
“good. I’ll use them then.”James said sounding pleased at the idea of having equipment that wouldn’t break under a super soldier’s strength. While he wasn’t nearly as strong as steve was, he was still stronger then normal. “It’s probably a courting gift that he has no idea is a courting gift.”He snickered before nodding. “It is. You’re supposed to save me from our dogs.”he sulked a little. “Fine, I’ll get my own stuff.”He grumbled, cause he hated shopping as much as steve. Probably more, considering he hated going shopping for food to. “Do you tell him he’s a dog?”he teased a little before rolling his eyes, “That’s cause yours is a fluff ball. Mine has to probe they’re insane and can’t walk correctly.”James rolled his eyes as he untangled the dog leashes, smiling as they got to the park, grinning as the dogs took care of business. Indeed, the dogs were going to be good for him.

“Definitely a while. Probably last time Cap made him go to bed, which was before Barnes showed up again.”Clint shrugged a little before nodding. “he’s been worked up about James, and now you finding out...he’s going to be insane.”Clint huffted before laughing. “It’s a cute fluff ball though. Sorta like a cotton ball.”He snickered before nodding as he shut down the laptop and set it in tony’s drawer. “James wont try and use it, tech scares him.”He said as he gently tugged tony out, and carried him towards his bedroom, smiling softly as the billionaire whined and squirmed in annoyance at being moved as they settled him into bed.
he nodded. "be sure that you do, i can work while your working out." he teased with a smile. "i'll see if Tony won't make you a set fr your new place. i've found a few promising locations so we'll look into those in the ext few weeks for you too." he admitted. "you know. i wouldn't doubt that in the least." he admitted with a smirk before shaking his head. "no i'm pretty sure i'm supposed to tell them to go for your ears." he admitted. James was never a ticklish person, unlike Steve, but James was ticklish behind the ears and Steve loved taking advantage of it. "mine is a fluffball." he agreed with a grin, unhooking her leash and letting her run about the park as she pleased, moving to pick up her poop when she finally went. she was fearless though, considering she was yapping at a huge pit bull that could probably have swallowed her whole, not that the Pitt really noticed her.

"yeah probably." she agreed with a shake of her head. "honestly he's worse than a kid." she huffed, looking amused. "he has been pretty worked up, i think it's because he's jealous. he was all worried that Steve was going to pay more attention to James than to him." she admitted. "it kind of sucks that Steve has a boyfriend. i really thought he was going to end up with Tony." she admitted, shaking her head. "Tech scares him? even Steve managed to get over his fear... maybe i should offer him lessons?"
“Sounds good to me.”James grinned before nodding, “we’ll look.”He said feeling a little anxious about finding the perfect place, because it meant having a place with anna, and he needed it to be perfect. “Leave my ears alone!”James whined shaking his head. “A fluffball that thinks she’s bigger then my danes.”James snickered amused as he watched ryu and yuki following snowball around, picking up after them before getting them back. “The tower?”He said smiling a little.

“He really is.”Clint snickered before nodding. “Between james and steve’s boyfriend, I’m sure he’s feeling very jealous.”He said smiling before nodding. “It does. I agree, him and steve have some sexual tension to work out.”He said before laughing, nodding. “Very. And from my understanding not even the offer of cyber sex while he was on a mission could convince him to get near a laptop.”
Steve nodded. "if you don't feel right about it, you and Anna could always come and live with me." he offered. "my door is always open no matter where your living." he promised the other misreading the anxiety. "i will never stop messing with your ears." he assured the other. "yeah she's got attitude." Steve admitted with a grin. "yup. Tower. i wanna check on Tony." he admitted. "and i know your worried about Anna and Natasha." he admitted.

