
“Hm, it would be awkward, definitely. But we’d so get laid.”James snickered. “You two would be rich if you sold that as porn.”Tony snickered shaking his head a little before looking up at steve with curiousity, wondering about his dating. “It’s like dating. That just sounds awkward. You should totally take him on the carrier, do the whole ‘I’m king of the world’ thing while having sex in your office, you’re death defying dare devil would probably enjoy it.”James teased a little, because even without knowing caesar, he knew his friend, knew what kind of guy appealed to him, and watching tony change interesting colors amused him. “....I don’t think I want to talk to you people anymore.”Tony said rolling his eyes looking disgusted at the idea of that being food, even if he did settle on a barstool to watch steve cook.

“What?”Skye looked startled. “He tried attacking phil?”She looked worried despite knowing phil could take care of himself before laughing a little. “Yea I know that move. And owwww.”Skye made a face t that idea, before pausing as she looked through the files. And she knew she was going to be in so much trouble, raiding tony’s personal computer, but she knew that if he and steve were hiding things, there was only one place a paranoid tony stark would keep things, in his own head, hopefully he wouldn’t realize skye was hacking through the personal computer that he spent the most time hooked into until it was to late to stop them. Pausing as she found the picture, taking a moment to place it as stark’s private lab looking over something.”Still looking for other info, but there’s this...”She said scooting the laptop around to show natasha.
he snorted. "you'd get laid. my lover isn't here." yes he was but Steve wasn't sure Tony was ready to know that yet. "well, we do talk about our day while we fuck." Steve admitted, his head tilted. "and we kind of date when we sit in a hotel lobby and drink..." he admitted. "does that count?" he asked curiously before snorting. "no, i don't think he'd like that, though desk sex has promise." he admitted with a grin. "maybe i should sneak him onto the Hellicarrier?" he mused. planning that. he could convince Caesar he was sure. it was just coming up with a good lie. "of course you do." Steve stated, making the promised Tuna Fish sandwiches and Chocolate pie in mass quantities.

she nodded. "Tony and Steve where moving before he even noticed i was hurt. they knew how he was going to react." she admitted. "yeah. ow." she admitted, laying back with a wince. "...i do know him..." she breathed, quickly scanning the information. "he trained me in the Red Room and then he rescued me from Hydra, personally..." she muttered. "he lived here. in the tower, with me for years after becoming Captain America. i helped save his life by faking his death when Russia executed him for 'crimes against the country'.... we...." she jumped when the computer went blank with nothing but a big red X surrounded by a circle. "James Barnes and i where going to get married..." she whispered, stunned.
“True, but we could video record it. I’m sure tony’d be willing to send you a copy to take to the boytoy.”Tony snickered a little before rolling his eyes a little. “Yes, that counts.” “Desk sex always has promise. Though if you do, you should replace the desk in your office first. And your chair.” “...tony?” “What?He kept my desk and chair. I figure it’s only kind telling him to replace things.”Tony shrugged a little. “No, I don’t think I want whatever you’re making.”Tony made a face looking amused though, even as his eyes glazed some, his attention turning inward.

“Which means they knew before hand whatever they’re hiding.”Skye made a face before swallowing hard, looking the information over, nodding slightly. “He went after you....”she paused thinking it over. “They had said he’d lost someone who looked like you...he didn’t. He lost you.”She said before wincing as the text box popped up over the next. Stop, or I will tell him what you two are doing. He wont appreciate it, and I really, really don’t appreciate you two digging in my stuff.’ "Stupid extremis. Can't hide anything from the genius."Skye complained even as she started logging out of everything, looking startled at the knowledge her and james had been getting married. "You sure?"She said glancing at the other woman.
Steve brightened a little at that. "that's a good idea!" he agreed before grimacing. "he, uh. doesn't know who i am. not really..." he admitted sheepishly. "it was nice just being me and i... forgot..." he admitted sheepishly before freezing. "those ASSHOLES! they assured me they'd replaced those with new ones!" Steve said, dialing his phone. "PHIL! i need a new desk and chair! mine have been contaminated with lady sex!" so he didn't care that Tony had used them, he just cared that naked women had been on them. that was hilarious. "you don't want any shoe leather?" he asked Tony with a grin. Bologna sandwich. "or fried fish guts?" Grilled cheese sandwich. "or Witches Blood?" tomato soup. he paused when Tony's eyes glazed over and he smirked, "is Skye hacking your systems again?" she tried, every once and a while, just to see if she could.

