
she smirked. "i'm good at making people feel like insects. the advantage of being a psychologist." she admitted with a smirk. "we're good at making things weird. it's a subtle revenge that you will never understand." she admitted before smirking. "i am a slut." she admitted. "but i'm James slut now so don't be getting any ideas Barton." she warned with a snicker. "i'll wrap any part of me you want." she promised him with a grin before she blinked. "oh, oh no, i'm sorry i completely forgot..." she admitted, looking worried. "we could go ask him now if you want?"

"....she finally asked for the information, didn't she?" Steve asked, realizing why Tony was upset. for the most part anyway. "don't worry. James knows that Natasha is eventually going to remember enough to want that information." he admitted. "i'll tell him later. for now, Natasha doesn't seam to have any interest in acting on the information so i think we're okay for now." he admitted before shrugging. "Anna will keep him calm." Steve admitted, even if he was already getting up and heading for the stairs. "make sure to get some sleep tonight okay Tony?"
“...I feel wronged somehow that I’m being punished for a revenge I don’t know.”James sulked looking amused though. “No ideas, I promise.”Clint said with a snicker. “It’s okay. I wasn’t looking forward to a phone anyways. Hold on...Jarvis?What’s he doing?”james asked sitting up on his elbows. “Getting ready for a evening out, Sir. He has a date.” “....well. In that case, I’ll ask him later.”james snorted shaking his head a little, because he had a idea what was going to be going on.

“Yea. She did.”Tony said smiling slightly before sighing. “I hope he remembers that when he realizes I gave it to her.”Tony said before smiling. “Okay. Well good. Anna’s good for him.”Tony agreed before nodding. “I will.”Tony said waiting for the other to leave before heading for his bedroom to get ready for his evening out.
she smirked a little and slurped the last bit of her ice-cream. "that's the whole point you know. that you don't know your being punished." she admitted. "i don't think Phil would like it too much if Clint strayed anyway." Natasha admitted with a grin. "and i still haven't been convinced i shouldn't tell him about the comments about Steve. maybe i should throw in the flirting with Anna, just as payment for making me wait so long." Natasha mused. "this is blackmail after all, there is a time limit."

Steve smiled. "i won't let him hurt you." he promised Tony. "Anna is good for him. i'm just worried what will happen when Natasha falls back in love with him..." Steve admitted before wandering off to get ready himself, texting Anna. "oh... Steve has a date tonight. he's asked me to keep an eye on you." she admitted, blinking at him. "seams to think you'll do dumb things if he leaves you alone." she admitted, looking amused.
“He probably wouldn’t.”James said with a slight smile. “Hm, but a jealous phil is interesting. I mean, he gets so possessive.”clint muttered shuddering a little. “But still don’t tell him. You’re going to be mean to me nat, he’ll be upset I was talking about steve’s ass, and flirting with anna.”Clint said pouting a little as he looked at the woman. “Besides, you wanted to follow steve.”clint pointed out making james frown and look at them curiously as the two talked. “...I wouldn’t do dumb things.I’m never dumb.”James huffed making a face. "He's the one who does dumb th in ngs when I'm not around."

Tony sighed a little as he headed for the club, upset enough and angsty enough to simply want to be away from everyone for awhile.Settling onto a barstool he smiled a little as he settled in to wait for steve.
She snorted a little. "a jealous Phil is a mean dominant Phil and your a kinky slut." she informed Clint with a chuckle and a shake of her head. "i should tell him." she admitted with a smirk. because she knew Phil wouldn't actually believe her. and even if he did, he wouldn't really care so long as Clint wasn't off kissing or fucking other people. "i do want to follow Steve." she admitted, instantly derailed. "come on." he ordered, getting up and heading off. Anna chuckled a little and shook her head. "i wonder how long it will take them to realize that Tony and Steve are fucking but don't know they are?" she wondered, grinning at James.

