
“...”Tony frowned staring a little, fidgeting and nervous, worried since the other wasn’t freaking out the way expected. Eyes widening as he looked up at the blond, paling quickly. Pain flickering over his features before it was locked away, hidden as much as being in subspace would allow him to hide. His emotions imploding as he was jerked out of subspace, he swallowed thickly. “...I should be going. This...this was a bad idea I see.”he swallowed, so emotionally locked down that you knew he was hiding behind the mask of being a unfeeling bastard as he headed for the door, already calling pepper for a ride.

“...”James smiled slightly, “I’d forgotten how annoyed you’d get with me for that.”he muttered sighing quietly, resting his hands on the railing, even if he was still hiding, not brave enough to turn and look at her, dipping his head a little in a nod, he swallowed. “...we did.”He muttered, before adding under his breath, almost to quiet to hear.”The most impotant thing”he sighed, tensing at her words, skidding on mental ice, having never expected to hear her want to be with him again. “”he stuttered, for once, james barnes was utterly lost for words.
Steve winced when the other panicked and followed him out. "Tony wait, please!" Steve pleaded, gently catching the others wrist. "for e=over three months i've been feeling like the lowliest shithead on the planet. being in love with two different men at the same time. you have no idea how glad i was, when i realized those two men where the same person. please, Tony. i love you... don't leave me. not like this. tell me you don't love me back if you have to, but don't just leave without telling me why..."

she smiled a little, watching him. "the most important thing, is getting my memories back." she stated calmly. "everything else, will come on it's own time." she admitted before smiling at him when he stuttered. "don't worry, i'm sure me and Anna can make a compromise on how to share you." Natasha admitted. "she and i are good friends, i'm sure she knows i'll eventually want you back. i won't ask you to abandon her, i could never do that. but we could share, i'm pretty sure." she admitted before smiling and straightening. "anyway, i'm going to go get naked. see you around." she said, waving him a goodbye, headed for her ow room, pleased with his responses. she still had a chance.
Tony frowned as he was stopped, going quiet as he listened to the other. Tilting his head slightly before sighing a little. “...”he frowned before raising a eyebrow as steve’s phone rang with the russian national anthem-james’ ringtone that tony had set and refused to change, already pulling away as the man answered. And tony, dickhead coward when it came to emotions that he was, was repeating shield’s regulations about officers dating their agents. It was a beautiful thing sometimes, when extremis let him be a dick without having to say something. Going out of his way to be a dick, mostly because his subspace had soured badly enough to have him lashing out. Stumbling a little as he headed for the tower, he knew where the tower was, mostly. He could walk. Though if it was safe for him to do so, was another question.

“...Yes. It is.”James sighed quietly, before turning to look at her a little, raising a eyebrow. Looking a little lost and confused at what he was hearing. “...You wont. Want me back. When...when you remember everything...about how I wont.”he sighed quietly before whimpering softly at her words, hard and aching with the idea of her being naked.
Steve blinked when his phone went off and he smirked a little, shaking his head. "Tony i changed that rule months ago." he stated simply into the phone, following the other at a distance to make sure he would be okay. glad when Happy pulled up in the black Limo and Pepper leaned out to snag Tony and guide him into the car. "Tony? what happened?" she asked. "i got a call from Jarvis saying you needed to be picked up right away. what is it?"

she smirked at him. "you know. nothing pisses me off more, than someone else thinking they have the right to tell me what i do and don't want." she admitted. "who i want is my business, you just remember that when i still want you when i remember everything." she warned. it was Jarvis who spoke to James next. "Sir, Barnes. Sir Rogers is on the phone and wishes you to know that his date has been a bust and that he is going to be at home, since he doesn't think Sir Tony will want to see him right now." Jarvis reported. "he also says that if you don't ask Tony for a... oh my i am not repeating that. Phone, then your going to have to start wearing a beeper of some sort."
Tony glanced at the other, glaring a little as he made a face, annoyed he was being followed before letting pepper guide him into the car, frowning at pepper before rolling down the window, and pointing to the blond. “he’s been my date for three months.”He scowled, as he slumped back into his seat. Settling in to relax, as he closed his eyes. “The tower please.”he sighed softly as he relaxed.

