
Steve snorted. "Greedy." he huffed at James. "i hate doing any kind of shopping because they never have my size." Steve grumbled. "it takes three hours just to find a fitting pair of pants." he admitted. "i am not freakish!" he whined, sulking. "well you should believe me, even if i can't actually keep you out because your the one who made the safety stuff in y house." Steve complained, looking amused. "we should get going." Steve agreed, wolfing down the last of his dinner before stacking his plates in the sink, where a tiny... thing, started washing the dishes on it's own. "see you later guys!" Steve called, following James out the door, glancing at him once he was sure they where well out of Tony's range. "Caesar is Tony..." he informed the other, looking sadistically gleeful.

Natasha on the other hand was headed straight for the park where the Hydra bastards had caught her. she remembered feeling terrified, lost, alone. she had known she was going to be taken so she had taken the ring off and hidden it before attempting to flee. now she settled next to the fountain and forced open a small grate on the side and reaching inside and smiled, pulling out the Ring, still there safe, hers.
“I know. You’ve never been able to find clothes. Either you were to small or to big.”James teased snickering. “well, I’m sure there’s-” “Don’t finish it. I don’t want to consider what you think is a freakish dick size, Stark.”James ordered rolling his eyes a little. “Well, you wouldn’t. Cause that would upset me, and you try hard to not do that these days. Which is both weird and awesome.”Tony pointed out with a smile. “....what is that doing the dishes?”James asked as he finished the dinner, following steve out. Pausing to stare at the other, he raised a eyebrow. “Caesar. As in your pretty boytoy of a emperor? Tony stark?Is that why you were giving him hints about the club?”He said grinning, “You’re enjoying knowing it’s him aren’t you?”He said rolling his eyes as they stepped into the pet shop, for a moment looking overwhelmed at the sheer number of puppies.

“...I was wondering where you’d hid that.”Clint said as he walked towards her from the shadows, having followed behind because his curiosity hadn’t been able to not to. Looking younger then he was, in the cargo jeans and hoodie, there was a sadness in his eyes. And worry because he was utterly afraid that she was going to be mad at them for not telling her.
"it sucks." Steve grumbled unhappily before snorting. "i am of a perfectly normal size thank you very much." no he wasn't, but he was in denial. "why wouldn't i want to upset you? i delight in upsetting you." he pointed out with a chuckle before shaking his head. "it's something Tony made that freaks me out a bit. i'm always worried it's going to try and take my fingers off." he admitted before smirking at the other. "yes. Caesar, my boy toy. and yes. that was why i was giving him hints. i'm hoping to soften the blow a little when he finds out." he admitted. "yes. i am. it's so rare that i know something Tony doesn't know." he admitted with a snigger before blinking at all the animals. "oh hell...." he muttered, looking at them all. "well... lets see which one you like, and then we'll see which one i like." he decided.

Natasha nodded. she had known he was there. she reached back and undid her necklace, the one with the little silver arrow on it, and slid the ring onto it before clasping the necklace back into place, smiling at him. "i'm not mad." she promised him. "i'm guessing James made you promise, or you where worried about how i would react or something stupid that was for my protection." she admitted, playing with the ring. "you always knew i was going to go back, didn't you?" she asked him. "back to James. someday."
You are not.”James snickered amused. “...Cause you enjoy my company, even if you like irritating me.”Tony rolled his eyes looking amused. “...It is a little freaky. Sorta like rise of the robots or something.”James frowned before laughing out loud, oh man, that was to awesome. “Oh, man. I can’t wait till he finds out. That’s just going to be a interesting conversation.”The man said laughing to himself. “Hm, I’m sure it is. Tony is just a know it all.”he snickered a little before nodding, looking overwhelmed. “okay then. Searching dogs then.”he said swallowing thickly as he set about dealing with puppies. And within minutes, the man was surrounded by puppies, and he was looking utterly lost in the idea of choosing one. He didn’t want just one, hewas going to take them all!