Steve sighed as he headed into the club. "Caesar." Raven purred in the others ear, smiling at him. "hey. you wanna hear a freaking awesome rumor?" he asked, grinning at the other. "since your so into the Avengers." he admitted. "i heard the scary woman, talking to the less Scary Woman, that Steve rogers? you know, Captain America? he's trying to get into Iron Man, Tony Stark's pants!" he admitted, which was the truth. "pretty awesome hey?" he asked with a bright grin before frowning. "Raven? are you okay?" he asked, worried about the other.
“I am indeed.”Clint said smirking a little, looking amused as he rolled his eyes. He knew she probably wouldn’t tell him. “Let’s go then.”Clint grinned as he followed after her. “Probably alot sooner then tony does, and Steve knows now. Seems tony showing up with a broke jaw was a dead give away.”Jame ssnickered a little."When did you figure it out?"

Tony shuddered as the other purred in his arm, smiling a little as he leaned into him. “Hey Rav.”He smiled before raising a eyebrow. “I’m good with hearing rumors.”He smiled looking at him, before raising a eyebrow. “Really?”Tony said looking a little surprised at the idea before snickering. “It is really.”he said before sighing softly, sipping his drink. “I’m....okay.”he sighed softly, looking frustrated. “I...I’m losing my best friend. It’s...I mean...I know it’s normal to have to share time with someone else...but...I’m losing him.”Tony said sighing sadly.
"Steve finally noticed? wow. that was sooner than i expected. both of them where so deep into denial i thought it would go on for forever." he admitted with a smile. "i wonder if we shouldn't stop the wonder twins?" she mused, watching Natasha and Clint out the window.

Steve grinned and nuzzled Caesar's neck. "Rumors are awesome." he agreed before nodding. "really! i see them flirting all the time too. Stark keeps coming into base just to talk to Rogers, so it has to be an illicit love affair." he admitted before looking worried before he blinked. "Caesar. you can't just loose a best friend, you realize that right? your friend might be a bit busy ow bt that doesn't mean he's forgotten about you. he's probably even more worried than i am right now." he admitted, nodding. "talk to him about it, he might not realize how much he's been ignoring you." he admitted. "sometimes people forget what's important is all, he'll snap back to focusing on you soon enough." he promised with a smile.
“Yea, I’m sure it would have gone on longer, if Tony hadn’t broken his jaw. It might still go on forever, cause Steve’s waiting for tony to pick up clues.”James snickered a little. “ It’ll make them worry less, and as long as they know Steve’ll kill them if they upset tony, it’ll be okay.”

Tony sighed softly, closing his eyes. “Stark was director you know. Probably doing work.”Tony shrugged a little before frowning, shaking his head. “Well. His best friend’s back, so he doesn’t need me anymore. And he’s back working, so it’s okay.”Tony shrugged a little, well. That explained it. He was jealous of james, even knowing the two weren’t like that, the man was still jealous. “And he’s dating someone. So it’s even more okay, he has better people for him.”Tony shrugged, tilting his head a little. “Are we going to talk, or do something better?”Tony said smiling a little.

“ he talking to who I think he’s talking to?”Clint muttered as he glanced at natasha, sipping his drink
she chuckled. "he'll give up eventually." she admitted. "and just tell him, once he knows Ton won't run away on him." she admitted with a smile. "our right though, better they know." she admitted.

Steve snorted. "you don't get to see how they interact though, there is serious sexual tension going on." he admitted, nodding sagely before blinking a little. "huh. so you think that just because his other friend is back... back from where?" he wondered. "that your friend doesn't need you anymore? that's just silly Caesar. just because he has other friends, doesn't mean he doesn't still need you. after all, being friends isn't about what they can do for you, or what you can do for them. it's about being there for each other. if his other friend is back from something bad, like a war or something, i know a lot of people are coming back from overseas... then your friend might need your help just dealing with his other friend. not to mention, i bet you could be pretty good friends with the friend of your friend too, but you wouldn't know it because your hiding." he said, shaking his head. "just because he's dating someone, doesn't mean they're right for him. how do you know he isn't thinking the exact same thing you are? that he'll never be good enough for you? you are kind of amazing you know. if you love him, and clearly you do, you should tell him so." Steve informed him before snorting. "your so impatient Caesar." he complained with a chuckle. "alright. whose topping this time?" he asked with a grin.

