
"Oh. Well. I can take care of that. We can just get rid of the girl."james said at his worst, he was considering finishing his mission simply to stop skye's father from inflicting more pain."I did not!LOKI the him out that window."james sulked twitching a little as he took a swing at his best firned, simply because the anger needed a target and he knew steve would put him down if needed. "...are you sure?"tony said studying her before nodding a litfle."okay."he said showing her before frowning."...what...happened to aliana? Even if she isn't in the there a chance he found her? That this is simply a tease to get us interested and looking for her?"
Steve turned to look at James. "i would rather leave the girl alone and focus on the madman." he admitted. "even if that girl is a robot, she hasn't really done anything." that they knew of anyway. "it's not right to punish her if she hasn't done anything wrong." he admitted. "we should focus our attentions on Calvin Zabo." he admitted, staring at 'The Doctor', Skye's father. the man was nuts. "well that doesn't stop him from being scared of YOU!" Steve complained, ducking the fist but not putting James down, fighting simply because if it was a word battle James would tire out much more quickly.

"...i don't know." Natasha admitted. "i know she's dead. but i can't remember why. if i had to make a guess, i'd say that i did something wrong, i struggled against my handlers, or i told someone no, or i failed an important mission... and they made James kill her to teach me a lesson." she admitted softly, setting a hand on her stomach. "i remember there was a lot of people in trouble when i lost the baby, and the doctors told them that i would never be able to have children again..." a tear slid down her cheek. "i remember being devastated, because i had lost my daughter and my unborn, and i would never be able to try again once i was free..."
“Well, then, we’ll deal with the madman. I’ll kill him for this.”James snarled softly, his eyebrow twitched a little. “Well, he’s been a little busy avoiding you!I haven’t really had a chance to apologize. Not to mention, I’m fairly certain he’s still going to be terrified of me.”James huffed as he fought, after awhile, slumping as he slid to the floor, resting his head on his knees, tremblign a little. “...She’s gone...I know she is.But...I...I don’t want to tell natasha. It was just me who remembered...I thought...I could spare natasha this...”He swallowed hard.

Tony sighed softly, nodding a little. Knowing if she really wanted to know, james would tell her, but having watched the two super soldiers battle it out, he had no desire to ask james himself. “We’ll find out what happened, and punish Zabo for daring to try to use her against us...and we’ll look after skye.”tony promised as he sat down next to her, hesitating before wrapping a arm around her shoulders.
Steve nodded. "we have to take Skye's feelings into account as well." he warned. "i don't know if we can just kill him." Steve admitted with a sigh. "no matter how preferable it would be." he admitted, shaking his head before snorting. "you could have apologized to him while i was working! your just avoiding it because your an asshole!" he complained before smiling a little, watching the other slump. "i don't think she would have forgotten it forever James." Steve admitted. "it's better she learns out now, when she has friends and family around to help her." he admitted. "i can understand why you didn't want her to know. but it's too late now. someone else found out, and now they are using it against us." he admitted. "we couldn't have kept this a secrete from her for very long."

she nodded a little. "okay." she agreed, wiping her tears away. they wouldn't help the situation at all. "we should tell Skye." Natasha admitted. "this involves her as well. she should know what's happening." Natasha admitted before startling at the hand around her shoulder, blinking at Tony in surprise before smiling at him. "thank you Tony." she murmered, settling next to him and closing her eyes. glad to have the comfort.
"....we don't have to you know."james said. To much the soldier, to consider putting someone else's feelings over dealing with a problem."Uh he was sorta avoiding everyone you know."james said rolling his eyes a little."...I hoped she would...if she didn't remember...she might like me it won't matter. I'll just be the bastard who killed her daughter."james shuddered lost in the memory,so very crystal clear and sharp despite the mind wipes that followed. Sharp enough to hurt."....this is a secret only a few knew. You have a spy somewhere steve."james muttered

"I'll have clint talk to just stay here and settle kay?"tony muttered smiling slightly as clint showed himself out and went to see skye. And as much as he'd failed as a director,the man was settling back easily enough into a leadership role here. With all the responsibility that went with it."welcome."he muttered kissing her head sighing quietly."soldiers done getting g his ass kicked...I know you guys are...weird right now...but do you want him in here?"
Steve shook his head. "we do need to." he stated firmly. "your not Hydra anymore James." he reminded the other with a fond smile. "you can't just do what you want anymore." he admitted before sighing. "James? do you want to tell me what happened?" he asked softly, worried about his friend. "so you know... i think Natasha will always love you, no matter what." he admitted with a smile before shaking his head. "i don't think anyone in Shield knows Natasha had a child. i think Zabo got the information from Hydra." he admitted. "he has many connections to the underground, and he was working with Hydra for a good while, there's no telling where he got this information... still, i'll screen everyone working at Shield right now, just in case."

