
“Well, if you say so Captain.”Tony snickered a little looking amused because he really didn’t want to go to the frozen north. “....There’s no guarantee that even if she starts remembering more, that she’ll”James sighed softly as he nibbled on his food. “I’m still missing huge chunks of time, even if I know logically what happened, I don’t remember it.”James shrugged, because he’d made sure to read about everything he’d done as hydra’s assassin. “....I’d never do that.”he said growling angrily as he glanced up at the other, before sighing softly. “....Yes. Please. Though I wouldn’t mind being closer to your place then the tower.”James said sighing quietly before laughing, looking interested. “Hmmm, do you wear your cowl?Cause I gotta tell you, that’s not a true disguise.”he teased before tilting his head smirking a little. “Is he brunette, about this tall?”He said making a vague gesture towards tony’s height. “I can see what you’d like him.”He teased before nodding. “I would like that.”he said finishing his food. “Come on, let’s get back to your place. If we go now, I can go through the desposit box before my date.”
Steve chuckled a little. "i'd say Mexico, it's not as cold there." he admitted with a smile before shaking his head. "give her enough time and she'll remember everything. didn't you tell me once that the first wipe takes the most, and lasts the longest, but is never complete? she's only been wiped the once, from what i understand. it might take her a year or more yet. but she will remember everything in time." he admitted. "our missing chunks of time because they wiped you again, and again, and again until it was permanent. but the more they did it, the less it lasted, right?" he asked. "and even then there's no guarantee that it is permanent." he admitted, gulping down his milkshake. "James... i can't be sure of what you would and wouldn't do anymore." he admitted softly. "your not the person you where." he admitted. "Hydra changed us, the war changed us. i'm not entirely sure what we're capable of anymore." he admitted softly. "i'm not sure what i would do, to protect the people i love most. would i hold her down? make her forget if it saved her life?....i probably would." Steve admitted, voice soft. "....shut up you asshole, no i don't wear the cowl." he complained, sulking. "i'll start looking for places for ou to live. maybe in the sewers." he mused before blinking, looking surprised. "well. more of a reddish brown but yes. how the hell did you know that?" he narrowed his eyes at the other. "have you been watching me have sex?" he demanded before craming the last of his hamburger into his face and followed the other back to the bridge.
“Good idea. We can go run away there if we dislike new york.”James snickered a little before sighing quietly, staring down. Feeling to battered and heartsore to trust that, eventually, natasha would remember everything. To long abused to have hope. “..Only once. And it’s not complete.”He sighed quietly, before nodding. “Trust. It didn’t last as long.”he rubbed a hand over his face before going quiet, thinking it over. “...No I’m not the same. Neither of us are the same...but...”he sighed quietly. “I’ve seen what the memory wipes can do to a person...felt it. Even if I could save her doing that, I can’t inflict that on her.”he sighed feeling heart bruised because he had no idea what he was capable of anymore, not really, and his faith in steve, in the man who was his best friend always, was the only thing he counted on anymore. “Sewers?That’s just mean.”he pouted a little before snickering as he stood, settling his sunglasses back into place as he headed for the bikes. “Oh no, I’ve just watched you and Stark interact.”James snickered taking off before steve could respond, smiling as he headed upstairs, settling onto the couch to read the files.
Steve chuckled. "can't be any worse than D.C." he admitted with a smile. "that was truly a bad place to live. too many politicians." he admitted, shaking his head before he smiled at the other. just as broken as James, just in a different way. two shattered souls, who where starting to rebuild despite the pain and agony they constantly went through. "...i've seen the footage." he admitted softly. "we caught a Hydra base a few months ago. one of the originals. the Brain wiping tech was there." he admitted. "Tony's working on one. trying to figure out how it works so we can reverse the process or at least help the people who have been wiped. he has hopes that it can be used on mental disorders too. like PTSD and Depression." he admitted. "that's a few years off of course, anyway, i saw what that thing does to people. i didn't recognize anyone they'd strapped to the chair, but the screams..." he shuddered violently. "promise me something? if it ever comes down to death or the chair... promise me. you'll kill me?" Steve asked softly before blinking. "...what does Stark have to do with anything?" he wondered before following his brother. while James worked on that, Steve settled in to look for apartments while Texting his preferred one night Stand from the Club. his Code-Name was Raven,, just because he liked it. everyone who went to the club chose a Code-Name, usually an animal, to go by so they could trade phone numbers and emails specifically for the club without having to worry about about giving themselves away or identifying themselves. he asked if his favorite was available tonight. he just really wanted to get laid all of a sudden. he'd settle for another, but he did like his steady one night stand the best.
“Hm, definitely to many politicians. Politicians make me twitchy.”James aid making a face before shuddering. “’ll take work. Not just tech work, a mental health professional should be consulted to.”He shrugged a little pleased that maybe, someone could benefit from it. Nodding a little as he looked at the other.”Don’t worry, I’ll put a bullet in your brain, then mine, before I let either of us go to the chair.”he promised before laughing. “You are so delusional.”He teased.