"....i think he is." Natasha mumbled, trying to straighten her mask. it had taken ten minutes to get in there. first they had to sign all kinds of legally binding paperwork, and then they had to choose a mask and a code name, then they had to sign more paperwork. "no wonder St... Raven, likes this place so much."
“Eventually.But I don’t think there’s ever going to be a time tony doesn’t freak out.”James said with a sigh before nodding. “They’ll be okay.”James sighed knowing clint and natasha would be okay.

“Hm, maybe.”Tony sighed shaking his head a little before wincing, sipping his drink. “Japan.”Tony said before shrugging. “Told you it didn’t make sense...but he doesn’t. Not really. He thinks he needs me, but he’d be okay without me.”Tony sighed softly, sipping his drink, because while he knew where steve was coming from, he he still didn’t believe it. “Not hiding. The moron scares me, badly. That’s not hiding, that’s keeping him from killing me.”Tony made a face before shrugging. “I am kinda amazing, but he deserves more. Better than me.”Tony shrugged a little before laughing. “I’m here, talking about feelings, when I definitely do not enjoy the experience. that’s not impatient. And you are.”Tony sighed quietly.

:...huh. Well. Raven has a very good reason for enjoying it this much.”clint snickered a little shaking his head as he watched the two.
Steve blinked a little. "Japan? was he on a business trip?" he asked curiously. "oh Caesar. i wish you could see you the way i do." he admitted with a smile. "your friend won't abandon you. is he still making an effort to see you?" he asked. "because that's a good indication that it's all in your head." he admitted before tensing. "has he threatened you?" he hadn't realized that Tony was honestly terrified of James. had James done something? said something? "Caesar i think your being silly. any man in the world would be lucky to have you. i'm just sad it won't be me." he admitted with a smile. "since your clearly in love with someone else." he admitted. "now. no more emotions." he decided. "playroom or back rooms?" he asked, well aware what the answer was going to be. "i think you should have a taste of the flogger, or maybe the short whip, what do you think?" he asked, smiling at the other.

"yeah. i wonder if Raven knows who he's fucking?" she asked. "he must.... the other, Caesar? that's his codename, right? Caesar? he clearly doesn't or they wouldn't be talking about Steve. so if we get caught, we're going to pretend we came here for Tony." she ordered Clint, looking around the room. "...wanna go have sex?" she asked with a grin.
“No. Personal leave.”Tony shrugged a little before sighing a little ,shrugging. “Cause he thinks I can’t take care of myself. Wants to make sure I don’t accidentally off myself.”Tony huffed a little, because he was so, so jealous, and convince he was being abandoned, he had no idea ot how deal. Because he was so very used to being left. “Not in years. But he’s a shield specialist, and pissing off someone who can shoot a quarter being flipped from a mile away, is a person I don’t want to screwing with,.”Tony made a face, sighing a little. “....I am not in love with him!”He whined making a face before nodding. “No more.”He agreed before smirking. “playroom. And hmmm...I do think one of those. Whatever.”he said already starting to sink, and upset enough to simply want to be hurt, and not caring how it happened.

