
she blinked at him, her head tilted. "well okay." she agreed, well aware of what he needed help with but not wanting to pressure him into anything. he needed to open up on his own terms in hi own time. "okay. not important now." she agreed, cuddling with him and smiling. "i always did want a family." she admitted. "i was sitting in here. because i had to pee on a paper strip." she admitted with a smile. Steve blinked and then. "Jamie? i know we didn't have the best education in the word, but ou can't get a pregnant in a single day. well, you can, but they won't show it." he pointed out. "he is well aware of that." she said. "he's offering to claim to be the father." "oh!" Steve smiled sheepishly. "right. i knew that. i was just, er, testing you. yeah..." he muttered, shaking his head. "okay Jamie." Steve agreed to that plan. "try to get some rest yourself okay?" he asked the other, stepping back so James could get out of the bathroom without feeling threatened. "okay." she mumbled, snuggling into him with a sigh, chocolate forgotten as she went to sleep. Steve barely managed to grab the cup before she spilled it all over and he chuckled. "your staying here with her right? here, scooch up a bit." he ordered, quickly tucking them in. "there you go. sleep well." and with that Steve had flicked the lights off and left them alone.
“Me to.”James said sighing quietly, with that quite sadness that said he’d had one, and lost it. And was hoping for another chance. “Well, we’re sitting in here now cause it’s sorta comfortable.”James said with the smugness that said he was just giving her a hard time cause he could. “Yes you can. We had a obscene amount of sex you know.”James said superiorly, smirking at his best friend, before snickering. “You are such a geek Cap.”James teased snickering before nodding. “I’ll get some sleep.”He promised as he settled into bed, wincing as she nearly dropped the cup,sighing softly. “yea I am.”He said shifting to get comfortable,”I’m not five again you know.”he rolled his eyes as he was tucked in,but falling asleep soon enough.

In the morning Tony smirked a little as he glanced over the edge of his tablet, “You know, I’d find this anxious pacing amusing, if I wasn’t sure I’d get kicked in the balls for it.”He pointed out as he watched James prowl the lab, glancing at steve. Worried about the brunette super soldier, who’d been kicked out of the med lab while anna had her exam for being overly emotional and what he suspected was glaring at the hulk as bruce worked. “I can still kick you, you know.”James growled as he glanced at the two, well aware he was making a nuisence of himself, but to worried about what anna was finding out, and the talk he knew they needed to have. But stalking between the med lab and tony’s lab on the same floor was making him feel better.
she nodded. "it is kind of comfy." she admitted. "we should take a bath together sometime, that would be fun." she decided, happily cuddled up to him. "....shut up you nerd." he complained with a smile. "you are five. you'll always be five." he stated with a grin.

Steve chuckled from where he was sitting on his usual couch, drawing on his pad and paper, humming softly to himself as he sketched James and Tony. "he will kick you Tony." he warned, grinning a little. "i'll laugh too if he does." he warned. "James? hold still for a second i can't get your eyes right." he complained, examining the other intently for a moment before nodding and fixing the sketch. "okay, carry on..." he offered, looking up at the other with a smile when Jarvis reported that Bruce had finished and James was allowed to go back to the room. "James." Bruce stated, offering him a smile. "the baby is about a month old." he explained. "so it was most likely the result of her last day with... it." here Bruce sneered, rage flashing in his eyes. so disgusted and furious with the rapist woman smacker that he wouldn't even refer to him with a gender. for Bruce, Davit was 'it'. "she's actually doing very well, physically speaking, and emotionally she's doing much better than expected, i think because your promise to help her so thank you for that." he admitted, smiling at James.
“...I would enjoy having you wet and slippery.”James said agreeing with the idea of a bath before smirking. “Well, if I’m five, you’re three, punk.”