Clint smiled a little as she slid the ring on the necklace, relaxing a little at her promise as he made his way to her side, sitting down as he stared at the ground, looking thoughtful. “He made us promise. And it was for your protection, at least according to james. The rest of us thought he was being insane, but....”he shrugged. “He fell apart, Nat. Promising him that we wouldn’t tell you, was the only thing managed him to get calm.”He sighed softly. “He wasn’t sure if you’d ever remember despite the first time hardly ever sticking, he didn’t...”he bit his lip a little. “I think he just wanted for once, for one of you to not be suffering all the memories. And he was glad it was you.”he shrugged before going quiet, nodding a little. “I knew. Even if he doesn’t want to believe it, I knew. You two were....”He trailed off, struggling to come up with a way to describe it.
Steve pondered that and then. "point to Tony." he sighed before nodding. "very freaky. someday, all of Tony's robots are gonna develop free will and decide they don't like him anymore and they're going to eat him or something." he admitted before smirking. "it's going to go very badly but he'll forgive me eventually... i think. i hope." he admitted before looking down at all the puppies. by the time he was done he had finally picked out a massive Great Dane puppy. spotted and utterly ridiculous. "no. James you cannot have all of them." Steve stated, looking amused. "for one we don't have the space for them and for two, Anna would shoot you." he pointed out.

she smiled at him. "i thought so. he seams to be a bit of an idiot." she admitted. "still i can kind of see where he's coming from. loosing me like that, it must have hurt a lot." she admitted, shaking her head. "i don't really remember much. i remember him gettig down on his knee and asking me to marry him, and i remember being so terrified that Hydra would find out how much he loved me so i hide this." she admitted, examining the ring. "so i couldn't be used against him..." she looked at Clint. "we where perfect." she said, smiling. "we where both broken in all the right ways to fit together perfectly."
“....Urgh!Steve!Stop.”James whined sounding freaked out at the idea of the raise of the robots, making a face before nodding a little. “it will. I mean, he does like you. Otherwise he’d simply refuse to interact with you. I know how much shit he gets for still going to shield when he’s the former director. Despite being forgiven for it, he still gets sneered at for being the man who oversaw the registration.”James pointed out, knowing it was true. Tony willingly subjected himself to seeing people he hated, simply to visit steve more. Whining quietly as he looked up from the pile of great dane puppies, he made a face. “....but steve!I want all of them.”He whined, before swallowing hard. “Okay....this one. This one’s going home with us.”James said standing up with the runt of the group, the dalmation colored puppy looking quite adorable, a notch missing out of his ear as both great dane and former assassin studied steve. “let’s go then.”

“He is. Though no more then most men.”Clint said with a slight smile before nodding. “It messed him up. Badly. And considering he was still Cap at the time, still had to work with you....I’m not overly surprised he let us think he was dead really.”clint sighed softly before smiling, “You’ll remember more I’m sure.”he said before showing her the trick of the ring, how the bands folded out into a puzzle before fitting back together. “Exactly. He said that this ring was perfect for you guys, cause it was a tangled mess of metal, that shouldn’t fit together, but it does.”
Steve snorted. "i plan to be as far away from those thing as possible when they rise up. i'll take you with me." he promised. "well that's true. he does put up with a lot of shit." he admitted with a sigh. "i wish i could make that better but people don't listen to me." he admitted with a scowl before he smiled a little at the other. "okay. you take these two." he stated, handing him the two speckled Great Danes. "one for you and one for Anna and i'll get this one." he held up the biggest fluffball in the store. it was so tiny, that he could hold both hands flat and it would have plenty of room to lay down. it was a teacup Pomeranian. it was like the ultimate gay joke, big brawny Steve with a purse puppy.

she chuckled a little ad nodded. "yeah, he's one fucked up guy." she admitted with a smile before frowning. "i don't remember working with Captain America..." she admitted, confused before shaking her head. "Anna says that's normal though, as i remember things, other things slip back into the darkness." she admitted. "something about the brain setting up safety's or something, i wasn't really paying attention." she admitted with a smile before blinking at the Ring as it unfolded, startled. "wow." she muttered, her head tilted. "that's completely amazing." she admitted with a smile. "it's perfect... come on. i'm cold." she admitted, standing up. "wanna go grab something to eat?"
“I know they don’t. But he does put up with it, simply to be near you. So even if he doesn’t admit it, he does like being near you.”James said with a smile before making a face, looking startled as he found himself with arms full of wiggling great danes, before his eyes went wide at the sight of the puppy, looking moments away from teacup pomeranian for himself to, but after a moment he realized if it was with steve, he could still cuddle him when he saw the other. “That’s a awesome dog. It’s fluffy. You should totally walk into a meeting carrying it, they’d be so confused, they’d do whatever you wanted.”james snickered as they paid for the dogs and everything they needed, smiling as they headed back for steve’s place.