"yeah exactly. they've seen his reaction so many times they knew exactly how to react." she muttered before nodding. "lying without lying. sneaky ass bastard. and here i thought Steve couldn't lie." she huffed before smirking at the computer and Tony. "go ahead and close it down. i have what i need." she admitted. "yes. he asked me to marry him. i remember." she admitted, eyes glowing. "when they captured me, i hid the ring. come on." she ordered, wincing as she tried to get up and failed. "...maybe a nap first." she decided with a huff. she had part of the answer. James was avoiding her because he loved her, but she couldn't remember him. was that why he was dating Anna? because she looked like Natasha? no. it was a one night stand according to Pepper, so what? was it because Anna needed him? that sounded plausible. was Natasha okay with breaking them up when Anna clearly needed James? perhaps more unconventional methods? being that James and Anna where Nymphos, she couldn't see them saying no to a threesome, even f she wasn't too fond of women she could put in an effort. did she want that though? did she want to be with James?what if he was different? she knew for sure he was. what if they didn't work together anymore? but if that was so, could she truly walk away from a man she had obviously loved even if she couldn't remember him?
"...well. eventually he'll know. You could just show him then."tony said looking curious at just what kind of dating steve could be doing to not be known by the person he was seeing. wondering and worried, but not making the connection,not yet. "Yea well you know how they can be. Cheap bastards. You have to keep after your underlings to make sure they actually spent the money."tony snickered. "It amuses me your more worried about the woman then tony's naked ass on the dek."james teased." I dont."tony shook his head at the names before shaking his head."no I don't want any...and she is."Tony said a slight look of concern of his features.

"Im thinking that's the biggest lie of all. That he's honest all the time."skye snickered at the idea. Before nodding as she shut down her laptop and looked at natasha."nap first."she ordered studying the other woman."also...don't rush. No one will demand you do anything...and don't forget you're also with phil and clint. He might not have said anything because of that....just be careful nat."she said worried about her friend,squeezing her shoulder before leaving the woman alone so she could get some sleep.
he shrugged. "i'm a little scared to tell him, to be honest. i don't want him to think i've been lying to him...." he admitted, rubbing the back of his head. "i guess it doesn't mater, i have to ask him out on an actual date first maybe." he muttered before huffing. "very cheep bastards." Steve agreed, glaring at his phone. "i should make Phil send me pictures. just to make sure he's actually buying new ones." he muttered. "hey, Tony's kind of cute." Steve stated, waving his wooden spoon at James. "and he doesn't have breasts or places that bleed every month for no reason." he stated before examining Tony. "it'll be fine." he promised the other. he hoped so anyway.

"nah, he can't lie worth shit. but technically it wasn't a lie. i do look like myself." she stated with a huff. "yes. nap first. because i'm tired...." she murmured, closing her eyes. "they know i'll move on." she admitted. "Clint and Phil always knew i'd go back to James eventually. i can see it in her eyes now that i recognize the look." she admitted "besides, what if i still love him? even if i can't remember him i feel... pulled. like i want to be with him even if i can't figure out why." she admitted.
"Well. Take it from someone who's been caught lying to everyone under the sun. He'll forgive you, as long as he knows the reasons. I mean, I'm sorta known for not wanting anyone to know who I am during sex,but I kinda fail considering I'm me. If I could have sex and not have to deal with all the anxiety of someone knowing everything jve done, I'd totally get why someone else would want to."Tony shrugged because he really was hoping raven'd forgive him for lying eventu a lly. "you should make him take a picture."tony agreed snickering."I am more then kinda cute!" "You're right. He's sorta cute like that puppy you tried to get your mom to let us have. All gangly and notched up."james snickered.