Natasha nodded. "okay Tony." she agreed, glad for the chance to settle her rolling emotions. personally, she didn't think he'd failed at being a director at all. she thought that if he and Steve could work together as Co-directors, then shield would be so much stronger. it was just getting Tony to admit that. "actually, i think they mostly just yelled at each other." she admitted with a smile before nodding. "yes. i feel safer with him here." she admitted. "if you'll be okay? if i have to choose, i'd rather have you right now."
“....You have more faith then i do about that.”James sighed quietly, glancing up at the other as he sat against the wall, for the first time in a long time, looking so much younger, vulnerable as he huddled in on himself. “’ll still have to look for a spy. Just in case.”He muttered before going quiet, thinking about it. The trembling getting worse as he curled up more. “For...for those 8 years...after Aliana was born....I ice more then usual. Not always, but long enough I was....more me. More likely to rebel against things then usual...Natasha...and aliana....keep me, me.”He swallowed hard, “I stepped over the line...disappeared on a mission, it was aliana’s birthday...I wanted to get something for her from budapest....I didn’t...didn’t think they’d overreact so badly.”James shuddered. “They punished her, for being the reason I left....turned her over to Von Doom as a test a new torture thing he was using....made me watch....except.... Except Aliana was part super soldier. She could heal nearly as well as you the time it finished....her mind was more broken then her body, there was nothing left...of my daughter.....they gave me the choice. Kill her myself and end things there, or let von doom finish it.”he whimpered.”I couldn’t let her suffer anymore Cap...I couldn’t...let my baby go through it....I....I snapped her neck....”He said starting to cry, she had trusted him. Trusted him to make things better. And he’d failed so so badly. Papa...papa make me better. You’ll fix it?.....Yea sweetheart, papa’ll fix it. he whimpered as the memory of holding his child so gently, holding her so close even as he snapped her neck, it was destroying him.

Tony smiled a little as he gently stroked her hair, simply holding her, glancing towards the balcony, watching the two super soldiers talking. “If I’ll be okay?He doesn’t terrify me that badly.”He muttered. “I don’t mind him being around. He just makes me twitchy.”Tony shrugged, “....I’ll get him in a minute....he’s...he seems to be breaking down...”Tony muttered even as he had jarvis tell the two super soldiers that their presence had been requested.
"of course i do, i'm the smart one remember?" he teased with a smile, sitting next to the other. "i'll make sure to look." he promised, laying his head on the others shoulder. "it's going to be okay." he promised before sucking in a sharp breath. holding it in because if he said anything, or made any noise James would stop talking. "oh Jamie..." Steve sighed, sliding in behind him and wrapped his arms around the other, holding him tight. "oh James i'm so sorry." he whispered. "no father should ever have to go through that kind of pain." he whispered. "no one should have to see their child tortured. no one should have to put their own daughter out of their misery. you did the right thing James. you daughter would never have recovered from the things Von-Doom does to people." he murmured. "you did the right thing James." he whispered. "even if ou never feel that way, and i can't blame you at all for that." he admitted. "she's in heaven now James. she's with the angels, remember? just like my Ma used to say. 'They'll sing with Angels now'.... remember?" he asked before pausing and then chuckling. "Natasha is mocking you."

she nodded. "yeah. i know you don't like him much." she smiled at him. "i can't blame you though... i don't think he likes hyper people too much. they make him twitchy." she admitted. "plus, he's a bit jealous of all the attention Steve gives you." she admitted with a smile. "i remember him bitching about that, before they took me... 'why's Stevie like this asshole! it's not fair! i was his friend first! what!? no! i don't want to fuck him! gross!" she mimicked, sounding so much like James that Steve turned to blink at her, startled before he smiled, amused before turning his attention back to James, no doubt informing the assassin that Natasha was mocking him.
“well, that’s true. You are the smarter one.”He muttered, swallowing hard as he listened to the other, leaning into him more, closing his eyes. Shuffling a little, moving closer to the blond super soldier, pressing his face into his chest. “I remember....only reason it’s okay most days...I know your ma will look after her.”He shuddered, swallowing hard, hating that he’d had to make the choice, and that this insane bastard had brought it back up.”...I couldn’t...return Aliana to Natasha like that...I couldn’t let her see what they’d done to her...”He whimpered before frowning, looking up. “She’s what?”He said raising his head to look at the woman.