“Indeed.”Clint said before wincing. “James took over for Steve when things went badly a few years ago. Covered things, and you were his backup for most of it. Made a interesting magazine cover really, when the tabloids managed to catch you two omaking out suited up. Tony laughed himself into nearly passing out when he saw it, then promptly hid it before james could see it and freak out.”Clint supplied smiling a little, nodding. “it’ll get easier to remember things, as you go on.”He shrugged before smiling as he showed her how to put the ring back together again. “It is.”He said raising a eyebrow. “Want to stop at that bakery for dessert?”He asked, he was such a addict for chocolate cupcakes.
he nodded. "that does make me feel better about telling him." he admitted with a smile. "sorry. Ana gave me explicit instructions that you weren't allowed to get a 'frufru' Dog." he admitted with a grin. "but you can have joint custody of mine if you like." he offered with a chuckle. "huh Snowball?" he asked the puppy, who barked and wiggled excitedly. "i'm totally going to take him everywhere." he admitted with a nod, walking with James, feeling very happy. he had a chance with Tony, he had his brother back, things where starting to settle down. it was the closest to content he'd been in years.

"oh." she blinked a little. "wow. i was Captain America's sidekick. that's all kinds of awesome." she admitted with a grin before blinking a bit. "there are Tabloids?! how much energy has Tony expended keeping those hidden from me?" she asked, looking very amused. "and how badly did James freak out when he saw it?" she asked, looking amused, slipping the ring back together and making sure it wouldn't come apart or slip off of her necklace. "yes." she decided. she could go for some cheesecake.
“...What?Why not?The frufru dog is adorable and fluffy.We should totally tell her snowball’s mine and you got the danes.”James snickered as he set his puppies down, wincing as they tried to both walk and keep his attention, managing to tangle up his legs some as he walked, truly the danes were goign to be the death of him if they couldn’t figure out how to walk. “You’re going to confuse your agents, it’s going to be awesome to see.”James snickered amused as they got to the apartment, looking thoughtful. “I think that one’s [ur]Ryu[/url],”He said pointing to the dalmation colored one and the near albino one, with just a few spots of black, the runt. Yukihe said, truly content for the moment. He was back where he belonged.

“Yea, you were.”Clitn snickered a little before nodding. “There was.”He agreed, not about to add just how much tabloid attention they’d gotten with james’ trail for treason and fall from grace. “Enough that even with extremis, when he was done hiding everything he slept for nearly 30 hours.”Clint said knowing she’d understand. For the genius who was by any standards, a insomniac and rivaled steve on sheer numbers on not sleeping at night, for him to actually sleep, it had taken alot out of him to hide all traces of the relationship between pictures, files, and anything that had been listed in the world, he’d wrapped her in bubble wrap and isolated her from the truth. “Badly enough that some photographers got a up close look at the shield.”Clint smirked a little as they headed for the bakery.
he snickered. "we can if you want." he agreed. "hold on..." he pulled out his phone and held up Snowball and took a picture before sending it to her with the title 'James new Dog'. ten seconds later he got a Tet that called him every name under the sun. he couldn't help but laugh. "she's a foul mouth on her!" he admitted with a grin. "you might have to punish her later." he teased before sending the picture to Tony with the caption 'Wanna be Co Parent with Me and James?'. "Ryu and Yuki. i like it." he agreed. "Dragon and Snow right?" he asked with a grin. "well named." he admitted. "want some cookies?" he offered.

"she nodded. "he spent that much time, hiding me from myself." she huffed and shook her head. "that utter asshole, remind me to be angry at him later." she ordered. "good! they deserved that." she nodded. "i'll be having a talk with Tony of course. after cheesecake." she decided. "
James snickered as steve got yelled at. Smirking a little he grinned. “We’ll just let her think I got a frufru dog till tomorrow. Then I’ll tell her its yours. That’s a good punishment.”he said smiling slightly he nodded. “Yea. Spent some time in japan this last year.”He shrugged smirking. “very well named.”he said watching the dogs before nodding. “yea cookies sound amazing.”

“At james’ request. Don’t be to hard on him, tony tries really hard not to have him mad at him. They had a....odd relationship that consists of tony being scared to death of james, and james resisting the need to kill him.It got better after steve came back.”Clint said looking amused.”Of course.Cheesecake first though.”He grinned as he got a slice of chocolate cheese cake for himself, settling at a table to eat.
he chuckled and nodded. "i like that idea!" he agreed with a grin. "it is a good punishment!" he decided. "Japan? was it as pretty as everyone says it is?" he asked curiously, watching the three puppies romp about. "here." he handed the other a box of Girlscout cookies. "these are the best cookies ever." he admitted with a grin. "i have chocolate chip cookies from Nestle too." he admitted with a grin, handing the other a hot cocoa a few minutes later, enjoying his own cookies with a hum.