“....I’ll remember.”james said tilting his head a little glancing at her, smiling quietly. Frowning a little at Jarvis’ words he sighed quietly. Running a hand through his hair. “unlock the lab Jarvis, I’m on my way down to get my phone.”James said knowing the billionaire had already made it, even if james had refused to take it till now. Heading down to the lab he snagged the phone before saying goodbye to anna, before heading back to steve’s, worried for his friend. Stepping into the apartment he sighed. “Tony had a phone already made. I have one. So. Tell me. How’d the date go?”He said studying the blond.
Steve smiled a little when he saw Pepper, glad that Tony would be safe. Pepper blinked a little at Steve and then turned to look at Tony. "i know. he told you? i was sure it would take him a lot longer to realize who you where." she admitted. "i looked into him as soon as you started seeing him regularly. i honestly thought it was hilarious how you two danced around each other in the office like you didn't realize how much in love you both where with each other, and then would meet up there at that club and fuck each others brains out without realizing who the other was." she admitted.

Steve looked up at the other and smiled a little. "hey... it went..." he paused and then sighed. "he revealed himself." he admitted. "so i revealed myself. and i'm pretty sure he hates me now.... did you threaten him?" he demanded of James. "he's terrified of you, you know." he admitted. "you better not have threatened him." he complained, staring out at the river. "i've ruined everything..." he admitted. "now i'll never get to have Tony all to myself. i've gone and blown it." he admitted with a sigh. "i'll be luky if he ever even looks at me again, let alone talk to me."
Tony frowned looking over at her. “...No. I told him. And he already knew. You all already knew!”Tony snarled sounding upset and angry with them all, “Who else knew?”he said sounding annoyed as he watched the city, climbing out of the car as soon as it stopped, heading for his penthouse.

“Seriously?He did>”James looked startled at the idea that tony of all people had taken the first stop before startling. “Huh?He is?”He stared before frowning a little. “I haven’t threatened the idiot in years. Not since you ‘died’ and I sorta told him I’d make sure he didn’t live to see someone else become Cap if he didn’t hand over the shield and uniform.”James said dodging a little, not about to admit just what the actual threat and actions that had followed that first meeting between the winter soldier and director of shield had been. “Steve, I’m assuming you two had sex tonight. He was relaxed and happy, it probably startled him. Let him cool off tonight, and see what he does tomorrow....and if nothing else, he’s still a avenger. Haul him in to shield to talk to him."
she blinked, surprised. "he already knew? since when!? he sure as hell didn't know a week ago!" she pointed out. "and of course i knew Tony, honestly i had to make sure he wasn't an assassin or a spy or something. no one else knows as far as i know. well, Anna might know, if you and Steve both talk about each other to her, but she's not really allowed to say anything." Pepper admitted. "so i don't think anyone else knows." she admitted. "are you really going to hold it against him though? he's probably been freaking out about taking advantage of you, or something really stupid like that." she admitted. "he loves you, everyone knows that to be sure." she admitted. "you should give him a chance. you could finally be happy for once."

Steve nodded. "i was really surprised." he admitted. "i didn't realize he was ready for that step. honestly, i don't think he was. or he wouldn't have freaked out so bad." he admitted. "maybe i should have faked it? pretended to be upset that i didn't realize it was him or something? no. i don't think that would have worked." he admitted with a sigh before nodding. "yeah he's scared to death of you." he admitted before scowling at James. "i knew it! you did threaten him!" he complained. "you should apologize!" he complained. "yeah we had sex." he agreed before pausing. "huh... you know, you have a point. he was pretty far down tonight. i can't trust his emotional responses right now. but no. i won't haul him in to Shield. it'll just make him defensive." he admitted. "i'll make Pepper do it. because i'm a sneaky bastard that way."
“I don’t know.”Tony shrugged a little before rolling his eyes. “You do know I’m iron man right?I could have taken care of a pesky assassin or two.”Tony made a face before sighing a little, “Well. Okay. At least it’s just anna....and probably James.”Tony sighed, knowing that steve had probably told him. “...Yes.yes I am.”Tony huffed, because he had his reasons for not actually pursuing a relationship, there was reasons he went to the club, reasons that he’d rather have everyone think he was being a dick over this instead of actually knowing. Heading for the bar he sighed as he grabbed the bottle of whiskey, waving over his shoulder as he headed for his bedroom.”Goodnight pepper.”

