
“Well, you’ll figure something out, you always do. And if you can’t tony, well, you shoudl be happy with the man you do have..I am completely useless at this. You should ask Natasha.”he shrugged before laughing a little. “Maybe because he doesn’t want you prying into who he is. It’s easier to hide, if he doesn’t give you a excuse to look at him.”James shrugged before nodding.”I am.Don’t worry.”He promised before taking the bank card, his eyes widening a little. “...Thank you.”He said softly, feeling at a loss considering that the other man wanted him to stay...and yet was giving him a way to bolt if he needed to. “Pizza. Let’s go.”James grinned as they left.

“It is good to not forget.”Skye said before frowning, looking down at the tablet, “It might not be worse, but it could be wish people didn’t know things. He might be hiding most of it, simply out of a desire to not have people hate them....”she frowned a little. “Do you want me to keep digging?”
he snorted before blinking at James. "you know... your right." he admitted. "i should be happy with the man i have..." he admitted. "thanks James, your not as useless as i thought you where." he admitted playfully. "that's true though. i don't try to peek at him because he's been so good about not trying to pry information out of me." he admitted. "i don't even look in the car that comes to pick me up." he admitted. "speaking of. if i text you later, will you pick me up? as loopy as Caesar gets, i don't want to be in the same boat with no way home." he admitted. "...can you even drive a car?" he asked, his head tilted. "Pizza it is." he agreed, deciding not to comment on the card. he didn't bother telling Bucky it was as much for him as it was for his brother. after all, as long as Bucky pulled money out, Steve would know he was alive.

"yeah." Natasha admitted. "i don't like forgetting, and i do sometimes." she admitted. "Anna, my therapist, says it's the minds way of coping with a highly traumatic experience." she admitted before nodding. "...yeah. but i men, this alone would be bad enough to want to keep it hidden... no, let's not dig for now. we can always change our minds later." she agreed, offering her a smile. "thnks for getting all this for me. i don't know what it is, but i keep...." she shook her head. "i keep thinking about him and i'm as afraid of him as i am curious about him."
“well, you have more faith in me being useful then I do.”James snickered a little before nodding. “See, you’re good for each other. Just be patient, you’ll figure things out.”he said before grinning, “Yea, if you call me I’ll come get you, I promise.”he said before huffing. “I can drive a car. I simply enjoy the bike more.”He shrugged before rolling his eyes as they headed out for dinner.

“That makes’ll forgive things when you can handle them.”Skye said frowning a little before nodding, “I’ll not dig until you say so.”She said, though you just knew if it took to long, she’d do it, but for now, she’d drop it. Frowning a little thinking. “well....maybe if you invite him to dinner?With everyone?Then you’re not with him alone, but you can investigate and meet him without seeming to be prodding into his past either.”
Steve snickered and shook his head. "i hate being patient." he admitted before smiling at him. "might text you." he warned. "i'll probably leave my phone with you and use Caesar's phone to call you." he admitted. "since you don't have a phone of your own." he admitted. "good because you'll have to bring the car." he admitted. "i might not be able to handle the bike." he admitted with a smile, pulling on his helmet and followed James to a Pizza joint so he could devour a large all on his own before his 'date'.

she nodded. "Anna is pretty amazing." Natasha admitted with a chuckle. "well. you know i could." she agreed, pulling out her phone and set up a mass text to everyone, claiming she was buying Dinner tomorrow for team bonding. she even invited Anna. "your brilliant you know that?" she asked Skye with a grin before looking a bit worried. "how have you been?" she asked. "no more shattering?" she asked, worried about the woman next to her.
“I know you do. But you’ll have to be.”he snickered a little before nodding. “Okay. Though Anna’s made me see the benefits of having a phone, so I might be getting one soon. But I’ll keep yours for now.”he grinned looking amused as they got food.

“she is. Tony did good finding a good therapist for his people.”She smiled a little before laughing as natasha followed her instructions. “See, that wasn’t so bad. Besides, his date’s showing up, so he’ll probably come simply because Cap and Anna are going to be there.”She said before grinning. “Oh, I’m very aware of how brilliant I am.”She smirked a little. “No...some tremors and things moving when I’m upset...but not as bad as it had been...”Skye sighed quietly.