"yeah. it's kind of a shame. i wonder if Phil would let me fuck him?" he wondered, looking amused because he knew the answer was 'touch him and die Clint'. or rather 'touch him and i'm never touching you again Clint'. "they do have a lot of sexual tension." she admitted with a chuckle, shaking his head. "i don't think it's ever going to actually be resolved though." she admitted before blinking. "seriously? not even sex? well that sucks."
“Well.that’s true.”James said, simply willing to not think about his worry, letting steve believe he was worried about that, instead of finding the perfect place. “You will stop messing with my ears, or I’ll tell Tony embarassing horrible things.”James threatened snickering, shaking his head a little. “Worried about your genius?”he teased a little as he clipped the leashes on the dogs, smiling as they headed for the tower.

Clint rolled his eyes a little, smirking slightly.”Probably not.”he said smiling slightly, before sighing. “that’s just sad. Imagine how epic it’d be watching the agents freak out when tony convinces him to have sex in his office. It would have been amusing.”Clint said before nodding. “Yep, at least as far as I know. Doesn’t even own a phone.But you might ask him if he wants lessons anyways. I mean, he loves new weapons tech, its computers and phones, and jarvis that freak him out."
he nodded, offering the other a smile. "Tony already knows all the embarrassing horrible things. you told him all of them." he pointed out. "because you both delighted in seeing me blush. recall?" he teased the other. "i am a little bit. he's been acting weird. i think he's upset about something." he admitted. "i know he hasn't been sleeping well, you can always tell because he starts drinking the different kind of Coffee." he admitted, shaking his head. :come on Snowbell! let's go see Papa Tony." he decided, eyes glittering playfully.

"....that would be awesome. i think i might stalk Steve, find out who he's dating... he's not the most perceptive guy around." she admitted. "he might be getting taken advantage of." she muttered, looking worried. "well, Jarvis is understandable... there was a machine that spoke at Hydra. Zola. he was, sort of kind of like Jarvis. not a lot but enough that if i'm having a bad day, Jarvis wigs me out too." she admitted. "he always seams to know when i'm having a bad day though." Natasha admitted.
“Well...damn. That’s true. You do blush amazingly.”James snickered a little before frowning. “Really?You pay enough attention to know when he switches coffee cause he’s not sleeping?”James teased a little before shaking his head a little. “Papa tony?”He grinned.

“...I’ll join you. It is sort of worrying that we haven’t met who he’s dating.”Clint said, because it was true. He might be being taken advantage of, and he was protective enough to want to make sure everything was okay. “Yes. He’s mentioned Zola before...and Jarvis is good about knowing when we’re all having bad days. Especially steve, though I think that’s cause Tony knows when he’s having a bad day...”he looked thoughtful before grinning at the two super soldiers walking out of the elevator. "hey guys."
Steve snorted. "i used to anyway you asshole." he complained with a shake of his head. "of course i do. if i don't watch him no one will." he pointed out. "he switches Coffee a lot, and i've noticed that when he's feeling certain ways he'll drink certain coffees. like when he's not feeling well? he'll drink it weak. if he's really upset, he'll drink that really thick french espresso shit that keeps a person up for days on end. when he's really happy or excited, he get's those sweet ones, you know, the kid with the caramel syrup and whipped cream on top?" he asked with a nod before smirking. "yes. Papa Tony. just for some blushing payback." he admitted.

she nodded. "exactly. i mean, it's kind of hard not to realize the man your fucking is Captain America." she pointed out. "so i don't know how much i believe that this... Cal, doesn't know who Steve is." she grumbled, shaking her head. "Zola was... bad..." she admitted with a violent shudder and then refused to say anything more on the subject. "Steve's pretty obvious when he has a bad day though." Natasha admitted with a shake of her head before grinning at Steve and James. "so this is the dog you got? Anna is gonna be pissed." Natasha laughed, picking up Snowball and examining her. "she's adorable though so i certainly can't blame you. your gonna get teased though." she warned with a grin. "Tony's asleep. he stayed up all night." she explained to Steve who was trying to look for Tony without looking like he was looking for Tony.
“Well, I’m sure natasha or clint would eventually notice he didn’t feed himself.”James snickered before shaking his head. “You truly are obsessed, you know that right?”He teased amused that steve knew what coffee tony drank when. “that’s evil.”he said shaking his head in amusement.

