Star Wars: The Ties of Destiny (nobody & Naomi David

He was running, well, she would certainly follow, which she did, running as fast as she could after him, into the dump of a theater... She spoke,"Romantic, really, all alone in this nasty old dump!" Seriously, once she got close to him, she'd slap him. He didn't even bother trying to contact her through the Force, for crying out loud!
There was a thunderous crack, a single spotlight appeared on stage to illuminate the deep red cloak covering him up. He let the hood down so that Izzy could see his face again. He smiled welcomingly and tossed his cloak aside, showing her that he didn't have his weapon.
Well, that little show was certainly... Dramatic. Her heart ached once more when she saw his face. The face that had always comforted her when she was sad. The face that she had missed for 7 years. The smile, of all things. She tossed aside her cloak, showing she was armed to the teeth, and didn't have any qualms of slicing him to bits if he screwed with her. She approached him slowly, hands away from her weapons...
He smiled a little wider for a second when the Jedi displayed her armory. "Dressed to kill, I see. Don't worry, I don't want to fight you." As soon as she stepped onto the stage a bright glow flared around Izzy, brighter than the spotlight at first. It dimmed down a bit and the young Knight was suspended in an electromagnetic cell. Her arms were suspended at shoulder level and her legs were held snugly together by the intangible restraints. A few small droids hovered by to collect her weapons, depositing her lightsabers in Viscera's hand.

"See? No violence necessary. I just want to talk."
Aw, fuck! He tricked her into a trap! And he stripped her of her weapons. She scowled, though her voice smoothed out, and spoke,"I was planning on slapping you silly for not contacting me for seven years." How to get out of these things... She'd done it once or twice, though not without great injury. Course, she could seduce him into letting her out, but she'd need to be patient. Men were predictable enough. If they thought they'd get some, they'd do anything to ensure getting it. Then she continued,"I'm still pissed for you bruising my shin. You know how vain I am." Some of the few things she really wanted to do was feel his skin again, feel his touch... She had really missed him.
"Do you think I didn't try?" He snapped back at her. "Do you think I just skipped away to Korriban and forgot all about you!? About us?" He glared at her, but she was so beautiful that his expression quickly softened.

"He told me that they had glassed the whole continent. I didn't want to believe it, I could still sense you in the crystal, but they convinced me that it was only a ghost. And yes, I know that bruse must have irked you, but I could hardly let you cut me to ribbons. You would never forgive yourself..."
"I looked for 7 years, I could never find you, no matter where I tried to look... But on that topic, you murdered a civilian. I had to do something." she spoke. She continued,"I knew you were alive, I could sense.... Your heart in the green crystals in your desk. That's why my second saber is green... It's you. It's how I've kept you close to my heart for 7 years."
"Isabelle," he took a couple of steps closer, the spotlight followed. The Sith made a note to burn this memory from his unseen assistant's mind, but he pushed that thought to the side. Reaching into a pocket inside his pants, the young man produced the deep blue, bullet shaped crystal that he had salvaged from her lightsaber that day so long ago. He held the stone at eye level and said quietly, "I never gave up on you. No matter how I changed, who I am, I knew that our place and time would match again."

He replaced the crystal and kept his eye contact. "But I have changed. I am no longer the weak, confused puppet of those power fearing so called Masters. I am a warrior, destined for greatness. Still, to achieve anything in this galaxy, a man needs a strong, intelligent woman by his side. Izzy, join me. Learn the ways of true power and together, we can do anything."
Isabelle listened carefully to his words, she hung on to each word he spoke, for she had missed the sound of his voice so very much, the sound that soothed her moods, soothed everything... She spoke,"Kira, you were always destined for greatness. I always knew that... I never thought you weak or confused. I always thought you my better half. But please, free me so I can touch you again. It's been so long since we could embrace." She needed him... But not right now, later. She had to play carefully right now.
It had been a long time, she was right. Seven years since he had felt her skin against his own. Seven years since they had kissed. He could tell that she had missed him bitterly and longed for him. He could see it in her desperate eyes and hear it in her strained voice.

And he wanted her just as badly, maybe worse. Damn it all, he had to hold her again, otherwise he might literally burst into flames. He switched a lightsaber on, the green one, and slashed deep into the floor underneath Isabelle, whom he caught in his other arm before she could collapse. The blade retracted as he stared, transfixed, into the girl's dark eyes...
Gracious, it felt wonderful to have his arms touch her again. It also felt just as wonderful to move again. She really didn't want to do this, but... She nuzzled her head into his chest, taking in his delicious scent, god, she really missed him. But she knew she'd see him again. After all, this chapter had only just begun. It felt weird, not warning him about this, since she had always done so. She took in a very deep breath, and Screamed. She screamed as loud as she could, putting everything into it. One of the good points for it was it was an excellent distractor. While they were covering their ears in pain, she reclaimed her weapons, and ran, still screaming. Once she was safely out of the theatre, she saw what she did. Collapse some walls and shatter the remaining glass. She ran back to the Temple, breathing hard as she ran. She knew he'd be back. They were destined to be together, and she knew it. Maybe he'd love her even more after this, for she outfoxed a Sith Lord, one of the trickiest people in the galaxy.
As Isabelle pressed her face into his chest, he held her closer. All of a sudden there was a mind-shattering noise that eradicated all other input. The noise seemed to go on for minutes until Viscera realized that there it was no more. He opened his eyed and found himself alone on the stage, inches from the collapsed lighting frame. He called his lightsaber to his hand from it's third row seat and stood up in time to watch Kyber stumble up the stairs, caught in a fit of laughter. Laughter that he could not hear. The pieces clicked together in his throbbing head, she had screamed him deaf. He could still read the words from the acolyte's lips, "Oh, Kira! You were my better half, Kira!" Rage welled up within him and the Sith Lord hopped forward to break the boy's jaw with his knee. He then turned and knealt beside the writhing fool. He drank in the fear and pain until he felt ready, then he gripped Kyber's throat with his fingertips and dug in...