“No he w-”Tony yelped whining as james aimed a kick at his chair, “Stop it!”He ordered whining a little as james held still for steve to draw. “Are you drawing to make sure you have wanted posters if I go missing again?”James grumbled. “Oh no, we have pictures for that. That all say lost puppy, call stark towers if found.” “...I can bury you, Stark, so deep that no one will ever find the body.” “But you wont. It’d upset Steve.”Tony said, knowing when to back off and when he could push, after nearly two years of working with him, the two sarcastic bastard had developed a good working relationship that suited them both. Looking relieved at bruce’s order he huffed, looking relieved as he stepped into the room, nodding tightly. “We assumed it was.”James said moving over and settling onto the exam table next to anna, hovering but not quite cuddling her. “No thanks needed. I’m doing it as much for myself, as for her.”He said tilting his head a little, knowing bruce suspected just what it had cost him to walk away from natasha, if only because it had been bruce he’d brought her to try and fix the damage. “Anything we should know, I mean, care and stuff?”He said, and despite his history, he hadn’t been around a pregnant woman in years, so he was nervous.

“Nat!”Clint cursed as he caught the petite fist in his hand, tightening his hold as she swung, wincing as he snapped away. “Natasha!Wake up.”He ordered wrapping hsi arms around her to keep her from hitting him or phil again, gently shaking her, knowing it’d be enough to wake her up.
Steve chuckled a little and shook his head when James kicked the chair. "no. i just don't want to forget your face again." Steve admitted. he had forgotten, during all his time in the ice, what his best friend looked like. it was only when the other had returned that Steve could remember his memories better. "well. it would be upsetting but so long as James dug you back up before you died...." he mused playfully with a smile before watching James leave. "i wonder when he's going to realize he's fallen head over heals in love with Anna?" he mused.

"no, James. your doig it for her. no matter how much you try to hide it." Bruce admitted with a smile. "that your happy with the arrangement means very little to you and we both know it." he admitted. "she's doing to need prenatal vitamins and she'll want to start drinking extra milk or taking calcium supplements." he admitted. "other than that, no. at this stage of pregnancy there's not much that needs doing. just stay as active as you always are and don't take any hard blows to the stomach and you'll be perfectly fine. we'll scheduled another in about a month." he assured her. "if you start to feel sick, dizzy, have any sharp pains in our stomach or back, chronic headaches or convulsions tell me immediately." he ordered.

Natasha screamed. she struggled, she fought, she scratched and bit and howled against the hands holding her down, forcing her into the chair. she didn't want to forget! she didn't want to loose herself again! "NO! LET ME GO! LET ME GO!!!!" she screamed, before blinking, confused. "c...Clint?"
“....I want a picture then to. I never want to forget.”James said sighing a little snickering at steve’s words. “You’re not helping Steve.”Tony grumbled rolling his eyes a little. Smirking slightly, though he looked worried as he watched james go. “...No. I doubt it. Though the fact that he has, worries me.”He said well aware that for james, the mental agony of knowing he liked someone else besides natasha would most likely cause some mental harm.

“....Maybe.”James made a face before not willing to admit it was just for anna that he was doing this. Biting his lip as he considered that, nodding. “Okay. That’s easy enough.”he said glad there wasn’t anaything really that they needed to do yet, before getting up, tilting his head. “We’ll get you if anything is wrong.”He assured Bruce before nudging anna. “Come on. It’s nice out. Let’s go for a walk, grab lunch.”

Clint winced as she fought, his hands and arms aching where she scratched at him, “Yea, it’s me. You’re safe. Stop fighting sweetheart.”He said shuddering a little watching her, eyes dark with worry as he watched her.
Steve smiled. "sure. i'll make a sketch for you." he promised. "oh, sorry, was i supposed to be helping?" he asked with a smirk before sighing. "yeah, me too." he admitted, shaking his head. "this is going to end very badly, i can just feel it." he admitted with a sigh. "if we're really lucky, it won't end in someone dying."

Bruce smiled a little. "fairly easy. as the pregnancy progresses it might become a little more challenging, but for now just treat her as if she's not pregnant or she might cut your balls off." he admitted. Anna giggling at the warning. she wouldn't go straight for the balls. she did like sex after all. "like a date?" she asked, perking up happily. "i'm in!" she agreed, hopping off the exam table. "i feel in the mood for a salad." she admitted. "let's go to that little Cafe, the have the best chicken wraps and they make a greek salad there too that's just delicious."