“Well, you said you were out for a date. He probably thought that he had to, since it was more then just sex and being together. It was like a date-date.”James frowned a little before shaking his head. “Even the emotionally stunted genius would figure out you were faking. It would have been worse.”James said before wincing. “I did after you got back. Apparently you can’t unfrighten someone after they see you shoot a quarter out of the air to prove a point”Especially if said person had been about to use said quarter.”...he probably jerked himself out of subspace. He was probably all over the place, and feeling defensive already.”James said hoping to calm him. “Wait and see, what happens.”james sighed quietly, hoping things would be okay. Getting up, clapping a hand on steve’s shoulder. “get some sleep. You look ready to fall over.”
Pepper nodded. "sure you could. you'd be laying there blissed out in subspace and they'd just slit your throat." Pepper huffed, shaking her head. "you know how overprotective i am. i just didn't think Steve and you where ready to know you where fucking each other. considering the way your acting now, Tony, i still don't think you where ready to know." she admitted, shaking her head. "your going to be a dick aren't you?" she asked, sighing. "fine, but when you make Captain America cry, just know i told you so." she warned. "Stop drinking you wasted drunk!" she hollered back. "and goodnight! i hope you have nightmares about Captain America crying!"

he nodded. "yeah but i mean, he could have said no and i wouldn't have cared. he made the first move! that meas something! i wonder if he doesn't like me at all, and thought Raven was someone completely else?" he whispered. "maybe he's mad because he thinks i lied to him? i guess i kind of did, i should have told him as soon as i knew it was him. maybe that would have made a difference?" he wondered before sighing a little. "the quarter was in his hand, wasn't it?" he demanded of James. "your such a dick." he complained with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "i guess. i am about to fall over." he agreed with a sigh. "i'm just going to sleep here." he decided, snuggling into the couch.
"Well. They'd be doing the world a favor really. But I can totally take care of myself."tony made a face before smiling slightly."you are a tad overprotective. It's worrying sometimes."he teased."....I'm totally ready to know I'm fucking cap...and of course I's what I do best."he said shrugging."and I'm not a wasted drunk and my dreams always contain a crying captain. Nothing new there."

"Steve he had no idea who raven was. Or that you knew who he was. I think he liked that. Probably convinced himself he was red but I doubt he was ready to be himself in a relationship...besides. anyone in a room with you two has to go and hump something after, the sexual tension is so thick. It's not he doesn't like you....Probably. He might be thinking your jerking his chain....and i dont think he was ever going to handle this well but better now its out in the opwn."james said before giving steve a wide eyed innocent look."I'd never do that."he said which totally meant,yes tony had been holding it."okay. I'll see you in the morning."he said heading for bed himself

And it was amazing that two days later tony walked into steve's office like nothing had changed,and it was business as usual. Which, considering he'd spent the last day in the lab on a creative binge,might just be what he'd needed. Settling into his normal chair he studied steve doing paperwork for a long moment before sighing."I need you to get Barnes down to the lab. He's ignoring me and I have the improvements for his arm done."he said simply. Yep definitely pretending it was completely normal and any other day
she huffed. "they would not. too many people need you, myself included so i don't ever want to hear you say that again." she ordered. "and you better be frightened of me, i know all your dirty little secretes." she teased. "if you let yourself die, i'll reveal all of them to the world. and you don't want that, do you?" she asked with a smirk.

"i know..." he admitted. "but i bet he thought he did." he admitted. "i think he liked it too, being invisible." he admitted with a sigh. "honestly, i did too. it's hard to find someone who likes me for myself, instead of because i'm Captain America." he admitted with a sigh. he had to chuckle at the other. "yeah... i think the only person who didn't know i was in love with Toy, was Tony." he admitted. "even if i pretended ignorance." he admitted. "it hurt less that way." he admitted. "your an ass James. your going to apologize, again, and your going to mean it this time!" he ordered before snuggling into the couch.

