
No you shouldn’t.”James said shifting away, covering himself with a hand, since the other had kicked him in the balls last time he’d expressing the pregnant is invalid as a reason to take it easy, “...Something. Hopefully anna and steve can get through to him.”He sighed softly.”I’m sure he would.”

“I also had to delete my mind, and reset everything to make sure Osborne or anyone else wouldn’t get it.”....maybe that was the problem. He didn’t actually remember anything from about six months before the civil war, to right before natasha had lost her memory....a whole year of his life, was missing. He only knew it in the newpapers, having read obsessively to find what he was missing. “....if it saved so many, they wouldn’t have repelled it after the war....and if you didn’t notice, I started a war of super heros, to stop one between everyone else.”He made a face before sighing softly. “....I was in charge. I held the world in my hands, and I failed the world....shouldn’t it be my fault?”He muttered before wincing.”...I can...make steve happy?This...this would make him happy?”He said sounding so confused at the idea. Despite hearing it before, he was still having problems accepting things.
she smirked. "oh. that's right. i kicked you pretty hard... can you even still have children? i've heard blunt force trauma can cause infertility in males." she admitted, looking amused. "i'm sure Anna's working on him right now." she admitted, looking up at him. "we should go on a date, me and Anna i mean." she decided. "or maybe all three of us." she decided. "see if we can get along."

she paused and then focused on him. "are you telling me that everything you know about that time period is the lies that where printed in the paper?" she demanded, startled before sighing, aggravated. "well no fucking wonder. Tony that entire time period before and after was nothing but a smear campaign against you paid and printed by Osborn." she stated simply. "here. i can prove it." she admitted, getting up and moving over to Steve who blinked at her and nodded. "okay. Tony. you and me are going to do some snooping." Anna stated. "and yes. you make him very happy." she assured him with a smile. "now. come on." she ordered, leading the way to her office. "i have copies of everything Steve has." she admitted, digging through her files, slapping a huge folder onto the desk. "this, is everything on you that Steve has. from legislation that the Council was trying to force you to push through, to the death threats against the mutants and superheros, to what little evidence we have on bribery. look through it, see the truth for yourself." the council had given him an ultimatum. either he passed the registry law, or they where going to kill the entire student mutant population without mercy, along with every superhero in the United States. it would have been a slaughter with the activation of Drones of varying sizes and abilities hunting anyone with the X-Gene. mutant or not, they had the Gene they would have died. no mercy. Steve had been telling the truth, Anna had been telling the truth, Tony had saved millions of American lives.
"You don't kick that hard,brat. I'm sure I could have kids if I was even inclined to do so."james said rolling his eyes a little before tilting his head."...we could. I mean...we were going to go on a date after she went to her ob/gyn appointment to make sure everything's okay."james fidget ed nervous at the idea.

"Uh. No?"tony said staring at her not about to admit what he'd successfully hidden from anyone realizing for a year. That his mind hadn't been returned perfectly to him. That he was missing time. He was well are that someone would be pissed over that."I know that. Still doesn't make it true."he protested not about to admit to anything before sighing offering steve a small smile before following her out. Settling at the desk to work,sighing as he read."...well. that's good to know."he said looking pale as he realized exactly what he was reading. He hadn't failed like he thought. Hadn't broken the world as badly as he thought
she snorted a little. "of course your inclined to. and even if you don't want them specifically you are, at the very least, happy to accept them o you wouldn't be so happy with Anna." she pointed out with a smile at him. "i know your really very excited about having a baby." she admitted with a smile. "oh, not yet." Natasha admitted. "you won't accept me into your life until i remember everything and tell you how i really feel, but me and Anna will probably hang out from time to time until then." she admitted with a smile.

she snorted at him. "horrible liar." she admitted. "still, it's not something too serious." she admitted. "i'm fairly certain you had a backup plan for that so i'm sure it can be fixed later." she admitted before glaring at him. "how many times have we told you that it wasn't your fault!?" she demanded. "how many times have we tried to convince you? well no matter, you'll see the truth for yourself soon enough." she decided with a sniff. "yes." she admitted, smiling at him. "do you see now? why no one here hates you? why none of the superheros hold a grudge? Steve made sure every single superhero knew what you had done. you made yourself a villain, to save lives and that's why so many people respect you." she admitted. "why Steve respects you."
"Well. That's true.though I'm not sure what I'll teach the brat to do besides being a pain in the ass."he muttered because as excited as he was he was still nervous."...well. you two hang out and have fun...just don't make me go shopping with you."he smiled a little and feeling a little relieved she wasn't pushing things just yet. That he had time to adjust.