"you'll have to tell him he still can't lie then."skye snickered before growing serious nodding a little."true. And they have each other."which in reality, was what it had been before,natasha had simply fitted in with them."I'm sure he still feels the same way...otherwise he wouldn't be back after a year of pretending to be dead...just go with your plan. We're all having dinner here tonight,and know you know,so you can work things out from there."skye smiled as she closed the door behind her
Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "it's a bit different Tony. everyone already knows who you are." he pointed out with a smile. "i guess i should just tell him but what if he doesn't feel the same way? what if he leaves me? i don't think i could take it..." he admitted, cringing at the idea of Tony leaving. of Tony never coming into the office to bother him or beg him for food. "well. it's not like you've done too much. most people just blow it way out of proportion." he pointed out with a smile. "i guess your right though, i think it will be okay, if i'm completely honest with him..." he decided. "nah. he's like those ugly rat dogs. cute. but also kind of creepy. Chinese Crested, you know?" he asked with a grin. "actually... we should get a dog." Steve decided. "besides, that puppy was adorable! it's not it's fault it was hit by a car." he huffed. Sarah had finally agreed, but the puppy had died from it's injuries two days later. Steve had been completely devastated and didn't so much as look at another dog for like, five years.

she snorted. "i will." she decided. "yeah, exactly." she agreed with a smile. "i fit well with them of course but i want something... i dunno, more." she admitted before snorting. "i don't think he's back for m Skye." she pointed out. "i think he's here on business of some sort. he has a purpose or he would never have come back. it hurts him to be here, i can see it in his eyes... i just have to do my best to make sure he wants to stay when he's done with whatever it is that he's doing."
“True, but I can understand wanting to not be known as you. Besides, you are nearly as famous as me these days.”He pointed out before shrugging. “You’ll just have to chance it I guess.” James studied steve, looking thoughtful as she considered him before snickering. “He is like that rat dog.” “I am not creepy!” “I know it was you who sent me ‘Cap does america’” “What?i thought you’d want to know what people thought you were doing these days.” “you know, only you actually think me and cap were doing things.”James rolled his eyes before grinning,that puppy was adorable.”He agreed. “I think James should get a dog. He’s going to be a dad, he needs a dog.”Tony decided, pleased when the man didn’t protest, not only because he knew james liked dogs, but because he knew if he had ties here, things to keep him here, the man wouldn’t go bolting as soon as his business was done.

“Something more. I think you’re something more, is pretending he doesn’t exist.”She said smiling a little before sighing. “Well, whatever business it is, we’ll just have to make sure he wants to stay after.”

James smirked as he looked at steve as the man started to serve dinner, “I’ll go round up everyone.”Namely, natasha. Even if he’d never admit it, he needed to check on her. Heading down to skye’s room when jarvis said she was, the man knocked on the door, knowing better then to walk in.”Natasha?”
Steve nodded. "yeah i know." he grumbled. " can hardly go out without getting swarmed." he huffed. "Cal doesn't seam to notice though, granted we tend to meet at a private club so that might be why." he admitted. using the name Cal because he didn't want Tony to know he knew just yet and Cal could easily fit into the name Caesar, sort of... "i will have to chance it. it'll be worth the chance i'm sure..." he admitted. "even if he hates me, i won't regret it later. especially if he forgives me for it." he admitted with a smile. "i think i'll start with a date first." he admitted before blinking. "Cap does what now?" he asked, looking confused. "yeah we'll get James and Anna a dog." Steve agreed with a chuckle. "we'll stop at a pet store on the way home Buck. i wouldn't mind having a yapper at home myself." he admitted. "okay. be careful, Natasha has a flinch reaction when she's hurt." Steve warned even though James already knew that.

when James knocked on the door there where three dull thuds on the door, indicating she had her throwing knives close at hand. "...okay. that hurt." Natasha admitted. "who is it? i was sleeping dammit! someone get me more pain pills! the good ones! the ones Bruce wont let me have anymore!" she ordered, sliding very carefully out of bed and shuffled to the door and blinked at James. "oh. it's the crazy man." she stated. "i was hoping you where Phil. he always brings me the good drugs." she admitted, yawning.
“Yea, the private clubs are really good at keeping the public away, and not getting stared out.”Tony grinned smiling a little. “Start with a date, a well planned date.”he shrugged a little smiling slightly. “Cap does america.”james said smirking as Tony nearly stuffed his fist in his mouth to keep from laughing, and bolted for the door. “Sorry, gotta go. Lab work and all.”Tony grinned as he left. “Stark shared porn with me. It was both creepy, amusing and disturbing.”James supplied with a smile, smiling at steve, looking pleased at the idea of a dog. “Awesome.we’ll get a puppy.”he said before nodding. “I know.”