Steve looked up at Tony and offered him a smile before turning back to his paperwork with a glare. "they seam to think that they can bully me into bullying you into handing over the Iron Man suit... what the hell do they want with a suit they can't use anyway? we've been over this before..." he motioned for Tony to hand him something, he knew Tony would know what he wanted. it was a big rubber stamp that Steve used, it was a bit red REJECTED Stamp. sometimes, when he was annoyed enough, he'd stamp the page so many times it turned into a big, wet, red piece of paper. Steve proceeded to do just that. it was enough of a warning to make the assholes back off for a month, at the least. "speaking of Barnes. he is going to apologize to you again, and he's going to mean it this time, otherwise i'm going to staple his lips shut. or something.." he sighed and leaned back in his hair, scrubbing his face. "god i'm tired... is the day over yet?"
“...Thatistruly frightening really. NO. I don’t want that.”Tony said shuddering a little.


“It does hurt less, but you guys’ll figure it out.”James said because while he had no confidence in his own romance life, he knew tony and steve would be okay.


“Yea. Not happening. No only are you the nicest guy, and hate bullies, but the suit’s dying with me, when I eventually die. Only way it works now, is with extremis, so they totally can’t use it.”tony made a face looking annoyed before handing over the stamp. Laughing a little as he watched steve stamp the page before raising a eyebrow. “....”Tony stared wondering if this is what he got for talking about his life to raven, looking a little lost at the idea before sighing a little. “If he does, can I totally be forgiven forgiven for giving natasha everything?I mean, him having to apologize should gain me some forgiveness for that.”he huffed before smirking a little. “It can be. Come on, go back to the tower, convince James to stop playing with Natasha’s protege, and actually let me do some work.”


Clint sighed a little, rolling his eyes slightly as he watched james and skye, tense and worried. Despite james being completely in control, he was worried about what would happen. But considering skye was the one who had asked him to spar, he figured the woman deserved whatever she got. Glancing at natasha he tilted his head a little. “Jealous?”He muttered teasing her a little as he watched skye and james twist and work through a workout.
Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "i have explained this to those idiots, that they couldn't use it even if they had it, but they don't listen to me." he huffed, stamping on the paper even harder. hopefully they'd catch the hint and leave Steve alone about it for a while before he paused, and looked up at Tony, blinking in surprise. "she finally remembered enough to ask for it?" he asked, grimacing. "oh hell. James is going to be pissed for weeks now. i thought he was acting weird last night. Natasha must have said something to him. that's just great." he grumbled. "if he gets grumpy i am totally kicking him out. he can go stay with Anna." he huffed before blinking. "James is with Skye? oh that can't end well." he groaned.

Natasha smiled a little. "nope." she admitted, watching them. "i talked to him you know." she admitted. "made sure he knew to leave a place open for me when i got all my memories back." she admitted, watching them fight. "besides, this is good for him." she admitted. "he's branching out, including others." she admitted with a smile. "plus i like watching his ass when he fights." she was also very aware that James could hear her.
"Well maybe I should go to the meeting and show them up close and personal just how closely extremis has tied the suit to me."he sighed quietly Before wincing."yea...the other day. She knew she was missing things, and asked birdbrain about it. I knew we should have never trusted him to not tell her."Tony grumbled before wincing."maybe. You know natashs. She cant help but poke at him when he's already worked up."tony snickered because the two had a relationship as explosive as it was passionate."I'm sure he'd enjoy staying with anna. But he'll be even grumpier if you kick him out."he pointed out before snickering."it cant. Which is why you need to come and stop it."