That evening Caesar smirked as he stepped into the club, the half mask and low lights doing little to hide the yellowish blue bruise along his jaw, or the careful way he was talking that spoke of a pain that was being well hidden. “Did your day get any better after we talked?”He asked looking worried about the tall blond as he gently led him towards one of the simple bedrooms, not bothering with a playroom for the evening, keeping htings simple and easy
Steve smirked a little. "remind me to thank her then. it would be nice being able to talk to you if you have to bolt again." he admitted. "he wasn't abut to trap his brother. that would not end well for anyone. besides, James needed to be able to bolt if Hydra showed up or something.

"very good." she agreed with a smile. "she's Stark Industries Therapist. everyone in S.I goes to her and she can help everyone. even Tony." she admitted with a grin before snorting at the woman. "probably." she agreed with a chuckle. "he'll probably leave halfway to have sex with Anna. she's a real Nympho." she admitted, ignoring the twist in her belly at the idea of James having sex with someone. or rather, someone else. she ignored the sensation and focused on Skye. "there haven't been any more earthquakes at any rate." she admitted. "so that's a good thing, just a bit of shaking can be handled easily enough." she admitted with a smile. "your gaining control, this is a good thing."

Raven smiled at Caesar before gasping. "Caesar!? what happened?!" he demanded before pausing. that was. this was... holy fuck. Caesar was Tony! "my day got better. had lunch with a friend i hadn't seen in a while." he admitted. "your day hasn't seamed to have gotten very good at all. are you sure it's okay for you to be here with a... broken? jaw?" he asked, looking worried. "Caesar seriously!" he complained, fretting about the other. "shouldn't you be in the hospital or something?"
“I’m using my phone for phone sex, and nothing else. Don’t get any bright ideas about calling me.”James teased rolling his eyes a little.

“From all rumors, he is to. Not to mention, super soldier. Now that has to be a sex drive worth testing out.”Skye said, cause even she could admit that the man was easy on the eyes even if he scared her half to death. “It can....and either that, or I’m just not being emotionally upset enough.”Skye sighed softly, shaking her head. Wanting to trust the control, but not sure if she dated to.

“Hm, got in a fight defending someone’s honor. Sadly, I didn’t get a kiss in return.”Caesar snickered a little before smilign. “No, it didn’t but I defended a helpless female, so that was fun.”He said shrugging a little before frowning at him as he closed the bedroom door. “Fractured jaw. Not broken.”Lies, all lies, but he couldn’t do anything about his jaw without having a doctor look at it, which would mean letting someone touch him, and screw around with extremis, which he couldn’t do.”Already went, nothing to do about it but let it heal. Now. Are you going to stop worrying and let me boss you around, or make me leave?”he frowned looking at the other, talking carefully and slowly, definitely his jaw was aching something fierce, but he wanted to be with the other to much to not show up when asked.
she nodded. "i wouldn't mind giving him a test drive." Natasha agreed with an impish grin, giggling a little before nodding. "either way, your gaining more control over yourself. we've been through some pretty upsetting revelations recently." she admitted. "so either way, we're making improvement." she admitted with a smile.

"....someone's honor?" he asked, looking amused. "i think your getting a little into your playacting there Little Emperor." he teased with a chuckle, very gently pressing his lips to the others. "there. now you got a kiss." he teased with a smile. "we had to fire someone today." he admitted with a sigh. "he was forcing younger agents to do sexual things and when he was fired he threw a fit." he admitted. "sent two people to the hospital and ended up getting arrested. pervert." he growled. all Tony would get from the information was that, at the most, Raven worked at Shield. either that or it was a hell of a coincidence. "fine. as long as you went." he agreed, relaxing and smiling at him, looking nervous. "uh, i'm just nervous.." he admitted, fidgeting before nodding. "i want this." he admitted, string at Caesar. at Tony. the two men he trusted most in the world, being the same person. he wanted Tony to have everything. "how do i... uh, what do you want me to do?"
“Hm, I wouldn’t mind giving that bike a test drive either.”Skye giggled a little before sighing, nodding a little. “We are.”She said before frowning, looking up at jarvis announcement that James was on his way up. “Well...seems you’re going to get a chance to talk to him before you thought....”She said frowning slightly, looking worried as she turned off the tablet, making sure the soldier wouldn’t be able to see the information, before heading into the living room, pausing at the sight of the haggard looking man. “James?”Clint asked as he stepped out of the rec room, frowning slightly. “....Hey.”He said running a hand over his hair. “Anna said I could meet her here....”he said looking upset, and having not wanted to interrupt steve’s night, he’d grabbed ahold of the only other support he had. The avengers and anna.