“Probably.”Clint said before nodding.’Caesar, only he would name himself after a emperor.”Clint rolled his eyes a little before nodding. “Not to mention if Caesar knew, we would have heard the fit being thrown from home.”He muttered before nodding, “I’m always up for sex.”Clint grinned, wrapping a arm around her and heading for one of the backrooms.
"oh." he shook his head. "to be honest, you do seam the sort of person who needs to be taken care of." he admitted with a smile. "your always so thin, and covered in weird injuries." he admitted with a chuckle before blinking. "Shield specialist? your friend works for Shield?" he asked, his voice low now. "i didn't know you where connected." he admitted. "i'm a specialist too." he admitted. technically he was the commander, but Tony didn't need to know that yet. "your totally in love with him, the sooner you admit that, the sooner you'll stop being so unhappy." he stated with a sniff before smiling at the other. "go into the playroom then." he ordered, licking his lips. "i'm going to make you hurt so good, my adorable little Emperor." he admitted following Tony and finding his weapon of choice. the Bullwhip. Steve could do very impressive things with that weapon, and already there was a crowd growing to see what kind of show Raven would put on tonight. they would disperse before Steve got down into the sex part. a bullwhip was a challenging implement, and many of the intense tricks that Steve could do, had won him several competitions. he could lay tiny dots all over Tony's back, or leave welts that lasted only an hour, he could even drag the whip down Tony's back with a full swing, and not leave a single mark.

"yeah, i'm still trying to figure out how he picked the name Raven?" she wondered, baffled. "he doesn't even have Dark Hair!" "it's because of his favorite toy." one of the other young subs said, smiling at them. "he favors the Raven's Feather. it's amazing." he admitted. "he only uses it when he really likes you though, so far that's mostly Caesar." he admitted. "i got to watch once. Raven can do amazing things with a feather quill." he admitted. "he's even more amazing with the bullwhip. he's won competitions here you know. big ones. people came from Japan and Australia to compete with their subs and he and Caesar won." he admitted, beaming at them. "you should watch, everyone loves to watch Raven work, he's like the super Dom!" he admitted before realizing he had talked too long and lost his chance at a good spot and vanished into the backroom.
“I am not.It’s not my fault the stupid welder doesn’t do what I want, or no one gives me food.”Tony grumbled, because it was true. He was horrible about finding food for himself, because he had been raised that he only ate when he was given things, so he only ate when people gave him stuff these days. “Yea. Sorta. He did. I’m not sure if he’s returning or not.”Tony shrugged a little before making a face at the order to tel him, but not protesting any more. “Good. That’s good.”he muttered groaning a little as he squirmed away and headed for the st. Andrew’s cross, waiting for steve to buckle him up, sighing quietly as he relaxed, simply letting steve do whatever he wanted.