“True. I mean, that ass...”Clint snickered. “Hard to mistake that ass. We’ll just have to make sure he’s looked after.”He said studying her, but not pressing on zola, knowing when to let it go. “Yea, this is the dogs.”James said smirking to himself, as he let the great danes off the leash, smiling as they invetigated the place. “I think I can handle the teasing.”James said quite willing to let them think he had the frufru dog for awhile anyways. “He fell asleep under his car, and didn’t move when we put him in bed. He wont be up for awhile.”Clint said smiling a little when he saw him looking for tony.
Steve shook his head. "Tony can't cook, he just eats when people feed him because he's gone so long never expecting food. he had a rough childhood." Steve admitted. "that's why i make sure to have Dinner, at the very least, so often at the Tower. that way i can be sure Tony and Bruce get in at least one good meal a day." he admitted. "it is evil, that's why i do it." he admitted with a nod.

Natasha snorted. "better not let Phil hear you talking about another man's ass." she warned with a chuckle and a shake of her head. "aaaw, look at them! they're so cute!" Natasha gushed, stroking the fuzzball and the Danes. she had always wanted a dog, but felt like she couldn't be trusted with one so never bothered to get one. she would play with James and Steve's dogs instead. "...he was working on hs car?" Steve asked, looking even more concerned now. "was he drinking espresso?" he asked.
“It’s evil, but a good thing.”James said snickering a little, amused that the man made sure his team was looked after. Steve had always made sure that his team was, whether it was the howling commandos or the avengers.

“Hm, he’d forgive me. It’s Cap after all.”Clint said even as he discreetly looked aroudn to make sure Phil wasn’t there. “They are indeed quite adorable. That’s snowball, Ryu’s the grey brindle, and Yuki’s the albino.”James smiled at natasha, amused as the danes crowded close to natasha, eager for petting. Resisting the urge to get close enough himself for some cuddles. That would just be inapporiate. Swallowing thickly he frowned. “Where’s anna?”He asked natasha. “Yea.feel asleep under the austin martin.”Clint said looking concerned himself cause he knew the Austin was the car tony worked on when he was upset. Frowning more he nodded slowly. “Probably...there was a few coffee cups under there with him...”
"it is Cap." Natasha agreed. "Phil is still going to punish you when i tell him." she teased. " named your dog Snowball?" Natasha asked, wondering if he was insane. "yeah your never getting laid again." Natasha warned. "Anna will never forgive you." she teased with a snigger. "she's in a session right now with Skye." Natasha admitted. "she'll be done in about ten minutes or so." Natasha promised, petting all the puppies and giggled when the tried to go for her face and ears. "well that's not good." Steve admitted with a sigh. "i'll get Anna to talk to him if i can't get him to talk to me himself." he decided, running a hand through his hair. "better to let him sleep for now." Steve admitted.
“You’re going to tell him?That’s just mean, Nat!”Clint whined making a face at her. “Yes, it was a mutual decision to name the fluffball. And don’t look at me like that. Steve thought it was a awesome name.”Seeing as it was steve’s dog, of course he thought it was awesome. “I’ll totally get laid again. I can keep up with her.”James said snickering, even if he blushed ever so slightly at the teasing nodding a little, relaxing as she told him where anna was. Even if he wasn’t being rabidly overprotective, he still liked knowing when she was. “Good idea.”Clint agreed looking worried himself.

And when Anna came up later James grinned from where he was sitting on the floor with natasha, teaching the dogs basic commands, mostly in russian, cause he was a dick like that, and he looked relaxed and happy as he let natasha help. Looking better then he had in a year, the strain of dealing with life without natasha lifted, at least for the moment. “Hey anna.”James grinned looking up at her.