Absently glancing up as he listened to steve texting, going through everything, casually removing some things, grouping others together, staying calm and easy enough that it wasn’t obvious he was trying not to show that there was something important hidden in there, something that was his personally, his only. Setting the files aside he leaned back as he glanced up. “There. Everythign you need.”He said as he casually put the last few things back in the box and shut it, letting steve have the rest. “I better get ready to go.”He said stretching, smirking a little as he realized tony’d sent over some clothes as he stepped into the bedroom, sighing quietly as he got ready. “...So, what are you doing tonight?”He asked hearing steve’s phone chime, assuming that his best friend was heading out for the night.
Steve nodded. "we know, that's the problem. Tony doesn't trust many people to not try and run off with his work, or worse, abuse it." he admitted. "not a whole lot f people who are smart enough about psychology and how the brain works would be willing to keep silent about the world they're doing." he admitted. "worse, most people smart enough to work with Tony, won't want to because they won't be paid, or won't have recognition or just don't like Tony because of the smear campaigns in the papers." he admitted. "Bruce knows a bit, but it's not enough so they're stuck for now."

Steve hummed as he worked. a habit he'd gotten as a child and continued. neither Sarah nor Steve had been able to stand silence. so when they worked, they hummed to fill the void since they couldn't afford a radio. he wasn't even paying attention to what James was doing, since the other needed privacy. or at least Steve was pretty sure the other needed privacy. "thanks, i'll look these over." he promised, accepting the files and folders before smirking, checking his phone. "i'm getting laid." he informed the other with a chuckle. "i'll probably be back before you will though. we get kicked out of the club at midnight and my beau doesn't take anyone home and neither do i. for obvious reasons, so i'll be back about twelve thirty." he admitted. "you, on the other hand, will probably get a night of snuggles after copulation." he admitted with a grin. "so i'll probably see you around noon tomorrow." he teased.
“Ah.well.That would be a problem.”James frowned a little as he thought about it, because he knew this could do good, but it was so frustrating to know nothing could go forward if no one could work together.

James smiled a little listening to the other humming, it was quite adorable really, that the habit had lasted through everything they’d done and gone through. “Welcome.”James smiled before laughing. “Good.You get twitchy when you don’t get laid.”He snickered before changing into his clothes. The snug black leather hugging a frame lean and muscular, the dark shirt bringing out the dark grey of his eyes. “Yea, obviously, he’d figure out you were the good captain if he came here.”He snickered before smirking, “Good. I deserve cuddles.”he said blushing ever so slightly as he pulled on his jacket. “And probably earlier if you’re eating breakfast at the tower, I mean, if I take her to work, I’ll just head up there to visit...if not, I’ll do something.”James shrugged toeing on his boots. “I’ll see you later Cap.”he said fidgety and nervous as he headed out.
Steve smiled a little. "i do get twitchy. it's the Serum." he admitted. "it was worse during the War, considering i had to keep it a secrete." he admitted with a chuckle. Peggy had covered for a lot of Steve's 'needs'. Steve needed to get laid? Peggy would set him up and then say she'd had a 'wild night with the captain'. one of the main reasons why people, even now, where sure Steve was straight. "yeah exactly." Steve admitted with a chuckle before blinking at the other. "you look damn good Buck." he admitted with a smile before chuckling a little. "i never eat breakfast at the Tower." he admitted. "have fun James!"

the restaurant that James had been sent to was bright and cheerful and the woman he was meant to meet, was already there. her name was Annabell. but she preferred Anna or Ann. she had bright fiery red hair and bright hazel eyes and she waved to James. "hi! i'm Anna! your James right? Pepper said you'd be my beau for the night." she teased, grinning impishly at him. "it's nice to meet you!"