she snorted. "i'm not going to be that hard on him." she pointed out. "i like Tony and i know he was only doing it because it was the right thing to do at the time." she admitted. "even i can admit that." she shrugged. "i like freaking him out though, it amuses me." she admitted, digging into her white chocolate cheesecake with an eagerness that rivaled James and Steve.
“It is indeed.”James snickered before nodding. “It is. Peaceful to, once you get out of Tokyo. Hid on Mount Fuji for awhile, they have a epic temple there, and a policy of asking no questions when you say you’re on pilgrimage.”James said smiling a little before grinning as he ate the cookies. “I haven’t had these since we were kids.”He grinned as he settled in to eating cookies, sighing quietly as he watched snowball bounding after the great danes as they explored. Sighing quietly, tiredly. Feeling both mentally and physically exhausted.

“Oh good. But feel free to scare the shit out of him. Watching him freak out is indeed quite amusing, even more so when he gets so worked up he makes things.”Clint snickered as he rolled his eyes. “I don’t know what bonded you two more, sex or a love for food.”He teased as he finished eating, groaning a little. “It’s a good thing we excerise alot, otherwise we’d both be really fat eating all this.”
he smiled. "we might have to go sometime." he decided. "what's a pilgrimage?" he asked curiously. "isn't that a religious thing?" he asked, his head tilted. "i know. i remember when they used to have to bake the cookies themselves and sold them door to door or in gas stations." he admitted, munching on a shortbread. "i remember when they first started making the cookie shapes too. it was exciting, they started mass producing them then." he admitted before pausing. "sucks that they had to stop making them during the war. would have been kind of awesome to have these on the lines." he admitted. due to butter, sugar and flour shortages, the girl-scouts took to selling calendars during WWII. he knew Phil had a couple of them as well. they where worth quite a bit of money but he refused to sell them. "tired?" he asked Bucky with a smile. "come on, i cleared out the guest room for you." he promised. "you need to get some sleep."

she chuckled a little. "i intend to." she admitted with a nod. "it is fun watching him go all manic over inventions." she agreed with a grin. "oh it was both i'm sure." she admitted with a smirk before laughing. "i should smack you for that, a lady is never fat." she huffed with a smile. "come on. i want to talk to Tony before he goes to bed."
“We should. After the baby’s born. I don’t want to leave Anna till after that. And maybe you can convince Tony to take you when you two go on a real date.”James teased a little before nodding. “It is. It’s a religious journey to a place of worship. Going to a Buddhist and basking in the teaching of Buddha, was a good way to pretend to not be me for awhile.”he shrugged a little. “I know, that would have been epic to have them on the lines.”He smiled before nodding. “Yea.”He said smiling as the dogs followed them to the bedroom, snickering as ryu took a running leap at the bed, and ended up on the floor as he found out the bed was just a little to high to jump on.”Hold on, you can sleep with me. Give me a sec guys.”James smiled as he stripped down to his boxer briefs, helping the dogs into the bed, smiling at Steve. “Goodnight....and thanks.”he said knowing the man would understand it was for everything, and not simply just a bed to sleep in.

“It truly is.”Clint agreed before rolling his eyes, smirking. “A lady is never fat, but deliciously curvy. You would be deliciously curvy.”he agreed before nodding as he followed her back to the tower, snickering at the sight of the billionaire laying on the ground under his car. He’d wonder about it, but he was quite aware the man lived to work on the car at odd hours when he couldn’t focus on anything else.
he chuckled. "we'd probably take Anna and Tony with us honestly." he admitted. "you know, if i can tell Tony who i am by then." he admitted. "we have like, eight months so it'll be fine. i think." he admitted before blinking a little. "i thought Buddhism was Chinese?" it was also a main Japanese religion but most people didn't know that, Steve being one of them. "Buddha is the guy who preaches no violence right?" he asked curiously. "it would have been pretty epic." he agreed before wincing at Ryu's fail, laughing at the poor speckled Dane. "here, sleep with the fluffball too." he ordered, setting Snowball on the bed as well, where it curled up to go to sleep. "i'm going to stay up for a bit and read or something. i'm not tired yet." he admitted, looking a bit frustrated by that. he just hadn't gotten enough exercise. he'd go for a fifty mile run and be fine. "no problem. Brothers forever and always." Steve promised him with a smile. wondering if James even remembered the other half of that.