“We did talk about that. We don’t dislike each other, it’s just....spending to much time together makes us twitchy.”Tony made a face, knowing that it was part their jealousy of having to share steve that left them so at odds, not to mention that they’d met in the most unpleasant of circumstances, still reeling from steve’s death, and trying to keep the world form flying apart around them. It hadn’t been the most pleasant of meetings. Laughing a little at natasha’s words he rolled his eyes.”Still think they’ve got the hots for each other. Their bromance if amusing.”Tony muttered sounding annoyed and jealous himself before smirking as james looked at them, waving at the man. “Think we can goad him into jealousy enough that he comes in here on his own?”He smirked playing with her hair.
Steve smirked. "i can't believe you actually admitted that. i'm ever letting you hear the end of it." he teased with a snicker and a shake of his head, nodding. "yeh. my Ma is takin good care of her." he promised James. "i don't know if she could have been returned James. they would have killed her no matter what you did. it's better she died quickly, then at the hands of Doom." he admitted softly before nodding. "she's telling Tony about how jealous you where that i was paying more attention to him." he said with a smile. "i forgot how good she was at mimicry." he admitted, running his fingers through James hair. "i wonder if i can make Tony super jealous like this?" he mused.

she chuckled a little. "you just don't get along, that's all." she agreed, smiling a bit. "you two are worse than children, so jealous when Steve pays attention to anyone but you." she admitted with a smile. "i'm sure they don't." she admitted. "they're like brothers you know. that's kind of gross." she admitted with a smile. "it is amusing though. especially when they piss each other off." she admitted with a smirk, snuggling into him. "hmmm i bet we could. you might get your as kicked though." she warned with a smile.
“No one will ever believe I said it.”James said swallowing thickly. “...I know...I just...I can’t...I failed her. Even if I know I didn’t...I can’t convince my heart...”he said sounding so broken, before making a face. “I was so not jealous of the pipsqueak.”He grumbled before smirking,”Probably.”he muttered shifting to snuggle closer to steve.

“Are not. And I’m not jealous. Steve can spend time with whoever he wants.”tony muttered making a face before snickering. “I know. But they totally have something going on. And they do piss off each other on a regular basis don’t they?”He said smiling a little, smirking even as he growled softly at the sight of james snuggling closer to steve. “Hm, it wont be the first time Barnes kicked my ass. I’m sure you can distract him from doing it again.”Tony said smiling softly.
Steve smirked. "they will when i produce a video evidence of you saying it." he stated smugly. "i'm sure there's a camera around here somewhere that caught it." he admitted with a grin before shaking his head. "you didn't fail her James." he promised. "you where all being controlled by Hydra. if anyone is to blame, it's those sick freaks." he promised, snuggling the other, running fingers through the others hair with a smile. "your always jealous of anyone who pays attention to me." he huffed with a chuckle. "i think Tony's trying to make me jealous too." he admitted, well aware that it was Natasha who was trying to mess with James.

"you are totally Jealous." she admitted with a smile. "it would be easier if you just admitted you loved him." she admitted, looking up at him with a smile. "and of course they have something going on. how many times have they thought they lost each other? how many times have they saved each others lives? if it wasn't for the fact that James was completely straight, i'm sure they would be fucking. but Steve thinks James is gross for sleeping with women, and Steve is too much a man for James so neither of them has anything but brotherly love for each other." she admitted. "you can even ask Anna if you feel you need to." she admitted before frowning. "has he beaten you up before?" she asked before smirking. "Steve! James beat up Tony!" she called out to the snuggling brothers. "You did WHAT!?" Steve demanded of James, making Natasha snicker.
“Nope. No camera.”James grumbled before nodding. “....Well. We’ll punish them for it.”he muttered sighing quietly as he nuzzled his head into steve’s hand, before sulking. “That’s cause they started after you became captain tight ass-I should get your time for paying attention when you were still a runt.”he grumbled before startling, growling as he looked up.