Steve smiled as he parked outside the Club, already wearing his clubbing clothes and Mask. the mask was black but had silver etchings like feathers all over it. it covered his forehead and both cheeks and half his nose. which was one of the reasons he'd chosen the name Raven. he checked in at the door and strode into the building. the first half of the building was just like a very fancy, high end bar. couches and chairs and lounges, tables and drinks. the second half was broken into two separate parts. the Playroom, carrying the BDSM stuff. you could not have any alcohol if you went in there. if you where going to drink, you got a stamp on the back of your hand at the bar and you where not allowed into the Playroom. the other half of the back rooms where the bedrooms, not unlike a fancy hotel. only nicer because each room was sound proofed. 'Raven' smirked at a younger man, tall and thin, black hair, just the way Steve liked him. but Steve was more interested in searching out the man he'd texted. he was Steve's favorite, and he could be patient to have him until midnight.
“I know. I get the same....but we’ll be in better moods after tonight.”James said smiling slightly before smirking. “Thanks. Though it pains me, I’ll have to thank Stark later.”He snickered before grinning. “Well, when I drop her off, I’ll call, see if you want to have breakfast.”James grinned as he left.

James blinked slowly as he looked around the room, it was almost obnoxiously cheerful, before he decided that was just his mood, the training that left him feeling at odds with anything bright and cheerful. Running his hand over the short, nearly inch long hair he braced himself, nervous after nearly two years of no sex, and even longer since he’d actually gone on a real date. Offering her a small smile as he headed for Anna, he nodded. “Yes, hello.James Barnes.”he said knowing his name was common enough that no one would make the connection between him and the ‘dead’ captain who’d fallen in the line of duty. “I am, though I was expecting something a little...darker considering Pepper warned me you liked being tied up.”he teased looking around the bright and shiny room as he settled at the table.

“...You know, I said I wasn’t sure I’d be in until 11, and yet, here you are, at nearly 9.”’Caesar’ teased as he eased around the people between him and steve, the dark red and gold mask obliterating one of the world’s most famous faces, for once leaving him nameless and just how he liked it. His hair a mass of curly brown hair that needed cut, the curls the usual sign that it did, large liquid brown eyes happy and content as he looked up at the man.
he smiled a little. "your the one whose grumpy. not me." he pointed out. "wake me up before eight at your own peril!" he warned.

Anna giggled at him a little. "it's nice to meet you James. i'm Annabell Reeds. please. call ma Anna, or Ann, whichever you prefer." she offered. "have you ever done this before? you look nervous." she admitted, blinking at him before laughing. "oh i get that all the time!" she admitted with a smile. "but it's kind of silly isn't it? after all, Pepper likes being tied up too." she admitted with a giggle. "people like me and Pepper need the chance to just let go, not do anything." she admitted. "it's nice to give ourselves up and be helpless for a while." she admitted before grinning. "that and i get all hot and bothered." she admitted with a laugh. "in any case, Pepper picked the place." she admitted. "i was just going to rent a hotel and meet you there." she admitted with another giggle.

Steve chuckled and turned to look a Caesar. "i know better than that. an hour isn't nearly enough to sate you." he teased. "i knew you'd be here within a half an hour of my arrival at the latest." he admitted, running a hand through that mass of curls, avoiding the mask. while masks could be removed, it was not allowed in the main room or the playroom. it also had to be agreed upon by both parties and the masks could not be removed by another person, you had to take it off yourself or you where kicked out. "so. playroom. or bedroom?" Steve asked, smirking at Caesar.
“Anna then.”James smiled a little, tilting his head slightly, “It’s....been a very long time since I’ve had a date of any kind, much less a one night stand. I had....a bad breakup...went missing from NYC for a year...didn’t talk to anyone, much less a girl. So...I’m apologizing in advance for anything I say or do wrong, it’s been a long time.”James said offering her a small nervous smile before laughing. “It is a little silly, but a good silly.”He said smiling before smirking, just a hint of the winter soldier’s darkness there, the man’s utter need to be in control. “Oh don’t worry, I’ll enjoy making you helpless.”He promised before smiling. “Now that doesn’t surprise me. Pepper’s always tellign me I need more dates, instead of simply mindless sex.”James snickered, “Let’s eat, then we can see about getting to that hotel room...I did get one...if you wanted to go after, or we can just talk this time or...”he sighed trailing off. He was so out of practice.