“Clint looked up at the sub, smiling a little.”Thanks.”He said looking amused at the other’s talking, nudging natasha. “Come on, we’ll watch, then have sex, then get home before they leave, otherwise they’ll figure out we’re here or something.”Clint snickered a little smiling a little as he followed to get a good seat.
he snorted a little, looking amused. "yeah, you definitely need to be taken care of." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "hey, after we have sex, you wanna go next door and have some coffee and some Dinner?" he asked Tony. "oh, he's one of the guys who left after Mr. Stark did?" he asked, his head tilted. "there weren't many, but a good group of forty left when Mr. Stark stopped being the commander." he admitted. "they didn't think anyone else should have been the Commander." he admitted before grinning a little, following the other and carefully moved the shirt up so that Tony's back was exposed, but his front wasn't. clipping the shirt into place before buckling the other into place, smirking a little at the pale, flat expanse of flesh. "back up. touch my sub and i'll break your fingers." he snarled at one of the new doms who was a little too close for Steve. the man shot him an annoyed look but backed off quickly enough. what followed was a very impressive display for a warm up. he dotted Tony's back. two lines, straight down either side of the spine a finger width apart. some people couldn't have done that with a pen and a ruler, let alone with a whip free hand. "shit. no wonder he won..." one of the Doms muttered, impressed. "oh my god." Natasha whispered, glancing at Clint. "i didn't even know that was possible." she admitted, glancing at him. "can P...Prince do that?" she asked, changing Phil's name at the last second.
“You know...maybe. Yes. Lets go to dinner and coffee.”Tony fidgeted nervous, maybe he could tell the other who he was?maybe. “Yea.Though Cap’s doing a fairly good job at it. More focused then Stark.”Tony snickered a little as he settled, closing his eyes as relaxed, whimpering at hearing steve snarl. Upset at the sound. Shivering and shuddering under the other’s touch as he relaxed, so utterly relaxed and content. Trembling with the need to come, to have the other in him. “...Ravvv...”he whined quietly. “...Me either.”Clint said with wide eyes, swallowing thickly before shrugging.”I-I don’t know. Maybe.He’s good with a whip.”He muttered swallowing hard before nudging her. “Come on. Let’s get out of here. I don’t...want to be here when they get done.”he muttered pressing a kiss to her head.
Steve beamed at him. "awesome!" he stated happily before shrugging. "he's doing okay. no ones complaining at any rate but i thought Stark was better at it." he admitted. "Rogers is focused, but he doesn't see the world view. he tries to protect the integrity, protect the people. but Stark was focused on protecting the world, even if it meant a few people would get hurt. honestly, it's best when they work together, they balance each other." he admitted with a smile. "they don't work together all that often though." he admitted. he stroked Tony's back when the other whimpered. "hush, Little Emperor. your not in trouble." he promised. once he had dotted the others back, he laid careful stripes in between each one that went from spine to the sides, humming as he worked, a smile on his lips as people whispered and murmured at how good Raven was with the whip. "out." Steve ordered, tossing the Bullwhip into the sterilization box and stroked Tony's back, feeling the welts he had left, running his tongue along the line of dots he had made. "hmm, your my perfect toy, aren't you Caesar?" he asked, slipping the others pants and underwear down, running slick fingers deep into the other to get him lubed up and loosened. "beg for it. i love it when you beg." Steve purred, slipping in a third finger, reaching around to stroke Tony's cock as well. "ad don't you dare cum until i give you permission, my pretty Emperor."
“Hm, they do make a pretty good team.”Tony said with a small smile, whinpering softly as he was stroked, relaxing again as he closed his eyes. Squirming a little he sighed quietly, moaning quietly as he left the box, looking up at steve with a small quiet smile, whimpering as he was licked. Oh, that was amazing. “Just yours.”He promised whining as the other stretched him, gasping the other stroked his cock, rocking into his hand, “Please, please Rav, fuck me, I need you now, to feel you inside me, and I need to cme and please let me. Please!”
"they are the best team. if only they made porno." he sighed, shaking his head. "i mean, you don't get two men sexier than Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, even if Tony is like, ten times sexier than Rogers." he admitted before grinning at Tony's whining. he loved how pliable the other was like this. "there's my good boy." he purred, grinning at the other. "your all mine." he agreed, nibbling on the others neck and lowering the shirt so it would cover everything properly again. "well, since you beg so nice." he whispered, removing his fingers and positioning them both, moaning as he slid in, ever so slowly, Tony bent over a bench, held in place with a hand in his hair and a hand on his hip. "such a good, good boy." he moaned, rocking into the other, fucking him right then and there, uncaring if someone might have been watching. no one was, they had gotten bored once Steve was done with the whip.
“Hm, no you really don’t. And I can totally see them in porn.”Tony snickered a little, amused. Moaning softly s the other purred, he squirmed a little. “oh please.”He begged, squirming, moaning loudly as he was fucked, squirming and relaxed, closing his eyes as he simply felt the other moving, gasping as he came, slumping into his bonds with a quiet sigh.
Steve smirked, watching the other come undone for him, just for him. "such a good boy." he murmured, running his fingers through Tony's hair. "are you feeling better now?" he asked with a smile, carefully pulling out and then grabbing the moist towelettes and carefully cleaned the other up, getting a juice from the fridge and urging Tony to drink. "how far down are you?" Steve asked, wondering if they should wait a while before taking Tony out into public. the Cafe next door often got players from the club, so the masks and strange outfits where rarely a surprising scene anymore. still, he wasn't sure how much he could trust people when Tony was too far down to say no.
“I am.Thanks.”Tony muttered sighing quietly, leaning into the man, closing his eyes. Shivering a little as the other cleaned him up, simply resting, closing his eyes. “Some, but not enough to turn down coffee and dinner.”he said smiling a little. Because he was down enough he needed watched, but as long as steve was with him, or got him to his car with pepper eventually, he’d be okay. Sighing quietly as he got dressed, sighing quietly.

