the shadows dispersed, rushing towards the Sith warriors. Once the shadows forced their way into their bodies, the effect was rather instantaneous. It first began with blank looks on their faces. Then their eyes started to have the unmistakable look of extreme terror. Isabelle was trapping them in their own minds, forcing them to deal with every last one of their fears. Unfortunately, the spell only worked on the ones she could see.
After Izzy launched her psychic attack, Kira stood and drew Darth Havoc's lightsaber. He peeked his head out the lift door, took in the sight of several young warriors shrinking to the floor as their minds crumbled and then winked back at his partner. "Good job, now to the fun part!" He stepped into the ground floor of the Nebula and lit the magenta blade in time to parry a heavy strike from a Mandolorian. The red-armoured mercinary wasted no time turning round to bring his heavy axe into another deadly arc but Kira stepped close enough to catch the weapon's shaft with his left hand and abdomen. As soon as the metal bar hit him, Kira thrust his blade into the Mando's back, between armor plates, and then stepped away to trade blows with a Sith...
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