“What do you know?I’m easily satiable sometimes, especially if I’ve spent my day talking to idiot people.”Caesar sighed a little leaning into the other’s hand, thinking about it before smiling. “Playroom.”He said already squirming away and heading for the play rooms, to worried and twisted up over his day to want anything but simple mindless pleasure and to take care of his raven.
she beamed at him and then blinked. "bad breakups are hard." she admitted, nodding. "my last long term boyfriend... three years." she admitted. "he left me for a woman with bigger tits on our wedding night." she admitted. "cold feet they said." she admitted. "but he never came back and it took me a long time to get over that." she smiled at him. "i don't think there's anything wrong you could do. just abide by the 'no means no' rule and obey my safe word and we're good." she promised him with a grin before laughing. "only a little silly." she agreed with a giggle before blinking, startled at the look in his eyes, her breath catching and her pupils going wide. oh she wanted him now. he was going to rock her world. "Pepper's nosy but i think i'll thank her for this date anyway." she admitted. "es. i definitely want to go after. or now. we could go now. who needs food?"

Raven smirked a little. "i know more than you'd think." he teased with a chuckle. "not to mention that you always tell me you'll be late and then show up before me." he pointed out. "i've caught onto your games Little Emperor." he teased before sighing. "yeah. Stupid people are prevalent." he admitted. "we stopped a pretty nasty scene today too." he admitted. from what Caesar knew, Raven was some sort of police officer, law enforcement, Fbi or CSI or higher up, who knew? Raven grinned and followed the other into the playroom, offering both hands to the bodyguards sitting on each side of the door. inside and outside. you had to pass all four guards to get into the playroom. and the indoor guards would watch the playroom to make sure everyone was following th safety rules. "so, what shall we start with today, Caesar?" he asked, running a hand down the others back to cup the perfect ass. "such a pretty thing. it would be nice to keep you tied up in my basement." he admitted. as he did sometimes. honestly, Steve wouldn't mind taking Caesar home. but it meant revealing himself and that scared him. a lot.
“They are.”James said before smiling slightly, shaking his head.”Idiot. Boobs aren’t worth losing love.”He frowned looking annoyed at the idea that there was a guy who’d left like that, when James would have traded everything in the world, to be able to have natasha again. And wondering if Tony had told pepper, considering he was sitting across from a red head. It made his chest hurt, a dull thud that told him he might not be ready for this, but he needed to try. “Okay. I can do that.”James smiled at her, before shuddering a little as she stared at him, smirking. “I think I’ll have to thank her to. Though not tony. He doesn’t deserve thanks for being nosy.”James decided before tilting his head. “Food after. Let’s go.”he said needing to know if he really could do this. Standing, he offered her his arm.

“Hmmm, well maybe.”Caesar smiled a little before smirking, “There’s nothing little about me, you’re just a freak of nature and huge.”He whined like he always did, because he felt so small and delicate standing next to the other. Much like another man in steve’s life, the man found this size difference very annoying. “Good thing you’re safe. I better look you over to make sure you’re okay.”he smiled a little offering his hands to the guards to as they passed into the room. “hmmm, tying up sounds nice.”he muttered whimpering quietly as the other cupped his ass, leaning into him a little. “I don’t think I would mind that to much, except I couldn’t work.”he muttered because he really wouldn’t mind it, even if he knew raven wouldn’t want him once he knew who he was. After all, he was the disgraced former director of shield, and man behind the registration act, most of the people who’d wanted him before, had disappeared once he’d fallen from grace.
she giggled a little and shook her head. "it was a long time ago. i was only nineteen. honestly i'm glad he ran away now. i was too young to be married, and i did get my revenge. in the end." she admitted with a smirk before giggling. "yes, we simply have to refrain from telling Tony." she agreed. "he'll be impossible to deal with otherwise." she admitted, tucking her hair behind an ear before swallowing thickly at him, accepting his arm and following him to his bike. "...iv'e never been on one. is it safe?" she asked, her head tilted. i the end she loved it, squealing in glee while James ran trough traffic stops and cars. "oh my god let's go again!" she gasped once they where at the Hotel he'd booked. "that was awesome!"