she smirked. "your damn straight." she agreed. "Deliciously curvy." she agreed before shaking her head a little at Tony under the car. "Stark! i want it." she ordered. crossing her arms. "ALL of it. everything you hid from me." she demanded, no point in beating the bush after all. "i remember enough to know you've hidden it from me. so hand it over."
“We’d definitely be taking them with us.”he agreed before snickering, “It is also the main religion in Japan. And yes. Which was a interesting experience for me.”A warrior who was tired of fighting. It had been perfect for him. “You’re just looking to take a picture to send to anna. You’re going to get me beat up for having a frufru dog.”he whined looking amused though, before wincing. “That sucks. Despite having the serum, I’m glad my version doesn’t go to that extreme.”While his allowed him to stay up and fight, and work longer then most normal humans would be able to, he could sleep better then steve did. “Till the end of the line.”he said smiling as he watched the other leave, settling in to sleep.

“...”Tony yelped smacking his head off the chassis of the car, before rolling the creeper out to look at Natasha, “What all of what?”He said nervously, before whining a little as he slid back under the car. “....Barnes scares me more then you do.” “Tony, just give it to her. Otherwise she’ll ask james, and we’ll have to deal with that explosion. None of us are prepared for that. Just let her read.” “Do I have to?”Tony whined sounding upset for hiding things even as the laptop sitting on his work bench flickered to life, “That’s the only computer in existance that has everything you’re missing. I want it back, but you can take it with you.”Tony said sounding defeated.
Steve chuckled. "i wouldn't mind trying out a bit of a Buddhist lifestyle for a while." he admitted before smirking. "i am looking for a picture. i'll take it after your asleep." he teased before nodding. "i can go six days without sleep. fucks me up though." he admitted. "my body can stay up that long but my mind can't so i have a few issues sometimes." he admitted before smiling at him, refusing to let the tears come up. he did, in fact, take a picture of James snuggling with the three dogs and sent it to both Anna and Tony with a delighted grin before going to sleep himself.

she snickered when he hit his head. "you okay there?" she asked him. "don't worry Tony. i won't let the big bad scary assassin hurt you." she promised. "i just want to know, Tony. i want to know what the hell i'm missing. it hurts, to not know who i am, Tony. physically hurts... i have to know." she admitted softly. "thank you Tony. i forgive you for hiding things from me. i'm still prnking you though." she warned, settling in to read right there in the lab.
“Me either.It was good.”James smiled, rolling his eyes a little at the other’s teasing, but not forbidding him from taking it. “I’m sure. We’ll make sure you’re properly tired out. We’ll spar or something. When I’m not this sleepy.”James promised smiling as he slept. When he woke up in the morning he frowned a ittle, before raising his head. “Steve!Get in here. I’m dying under dogs.”He yelled, laughing as the dogs pounced on him and snuggled him, laughing as they bounded off the bed to demand to go outside. “So, what are we doing today?”He asked smiling slightly. Knowing that eventually, steve was going to have to go back to work really, but for the moment, he was enjoying having his best friend around.

“Fine.”Tony whined rubbing his forehead, before smiling a little. “Okay. I’ll hold you to that.”he grumbled before sighing quietly. “’s not everything. It’s what the public knows, but there’s some things that I know are missing, and James refuses to talk about.”he said knowing she’d want to know, before sulking. “No pranking!”He whined as he started to work again. “Don’t forget to sleep, okay?”Clint muttered pressing a kiss to her forehead before heading out to get some sleep himself, knowing the two alone would be okay.
Steve grinned a little. "that would be awesome, thanks. it's hard sparring. the only people who can keep up with me are Phil and Natasha and they usually have me on the ground in minutes. not exactly a workout." he admitted. he chuckled when he walked in, watching the pups nom on James, leaning against the doorway, phone in hand and recording it. "get'im Snowball! go Ry! bite him harder Yuki!" Steve called out in encouragement, not that the dogs knew their names yet. "we're taking the dogs for a walk and we're going to start with training. thank goodness they're already potty trained. we'll probably head up for the tower to show off our pups and go shopping. you don't have shit."