“Am not. And I am not totally. Just cause we were fucking, doesn’t mean anything.”Tony grumbled before wincing. “Well. That’s true. They’re at.....what is it now, three times dying each?Something like that.”Tony muttered before laughing. “Women are awesome.”he said snickering, rolling his eyes a little about asking anna, before snickering at natasha’s words.”Only once. We had was unpleasant....You’re going to get him in trouble.”he mtutered. “only once!And he had the suit on!It wasn’t that bad!”James whined growling as he walked into the living room, looking at the two, glaring a little but not telling tony to move either even as he settled into one of the chairs, which made tony hide his smirk in natasha’s hair as he snuggled closer to the red head.
Steve smirked. "this is Tony's tower. there are always Cameras." he pointed out before chuckling a little. "i am a tight ass." he agreed. "and i have one too if Tony is telling the truth." he admitted with a smile before grinning at James. "you'll always be my brother though, so there's no need to worry about me forgetting you." he promised, kissing his forehead.

she smiled at him. "you can't even lie to yourself Tony, how in the world did you think you could lie to me?" she wondered before nodding. "something like that." she agreed. "not according to Steve." she admitted with a chuckle. "women are gross according to him." she admitted before shaking her head. "anytime you two have so much as a spat, it's unpleasant." she admitted with a sigh and a shake of her head. "i'm trying to get him in trouble, that's what he gets for ignoring me." she huffed with a smirk. "i should hit you." Steve grumbled scowling at James. "suit on or not, we know he had no chance of defending himself against you. why are you always mean to the man i want to seduce? no wonder he's hiding behind Natasha." Steve whined, moving into the room as well, sitting down on the other chair, pouting at Tony and Natasha, the woman just chuckling.
“....Damn.”James huffed making a face before rolling his eyes, shuddering.”I could have done without knowing tony’s ideas on your ass.”he muttered before nodding,”Kay. Good.”