Tony grumbled a little as he edged through the long way to the kitchen, having asked jarvis where everyone was, so he could simply avoid them, muttering to himself, tired and having not slept long, the man was simply letting extremis run things as he got his coffee and headed for the lab, not even aware jarvis had kindly clued steve into the fact that he wasn't asleep still.
"of course i'm going to tell him! unless you have something to make it worth my while to keep silent?" she asked, a smirk on her lips. "it is an awesome name! she looks just like a Snowball!" Steve protested, grinning when it barked at them, demanding attention. "well, that's true, she does enjoy sex." Natasha agreed with a chuckle. amused by Anna's nympho tendencies. "yeah, we'll find out who this 'Cal' is, if that's even his real name." she huffed.

Anna snorted at the sight of James and Natasha rolling around with the dogs. "i'm angry with you." she informed James, sulking at the tiny dog. "i wanted a cool dog." she whined, even as she picked up Snowball and snuggled her. "oh well. maybe i can get a snake, that's pretty awesome." she admitted, smiling at him. "so i guess i can forgive you." she decided, sitting down and grinning when the pile of puppies crawled all over her, making her laugh.

when Tony entered the lab, Steve was waiting for him with a huge tray of food a steaming cup of coffee and a sketchbook. "morning Tony." he chirped. "i made you breakfast." he admitted. "Jarvis said you got some sleep. i'm glad your taking better care of yourself." aaah the Guilt Trip, Steve was very good at those. plus it kept Jarvis from getting into trouble.
“I’m sure I can come up with something.”Clint smirked a little. James raised a eyebrow, wanting to warn them off figuring out who cal was, but maybe it’d be a good thing letting it come out.

“The fluffball is a cool dog.”James said snickering as she snuggled him, shuddering but not protesting the snake. He was so not a fan of snakes. “You should totally forgive me. As the fluffball’s not mine. It’s steve’s. The danes are mine.”James said smirking a little, “We were having to much fun freaking you all out thinking I had a frufru dog. But it’s even more amusing, cause snowball is going to get carried around with steve....I sorta wanna put her in a captain america sweater...”James said laughing a little, simply content with both the women there, even if he’d never admit to it, he rested easier with them there.

“...”Tony paused staring at the other, then at the coffee supplies he’d gotten from the kitchen before setting it aside as he made grabby hands at the coffee. “Thanks. This looks amazing.”he said, not letting the guilt eat at him. Moving over he grabbed some food before settlign in front of the computer, settling in to plan his car working plans.
"the Flufflball is awesome!" Steve agreed with a grin. Anna was a smart girl though and she noticed the shudder. "well, no, not a snake. maybe a Ferret?" she mused. "that would be kind of awesome. or a tortoise?" she mused, her head tilted before blinking at him. "it's not nice picking on the pregnant girlfriend." she whined, even if she looked ecstatic that she had some of the coolest dogs ever, setting Snowball into Steve's arms and snuggling the Dane puppies instead, making Steve laugh. "i have one!" Clint admitted, racing off to fetch it, coming back down with a sweater for Dogs, it was adorable. blue with a bright white star on the back. the Danes wore them better than the fuzzball did, who had hers off before they turned their backs. "escape artist!" Clint laughed.

Steve snorted a little, looking amused. he knew exactly why Tony loved his Coffee. it could wake the dead. he used a French Press, which made Coffee so strong it could give Steve an instant Caffein Buzz. "eat, then computer." Steve ordered, indicating the large tray of food, full of Tony's favorites. only once Tony had eaten a good portion on the food did he let the other go back to his computer. "so you wanna tell me what's wrong?"
“...ferret would be awesome. It’s a fuzzball to.”James snickered a little before smirking, leaning over to kiss Anna lightly.”But watching you text steve and cuss him out for letting me get snowball was to great.”He grinned amused as the danes snuggled against anna,even if they were splitting attention between anna and natasha. “....I’ve been upstaged in my dogs affections.”He sulked watching the puppies before laughing as clint raced off. “Definitely a escape artist.”James agreed snickering sighing softly as he laid on his stomach, laying his head in anna’s lap, for the moment content to just be with them.