Raven smirked. "i worked hard for these muscles you know." and it was true. while the Serum had given him a kickstart, he had to maintain them himself. "Besides, i like how tiny you are. your always as tight as a glove." he teased. "and i can manhandle you into any position i want and you can't do anything about it." he teased, giving the others ass a smack. "go get the rope then." he ordered. honestly, Caesar was a bit of an odd one. he wouldn't allow his shirt to be take off, and Steve could play with his belly, and his back but never his chest. Steve assumed the man had a painful scar, or a bad Tattoo or something. there where other people here who wouldn't let certain pieces of clothing come off, or covered parts with bandages to keep identifying marks hidden from view. Steve pondered where to put his little Raven before nodding and settling near a table with a feather. he knew how much his Caesar HATED, and loved, the Feather that was Raven's namesake. he was a devil with that damn feather. it was the feather that had gotten Caesar's attention, he knew. he'd had a slender, petite thing strapped to a table and was teasing the boy mercilessly when Caesar appeared. Steve's blond victim had not been pleased with being nearly abandoned for another man, but the blond sub had quickly been taken by another man who had been eying him up that night so everyone had won.
“At least something good came from it, discovering you were to young.”James agreed before laughing, “He’s impossible enough as it is.”He snickered. Smiling as he led her out to the bike, he smirked at her. “I thought tonight was about riding dangerous things?”He questioned, raising a eyebrow before nodding. “It’s safe.”he promised grinning as they rode, laughing as he stopped at the hotel, helping her pull off his helmet, having only the one, and knowing he could survive it, he’d let her wear it. “It was. Especially with you all pressed up against me.”He smirked as he led her up to the penthouse suite he’d rented out, the darkly decorated room a good mesh between his dark brooding nature and simple elegance. “Now. Whatever should I do with you...?”He wondered as he gently ran his fingers through her hair.

“Hm, I know, but you still are insanely huge.”He whined a little before making a face. “indeed.”Caesar muttered, though he knew that was more extremis’ effects, then his tininess at work. “I can totally do something about it!”He yelped, whining, squirming as his ass was smacked, moving away to gather the ropes. Returning in a moment with the black silk ropes he smirked a little, tilting his head as he twitched, making a face at the feather but not protesting. “Where you want me?”
she nodded and smiled at him. "he really is. honestly i'm surprised Pepper hasn't smothered him in his sleep yet." she admitted with another giggle before flushing faintly at his tease and nodded. sje giggled when he carefully pulled the Helmet off and grinned impishly. "well, having you hold me was very nice too. not to mention your gear shift kept poking me in the ass. that was pretty nice too." she admitted with an impish grin. looking around at the Hotel room she couldn't help but be amazed and looked up at him with wide, lust filled eyes when his hands settled into her hair, making her moan softly. "whatever you want." she breathed, submitting to him effortlessly.

Raven smirked a little. "i am a big guy, but you like that about me." he teased, smirking at him. "oh. i'm sure you could." he scoffed, amused. "lay on the table." Steve ordered, indicating the padded table. there was a pillow at one end, and an adjustable cushion in the middle that Raven carefully adjusted so that it was supporting Caesar just above the buttocks. forcing him into an arched position so that everything Steve wanted most was in easy reach. ass, balls and cock. "take your pants off little emperor." he growled, eyes glinting with sadistic delight, watching his orders followed always got him hard. once Caesar was tied down in a perfect X, completely helpless, Raven had to pause t look at the gorgeous being that was all his for the night. "Safe-Word?"
“Hm, it’s a nice ass. I can’t help it.”James smirked a little, watching her look around, smiling quietly as she looked up at him, leaning in to press a kiss to her forehead. “I think I’ll enjoy this.”he said his voice a soft growl, studying her as he stroked her hair. “Now. Tell me, what’s your safeword?”He said studying her. “Mine’s Steel, and if I safeword out, it’s not you. I have...problems...that I have in control mostly, but sometimes....close enough to PTSD I need...”he stopped, realizing he was ruining the mood by being serious. His own eyes wide with lust and need, bouncing between needs and pain, at a loss because he was feeling out of his element despite being a whore. “...Also. I have a insane libido, and can go for as long as you can keep up with if you get sore, or want to stop, tell me.”he said before wrapping his hand in her hair, sighing quietly, knowing he needed to stop thinking as he pushed her to her knees as he undid his belt. “I think you know what to do.”