"Maybe....but I can't remember what it was...and you won't tell steve I don't remember right?"he said squirming already imagining that conversation."...well. I didn't have..the memories. For all I knew you were just trying to make me feel better."he grumbled annoyed with her before nodding slowly."a war to stop a war...I'm either insane or brilliant....and I see. So...its okay to stop...trying to convince steve this is a horrible idea?because I didn't fail....I can be with him...and despite what people of shield say...I couldn't have done better..."
she smirked. "you'll make a great father." she assured him. "you always where." she admitted, kissing his knuckles. "has Anna been considering names yet?" she asked. no, Anna hadn't thought about it at all, but then she didn't know the gender either, she was only a few months pregnant, she wasn't even showing yet. so she had plenty of time. "you don't want to go shopping with us? why ever not?" she asked, looking very impish indeed.

she smiled at him. "i won't tell him. although, i think he suspects." she admitted. "in any case, everything said during my capacity as a psychologist is strictly confidential, even if i wanted to, i couldn't tell him without your permission." she admitted. "you should know better than that Tony." she scoffed. "i'm a doctor, i'm not going to lie just to make you feel better." she admitted. "of course it's okay to stop trying to push Steve away." she promised. "you did the very best, and the only people who think otherwise don't have correct information. Steve had considered publishing some of the stuff in that folder, but it's better used as blackmail against the counsel." she admitted with a grin. "he always assumed you had those memories and never said anything because you where ashamed that you buckled under the Counsel." she admitted. "come on. let me put this away and you can go back to Steve." she promised.
“I try,”James sighed quietly, worriedly. Because he couldn’t figure out if he really did do well or not, he just hoped he would. “No, not yet. She doesn’t know what we’re having, so we’re just waiting.”He muttered before cringed. “I don’t like shopping for food, much less for clothes or shoes.”

“...okay. Good.”tony twitched a little before nodding, “I know...I’m just...I still find this weird and despite trusting you, i still many times searching for other people’s secrets I guess.”He shrugged a little before sighing. “...True. I’s just...I couldn’t remember any of it, even if I did sleep with pepper...and maria...and...I just didn’t know anything.”He sighed quietly before nodding. “It’s good he didn’t. The counsel needs blackmailed.”He shrugged before nodding, helping her put it away before heading back to the hospital lab with her, fidgeting and nervous about being with steve.
she nodded. "you'll do great." she promised with a smile. "you always have." she assured him. "makes sense." she admitted before smirking. "no one said ou had to do the shopping. you just be a good man and hold the bags for us." no wonder James hated shopping.

She nodded. "it's hard, i know." she admitted with a smile. "your determined to think the worst of yourself." she admitted, wagging her finger at him. "it's a very bad habit." she chastised with a chuckle, shaking her head. "well, it's Maria and Pepper's own faults, taking advantage of you like that." she huffed, shaking her head. "you know plenty of things. and i'm sure we can find a way to get your memories back." she admitted with a smile. "the Counsel needs to be held accountable, that's what they need." she grumbled, smiing when she realized Steve was sitting up, already starting to look better, even if he was still a bit delirious. "are you sure they aren't real?" Steve was asking Bruce. "they look real. what if they suck my toes off?" "they won't. they aren't real. they can't get to your toes anyway, your shoes are still on." "oh. right. good. don't take my shoes off until they go away." "i won't." Bruce promised before smiling at Tony. "he's just hallucinating, don't ind it." "but James said he wouldn't tell Tony!" Steve protested on the sight of Tony. "he's a liar!" "i told Tony." Bruce stated, a lie but Steve was too out of it to notice. "you traitor!"
"I try.”James smiled a little, resting his head on the other’s shoulder, before whining quietly. “That’s not my definition of a good time. Make Tony go.”He whined a little.

“...No a bad habit, it’s usually the truth you know.”He muttered before sighing quietly. “I dare you to tell them they took advantage of me.”he snickered a little at the idea, before sighing a little. “I’ve been working on it.”He shrugged a little, before nodding. “They do.”He agreed, smiling slightly as he watched steve for a moment before moving over and sitting down, looking worried about steve despite bruce’s reassurance that he was fine. “well, I was worried about you. They did the right thing...and what’s going to get your toes cap?”
she snickered a little. "maybe i will. and Steve too, i like watching his ass when he walks." she admitted with an impish grin, snuggling into him with a yawn and proceeded to take a nap on James.