Natasha trembled and then tucked her face into his chest and began to cry, flinching when Phil gently set his hands on her shoulders, rubbing them to try and lend what little comfort he could. "i'm sorry. i'm so sorry..." Natasha whispered. "you where dead, you where all dead!" she whimpered. "they where taking me away! they where going to make me into a puppet again! i couldn't fight! i couldn't stop them! i'm so sorry!"
Tony nodded, snorting a little. “we could only be so lucky.”

James frowned a little before nodding a little, before looking over at Anna, studying her for a long moment. “No. She enjoys sex to much for that.”he said after a moment, grinning a little before nodding. “Yes. Like a date. There’s a few things you need to know if we’re really going to do this.”he smiled a little as he let her get dressed before walking out with her, smiling. “We’ll get it to go, it’s to nice out. We can eat in the park.”He said smiling, because while it was nice out, it was more because he didn’t want anyone overhearing.

Clint swallowed hard as he wrapped his arms around her, sighing softly as he pressed a kiss to her hair, gently stroking her back, “We’re not. We’re not dead, and we’re not going anywhere. Phil’s to stubborn, and no one pays attention to me. We’re here, and you are to.”he said sighing quietly.
"wont stop her from maiming you though." Bruce pointed out with a chuckle. "i do enjoy sex." Anna admitted with a smile before nodding. "sure. okay.... just as a warning, i'm a professional Psychologist specializing in mental trauma, abuse, torture and brain wipes." she admitted. "so i might slip into my 'Doctor' attitude on accident." she admitted. "i've been helping Tony with the brain wiping tech he found after they found and rescued Natasha." she admitted. "but since i don't know anything but psychology i'm not much help." she admitted with a smile. "i like eating in the park." she agreed, nodding.

Natasha sniffled ad snuggled into him. "okay... okay..." she whispered, trying to calm down now that she knew it had only been a dream. it was hard though, so hard to relax, to let herself go back to sleep. she couldn't do it. "come on." Phil ordered. "you and Melinda can spar." Phil decided, knowing Natasha would feel batter after a good hard spar that reminded her how capable she really was. "yeah. okay." Natasha agreed.
“You especially enjoy sex with me. She wont maim me. I’ll sulk, and I’m to adorable to maim when I sulk.”James said smirking a little before tilting his head, staring at her for a long moment, wondering if he’d been set up simply for that reason with her, before nodding. “Okay.”He said before starting a little. “Stevie had said you guys had run into a dead’s not a great thing to try and help. It’s...”He trailed off shrugging. “Awesome.”He smiled as they left, mostly quiet until they got to the park, settling across the table from her and starting to eat his chicken and steak wraps, and the salad, and cookies he’d gotten. Now that he was actually eating as much as he needed to to keep up with his metabolism, the man was always hungry. “well...we’ll start off with something simple. My real name is James ‘Bucky’ Buchanan Barnes. Of the 107th, and second in command of the howling commandos...though I think at this point, it’s just me and stevie left....”

Clint nodded smiling as he helped her sit up, “And you want me to ask, Steve to?You can put a super soldier through his paces.”He smiled a little as he got her changed and dressed heading upstairs with her, knowing better then to go to far while she was upset.
she grinned. "i do enjoy sex with you the most. your not scared to give it to me the way i want." she admitted. "although leaving me tied up for an hour was mean. i couldn't even masturbate." "yeah you shouldn't do that. blood circulation will be down. bondage is fine but not long term bondage." Bruce stated simply. "yeah, it's a pretty big dead end. it's driving Tony insane and that means he's driving me insane because instead of working on his issues he rants about that." she huffed. "and since all he does is rant about that then all Pepper does is rant abut Tony wasting so much time." she grumbled. "i'm not even going to get started on Bruce's therapy sessions." she grumbled before smiling at him, eating her own chicken wrap and Greek salad. "oh, Monty is still alive." she admitted. "old as dirt but still going strong." she admitted. "Steve goes to visit him all the time. him and Peggy are both in the same nursing hospital." she admitted. not really reacting to the knowledge that he was who she'd already known he was.