“I do. Sometimes.”Caesar said smiling slightly as he settled onto the table, smiling slightly as raven adjusted thigs, squirming to get comfortable with a sigh, closing his eyes as he started to drop, squirming out of his pants, taking his time to do it, knowing how to tease the other. Whimpering as he was tied down he tugged at the bounds, because even willing, he was never able to submit without fighting the whole way down. “Banner.”he growled, because for him, there was so many different means to that word, and it was safe, because no one would ever guess at the real meaning behind it.
she giggled, delighted by the compliment. "yes." she agreed, shuddering at the growl, blinking at him, confused for a second, but he was already talking again. "hey. calm down a little okay?" she asked with a smile. "i know your nervous." she admitted, kissing him gently. "my Safe-word is Lion." she said. "and if i hear Steel i know it isn't my fault." she agreed. "and i doubt you can keep up with me." she teased, smirking, laying down the challenge. "no man can." she teased before moaning as his hand tangled into her hair and he forced her to her knees. uttering a short, eager whine, reaching up and unbuttoning and unzipping his pants and carefully pulling him out, pausing for a moment to savor the size and sight of him before licking the tip of his cock with an impish, teasing grin.

Raven chuckled a little and shook his head. "tease." he growled playfully, running his fingers over the others hips before tying him up. "Banner." he agreed, smirking a little. "i'm beginning to think you have a thing for the Avengers." he teased with a chuckle. "i get to meet them sometimes." he admitted. "for m job, i usually clean up after them. Rogers is always the most helpful, followed closely by Stark." he admitted. "handsome fellows too. if it wasn't entirely unprofessional i might have tried to seduce a few of them. not that i can complete against Rogers, but he's a bit of a stick in the mud." Raven admitted, feather reaching out and tracing the bottom of Caesar's foot. "i have a few autographed stuff, couldn't help myself but they where all pretty nice about it." he admitted. "i'm only saying because last time your Safe-Word was Stars. and the time before that it was Smash. and the time before that..." he paused and then smirked. "i think you get the trend." he admitted, smirking, trailing the feather along the others inner thighs now. "if you could have any of them, who would you choose? i'd pick Stark." he admitted. flicking Caesar's balls before tickling that sensitive hole. "wouldn't he look so pretty? tied to a bench just like this? used until that's all he can do is be a cum receptacle?"
James grimanced at the look of confusion, sighing softly as he slumped. “...Kay. Sorry.”He muttered hating that he was this all over the place. Kissing her back he smiled a little, “Lion it is.”He muttered before laughing softly, “I’m fairly certain I’m not like any man you’ve ever met.”He grinned laughing quietly at her whine, sighing softly as he closed his eyes as he felt her lick him. “Don’t tease, Лиса.”He muttered gently sliding his hands through her hair, years of calling a red head ‘fox’ in russian coming through without meaning to.

“Always.”Caesar snickered a little, whining softly as the other stroked his fingers over his hip. “...Really?”Caesar said tilting his head to look at the other man, trying to figure out if he’d met the other before. Snickering slightly. “Rogers is a pain in the ass, followed by a disgrace who’s even more a pain in the ass then normal.”Caesar said, showing that even if he’d never admitted to being a tech person working for SI, he was at least there enough to now the avengers, or at least come in contact with them occasionally. Whining quietly as hie foot was tickled, he curled his toes in trying to get away from it. “...I do not have a obsession. It’s not weird!”Caesar whined a little, well, at least you knew that there was fans out there. Groaning, whimpering quietly as the other trailed the feather up, shivering a little before going utterly still under the other’s hand, going still has he tried to breath around the panic, wondering if Raven was playing him, wondering if he knew. Groaning as his hole was tickled he dropped his head back to the table, “The captain. Can you imagine putting that super soldier to the test?I’d love to break him.”Tony Stark muttered as he struggled to focus enough to figure out if Raven knew who he was and was just jerking him around.
she smiled at him. "it's okay." she assured him before smirking. "well. we'll see about that, won't we?" she asked with a giggle before blinking at him. "" she tried, and failed to repeat the word. "...did you call me a bitch, or a slut?" she wondered, her breath tickling his cock. still teasing despite his order. Vixen was a good name for her indeed.