Tony smiled a little, sulking though as he was ordered away from the computer, sighing softly as he moved over to get some food. Eating in quiet, simply enjoying the other’s company before returning to the computer, “Hm?nothing’s wrong.”he said frowning a little as he got up, sliding under the car to keep working.
she giggled. "i am so getting a Ferret." she agreed with a giggle, kissing him back. "that was impressive wasn't it?" she asked with a smile. "i had to look up some of those words you know." she admitted with a giggle. "yes you have. the puppies know where all the power is." Anna teased with a giggle. "hod still fuzzy." Clint ordered, trying to get the jacket back on her. Anna just smiled and ran her fingers through James hair while she tossed tiny balls around for the puppies.

Steve chuckled at the others sulking. "Tony your a terrible liar." he admitted. "one, you only drink Coffee that strong when your upset. two, you only work on that car when your upset. three, you didn't change the subject which means you are upset and are trying to pretend your not upset." he pointed out. "you wanna talk about it?"
"I could live with a ferret. As long as it doesn't take up the whole bed like Ryu and yuki."james said with a smile before sulking."hey. I'm the superhero in this couple. I think i'm the one in power."james snickered smiling as the pups chased after the balls rolling his eyes at clint."you might as well give up. Snowballs showing every sign of being as stubborn as her master. She won't stay in it."he said wincing as he heard the dogs running into this in their eagerness to get to the balls. Trying really hard to not think about natasha being so close.

"I am a excellent liar. Doesn't mean I'm lying now."he said pausing for a moment listening to the other as he sipped his coffee but not protesting the observations."...not you got a fluff ball of a dog?and I know it's yours,rogers."he teased changing the subject
she giggled a little. "it's too small to take up the whole bed." she promised him with a giggle. "ah, no. pregnant woman always trumps male anything." she stated with a smirk. "also, for that matter, woman always beats man when it comes to power. men are about brute strength, women are sly. you don't know your in trouble until we tell you your in trouble after all." "she's right you know." Natasha admitted with a chuckle. "face it, Anna already has you wrapped around her finger." she admitted, watching Clint struggle and smirking a little. "it's cute how they crawl all over you." Anna admitted, smiling at James. "you picked good puppies."

"you are lying, but if you don't want to talk about it, that's okay." he promised. "i won't force you." he promised before snorting. "i did get a fluffball. and it's going to go with me. everywhere. the board of directors is going to be so confused." he decided happily. "her name is even cute. Snowball. your Co Parent Papa Tony." he teased, smirking at the other.
“Somehow I’m sure it’d take up the whole bed...My ex took up the whole bed, and she was itsy bitsy.”James said with a slight hesitation that said he’d almost said natasha, or vixen. “...No. No they don’t. And I’m not all brute stregth. I made a good living as a spy.” “Yea, but you still get your ass kicked.”Clint teased snickering a little. “Does not. I’m totally free and in control of things.”James said stubbornly before smiling a little. “It is. Makes me think I’m okay really.”He muttered, figuring if the dogs liked him, maybe he wasn’t nearly as irredeemable as he thought he was. “They are very cute.”he agreed smiling softly as they laid down, snuggling against him and anna.

“...Okay.”Tony frowned looking supicious, like he was expecting the other to keep on the subject, “It’s okay. I have a date tonight. I promise I’ll talk to someone, okay.”he said even as he mentally used to extremis to send raven a email asking if they wanted to do something. “....Really?Everywhere?”Tony snickered at the idea. “Your agents are going to be so confused...and what?Papa?”He said looking startled and confused before snorting. “I can’t be a papa. I can’t take care of myself, much less another small live thing.”
Anna sniggered a little. "i'm sure that the Ferret will have it's own bed." she assured him, smiling a little. "you are all brute strength." Anna said with a grin. "you men just can't help yourselves." she admitted with a giggle and a shake of her head. "does he get his ass kicked?" Anna asked curiously. "well, Steve still does sometimes, so i'd assume so." Natasha admitted. "James i'm hungry. would you go get me a ice-cream pop from the freezer?" Anna asked sweetly, wondering if he'd do it or not. if he did, he was totally wrapped around her finger. "of course your alright." she promised him with a smile, stroking his hair.

