Star Wars: The Ties of Destiny (nobody & Naomi David

Somewhere in the lower surface levels of Coruscant stood a man in a maroon cloak. He had been standing there for at least twenty minutes, waiting near a maglev train station for word from his spy. "My Lord," came the squeeky voice of the Rodian woman behind him.

"What took you so long? Never mind that," he cut off whatever excuse she tried to babble out, "Where is it?"

"That's the thing, I lost it."

The hooded man stood up straighter and turned to face the dark blue alien. He opened his mouth and spoke slowly, carefully. "You lost it? You lost a Jedi Holocron? My men spent months getting that irreplaceable tome of knowledge out of the Jedi Temple and you, the last link in the chain, decided to snap and loose it?" His voice became increasingly enraged as he went on. After staring into the sparkling black eyes of the cowering Rodian for a few seconds, he asked in a harsh whisper, "Where did you loose it?"
"I am unsure, my Lord! I had it inside my bag but, you know how this world is... Anyone might have taken it from my back without-"
With a furious grunt, Darth Viscera grabbed her scaly, bulbous head and wrenched to the side. "Useless insect."
He then stalked away through the crowd, leaving the body for someone else to deal with.
It had been 7 long, hard years since that awful day when she and Kira were separated. Oh, Isabelle gained Knighthood and all, a day that should have been one of great celebration, but it wasn't. She just wanted Kira. The Masters and her fellows tried to talk to her, but it was of no use. She could have taken a Padawan, but she just didn't want one. She just wanted Kira. The good memories were all she had left of him, the best ones being where they had kissed.

Right now she was patrolling the fair city/planet of Coruscant, and she was bored to tears. Patrol sucked. Nothing to do unless you were posted near known places of criminal activity, then it was fun. But no, she got stuck near a mag lev station... She was about to head back when finally there was some action!... She tried to listen in, but it was too faint. It was always fun listening in, you could hear really, really good gossip if you were stationed in the right spot. Gossip could be informative or just plain funny. She held back a gasp, the man had just murdered the Rodian woman! She leapt down, and ignited her lightsabers, she had rebuilt them immediately after being Knighted. One blade was her deep, deep blue, the other blade was the bright green of Kira's lightsaber. She spoke directly to the hooded man,"Stop. I have no qualm about throwing the lightsabers into your back." Indeed, she had no qualms about it. The Council let her do what she wanted, which had been the arrangement from years prior when she and Kira had been together, letting them do anything to get the job done.
He had made it only a few steps before hearing behind him the sound of two lightsabers igniting, then a woman threatening him. The broad shouldered Sith slowed and stopped, sensing a strong Jedi Knight as his opposition. He was glad that he had worn his mask on this outing; it would not do to have his face seen.

The crowd had cleared out a widening circle around him and the Jedi. They knew better than to stand anywhere near a lightsaber. Still, Viscera noticed several teenagers already recording with their holocomms as he dropped his cloak to expose his long, black hair and the back of his red and black tunic.

He then took the long, bone-and-steel hilt of his lightsaber into his hand as he turned to face...
No. No way. This could not be, why was she here? No, forget it, he had to focus. Viscera took the convoluted soup of thought and feeling flooding his mind and flipped it around, just as he had been doing for the past seven years.

He laughed out loud, suddenly very glad that he had his grey steel plated mask. "Oh my, a Jedi Knight has come to arrest me for playing too rough," he said tauntingly. "I hope you don't think that you are about to take my toys from me." He then put his other hand on his weapon and activated the bright yellow-orange blade, holding it over his head in the most offensive Kryat-horn pose.
"I do not think that I'll do it. I know I will do it, and disembowel you in the most awful of ways... Hey, kids, you are recording this, yes?" Isabelle spoke, a gaggle of excited teenagers eagerly recording what was promising to be one hell of a lightsaber battle. Then she spoke, looking thoughtful,"No, maybe I'll burn one layer of skin off at a time, then once I'm down to muscle, it'll also be one layer at a time. Not sure. It'll be gruesome either way." She looked far darker, far colder than she ever had been, like she didn't have a heart anymore. She was standing in the Form III pose, Soresu, a form she so disliked, but it was perfect for defense. She looked as beautiful as ever, even more beautiful, if possible, but there was something missing from her.
"Mmm, you should be careful, honey. All this dirty talk is getting me excited," he drawled out as he began to walk around the artificial arena in a subtle spiral inward. Izzy had clearly grown since he saw her last. She was not much taller but from what he could tell her body had filled in nicely and her Soresu stance was much cleaner.