Raven snickered a little. "yeah, really. i don't get to interact with them much." he admitted. "mostly i deal with their manager. Phil something or other. freaks me out a bit." he admitted before snorting. "Stark isn't a disgrace." he scoffed. "that's just a slander campaign smear so people can feel okay for hating him. never mind that he's saved our lives more times than any other super hero in existence. plus he's a sexy beast." Raven admitted, tickling the others balls. "he saved my life nice actually. ended up int he hospital too. though i doubt he remembers it. they say he hit his head pretty damn hard." he admitted before snickering. "you do have an obsession, but your right, it's not weird. most people are obsessed with them." he admitted before pausing at the other. "...Caesar? you okay?..." he asked, worried about how still the other went. "!? top Rogers?! as if! the guy is totally straight! ot to mention the fact he's even bigger than i am!" he scoffed. "there's no way you could break him you Subby Sub." he scoffed, tickling the others nose. "you'd be better off trying to fuck Strk, i hear he's a switch. dunno if i believe it, but it's what i heard."
“Лиса”James muttered blinking slowly. “Vixen.”he said focusing on the other, smiling, whimpering softly as her breath brushed against his cock, swallowing hard as his toes curled a little, struggling for control before wrapping his hand in her hair, using it as a handle, pushing her closer to his cock.”I said stop teasing and suck, Лиса”

“I think Coulson freaks everyone out really.”Caesar snickered a little, before sighing a little, thinking about it. Was he not a disgrace?Wondering why the words warmed him as much as they did. “He is really sexy isn’t he?”he muttered whimpering at the feel of the feather on his balls, squirming. “Really?That’s awesome.”He said scrambling to think about how he could have said, but at a total loss for it. “...Yea, I’m okay.”Tony said sighing softly as he relaxed, before snickering. “No he’s not. That bromance he hadgoing on with Barnes was just to much to be simply straight. And we all know Barnes played both teams.” Which he did, on occasion, when he needed to scratch a itch, but it was rare these days, with hydra having abused the inclination out of him. “I am not a subby sub!”He whined wrinkling his nose a little, his worry forgotten for a moment as he tried to focus on the other man, “Hmmm, he’ll switch any way you want, but off. His mouth doesn’t come with a off switch.”Tony snickered, because he enjoyed talking about himself, and it amused him most of the time to talk to people, this is what he loved the most about the club, the complete knowledge that no one knew who he really was.
she grinned at him. "i am a Vixen." she agreed, licking her lips, tongue just brushing the cock before her when he pulled her close, blowing on the bobbing organ. "i thought you where going to do what you wanted to me James?" she asked, eyes glittering. "why don't you make me suck your cock?"

Raven snorted. "you know. i really wouldn't doubt that. the man is just creepy." he admitted. "he is sexy. almost as sexy as you." he teased. "actually. you know. if you where a little thinner and had about an inch on you, maybe a bit darker hair i bet you could pass for him with an iron man mask on." he admitted with a grin. "it was pretty awesome." he agreed, smirking at the others wiggling. "....Bro-mance?" he asked, looking amused. "i'm pretty sure Barnes was never gay. those people who had him where sick bastards. you can tell when someone is gay you know. the way they react to people. like, hmmm..." he paused and then shrugged. "like Stark for example." he decided. "he pays attention to certain people. he likes blonds, both men and women and that comes out in how he behaves with them. Rogers, on the other hand, only really reacts to males, particularly smaller brunettes. Barnes on the other hand, always focused on the women, and never really paid any attention to other men. he could sleep with a man but he was never attracted to them." he explained with a grin. his feather tickling all the places that Caesar hated, and loved, the most. Steve honestly just loved watching the other squirm and wriggle.
James snarled at her, looking frustrated because he was starting to slip, his control on the darker half starting to slide the more she teased him, and having tried to stay in control because he was worried about hurting her. But he was starting to slip. Snarling at her.”Fine. I’m going to use your mouth, then tie you up, and go take a shower, then have my way with you.”he snarled as he forced her mouth down over him,careful not to hurt her even as he fucked her mouth.