“...No drugs. But I come bearing news of food.”james said blinking slowly at the other, making a face. “I’m not crazy. Just not sane either.”he grumbled, “Clint and phil stepped out to take care of getting steve some furniture. I figured I’d better come down and help you to the table, since you messed up your ribs.”he smiled a little
Steve nodded. "yeah. it's great. and this one has a name disclosure agreement... thing." Steve admitted. "we can't tell people who we see there." he explained. "Cal doesn't seam to really know who i am, he once told me if i was a little bit bigger, i could be Captain America, how funny is that?" he asked with a chuckle before nodding. "a perfect date... i don't know how to plan dates.... maybe i can make Phil plan my date?" he mused before watching Tony bolt. "uh... okay..." he looked at James and then. "...i don't remember filming for a porn..." he admitted, looking confused. "two puppies." he decided.

"...i do want food." she agreed, rubbing her eyes. "no. your insane. you tried to attack Phil, that's a stupid move." she admitted with a chuckle before she frowned, confused. "they went to buy what?" she asked, before looking highly amused. "they tricked Steve into getting a new chair, didn't they?" she asked, smirking before scowling. "i have broken ribs, that doesn't mean i'm an invalid." she complained, tossing her nose in the air and stalking for the kitchen. refusing all help even though she was in agony, not that she showed it at all, stubborn woman.
“Oh, that would be quite good.”Tony agreed though inwardly he was panicking. Could him and steve have been in the club at the same time?Had steve seen him on stage? Oh, he was so screwed. Even if he hadn’t made the connection yet. “I’m sure that’s a common wish, for people to do Cap.’Tony teased a little. “Just make Phil and Natasha plan it, they’re quite good.”James smirked before snickering. “You didn’t. Someone dressed up as us to pretend. It’s very amusing since Stark shared it with me. It’s disturbing, and quite amusing considering he just bolted out of here.”He snickered. “Two then.”he agreed.

“Not really. We’ve sparred before.”James said refusing to go into it though, before smirking. “No, Tony tricked steve into new furniture. Claimed no one bothered to replace his sex addled stuff when he was ousted as director, so steve demanded new stuff so he didn’t have girly germs on it.”James smirked before rolling his eyes as he followed after her. “Stubborn лиса.”He muttered rolling his eyes as he settled into his chair. “Sleep well?”Clint smiled as he walked in, pressing a kiss to her forehead as he sat down next to her.
Steve realized the other was panicking and quickly intervened. "i could take you with sometime, if you like Tony. i know you have trouble getting laid these days. maybe it would help you stop being bitchy all the time. i'd take James but apparently he's gotten himself hitched. i don't think Anna would like sharing." actually, Anna would probably enjoy watching James fuck other people. "okay. i'll make them plan it." he agreed, relaxing. "...oh. huh. weird. me in porn." he smirked a little and glanced at the other. "and we totally have to talk tonight." he admitted with a smirk.

"...oh. did you win?" she asked, looking suddenly eager. "i've never seen Phil lose before. not even against Steve. he's so... twisty." she grumbled before she snorted. "it amuses me very much how afraid of women Steve is. the more girlie they are the more terrified he is." she admitted with a snicker before narrowing her eyes at him. "Bastard волк." which was Russian for Wolf. "i slept very well. i hear you went shopping? without me." she complained. "did you get me anything?"
“....that would be nice. Fun to. And I’m not bitchy!”Tony whined a little. “Hm, you know, anna’d probably enjoy watching. She’s as bad as me you know.”James pointed out snickering before nodding. “It was weird and amusing, and I think tony has way to much time on his hands now that Extremis lets him not have to actually web surf.”James snickered before raising a eyebrow, looking curious. “Okay then.”He said trying not to worry about what they could be talking about.

“Sorta?Twisting ourselves up worse then Tony’s mind. Tony and steve had to help us detangle.”James snickered a little before nodding. “I know. It’s quite adorable and amusing, and it was so much worse when he was a tiny guy and got dragged on double dates.”He snickered before rolling his eyes at the namecalling. “We did.”Clint said smirking. “Of course I bought you something.” “A sex swing and lingerie doesn’t count as something for her, you know.”James quipped instinctively, smiling as Anna walked in, tugging the woman into the seat next to him, snuggling her even as he settled in to start eating. For once, not even thinking better of talking to natasha, as if simply by being near anna, he was relaxing some.
Steve smirked. "says the man who is now bitching about not being bitchy." Steve teased with a grin before laughing at poor James. "well at least you'll have plenty of sex... where is she anyway?" she was taking a nap. "you know. i wouldn't doubt that one bit." he admitted. "then again this is Tony we're talking about, he could have been looking up Porn for research purposes." he admitted with a snigger. "oh don't look so worried. it's about my boy toy." he promised the other with a grin.