“...I’m not lying!”Tony sulked annoyed that they were making him take a look at the night he was trying so hard to pretend that had never happened. “...Well, in all fairness, we haven’t really fought in years. Simple sarcasm battles are what we do these days.”Tony said before rolling his eyes. “Is he really ignoring you?”he smirked a little. “No you shouldn’t!Why am I getting in trouble for things years old. I beat him up, threatened him with the quarter, and scared the shit out of him within a few weeks of meeting him, I haven’t done anything to him since. Leave me alone.”James whined a little, looking upset that he was being punished when he hadn’t been totally in control at the moment. “I’m not hiding from Barnes.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little, “I’m hoping that if I snuggle close enough, I can crop a feel.”Tony said laughing, already moving as James dove for him, only to go smashing into the couch cushions with a painful crunch, to overbalanced by the emotions of the day to stand up to the teasing well.
Natasha snorted. "you are, and your bad at it" Natasha informed him with a smile before nodding. "well. that's true." she agreed before nodding. "he is!" she complained, sulking before smiling at James when he complained. "well. that's true." Steve agreed. "it was years ago." he frowned. "still. i wish you hadn't done it. can't be helped i guess. i'll just have to get Tony something nice since you won't apologize properly." he complained. "idiot!" Natasha barked, smacking at Tony's head. "shit! Tony!" "sit down James and hold me." Natasha ordered. "i don't want to be alone right now." she ordered, snuggling into James side. "you okay Tony?" Steve asked, gently, carefully sitting the man up and examining him so he could figure out what had crunched.
“Am not.”Tony sulked a little before looking amused. “Well, we would have been better behaved if we hadn’t been missing you cap. Seems without your influence, we’re bad for each other. To twitchy by far.”Tony snickered amused. “You already want to do something nice to Tony, I just haven’t figured out how to apologize properly.”James grumbled. “Hey!Don’t hit me!”Tony whined squirming away. James snarled even as he pulled away from natasha before freezing, torn between going after the billionaire at the other end of the couch, and obeying. “Fine. He just cracked my back for me.”Tony said getting up carefully, making sure he wasn’t really hurt shaking his head a little at the frozen super soldier. “....order him again Nat.”He muttered seeing the man so frozen, caught between anger and desire was just to much to see.
Steve chuckled. "i suppose that's true. i can't imagine James started ALL of those incidents." he admitted. "in any case, James just doesn't like hyper people." he stated. "and your scared of him which would make you act hyper, which would annoy him, which would make you even more frightened, making you act even more hyper, annoying him even more until one of you snapped. and considering you where scared, i'd say he was the one who usually snapped." he admitted with a smile. "right?" he asked with a chuckle. "that's true, but i have to have an excuse James, or Tony will never accept me being nice to him." he complained. "he's stubborn like that, probably one of the reasons why i like him so much." he admitted with a grin before wincing when Tony pushed too far and James snapped. "James?" Natasha asked. "please? come sit with me?" she asked hopefully. "i want your arms around me. you always made the cold feelings go away."
“Exactly. The more wound up we go, the more we set off each other. We just needed a mediator. We get along better now that you’re back.”Tony said, not about to admit that most of the annoyed feelings he felt towards james these days was because he was jealous. “And I was. Though I usually managed to leave before I hurt him.”James said shrugging a little before snickering. “Just fuck him again would you, and that can be your excuse to be nice.” “W-I-what?”Tony stuttered looking utterly lost and a little pissed that james had known who raven and caesar really was. “...Okay.”James said quietly moving over to her, settling onto the couch next to her, tense and nervous as he held her gently, watching as tony nearly bolted for the door now that the moment was past. “I’m going to go see if I can figure out where the video was taken.”Tony called after him, making james snort a little at the man’s cowardiance.
Steve nodded. "that makes sense." he admitted. "still. your scared of James and he's still jealous and annoyed of you... i don't like that the two most important people in my life don't get along properly." he admitted with a sight before he smiled at James. "you shot a quarter out of his hand James. that's a little extreme even for you." he admitted, looking vaguely amused. "i would fuck him again, but he won't let me. i even offered to let him top." Steve admitted. "it's not like i was trying to keep it a secrete. i only found out because he still had that broken jaw. i was scared if i revealed myself, he'd act just like this! but he revealed himself first ad he's still acting like this! i thought if he figured out who i was first, he might be less mad but it didn't work." Steve admitted with a sigh. "still. Tony has to be the one to set the rules. he's the one who has a problem with it. Tony. Caesar. it doesn't matter to me, because i love him." he admitted. "and i refuse to be pushed away." Steve declared. more for himself than for Tony. Natasha smiled and snuggled into James, closing her eyes. "okay, good luck Tony." Steve agreed. "i'll bring Dinner down for you later. want anything specific?"
”Hm,we try to get along. We’re doing better.”Tony smiled slightly. “Well, it was a bad few weeks okay?”James said eyebrow twitching a little snickering softly at the utterly freaked out look to the billionaire as they discussed his sex life. Sometime, maybe tony would be okay with this. “Well, he’ll figure it out. Hopefully get over it.” “I’m here you know. Dont have to talk around me.”Tony huffed making a face before sighing. “Hm, well...pasta of some kind.”Tony called back.
Steve nodded. "well. as long as you're all trying." he decided with a smile and a shake of his head. "yeah, i can imagine so." Steve admitted before smiling a little at the snickering. half tempted to chastise James for being mean to Ton again before shrugging it off. Ton needed the kick in the ass, otherwise Steve was going to have to go back to the club. he'd have no other choice. "i'm sure he will. he never stays angry for long." Steve admitted. "are you here?" Steve asked Tony with a smile. "the way you've been ignoring me, i thought you didn't want me to acknowledge you." he admitted with a shrug before smiling. "Pasta it is. seafood or Chicken?" he asked Tony before letting him run off to the lab, Natasha chuckling. "we're being kind of mean to Tony, aren't we?" she asked, looking amused.
"He doesnt. It's quite adorable really how incapable of being angry with you he is."james snickered amused because he knew they were annoying tony but gopefully he'd get over it. And teasing tony was totally distracting him from the fact natasha was snuggled against him."I'm not ignoring you!" "You're just ignoring what happened." "No!yes. Shut up barnes."tony growled as he left."surprise me,rogers."he yelled after him concerning dinner, "we are. But we're doing it for his own good."
Steve chuckled a little. "oh, he can get plenty pissed off at me." Steve admitted. "he super glued my hand to a water bottle once, because i'd annoyed him too much." he admitted. "Tony can be very mean, and extraordinarily clever when it comes to revenge." Steve admitted. "so i wouldn't count him out, he can hold grudges for a very long time." he admitted before blinking at Tony. "you are ignoring me. and avoiding me." he stated simply, pouting at Tony. "i will!" Steve called back to Tony with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "well. my own good at any rate." Steve admitted with a smile.
“...Really?”James said laughing at that, shaking his head a little. “Well, I’d be watching what you do. I mean, he’s liable do something drastic considering this.”James said sighing a little. “...”Tony stared at the pouting captain, shuddering a little as he left. “Well, for you both then.”James snickered.

Nearly a week later James snarled quietly as he paced, glancing up at natasha, having retreated from the emotional side of things after holding her, having distanced himself, much like tony, needing time to find his balance again. “I thought when we didn’t respond, he’d do something by now. But even skye, is being left in peace.”james growled anxious and upset as he looked up at natasha as she watched him.

“...Steve?”Tony muttered as he walked into the man’s office, looking around him, smiling softly as snowball bounced over and demanded to be picked up. Having managed to avoid any truly meaningful talks, he’d settled into talking to steve, even if he was really avoiding things. His own need to see steve, having left him unable to completely avoid visiting him in the office. At least in here, the billionaire could count on things not getting out of control.
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