"Hm?you did?"clint raised a eyebrow looking interested and amused before laughing shaking his head a little."that's evil nat."he snorted amused knowing james was totally freaking out over that."I'm not sure about that. He doesn't enjoy most people's company."Clint muttered watching wincing as james turned to look at natasha at her words, the moment of inattention all skye needed to land a hard punch at the other's jaw snapping his head back. Wincing as james focused on her with a intensity that clint had learned to fear. This wasn't bucky barnes, this was the soldier peeking out james baby blues as he went fter the woman. Making clint wonder how to interrupt without getting skye killed. Wincing as the floor quaked under their feet as skye rsponded to the threat.
Steve smirked. "fine but i get to bring Snowball with me." said fluffball stirred from her bed in the corner at the sound of her name and blinked sleepily at them before rushing over to Tony, delighted to see a new person she kinda sorta knew. "huh. well. no, Nat just can't help herself. i just hope James can control himself. it would suck if he gave in and kissed her, or smacked her or something." he admitted. "she wouldn't stand for it and then you'd have to replace the walls in the tower again. don't care if he's grumpier anyway so long as he's not around me while he's being so." he stated with a smile.

she nodded. "i did." she admitted. "figure if he was gonna have a Harem i'd best get in on it." she admitted with a smile. "it is a bit evil." she agreed with a chuckle and a shake of her head before chuckling. "he enjoys peoples company just fine. he wouldn't put up with Tony otherwise." she pointed out before gasping when Sky punched him. that, was not a good thing to do. Natasha was up and moving in an instant, her foot catching Jame's , knocking his feet out from under him as she shoved Skye out of the way with a barked order to get out of the room. sliding into a fighting stance in front of James, her own Winter assassin peeking out.
"You have such a fluff ball of a dog...but fine.bring the dog."tony said snickering s little as he looked at the ball of fluff as she ran over,leaning down to pick her up. Gently stroking her head as he sighed."oh...that would be abd. For both of them...I'd be replaces walls and gym equipment..."tony sighed a little making a face before laughing as they headed for the tower. "Well I don't want him grumpy seeing as Anna's got a apartmentioned at tower,which means I'd have to deal with him."he sulked a little. Indeed acting like that night at the club had never happened,as if nothing had changed. Slipping easily back into his normal dickish ways.

"Hm you wouldnt like a harem. to much sharing."clint snickered before laughing."true. Tony's anyone's test on dealing with people."he agreed wincing as he grabbed skye as Natasha moved her away heading for the door. Trusting james wouldn't hurt natasha,and natasha to protect herself. James growled as he fell already rolling to his feet as his back touched the mats. Snarling in anger and amusement as he grabbed natasha, grinning wolfishly as the fight got underway,for the first time in a year truly getting a workout as he pinned her on the floor,using both his weight and leverage to keep her there,eyes blown as he stared down at her. Having forgotten in the intervening year,that for them,fighting was forplay. The winter soldier sliding away,leaving only a man in heartbroken lov.
Steve chuckled. "that's half the fun you know. everyone thinks i'm insane now, you know." he admitted. "the looks they keep giving me, it's kind of awesome." he admitted with a smirk, watching Snowball try to lick at Tony's face. "yeah. no, we don't need James and Natasha trying to kill each other again." he agreed before blinking. "oh. i forgot, she moved out of her old apartment." he muttered. "still, better you dealing with him then me. the last thing you want is TWO grumpy super-soldiers after all." he admitted with a smirk. letting Tony pretend, for now. pressing him so soon would only make Tony recoil even further away.

"well, no. but i could share with Anna. i like Anna." she admitted before smiling. "Tony's not so bad, once he gets used to you." she admitted before flying into action against James. she knew he would never hurt her, not too badly anyway. she could handle a broken arm, even if her ribs where still not quite all the way healed she held her own against him well enough, snarling when she found herself pinned underneath him. snarling at him as she struggled, trying to escape as she always did, panting at him once she realized escape was impossible, pupils blown wide and lust coiled in her belly. "you gonna fuck me?" she asked, voice husky with want.
"I'm sure they do. Especially since I know james brought the Danes with him yesterday and walked around for awhile. You two make quite a pair."tony snickered as he held the dog away enough to not get licked,amused because for all his posturing about wanting to not be found and still dead, james couldn't resist being involved and making sure shield knew he was still around,still looking over their shoulders."yea she did.and urgh don't remind me just how grumpy you to can be."he said before pausing at the sight of skye and clint clint physically restraining the girl from heading down to help natasha."you go to the gym,check on them. I'll stay here with him."he said already heading for skye knowing that if they let her go after james,natasha would never forgive them.