“I’m sexier.”Tony huffed before frowning a little, trying to figure out if Raven had indeed figured it out, and was just jerking him around. Feeling utterly confused. “I think I’ve found a fantasy. Might have to see about getting a iron man helmet.”He snickered a little before whining a little. “Yes, bromance. And they were yes, but...he also reacted to Rogers.”Tony corrected, even now, as low as he was, he was protecting James’ secret, knowing that no one would know the other was still alive, or in love. “It’s definitely a bromance.”Tony decided before tilting his head. “...I thought you said he wasn’t gay.”he teased a little, smirking at the idea of steve liking smaller brunettes.”And ha!you said it. Barnes is a smaller brunette then him.”He pointed out before squirming. “Why are we discussing this, instead of having sex?I want sex.”He demanded, whining as he was teased, squirming and needy, panting as he nearly came, starting to come undone.
she smirked a little and moaned at his threat, shuddering in delight as she opened her mouth and let him slide in how he wanted, sucking on his cock like a good little slut, eyes glazed with lust and desire as he used her. hands tightening around his hips, as if trying to hold on so she wouldn't float away. humming on occasion through her nose when she had the breath to do so. clearly she was born to be held down and used. it was where she loved to be.

Raven smirked. "you are sexier." he agreed with a snort. "for one thing, i can actually have you." he teased with a chuckle before he shuddered. "no, don't do that or i'll start calling Stark's name out during sex. and even if he never knows it, i don't know that i'd ever be able to look at him without going red." he admitted before he paused, looking startled. "holy crap i didn't even notice!" he admitted, looking amazed. "he IS Gay.... still. i don't think he'd sub. he's a pretty massive guy. very in command sort of guy." he admitted before grinning at the other. "i really don't think Barns and Rogers ever fucked." he pointed out. "of course, Rogers could very well be holding a candle for the other. shame Barnes died." he admitted with a sigh before smirking at the other. "because i don't want you dropping and keeping up a conversation is good for that." he admitted. "also because you had a hard day and chattering about asinine things makes you feel better. also because i'm a cruel bastard who hasn't finished teasing you yet." he admitted, flicking the feather over Caesars cock. "i wonder if i can make you cum with just the feather? should i try? i think i should."
James growled at her, sighing softly as he used her, closing his eyes as he came with a moan, before jerking her off his cock, picking her up and heading for the bed. Smirking as he dragged the chains down from where they were hooked to the ceiling, dragging her into the bed and handcuffing her there, with just enough space to kneel comfortably, but not enough to sit down. “Now. I’m going to go take a shower while you sit there and think about how I’m going to make you ride me.”James smirked as he headed for the bathroom. And it was nearly a hour later when he emerged, his dark hair slicked and dripping wet as he walked naked through the room, “Well, aren’t you pretty.”He smirked as he trailed a hand over her back pausing, before wrapping his hands in her waistband and shirt and pulling, ripping the clothes off, smirking as he looked at the naked woman. “So. However shall I use you...”He purred a little looking thoughtful.

“Hm, that is always sexier.”Tony snickered a little before laughing, “that would be amusing to see really.”Tony said blushing behind his mask, shuddering a little. “I’d totally top him. It’d be epic. And he’s in command in the rest of his life, commander of shield you know, he has to give up control sometime.”Tony whined a little, squirming, “Maybe not.”Tony whined before huffing. “I’m dropping anyways you know.”he pointed out, because even despite the talking, he was dropping, his eyes glazing slowly as he looked up at the other. “Hmmm, talking to you always makes me feel better. Talking about asinine things usually annoys me.”He muttered before whining, whimpering. “Would you just fuck me?!”He demanded, gasping as his eyes went wide, coming as the other touched him.
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