she nodded. "yes. Steve too. he's gotten too confident lately." she decided, Phil snorting at that and grinning. "me first of course." Phil stated. "o not you. i can't beat you." she complained, scowling at him. "and i still can't believe that i can't." Phil smirked. "well. i was trained by the best." Peggy herself had trained him. she'd thought his crush on Steve was adorable. granted, no one but NAtasha, Phil, Clint and Fury knew that little tidbit.
“Hm, I’ll-”James stopped looking up at bruce, looking worried. “But sex is okay still?”he asked looking worried, before relieved to know that sex was okay as long as she wanted to. They’d just have to be careful. “Well, I’ll tell Tony I’ll help, or at least give him something else to concentrate on. I need a phone, and a new arm, maybe if I tell him about that, I’ll get him to stop wasting time.”James snickered a little before staring at her for a long moment. “...really?”he said looking interested. “I’ll have to go see him to...”he said, though he looked anxious at the idea of doing it, but knowing he should. “...You knew who I was. What gave me away?”He said frowning a little, before sighing softly. “...I know what came after to. My time as the Soldier....then Cap...then back to being the Soldier again...”he sighed, swallowing hard, because this, this was the hardest part of admitting to the woman he was sleeping with, to the woman he wanted to have a family with. “...Natasha....natasha’s missing memories. It’s me. The only thing she’s our life together.”

“He’s quite confident. Shall we invite Tony to, since his ego always needs beaten down?”He teased a little, laughing. “He was. He’s got the super agent thing down pat. Just get it over with, and we’ll let you beat the rest of us.”Clint teased smiling a little as even without asking him down, Tony came in trailing Steve like a lost puppy. It was amusing that even on his days off, the current director could find himself with a tag along of the former director.
"Sex is fine. rough sex is also fine. just don't leave her tied up for an hour because it won't be good for her with her blood pressure low." he warned. "short term bondage is fine." he assured them. "and for gods sakes don't ask about toys, they should all be fine for now. when she starts showing, your sex is going to be a bit more restricted but for the most part rough sex will be fine until third trimester at the earliest." he admitted. "i'm not entirely sure you should be anywhere near that thing." she admitted. "but yes distracting him would work wonders." she admitted with a smile. "i think he'd like to see you." she admitted. "Peggy asks for you all the time so i've heard. she seams to think that Steve shouldn't be anywhere without Bucky." she admitted with a smile. "nothing that someone who hasn't heard Steve complain about you for the last year and a half would pick up." she admitted. "it was a few little clues. the biggest of which was you living with Steve." she admitted. "and the fact that he complained for an hour about how you just randomly pop into places without his permission. no one can get in his house but you and Tony i think." she admitted before blinking, stunned. "oh.... you where the one who went in and pulled her out." she breathed. amazed. "she's missing more than you though, she's missing pretty much everything but the Red room and Hydra." she admitted. "everything else is still mostly gone. it's going to take a lot of work to get her to accept the missing memories." she admitted. "she won't remember until she wants to after all."

she smirked. "yes." she decided happily before snorting at Clint. "shut up you." she ordered. "you are not allowed to speak words." she declared before huffing, sliding into the ring with Phil. "ooooh, Tony. your in for a real treat." Steve stated with a smirk. Tony had never seen Phil fight. "Phil! don't break her arm this time!"
“I probably shouldn’t, which will make tony not want to work on it, since he knows I’ll help him with it if he does.”James pointed out, before nodding a little. “Well, he shouldn’t. He gets into all kinds of trouble when I’m not around.”James snickered a little before smiling slightly. “Good. I don’t mind you guys knowing who I am...but it’s...I don’t want everyone knowing I’m still around.”He said relieved that it hadn’t been something obvious before snickering. “Hey, it’s not my fault he didn’t want me showering. He should have put a sign on the shower or something if he didn’t want me using it.”he grinned,”and he really does need a new desk chair.”He smirked a little. “...I was.”He said before shaking his head. “No. It’s me....because everything but red room and hydra....was a life we built together. She doesn’t want to remember that, and I didn’t push it, so she’s just not remembering...”he shrugged as he ate. “I’m okay with her not remembering. She’s happier, and I’m the only one missing what we had.”She sighed shrugging a little as she looked away.