“Yea, not!It’s not my fault that defending a girl is the honorable thing to do.”Tony huffed making a face even as he kissed the other back. “....sounds like he was indeed.”Tony said slowly, because he knew steve worked for shield know, but he had no idea what to do. “I did.”He promised before smiling quietly, “Good.And just relax.”He said gently resting a hand on the other’s back as he gently guided him into the room, tilting his head. “Strip and lay down on your stomach on the bed.”She ordered, smiling slightly as he gathered what he wanted.
Natasha smirked. "that bike really is gorgeous. i'd ask if he'd sell it but after his reaction after Steve whined about his busting it, i think that's a no go." he admitted with a chuckle before tensing as Jarvis said James was there. in a flash she had all the files gathered and locked in her wall safe and she glanced at Skye before going to great James. "Shit... James, what happened?!" she asked, moving over to him. "sit down. i'll get some coffee." she decided. this was Steve's best friend after all, she was going to be nice and reserve judgement.

he snickered. "are too." he teased with a smirk before smiling a little. "it was pretty intense." he admitted. "of course the rumors are going wild, some of the other guys claim he pulled a knife but i'm not sure how much i believe that." he admitted, deciding to not let Tony know who he was. not yet. "okay..." he agreed, shivering at the touch to his back and shivering gain at the order. unlike Caesar, Raven had no problem getting completely naked. he had no tattoos or scars to mark him as anyone so he didn't care. he stripped down and settled onto his belly on the bed, turning his head to try and see what the other was doing.
James frowned a little looking up at her, tensing a little as she made him sit down, “Just nightmares...didn’t want to interrupt Steve’s date....”He said settling onto the couch, sighing quietly. Simply sliding back into the winter soldier’s way of dealing with things. Simply watching the world, silent and braced against things. “Here.”Clint said softly handing the man a glass of coffee, staring at him until he started to drink it.

“I’m sure it was.”Tony snickered a little smiling slightly as he watched the other strip down, before swallowing hard. “You really do have the most perfect ass. Nearly as good as the good Captain’s.”Tony muttered as he clamored up onto the bed with the other, settling into straddling the other and sitting on his back, sitting on the said back as he poured some massage oil into his hands before gently starting to rub his back.”Just relax. You said you had a bad day. I’ll make it better.Promise.”he smiled, resisting the urge to press down into the other, already hardening at the feel of the other between his legs.
Natasha scowled a little, even more worried now. nightmares that made a person look like that? "are you going to be okay?" Natasha asked him, worried, relieved when Anna showed up, looking rather panicked herself. "hey. James? you okay?" she asked, moving over to him. "Anna? what is it? what's wrong?" "nothing!... everything...." she sighed, wiping tears out of her eyes. "i think David left me with more than just emotional scars..." "well fuck." Natasha muttered. "here. sit next to James and snuggle." she ordered.

Steve smiled a little at the other before smirking. "you really think so?" he asked, examining his own ass for a bit before twitching when the other straddled him. "what are.... oh..." he sounded surprised. "but you had a bad day too..." he muttered even though he was already sagging into those talented fingers. "that feels so good." he murmured. Steve's back was full of tense knots that needed to be worked out and every time Tony pressed just right in just the right spot, Steve would groan in pleasure. "god Caesar...." he mumbled. "that's amazing..." he murmured, limp as a rag doll once he'd finished and lost in hazy, half asleep, pleasure. he couldn't even bring himself to whine when he felt the other stop, he was much too content.
“Fine. Just needed someplace safe...didn’t trust no one to break into steve’s place...”James muttered, and indeed in the moments, hours after a nightmare, the man was extremely paranoid, even more then he normally was. Looking up at anna, he looked worried and protective as he considered the woman, “What happened?”He growled sounding worried as he wrapped his arms around her, pressing a kiss to her head, growling as natasha got to close. “hey....james. Steve has a room here. Go.Lay down.”Clint said watching the two, the soft caution in his voice saying they needed to be careful, watching as james gathered Anna up and carried her out, already asking jarvis where the rooms were. “....Damn.”Clint sighed softly, slouching. Torn between interrupting whatever tony and steve was up to, or simply waiting it out.