Meanwhile james smiled a little as he studied the violin in his hand, amused that of all the places steve could have left it, he’d left it here, under tony’s care. That more then anything, told james how the man felt about the billionaire. Steve might not have alot of stuff, but the stuff that was important to him, was here, at the tower. He might say he had his own place, but for all intents and purposes, steve lived in tony’s place, having seen some of the other important rogers’ things in the penthouse. Sighing quietly as he raised his violin, he settled it into place, closing his eyes as he started to play, simply enjoying the quiet evening out on tony’s balcony, anna and skye having a girl’s evening, so the man had retreated to the quiet upstairs, having not wanted to leave the tower.
Steve chuckled a little. "i'm glad." he admitted. "i'm not sure how much i believe you." he admitted with a smile but helping Steve get dressed anyway, offering the other his arm. "well. shall we call this a date then?" he asked with a smile as they headed out to the street, luckily, Natasha had dragged Clint home so he could fuck Phil.

Natasha paused when she heard the haunting melodies of a Violin and her heart constricted, making her feel dizzy as a swirl of memories nearly bowled her over. James playing for her while she cried in a shower stall. James playing for her while she was sick. James playing for her during a dinner with romantic lighting and rose petals. she followed the sounds, leaning against the door frame, just watching him. "that was beautiful. i've not heard that one before." she admitted, once he'd finished "you used to play for me. right?"
“You should always believe me.”Tony huffed, smiling a little as he slid his arm through his, nodding. “Let’s.”He said settling into a chair after they got coffee, sipping it slowly. Biting his lip. “Hey. If we’re doing this date thing, then there’s something you should know.”Tony twitched, nervous as he raised a hand, gently easing the mask off, the billionaire looking up at steve with wide, nervous eyes. So ready for steve to freak out on him.

James tensed a little as he heard her behind him, simply finishing the song before lowering the violin, setting it aside as he leaned against the balcony railing, so carefully avoiding turning around and looking at her. “It’s called ‘love me like you do....”James sighed quietly, bowing his head a little, hiding nearly as much as if he’d simply walked away from her. “Yes. I did.”He said wincing a little, realizing he couldn't avoid answering this.
Steve chuckled a little. "i don't think i should believe that either." he admitted with a smile, drinking his own coffee before blinking, stunned at Ton. "oh my... and here i was, thinking this was going to take months of careful laid plans and helpful hints to ease you into telling you who i was." he admitted with a pout. "you ruined all my fun... truth is, when you came in last time with a broken jaw, i knew who ou where." he admitted. "and i was trying to ease you into this..." he admitted. "i want you to know. i love you, Caesar. Tony... if you freak out, that's okay, i know we can work it out, okay?" he asked, looking worried about Tony's reaction as he took his own mask off, watching the other. terrified Tony was going to go ape shit on him.

"i like it." she admitted, watching him with a smile. "you shouldn't hide from me like that. it's annoying." she admitted, sounding so very much like herself. "you know. i don't remember much. not yet, but they're coming quicker and quicker." she admitted. "and they last longer now... you and me. we used to be something." she admitted. "and i know you probably aren't prepared to have something with me again, but when i remember everything. when i remember why i love you so much, can you promise me you'll let us try again?"
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