Clint grinned, settling in to watch, not talking. “Really?Why?”Tony frowned looking confused before looking startled. “What?Natasha loses?” “to phil?yea.”Clint muttered watching tehm.
she chuckled a little. "considering your past history with that thing i'm giving you the same orders as Natasha, don't even look at it." she ordered before snorting. "so i've been told." she admitted, looking very amused. "Peggy tells me all kinds of stories. is it true he used to pick fights in back alleys?" she asked curiously. "don't worry. Phil will have a back story for you by the end of the night." she admitted with a smile and a shake of her head. "complete with birth certificates, education history and medical files." she admitted before snorting. "as i recall, he thought you where dead at the time." she pointed out, looking amused. "and he knows he needs a new desk chair, he's just too damn stubborn to get one." she admitted. "because he's an idiot." she admitted before smiling at him, a little sad, gently reaching out and taking his hand. "i'm so sorry." he whispered. "are you sure you can't reconnect with her?" she asked, worried about him. "you still love her a lot, right? shouldn't you try?"

"yes. Natasha loose." Steve admitted with a grin, watching the fight start. it lasted a half a minute and Natasha was soon flat on her back with Phil straddling her, fist aimed at her neck with a grin, one arm was pinned under his knee, the other he was holding down with his free hand and his other knee was pressing, hard, on her Sternum. very painful position. "do you give up?" Phil was entirely too smug, the asshole. then it turned to horror when he heard the snap of bone. "shit!" he scrambled off of her and Steve sighed and dialed to call for Bruce.
“Kay. Sounds good to me.”James smiled a little before snickering. “Oh yea. Always had the jerks on the ropes.”He rolled his eyes. “Always pulling the punk out of fights. I swear my heart stopped a million times when I found him fighting.”James rolled his eyes before nodding, “Good.”He said relaxing before snickering. “Well, he should still be prepared. He has a habit of thinking me dead when I’m not.”James shrugged a little before snickering. “He’s a stubborn ass, I know. Maybe I’ll get him it for his birthday.”He said thoughtfully before sighing, staring down at their hands, nodding a little. “She’s happy. Happier then we were together. I wont....I wont ruin that. Not when she doesn’t remember.”James shrugged a little as he finished his food, gently pulling way. “I do. Which is why I’m letting her go.”So in love, that he was blindly doing what he thought was best for her. “we should get back. I know stevie worries if I disappear on him.”he said gathering his trash, side stepping the rest of the conversation for now, not wanting to talk anymore. “

“Wow.”Tony said eyes wide as he watched before yelping, eyes widening as he moved towards the ring. “Natasha?”He said sounding worried, yelping a little as clitn shoved past him to get to her, kneeling down. “Don’t move.”Clint ordered looking her over, trying to figure out what had snapped.
she snorted. "he gave that excuse all the way back then? he comes in looking like shit sometimes and he just grins at us and says 'i had em on the ropes' and that's when we know he lost the fight." she admitted. "he always gets them later though." she admitted with a chuckle. "he was itty bitty before wasn't he? like a Chihuahua?" she asked, blinking at him with an impish grin before rolling her eyes. "it only happened twice you know and he had good reason to believe both instances." she pointed out. "i'm just going to steal the chair." she admitted. "take it apart and hide all the parts in different closets and see how long he searches before he gives up." she decided with a smirk. "the best part? he'll probably yell at you for doing it instead of me." she admitted with a snigger before shaking her head. "and when she does remember? because she will, someday. and probably soon too." she admitted. "even now, her mind is unblocking itself, even if she doesn't want to remember she is. will ou push her away and hurt her?" Anna asked softly before sighing. "okay James." she agreed. "we really shouldn't leave him alone anyway. people do dumb things unless i'm there to stop them." she admitted.