"it's never the truth, you just think it is." she huffed, shaking her head. "and i have, actually. i gave them the tongue lashing of the century." she admitted. "why do you think they suddenly stopped yelling at you all the time?" she asked, lifting an eyebrow at him before smiling. "well, keep looking i'm sure you'll find something." she assured him with a smile before chuckling at Steve's delirium. "they didn't. now you'll be worried and will be all pitiful and i don't like it when you do things because you think you have to." he whined before he wiggled his feet. "i dunno. they're flying around, but i know they're after my toes."
“...You don’t get to watch steve’s ass.”He growled jealous despite himself, smiling as he settled down to sleep.

“....oh. Well. That makes sense. I’d thought steve had finally got tired of listening to them.”He said shrugging a little before sighing, “I’m never pitiful and I don’t take care of you because I have to!I want to.”he scolded lightly, resting his head on his fist as he leaned back in his chair, before rolling his eyes. “Well, I’ll protect you from them. How about you get some sleep, cap?”
she snorted. "well that too. he yelled at them for a bit as well." he admitted. "but mine was better." she admitted with a chuckle. "you are pitiful! your so cute when your upset though." Steve admitted. "even if i hate it when your upset." he admitted. "no, no i don't want you to take care of me." he complained. "i want to take care of you, and love you but you won't even love me because i'm a failure." he stated with a nod. "it's cus i can't run shield properly because i'm a terrible commander." he admitted before shaking his head. "i don't want to sleep. bad things happen when i sleep." he mumbled. "bad, bad things." and with that he snuggled into the pillow and started to snore. "were recording this, right?" Anna asked, looking highly amused.
“Ah, I;m sure it was.”Tony snickered a little. “...I am not. I’m not cute!”He whined making a face, shaking his head a little. “Well, I’ll let you take care of me. After I take care of you, and you’re feeling better.”Tony promised before huffing. “You’re not a terrible commander, Cap.”He rolled his eyes a little before sighing.”I’ll protect you while you sleep...and oh yea, this is getting recorded.”

When steve woke, tony and james were actually sitting on the bed together next to steve’s, munching on popcorn as they watched a video. “Hey Klondike, was he always this adorable?” “worse, really. He was pint sized when we were little, all attitude and anger, and was like watching Snowball take on something like Ryu and Yuki.”James snickered. "And don't call me that." "What?" "Klondike." "It's true though. you're a frozen russian treat." "....I'm going to kill you someday."James said though you could tell he was laughing
Steve grinned. "your cute right now." he admitted. "i want to kiss you but i'm scared if i do you'll hit me." he admitted before pausing. "...are you real?" he wondered. "i'm pretty sure your real." he decided with a nod. "i am a terrible commander. people keep dying." he whined but was happy to accept Tony's promise of protection while he was sleeping.

Steve blinked a little, watching them. was he seeing what he thought he was? no way, he was totally not. no way. he was still delusional. still hallucinating. that was it." "i am ot like Snowball you take that back you dirty little liar!" Steve protested, slowly sitting up, rubbing his face. "what happened? how'd i get back tot he tower? and why do you two not hate each other anymore?"
“Well, no hitting I promise. But get some sleep. And I’m the most real thing you’ll ever meet.”Tony grinned, qouting fury from when he was dying, and not even knowing it. “People always die. And you said I’m not allowed blaming myself for that, so you’re nto allowed to blame yourself either.”He smiled a little.