"...uh... i'm not sure i want to know." Natasha admitted with a chuckle and a shake of her head. "still, i bt Phil enjoyed it a bit." she admitted with a smirk before snickering. "that poor man. you must have been horrible to live with." she admitted with a smirk. "especially since you could pick him up and make him do anything you wanted him to." she teased. "must have made the sex interesting at least." she teased him before smirking at Clint. "good! i'd hate to have had to punish you." she teased before blinking. "you got me a sex swing?" "really? he got you a sex swing?" Anna asked, looking delighted even as she yawned and sat down where James instructed without really being aware of it. "no we did not!" Phil huffed, looking amused while he helped Steve pass out the food.
“....Shut up, Capsicle. I’m gonna get you some more popsicles if you don’t stop teasing me.”he whined a little making a face. “Taking a nap. It’s been a busy day.”James said shrugging a little before snickering. “I don’t even want to know what tony would be researching while watching porn.”he rolled his eyes before nodding.”Kay then.”he shrugged calm then.

“...It was like playing twister, except not fun, since we weren’t doing it naked, or with our significant other.”James sulked a little before snickering. “Of course he did. I’m james barnes, seems between me and stevie, we make his world go ‘round.”He snickered amused, because he knew that was really clint and natasha, but the man’s fanboy-ness amused him. “I am never horrible to life with. I’m amazing, he’s the pain in the ass. So many fights and-what?”He sputtered to a stop, staring at her. “I don’t like Cap like that. Or any guy really.”He said looking bemused. “Maybe.”Clint smirked a little, loking amused before sulking. “You just ruined the fun Phil.”he whined. “So what did you buy?”James said looking interested. “A new desk and matress since she said ours was getting worn out.” “...I’m sure it is.”Tony said snickering.
Steve scowled. "don't you dare stark!" never mind that he loved those things and had a full freezer full. Tony would never know. "you know. i'm not sure i want to know either." he admitted with a smile, actually, he did want to know, he'd have to ask Tony later.