“I do.”Tony grinned a little before laughing at the other’s surprise. “It’s okay. I like taking care of you.”Caesar reassured the other, smiling as he rubbed the other’s back, sighing softly as he watched the other relax. “I know, I’m quite amazing.”Tony grinned as he poured some lube into his hand and gently stretchign the other slowly, taking his time as to not jolt him out of the haze he was in. Taking his time before whining quietly. “Rav?Can I fuck you, please?”He said asking permission instead of simply doing it, to get the other really thinking about it even as he coated his cock and settled down on top of the other, groaning as he rocked his hips, shivering as his cock slid between the other’s ass cheeks.
"uh. James? you do realize that i can't even get into Steve's place?" Natasha asked him. "when i try, the wall is solid. anyone whose not keyed into the system can't get in. only you, Fury, and Tony are keyed into the system as far as i know." she admitted. "it's nothing. it's fine." Anna protested, wiping her eyes again and Natasha shook her head. "Anna was in an extremely abusive relationship up till about two months ago." Natasha explained softly. "when she didn't show up for work one day Tony went to find out why, since she'd never missed before. he'd nearly beaten her to death." she explained softly. "he's in prison right now." she explained, making sure to stay back when Anna started to really cry, she didn't want a part of that bastard growing inside of her. but she didn't want to kill an innocent baby if she was pregnant. how was she going to raise a baby all on her own!? "it'll be okay." Natasha decided. "he's protecting her, so he won't hurt her, and she could use the comfort..." but Natasha sounded more like she was trying to convince herself.

he nodded. "okay." he mumbled, still a bit nervous until Ton started working on him. "uuuhmmmm you should do this for a living..." he mumbled. "your so amazing at it. people would pay you so much. you'd be rich." he slurred. he twitched a bit in surprise when he felt the first finger but he settled down quickly enough and moaned eagerly with every new finger. sighing softly because it felt amazing. "uuuh?" he asked, blinking at the other a little before shivering at the feeling of the others cock. "yes. mmm yes. fuck me..." he mumbled, lifting his hips so the other had more room, spreading his legs in invitation.
“So he tells me. Don’t care. Someone will get in.”James growled a little. Looking at anna he frowned a little, glancing at natasha for the explanation. “Good. He’ll stay there.”James decided, making a mental note to pay a visit to the man, make sure he understood the rules of the game. Looking even more upset when Anna started to cry he held onto her tighter, settling them both into bed and cuddling into her, even if you knew that by the simple cuddling, he was holding onto the spare shield laying between the headboard and wall, that he was armed and dangerous. “You’ll be okay. I’ll take care of you.”He muttered trying to get anna to calm. “I wasn’t worried about her. He’s protective of women, I was worrying about whoever decides to try to talk to him next.”Clint muttered glancing at Natasha. “Really. She’s safe with him, he goes out of his way to not hurt women, even more so if he cares for them, but he’ll be dangerous till we can get Steve down here, or Tony, but they both were going out tonight...”Clint sighed quietly, staring at his phone, trying to decide if he should interrupt.

“Hmmm, they might, but they like me using my hands for other things really.”Tony said with a slight snicker, smiling as the other relaxed, smirking as he watched the other loose himself. “Kay, I will.”He smirked growling softly. “You are such a needy slut, aren’t you?”He teased as the other lifted his hips, groaning as he gently pressed into him, resting his head against steve’s shoulders as he took his time fucking the other, closing his eyes as he fought for control. He might have been working steve up, but he’d stupidly worked himself into nearly coming as soon as he sank into the other.
Natasha smiled a little. "i'm sure they could if they had a bomb, but you'd know they where coming when they finally broke down the wall." she pointed out. "he will stay there." she admitted. "considering i shattered his knees so bad he'll never walk again for it." she admitted, examining her nails. "i'm sorry. i shouldn't be crying all over you." she said, sniffling. "i don't even know for sure..." she admitted, snuggling into him. "i'm sorry..." she mumbled, setting into him. "are you okay?" she asked, blinking up at him. "you had a nightmare you said?"