"step back Tony." Steve ordered,, gently pulling Tony out of the way as Phil carefully examined her, grimacing. "i broke her ribs." he groaned, Natasha snorting. "well. at least it wasn't my arm." "i am so sorry Nat." "it's okay, my fault. i tried to do that move..." "you mean the one that only people with no spines can do?" "....Phil when have you ever met a person with no spine?" "several times actually." Phil admitted. "your a dick." "i am, yes."
“Oh yea. He’s always been like that.”James snickered a little before nodding. “Yes, he was a chihuahua. Watching him go after them was watching a itty bitty dog go after a rottweiler. Its was both nerve wracking and amazing.”James snickered a little before smiling. “I know. But it still doesn’t excuse him for the delusion.”He snickered before making a face.”Nooo. That would be mean. He would totally blame me.”he whined before staring down, “When she remembers, she wont want me.”He said simply before snickering. “He really does do stupid things when he’s left on his own. I mean, crashing a plane, whoever’s bright idea was that.”he said rolling his eyes as they headed for the tower.

“No spines?”Tony’s eyes went wide as he considered that. “And phil is a dick.”He agreed snickering slightly, turning his head as he heard the door open. “Hey, jarvis said everyone was do-” Tony bolted to his feet from the crouch he was in when he heard the words stop, already the gold and red encasing his forearm as he moved to stop james, pushing him back. Instinctively having known the man would go after Phil as soon as he’d realized natasha was done. And despite the suit, he was having problems holding the super soldier, wincing as the punch rocked his head to the side, bruising a already bruised and broken jaw. “Steve!”Tony snarled looking annoyed, knowing there was one person james wouldn’t fight.
she snorted. "he's an idiot." she grumbled. "at least with his Serum he's a lot harder to hurt." though, that just made it all the more frightening when he came home after getting his ass kicked. "i'm doing it." she decided with a grin. "you guys need the male bonding time anyway." she teased with a snigger before shaking her head. "i think your underestimating Natasha." she admitted. "in any case, he din't have much of a choice if Gabby and Peggy are to be believed."

"no spines." Phil admitted. "they are half plant though so i'm not surprised." he admitted. "hey..." Steve blinked as James reacted, Bruce coming down just moment after James. he didn't even bother pausing he just went straight to Natasha. "i got him Tony." Steve promised, grabbing James and taking him down. pinning him the same exact way that Phil had just pinned Natasha. "that's enough James. Natasha has a broken rib..." "two." Bruce stated simply. "she'll be in pain but so long as she takes it easy for about a week, she won't have any real problems. you can sit up NAt, i have to wrap your ribs... Nat?" Natasha was staring at James, baffled. "why's he doing that?" she finally asked. "he doesn't know me at all, right?"
“Thank god. Otherwise this would be horrible. Though considering he still ends up bloody, it’s still worrying.”James made a face before snickering. “Male bonding time will be fun.”James said rolling his eyes a little, because he knew his bonding time would involve tony somehow. Or Caesar. And he was looking forward to teasing his best friend. “He’s a idiot. And they’re never to believed. Steve always get in trouble on his own.”

“Good.”Tony muttered backing away, though staying close just in case. James snarled as he was pinned, pushing up, but unlike natasha he didn’t care if he hurt himself, even if he didn’t break anything, it was enough to make him pause as his breath escaped him at the man that tightened his chest. Stilling at bruce’s words he panted softly, turning his head to look at the woman, before slumping even more, relaxing as he realized they weren’t lying to him. “...Uh.That’s...a question for him. You should talk to him.”Tony said after a moment, tilting his head, not wanting to lie to his friend, but not wanting to tell her either.
she nodded. "i know it." she admitted with a huff. "and he always has that damn sheepish grin on when he comes in." she grumbled, scowling. "yes. exactly." she admitted with a grin. "and wrestling, men wrestle a lot. it's hot. i want to video record you and Steve wrestling... you have to be shirtless.... and wet." she ordered with a grin.