“You are totally like snowball.” “He’s even got his own frisbee, Klondike.” “....It’s a awfully big frisbee.” “I’d say he was overcompensating for something, but we both know that’s a lie.”Tony snickered a little before sighing as he looked at steve. “You past out from being sick at shield. Me and clint got you back here, and looked after. And oh, we don’t hate each other, we just annoy each other. And it seems, when we’re snickering over watching you hallucinate, we can get along.”
"My shield, is NOT a Frisbee Tony Stark!" Steve protested. "and your all just jealous because my cock is bigger than yours!" still sick then, he'd never say that if he wasn't still suffering from a fever. "i'm not sick. i'm just fine. you assholes probably drugged me again." he complained, trying to get out of bed. "woah... dizzy..." he mumbled, knees almost buckling. he was a stubborn ass though so he locked them, still the only reason why he didn't collapse was because' he'd grabbed the headboard.
“Yes it is. It goes soaring through the air like one. You can even catch it. Like a frisbee.”Tony said wisely, before snickering. “I am.” “I’m jealous he was that big before the serum.”James said after a moment, studying steve, being a idiot and insane because he knew steve was still sick, and humor had always been how he distracted steve from worrying about being sick. “And we totally didn’t drug you.”James said wincing as in his mad scramble to help steve steady, tony nearly face planted to the floor in his rush to get up. Steadying himself as he he caught steve, he growled a little. “Sit.”Tony ordered.”Stay in bed.”
"it's not a Frisbee!" Steve complained. he always got very ornery when he wasn't feeling well. which when he was younger was a problem, because he had never felt well. ever, "Shut up! i was always bigger than you! i can beat you up!" Steve threatened James, flushing hard before shaking his head. "i'm dizzy! that means you doped me! don't deny it Barnes i know how you work!" Steve complained before scowling. "no. get off! i have to pee." he complained even as he let Tony push him back onto the bed. had it been James, Steve probobly would have hit him.
“Okay, it’s not a frisbee.”Tony sighed smiling softly. It was endearing seeing the man like this. Blinking slowly, tiredly. Having not slept himself since before steve got sick. “No you can’t. You’re to sick to take a swing at me.”James said rolling his eyes a little. “I did not. You’re sick,”James sighed quietly. “I told you this plan was going to backfire.” “What plan?” “Avoid sex.”James said smirking slightly when tony flinched, looking away. The man nearly squirming in place. “Well, you can use a bed pan until you feel well enough to walk.”Tony said fussing over him.
Steve glared at him before seamed to accept Tony's statement and offered him a happy smile. "yes i can! you just... come over here!" Steve decided, too dizzy to get over to James. "don't pick on Tony!" Steve ordered James. "it's my own fault, because i pressured Tony, that wasn't nice of me at all you know? i'm so selfish." Steve admitted, looking very upset before glaring at Tony. "Piss off! i'm not peeing in that thing! i'm going in the bathroom like normal, not sick people!" he ordered, staggering to his feet again, startled when Bruce was suddenly there, supporting and stabilizing him. "it's better to just let him." Bruce explained. "if he gets too worked up his fever might get bad again." he admitted, helping Steve to the bathroom, the supersoldier complaining that he culd do it himself the entire time.
“No. Just stay there. I’m not lettign you fall over taking a swing at me.”James said rolling his eyes a little before looking at tony.”Fine, no picking on tony..” “Not selfish, cap.”Tony muttered before wincing. “Fine, fine even if you are sick.”Tony sighed quietly, smiling as bruce got him to the bathroom.”Damn.Go on then.”He said looking upset at the idea of steve getting worse again, settling on the bed as he waited. This was so hard on him, knowing he couldn’t make steve any better, at least not until they talked. And that wasn’t going to be helping anytime soon.
he huffed. "your a traitor and i dislike you immensely" Steve never used the word 'Hate' unless it was on Hydra. he hated only the evil and he never wanted to compare people he loved to people like Hydra. "yeah no picking on Tony!" he growled at James before narrowing his eyes at Tony. "i am not sick! how dare you!" he complained before letting Bruce help him into the bathroom, complaining all the while. "uh.. James? i need help." Bruce called. "he fell asleep and he's too heavy!" Steve was indeed snoring away now that he'd gone pee and done up his pants again. leaning against Bruce, whose leg's where shaking under the effort of trying to hold up that much weight. it was kind of hilarious. especially when Steve woke up as soon as James had him and started smacking at him, complaining that he could do it on his own. granted, James was likely just to pick Steve up and dump him back on the bed and ignore Steve's whining, just like when they where kids.
“I’m sure you do.”Tony rolled his eyse in vague amusement. “What?”James startled before laughing as he walked in, looking amused as he studied the sleeping blond as he wrapped a arm around his waist and picked the blond up easily. Growling as he was smacked. “Stop it rogers, or I swear to go, I’ll come up with something unpleasant to do to you in your sleep.”he ordered as he dumped him into bed, which was exactly what the threat normally was.
Steve growled right back at him and smacked at the man who was now too far away to hit, so he sort of batted repeatedly at thin air, scowling and sulking and whining before settling in for some more sleep. "...okay that was hilarious." Bruce admitted with a chuckle. "we recorded that, right? we should put it on You-Tube." and that, right there said he had been spending WAY too much time with Tony.
“Yes we did.” “And it’s so going on You-tube. Watching the klondike get batted at was amusing.”Tony snickered quite amused at the idea as he settled on his chair.”And now you, time for sleep.”James ordered looking at tony, glaring at the man until he snuggled down on the bed with steve, not even about to protest with a man he was terrified of mostly. "So good to know his fear can be used for good."james muttered smirking a little as tony went to sleep
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