"ah. well, that will be no one for a while. Steve should be back about midnight or so." Natasha admitted. "if i have to i'll go pick him up myself." he admitted. "he goes to this club, i've picked him up there before." she admitted. "i'll text him five to midnight if James hasn't calmed down by then." she decided.

he nodded. "yeah. our good with your fingers." Steve agreed. he shuddered at the name calling and moaned, nodding. "yeah. yes. needy slut. you gonna fuck me now?" he asked hopefully. he wasn't down very far, but he was down far enough to want it. down far enough that he wasn't scared or nervous anymore. "oooh that feels so good." he moaned, shuddering. "Caesar.... so good. harder. please..." he moaned, rocking his hips back into the others thrusts.
“Good.”James growled a little, glad to know the boyfriend would stay put, though he was still going to go visit, make sure he understood the game if anna really was pregnant. He wasn’t above making sure the man signed off to parental rights. “Hm, not the first person to cry all over me, though usually it’s Stevie.”He snickered a little, though you knew he was trying hard to not be as upset and strained as he was feeling. “Don’t worry about it....and well. Let’s find out for sure then.I’m sure one of the women around here has a test.”He said knowing jarvis would see about asking natasha or pepper, before sighing softly. Nodding a little.”...”He paused, not able to lie either. “...I did...”He sighed, shifting to lay on his back, tugging her with him, settling her against his side. “...I...”He stopped trying to think of how to explain, without outright lying or telling her who he was. “I...I couldn’t save my ex...I dreamed about it. Losing her all over again.”he sighed quietly.

”Good.”Clint sighed glancing at his watch, before smiling a little. “We’ll get him if we need to.”He agreed before looking up at Jarvis’ question. “You have one?”He said glancing at Natasha with a slight, amused smirk. Considering their relationship, and with phil, they ran a slightly higher chance of getting pregnant then more traditional relationships.

“I am.”Tony smirked as he looked down at the other man, shuddering a little at the sight of the man so needy and relaxed at the idea of being fucked. Growling softly as he pushed into him, making sure he was really ready for it, before thrusting into him harder, raising up enough to brace himself on the bed and giving in and fucking the other as hard as he wanted, watching the other man, making sure he wasn’t hurting him, but giving into the need to fuck him as hard as he wanted. Groaning as he tightened his hold on the other, resting his forehead against the other’s should as he came with a moan.
Natasha examined him and then quickly wrote down an address and a name and handed it to him. it was the address of the jail and the name of the man. David Abernathy. "he won't have any rights to the baby, if she is pregnant." she explained to wipe out that worry. Anna giggled little and wiped her eyes, smiling at him. "thank you James. your a good man." she admitted before nodding. "okay." she agreed before wincing at his dream. "oh James..." she muttered, picking up his hand and kissed his knuckles. "no matter what happened, you did your best, and that's all you can ever ask for." she admitted. "sometimes people are meant to move on to better places." she admitted. "she's happy now, i'm sure." she admitted with a smile. "and doesn't that mean something?" she asked before looking up when Natasha came in with the pregnancy test kit. "here Anna. are you okay?" "i'm fine." he promised, catching the box. Natasha didn't get any closer than the doorway. "you guys want anything?" "chocolate?" "sure thing." Natasha promised, leaving while Anna headed for the bathroom to take the test. it only made her cry all over again. it was positive.

"i do." Natasha admitted. not very many people knew Phil's heritage. Fury, Natasha, and Clint and that was it. it wasn't written down anywhere. it was never, ever spoken of. so, only those three knew, and Phil himself of course. they where always very careful when it came to sex with Natasha, who had her own heritage to be concerned with.