James shuddered as he felt her fighting to get up,pressing more firmly down into her,lowering his head to nuzzle at her neck,to lost in his memories to truly remember why he shouldn't be doing this."your ribs okay?"he rumbled quietly still aware enough to not want to hurt her, growling as he bIt her gently."I think I will."he growled as he ground his hips into hers.
he laughed and nodded, delighted that James was showing such interest in the world again. "we make something alright." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head, smiling as he watched Tony. "oh, you've never seen me grumpy. you've seen me sleep deprived, or Coffee deprived, or annoyed, but you've never seen me grumpy." he teased before blinking, startled at the sight of them, running for the Gym to see what the hell was going on.

she shivered when he pressed more firmly, panting, but not moaning, not yet, tilting her head, giving her more room. "yeah. they're fine." she gasped,arching into the bite. "yes!" she groaned, lifting her hips, grinding back. needy. wanting. unaware that Steve had just run into the room and was now very unsure on what he should be doing.
James shuddered as she arched into him,hand holding her hips still as he smirked against her skin. Stilling though as he heard steve. Even as lusy clouded as he was,he wasn't unaware enough to miss someone walking in. Raising his head to look at steve,it was like he'd been hit with a bucket of water, stumbling to his feet as he pushed past steve,ignoring the Danes as they Tried to follow him as he bolted out of the gym to go find anna.

"You guys okay down there?"tony asked over the intercom even as he hooked into the video feed to look for himswlf.
she whined when he held her hips in place, shuddering against him. she remembered how many times he had done this. and how she always loved it, being at his complete mercy. she groaned whens he left, flinging an arm over her eyes. "dammit. now i'm horny." she complained. Steve could only snort and shake his head. she had the weirdest sense of humor ever. "i'll go get Clint." he decided with a chuckle and a shake of his head before looking up at the speaker. "we're fine. though Natasha's gonna be bitchy for a while." he admitted. "send Clint down would you?" he asked.

"...James?" Anna asked, looking surprised. "what's wrong? did something happen? you look like hell." she admitted, blinking at him.
"He's on his way."tony said still sounding concerned though it was laced with amusement. He'd watched the video he knew what was wrong. "Should I be insulted I'm your second choice here?"clint said tilting his head as he walked in,studying natasha."I'm disappointed he didn't give in really..."

"lost my temper. Sparred with natasha. Nearly screwed natasha."he muttered sounding disjointed and a little lost as he crossed the room,going to his knees at her side as he nudged her desk chair back enough so he could lay his head in her lap.
Steve chuckled a little. "yes. you should. get over here and fuck me." Natasha ordered, looking just as amused. "your disappointed?! how the hell do you think i feel!?" she whined, ignoring Steve as he left, the super soldier laughing all the way out the door, pausing to grin at Skye. "and now you know why you don't want to stick around while James and Nat are fighting. well, one of the reasons. the other is that there's a lot of bystander damage." Steve admitted with a smile. "come on. i'll make you a chocolate shake." he promised the girl.

Anna blinked at him and then chuckled. "why didn't you?" she asked curiously. "i would have loved to see the video of that." she admitted, smiling as she stroked his hair. "your kind of cute when your all worked up like this." she admitted with a smile. "it's going to be okay James." she promised. "if Natasha regains all her memories, and still wants you, we can come to an agreement." she promised. "you love her, you should have the chance to be happy with her again. that doesn't mean you have to abandon me in the process." she assured him, knowing it was something he was worried about.
"So bossy. I think i'm insulted enough to not want sulked a little amused though,despite his protests starting to undress as he moved over to her."I'm sure your quite frustrated."clint said leaning down to kiss her, smiling a little as he ignored skye and steve leaving.

"So I see."skye said looking amused as he "thanks cap."she smiled as they got to the kitchen pausing at the sight of tony trying to fix himself something to eat.

"...steve interrupted...and i...dont...I feel like I shouldnt."he sighed quietly Calming slowly as she stroked his hair."I'm never cute."he muttered."I'm super sexy. Not cute."he snickered before going still."...did you two talk about it?cause she made the same offer...."he said sounding so lost.
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