"Stop struggling Jaimie. i'd hate to have to hurt you." he warned, pressing his knee down into his Sternum a little more intently. "it's because you look like someone he lost." Steve explained to Natasha. which wasn't a lie. just an omission. "you gonna behave?" he asked James, letting him up once he promised he wasn't going to attack anyone. "are you hurt?" Bruce asked James, examining him from a distance while he wrapped Natasha's ribs for her. Clint and Phil could do it for her after this. they both knew how.
“He’s so sheepish about it.It’s both adorable and infuriating.”James snickered a little. “...Fine. We’ll wrestle and do hot things, just for you.”James rolled his eyes a little.

James growled, but didn’t struggle more, turning his head to look at natasha before slumping. “I always behave. And anna’s going to be disappointed she wasn’t here to watch this. She wants us to wrestle.”he muttered before nodding. “I promise I wont hurt him.”he muttered before shaking his head as he got up. “fine.”He said tilting his head, pushing steve’s shoulder.”Food. I want some.”he demanded. “Did you just go get food?”Tony frowned watching him. “Yea, but I was promised a team dinner, and if I make Cap cook it, I can take a nap while he does it, instead of having to cook myself.”James shrugged a little, heading for the door, despite the outburst, back to ignoring Natasha. “...I feel like we just missed something.”clint muttered, wondering what it was. He’d known james cared for her, but he was feeling like he was missing something even more, and that wasn’t a feeling he liked.
he snorted. "you do not always behave you liar." he stated before blinking. "...uh... she wants us to what now?" he asked, looking baffled. "good. because it wasn't Phil's fault. not really." he admitted. "and i'm pretty sure he could take you." he admitted, letting the other up. "fie, you bottomless pig." he huffed. "i'll feed you cat litter sandwiches and dirt pies." he decided. "i'm pretty sure we did miss something." Natasha muttered, eyes narrowed. "i'm going to go lay down." she decided, accepting Phil's help in getting up and smiling at them before heading to Skye's room. "i changed my mind. something big is going on and most everyone is hiding it from us. i want to know what, and i want to know why." she admitted. "also... ow. do you have any painkillers in here?"
“You’re mistaking me for you, I always behave. You’re the one who crashes planes, gets frozen, gets in civil wars, become commander....truly, you just can’t stay out of trouble.”James whined a little before laughing. “Wrestling. Naked, preferably. Apparently, two hot guys wrestling is something she wants to see. I’m dating a nympho, Stevie.”he snickered before sighing, nodding a little at the knowledge that he knew that phil wasn’t at fault before smirking. “You eat just as much as I do.”he grumbled. “...Cat litter and dirt?”Tony questioned as he followed the two out of the room.

“Any ideas what exactly is being hidden?I mean, it’d be easier to look if I knew where to start.”She said already reaching for her laptop to work, before pausing. “Yea. Hold on.”Skye said getting up and getting the painkillers, giving it to her before settling in to work. “What did you do?”She said looking worried.
he snorted, mostly because he couldn't actually argue with that. "Jerk." he complained before blinking. "i am not naked wrestling with you. nuh uh ewe." he huffed before smirking. "yeah well. so am i... okay not yet. i haven't asked him yet, but we have a lot of sex so it's like dating." this was the first time he had spoken of Caesar in front of other people. he was a very private man. "yes. Cat Litter and Dirt Pies." he agreed with a smirk. Cat Litter was actually Tuna Fish, and Dirt Pie was a chocolate cream pie made with an Oreo crust. it was from their gross kid stage. when they tried to think of nastier and nastier things to make the girls around them ill. "and i eat more actually."

" yes. i think i knew him. personally. he seams so familiar and he threw a fit when he saw i was hurt. he actually tried to attack Phil. not that it would have ended well." she admitted, popping the painkillers. "Phil put me in that damn hold of his, the one he doesn't have a name for? i tried to do a twisting move i'd seen someone else pull on him and snapped two of my ribs. apparently the person he was fighting didn't have spines, or ribs, or bones of any kind so they didn't have to worry, whereas, i did." she admitted, sulking.
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