he nodded. "please. Caesar... please." he moaned, lifting his hips a little more. "please. oh. oh. yes! so good." he moaned, arching into the cock spreading him wide. it hurt just a touch, but it was a hurt he enjoyed. he moaned and mewled and shuddered as Tony fucked him, gasping when he came. surprised by the sudden surge of pleasure as Tony struck that spot with deadly accuracy. "....oh my god." Steve muttered. "that was... more?" he asked hopefully, experimentally clenching his anal muscles, shuddering at how good that felt too. he groaned as the one hour left bell rang in the building. meaning they where out of time. the people in the bedrooms and playrooms had to start finishing up and cleaning up. then they would be kicked out. "dammit..." he grumbled, shaking his head. "we're doing this again, yeah?" he asked, his head tilted.
“I try to be.Not sure if it works, but I try.”James smiled a little sighing quietly as she kissed his knuckles, turning his head to look at her. “....I did.”he said quietly, shuddering a little. And indeed, he did think she was in a better place, with better people now. Indeed, he thought she was better off never remembering the pain and loss that went along with knowing James, even if it made him want to scream. “Yes, I’m sure she’s happy.”He smiled a little, glancing up when natasha opened the door, lifting the shield as he sat up. Not quite preparing to throw it, but ready to if she came closer. “We’re okay.”James agreed watching the two woman, before smiling. “Coffee.”He requested watching the woman leave. Leaving anna alone to take the test as he paced the room before edging into the room with her, holding the shield, you had to praise tony for managing to make a lighter version of the shield, while it wasn’t as strong as the original, this was perfect for a paranoid son of a bitch who needed to be armed. Setting it down he knelt at her feet, looking up at him. “Hey, don’t cry. You’re not alone. I’ll help, kay?”He said looking up at her anxiously, so anxious and upset you knew that it wasn’t really her that he was seeing, memories in those dark eyes as he sought to make her feel better. Memories and dreams leaving him even more vulnerable then normal, the shields down enough he couldn’t hide behind sarcasm and amusement.

“oh yea, we’ll do more.”Tony grinned, glad extremis made his need to rest nearly non-existent, smiling a little as he ground against him as the other clenched around him. Whining quietly as the bell rang before sighing as he pulled out. “Oh yea, we’ll do that again.”He said frowning as he heard the slight buzz of his cellphone playing robin hood, clint’s ringtone. Groaning as he moved away he frowned slightly as he read the text, glancing at steve for a long moment before setting the phone aside, well aware he couldn’t leave just yet, even if he was worried. Smiling quietly as he set about cleaning the other up, “You okay?”he smiled softly.
she nodded. "it does work." she assured him with a smile. "it will always hurt. but someday you'll be able to think back on her and smile. knowing you had a good life with her. you'll remember the good things, instead of the bad, and then you'll start to remember her with fondness instead of guilt and pain." she admitted, smiling at him before looking up at Natasha. she didn't bother to try and stop James, she knew that he wouldn't listen to her in this state, Natasha didn't even try anyway so there was no point to stopping him. Anna sniffled at him. "but i can't take care of a baby." she protested, wiping her eyes. "i don't want to be pregnant with his baby! he used to lock me in the closet! when i tried to get away!" she admitted with a hiccup. "i'm not fit to be a M-Mother!" she informed him before looking startled at him. "Y-You don't even know me." she protested. "i can't ask you to help me like that James..." she admitted, trying t get the flow of tears to stop.

"awesome." Steve breathed, moaning when Tony ground down into him. "mmmmg." he moaned before sighing as the other pulled out. "we have to try some more stuff too." he admitted. "i liked it when you gave me orders. and called me names." he admitted, his blush hidden by the mask. "...." he blinked at the ring tone and then began to snicker before his own phone went off, a simple knock, knock, knock. "...well fuck." Steve sighed. "emergency at work. i have to go." he admitted. though he let Tony finish cleaning him up. "i'm fine." he promised the other with a smile, giving him a lingering kiss. "i'll see you later okay? gimme a text sometime." he offered. "just to talk if you want." he offered before heading out to get to the Tower. he even managed to beat Tony there. "Hy Clint. what's going on?"
“I did. We were good together, even when we were bad.”he sighed, smiling softly, even if it was painful to look up and see natasha there, he could remember, they were good together. “you can take care of a baby, if I can and not kill it or kill myself, I’m fairly certain you can.”James said with a slight smile as he sat at her feet, resting his hands on her legs as he watched her, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Then be pregnant with mine. Ignore whoever donated the sperm, he wont be involved. Be pregnant with my kid.”James shrugged a little before making a face at her. “You didn’t ask me to. I’m volunteering.”He said sounding so hurt and pained in his eyes before he looked away, staring at the floor, “I wanted a family....I didn’t get a chance to...but we could make one. I mean, yea we don’t know each other, but the people who know us the best, think we’re a good match....and I...I want somewhere to belong again. Stevie doesn’t need me...I’m not a avenger anymore...”he sighed, not even realizing what he was admitting to, the former Captain, “or the kid from Brooklyn anymore...I...this could give me a place. A new role to belong. A father...”He said looking upset as he watched her, “And you like me don’t you?We could just take it day by day....”