A few days later...

Jo Katarn, an 11 year old Jedi-hopeful with sandy hair and icy eyes knocked on the door to Knight Fairchild's quarters.
Isabelle was very surprised that the Scream actually worked, as she found herself meditating on it three or so days later. But still, she was quite pleased it worked. But still, having him hold her close felt very good. Then she heard the knock on her door. She was cranky that she had been disturbed, and she opened up, ready to shout away who ever was there, but she saw it was a little boy. She never shouted at children. It wasn't kind. She spoke gently,"Hello. What do you require?"

But there was something troubling her. Ever since that Force Scream, she'd been having screaming nightmares. The nightmares were simply awful. She'd been having nightmares with her having Sith eyes like Kira's... She saw them together conquering the galaxy, being the King and Queen, watching the galaxy burn at their feet. She hated it. She missed the dreams where she saw them raising a family together.
"Um, well, I found this in the gardens," he stammered and held up an envelope with her name written in black ink. When she took it, Jo mumbled something about Shii Cho and took off down the hallway.
She held a smirk back as she took the envelope. She examined her name, and knew at once it was from Kira. His handwriting, the memory of it, was not forgotten, it was from him. She opened the letter and began to read.

Our last meetings have been far too devious and painful for even a Sith to enjoy. It is clear that we have much to discuss. If you truly miss me and want to catch up, I suggest that you be seated near the fountain at the Organa-Solo Memorial Park just before sunset. Come not as a Jedi, but an old friend. I will be unarmed and alone.


Nice move, I have not been caught off guard like that in years.
Isabelle read every last word, and it was like Kira was speaking to her... Honestly, she wouldn't go alone, she always brought her sabers with her. But she would go without her cloak. She smirked, at least he appreciated her Scream... She set off at once, though not before taking off all other weapons except her two sabers, and she went off to the fountain at once. She wanted Kira. And she would have him.
Vis, as he would call himself for the sake of discretion, had been walking around the park's perimeter since he arrived there from the Temple. He was glad that he had managed to remember the Sentinel's schedule well enough to be in and out undetected.

It was thirty minutes to sunset and his anxiety had nearly come to a boil. How long was she going to make him wait?
Isabelle arrived moments after Kira's anxiety started to boil, and she spoke,"Kira?..." She hoped the bad nightmares didn't come true. She wanted the dreams of them raising a family together come true. Or maybe, just maybe, both will come true. You'll still have him if you join the Dark Side. You'll still get to raise your family with him. She pushed that unwanted thought out of the way, though her desire for him was written all over her face if he could see her face now. Honestly, after they both made Knight, she was going to ask him to leave the Order with her. She blushed momentarily, knowing kids came from having sex, which was something she wanted to do with him.
Finally! His heart raced as that sweetest of voices called for him, even if it was by that old name. He made his way to the fountain from the opposite side so that he could walk into view more slowly, standing just barely taller than her. He wore plain black pants, a black shirt and white tabbards, the precise opposite of his dress on Yavin 2 that awful last day. In his hand was a simple white box about a foot cubed. He set the box on the edge of the fountain and stood by it, arms open and amber eyes fixed upon Isabelle. He did not even care that she had her lightsabers, those things only left her body when she charged them at night.
Finally, she saw him again. He looked good in this dress, she liked that very much. Though what was in that box?... What she was wearing was pitch black, good for night stealth. It looked like it was made out of leather, which it was, basic protection against weaponry. And she knew she looked good in that, her vanity was speaking again. If he paid close attention to her neck, he'd see a tattoo of thorns trailing down from her neck, which extended to her arms, though he couldn't see. She always wanted tattoos, so she got them.
By the Force, was that girl gorgeous. He stepped to Isabelle slowly and reached his hand up to touch her cheek. "Thanks for coming, but please call me Vis." He inhaled through his nose and nearly lost his mind at her scent. Instead, he leaned in close, hoping she was of similar mind...
She smiled when he touched her cheek... His hands were as soft and smooth as ever. She spoke,"I know what the full word is, and it's creepy. Eviscerated..." She shut up though, leaning in as well... Needing to feel those lips again...
And as soon as their lips touched, he could feel all the passions from their two souls crashing together into a maelstrom of prolonged desire. After the first couple of seconds Vis' left hand went to Izzy's waist and he started to kiss her harder and more deeply. He did not want to make it end either so he decided to let her choose when to break off...
There first kiss was short and sweet, this kiss was way better. The way their kissing intensified, it made it feel all the more incredible. Her hands went up to his face, his cheeks... She didn't want this moment to end. Maybe she could bring him home. She didn't know. She just didn't want him to go again. She wanted to be with him, she didn't want to be a Sith. She wanted to stay human.
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