Natasha smiled a little. "Tony? thanks for doing it." she said softly. "i probably wouldn't have taken it well when i first woke up." she admitted. "i know you must have worked hard to hide this so... thanks." she said, offering him a rare smile before settling in to read. "yes pranking! i owe you for putting glitter in my shampoo." she admitted. "i won't." but she did. she was still reading when dawn came and passed, not that she felt it, she was used to going all night without sleep for missions.
“Hm, I’ve always been the only one to give you a workout. A good one.”He pointed out cause it was true. He’d been working out with steve since they’d been young, so falling back into old habits of working out with him, was good. “he smiled a little.” “You’re supposed to help me!”James whined laughing as he got licked, bit, and stepped on in some uncomfortable spots by some very big puppies. Laughing as he get them to leave him alone he made a face. “I hate shopping. But the rest of that?Yes, lets do that.”He said already moving to get his stuff for a shower and clean up before they headed out. Looking amused as all the dogs followed into the bathroom, feeling a little weird that they watched as he showered. “Our dogs are very weird.”He said as he got out, drying off and dressing for the day.

“You’re welcome.And we knew that, didn’t make it any easier to make the decision.”Tony said offering a small pleased smile at being rewarded with a smile from her. It was so rare to see. “...Fine. Pranking.”Tony sighed settlign in to work. “What did I tell you two about working all night?”Clint said looking amused as he walked into the room, shaking his head, before pausing, frowning as he crouched down to look under the car,”Did you know Tony was asleep under here?”He asked, shaking his head at the sight of the billionaire curled up with his power tools still in hand.
Steve nodded. "Tony has made some very impressive workout equipment for me though." he admitted. "i have yet to break the ones he made for me when i was first named Director." he admitted. "i am? i wasn't aware of that, when did we make that agreement?" he asked, sounding very amused. "we have to go shopping. you don't have any clothes, toiletries or personal grooming things and i am not letting you share my razor, nuh uh." it was a straight razor, just like the one he'd always used. he wasn't about to share it with James. James would have to buy his own. he hummed, slipping the halters on all the puppies. they would choke less and teach them not to pull so much while they walked then let them into the bathroom so they could stare at James. "ah, they just love you that's all." he teased with a smile. "come on. to the dog park." he ordered with a grin.

Natasha nodded. "i know. i appreciate it anyway." she admitted. "shush, Clint, i'm reading." Natasha ordered before blinking and looking over at the car, snickering. "no, i didn't. i guess it would explain why it's so quiet in here." she admitted. "let's get him out from under there." she decided. "did you hear Anna howling last night? apparently James went and bought a 'girly girls dog'." she admitted with a grin. "think they'll be by the Tower?" she wondered. "i'm sure they will, they'll want to show off their puppies yeah?"
Hmmm, I want to try out this equipment. Though, maybe I shouldn’t, I mean, it’s probably a courting gift.”James snickered before sulking at the other.”It’s a rule!by being my best friend, and commander of shield. You’re supposed to help people!”He growled, laughing as ryu growled back at him playfully. “What?But I like your razor!”He whined sounding amused though. Shaking his head as he finished dressing, indeed looking better and was just starting to show the scruff of not shaving. Definitely needed a razor. “Still weird. Sorta like how tony would act, if he was a dog.”James snickered as he followed the other to the dog park, amused as the dogs tried to pull them along, but he was strong enough to keep from being pulled along by great dane puppies, even if normal people would probably had been pulled along. Definitely learning quickly there.

“Yea, it would. It’s sorta cute seeing him like this.”He snickered before nodding, wincing as tony kicked him as he tried to take the tools away. Huffing as he worked on getting tony out from under the car, amused that the genius was so tired he wasn’t even waking up as he pulled him out. “I heard. The fluff ball is fairly cute, even if it’s a ridiculous dog for James.”Clint snickered before nodding. “They’ll probably be by sometime today.”
he nodded. "i have a couple sets. one at Shield, one at the tower and a set here." he admitted. "so help yourself." he offered with a smile. "it probably is a courting gift." he admitted with a chuckle. "i don't mind if you use them either way." he promised with a smile. "is that how it works? i always wondered." Steve teased with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "it's my razor! piss off!" he ordered, laughter in his voice. granted, it wasn't as gross as a safety razor, since a straight razor could be properly cleaned. not that it mattered much since James would be getting his own. "Tony already is a Dog." he pointed out with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "Snowball is already so well behaved." he mused, watching the tiny puppy walking next to him, compared to the great danes which where half wrestling and half walking.

"it is kind of cute." she agreed with a chuckle. "i wonder when the last time he slept was? i bet it's been a while." she admitted. "he gets worked up about the silliest things." she admitted, shaking her head. "it is a ridiculous dog for James." he agreed with a snigger. "at least Steve got something cool. Great Danes are awesome." he admitted with a smile before nodding. "we'll have to hide the evidence." she admitted, glancing at the computer. "come on. let's get Tony to bed." she decided.
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