Steve smiled at him. "i can't make you talk Tony. especially since i think i'm the reason why your upset. i'm not sure what i did, but until your read to tell me, there's not much i can do to fix it." he admitted before blinking. " have a date?" he asked, sounding startled, blinking when his phone vibrated in his pants. ah, Tony was deflecting. "yes. everywhere." Steve admitted with a smirk. "yes. papa. and don't worry Tony you can be the fun parent." Steve teased with a snicker. "just play with them for a few hours when i'm in a meeting and we'll call it good." he promised, waiting until Tony was busy under the car before sending a text back from behind his sketchbook. he was much, much better at subtlety than people thought he was. he responded with a 'meet at the club tonight?'
“Good.”James huffed before making a face. “Wait, wait I’m a sniper. How’s that brute strength?”He argued, just cause he could. “Give it up, Jamie. I saw you lift tony’s car the other day cause he busted his jack. You ARE brute strength.”Clint teased. “He do. On occasion. Though I have a less problem hitting girls then steve does, so I don’t lose nearly as much.”James snickered looking up at her, making a face before nodding, heading for the fridge and returning with a capsicle and a hulk one for himself, handing it over. “For you, my lady.”he said with a small sweet smile.

“...Are not. I’m not upset with you.”Tony frowned looking upset that he’d upset the other, frowning a little. “I do.”Tony said smiling a little as he rolled his eyes. “Well, okay. I can be the fun parent.”Tony huffed as he started to work. ‘Yea. Right after dinner?It’s been a long week.’
she nodded. "it's brute strength because your still knocking your opponent down. you use guns, weapons, fists and whatnot to solve your problems, while a woman uses more elegant tools such as guilt, emotional blackmail and slander to do our work. we can make a man a null threat simply by making him feel smaller than an insect." she admitted with a smirk. " can lift cars?" she asked, looking very turned on by that idea, making Natasha laugh. "okay i might have been wrong, she's clearly wrapped around your dick." "just my lips." Anna protested, only making Natasha laugh all the harder. " thank you James." she cooed at him, grinning quite happily as she slurped on the Capsicle.

Steve smiled sadly at the other. "i know i upset you. you wouldn't be avoiding me if that was true." he admitted softly before smiling a little. "good! you shouldn't have to pup-sit too often." he promised. "James will probably do most of the watching." he admitted before smiling at the phone. 'might be a bit late. i don't know how soon i can get away from work. my boss is being kind of a dick today.'. was Raven's reply. 'i should be there by six at the latest.' he wanted to make sure James was settled before he went to the club.
“Ahhh..yea. Okay. Brute strength it is.”James said looking amused before wincing. “You do sometimes make me feel like a insect. I mean, it’s sorta weird sometimes how women simply make things weird.” “You only feel bad cause you have a guilt complex. And you’re a slut.”Clint rolled his eyes a little snickering at anna’s look. “I can. One handed even, if it’s one of tony’s tiny little sports cars.”James said looking back at her, his own eyes blown as he looked at his girlfriend, turning his head a little to look at natasha, flushing as he nodded. “Well, as long as a part of her is wrapped around my dick.”He said smiling a little, “You’re welcome.”he said with a simple as he let the other have her popsicle, eating his own. Before looking at anna. “You didn’t ask tony about getting me a phone did you?”

“....I’m avoiding all of you. Especially James and Natasha. Natasha’s being a sneaky sneak.”Tony made a face, even if you knew it was steve who really was upsetting him the most. “Okay, I can deal with that. Sometimes then.”Tony said smiling a little. ‘Kay. Well. I’ll have dinner then head over, I’ll meet you there.’ Glancing up from his work he looked at steve, "you know, it's probably not a good idea to leave james alone to long. you left him upstairs with natasha you know."Tony said, playing dirty to get the main source of his upset mood away from him.
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