“Hmmm, we’ll definitely be trying more. I just wanted to give you a slow introduction to things, see if you enjoyed it.”Tony grinned running his fingers through the other’s hair, sighing quietly. “well, be careful kay?”He asked looking up at the other as he finished cleaning him up, handing over his clothes. “I will.”He promised, pleased with the idea of simply talking to raven.

“Hey. James had a nightmare, paranoid bastard that he is, decided your place wasn’t safe enough, so he came to the tower, called anna to talk to and meet her.But she’s having a hard night to, found out she might be pregnant with the bastard’s kid...he locked them both in your room and wont come out, and isn’t accepting anyone else getting near the door. Figured it was best to let you talk to him.” “Is he being dangerous?”Tony asked as he walked in, looking worried. “Not particularly. We’ve not gotten close to him or anna, simply giving him space. He’s just being him.”Clint said shrugging a little, though he was worried about them.
Steve blinked a little. "oh dear..." he muttered closing his eyes to gain a handle on his emotions. "is she okay?" he asked. "has she taken the test?" "i don't know. i loaned her one of mine." Natasha admitted. "he asked for Coffee and she wanted chocolate." she admitted, handing him the two cups, one full of hot coffee made exactly the way James liked it. and the other full of an italian hot chocolate that was much thicker than the American counterpart.

she chuckled a little. "all couples have their bad moments." she admitted with a grin before shaking her head. "you could never hurt a baby i know that even if i've only known you for a little while." she admitted, wiping her eyes again, already starting to feel better. some therapist she was. "wh... what?" she asked, looking stunned. "you... you would...." she blinked at him, amazed. who even made people like him anymore?! he was like a saint. an angel. "i... i think i'd like that." she finally admitted, giving him a watery smile. "i really do think i'd enjoy that. yes. we'll... we'll say it's your baby." she decided. "i do like you. we could totally do this." she agreed, settling into his lap and closing her eyes, simply holding him because she was afraid of being alone. she sniffed and looked up when someone knocked on the door. "James? it's Steve. can i come in?" Steve asked. "i hve Coffee and Chocolate." he offered.
“he’s requesting things, he might be feeling off balance, but that’s usually a good sign.”Tony mused frowning a little as he watched steve head back.

“...Yea well, I wasn’t always me, or great at taking care of breakable things.”James smiled a little before nodding a little. “There’s....things you need to know, before you really decide...but yes, I would.”he said smiling a little before grinning, pleased with the knowledge that this, at least would be his. Feeling gutted at the knowledge that was basically writing off ever having the real life he wanted again, but...he was going to try and be happy with what he had. “We can totally do it.”He smiled kissing her head as he settled back against the tub with her in his lap, holding her gently, growling softly, even as he tugged the shield to hide her from view. “...Kay. You can come in.”he said after a moment.
she giggled a little. "James, no matter what a person goes through, they are always the same person inside." she admitted. "and i would know. i'm a specialist. i work primarily with.... oh, i'm not supposed to tell you that." she admitted. "we'll say amnesia victims." she decided. "what kind of things?" she asked curiously, feeling totally exhausted now that she wasn't crying anymore. "okay." she breathed with a smile. "we can do it, right?" she asked, nodding, snuggling into him. "...why are we laying in the bathtub?" she asked after a moment, Steve chuckling as he carefully set the tray in James reach, without getting too close to Anna. "it's gonna be okay James." Steve promised. "we all adore Anna. she won't go through this alone. we'll all help her. when you and she are feeling calmer Bruce is ready for a checkup, you know, to see how far along the baby is." he admitted. "do you need anything else?" he asked.
“......Well, its a good thing you’re a specialist then. Probably need some help.”James said sounding amused indeed that he was with a woman who was almost exactly what he needed. “....Just things. Things about who I am, what happened before.Not important now, just rest.”He muttered before nodding. “yea, we can do it.”He grinned before shrugging a little. “It’s safe, and easy to defend, and you were sitting in here.”he said logically, growling softly at steve, but not really upset, even like this, he trusted steve. “...It’s mine. We’re going ot be a family together. We’ll be okay.”James said before nodding, “we’ll rest and be down in the morning.”he decided getting up slowly, carrying her for the bedroom, settling them both into bed before shaking his head as he sipped his coffee. “Just rest.”he said, starting to wind down himself, sighing softly as he blinked, now that he was calming, he was exhausted. After all, it was nearly 1 in the morning.
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