Eager to see just how much better she was, he spun his saber into a forward Makashi guard and sent a couple of jabs and short slashes her way...
"Well, that's good to know, fights are most boring when not all parties have their hearts in it." she replied coolly, just waiting for him to get closer... She blocked, and Force Pushed him back, harshly, with her mind. She was getting better at using the Force and dueling at the same time, this much was clear. Usually she could only do one thing at a time. But now, she was much stronger, and much more powerful.
He dissipated the push so that his feet stayed on the ground and he slid back only a few feet. She seemed to have improved her multitasking abilities. It made sense. He charged again, slashing at her knee and spinning with his momentum for another swing to the chest.
She scowled when he slid only a few feet. She was used to far more dramatic results. She blocked the strike at her knee with her left saber, and when he went for the chest strike, she blocked with her right. Honestly, two lightsabers were wonderful. Many more moves. Honestly, this man hadn't seen nothing yet from her. Her true strengths laid in the offensive forms of combat, Ataru (Form IV) and both of Form V (Shien and Djem So).
Both his strikes were stopped easily, as expected. After his blade bounced off hers, the Sith whipped it around for an upward thigh slash that, even blocked, would carry him into a backward leap. His weapon arced around vertically once more to keep her from landing a counter attack and then, from a low crouch he would stab forward...
She was quick to block the thigh slash, and the forward stab, though she used to Force to aid her in blocking it, and she leapt over him, and loathe as she was to do it, aimed a kick right in the small of the back. At the very least, it would stun... Which was all the time she needed to make an example of this Sith...
During his training on Korriban, Viscera had sparred or deuled with many Ataru users, so he knew to turn as soon as Izzy jumped over his head. When he saw her leg pick up he launched his own kick at her shin, cracked it and set her off balance. As his foot returned to the ground he slashed downward to atomize the power cell in the bright green lightsaber.

He stepped back with a flourish and took a low Makashi guard. "Now we're having fun, aren't we?" In truth it hurt him to have to hit her like that, but he could tell by the rage she fought with that she would vivisect him without hesitation.
Ouch. Childish as it was, the shin kick was very effective, hurt like a bitch. There'd be an ugly bruise later on. She scowled when he did what he did to her green lightsaber... She spoke theatrically, though it was obvious she'd not hesitate to do nasty things to him,"Oh! You've ruined my flawless skin! What ever shall I do?" The green blade was useless right now, but she was really pissy. The green core came from Kira's old room at the Temple, she'd found green crystals in his desk. Usually when she got theatric, it was obvious she was really riled. She took a Djem So stance, her favorite form, despite the pain in her leg. She felt relaxed when on the offensive. She was one of the best Form V practitioners in the Order, and she knew it. Should she scream?... No. Too many innocents around that could get hurt. But did she have her knives with her? She shifted her back ever so slightly to feel if the sheath for one of her knives was there, and blessedly, it was. If she could mark him with a blood trail, that would be excellent. The technique had been created by the Nightsisters, she was sure, and if one was marked with blood, the person being tracked could never get rid of it, and the person doing the tracking would know where the tracked was at all time.
By the way she responded he could tell that she was about to get much more serious. She took up the high guard he had displayed at first and Viscera realized that this fight was going to end soon, one way or another. He weighed his options and then hurled several quick telekenetic punches her way, just to buy some time...
She was blown back a few feet, using the Force to shield herself. Still, she'd bruise. And she hated bruising. It ruined her flawless skin. Jedi as she was, she could still be very vain. And Kira knew it... Or rather, he used to know it before the horrible day happened. Which was way she trained hard to be the best, for if she was that good.... Nobody could touch her.
There, now he knew what to do! Drawing upon his emotions, Viscera made a mighty stomp with his left leg and hand, directing the Force to press downward onto Izzy. He growled and pressed hard against the resistance she would put up. He would immobilize her body, then distract her enough to buy an escape...
Aw, damn! This Sith was wilier than she thought! Again, her overconfidence got to the better of her, and he took her down, forcing her to the ground. But she fought hard, trying to remove what was happening to her... Least her arms were still free to an extent... she went to her back, removed the knife ever so slightly, and sliced open her left hand, though she hid the action..
The Sith was pleased when his former partner stayed down. He shut off his lightsaber and slowly walked over to her. Still holding her down, he crouched near her head and talked just loudly enough for her ears.
"I must thank you for joining me today, it's seven years since I became a true warrior and this skirmish has been a great birthday gift, especially from you, Isabelle."
He wanted to build the suspense to make sure his revelation would keep her too stunned to give chase...
She nearly choked when she heard the voice up close and personal... But the thing that truly caused the near choke was that the Sith knew her name... God damn, Kira! She couldn't speak, but she smeared her blood all over the back of his neck. Her eyes clearly spoke, as well as her mind,"You can run, my love, but you can never hide from me." Still, it was such a shock to hear his voice after all these years...
He chuckled a bit at how easily she had recognized his voice. "Please Isabelle," he pushed her arm away, unstrapped his mask and tipped it up to show his face. The time had changed his features little, other than a slightly misshapen nose and a decent tan. That and the fact that his eyes had gone from brilliant green to a fierce, burning yellow. He smiled reassuringly at the beautiful girl, "I would never dream of hiding from you." With that, he filled himself with power and leapt away, higher and faster than anyone his size should be able to.
Okay, still sexy as ever, not the misshapen monster she'd been thinking of. Didn't look pasty any more, thank god... But the eyes... His eyes were all wrong... Soon as he leapt away, she Screamed. Not in anger or anything, but because she needed to. It felt good to let loose emotion, to let it all out. Everything began to shake, this had to be her strongest one yet. One thing was sure. The little fight between her and Kira would certainly be popular.