she snickered a little. "i've never played Twister." she admitted with a grin before giggling. "did he ask you to sign his cards?" she asked with a grin. "i bet he did." she admitted. "and you do make the world go round. all that muscle has to make the gravity around here a little less stable." she admitted with a grin. "maybe that's why all those blonde twits swoon when you go by?" she wondered playfully. "i bet you are horrible to live with. i bet you put your cold feet on people and leave the toilet seat up." she admitted before blinking at him. "what, really? that's... i was sure that you and Steve had a thing." she grumbled. "now i owe Phil fifty bucks." she complained, shaking her head before grinning at Clint. "so you didn't get me a sex swing? now i'm sad." she admitted. "but i guess a new mattress is okay." she decided.
“...”James tilted his head a little, though inside he was scrambling and lost. His memories clouding everything as he talked to her. This was harder then he’d thought it’d be. “He did.It was quite amusing.”he said smiling a little before laughing. “Just think, me and steve together make the world a very unstable place....and no. That’s not why. It’s they’ve heard we’re both amazing at sex, they just have to swoon.”James snickered, being his playboy self, deflecting and anxious even if it didn’t show. “I’m very horrible to live with.”James agreed looking away as he started to eat. “He really is. I’ve never seen a man more prone to scaring the shit out of his roommates.”Tony said to distract natasha some from what james’ reaction to the living together comment was. “....”James turned looking at tony. “Stop glaring a hole in the side of my head. Just cause I’m the one who told you my theory, doesn’t mean I’m the only one who thought it was true, you slut.”Tony said primly. “...No I didn’t. And I’ll go out after dinner and get one if you want.”Clint promised before smiling a little. “And I didn’t get one cause Phil wouldn’t let me go to the sex store.”he sulked. “Said we had to make sure cap’s desk and chair got to his office.”
"i bet. he's such a geek." she huffed, even as she smiled. "just be glad he didn't make you sign his vintage Captain America and Howling Commando Comic book collections. he has every single one." matter of fat, he had originals of every one. as in, within the first month of being released. they where in mint condition and some of them where so rare, there where only three or four left in the whole of the U.S.A. "well, i doubt your that good at sex." she scoffed playfully before nodding. "i knew it." she smirked. "i bet you even clean up after yourself and take turns buying groceries." she teased with a chuckle. "you thought they where sleeping together too Tony?" "oh EWE! sleep with James? never! yuck! where did we put the brain bleach!?" Steve demanded, making Phil laugh and hold his hand out to Natasha, who glared and slapped a small pile of bills into Phil's hands. "i want one. get it." Natasha ordered. "no sex until your ribs heal." Bruce warned, making Anna blink. "no sex? what did she do to deserve that?" "broke two ribs." "ouch!"
“I’m sure eventually he’ll get around to asking. He asked steve.”He snickered a little because he’d heard dall about it, and it amused him. “...I’m definitely that good at sex. Can’t speak for the good captain, but I am.”James snickered feeling heart broken and raw at simply interacting with her like this. This was insane, just how much it hurt to act like this with her, when he knew she had no idea who he was. “As if. That’s why I have Cap. He enjoys shopping.”James rolled his eyes. “Oh yea. Their bromance is stuff of legend, thought you two were boinking every chance you go.”Tony said snickering, simply to watch steve have a heart attack over the idea. “urgh, you guys. I know I’m a nympho, but me and stevie in a bed together would be a disaster.”James growned shaking his head. “Fine. I’ll get one. I promise.”Clint smiled a little. “She forgot she had a spine, and tried to do a impossible move.”James explained smiling slightly as he ate, eating simpy to make himself stop talking. He needed to stop talking really.
"i'm sure he will." Natasha admitted with a smile and a shake of her head. "well i'll take your word for it." she teased. "i bet he's better at it then you are. you should both have sex and video tape it and me, Tony and Phil will rate whose better." she decided, eyes glittering with lust filled amusement. "Cap enjoys shopping?" Natasha asked, looking stunned. "i do not! don't put ideas in her head Barnes!" Steve warned. "i can't stand shopping!" he complained before glaring at Tony. "that would be like asking me to fuck my brother Tony! incest is NOT okay!" he complained. "besides, James has always been straight and he was never my type." he admitted with a shrug. Anna giggled a little at all the b-play and shook her head at Natasha. "she has a bit of a dominance issue. she hates loosing so bad she'd rather hurt herself than accept defeat. good for staying alive, bad for friendly spars." she admitted, Natasha shrugging. "i'm a sore looser." she agreed.
“....No.”James said simply, retreating, lashing out at the idea of her watching him have sex, simply shutting down instead of teasing her back.Utterly lost and in pain before frowning, looking at steve in confusion as he focused on the other man. “....I’m feeling confused.” “Don’t feel bad, the commander confuses me to.”Tony said smirking a little knowing steve really did like shopping, at least for food. “It is okay when you two are involved. It’s like the fantasy of every person in the world, to watch you two go about it.”Tony mused being utterly riddiculous to make sure james wasn’t focusing on natasha. “You are such a annoying gnat.”James rolled his eyes at tony, swallowing hard before snickering. “indeed she is. Hopefully she’s learned a lesson from this.”James snickered a little, carefully avoiding looking at anyone as he ate.
she blinked, startled but nodded. "okay." he assured him. "your always confused Jamie." Steve huffed. "there is a difference between shopping and grocery shopping." Steve pointed out. "i like buying food. i hate buying everything else." he admitted. "especially shoes." he admitted. "and clothes. and toiletries. and everything else." he admitted with a shrug before wrinkling his nose. "if you don't stop, i won't let you back in my house." he warned Tony. "that's just gross Tony." he complained before smirking. "he is a Gnat!" he agreed. "of course i didn't learn my lesson. i never do." Natasha said with a sniff. "anyway i have someplace to be tonight." she admitted, glancing at her watch and wolfing down the last of her dinner. "later losers."
“You better like buying food. I need fed regularly, otherwise I get grouchy.”James snickered a little. “And you just hate shoe shopping cause they never have the right size.”he rolled his eyes, “You’re just freakishly big, Cap.”James teased his best friend. “...I don’t believe you. You always let me places.”Tony smirked a little tilting his head, looking curious as natasha left. “Where’s she going?” “No idea.”Clint shrugged not to worried about it. “Come on cap, we better get going if we want to get to the pet store before it closes.”James pointed out.
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