A week had passed, and Isabelle was mercilessly training. She'd fixed the green lightsaber as well. She'd been practicing with far more gusto than normal. So far, so good with the Nightsister blood trail. He seemed to be all over the place, but if she knew Kira... Which she didn't, not any more... God, those awful yellow eyes... It made her ache for him now more than ever. But soon, she was going to go hunting. Hunt for him and bring him home.
The past week had been unusually quiet for Darth Viscera, which he did not mind. It gave him plenty of time to think. Within a single day of the run in with his childhood love, the fight had over a million views just on the Coruscanti holonet. He watched it several times himself to be sure that his memory did not alter the truth and spent uncounted hours meditating upon that event as well as the most vivid of his memories with her.

He was sure that she had never fought like that before he was taken. The years must have been hard on her to instill such a disposition. Then again, he had usually been the one to keep her from going too far.

But that was the old him. Now he was much more than whatever the Jedi could have made him into, and he believed that he could convince her to join him in the Sith Order. With her by his side again they could easily ascend the ranks and earn their own battle fleet, or perhaps even seats on the Council at Dromund Kaas.

In the mean time, he had been planning a way to gain her audience long enough to say what he wished. It depended on the attention of the electronically gifted Acolyte with him, as well as his own ability to lead Isabelle without suspicion, but he trusted both and was eager to see her again.

Today he sat alone on a bench in the entertainment district. He had no real way to contact her other than their long-neglected connection in the Force, but he had been silently focused on her face, her scent, for several minutes now...
Isabelle dearly wanted to see Kira again, wanted it with all her heart. Well, it had been something she wanted for several years now. And now, she got her wish.... But a few minutes in a fight was not enough. Absence did make the heart grow fonder, it really, really did. And soon enough, she received a message to go to the Entertainment District to see Kira again. She was wise, she geared up heavily before doing so. But she went. She went. She went and made her way to the District, and saw Kira. She did not rush into his arms, something she so wanted. He was a Dark Sider now. Her enemy. But she still wanted him. Needed him. Years of being without her beloved, and years of no help from the Order to find him hardened her. She was filled with anger and bitterness. She had a really sucky 7 years. First thing she would do when she got close enough would be to slap him silly for not contacting her for 7 years.
There! He could sense her coming from three blocks away. He remained still. A very old man came down the path and sat on the other end of the bench, and the Sith ignored his instinct to kill the civilian. In Sith Space this fool's poor seating choice would earn him a hasty end, but Viscera didn't want to draw any attention yet. The two humans sat in silence until Isabelle came into view.

She was covered in the traditional robes, meaning she was armed to the teeth. The hooded warrior sneered a bit and stood up, that would be enough to get her attention...
She smiled icily when she sensed Kira, her smile even colder when he stood up, and she walked towards him, intending to throttle him for not bothering to contact her. She made her feelings, well, the ones that he could sense, clear. She was angry at him.
She was clearly upset, probably because he kicked her so hard. Or maybe she was still shaken from finding out that he was still alive. Yes, that was probably it. In any case, he made sure that she saw him before taking off at what most beings would call a sprint. He ran down an alley and hopped over a wall before diving into the broken window of a theater that had been abandoned recently...
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